#HANCOCK ( verse: pirate empress )
muselexum · 2 years
Denied Entry
@medicus-mortem // from here.
Her jaw tightened, lip twitching up in a sneer when she was denied access to Luffy. The idea that anyone- let alone a male thought they could grant or deny her permission to anything would have turned everyone within her vicinity foaming at the mouth as they fell unconscious or turned to stone.
The empress was a raging cobra wound-up and near hissing as the desire to strike coursed through the blood that pounded in her ears. It was Luffy that held her back, but even then it was like trying to leash a tempest.
Stupid-?! HER?
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She let out a small appalled cry as her head tipped back, hand touching her pulsing forehead. The insult made her physically nauseous, the overwhelming need to rip his throat out even moreso. The Kuja who weren't shouting in their empress' defense had gone tense with worry at what the situation could escalate to.
Then she froze in her dramatics when a chill ran down her spine. If he wakes up. If. If.
Hancock went silent as her lips sealed into a tight line, eyes piercing when her head fell forward again. She leaned forward, levelling her height to his as her tone grew colder than ice, "If...? If he doesn't wake up, none of you are leaving here with your lives Trafalgar."
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missmungoe · 1 year
🌈 Is there a fic that you worked *really fucking hard on* that no one would ever know? maybe a scene/theme you struggled with?
I think the fic that's been the most challenging (but also fun) to write has to be Andromeda Unbound, my Reverie Arc re-write where everyone crashes Shanks' execution in Mariejois. There are so many players in this fic, and for a large portion of the story they're all in the city without knowing about each other, but the scene where they all finally meet up after the ball in chapter 6 is probably one of the most challenging scenes I've ever written. It's like the three-way pointing Spider-Man meme, only it's the version in the latest Across the Spider-Verse trailer, and I had to keep a list of all the characters who were in the room just to make sure I didn't forget anyone (I went back and counted, and there are 24 speaking characters in this scene). And they're not just hanging out, they're all reacting to each other, and they have such different dynamics, based on past history and what has happened in this fic, and so in the same scene you'll have moments like:
“The Pirate Empress!!”
Sanji prostrated himself at her feet, but Boa Hancock only stepped across his prone body without glancing at it, her back curved to greet Luffy with a beaming smile.
They all stared, open-mouthed. Even the revolutionaries looked caught off guard.
“What is happening right now?” Usopp whispered.
Luffy’s face had brightened behind his mask. “You’re here too, Hammock?”
‘Hammock?’ Robin mouthed to Nami, who only shook her head.
Followed by:
It took less than a second.
Sabo’s eyes shot open as his back connected with the wall, just as Ben's cane clattered to the stones, his hand wrapped around his throat.
“Sabo!” Luffy shouted, as Yasopp followed.
"Jesus, Ben!"
The revolutionaries had reacted as one, their weapons drawn and pointed at Ben where they’d surrounded him. “Release him,” Betty said. She had a flintlock pointed at his temple, but Ben didn’t even acknowledge it, his gaze fastened on Sabo where he held him by the throat.
“What the hell were you thinking?” he roared, his smoker’s rasp raised to a volume that silenced the growing uproar.
(People really liked unhinged Ben. But I see you.)
So yeah, this scene was a doozy! Because on the one hand, I wanted to capture the breathless chaos of all these different factions colliding, while at the same time making sure the reader could follow what was happening, and while I could visualise it clearly in my head, it's a different matter transferring it to the written word. But I love a challenge, and this fic remains one of my favourite that I've ever written<3
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muselexum · 2 months
( tag dump 2 )
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muselexum · 2 years
Crossing Paths
@ryathenaughtykitsune // from here.
Hancock assessed the woman's claim. It was certainly possible. Though anyone could make any claim out on the seas, this one in particular would be a dangerous lie to tread. That alone had Hancock leaning more towards the side of the woman telling the truth.
And if she were telling the truth, Hancock had no interest in conflict with Red Hair. The Kuja Warriors had already gathered more than enough loot during their campaign. Such a risk was not worth the risk to her people and home.
