#Gustavo De Aristegui
gustavoroman · 2 years
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gustavodearistegui · 3 years
European Union and Spain’s policy towards Latin America and Cuba
Madrid : According to Gustavo de Arístegui y San Roman, the Latin America and Cuba policy of the government of Prime Minister José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, is of the serious consequences of Latin America and Cuba -Policy of the socialist government in Spain and European union. The country has harmed national and European interests through its politics. As a result, Spain has lost immense influence on Latin America since Prime Minister José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero took office and contributed to the instability in the region.
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All previous governments in Spain have always had an influence on Latin America and Cuba. Gustavo de Arístegui points two major reasons for this: Firstly, because Spain has always had a solid and independent position on Latin America within the EU. Spain also had a significant influence on opinion-forming within Europe. Unfortunately, this is no longer the case. On the other hand, Spain also had an influence on Latin America because of the good connections with the United States. The foreign policy dialogue with the USA was fluid and intensive. That too has changed.
 First of all, it simply means that Spain’s ability to influence the EU's Latin American policy has sunk to almost zero. In addition, the trusting dialogue with the United States has been destroyed. Taken together, these two factors mean that Spaniards have lost much of our influence in Latin America. The dictatorial regime of Cuba has also lost respect for Spain and detests its government. The Cuban opposition is full of hatred and deep distrust of the Spanish socialist government.
Gustavo de Arístegui emphasize that the European Union had to change its common Cuban policy because of the socialist government in Spain. This has led to multiple irritations, a loss of confidence and mistrust of the analyzes and assessments of this government on Latin America and Cuba.
He also points to the fact that, The policy of the socialist government towards Latin America and especially towards the neo-populist regimes in Venezuela, Bolivia and Ecuador has simply backed the authoritarian leaders. The consequences are instability and uncertainty in a continent where Spain should be a fundamental player in stability.
Gustavo de Aristegui, Audiencia Nacional, Borja de Arístegui, Juez de la Mata, Pedro Gómez de la Serna, Caso Aristegui, Auto Procesamiento Aristegui, Imputado Aristegui, Investigado Aristegui, Comisiones ilegales Aristegui, Corrupción Aristegui, Gustavo Manuel de Arístegui y San Román.
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Production of the new Lord of the Rings television series will move to the UK from New Zealand, Amazon Studios has confirmed.
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According to Gustavo de Arístegui, India needs to minimise corruption and work for a harder as the global economic slowdown is a golden opportunity
Many analysts are bracing for a new economic crisis, or at least a slowdown; other countries like India can come on top, predicts Gustavo de Arístegui. For starters, every prediction of growth puts India on the World Champion spot from 2016 through 2018 with rates of around 7-7.9 per cent per annum. It doesn’t mean that India should discard reform programmes—it’s actually a wake-up call to intensify them. They should minimise corruption and work for the betterment. This crisis, a new kind of slowdown, one that affects more the financial economy than the real economy, can be India’s new golden opportunity.
 The country needed to be prepared for this, and although it has come a long way in implementing deep economic and structural reforms, it still has a lot to do say Gustavo de Arístegui. Since Jim O’Neil coined the term BRIC, much water has flown under the bridge. Then, not many thought much of the economic potential of the BRIC group except China. Today India is not only the best-performing economy among them, but also in the world in terms of growth. Other giants like Brazil and Russia are not expected to go back into positive growth till 2019. Corruption leads to a drawback in this expectation.
 This new slowdown is not yet a full-fledged crisis, but it’s one that affects more intensively commodity-based economies, except China, an industrial power, and some banks claims Gustavo de Arístegui. The commodity crash has been driven by weak oil prices, and some banks have been affected, among other reasons, for over-lending to oil giants and because some sovereign funds of oil-rich nations, which had heavily invested in banks, have had to sell their stake to help their ailing treasuries. It doesn’t really affect the real economy that is still doing quite well in other sectors.
 According to Gustavo de Arístegui, India could benefit from this situation for many reasons. First, its energy bill has dramatically shrunk due to present oil prices. The savings go into tens of billions of dollars that are having a serious effect on the pockets of ordinary citizens. But the important aspect is that they need to minimise corruption.
 India has to intensify its infrastructure programme, as it badly needs to gain competitiveness in being able to export goods at prices that are not burdened by transport costs and delays, also due to internal fiscal borders that should disappear with the adoption of GST. This infrastructure plan in itself (at $200 billion a year) is going to be a phenomenal growth motor, and India could overtake China as the world’s largest construction site predicts Gustavo de Arístegui. If it happens, India could become a serious export power—a major source of growth—something it has not yet achieved.
 This conjuncture could push the much-needed reform agenda, and deepen the changes to make India even more attractive to foreign investment, as FDI looks for stable, safe, and business-friendly environments—some ripples as retroactive taxes have to be addressed. In a world of uncertainties and grave geopolitical instability, India is a safe haven for investment, which on top of that is going to have guaranteed returns—not only based on its gigantic internal market, but also its positive international and export perspectives.
 India has a fantastic opportunity to take its place among geo-economic powers, and not only among demographic giants, military powers or the biggest geopolitical players, all of which it already is. The country has another essential wealth: tons and tons of ‘soft power’, the kind that has put India and its rich history at the centre of the planet’s respect and admiration. On the other hand, India is regarded as a highly responsible international actor, which adds to the world stability amid incendiary conflicts, terrorism, geopolitical instability, and what seems to be a time of profound geo-economic stress. In some major economies, the political situation seems to be gloomy and focus on corruption. These countries were traditional destinations of FDI that will surely shy away from these markets looking for more stable environments like India clearly has become. It is becoming obvious that India is the place to be as scores of people are flocking to its cities, markets and cultural sites, reckons Gustavo de Arístegui. It is of the essence that this intensive and renewed interest in the country does not distract the government, bureaucrats and business from the fundamental goal: the development of the nation in all its aspects, not only the economic one.
