asacredwar-rp · 6 years
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Character Information
Name: Violet Greengrass
Blood Status: Pureblood
House: Hufflepuff
Year: 6th
Sexuality: Pansexual (closeted)
Wand: 12" ash, dragon heartstring core; firm
Boggart:  The Greengrass family tree with her name and date of death on it, and no heiress
Allegiance: Unknown (Floater)
Faceclaim:Jade Thirlwall
Extracurriculars: Beater, Choir
Positive Traits:     + Empathetic + Playful + Loyal + Cunning
Negative Traits:       - Deceitful - Sensitive - Uncaring - Stubborn
Wanted Connections:
A Legacy member/Death Eater who is highly suspicious of her allegiance, and tries to figure out which side exactly Violet has chosen.
A Resistance member who recognizes that Violet doesn’t fully subscribe to the pureblood supremacist ideas, and tries to recruit her.
A male Pureblood who, unbeknownst to Violet, has been arranged as her betrothed; her grandmother however requested him to try and get close to Violet before it can be announced, so that she won’t make a fuss about not being involved with the decision and they can pass it off as a natural development.
Current Connections:
Phoebe Greengrass - Cousins
Nemesis Selwyn - Cousins 
Delilah Mckinnon - Friends 
Emma Vanity - Annoys
Rita Skeeter - Gossips with
Lucius Malfoy - Best friend, knows his secret
Violet was a miracle, her mother told her as soon as she understood the word ‘miracle.’ Born to Flora Greengrass and Marcellinus Selwyn, Violet is the sole heiress of the matrilineal Greengrasses; a bloodline where the girls inherit the Greengrass name, rather than the father’s one, while the boys are part of the father’s bloodline. Violet has three brothers, all of them almost a decade older than her, and her mother has given up hope by the time she got pregnant with her. Her birth was therefore unexpected, and much celebrated, even by his father’s family. Then, at the age of four, she was promptly whisked away to her grandmother, Ivy Greengrass, to be educated on the duties and traditions of her family line.
Violet was taught how to care for and maintain Greengrass Court, their family manor, and she has studied the history and rituals of her line extensively. The matrilineal Greengrasses have been around for centuries, her grandmother stressed, and even though the other line liked to overlook them, they were in the possession of ancient lore and deep magics that could not be lost. Violet’s position was unfortunate and precarious; to preserve her bloodline, she had to have at least one girl, but to truly protect her family, two or three would be ideal. Not that she had much of a chance—her grandmother believed that most Pureblood men worth marrying were too inbred to produce a decent family size.
That was one of those things Violet could never repeat back to her father. Marcellinus Selwyn made sure his only daughter was a perfectly poised Pureblood lady, lacking for nothing material. He gave her more freedom than usual in their circles—after all, she wasn’t technically a member of his household—but in return he expected much more from her as well. It was never enough for Marcellinus to have a girl with the right manners and right associations; he wanted her to become just as ambitious, fierce, and successful, as his sons.
Being sorted into Hufflepuff was a slap in the face for him, and Violet did not hear from his father until the Christmas break of her first year at Hogwarts. She wanted to cry when she saw his cold stare, but her grandmother was there too, and there was no way she could show that kind of weakness in front of her. Besides, she did enjoy being a Hufflepuff; there was so much warmth there, and she never realized she was chilled to the bone before.
But her happiness didn’t last long. Soon enough she understood that there was no way they could live peacefully, with no one getting hurt, at this day and age. She had an entire bloodline depending on her, a centuries-long chain of tradition, and she was ready to sacrifice everything for its prosperity. While kind and nonjudgmental outwardly, Violet can count the things and people she truly cares about on the fingers of one hand, and if worst comes to worst, she will abandon and betray all else to save these precious few.
But for now? She feels safe. She plays the part of the dutiful Pureblood girl, nodding for the Legacy or the Death Eaters, depending on who is asking. She exalts the Death Eaters to her father, a prominent, albeit well-hidden member of Voldemort’s ranks. She has her fun in her common room, she enjoys the rush of a perfect hit on the Quidditch pitch; she even sings in the choir. None of it matters. In the end, Violet will only stand for those who will stand for her too—and she knows that Gaunt or Riddle, she will only ever be a pawn in theirgames.
Interested in Violet Greengrass? She is closed and being played by Kat.
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asacredwar-rp · 6 years
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Character Information
Name:Molly Prewett (she/her)
Blood Status: Pureblood
House: Gryffindor
Year: 6th
Sexuality: Pansexual
Gender: Cisfemale
Allegiance: The Resistance
Wand: Apple wood, 10 inches, unicorn hair core Patronus: Weasel 
Boggart: Corpses of her family
Faceclaim: Luca Hollestelle
Extracurriculars:  Domesticity Club, Potions Club, Charms Club
Positive Traits:      +Maternal, +Joyful, +Adventurous
Negative Traits:      -Easily Manipulated, -Worrisome, -Naive
Wanted Connections:
Bad Influence: Someone who gets Molly to act out and misbehave, though it’s rare
Hookup: The person Molly’s been sleeping with secretly, especially hiding it from her brothers.
Current Connections:
Fabian & Gideon Prewett - Elder brothers, Protective
Nicolas Mulciber - Cousin, estranged
Gilderoy Lockhart - Admires
Gladys Gudgeon - Close friend
Arthur Weasley - Ex- boyfriend
Alice Fortescue - Good friend
Molly’s childhood was pretty typical, she was the good kid next to her brothers who were always causing things. The year where her brothers left for Hogwarts was probably the quietest her parents had ever seen. When her brothers weren’t around she was a decently shy girl, when they were around she was always worried about them and looking out for them, more than they realized. Still, if anyone tried to hurt her she knew her brothers would defend her, and she’d do the same for them. That was probably why she was placed in Gryffindor.
As she started school she joined practically every club she could, she loved being busy. It kept her from worrying about her brothers. She’s always known a little more than she let on, especially with Fabian. She may not know everything going on with him, but when he puts on a fake smile, she knows it.
Towards the end of her third year she got distracted from constantly following her brothers, specifically because of a boy Arthur Weasley. The pair started dating and were together for just under a year before Molly realized he pulled her focus too much. Over the summer of her third year something happened with Fabian and she realized she’d missed it because of Arthur. So as much as she liked him, they needed to just stay friends. Even into her sixth year though, she still misses him.
Molly is hoping nothing too crazy happens in her sixth year, she needs to focus on her family and her schooling more. Though if she could also get to Gilderoy Lockhart a bit more… She wouldn’t turn it down.
Interested in Molly Prewett? She is closed and  being played by Breezy.
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asacredwar-rp · 6 years
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Character Information
Name: Edward “Ted” Tonks (he/him)
Age: 16
Blood Status: Muggleborn
House: Hufflepuff
Year: 6th
Allegiance: The Resistance
Faceclaim: Jordan Fisher
Extracurriculars: Chaser, Charms Club
Positive Traits:    +Honest, +Patient, +Empathetic
Negative Traits:    -Disorganized, -Passive, -Regretful
Wanted Connections:
Ex-girl/boyfriend - Someone who he dated for a while, and they broke up because he realized he liked someone else (Andromeda). This is a person he can either be on good or bad terms with at the moment.
Close friends - A few people who he’s probably been friends with since first year. Hopefully at least one other muggleborn that he can relate to.