Godfather? Grandfather? Hancock had no knowledge to who the woman was referring to and so she did not care, unaware that Luffy's brother had been mentioned.
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An elegant hand rest on her shapely hip, Hancock's head tilted in mild curiousity, "What do you have in your inventory?" It was rare for her to do any kind of business at all- just taking what she wanted when she wanted, but there was no harm in considering it. Her demeanour was serious, unsympathetic as she brushed off the mention of a child and dead relatives.
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muselexum · 2 years
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@sunfirekid​ sent:
❝ what a pleasure to finally meet you! ❞ - To Hancock
prompts -> [meme]
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Her hand came up to flip her luscious hair over her shoulder, a discontent ‘hmph’  leaving her glossy lips. Sharp gaze peered down at the man she towered over, her hand coming to rest on her hip.
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“Why of course it is a pleasure to meet me. It is an honor to even stand in my presence, man.”
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muselexum · 2 years
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@medicus-mortem​ sent:
Law takes another swig of his drink, the cool liquid soothing a parched throat. Golden eyes watch his crew and the Kuja that have brought them today's lunch. Keeping both parties within his sharp gaze in the hopes it'll stop his boys from doing something stupid and enable him to act if any Kuja warrior reaches for a bow. He doesn't trust them, even if they do care for his patient. Law even scans his crew for poison after every prepared meal. Honestly, he wishes these women would just leave supplies for them and fuck off.
Out of the corner of his eye the doctor catches sight of a white cloak fluttering as its owner strides on with purpose. His jaw tightens, a heavy sigh passing his lips. Then there is this bitch and her bullshit. He creates a Room and vanishes from his sitting position. Law pops into existence right in front of Boa Hancock, his arms crossed and golden eyes cold.
"Where the fuck do you think you're going?" he snarls.
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What a terrible situation. Her heart ached deep in her chest as she grieved both for Luffy’s emotional loss as well as the condition he was in. When Hancock had arrived back on Amazon Lily she had demanded that Luffy be brought into the palace to be under her watch and care. The male doctor and his team could be housed in there too. Gloriosa had denied her, insisting they keep to their customs no matter the current situation. Hancock didn’t care if she was ousted as empress or exiled from the land... not that such a thing would ever occur. She would be forgiven by her people of course, for she is beautiful.
She was restless, anxious that she had to stay so far away from Luffy when he was in need. She couldn’t even eat. Not until she knew he was okay. It didn’t help that that damned doctor was so insolent. His attitude was unforgiveable and she would have attempted to kill him several times if it hadn’t been for the fact that he was the only thing keeping her husband-to-be alive.
Her legs were carrying her back towards the outskirts of the island, Hancock unable to sit still in the palace. It had been too long since she received an update. She walked past her warriors that were standing guard, only halting when the doctor himself appeared in front of her.
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She kept her chin up as she glared down at him, her expression steeled, “To see Luffy! I must see him. You cannot keep him from me any longer, Trafalgar!” Why must this male be so uncooperative? 
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muselexum · 2 years
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@wishmcker​ sent:
“฿50,000 for each piece of information on Luffy?” Nami’s heard things. | I know your Hancock is slightly canon divergent but she’s gotta extort money somehow!
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So this was that Nami wench. One of the women that was close to her beloved Luffy! Her fingers curled into a fist, long painted nails digging into her palm as she resisted the urge to act out in violence. No... she couldn’t kill this woman. Luffy, her dear Luffy wouldn’t forgive her. Why must he torture her this way? Why must he surround himself with other women?
To top it all off this wench was attempting to use Luffy against her! Hancock had to admit that her offer was tempting- and a bargain in comparison to her wealth, but she refused to fall for this woman’s tactics! Even if it came to Luffy! This was war!
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A sudden smile came to her lips, Hancock giving Nami a seductive wink, “How about you tell me for free, Nami-chan~?” She crossed her legs, the slit in her skirt exposing her thigh up to her hip. She patted the plush couch cushion next to her, “Come~. Sit down next to me and tell me everything you know.”