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Gustavo de Arístegui, se ha reunido con las máximas autoridades del estado indio de Jammu y Cachemira
En la última entrega de ‘De Cara al Mundo’, en Onda Madrid, contamos con la participación de Gustavo de Arístegui, diplomático y analista internacional, que habló sobre los últimos acontecimientos sucedidos entre España y Marruecos. Gustavo de Arístegui analizó en los micrófonos del programa el gesto que el rey Mohamed VI tuvo con Pedro Sánchez invitándole a un iftar en palacio. Por otro lado, el diplomático español abordó la cuestión sobre si se puede hacer un paralelismo entre la situación del Sáhara con Ceuta y Melilla.
¿Cuál es su impresión sobre lo ocurrido en los últimos días entre España y Marruecos?
En primer lugar, me gustaría recuperar algo sobre lo que hemos hablado en anteriores ocasiones y es que la política exterior tiene que ser una política de Estado, una política de grandes consensos. Me temo que, desde hace aproximadamente 20 años, todo el mundo pone el punto de inflexión en la guerra de Irak, las cuestiones fundamentales de política exterior se han convertido en un elemento de discordia, inestabilidad política y debate ácido, personalmente me tocó vivir aquel cambio, al contrario que a mis predecesores que no tuvieron la misma experiencia de debates extremadamente ácidos en torno a la política exterior que se convirtió en un elemento fundamental de oposición y de oposición a la oposición pese a que suene redundante. Bajo mi punto de vista, los grandes temas de Estado deben ser sólidamente apoyados, con sus matices, por los grandes partidos del Gobierno. La forma en la que el Gobierno de Pedro Sánchez ha llevado una decisión acertada ha antagonizado a todo el mundo, entiendo que si se hubiesen hecho las cosas de otra manera se habrían podido alcanzar acuerdos, con los matices evidentes, para poder haber llegado a la imprescindible situación de consenso mayoritario antes de la visita del presidente del Gobierno a Marruecos. Hago esta larga introducción para que se entienda hacia dónde voy, es una oportunidad perdida que el presidente del Gobierno, en uno de los principales viajes de su agenda, haya llegado a Marruecos sin el apoyo de una parte más importante del marco parlamentario y no solamente con el de su grupo en el Parlamento.
Efectivamente, esta cuestión debe hacer reflexionar a Sánchez, muchas veces en política exterior decisiones acertadas son contaminadas por quién las toma y desde posiciones académicas, analíticas o neutrales no podemos tratar de abstraer la identidad de quién toma la decisión de la decisión en si misma. Dicho esto, el viaje era muy importante además había un gesto de una simbología extraordinaria donde el jefe de Estado de Marruecos invitó al presidente del Gobierno a un iftar en palacio, cosa que solo se hacía con sus iguales, con jefes de estado en anteriores etapas.
Días después ese mismo gesto se repitió con el jefe de Estado de Emiratos Árabes Unidos…
Efectivamente, esto pone aún más en relieve la importancia de ese gesto. Aquí hay dos cuestiones más en las que quiero entrar de la manera más detallada posible, la primera es el contenido mismo de cómo se están retomando las relaciones bilaterales entre ambos países, en programas anteriores hemos incidido en la importancia que Marruecos tiene para España y viceversa. Las dos terceras partes del comercio exterior marroquí van a la Unión Europea, de esas dos terceras partes el 42% tiene destino y origen España, somos el primer socio comercial y el primer país inversor de Marruecos pasando a Francia hace muchos años, algo que crea cierta irritación en ámbitos políticos y privados franceses. Francia ve que España tiene posiciones financieras, económicas, comerciales e inversores más importantes en el reino marroquí.
¿Cuál era la otra cuestión en la que quería entrar?
El segundo aspecto sobre el que quiero incidir es el fondo mismo del asunto, en política exterior hay cosas que se pueden pensar y exteriorizar en círculos privados pero que nunca se pueden decir en público. No se puede hacer un paralelismo entre la situación de Ceuta y Melilla y el Sáhara, primero porque es lo que ha estado haciendo Marruecos mucho tiempo, al decir que Ceuta y Melilla eran como el Sáhara se venía a decir que eran territorios por descolonizar porque así lo había manifestado las Naciones Unidas. El Sáhara era un territorio por descolonizar mientras estuvo administrado por España como potencia colonial, si nosotros decimos que Ceuta y Melilla están vinculados al Sáhara, estamos dando razón a todo ese argumento, es un perfecto disparate. Si uno dice que tenemos que mantener nuestras posiciones en el Sáhara para garantizar la españolidad de Ceuta y Melilla estamos negando al mismo tiempo la esencia misma de la españolidad de Ceuta y Melilla que nada tienen que ver con el colonialismo.