Current Connections:
Remus Lupin - Geeks out about muggle things 
Andromeda Black - Has a soft spot for 
Phoebe Greengrass - Terrified of, tries to avoid
The Tonks household is a warm one. Though it wasn’t always that way, not until Edwards mother left them after his acceptance to Hogwarts. She’d always known he was different, treating him as such up until his letter arrived on his 11th birthday. Her departure left his father to raise him, and his brother and sister on his own. It seemingly only caused his father to love them even more though, not minding the fact that his youngest was different from the rest. While it was difficult for the family, they got through everything together. Even as his older siblings got older, moving out and into new homes with their significant others, they had chosen to stay close by.
Having to suddenly live away from his family for a majority of the year proved hard for the boy, already taking its toll during the first train ride. Thankfully he had found fellow first years to sit with, and made friends both within and outside of his house. It didn’t stop the homesickness from settling in his chest every once in a while. Ted decided to throw himself into his studies, perhaps then he would have more to write about rather than just everything is ‘going well’. If he did well then his family would surely be happy for him. Which is where his love for Charms class began. Quickly deciding to join the club, and anticipating second year for when he’d be able to join Quidditch. Within Hogwarts, he found two of his passions.
Healing. Something he discovered he enjoyed during his fourth year, after a bad fall from the Quidditch pitch that resulted in a trip to the Hospital Wing. While it might not be seen as the most masculine of professions, it fascinated him to watch bones regrow and snap back into place. The difference between muggle medicine and wizarding medicine astonished the boy. How much more advanced wizards were, as something that would take weeks or even months simply took them a few hours. Ted often times wondered if he annoyed Madame Pomfrey with all the questions he asks during his hours spent there. But he figured she must secretly enjoy the company, or else she would have kicked him out a long time ago.
The only other thing that caught his attention just as much was a girl named Andromeda Black. The girl was the same year as him, and apart of the charms club. At first he hadn’t thought much on how he seemingly went out of his way to help her if he could, figuring he would do it for anyone. But when he became sad over not knowing what her favorite food or color was, he realized it was something more. She always appeared to keep her distance though, and who was he to push her to come closer?
There was only one thing he would change if he could, and it would be to stop being so soft. Even when he tries to stick up for himself, he finds himself taking back what he’s said or making the situation even worse. It’s not as if he’s not capable of defending himself, he would just rather someone pick on him rather than someone else. Which might’ve been how he’d become a target of sorts. Growing accustomed of the label. Even though he tried to avoid it, he just found himself freezing up instead of defending himself. If it were someone else, he felt as if he would fight back. But it was always Phoebe, for years now, making him habituated and unable to do anything. It was the one thing he would never tell his family. The one thing he wished he could change.
Interested in Ted Tonks?  He is closed and being played by Yari.
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asacredwar-rp · 6 years
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Character Information
Name: Andromeda Black 
Blood Status:Pureblood
House: Slytherin
Year: 6th
Sexuality:  Heterosexual (bicurious)
Allegiance: Death Eaters (assumed), The Resistance (pondering joining)
Wand: Beech, 10′’, dragon heartstring core Patronus: Buzzard (though she can’t cast one) Boggart: Her own reflection, as she is right now; stagnant, confused, alone.
Faceclaim:  Chae Soo Bin
Extracurriculars: Potions Club, Astronomy Club, Charms Club
Positive Traits:   +Hard-working, +Self-confident, +Organized, Disciplined,  +Genuine
Negative Traits:  - Aloof,-Indecisive,-Self-serving,-Proud,-Indulgent
Wanted Connections:
Betrothed: Someone who both families want Andromeda to be betrothed to, can be someone she does or does not like. Perhaps a Death Eater.
A (Resistance) Friend: Someone, preferably a half blood or Muggleborn, that can attempt to sway Andromeda into joining the Resistance. She’s already thinking of joining, but maybe this person can discuss it more with her. This friendship can also add more tension to her relationship with her family.
Current Connections:
Bellatrix & Narcissa Black- Sisters, distant.
Regulus Black- Cousin, distant.
Sirius Black- Cousin, estranged
Ted Tonks - Admires
Lucius Malfoy - Close friends, have started to drift apart
Dorcas Meadowes - Can’t stand. 
The second and middle daughter in a family of three girls, Andromeda learned quickly that being born as the second daughter in an old Pureblood family was unlucky; being born the middle daughter, the arrival of Narcissa leaving her parents with no heir to speak of, was downright unfortunate in the eyes of Wizarding society.
Yet Andromeda didn’t struggle - she knew her part well, she knew what was expected of her, knew to keep her head down and not incur her parents’ wrath. They were proud of her, though they never voiced it, as expressions of affection were something that the Blacks just simply don’t do. From a young age, Andromeda learned how to play the game, and she played it well. She was content with the life that followed being the perfect Pureblood wife, a life like her very own Mother’s: holding high tea parties, attending Ministry galas, rubbing elbows with other powerful families, and a life unaccustomed with the concept of wanting.
Yet it never is truly that simple, and a sequence of rather unfortunate events caused her to begin to second guess her whole life.
Sirius’ brash sorting into Gryffindor, and his further stupid decisions to hang out with a band of half-bloods and blood traitors complicated this for her. She still remembers the day an owl arrived from Mother, demanding that she no longer associate with the boy who was her once-favorite cousin. Her father had written her not long after, reminding her of the consequences should she betray her family, and that had settled it. After much internal struggle, Andromeda had decided against cutting off contact completely with her cousin, and chose to do what she does best: distance herself. Mother had once told her that a lady never causes conflict, and so she chose to gradually interact with him less and less, until they no longer sought each other out, leaving inside jokes and shared secrets to turn into stilted conversations and awkward glances.
Her father’s increasing admiration for Jeremiah Gaunt and willingness to join his devoted cause - going from the cauldron flame to the fire, in Andromeda’s opinion - also began to unsettle her. Now old enough to understand blood politics, Andromeda privately disagrees with the concept of the Legacy of Salazar. While she’s not a blood purist, she hardly finds the ineptitude of most muggleborns charming, but she wishes no violence or ill will towards them; she just wishes they would make more of an effort to assimilate into the magical community, rather than their primitive muggle one. The notion of inter-pureblood fighting, though, is just ridiculous - especially when there are not a large number of Pureblood families in existence anymore anyway. She would much rather see them marry into a muggle or halfblood family than to outright kill each other out.
Andromeda has the world in her hands, and she doesn’t know what to do with it. She’s not Bellatrix - Bellatrix, who can kick and scream and fight the world until it breaks her or breaks itself, and she’s not her sweet, docile Narcissa either. Her parents have already mapped out her life for her, but Andromeda is realizing that she doesn’t want the life they have planned for her, though she’s at a loss of what to do. Her options are slim: go along with her family’s desires and suffer silently, or defy them and be cast aside, or worse. What makes it worse is that she lacks a confidant to confide these feelings in - definitely not her sisters, and while Andromeda is popular within their house, no one can ever say they’re close friends with her, and that’s how she prefers it. She is all too aware that her housemates deem one another as pawns to be used for allegiances or intimidation, and she’s too afraid to attempt to talk to Sirius about it for fear of rejection.
There is one person who Andromeda is realizing who might be considered a friend, if the mere thought of him didn’t make her stomach feel like it was full of pixies - Ted Tonks, Hufflepuff, Muggleborn, and the worst possible person for friendship and whatever else can come with it. So she keeps him at an arms length, admiring him from afar, all while trying not to trouble herself with the prospect of potential betrothals that her family have been searching for for her.
