crownedinmarigolds · 3 months
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Behold! Another pair of OCs converted to our World of Darkness canon! We wanted another little bright spot in the gloom, so we have Derrick Kendrick the Gurahl (a werebear!) and Coral, a Wilder-aged Changeling whose true fae form is close to that of a mermaid with legs. Derrick has been blessed by Gaia with fertility, so whatever issues that may arise from a fae and Gurahl's uniting are completely ignored and these two go on to have many healthy and happy kids! They run a quaint seaside cafe with plenty of seafood dishes - some normal, many odd but tasty - and robust coffee. Derrick is the head brewer and Coral is the chef and catcher of all the fish you eat there! They do have a slight Hunter problem, despite causing no issues amongst the town they live in. But if a hater of the Supernatural catches wind of "unholy" unions and "abomination" children, they certainly come a-knocking. Not to worry, mother and father are there to protect the kids!
(forgive me for not going into deeper lore via Changeling - I'm still studying it!)
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lord-soth-dk · 4 months
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songoftrillium · 1 year
Please reblog for sample size
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tlwebb · 1 year
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ventruetheurge · 1 year
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POV you’re the local tremere and failed to kill these garou and they just keep coming back to bully you after they murdered a member of your coterie but your stupid boss (the prince) keeps telling you to talk to them
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balthazarslostlibrary · 6 months
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Some little doodles of Alexander, a werebear in the Werewolf the Apocalypse 20th anniversary edition game I’m playing in!
It streams every Wednesday at 8-11pm UTC at www.twitch.tv/leetheartkat/schedule
Come along and watch us fuck around!
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ryttu3k · 1 year
Theoretically, what clans do you think the other bg3 companions would be?
I have definitely Thought About This! The setting I had in mind was during the Anarch Revolt, with the main squad being a new pack.
Thoughts behind Lasombra Astarion - still keeps his self-image issues regarding reflections, which sets him aside from his companions. That implication that Cazador set the Gur on him is pretty similar to the Lasombra tradition of deliberately grooming your future childe for the Embrace, and honestly, a combination of blood bonds and heavy use of Dominate fits Cazador's modus operandi as well. The ritual is either Abyss mysticism or, yeah, straight-out infernalism, like the whole Azaneali/Angellis Ater stuff. In this, it's not a tadpole that frees Astarion from his control, it's the Vaulderie.
For his fate afterwards, I'm not sure. I feel Ascending would parallel him diablerising Cazador and maybe his siblings, as in it may be a step too far. An Ascended/diablerist Astarion would probably stay with the Revolt as it became the Sabbat, one who doesn't might go Autarkis.
For the others, I'm not 100% locked in on these, but I'm thinking:
Shadowheart: Lasombra as well, focusing much more on Abyss Mysticism (whereas Cazador dabbled but largely stuck to the Lasombra social structure stuff). Keen user of Obtenebration. Has had a lot of her memories erased or altered via Dominate. Kinfolk. At first is extremely vehemently against joining the Camarilla and supports the nascent Sabbat, but leaving the Sharrans may work as her going Autarkis, working out her own route?
Lae'zel: I'm actually thinking Ventrue? Very strict social structure, all these complexes about power and weakness. If she ends up staying with the Revolt and joining the Sabbat, the whole Dark Knight thing the Ventrue antitribu have fits pretty well! OTOH, Orpheus kind of fits as a stand-in for a methuselah, so that would cause... issues. She might be Ventrue antitribu only in the sense that she's not Camarilla, and still has her personal loyalty to Orpheus.
Gale: Tragically, I think he's Tremere, and probably quite a low generation (maybe instead of Mystra, he's bound to his sire, Meerlinda?). Born Mage who was identified and groomed by the Tremere specifically for the Embrace. Leaving Mystra = defecting from the Pyramid and joining the Revolt, although he still feels deeply conflicted about it. He may end up joining the Camarilla but could be swayed otherwise, which I suspect he might do based on love of his friends and being convinced he doesn't need the power the Camarilla could offer him.
Wyll and Karlach: Brujah, but more specifically, Brujah from the same 'family', with Zariel being Mizora's and Karlach's sire, and Mizora being Wyll's sire. Wyll fits the idealistic Wanting To Fix Things Brujah mindset, and Karlach… enjoys punching things. I don't see either fitting with the Sabbat. Zariel and Mizora are both into infernalism and got their childer into it as well, although Karlach resents it and Wyll feels deeply conflicted. Another option is that they just have regular-ass sires, but Mizora and Zariel are Baali who convince them to go apostate - Karlach under a lot of duress, Wyll with good intentions (power to help people!) but recognising later that, oops, that may have caused issues.