Ciertamente nada tienen que ver con el colonialismo…
En el caso de Ceuta, por la teoría de la sucesión de estados, hablando de política exterior y derecho internacional, en este asunto no vale una pincelada de brocha gorda, hay que decir que aquello que fue colonia romana, después visigoda, después del califato de Córdoba, del que el estado sucesor fue el Reino de España no el Reino de Marruecos. El segundo punto, cuando pasa a manos portuguesas y lo hereda Felipe II a la muerte de su madre, Isabel de Portugal, se queda en la corona española durante Felipe II, Felipe III y Felipe IV, cuando Portugal se convierte en reino independiente de nuevo se le pregunta a los ceutíes con que corona quieren quedarse y deciden que la de España, esto es muy importante decirlo y estamos hablando de 1640, que alguien me explique que tiene que ver esto con el colonialismo. Por último, en el caso de Melilla, es una iniciativa del rey Fernando II de Aragón y V de Castilla, el Católico, que en 1497 tras el acoso de los piratas berberiscos a la navegación comercial pacífica e incluso militar de las potencias europeas en el mediterráneo decide tomar una plaza más, como tantas otras había dominadas por España, para garantizar la seguridad en el mediterráneo y el tráfico marítimo. En Melilla lejos de donde llegaban los dominios jurídicos y feudales del entonces sultán de Marruecos España establece un punto fuerte y esto es el fruto del ir y venir de las fronteras internacionales. Por la regla de tres del razonamiento de tener un territorio en otro continente, dos terceras partes de Estambul y toda la parte europea de Turquía serían de Bulgaria y de Grecia. Lo que vengo a exponer es que hay que empezar a hacer razonamientos jurídico-políticos y de política exterior serios y reales, es decir, lo que no podemos hacer es que nosotros mismos seamos los que nos atemos las manos con los argumentos de otros. El que siga insistiendo en unir a Ceuta y Melilla con el Sáhara debe ser que le está haciendo un flaco favor a Ceuta y Melilla.
Contenido relacionado
Ahmed Barack Allah: “La negociación sobre el Sáhara debe incorporar a más protagonistas”
Blinken volverá a viajar a Marruecos el próximo mes de mayo
La ASADEDH denuncia la decisión del Frente Polisario de suspender los contactos con el Gobierno de España
El Gobernador Narinder Nath Vohra y el Embajador de España trataron de diversos asuntos relacionados con la promoción de los vínculos bilaterales y el establecimiento de acuerdos de amplio alcance entre ambos países, tanto desde el punto de vista económico, como cultural y social.
El Embajador de Arístegui y el Gobernador también intercambiaron puntos de vista sobre las posibilidades de inversión española en la región e intercambios comerciales que puedan fomentar la creación de negocios y empresas en Jammu y Cachemira”,
Además, el Embajador se entrevistó con el Jefe de Gobierno del estado, Omar Abdullah, con quien abordó diversas cuestiones de interés común, tanto del ámbito regional como nacional.
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Asimismo, el Embajador se reunió con el Secretario Político del el Ministro Principal, Tanvir Sadiq. Durante el encuentro, ambos interlocutores acordaron dar prioridad al aumento de los intercambios comerciales bilaterales y a promover el turismo en ambos sentidos. En este contexto, el Embajador de Aristegui trasladó al Secretario sus positivas impresiones sobre el patrimonio cultural de la región y el potencial turístico del Estado.
Gustavo de Arístegui es diplomático, ex-embajador y escritor, y en este viernes ha tenido la oportunidad de expresar sus opiniones al respecto en Herrera en COPE, y ha aclarado que la situación actual se encuentra en un momento complejo de gestionar. Los intentos de Rusia son bastante claros a día de hoy y es que para el experto parecen orientados a “construir un cinturón de países amigos”, con el objetivo principal de evitar la “inestabilidad”. “Vladímir Putin no puede permitirse que países de su influencia como por ejemplo Kazajistán y Ucrania, caigan en manos de la Organización del Tratado del Atlántico Norte“, afirma de Arístegui.
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lucas-sprier · 2 years
Gustavo de Arístegui, se ha reunido con las máximas autoridades del estado indio de Jammu y Cachemira.
En la última entrega de ‘De Cara al Mundo’, en Onda Madrid, contamos con la participación de Gustavo de Arístegui, diplomático y analista internacional, que habló sobre los últimos acontecimientos sucedidos entre España y Marruecos. Gustavo de Arístegui analizó en los micrófonos del programa el gesto que el rey Mohamed VI tuvo con Pedro Sánchez invitándole a un iftar en palacio. Por otro lado, el diplomático español abordó la cuestión sobre si se puede hacer un paralelismo entre la situación del Sáhara con Ceuta y Melilla.
¿Cuál es su impresión sobre lo ocurrido en los últimos días entre España y Marruecos?
En primer lugar, me gustaría recuperar algo sobre lo que hemos hablado en anteriores ocasiones y es que la política exterior tiene que ser una política de Estado, una política de grandes consensos. Me temo que, desde hace aproximadamente 20 años, todo el mundo pone el punto de inflexión en la guerra de Irak, las cuestiones fundamentales de política exterior se han convertido en un elemento de discordia, inestabilidad política y debate ácido, personalmente me tocó vivir aquel cambio, al contrario que a mis predecesores que no tuvieron la misma experiencia de debates extremadamente ácidos en torno a la política exterior que se convirtió en un elemento fundamental de oposición y de oposición a la oposición pese a que suene redundante. Bajo mi punto de vista, los grandes temas de Estado deben ser sólidamente apoyados, con sus matices, por los grandes partidos del Gobierno. La forma en la que el Gobierno de Pedro Sánchez ha llevado una decisión acertada ha antagonizado a todo el mundo, entiendo que si se hubiesen hecho las cosas de otra manera se habrían podido alcanzar acuerdos, con los matices evidentes, para poder haber llegado a la imprescindible situación de consenso mayoritario antes de la visita del presidente del Gobierno a Marruecos. Hago esta larga introducción para que se entienda hacia dónde voy, es una oportunidad perdida que el presidente del Gobierno, en uno de los principales viajes de su agenda, haya llegado a Marruecos sin el apoyo de una parte más importante del marco parlamentario y no solamente con el de su grupo en el Parlamento.