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muselexum · 2 years
@ryathenaughtykitsune​ // starter call (closed).  
It was a few months after the Summit War and Hancock had set off on a piracy campaign after a long absence. She had spent much of her time trying to get close to Luffy, only for Rayleigh to keep interfering! What was so wrong with her being around? More than that, Hancock could very well teach Luffy haki as well. Hmph, whatever. She’d be sure to bring back many gifts for Luffy while Rayleigh could eat dirt.
The seas were still in chaos after Whitebeard’s death. Territories were being stolen or plundered and crews were scrambling to climb the ladder in what had become a global power vacuum. Hancock had no interest in much of that, but all of this provided a great opportunity to pillage other ships. The loot the Kuja had obtained this time around was about three times more valuable than usual.
They had eyes on a ship that had been spotted on the horizon. It was only when the warrior in the crew’s nest updated that they were flying Red Hair’s flag along with another one that Hancock reassessed the situation. If they were truly under Red Hair then she had no interest getting entangled in a conflict with a yonko. On the other hand, it was not unheard of for ships to fly false flags.
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As the ships began to parallels one another, Hancock projected her voice across the distance, “Who flies under Red Hair’s flag? May the captain of your ship step up at once!”
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muselexum · 2 years
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@indomiitas​ sent:
”So anyway, he then decides that I‘m suddenly worth his time, just because he realized that I don’t need him and his non-committing ass, can you believe this?!“ Buggy was well into his fifth mimosa at this point, his hands braiding the long black strands in front of him, his own hair wrapped up in a pink towel. ”Alvida said I should just let it go, but—just the sheer audacity of him to keep blowing up my mushi!“ he fumed, placing the empty glass down on the table before he turned his attention back towards Hancock. ”Did you want a fishtail or waterfall braid?“ { just two mean besties talking shit together 🥰 }
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Buggy had been her first introduction into men that could feel lust and attractions, but never for women. She wasn’t sure why it had come as such a revelation to her. The Kuja lived their entire lives amongst other women, and while many would sail away and come home pregnant to expand the population, almost everyone would live their lives out with female partners. But wasn’t it because there were no males around? If there were equal parts male and female Kuja, would the females still partner with females? That didn’t seem entirely correct because the Kuja had the threat of exile for marrying a man for a reason. Many of the women would bring men home if they were allowed to wouldn’t they? Or maybe not? Hancock wasn’t quite sure and now that she was exposed to this different perspective, she had found herself mulling over it for the better part of the night. A man that only ever wanted men, even with women widely available... Not even a smidgen of desire for them. Truly an interesting man, this Buggy was.
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Hancock was lounged across a plush couch, her seventh cocktail in hand as Buggy went on about... Ah, yes, his tumultuous relationship with Shanks. A shock! To think there were two men out there that felt attraction towards men! When she had asked if Shanks were like him, Buggy had told her that he wasn’t gay but bisexual. What were all these terms? This language? The outside world was so bizarre. The Kuja didn’t have names or labels for anything because they were only ever allowed and expected to be with women.
Wait, was she a ‘bisexual’ too? Did she even care for women? Now that she knew just how powerful the feeling of deep love and desire was, and it was for Luffy, she could say for certain that she couldn’t imagine desiring such a thing for another woman. Ah, but she still enjoyed receiving pleasure from women? Oh whatever, this was too complicated.
Oh right, but back to Buggy.
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“Ah-!” She grieved, her head falling back with her arm up in a swoon. “To have the object of your desires beg for your attention, Buggy-kun, I envy you!” How could he be upset that Shanks had called him after he decided to give Buggy attention? Hancock imagined herself in Buggy’s position. If her dear Luffy were to ever call her for any reason... ah~! The thought caused her heart to thrum, her cheeks reddening. “But isn’t it such a divine feeling when he looks your way after ignoring you for so long~?” 
With her head tipped back she opened her eyes to look up at Buggy. She sighed, “Fishtail braid my dear.”