Andromeda has always prided herself in making the right decisions, of having a level head on her shoulders. She keeps telling herself that this, too, shall pass. Dark times are ahead, however, and she knows she must make the proper choice before time is running out.
This premature life crisis is, after all, more than debating over who to take to Hogsmeade. It’s a matter of life and death.
Interested in Andromeda Black ? She is closed and being played by Maryam.
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asacredwar-rp · 6 years
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Character Information
Name: Pandora Armitage (they/them, accepts she/her)
Blood Status: Halfblood
House: Ravenclaw
Year: 6th
Sexuality: Pansexual
Gender:Non Binary
Allegiance: The Resistance
Wand: Alder wood, unicorn hair core, 12 inches, swishy Patronus: Rabbit Boggart: Fire
Faceclaim: Emily Kinney  
Extracurriculars:  Charms Club, Divination Club, Arts and Crafts Club, Seeker
Positive Traits:   +Hard working, +Creative, +Determined
Negative Traits:    - Flighty, -Easily distracted, -Overly trusting
Wanted Connections:
Someone who takes advantage of her. 
A close friend. 
Current Connections:
Greta Catchlove - Mesmerized by
Xenophilius Lovegood - Infatuated with
Mundungus Fletcher - Betrayed by
Pandora Elaine Armitage was born to a young single parent, who rather quickly put the girl up for adoption. From then until they were five, they bounced to various foster homes, most of them kicking them out as soon as they sneezed and made something magical happen. When they were five they were finally adopted by a young couple who were unable to have their own children. They knew about their magical abilities but it didn’t bother them, they loved the happy, creative young girl. They made sure they always knew that they weren’t her real parents, and for their tenth birthday the only thing they wanted to know, was who they were.
The family set out to find their birth parents, the mother, a muggle, had passed away when Pandora was three. All the information they had of their father was that he was a wizard, and he worked for the ministry. By then, they stopped caring. It was clear her father didn’t care, and they had a loving family, and they’d gotten their Hogwarts letter so they had better things going for them than some wizard who didn’t care to know his child.
As the years passed Pandora found they had a skill in Charms, which was perfect since they were a Ravenclaw. They spent a lot of time doing one on one classes with Flitwick, and by the time they were thirteen they had nearly written their own spell book. One of the first friends they’d made was Mundungus Fletcher, and for their first two years the pair were nearly inseparable. Until he did something they could never forgive, they’d told him about their father, and how after trying to find him they decided they never wanted to see him. Mundungus didn’t listen though and managed to get in contact with their biological father. They never forgave him. Even now they avoid him, choosing to spend most of their time with her Quidditch friends, or Xeno.
Pandora likes to keep busy, they are part of a few clubs and is a seeker for the quidditch team, but their main focus is to keep working on their spells. They want to be known for their creative spells.
Interested in Pandora Armitage? She is closed and being played by Breezy.
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asacredwar-rp · 6 years
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Character Information
Name: Narcissa Black
Age: 15
Blood Status: Pureblood
House: Slytherin
Year: 5th
Sexuality: Lesbian
Allegiance: Legacy of Salazar
Wand: Beech wood with a phoenix feather core, 12 ¼" and unbending flexibility
Patronus:Pine marten
Boggart: Freedom.
Faceclaim: Bae Suzy
Extracurriculars: Domesticity club; Potions club; Astronomy club
Positive Traits:   +Caring, +Adroit, +Resourceful
Negative Traits:  -Abrasive, -Proud, -Manipulative
Wanted Connections:
Childhood Friend (pureblood)
Current Connections:
Bellatrix Black - Elder sister, idolizes
Andromeda Black - Sister, distant
Regulus Black - Cousin, close like a brother
Sirius Black - Cousin, estranged
Lucius Malfoy - Betrothed
Alice Fortescue - Tutored by
Artemis Burke - Bullied by
Narcissa was born in the Black family, raised from the youngest age to follow her pureblood ancestry. She was different from her sisters: not as fearless, not as bold, not as charming. But one thing she was was clever. She was ressourceful and quickly learned the skills necessary to be a Black sister, even if they didn’t come to her naturally like Andromeda and Bellatrix.
Her childhood might not have been the most pleasant one: her parents were strict, even by ‘sacred 28’ standards, and she rarely played. She spent most of her time in lessons with private tutors, and when she did play with other children her age it was solely for the purpose of future alliances, a goal which she realized quite soon. But at least, this gave her an extensive knowledge of wizarding traditions and a good grasp of etiquette, which came in use as soon as she got to Hogwart.
She would need them more than ever, because after her stupid cousin’s sorting in Gryffindor, after he spent two years unraveling the Black family name, her parents became even stricter with her. She was the one who would have to make it all right, and no mistakes would be tolerated. So Narcissa was careful. She always is. She is popular amongst her house, spends her whole day surrounded by people, but she’s always lonely. She’d much rather spend time alone than with people she always have to play an act around - because Narcissa is never honest, can never be around anyone else. She does spend a considerable amount of time, when she can get away with it with the pretense of studying. She does study, a lot, both to get the outstanding grades and consideration from the teachers her parents expect from her ad to deepen her knowledge of witching culture and history. An important subject, if she is supposed to be the embodiment of tradition.
Other than this study, life doesn’t bring her many joys. She doesn’t like anyone much, can never. The only people she loves are her sisters and her cousin Regulus,  but Bellatrix is too brash and Andromeda… Well, Narcissa feels like she is losing her, and she knows it’s only a matter of time until she’ll be no more than Sirius Black to her family’s eyes. And Narcissa follows her family. No matter what, even when her heart burns, even when she aches to just damn it all. Even when she falls in love, which she does far too much, always for the wrong persons. Not that love was ever an option - she is a Black, after all. The only person she feels could understand her is Regulus, but she’d never actually voice her thoughts out loud, even to him.
Her allegiance in the war was never a question, for all those reasons. She wishes she didn’t have to take a side, wishes there wasn’t a war preparing - she wants to be safe, wants everyone to be. Clearly, though, that is no option, since now somehow the war is no longer just against muggleborns and traitors but also between purebloods. A travesty, she thinks. Purebloods ought to have a united front. Now, Narcissa, isn’t a blood purist - at least not in the same way as people like Bellatrix. Not that she’d ever admit that out loud. She doesn’t want to slaughter all muggleborns, and doesn’t think that they’ve stolen pureblood magic or whatever else her family has been saying. She also isn’t completely opposed to purebloods marrying muggleborns: after all, they’ll eventually run out of distant cousins to marry, and the biggest priority should be to preserve and expand the magical community. But she is wary, for many reasons. First off, she fears that muggleborns aren’t properly being taught the traditions of their world - it’s not entirely their fault, as the Hogwarts faculty doesn’t exactly make an effort to teach them. But since they’re coming to the magical world, they ought to learn how to integrate it properly. She doesn’t like that they are reticent to completely let go of their muggle past, because muggles and wizards simply should not mix. It’s too dangerous - as powerful as a wizard can be, muggle outnumber them, and the indiscretion from a parent could well be the end of them. The muggleborns themselves don’t seem to be aware of that themselves, most of the time, but Narcissa has heard one of two stories of Hogwarts students who were fighting because of their family because of it, even of some who almost didn’t let their children study there. The truth is, she doesn’t think someone’s family should be important enough to endanger their whole world - at least, muggleborns are free to build a new family, a better one that understands and even loves them. Narcissa doesn’t even  have that option.