Efectivamente, esta cuestión debe hacer reflexionar a Sánchez, muchas veces en política exterior decisiones acertadas son contaminadas por quién las toma y desde posiciones académicas, analíticas o neutrales no podemos tratar de abstraer la identidad de quién toma la decisión de la decisión en si misma. Dicho esto, el viaje era muy importante además había un gesto de una simbología extraordinaria donde el jefe de Estado de Marruecos invitó al presidente del Gobierno a un iftar en palacio, cosa que solo se hacía con sus iguales, con jefes de estado en anteriores etapas.
Días después ese mismo gesto se repitió con el jefe de Estado de Emiratos Árabes Unidos...
Efectivamente, esto pone aún más en relieve la importancia de ese gesto. Aquí hay dos cuestiones más en las que quiero entrar de la manera más detallada posible, la primera es el contenido mismo de cómo se están retomando las relaciones bilaterales entre ambos países, en programas anteriores hemos incidido en la importancia que Marruecos tiene para España y viceversa. Las dos terceras partes del comercio exterior marroquí van a la Unión Europea, de esas dos terceras partes el 42% tiene destino y origen España, somos el primer socio comercial y el primer país inversor de Marruecos pasando a Francia hace muchos años, algo que crea cierta irritación en ámbitos políticos y privados franceses. Francia ve que España tiene posiciones financieras, económicas, comerciales e inversores más importantes en el reino marroquí.
¿Cuál era la otra cuestión en la que quería entrar?
El segundo aspecto sobre el que quiero incidir es el fondo mismo del asunto, en política exterior hay cosas que se pueden pensar y exteriorizar en círculos privados pero que nunca se pueden decir en público. No se puede hacer un paralelismo entre la situación de Ceuta y Melilla y el Sáhara, primero porque es lo que ha estado haciendo Marruecos mucho tiempo, al decir que Ceuta y Melilla eran como el Sáhara se venía a decir que eran territorios por descolonizar porque así lo había manifestado las Naciones Unidas. El Sáhara era un territorio por descolonizar mientras estuvo administrado por España como potencia colonial, si nosotros decimos que Ceuta y Melilla están vinculados al Sáhara, estamos dando razón a todo ese argumento, es un perfecto disparate. Si uno dice que tenemos que mantener nuestras posiciones en el Sáhara para garantizar la españolidad de Ceuta y Melilla estamos negando al mismo tiempo la esencia misma de la españolidad de Ceuta y Melilla que nada tienen que ver con el colonialismo.
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Ciertamente nada tienen que ver con el colonialismo...
En el caso de Ceuta, por la teoría de la sucesión de estados, hablando de política exterior y derecho internacional, en este asunto no vale una pincelada de brocha gorda, hay que decir que aquello que fue colonia romana, después visigoda, después del califato de Córdoba, del que el estado sucesor fue el Reino de España no el Reino de Marruecos. El segundo punto, cuando pasa a manos portuguesas y lo hereda Felipe II a la muerte de su madre, Isabel de Portugal, se queda en la corona española durante Felipe II, Felipe III y Felipe IV, cuando Portugal se convierte en reino independiente de nuevo se le pregunta a los ceutíes con que corona quieren quedarse y deciden que la de España, esto es muy importante decirlo y estamos hablando de 1640, que alguien me explique que tiene que ver esto con el colonialismo. Por último, en el caso de Melilla, es una iniciativa del rey Fernando II de Aragón y V de Castilla, el Católico, que en 1497 tras el acoso de los piratas berberiscos a la navegación comercial pacífica e incluso militar de las potencias europeas en el mediterráneo decide tomar una plaza más, como tantas otras había dominadas por España, para garantizar la seguridad en el mediterráneo y el tráfico marítimo. En Melilla lejos de donde llegaban los dominios jurídicos y feudales del entonces sultán de Marruecos España establece un punto fuerte y esto es el fruto del ir y venir de las fronteras internacionales. Por la regla de tres del razonamiento de tener un territorio en otro continente, dos terceras partes de Estambul y toda la parte europea de Turquía serían de Bulgaria y de Grecia. Lo que vengo a exponer es que hay que empezar a hacer razonamientos jurídico-políticos y de política exterior serios y reales, es decir, lo que no podemos hacer es que nosotros mismos seamos los que nos atemos las manos con los argumentos de otros. El que siga insistiendo en unir a Ceuta y Melilla con el Sáhara debe ser que le está haciendo un flaco favor a Ceuta y Melilla.
Contenido relacionado
Ahmed Barack Allah: “La negociación sobre el Sáhara debe incorporar a más protagonistas”
Blinken volverá a viajar a Marruecos el próximo mes de mayo
La ASADEDH denuncia la decisión del Frente Polisario de suspender los contactos con el Gobierno de España
El Gobernador Narinder Nath Vohra y el Embajador de España trataron de diversos asuntos relacionados con la promoción de los vínculos bilaterales y el establecimiento de acuerdos de amplio alcance entre ambos países, tanto desde el punto de vista económico, como cultural y social.
El Embajador de Arístegui y el Gobernador también intercambiaron puntos de vista sobre las posibilidades de inversión española en la región e intercambios comerciales que puedan fomentar la creación de negocios y empresas en Jammu y Cachemira”,
Además, el Embajador se entrevistó con el Jefe de Gobierno del estado, Omar Abdullah, con quien abordó diversas cuestiones de interés común, tanto del ámbito regional como nacional.
Asimismo, el Embajador se reunió con el Secretario Político del el Ministro Principal, Tanvir Sadiq. Durante el encuentro, ambos interlocutores acordaron dar prioridad al aumento de los intercambios comerciales bilaterales y a promover el turismo en ambos sentidos. En este contexto, el Embajador de Aristegui trasladó al Secretario sus positivas impresiones sobre el patrimonio cultural de la región y el potencial turístico del Estado.
