#Guren doesn't even care anymore lol
lendmeyourpower · 1 year
"Hey, bro!" Darla ran up to Guren mistaking him for her twin. Only to take a step back after she realized she didn't feel his soul. This wasn't her brother. "Woah! Sorry, I thought you were my brother for a sec there. I have to tell him I met his evil twin when I get home. This is kinda freaky."
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-🌙 So he was evil now? He glanced over his shoulder at the girl. Was she related to that guy that said he called dibs on Guren's looks? He didn't know, nor did he care. It was interesting though that people around his own age kept seeming to show up, that were either related to that guy, or just straight up looked like Guren.
-🌙 He laughed a little. "Let me guess you are fourteen as well," Guren remarked. "I ran into someone who looks like me, and he said I had to change my looks, since he called dibs on this appearance. Does that sound like your brother?"
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thesoundofanicefall · 3 years
What do you think about the discussion on Twitter of Guren's writing. More than about this chapter and Yuu and Guren and Mika...
So much people are calling Guren as Gary Stu. Then, what's your opinion of all of this
(I'm sorry, I don't know English, I'm from France)
Hey dear anon!! Oh a friend from France I really like to visit your country someday nice to meet you! Before starting to answer your question I know about the conditions of Europe nowadays so please be safe and sound dear hope you'll be fine wherever you are💖💖
I just completely gave up on the onstwt after the new chapter released tbh and just as one said yesterday people there doesn't care about the story or the plot at all they just hate a certain character and only wants a certain ship to be canon that's all they want.
They mostly want to read a fanfiction instead of a manga with a story lollll so I just see them (ofc most of them not all of them we have some very good, reasonable and wise and respectful guys there) as a bunch of little kida who just want their parents to buy them their favoriet doll that's all so I also advice you to not give them attention too but maybe you'll ask me if I don't care then why I talk about them? It's because this fandom is a little society if the for example critizing (and in Twitter it is not critizing! It is mocking and insulting the writer with the mask of critizing!! Like how can you even dare that you are a better writer than Kagami sensei huh? Just how?) will become more and more it will turn out to negavity and will lose its real purpose and then the fans will leave and the new fans won't enter too right? People needs to learn that every critizing has its own limits too and after awhile it will turn to negavity and will lose its goal.
Plus that people needs to learn that not everything will be always what they want to be just because you can't understand the story or a certain character doesn't mean the story or that character is bad lol maybe you are dumb you know? And so yes that's it and that's the point.
To me if someone will read both Catastrophe at 16 novels+World Resurrection at 19 novels+main manga without trying to just think about a certain character or ship and then won't understand the story you really need to let them go because the problem is in them not in the story anymore.
Hope this was helpful dear anon ^^
And please be safe I'll pray for people in Europe from the bottom of my heart and wish the peace will be back as soon as possible for everyone again amen🙏
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fandomsarepainful · 4 years
Wow that new chapter... actually i knew something gonna happen with Mika someday to make Yuu realize that he's an idiot, now he's paying for his recklessnes and for not listening to Mika about Guren. And i really, really hope he doesn't gonna defend Guren again! What do you think gonna happen in the next chapter? Maybe Mika really gonna become a demon? Or we finally gonna see his seraph form?
Just to be clear, I am 100% not the person to go to for theories or predictions but um thank you? I don’t consider myself a theorist or an analyst so I feel completely inadequate to do this but also honored that you think I have something to add. It sounds confusing but really I’m grateful for this lol.
As for what I think next chapter will be, I honestly want another flashback but from Krul’s perspective that explains how she was planning on using the seraphs to get her brother back since that was why she had disobeyed the order of exterminating the experiments that was issued at the Progenitor council.
That was the reason she saved Mika in the first place because she needed him- a seraph- to get her brother back.
(My mind is running a mile a minute but I’m trying to focus on the questions specifically asked, so sorry if I end up repeating things or just make no sense at all)
And this brings to the next question which I’m pretty sure is what most care about the most: ”Maybe Mika really gonna become a demon? Or we finally gonna see his seraph form?”