Not that any of that matter, anyway. Her feelings and thoughts don’t matter, only her family’s will, because wanting it or not she would follow them to hell if she had to. She must, and sometimes she is afraid of herself for all her deviant thoughts - those times when she wants to act on them.
Interested in Narcissa Black? She is closed and  being played by Maria.
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asacredwar-rp · 6 years
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Character Information
Name: Quinn Hatcher (she/her)
Age: 15
Blood Status: Muggleborn
House: Hufflepuff
Year: 5th
Sexuality: Pancurious
Patronus: Otter
Boggart: Albus Dumbledore
Wand: Vine wood with a phoenix feather core, 11 ¾" and slightly yielding flexibility
Allegiance: None (Pacifist)
Faceclaim: Ashleigh Murray
Extracurriculars: Care of Magical Creatures Club, Charms Club, Choir, Domesticity Club, Gobstone Club,
Positive Traits:    +Benevolent, +Cheerful +Caring
Negative Traits:      -Sheltered, -Gullible, -Stubborn
Wanted Connections:
Magic Mentor:   Someone that helps her and guides her with the Wizarding world, and she in turn exchanges the muggle knowledge she knows
Bully: Someone that bullies her due to being muggleborn
Current Connections:
Gwenog Jones- Adopted big sister 
Iris Bulstrode - Tortured by
Thorfinn Rowle - Claimed by 
Quinn Hatcher was born to Samson & Ella Hatcher on a humid morning in April. The couple shared one thing... their fear of the outside world. Samson was a preacher at the local congregation, and he knew the dangers of reality. The couple had been trying for years to have a child, and became increasingly reclusive after Quinn was born a healthy baby.
They say she never really fussed, mainly just slept with a couple of rogue outcries babies do.  Ella worked as a waitress often bringing home scraps of food. Quinn’s life was pretty regular growing up. When she was six, her parents started to question why the light in her room always seemed to come on. They would turn it off and minutes later the light would flicker on. The only thing in the room was Quinn smiling up at them holding her stuffed bear.
When the letters came Samson didn’t support the idea of sending her off to Hogwarts. He would have much rather had her stay home and learn the ways of life through their guidance and no one else’s.
With Ella’s pleas, they changed their mind and hesitantly sent Quinn to her first year of Hogwarts. Mourning their pure daughter, they were sure the chipper girl would be different each time she came home. Each time they were wrong.  Samson started to entertain the idea that maybe magic wasn’t evil and Quinn could survive in this world. But, he hasn’t counted on the dangers of being muggleborn at Hogwarts.
She never spoke about the bad things. The way the grumpy Purebloods made her hurt, instead she plastered on a jolly smile instead. Quinn is often lost in her own timeline of events, she understands the war is there. However, violence is bad and she would rather help bandage the injured than do the fighting.
Already the start of her fifth year and she was elected and revoked the Prefect privilege. Mainly because the students know they can easily walk over her and she felt too bad to give them detention.  
Her parents oblivious to her dealings at school remain to ask , “Will our Quinn return home?”
Interested in Quinn Hatcher? She is closed and  being played by Admin J.
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asacredwar-rp · 6 years
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Character Information
Name: Amelia Bones
Age: 15
Blood Status: Pureblood
House: Ravenclaw
Year: 5th
Sexuality: Bisexual
Gender: Cisfemale
Patronus: Black Mare
Wand:  Chestnut wood with a unicorn hair core, 12 ¼" and unyielding flexibility
Boggart: Being infamous
Allegiance: The Resistance
Faceclaim: Skyler Samuels
Extracurriculars:  Prefect ; Arts & Crafts ; Chess
Positive Traits:     +Passionate; +Neat ; +Quick-witted
Negative Traits:      -Sensitive ; -Rigid ; -Acerbic
Wanted Connections
Best Friend/confidant
Looks up to
Constantly fights with
Current Connections:
Kingsley Shacklebolt - Close Confidante
Edgar Bones - Brother
Emma Vanity - Unlikely Friends
Reginald Cattermole - Ex boyfriend
Belladonna Slughorn - Shows the ropes
Amelia Bones was born on the 18th of September 1961 to Ophelia and Caroline Bones. Despite being both purebloods, the couple had made the decision to raise their children amongst muggles, finding it important for them to have knowledge of both worlds.This conviction led Amelia and her brother to grow up in a small town in the English seaside, close enough to a wizarding community for her family not to be completely cut off from their world.
Amelia was a rather calm and docile child, although she caused a lot of trouble as a toddler. She had a  curious nature, which led her to wander off out of her mothers’s side far too often, and enjoyed sensory discoveries, making her try to touch, feel, smell and taste everything - not the safest tendencies for a small child.
She eventually grew out of it, and by the time she had to go to school, her parents having chosen to enroll her and her brother in a muggle education before they came to Hogwarts, her favorite occupation had evolved to making up games with whatever objects she could find. Hiding her identity as a witch during her first years at school wasn’t much of a problem, any abnormal information revelled passing as a child’s imagination. By the time she was old enough for that not to be normal anymore, she had enough sense to know what not to say and an older brother who could help her not to make any missteps. Not that any of this was ever any problem, because Amelia had always preferred to play on her own : none of her peers were ever close enough to her to have a  risk of even suspecting something out of the ordinary . As she got older, Make-up games became reading during breaks, but she otherwise remained the same docile and disciplined child.
Ever since her brother left the family to spend most of his year at Hogwarts Amelia had been excitedly awaiting her own turn to leave, and missing her brother was only part of the reason. Growing up in a place where wizards were the minority, she saw magic as an attribute that brought her family and the rest of the magical community she knew together and she was excited to learn how to practice it and to get to know the magical tradition better, something she only had the opportunity to learn during the rare meetings with the extended Bones family. Even as an eleven-year-old, she understood that her mothers weren’t very traditional witches. She was pretty sure  she understood why, considering the underlying tension that always reigned between them and the rest of the Bones during those rare family events and the fact that they never talked about her other mother’s family, but she still wanted to learn more about them.
Her curiosity made the whole family certain that Amelia would be sorted in Ravenclaw, to her biggest dismay. She was determined to be in Hufflepuff, her family’s house, and the fact that nobody thought she would beong there was a little bit insulting to her. Just like the rest of her family, she had been taught to value hard work and compassion, but no matter how hard she tried they couldn’t seem to believe that she had both traits in her. She was determined to prove them wrong, to prove that she belonged in her family and that she was good enough for their house.
Her mind was set until the moment the hat was placed on her head. But then,the next moment, the sorting hat was talking to her and telling her how great she would be in Ravenclaw, and for some reason, she listened, and when she walked away from the stool it was to join the blue and bronze house. Soon enough, she forgot why she had made that choice, and started regretting the decision that moments earlier seemed like the best.
That regret drove her further into her lonesome tendencies, and during her first years at Hogwarts, Amelia spent most of her free time alone, either exploring the castle in her free time or working as hard as it would take for her to stop resenting herself. The only person she talked to beyond casual conversations was her brother, or her family by letters, and they were a big source of support for her, almost like they’d forgotten how they used to call her a Ravenclaw to tease her not that long ago.