Gustavo de Arístegui es diplomático, ex-embajador y escritor, y en este viernes ha tenido la oportunidad de expresar sus opiniones al respecto en Herrera en COPE, y ha aclarado que la situación actual se encuentra en un momento complejo de gestionar. Los intentos de Rusia son bastante claros a día de hoy y es que para el experto parecen orientados a "construir un cinturón de países amigos", con el objetivo principal de evitar la "inestabilidad". "Vladímir Putin no puede permitirse que países de su influencia como por ejemplo Kazajistán y Ucrania, caigan en manos de la Organización del Tratado del Atlántico Norte", afirma de Arístegui.
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ashcovenews · 2 years
“Those of us who have Served in that Area Realize the Increasingly Intense" - Gustavo de Arístegui
Gustavo de Arístegui discusses about the new Strategic Concept of the Atlantic Alliance and about how it considers China as a new challenge. Gustavo does not describe China as an adversary, but as a rival.
According to Gustavo de Arístegui, “China is in the hands of Xi Jinping, who wants to turn China into a rival that climbs several steps to be able to brand it as an adversary. Obviously, from there to becoming an enemy there is a step, for a long time China's expansive and aggressive policies were very worrying and that has not been taken into account in the West”. Gustavo de Arístegui also says that this was a great headache for the whole world when he was the ambassador to India.
In Gustavo de Arístegui words. “Those of us who have served in that area realize that the increasingly intense, aggressive and active presence of China in the South China Sea, the amount of artificial islands that they have created and on which they have placed naval and air bases precisely in order to later claim a territorial sea where they have never had a presence, the ongoing air incidents between the Chinese air force and the US air force, where those sparks may one day escalate”.
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Gustavo de Arístegui also explains that they had seen how China's presence was found above all in the eastern part of the Indian Ocean at the moment we but today it is, above all, in the western part. Its special relationship with Sri Lanka was very worrying not only for India but for any country in the northern hemisphere of the western hemisphere and now its growing presence in the Maldives which is like an aircraft carrier. From the north to the south of the Maldives is 1,500 kilometres, which means that the presence of the Chinese Navy in the Maldives is something that is indefensible.
“There are two questions here, China has two souls, the commercial soul where expansion and economic influence is fundamental for China, in recent years it has made an intelligent commercial and financial strategy of expansion towards countries with serious financing and infrastructure needs, and at the same time they have a good opportunity to show their claws without doing it themselves, but, through Russia, at the same time this Russian aggression in Ukraine is causing very serious problems for an essentially exporting economic power”, Gustavo de Arístegui explains.
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angel0news · 2 years
"The Polisario Front is not the only representative of the Saharawis" - Gustavo de Arístegui
Gustavo Manuel de Arístegui is a Spanish politician and diplomat. According to Gustavo de Arístegui y San Roman, the Latin America and Cuba policy of the government of Prime Minister José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, is of the serious consequences of Latin America and Cuba -Policy of the socialist government in Spain and European union. The country has harmed national and European interests through its politics. As a result, Spain has lost immense influence on Latin America since Prime Minister José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero took office and contributed to the instability in the region.
In Gustavo de Arístegui’s thoughts all previous governments in Spain have always had an influence on Latin America and Cuba. He points two major reasons for this: Firstly, because Spain has always had a solid and independent position on Latin America within the EU. Spain also had a significant influence on opinion-forming within Europe. Unfortunately, this is no longer the case. On the other hand, Spain also had an influence on Latin America because of the good connections with the United States. The foreign policy dialogue with the USA was fluid and intensive. That too has changed.
Gustavo de Arístegui explains that first of all, it simply means that Spain’s ability to influence the EU's Latin American policy has sunk to almost zero. In addition, the trusting dialogue with the United States has been destroyed. Taken together, these two factors mean that Spaniards have lost much of our influence in Latin America. The dictatorial regime of Cuba has also lost respect for Spain and detests its government. The Cuban opposition is full of hatred and deep distrust of the Spanish socialist government.
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Gustavo de Arístegui emphasize that the European Union had to change its common Cuban policy because of the socialist government in Spain. This has led to multiple irritations, a loss of confidence and mistrust of the analyzes and assessments of this government on Latin America and Cuba. He also points to the fact that the policy of the socialist government towards Latin America and especially towards the neo-populist regimes in Venezuela, Bolivia and Ecuador has simply backed the authoritarian leaders. The consequences are instability and uncertainty in a continent where Spain should be a fundamental player in stability.
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journalsmente · 2 years
Gustavo de Arístegui - “The people living in Tindouf need a dignified way out”
Gustavo de Arístegui is a Spanish politician, diplomat and an international analyst. He comes from a long-standing diplomatic background, his father and grandfather were both senior diplomats posted as ambassadors in Latin America, Europe and the Middle East. Gustavo de Arístegui was elected to Parliament from the Basque region for three terms and served as Shadow Foreign Minister from 2008–2012. He is currently a member of the Board of the European Council of Foreign Relations and has authored four books on Arab politics and Islam.
Gustavo de Arístegui have had the opportunity to speak with many Saharawis and they continue to maintain their desire for family reunification, to be reunited with their relatives who are living badly in Tindouf, and with the commitment that Morocco can offer them access to decent housing, health care, etc., and to normalise a situation that, in addition to the geopolitical interests that you have described, has a fundamental human side. According to Gustavo de Arístegui, the people living in Tindouf need a dignified way out, because many of them want to go to Morocco or any other country in the world to start a life different from that of refugees living in Tindouf.
