#Guy who really likes getting fucked in the ass & is obsessed with his masculinity-affirming job in response
compacflt · 1 year
does thomas kazansky believe hes an honarable man? what does honor mean to him?
i love this question because this is my version of tom kazansky’s whole thing, and i think my version of tom kazansky is a man very conflicted about what honor means—the purpose of everything he does, the way he acts, what he acknowledges and refuses to acknowledge, is to achieve some higher level of honor… one more medal, one more rank, one more star. but of course in his personal life (womanizing, his relationship with mav, all the secret-keeping), he is not an honorable man, no.
and the funny thing is, i don’t think he could answer this question—the fatal flaw of my fanfic, as I’ve written about (and made diagrams etc) here, is that… for plot reasons, no one can really ask him that question! It’s actually very visible in the slider one-shot: every time slider or someone else gets close to asking, “Look, can you just be honest with me about this for a sec,” they literally get interrupted in the middle of their sentence, because for plot reasons Ice can’t actually be pressured to answer a question like that until maverick dies! So I think, if you asked him what honor is, he would say “I’d like to think I’m an honorable man. I have four stars that prove it.” But if you pressured him about some of his actions… what about pulling Bradley’s papers, or your secret illegal relationship… he wouldn’t know what to say. Honor, for him, is whatever the NAVY tells him it is. The navy says honor = four stars, he has four stars to prove how much honor he has earned. Anything in his personal life comes secondary to the honor he’s starving for in the navy. And, he feels like he has no control over his personal life, because he just lets that happen to him.
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So—in summary, I’ve been writing him as someone who values professional honor over personal honor, and then ends up paying for that in the end.
But here’s also the thing… I’ve been trying to write him as someone who still TRIES. He’s been given this life…all these secrets… some of it is his fault, yes, but some of it also isn’t. It’s just life. He’s trying to do the best he can within its (admittedly artificial) constraints.
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He’s just trying his best. hopefully ive left it up to you to decide if he succeeds.
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jakelandryshorts · 5 years
Do U write inanimate transformation?
I don’t really... Not a real big fan of them. I did have an idea for a guy who turns people into clothes and then wears them. Then he turns into the guy he turned into clothes and walks around as them. 
Story Ideas:
1. Paul’s trying to study with his jock friend who wishes there was an easier way to study. He tests out his powers on the jock turning him into underwear. Putting them on turns him into the jock. The jock enjoys it more than he would have ever thought but his girlfriend is coming over and now Paul has to act like the boyfriend.
2. An annoying guy at a bar is trying to fight Paul. He takes him back to the bathroom and turns the guy into shoes. During the TF he can’t stop thinking about Paul’s feet and he massages/licks them. Then Paul turns into the guy and goes back out to the bar and starts flirting with guys.
3. Paul’s doing a movie with his friends but the lead actor is being an diva about everything. Making the process a lot harder than it needs to be. They take a break and Paul turns the actor into a shirt or watch and puts him on. Then helps finish the movie.
4. Paul’s at his friend’s house who keeps complaining about how his dad doesn’t do enough, despite working 50+ hours a week at his job. Paul turns his friend into a white sleeveless undershirt and then leaves. The friend’s dad sees it and has a desire to put it on, then turns into a younger hunkier version of himself and goes out partying. 
Other than those I’ve never really thought about them all that much. But for me it’s more of the TF into the other guy than the TF into the clothes. It’s a bit fun to think about the ‘hypno’ aspect of the other guy starting to crave to be put onto ‘Paul’s’ body but other than that I’ve not been too interested. 
I did however do a story for the Holiday swap last year for BIzzHIdeAway. I don’t think I posted it anywhere because I didn’t really want people to think it was something that I was going to start doing. He does a lot of them if you’re looking for someone who does it. But here it is.
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When Brody entered the locker rooms he had a difficult time containing his excitement. It’d been a dream come true to be able to work with all the super stars and now he was going to be part of it. Sure it wasn’t the same going out into the ring and being on stage but he was still helping the wrestlers get ready. He was assigned to Randy Orton and was ready to get started. He was just a little surprised to see the previous stagehand still back there. 