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muselexum · 2 years
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@ikkaku-of-heart​ sent:
"Straw Hat must be pretty damn special if you're willing to let him on your island." Glancing at the pirate empress, Ikkaku rubbed her chin in consideration. Of course she had heard the stories about Amazon Lily and Boa Hancock herself. It made her rightly concerned for her crew's safety since they were in her territory. "I know men aren't exactly allowed here so I appreciate you extending whatever protection you're giving him to my crew. I'll keep the boys from doing anything stupid, but I'd appreciate you calling off the archery squad before someone gets hurt. Last thing Law needs is extra wounds to tend when he's already got his hands full with Straw Hat's surgery." (For Hancock when you're ready to bring her out!)
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The situation was a stressful and upsetting one. Hancock’s heart ached for Luffy. He had worked so hard to help free and save his brother only for the worst possible outcome to occur. Luffy was still in his deep sleep at the moment, but Hancock knew that he would be so distraught when he awoke. She wanted to be there for him. Rules be damned, if it was for Luffy then Hancock had been more than willing to bring him and his medics into Kuja Palace. The fact that she was being held back and forced to carry out her customs was infuriating. The only thing keeping Elder Nyon from meeting an early demise was the soft spot Hancock held for her deep in her heart.
She sat on Salome in her throne room, the large snake curled into a plush chair for its owner. An outsider woman that belonged to the Heart Pirates had been allowed to move around the island freely, and Hancock had requested her presence when she heard that the woman had arrived in the city.
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“Of course he is special. He is my husband.” She answered, almost offended that the woman would assume anything otherwise. How could the woman not think Luffy was special? Actually no, it was better that she didn’t. Hancock already had to deal with those supposed Nami and Robin women Luffy said were part of his crew. Hancock leaned her head against her hand, silent for a moment as she dwelled on the request, “...No. I do not care what happens to your males. The Kuja are skilled warriors, mind you. They will not shoot unless one of your males is foolish enough to trespass outside the boundaries that have been provided.” 
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muselexum · 2 years
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@indomiitas​ sent:
”Look, Hancock, I‘m sure lunch with you would be fun and all but I really gotta-” Buggy apologized hastily, already slinking towards the nearest exit. His feet picked up speed as the pace of her own heels following him increased. A blur of white and red scales suddenly shot past him, tripping him. He yelped, arms windmilling before they were snugly pressed to his side by the gigantic snake wrapping itself around him. ”GYAAAAHHHH!“  
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It was always a dreaded bore to attend Warlord meetings and being anywhere near Mariejois left her even more disgusted and irritated with those around her than usual. To make matters even worse, the Navy had decided to extend a Warlord invitation to new individuals, thus surrounding her with even more men she couldn’t bear to be around.
There was one in particular that was bothering her, but not for the same reasons she had for anyone else. There was something strange going on, for his gaze had not lingered on her once...! How could there be another that ignored her just as much as her dear Luffy? No, how dare he hold a position that only her dear Luffy should hold?
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“SILENCE! You strange and insolent clown man!” She commanded, striking a powerful pose. She had tried speaking to him after the meeting but he had made the attempt to escape her! She would not have it! He should be grateful that she even offered him the time of day!
Heels clacked against marble tile as she made strides over to where Salome was keeping the strange man in place. Her hand was on her hip, gaze hardened as she spoke, “It was not a suggestion, but an order! You will tell me the secrets to your strange sorcery or you will die here! The offer to tell me over lunch was a gift from the kindness of my heart, and shall you refuse I will offer you no mercy!”
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muselexum · 2 years
TAGS: Hancock
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#HANCOCK ( general tag. )
#HANCOCK ( herself. )
#HANCOCK ( rp. )
#HANCOCK ( aesthetics. )
#HANCOCK ( headcanons. )
#HANCOCK ( loved ones. )
#HANCOCK ( musings. )
#HANCOCK ( verse: pirate empress )
#HANCOCK ( verse: snake princess )
PLEASE NOTE: This muse will often deal with the after effects of childhood sexual abuse. While I will never explicitly describe these events, they may be referenced during her introspections. I will do my best to tag this content but if any implications at all may trigger you, please block her tag. ( tag I will use: #abuse tw )
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