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Gustavo also acknowledges that they do not have all the information because, in his opinion, the explanations that should have been more in-depth have not been given. When one takes a decision of this magnitude, one has previously taken the necessary measures to try to mitigate the foreseeable reaction of the other party. In any case, Gustavo de Arístegui ventures to say that diplomacy is an art in which states try to settle disputes in the most efficient and least costly way for the parties.
“The Moroccan autonomy plan for the Sahara is in no way at odds with the UN resolutions, it has been presented to the UN and for years the United Nations has been taking note of the Moroccan autonomy plan and it has been put on the table for discussion by all the parties concerned”, Gustavo de Arístegui asserts. He also states that an agreement has not yet been reached on it because it has not been discussed in depth. Consequently, what the parties not concerned cannot do is reject an autonomy plan as contrary to the United Nations resolutions when the UN accepts it as a possible negotiation within its framework, and the parties concerned have not reached a complete agreement or disagreement on the plan. Therefore, we cannot get ahead of the resolutions, however concerned we may be in this conflict which has lasted almost fifty years, Gustavo explained.
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buglecourier · 2 years
Gustavo de Arístegui Expresses Hope that the Spanish Position should also “Inspire” the Whole World
According to the former MP, “This issue has been a source of confusion in Spain on several occasions”. Spain’s new position on the Moroccan Sahara issue and the support of the government on Morocco’s proposal to give autonomy to Sahara has generated a new conflict between PSOE and Podemos, the government partners and with the Government and its parliamentary partners. The reconstruction of relations between Spain and Morocco and the way in which the Spanish Government has handled this situation has created a wave of criticism among the opposition parties.
I understand the criticisms that are made by both analysts, media directors, commentators, critics for not having consulted the opposition on an issue of such great importance for Spain’s foreign policy, for peace and security in the Sahel, which is essential for the entire world. But it is such a question extraordinarily complex and delicate that the negotiations had to be carried out in the most absolute discretion and a leak would have generated a debate that could have derailed the agreement between the two countries”, asserts the Spanish politician and international analyst Gustavo de Arístegui, when talking about Spain’s change of position on Western Sahara in Herrera en COPE.
Gustavo de Arístegui also points out the two sides to that criticism. The risks in consulting the opposition and other partners would have been very high and there is more serious chance of destability in Europe and the Mediterranean in the Maghreb than in the 1970s. There are forces with extraordinary destabilization capacity like the terrorist groups in the Sahel and the Boko Haram who are increasingly attacking targets further north and therefore in this situation, peace, security and stability in the Maghreb is essential.
Gustavo de Arístegui also remembers the central role that Algeria has played in the stability of the Maghreb and the sacrifices made by hundreds of thousands of Algerians in the fight against jihadism. On the geopolitical level, Arístegui pleaded for a rapprochement between Morocco and Algeria to tackle, together, the terror threats coming from the Sahel.
Gustavo de Arístegui , Spanish diplomat and politician expresses hope that the new parameters that now guide the Spanish position should also “inspire” the whole world and lead to “a reconciliation between Algeria and Morocco. A reconciliation that may require time, but that is what we all want,” he said, commenting the recent message addressed to HM King Mohammed VI by the President of the Spanish government, Pedro Sanchez, in which he confirms his support for the autonomy plan in the Moroccan Sahara. These new parameters, he added, “lead us to another thinking…. On the question of the representation of the polisario in relation to the Saharawis. The polisario is not the only representative of the Sahrawi people” he pointed out.
According to the former MP, “This issue has been a source of confusion in Spain on several occasions”. Spain’s new position on the Moroccan Sahara issue and the support of the government on Morocco’s proposal to give autonomy to Sahara has generated a new conflict between PSOE and Podemos, the government partners and with the Government and its parliamentary partners. The reconstruction of relations between Spain and Morocco and the way in which the Spanish Government has handled this situation has created a wave of criticism among the opposition parties.
I understand the criticisms that are made by both analysts, media directors, commentators, critics for not having consulted the opposition on an issue of such great importance for Spain’s foreign policy, for peace and security in the Sahel, which is essential for the entire world. But it is such a question extraordinarily complex and delicate that the negotiations had to be carried out in the most absolute discretion and a leak would have generated a debate that could have derailed the agreement between the two countries”, asserts the Spanish politician and international analyst Gustavo de Arístegui, when talking about Spain’s change of position on Western Sahara in Herrera en COPE.
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Gustavo de Arístegui also points out the two sides to that criticism. The risks in consulting the opposition and other partners would have been very high and there is more serious chance of destability in Europe and the Mediterranean in the Maghreb than in the 1970s. There are forces with extraordinary destabilization capacity like the terrorist groups in the Sahel and the Boko Haram who are increasingly attacking targets further north and therefore in this situation, peace, security and stability in the Maghreb is essential.
Gustavo de Arístegui also remembers the central role that Algeria has played in the stability of the Maghreb and the sacrifices made by hundreds of thousands of Algerians in the fight against jihadism. On the geopolitical level, Arístegui pleaded for a rapprochement between Morocco and Algeria to tackle, together, the terror threats coming from the Sahel.
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trustednewstribune · 2 years
Gustavo de Arístegui expresses hopes that the new parameters that guide the Spanish position should lead to ‘a reconciliation between Algeria and Morocco’
Gustavo de Arístegui is a Spanish politician, diplomat and an international analyst. He comes from a long-standing diplomatic background, his father and grandfather were both senior diplomats posted as ambassadors in Latin America, Europe and the Middle East. Gustavo de Arístegui was elected to Parliament from the Basque region for three terms and served as Shadow Foreign Minister from 2008-2012. He is currently a member of the Board of the European Council of Foreign Relations and has authored four books on Arab politics and Islam.