It all changed, though, eventually. She slowly learned to love her house, and that came as much from loving the people in it as it did from loving herself: as the casual conversations she sometimes had with her peers during her first years grew more and more frequent, it eventually evolved into friendships, until she was at least on friendly terms with most people in her house and year. This development brought new problems, naturally : being a very passionate person made Amelia very emotional and even more sensitive than average teenagers, and her response to feeling so much love, anger and sadness quickly and all at once was to push all those emotions away and to become as emotionally distant as possible. She also missed being alone, sometimes. She liked the quiet, the peace, the freedom of doing what she wanted without having to consider other people’s desires, and she still tries to get some time alone when everything gets too much.
And with everything that has been going on around her lately, you can’t blame her for being overwhelmed sometimes. She wasn’t even worried about it, when the troubles started.I n her mind, muggles aren’t less than wizards, but only different : even without having magic, they still live as well as wizards because they have  developed alternative techniques. And as for muggleborns and half-bloods, the fact that they have magic is enough for them to belong in the magical community. She thought that these opinions were  obvious to everyone, and that this group, as unfortunate as their actions were, would be a temporary problem. As she watched these dangerous ideologies make their way into her classmates’ mouths and violence rise in the safest place of England, she was proved wrong, and she decided never to let herself underestimate the threat again. Even as the wizarding world became more and more of a mess, no matter how much she was angry and afraid and wished it all would just stop, she couldn’t tell herself that everything would eventually work itself out. Because it wouldn’t, if they didn’t do anything. That’s why she joined the resistance. Deciding to fight back wasn’t a hard choice : she was pretty sure that she understood the reasons for this wave of aggressive puritism, and they weren’t rational, so trying to talk these people out of their belief wouldn’t work. And if talking wouldn’t work, then they’d have to try something else. The hard thing about it wasn’t to chose to fight, to possibly risk something over what she believes in. It’s seeing people suffering, when they don’t deserve it. It’s seeing her own brother putting himself in danger for them and getting torn up by who he has to pretend to be. As much as she knows how important it is to fight back, she wishes he didn’t have to, that she could just fight on behalf of everyone else. But now isn’t the time for wishful thinking.
Interested in Amelia Bones? She is closed and being played by Maria.
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asacredwar-rp · 6 years
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Character Information
Name: Dorcas Meadowes
Age: 16
Blood Status:Pureblood
House: Ravenclaw
Year: 6th
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Gender: Cisfemale
Wand: ash, 9 inches, unicorn hair Patronus: otter  Boggart: a dark hole, completely void of anything. 
Allegiance: The Resistance
Faceclaim:Emily Browning
Extracurriculars: Quidditch (Beater)
Positive Traits:     +Resourceful, +Witty, +Flexible
Negative Traits:    -Forgetful, -Brash, -Confrontational
Wanted Connections:
- the former flame: things were going well for a while, almost an entire year, but died off quickly when summer break the previous year caused a rift. things could still go in the direction of romance, but for now, its a very hot and cold, fighting and making up back and forth
- the ride or die: literally these two spend way too much time with one another, constantly talking, laughing, gossiping, always ready to meet up after classes and just spend time together.
Current Connections:
Jun Chang - Stepbrother
Benjy Fenwick - Best friend
Andromeda Black - Can't stand
Marlene Mckinnon- Friend
Ivy Slughorn - Unlikely Friends
Dorcas grew up with the idea that being a lady was a good thing, but only for show. When she was very young, her father left her mother, worried that the ideas that the woman was shoving into his daughters head would have her growing up as some arrogant, pompous girl who thought the world owed her something, and he simply couldn’t have that. So they moved away from both her mother and pureblood society, living off of the money that had been left to him by his own parents before their untimely deaths while her father worked at the Ministry surrounded by whispers of his affairs. Dorcas didn’t mind much, she loved her father, the soft man who was a fan of plants and fostered her love of them. She would often sit with him for hours, listening to him regale the beauty of certain flowers and the meanings behind them, teaching her how to plant something at just the right time to ensure that they would grow up healthy and strong. She could have listened for hours to the words of advice, though he found it important to teach her other things as well.
Despite the scandals, Dorcas’ father still maintained a position in pureblood society, simply because he knew how to charm and grace his way into any situation. He had been raised, after all, to be an heir, and he knew how to spin things and make himself come off the victim. This often meant that Dorcas spent a lot of time around other pureblood children, growing up with girls who would tell her how to do her hair and boys who would tell her that she would probably marry them one day. She found a few friends this way, ones that she would hold on to, but for the most part, her idea of pureblood society was always colored with the tint that she heard from her father. They all wanted something from her, and it was her job to make sure that she only gave what would come back to her. It was manipulative, and crass, but it was a way of survival in that world. She could smile and nod and be a lady, so long as they didn’t try to take without giving in return.
At Hogwarts, Doe really started to step outside of herself, and while she was rather happy with it, she knew that the whispers and remarks were going to get back around, and that the strenuous connections she had to pureblood society were going to eventually snap. While it was a scary thought, that she could shatter the mask and end up without the connections that would help her survive, she simply couldn’t help herself from simply being, well… herself. She would make friends easily, laugh and joke happily with others, no matter their status. As she grew older, she no longer cared about the target on her back, because she was sure that she could fight her way out of any situation if she absolutely had to. And she would, standing up for both herself and others with her words, with her wand, and eventually, once she’d made the team, with her beaters bat. 
Interested in Dorcas Meadowes? She is closed and being played by Sierra.
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asacredwar-rp · 6 years
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Character Information
Name: Madeline Nott
Blood Status: Pureblood
Year: 7th
Sexuality: Lesbian
Allegiance: Death Eaters
Faceclaim:  Camila Cabello
Extracurriculars:  Quidditch Chaser, Chess Club, Dueling Club
Positive Traits:        +Cunning +Rational +Intelligent +Loyal
Negative Traits:       -Judgmental -Manipulative -Closed off
Wanted Connections:
Study partner.
 Quidditch rival. 
End game (girls only). 
Current Connections:
Rabastan Lestrange - Best friends, have discussed running away
Sybill Trelawney - Has a soft spot for
Owen Flint - Hinted betrothal, distrusts
Madeline was born to John and Ivy Nott (nee Avery) when they were already in the late half of their lives, the only child the couple had ever managed to conceive. When she was six years old, her mother became severely ill, an illness that would cart her back and forth from the hospitals, with extended stays in the latter. This led to Madeline spending most of her childhood in hospitals, and left the parenting to John. Her father was a severe and strict man with high expectations of his daughter (“my only chance,” he often said) in every area. If Madeline started it, she was expected to perfect it. After all, quitting was not an option for a Nott. In her adolescence, she would come to respect him for this; due to his harshness, she developed a strong sense of perfectionism which greatly helped with her academics. 
At the age of 9, Madeline was sitting beside her mother’s bedside when he witnessed her take her last breath and John had to physically pull the child away as healers entered the room. She had wept and screamed and fought viciously, until she received three stunning spells to the chest. She recovered, though, because she had been so young. After that, she grew very quiet and reserved for the few years following these events, not that her father much minded the attitude. Seeing it as respect and grace as opposed to unresolved emotional trauma. He encouraged her to continue with her silence. “A perfect wife must be seen, not heard.” 
Madeline was sorted into Slytherin on September 1, 1970. He further developed relationships with the children of her father’s Death Eater companions, whom she had known since childhood. However, she stuck mostly to herself and was soon nicknamed “Silent Night” due to her dark hair and reluctance to speak. This was partially due to her academic commitment as he continued to strive to meet her father’s expectations. Like her classmates, Madeline was open about her beliefs on Blood Purity, a lesson taught, retaught and enforced by her father, and eventually her peers. She genuinely did think it was a good idea; she despised seeing Muggle-borns polluting what she thought was a pure magic school. Thus she trained herself to become, eventually, a formidable duelist capable of taking on multiple opponents at once. 
