#Hüljatud 2017
midautumnnightdream · 7 years
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Dammit, I went over the Vanemuine musical post and only now realised I forgot to add the best picture.
Merry Christmas! :D
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fideofest2018 · 6 years
Heavens Underground
Nordic Program Pärnu Town Gallery (Uus 4) & Artist House (Nikolai 27) 
21.07 – 11.08.2018
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Marionette, 2017, 11 min 13 sec, 4K
Antti Laitinen (FIN): “ I have turned a tree into a marionette. With strings, I tried to imitate real wind.”
Antti Laitinen: "Ma muutsin puu marionetiks. Nööridega üritasin jäljendada tõelist tuult."
Antti Laitinen (b. 1975) lives and works in Somero Finland. His works combine performance, video, photography, and sculpture. Exhibitions include The Art Gallery of Alberta, Canada 2017; EMMA, Espoo, Finland 2016; MAC/VAL, France 2015; Venice Biennal 2013; Nuit Blanche, Paris, 2011; Liverpool Biennal, UK, 2010; Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma, Helsinki, Finland, 2010; Athens Biennial 2009; GSK Contemporary, Royal Academy of Arts, London, 2009.
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Oye, 2017, 2 min 41 sec
Marita Isobel Solberg & Trond Ansten (NOR)
Marita Isobel Solberg is an international performance artist, musician, and visual artist from Tromsø and Manndalen, Norway. She is working in the borderline between art, life, and science, focusing mainly on sound, performance art, and installation. Experimenting with different media in her work and interweaving elements from the surroundings, Solberg’s work is often site-specific and relational, reinforced by a strong performative tension. The works explore a world of challenge, strangeness, melancholy, and desire sometimes with narrative passages or content, mixing with more symbolic and ritual elements.
Trond Ansten, b.1984, is a Norwegian artist based in Tromsø who primarily works with fine art, video, and brew. He received his education from the State Academy of Fine Arts Karlsruhe, Baden Württemberg, and previously studied biology and expedition guiding. In his practice, he is exploring the relationship between man and nature through various media. His works are shown internationally in galleries and film festivals such as Gallery Mustanapa, Rovaniemi, Anthology Film Archives, New York, CCA-gallery, Glasgow, I-Factory, Shenzhen, China, Alternative Film/Video Festival, Belgrade.
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Ragnarök - Urdur Verdandi Skuld, 13 min 33 sec
Guðrún Lina Thoroddsen (ISL)
Professional filmmaker; editor, visual artist, videographer, director, producer - Owner and manager at VALA Motion Pictures.
Synopsis: A video-art installation - a narrative nihilism evolving around the three witches of destiny - who rule the destiny of gods and men - in Nordic religion. 
Director / videographer / editor / VFX artist: Lína Thoroddsen Actors: Tanya Pollock, Kolbrun Jonsdottir, Eva Dögg Atladóttir Music by: Tanya Pollock A.D. / B-cameraman: Jóhannes O. Jónsson
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Hidden Faces, 2016, 15 min 53 sec
Jóhan Martin Christiansen (Faroe Islands): “The three subject areas have met each other in the work; modern dance, theater, and visual arts. It is subjects that operate with different attitudes and platforms, and it has been a very productive negotiating situation. Language and memory are closely linked to body, rhythm, and movement, so dance points back to history, rituals and traditions. I like to explore through art how the past is stored in materials, in bodies, and in nature.”
Jóhan Martin Christiansen (Fääri saared): "Kolm teemat on üksteisega seotud; kaasaegne tants, teater ja visuaalne kunst. Tegemist on erinevate hoiakute ja platvormidega ning see on olnud väga produktiivne läbirääkimiste situatsioon. Keel ja mälu on tihedalt seotud keha, rütmiga ja liikumisega, nii et tants näitab näpuga tagasi ajaloole, rituaalidele ja traditsioonidele. Mulle meeldib kunsti kaudu uurida, kuidas minevikku hoitakse materjalides, kehades ja looduses. "
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21.07.2018 ABANDONED HOUSE GALLERY - Window Sculptures
Watch the Stream 24/7 LIVE (Pärnu Artists House / Nikolai 27)
Abandoned House Gallery is a secret location somewhere in Estonia. Even the artists don't know where they perform or exhibit - they are taken to the secret place blindfolded and smartphones confiscated.
Hüljatud maja galerii on salajane asukoht kuskil Eestis. Isegi kunstnikud ei tea, kus nad esinevad või eksponeerivad - nad viiakse salajasse kohta kinnisilmi ja nutitelefonid konfiskeeritakse.
Panu Ollikainen & Juho Pöysti (FIN) 
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