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Gustavo de Arístegui also expressed hopes that the new parameters that now guide the Spanish position should also "inspire" the whole world and lead to "a reconciliation between Algeria and Morocco. A reconciliation that may require time, but that is what we all want," he said, commenting the recent message addressed to HM King Mohammed VI by the President of the Spanish government, Pedro Sanchez, in which he confirms his support for the autonomy plan in the Moroccan Sahara. These new parameters, he added, "lead us to another thinking …. on the question of the representation of the polisario in relation to the Saharawis. The polisario is not the only representative of the Sahrawi people," he pointed out.
According to the former MP, "This issue has been a source of confusion in Spain on several occasions". Spain’s new position on the Moroccan Sahara issue and the support of the government on Morocco’s proposal to give autonomy to Sahara has generated a new conflict between PSOE and Podemos, the government partners and with the Government and its parliamentary partners. The reconstruction of relations between Spain and Morocco and the way in which the Spanish Government has handled this situation has created a wave of criticism among the opposition parties.
“I understand the criticisms that are made by both analysts, media directors, commentators, critics for not having consulted the opposition on an issue of such great importance for Spain's foreign policy, for peace and security in the Sahel, which is essential for the entire world. But it is such a question extraordinarily complex and delicate that the negotiations had to be carried out in the most absolute discretion and a leak would have generated a debate that could have derailed the agreement between the two countries”, asserts the Spanish politician and international analyst Gustavo de Arístegui, when talking about Spain’s change of position on Western Sahara in Herrera en COPE.
Gustavo de Arístegui also points out the two sides to that criticism. The risks in consulting the opposition and other partners would have been very high and there is more serious chance of destability in Europe and the Mediterranean in the Maghreb than in the 1970s. There are forces with extraordinary destabilization capacity like the terrorist groups in the Sahel and the Boko Haram who are increasingly attacking targets further north and therefore in this situation, peace, security and stability in the Maghreb is essential. Gustavo de Arístegui also remembers the central role that Algeria has played in the stability of the Maghreb and the sacrifices made by hundreds of thousands of Algerians in the fight against jihadism. On the geopolitical level, Aristegui pleaded for a rapprochement between Morocco and Algeria to tackle, together, the terror threats coming from the Sahel.
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gustavoroman · 2 years
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phoenixx-news · 2 years
“Questioning the essence of democracy, where it is a solid pillar of society, is dangerous and profoundly undemocratic” - Gustavo de Arístegui
A considerable part of mankind has been able to break the chains of oppression and the world consecrated human rights as the most important engagement of humanity with itself to defend each and every human being as an equal. Democracy is a very complex system. It is the distillation of centuries of dictatorships, oligarchies, monarchies and political violence harshly opposed to the human aspiration to freedom and social development.
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 According to Gustavo de Arístegui, this seems simple and is taken for granted by those who have never lived under regimes that have tortured and murdered their own citizens. He is of the opinion that, primarily those who question democracy will question National courts in the future. This is why questioning the essence of democracy, where it is a solid pillar of society, is dangerous and profoundly undemocratic, says Mr. Gustavo.
Gustavo de Arístegui brings to notice that democracy is even more complex in large and diverse countries such as the US and India. In the US, it is impossible to rig an election, but we have seen in other countries undemocratic sore losers question their defeat, triggering instability, havoc, and sometimes even a civil war. But not in an advanced democracy such as the US, Gustavo explained. This goes beyond the electoral systems, where the will of the people needs to be respected. He also stated that the extremes have a tendency to try to hold the moral high ground that is they actually do not have. “The sole motive of the extremists is to drill a hole through democracy and shatter the National courts. Those who question democracy, from the extreme left to the extreme right, are the true enemies of liberty, Gustavo asserted.
As per Gustavo’s viewpoint, the first lesson any politician has to learn is that there is nothing more important than the greater good, the protection and defence of the liberties and rights of the citizens and the nation’s inalienable interests. But this is not the case of 21st century politics, he sighs.
 Gustavo de Arístegui feels that the national courts should have a separate team to monitor the elections. “We are going to face some of the most challenging times of recent history, and we need real politicians with values, principles and a solid commitment to the defence of their nation, their people’s liberties and world stability”. He also mentioned that even though this may sound utopic, it’s the only way that today’s world can defeat terrorism, violence, instability and oppression. Gustavo de Arístegui concluded that the only thing that is unacceptable is that the democratic leaders surrender to the horrors of tyranny.
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businessnewsupdates · 2 years
Central role played by Algeria in stabilising Maghreb: “It is a debt of honor we can never forget” - Gustavo de Arístegui
Gustavo de Arístegui, diplomat and international analyst, recently spoke about the letter that Pedro Sánchez sent to the King of Morocco Mohamed VI, while attending the latest episode of ‘Facing the world’, on Onda Madrid. The letter reflects the details about change in Spain’s position regarding Western Sahara. Gustavo de Arístegui assured that “the security of the Maghreb is the security of Spain”.
Reflecting on the years long conflict, Gustavo de Arístegui said, it cannot be believed that persevering with a situation that has not brought anything positive for the last forty-seven years, was the most logical thing to do. After forty-seven years of perfect ineffectiveness, we analyse the situation and see that there has also been an obvious geopolitical evolution, since policies and measures had to be adopted that revolve around the new circumstances. Besides Gustavo also identifies that the war in Ukraine has served as a catalyst for the global geopolitical situation, accentuating even more the conditions that advised a change in the public position.