John Nott was outed as a death eater in a Prophet article alongside the fathers of several of her classmates. Later this same year, her father was involved in a battle in the Ministry and was arrested, ultimately ending up in Azkaban. She did not mourn. Madeline spent the following summer with her aunt (now her legal guardian). It was difficult for her to adjust to the new dynamic, and she spent a lot of time cooped up in the library - her aunt had been a great bookworm. She grew to be a great beauty, which pleased John; he had feared she would not be able to marry due to her mother’s illness, which they had discovered was her being a Maledictus. They frequently wrote to each other until he broke out of Azkaban. 
As a Pureblood, and a Slytherin, Madeline attended her seventh year at Hogwarts, being treated better than other students who did not share her connection to the Dark Lord’s cause. She grew to be fond of Alecto Carrow, who she came to see as an intelligent friend - a far cry from the deranged harpy others saw her as. She fought valiantly for the Dark Lord. However, unlike her father, she was never arrested. She did not need to be. Because her mother was a Maledictus, and she was too; it was only a matter of time before she lost her humanity for good. Though that heirloom, it did look like a rather good Horcrux…
Interested in Madeline Nott? She is closed and being played by Cassandra.
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asacredwar-rp · 6 years
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Character Information
Name: Remus Lupin
Age: 17
Blood Status: Halfblood
House: Gryffindor
Year: 6th
Patronus:Wolf(He casts as an incorporeal)
Boggart: Full Moon
Wand: 10¼", Cypress, unicorn hair
Allegiance: The Resistance
Faceclaim: Daniel Sharman
Extracurriculars: Quidditch Chaser, Prefect, Arithmancy Club, Arts & Crafts Club, Chess Club, Domesticity Club, Gobstone Club, Herbology Club
Positive Traits:  +Adventurous, +Humble, +Observant, +Loyal
Negative Traits:  -Self hatred, -Anxious, -Shy, -Guarded
Wanted Connections:
Cousins: I think it would be highly interesting to develop the Lupin family. I think since Lyall is a Pureblood that he must have had familial connections elsewhere. I’m assuming that they could have been close up until the time he got bit. So there could be friction there, or maybe they are close still and communicated through owls. This cousin would have possibly thought he was just an ill boy. 
Rivals: Someone that challenges Remus’s mind. Perhaps makes him think a different way, but also his competitive rival through their scores in classes.They always try to outdo the other. 
Current Connections:
Peter Pettigrew/James Potter/Sirius Black - Best friends
Bertram Aubrey/Severus Snape - Bullies with Marauders
Ted Tonks - Gets muggle information from
Rita Skeeter - wary of
Remus grew up being the only child partly due to his condition. He spent much of his childhood isolated at home with little interaction with anyone outside. Lyall had all the time in the world to teach the boy about proper etiquette and ranges of different subjects. Before Dumbledore paid them a visit, he had already started to teach his son about the Defenses against the dark arts, since it hadn’t saved him from Greyback. He also would reward Remus with a piece of chocolate whenever he guessed thirty quiz consequently questions correctly.
His parents were uneasy when they sent him off to school, having dedicated their lives to hiding his condition away from the world. He still corresponds with them almost daily, but also refused to be home schooled again. His mother mails him chocolate, and as he grew older in Hogwarts so did his independence with the help of his best friends. This has caused a strain on the relationship with him and his parents.  
The boy doesn’t only fight the transformation on the night of the full moon. Lupin also fights the wolf that lives in the back of his mind. It has been nestled there like a comforting voice that he desperately runs away from. The nature calls to Remus and often he will sneak out to find solace in the Forbidden forest if not with his Marauder companions. Being outside soothes his inner beast and makes even socializing easier for him not being entrapped in a closed space.
He hasn’t been taught too many muggle things, but his mother did fit in things here and there. She encouraged him to listen to muggle music to help him relax. However, now if you find him listening to music or near the choir meeting he uses the tunes to think of his mother’s face. It irons his decision that he will no longer burden his parents with his condition.  James, Sirius, and Peter make him feel better about his condition but sometimes he even second guesses their friendship and if they would be better off without him.
The blow to the Order had made him uncomfortable, knowing the knowledge that darkness could always rebuke the light. However, when Gaunt showed up that changed things, but not for monsters like him. He has to face the darkest part of himself on the full moon, where he succumbs to the animalistic nature of the wolf. Remus tries not to dwell on the condition he can’t change, but it’s in the back of his mind and the scars on his body when he self-inflicted while the full moon sacrificed his human psyche.
Interested in Remus Lupin?  He is closed and being played by Admin J.
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asacredwar-rp · 6 years
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Character Information
Name: Nicolas Mulciber (he/him)
Age: 17
Blood Status:Pureblood
House: Slytherin
Year: 7th
Sexuality: Gay (Semi-closeted)
Gender: Cismale
Patronus: Black Mambo (corporeal) 
Wand:  13” Yew wood dragon heartstring core; rigid flexibility
Allegiance: Death Eaters(spy for Legacy)
Faceclaim: Cameron Monaghan
Extracurriculars: Beater, Ancient Arts Club, Dueling Club, & Hunting Club.
Positive Traits:   + Cunning, + Creative, + Ambitious 
Negative Traits:   - Vindictive, - Violent, - Arrogant 
Wanted Connections: 
Ex-childhood friend: Someone that used to be his ride or die that abandoned him after his sister disappeared. Perhaps they were threatened by his old man or maybe the unstableness of the Mulciber family finally drove them away.
Ex-girlfriend: A time when he was in denial about being homosexual. This person he probably would have broken it off with savagely, or just plain runs away from them whenever they try to confront him about it.
Current Connections:
Molly, Gideon, Fabian Prewett- Cousins, estranged
Jackson Avery - Childhood Friend/Roommate/ Tortures with
Mary Macdonald- Tortures
Lucius Malfoy- Best friend/Secret Boyfriend
Rodolphus Lestrange- Friend/Suspects he’s a spy.
Violet Greengrass- Hinted Betrothal 
Severus Snape - Becoming closer to
Nicolas was the second child born to Nicodamus & Hespia Mulciber (nee Prewett).  Speaking in wealth the children wanted for nothing except for their own survival. On the outside they were clothed and given the delicate imagery of picturesque society. The inside of the Mucliber home was far from perfect and delved through the seven levels of Hell. The eldest child a girl, named Elizabeth was often reprimanded for her vocal optimism.
The Mulcibers had been around for a long time. Nicodamus was a well-known accomplice of Tom Riddle, and is currently incarcerated in Azkaban. Hespia had been working on a dark art potion to free his father, but instead it backfired on her. The backfire of the potion caused his mother to decline to madness. She isolated her children and herself from her family. Never returning the OWL’s her sister sent her even when it was in regards to her nephew, Arthur. Ever since he was of a young age, they groomed Nicolas. To be like his father, but to never get caught in his questionable liaisons. He spent his childhood with his father in and out of prison for treason, and his mother frying whatever intelligent brain cells she had to try to figure out a way to make his father invincible.