And honestly, I have no clue. (I’m sorry. I’m really not great at theories and what not)
But if we look at the scenarios and how they help in some characters motives, there is a likely chance that the most likely scenario would be that Mika unlocks his seraph gene.
But my issue with this is that to do this, they need a stimulant of some kind that causes incredible pain. How I come to this?
Mirai and Yuu. 
Granted we don’t know if she had transformed into a seraph before the drugs administered to her by the JIDA or even if her transformation was caused by the drugs itself. But it seems to me that in order for the gene to be unlocked, the hosts would have to go through an immeasurable amount of pain.
MIrai was given drugs and when she had developed a tolerance for a certain amount of dosage, the JIDA upped her dosage. And in those scenes, even when she developed a tolerance, she was screaming in agony.
Same thing happened with Yuu. He transformed when he was faced with the likely scenario of loosing his family all over again AND having been given drugs that Guren had ordered Shinoa to have Yuu take. Remember those (I don’t remember their name but I call them steroids lmao) steroids pills that supposedly enhances their strength for a certain time limit and how if they take more than 2, they would die? 
The pills that Yuu were given were made specially for him and Shinoa acknowledges this and demands why Guren had done this (Y’know, the infamous “Did you fall in love with him?” scene)
The drugs paired with the psychological pain that Yuu felt at loosing his family awakened the seraph gene. 
Mika is already in pain. All we need are drugs for him to take.
And as much as I think Krul prepared for some things- I don’t think she’s prepared for this. So we may end up getting Ferid or even Guren appearing (This does not spark joy and well maybe even be another sympathy scene where it tries to show Guren isn’t bad and Yuu might end up listening to him again).
But of course this is all assuming that the drug to control the demon is different from the drugs administered for the seraph gene.
Because technically speaking, Mika already has drugs in his system.
And there is the possibility (highly unlikely but its still an idea to not completely cast aside) of Mika becoming a demon. 
And that is heartbreaking af since that would mean Mika loses his memories. He won’t hate himself anymore but he won’t remember Yuu. 
Well its one possibility. I mean, how many exceptions to the rules of his own universe did Kagami break?
Mika could possibly be one of those exceptions and we end up getting another Mahiru/Guren parallel between Mika/Yuu. 
With Mika being apart of Yuu’s weapon.
But I think that one is unlikely as this scenario doesn’t benefit anyone. Maybe it would benefit Yuu to a certain degree but I don’t think even Yuu would be happy at having the one person who gave his life meaning not remembering who he is.
I hope this helps?? I’ve never done theories so how do I end this?? Er...
We’ll see on May 1st? (Oh god no that was cheesy)
We’ll find out May 1st. (No, that’s even worse)
Those are my thoughts on it. Feel free to add, dispute, etc. Also stay safe and wash your hands. (Hm. I give up. This is it. This is the closing)
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thasries-blog · 7 years
Hey, different anon, but I want to share my view on the last ask. What bothers me about Yuu's character isn't the abrupt change, or the way he worships Guren without critical thought. Considering it would make sense since Guren is such an important figure in his life, and his revenge motivation was to give himself a reason to live now that Mika wasn't with him anymore. The things that do bother me though, is the way that canon treats it. As if it's a good thing, and doesn't bring consequences.
Yuu has never suffered a true consequence from any of his actions, as poor as they are. Everything is either brushed aside, played to make him look like a tragic martyr, or ends up with him benefiting from it and proving everyone around him wrong. He got away with breaking formation and making Mitsuba look like an uptight bitch while he was a righteous hero with zero fault, he killed himself in Nagoya and abandoned his squad in a critical time despite their desperate attempts to stop him and no one cared, he blew the trumpet and kept thirsting for power despite Asuramaru and Mika’s attempts to make him chill the fuck out, but it’s brushed aside and played for comedy on Mika’s end. And even now, him wanting to revive the orphans and trusting Guren will probably be a bit shakey at first, but I don’t doubt it’ll work in his favor without consequence.
It’s Shonen Protagonist 101 lol nothing new. He’s a stand in for the adolescent boys that read the manga. They can do no wrong and everything goes their way against all odds.
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