“We’ve gone over this...” Randy groaned. “You can’t stay with me forever...” “But what if I want to,” the stage hand sounded like he was on the verge of tears begging Randy to reconsider. “No,” he said firmly. “That’s not how this works. Maybe in a year or two but right now you have to go and help some of the other wrestlers.” The stage hand lowered his head at the command and left the locker room. He didn’t even bother looking up at Brody as he passed by. 
Brody walked further into locker room. “Obsessive fans?” he said trying to relate to the star. Obviously someone of Randy’s notoriety must have had people clamoring to work with him. 
“You get used to it,” the wrestler dismissed. But there was a bit of a coy smile as he looked up at Brody. “Thirsty?” Randy asked as he held up a power drink. 
Even if he wasn’t, Brody still accepted the drink. However once it touched his tongue he couldn’t seem to stop. “Woah,” he smiled. “What was in that!” 
“Ehh... Just a special drink some people I work with came up with. Nothing you need to worry about,” Randy said. Brody looked at Randy a little bit confused. For some reason that kind of sentence made him feel like he should worry about what was in it but his mind seemed to be going a little fuzzy. “Maybe you’ll become as obsessed as my previous, ‘fan.’” He joked as he started taking off his shirt. 
“Maybe,” Brody tried to joke back but as he saw the sculpted muscles of the pro in front of him he couldn’t help but stare. His two tattoo sleeves just made him look even more like a badass. ‘Fuck...’ Brody groaned under his breath. His hand subtly rubbed against his dick as he looked at the other man. 
“You’d be surprised. You start working with someone and then they just become attached to you. But it always sucks when you have to let them go,” Randy continued. 
“Yeah...” Brody was captivated by Randy’s voice. He wasn’t even listening anymore as he started taking off his pants. It wasn’t until Randy started taking off his underwear that Brody realized he was staring. Brody quickly shook his head trying to think about what his girlfriend might think if he was caught staring at such a masculine man. She’d already made fun of him enough for watching wrestling, often citing how it was a bunch of oiled up muscle dudes rolling around with each other, but Brody didn’t care. 
“What’s wrong?” Randy asked. Brody’s face went a little red as he saw the large member pointing directly at him. Randy was currently standing in his full glory right in front of Brody and Brody was apparently the one acting weird. “N-n-nothing Mr. Orton. I just didn’t realize you were going to change right in front of me.” 
“Where else would I change?” Randy laughed like he’d just made a joke. Brody laughed too but didn’t know why. However when Randy stood up he couldn’t help but notice just how tall the wrestler was. Sure he knew at 6’4” he’d have to 
crane his neck back a little bit but right now it seemed ridiculous. And if anything that head seemed to be getting further and further away. It was like he was looking at the under part of his pecs when he should have at least been shoulder height. But then his eyes caught Randy’s dick again. He let out a soft moan as he thought about wrapping around the hard member. “Like what you see?” Randy joked again. Brody couldn’t help but give an affirmative grunt and nod his head. However even that was starting to feel like it was further away as Brody was barely even kneed height to the giant. He felt his hands clasp together and make a circle out in front of him while he folded himself over down to his legs. The places where his body could separate quickly disappeared into nothing while his skin started to turn a deep black color. His body hallowed out and he felt like he weighed almost nothing. 
“What’s going on!?” Brody asked but he couldn’t make a sound. Every part of his body had been turned to a fabric. He laid on the ground as a new pair of underwear. 
“You’re going to help me out,” Randy said as his massive hand picked up Brody. He gave the tight piece of briefs a few tugs to loosen him up then stepped his feet through each of the holes, slowly running Brody’s body over his thick defined legs. “See Peter was getting a little worn out. I needed some new underwear. Hope you don’t mind.” 
A million thoughts ran through Brody’s mind as he felt the smooth firm ass fill him up while the dick in front of him. He tried to think of his girlfriend again but was too distracted. “I’m not gay,” he tried to assert but could help but give out a bit of a moan as Randy started leaking into him. 
“It’s alright bud. That’s what they all say...” 
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