A Mulciber should never get caught they told him time and time again.  He had more siblings, but most of them didn’t live up to his parent’s wishes or they rebelled against the house causing them to be murdered or disowned entirely.  As a child Nicolas developed a creepy coping mechanism, and that was a bone chilling apathetic laugh. No doubt that curved and later turned into his sadistic spirited humour. Anything maliciously done amused him. If he could enact pain or discomfort on muggles or halfbloods this he felt was his calling. Remorse was something not instilled into his brain. Hespia & Nicodamus also made it a point when they were at home to build up their children against the unforgiveable curses. Using them as punishments for the smallest infractions.
One time they went too far. Nicolas had just gotten back from his first school year at Hogwarts. His sister had been in her second year and rambled on happily about the friends she had made. Their mother hunched over the potion table with the chemistry beakers turned rapidly. None of the surnames his sister had said were Purebloods. Not of the sacred twenty-eight at least. Furious with her daughter, his mother cast the Cruciatus curse. Nicolas tried to intervene but that only made the wrath of his mother worse.
It ended with the spell hitting her sister’s spine in such a way that her back audibly popped out of place. The screams only got worse as the curse repeatedly indifferent got spoken from his mother’s lips until the screams stopped completely. Elizabeth was never the same after the attack. Left paralyzed and in a vegetation like state all she could do was look at Nicolas every time he came home afterwards.
This meant he was the only one at the torturous games of his parents. He learned quickly what they wanted to hear to make them stop so he wouldn’t end up like his sister. There were spies everywhere he could tell. If he didn’t torture Mary Mudblood he might get a piece of his sister’s flesh carved out and tucked inside an OWL as a way to force him into line. Lucius Malyfoy, his closest confidante made things bearable. Scared of what his parents might do he kept his long standing affection quiet. A feeling he knew not of.
Nicolas remembered when the rise of the Legacy, and had to bite back his own maniacal laughter. This is exactly what his father deserved. To be shanked in the back by one of the Pureblood’s owns. They knew the history of the Mulcibers and inquired him if he would join them. Under one condition he told them, and that was they found a way to get his sister away from his parents.  Even if they were unable to, he found his true calling and though he must put on this rouse of a Death Eater, deep down in his dark corroded heart he was meant to be Legacy all along.
Interested in Nicolas Mulciber? He is closed and being played by Admin J.
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asacredwar-rp · 6 years
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Character Information
Name:Gideon Prewett
Blood Status:Pureblood
House: Ravenclaw
Year: 7th
Patronus: (Medium- sized) Oranda Goldfish
Boggart: His boggart changes from Fabian dying, to Fabian hating him and “never wanting to see or speak to him ever again.
Allegiance: The Resistance 
Faceclaim:  Gabriel Basso
Extracurriculars: Arts & Crafts, Astronomy, charms, Ancient Arts, Keeper (Quiddich team).
Positive Traits:     +intelligent, +inquisitive, +dedicated, +earnest,                                                 +sensitive
Negative Traits:       -quiet, -naive, -cynical, -obsessive, -flaky, -needy
Wanted Connections:
Wanted Connection #1:  Radicalizer- Someone who tries to get Gideon to ‘join the darkside.’ Or possibly introduces him to the other side (and arguments) for the war.
Wanted Connection #2: Best friend- Someone who is his Ravenclaw best friend, outside of his family or Fabian’s friends.
Current Connections:
Fabian Prewett - brother, closest confidante
Molly Prewett - sister, protective of
Nicolas Mulciber - Cousin, estranged
Adonis Carrow - Unlikely friend
Grace Ollivander - Studies together
Galvin Gudgeon - Wary of
tw: addiction
Gideon was born an entire 5 minutes and 32 seconds younger than his identical twin brother Fabian. His mother always said to him that he simply wasn’t ready, and though Fabian was definitely the more spirited and energetic of the two boys, Gideon often took longer to warm up to things around him. This became characteristic of their relationship–– Fabian usually creative and excited about a new idea, whereas Gideon was more comfortable taking the seat behind his twin. That said, they were both mischievous and keen to stir up trouble whenever the opportunity presented itself.
The pair were close. If Gideon had to describe it, he’d say Fabian felt like a part of himself––Yes, another living being completely different to himself, but also in some way very much another half, the missing piece, the living version of his heart personified. They argued like brothers ought to, but ultimately Fabian is still Gideon’s favourite person in the world.
Gideon has always been more sensitive and self-reflective than his twin, which might have been the reason why he was sorted into Ravenclaw. Being separated for the first time was hard, but especially for Gideon. He can recall the first half of first year crying almost every night, and determined by Christmas break to drop out of Hogwarts. He hated feeling like a burden on Fabian, and he knew his twin wanted independence, but that was hard for him to swallow when he himself felt like he wasn’t ready for that yet.
It was only his mother who would see what he was thinking and feeling, without him having to come out and say it. Gideon and his mother were close, and she had a way of talking him out of the thoughts in his head, always making him feel better about the inadequacy he felt next to Fabian. Gideon has always been a 'mama’s boy’ and they often cooked together when he was young. She taught him how to cook and they were a team in the kitchen, especially as he got older.
When their mother passed away, Gideon was devastated. The pranks they would pull in school didn’t matter. Nothing mattered. Gideon felt a hole in his chest that even Fabian couldn’t fill. The only thing that seemed to work was the numbing sensation of alcohol. Gideon spent the majority of his fifth year in some state of intoxication. Eventually it just became a shameful habit he tried to hide.
It wasn’t until joining the Order that Gideon found a reason to keep getting up in the morning. Although he took a more backseat role in the Order than his brother, he remained committed to the cause. As sixth year wore on, Gideon found himself struggling to stay on the wagon. After a bender one evening, he could no longer hide it. He was drunk and incoherent and he hunted down Fabian to confess his addiction–– only he ended up falling up the stairs, smashing his nose, kissing Fabian repeatedly, and yelling incoherent things at him about the meaning of life.
Coming into seventh year, he’s trying. He’s determined to get out of his head, to make his mother proud, to not be such a burden on his twin, to get good grades, and to get an internship at the Daily Prophet. As much as he’s tried to be part of the Resistance, the war doesn’t sit right with him.
In true Ravenclaw fashion, the more he researches the less convinced he is that there is one “good” side and one “bad.” He’s trying to sort out what he believes and who he is.
Interested in Gideon Prewett? He is closed and being played by Bless.
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asacredwar-rp · 6 years
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Character Information
Name: Fabian Prewett
Blood Status:Pureblood
House: Gryffndor
Year: 7th
Patronus: Nebelung Cat
Wand: Pine wood with a dragon heartstring core, 13 ¼" and brittle flexibility
Boggart: A cell with no windows
Allegiance: The Resistance
Faceclaim: Gabriel Basso
Extracurriculars: Arts & Crafts Club, Choir, Dueling
Positive Traits:     +Creative, +Humorous, +Selfless, +Brave, +Flamboyant
Negative Traits:       -Reckless, -Stubborn, -Cocky, -Impulsive
Wanted Connections:
One night stand xx - It obviously wasn’t planned, and things are awkward because their mind automatically goes back to the night in question when they spot each other in the hallway or are forced to interact with one another.
The night we almost died - This person would have been in the Order of the Phoenix meeting with them when things went sour and the Death Eaters attacked. They both barely got out alive and have a hard time talking to anyone else about what happened. However, they are also likely to be the first ones in the classroom for Arts & Crafts club because the resistance has just begun.