Gustavo de Arístegui also expanded that margin of reference to the Russian interference that is taking place in the Sahel. In a country like Mali, with mercenaries from the Wagner group, where French troops have even been forced to leave, the stability of the Sahel is our stability, the diplomat stated. The stability of the Sahel is essential for Morocco, for the Maghreb, for Mauritania and for sub-Saharan Africa. “We are already seeing that terrorist groups are increasingly involved with each other, organized crime ends up being an ally the one from the other, the traffickers of human beings, drugs, weapons… they end up being the same as those of the kidnapping industry, or the jihadists, many are dedicated to the same things at the same time”, Gustavo de Arístegui detailed.
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Recruitment is done indiscriminately and it is known that this recruitment also occurs among young Saharawis who are idle, are paid well and have been indoctrinated, this is the sad reality that occurs in the Sahel. Gustavo de Arístegui pointed out that if this group of organized criminals have a direct exit to the Atlantic, without any obstacle or control, the first thing they find is the Canary Islands, which is Spain, therefore, our security is at stake. The first ones interested in the security, stability and control of this region have to be the Spaniards, Gustavo acknowledged.
As a final reflection, Gustavo de Arístegui said that they cannot forget the central role that Algeria has played in the stability of the Maghreb and the sacrifices made by hundreds of thousands of Algerians in the fight against jihadism. “That is a debt of honor that we all have with them and that we can never forget”, Gustavo concluded.
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citizenrecord · 2 years
Morocco must provide guarantees on Ceuta and Melilla, territorial waters and migration : Gustavo de Arístegui
Spain changes its position, a diplomatic and political crisis is overcome, but Morocco must provide guarantees on Ceuta and Melilla, territorial waters and migration, says Gustavo de Arístegui, former ambassador of Spain in India.
When a government in a state political matter makes a substantive success, even though it has made a mistake in the form, it is necessary to analyze the substance and not just the form, Gustavo de Arístegui explains: “We truly believe that the gesture of the President of the Government to go to Ceuta and Melilla to reaffirm the undeniable, non-negotiable, inalienable and always defendable Spanishness of Ceuta, Melilla and the Canary Islands seems to me to be a success. Criticizing that seems to me an error of analysis, perception and even patriotism, on the other hand, we all know that the demands are going to be more formal than anything else, they cannot be compared”. 
Gustavo also clearly underlines that when the parallel is drawn between the situation in the Sahara and Ceuta and Melilla, the ones who are equating both things are the ones who use that argument. “You cannot use the argument that you cannot give in on one thing because you don't give in or the other because it can automatically be inferred unequivocally that whoever says that is making a parallel between both situations when they are completely and radically different” the diplomat said.
Gustavo de Arístegui asked to search for a viable, reasonable, credible and acceptable solution for both parties. “No one has said that this will be done outside the framework of the United Nations, it does not imply at all that the others have to do it or that it is a bargaining chip”, he said. 
That being said, Gustavo de Arístegui also asserts that the government must be behind closed doors and with its interlocutors and in a polite manner say that Ceuta, Melilla, the Canary Islands are untouchable and non-negotiable and that international waters are what the 1980 Jamaican convention dictates and cannot be varied by the law or international law. 
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Gustavo de Arístegui also points out that, in the international context, the Russian invasion of Ukraine also has had a lot to do with it. The presence of the US Undersecretary of State, Wendy Sherman, in Madrid, Rabat and then in Algeria, in addition to the US Secretary of State who travelled to Rabat before the Spanish Minister Albares did, shows us that the agreement arrived at has guarantee because it has the implication of the United States. 
After a bit of a diplomatic exercise, Gustavo de Arístegui concludes that if one takes the list of countries that have voted against the resolution condemning Russia, one can see the countries that support the Polisario, which, as he mentions is not the only representative of the Saharawi people. There are many more Saharawis in Western Sahara than in the Tindouf camps and consequently the Polisario only represents one part, but it is very interesting to see that all those who have opposed the resolutions that condemned Russia, to a great extent, are precisely the countries that support the Polisario, affirms the former ambassador Gustavo de Arístegui.
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Gustavo de Arístegui assesses how China is a challenge for the new Strategic Concept of the Atlantic Alliance
Gustavo de Arístegui discusses about the new Strategic Concept of the Atlantic Alliance and about how it considers China as a new challenge. Gustavo does not describe China as an adversary, but as a rival.
According to Gustavo de Arístegui, “China is in the hands of Xi Jinping, who wants to turn China into a rival that climbs several steps to be able to brand it as an adversary. Obviously, from there to becoming an enemy there is a step, for a long time China's expansive and aggressive policies were very worrying and that has not been taken into account in the West”. Mr. Arístegui also says that this was a great headache for the whole world when he was the ambassador to India.
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In Gustavo’s words. “Those of us who have served in that area realize that the increasingly intense, aggressive and active presence of China in the South China Sea, the amount of artificial islands that they have created and on which they have placed naval and air bases precisely in order to later claim a territorial sea where they have never had a presence, the ongoing air incidents between the Chinese air force and the US air force, where those sparks may one day escalate”.
Gustavo de Arístegui also explains that they had seen how China's presence was found above all in the eastern part of the Indian Ocean at the moment we but today it is, above all, in the western part. Its special relationship with Sri Lanka was very worrying not only for India but for any country in the northern hemisphere of the western hemisphere and now its growing presence in the Maldives which is like an aircraft carrier. From the north to the south of the Maldives is 1,500 kilometres, which means that the presence of the Chinese Navy in the Maldives is something that is indefensible.
“There are two questions here, China has two souls, the commercial soul where expansion and economic influence is fundamental for China, in recent years it has made an intelligent commercial and financial strategy of expansion towards countries with serious financing and infrastructure needs, and at the same time they have a good opportunity to show their claws without doing it themselves, but, through Russia, at the same time this Russian aggression in Ukraine is causing very serious problems for an essentially exporting economic power”, Gustavo de Arístegui explains.
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