Current Connections:
Gideon Prewett - Closest Confidante, brother
Molly Prewett- Sister, Protective of
Nicolas Mulciber - Cousins, estranged.
Amycus Carrow - Complicated Relationship
Arthur Weasley - Close friend 
Adonis Carrow - Pranks
Alecto Carrow - Tries to impress
Fabian and his siblings lived a relatively normal life with loving and caring parents. Gideon and him usually short of giving their mom a heart attack from their antics. They started Hogwarts the same time, and Fabian had a small frown when his brother and him were separated. However later they decided this would be the way that they would rule the school. Once Molly joined him, he made sure to blow a raspberry over to his twin brother at the successful house.
Things didn’t shift. They were all incredibly close, with the boys keeping tabs on Molly, at times when she wasn’t even aware. Things took a turn towards dark when their mother died suddenly. In his fifth year of school the pranks became more outlandish and dangerous. Nothing was concrete in his mind, and it was by chance one of these pranks landed him in the office with Dumbledore himself. Gieon probably would have volunteered guilt, but when Fabian realized it may have gone too far he sacrificed himself first.
Dumbledore was surprisingly kind to him considering the circumstances and instead used his influence to quiz Fabian about his father. After five hours of being in there and his twin pacing the hallway he came out unscathed for the most part.
Their sixth year in Hogwarts proved to be interesting. Fabian had imulsively joined the Order of Phoenix with their father, and his brother. Death Eaters and their flawed logic had to be stop for the better of humankind. He figured it would be a stance their mother would be roud of, but he didn’t want to involve Molly in it. During the school breaks after he turned fourteen he got a job working on Diagon’s Alley. Keeping his own money set aside for the more elaborate schemes he came up with, but also he wanted to make sure he had money in case Molly wanted something new.
This all changed a couple of months before school was set to start. In the Order of Phoenix’s bi-weekly meeting, they had closed around where Voldemort had been hiding. His father and Gideon weren’t in attendance, because usually the meetings were rather tediously dull. No one knew that their location had been compromised until it was too late. The Death Eaters planned the perfect ambush, and had it now been for Dumbledore’s intervention he would have likely been among the comrades around him dead. Dumbledore held Voldemorte at bay long enough for Fabian to grab onto two people and try to escape alive.
Alas, the Death Eaters were more experienced with the Dark Arts. One person slumped over his shoulder bursting into green smoke and ashes. The other one firing off protection spells one after the other. They did a reasonable job against their skilled Death Eaters opponents. Some even falling prey under their own hands. Protection only lasted so long against the unforgiveable curses. He had lost the person he had been trying to rescue and was caught instead with a crucio against his leg. The leg snapping out from under him as his screams mixed with the others.
Once he was down for the count he used his forearms to spider crawl through the debris and corpses until he felt a force collide with his ribs. The boy’s form like a sack of potatoes sailed through the sky and a chair cracked underneath him. If anything the boy was resillient enough, and had it not been for the appearance of..Jeremiah Gaunt he might have been the fatalities of the Order. Fabian’s head spun as he spit up blood but someone grabbed him and pulled him through a portal last minute.
The lies started while he healed. Camp. Job. Fabian was everywhere and never home. The truth was he was holed into his room healing from his injuries. A darkness had settled over the Prewett. In such circumstances growing up whenenver he hurt himef he had turned to his mother. His mother’s comforting love with her caring whispers that everything would be alright. Those were gone and he couldn’t burden Molly with such a thing, so he woke up with the same smile and the same sibling banter as if nothing had changed.
All he wanted to do his seventh year was spend it with his friends and Amycus. He wanted to play quidditch and get noticed on a team he could keep doing for sport. That all changed, too. He started off his school year hobbling into Hogwarts with one working leg and the layers of lines under his tired eyes. No quidditch for him. Which friend had almost killed him?
He has a role to play that everything is the same.
Interested in Fabian Prewett? He is  closed and  being played by Admin J.
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asacredwar-rp · 6 years
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Character Information
Name: Peter Pettigrew (he/him prefers)
Blood Status: Halfblood
House: Gryffindor
Year: 6th
Sexuality: Homosexual
Gender:Non Binary
Wand: 12 inches, phoenix feather, oak
Patronus: a rat
Boggart: someone finding out his secret
Allegiance: The Resistance (Spy for Death Eaters)
Faceclaim: Alberto Rosende
Positive Traits:     +Charming, Friendly, Easygoing
Negative Traits:     -Disloyal, manipulative, crass
Wanted Connections:
- the converter: this is the person who turned Peter to the Death Eaters to begin with. He was already feeling the strain and the worry, and looking for a way out of the intense situation that he didn’t really agree with anyway, and this person helped him convert to the ‘right’ side.
- the dark romance: this is not a healthy relationship, its a lot of fighting and breaking up and making up. but it is intense and that’s whats fun about it, for Peter at least.
Current Connections:
Remus Lupin/James Potter/Sirius Black- Best friends
Bertram Aubrey - Bullies with marauders, but tries to warn.
Severus Snape - Bullies with marauders.
Jun Chang - Tutored by
Perry Parkinson - Knows their secret, afraid of
Peter Michael Pettigrew was never a man who was interested in the business of others. He didn’t care if someone was doing something they shouldn’t be doing, so long as they didn’t drag him into it. He was excellent at talking his way out of any situation that could arise with his parents with an easy smile and a cute little face. Being raised in Spain for the first few years of his life, Peter loved to people watch and love to explore. It taught him very early in life how to read people and how to figure out exactly what they wanted to hear. He kept this skill with him all throughout life, most especially when his family moved them to London so that his father could take up some fancy Ministry job.
He didn’t want to go at first. He wasn’t a fan of the people, the stuffy attitudes and the accents that made it hard to understand them. He didn’t like that he was forced to learn to speak English and forced to meet stupid pureblood kids who looked down on him because he wasn’t a pureblood. But he stuck it out because he wasn’t one to take a challenge and fail at it. Of course, learning to read them was a fun hobby, something that he would be able to take with him to Hogwarts.
Of course, the first wrench in the plan was meeting the Marauders. They were good people, the kind of people who Peter would find rather dull were it not for the strange and quirky draws of each one of them. They weren’t the standard, and when Peter was drawn into their circle, he embraced it, decided that, perhaps, it was a good thing for the boy, for a while. From age 11 to 15, Peter was learning how to be a good person, though there were still tendencies of manipluation that he would occasionally play into when he was feeling at his worst. He pushed those things away for as long as he could, made himself be the good person that the Marauders showed him that he could be.
That was, of course, until he was approached. He didn’t exactly expect the stranger to be anything but boring, but he allowed himself to be entertained for a while by the words. They struck a chord, something telling him that the words made sense. He had no reason to blindly follow the resistance, especially when he didn’t even really believe what was being preached to him in the first place. He had no reason to allow his friends to manipulate his decisions, he should make his own. But then, the real kicker, he could be a valuable asset. He had always wanted to feel important, and with the Resistance, he never felt that way. He was a cog in that machine, but playing for another side, playing for the Death Eaters, he would be giving valuable information and making a difference. His decision was made then and there.
He started his plan over break. He could disappear for a bit, come back with a sob story about the other side trying to pry information from him, and then come back gain plenty of sympathy points to keep any suspicion off of him.
Students noticed when they returned from break that Peter was missing over Winter Break.
Interested in Peter Pettigrew?  They are closed and being played by Sierra.
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