Halsin: Two fun options! One, he's a Gangrel (who follows the Path of the Eightfold Wheel, natch). Also Autarkis, although I feel he'd want to keep having a Purpose and would probably end up with a group of other Autarkis and try to… keep an eye on them. Another interesting option, though, is that as well as Garou, there are also bear Fera! Will elaborate below.
Jaheira: Gangrel, straight-out. Would go Autarkis after the Revolt.
Minsc: Having met him yet, but I get a Brujah-with-out-of-clan-Animalism vibe. Maybe learned from Jaheira? Autarkis as well.
So for Halsin, there are werebears! They're called Gurahl.
"The werebears are Gaia's healers, tied to the Earth with a stronger bond than any other Fera. Many Garou believe the Gurahl are extinct, killed during the War of Rage when they would not give up the secret of restoring life to the dead. In truth, they entered a long sleep using a trick taught to them by the Mokolé, and have awoken in the modern world.
Slow to anger, Gurahl tend to be healers and protectors rather than warriors. Rare since the War of Rage, they were targeted for refusing to teach the Garou the secret of resurrecting the dead."
So, either Halsin is a Gurahl who ends up accidentally adopting a pack of Cainites, or he's a Gurahl kinfolk who's Embraced as a Gangrel. When he returns home, he's a bit, "Sooooo… hi. Vampire now," and they don't end up killing him because, what the hell, he's family and also still Halsin. "Yes, this is my son. Yes, he's a vampire. It's complicated."
Slight alternative - Halsin, Jaheira, and Minsc are all much older (older ancilla/ancilla with a werebear pal), with Jaheira and Minsc already being close, and maybe Halsin and Jaheira knowing each other beforehand. When they meet this newer, younger pack (the Origin characters), they go, "Okay, these kids are going to need guidance" and jump in to babysit mentor them. In that case, they may not consider themselves truly part of the Anarch Revolt, but be avowed Autarkis. Age-wise for the Origin characters, Astarion is ancilla but the whole two hundred years of slavery means he's still pretty inexperienced in the world, and the others are all neonates. Hell, Lae'zel, Wyll, and Karlach may even still be considered fledglings, or like, just released.
So tl;dr, Anarch pack who largely go Autarkis after the Revolt, with Astarion, Shadowheart, and Lae'zel torn between Autarkis and the Sabbat, and Gale being torn between Autarkis and the Camarilla. I want to say they all stay Autarkis, with the bonds they've developed? Still have some Anarch traits like a vinculum, but otherwise are avoiding both the violence of the Sabbat and the hierarchy of the Camarilla, a lot of which is why they joined the Revolt in the first place.
Thanks for the ask, this was so fun :D
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epithetemporium · 5 months
How do you think Molly would react to becoming a werebear(not necessarily D&D’s version, could be Gurahl, or something)
I think at first she would be pretty horrified and scared. Bears are cool and stuff but imagine your body suddenly morphing into a completely different form (that's not what school said about puberty smh)
After some time she'd probably really enjoy it. Yes, it's a little weird and Molly would need time to get used to it. After all, bears are a lot stronger than a malnutritioned 12 year old girl. And pretty much everything is different. But then again this is something incredible cool and while she needs to be careful it is essentially a dream come true for this little bear cub
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unicornacopia · 1 year
S.O.S Character design help!
Hi guys! I'm here with another OC from the RP server, and this time it's a villain! I was wondering if anyone with some drawing skills might want to take a crack at him? Even just a rough sketch of your impressions of what he might look like from the description below. Trying to get my players avoid using AI as much as possible and figured I'd see if anyone wanted to give this fella a try. Anyway, Thank you so much for reading and considering. Character details are below:
Character name: Maksim Baerun Age:38 Gender:** Male
Class/Title/job:** Blacksmith, but dresses very well.
Where are they from?: Way up North
Physical description: Roughly six and a half feet tall. Long oily black hair, that is almost pearlescent to white when the light hits it, shaved on the sides and always tied back. He has eerie ghostly blue eyes, several ear piercings, and 2 brown piercings very close to the skin. The right side of his mouth has a large scar deforming that part of his face slightly.
Typically wears tailored slacks and nice leather boots. Linen shirt and leather vest with either a long coat or the sleeves rolled up. Usually has a cigar hanging from his mouth. His Gurahl essence is that of a Polar bear, all forms except his human reflecting that. His frame though is imposing, being tall and bulk with muscle (Not body builder cant put arms down big, but just *THICK*)
Special abilities/powers: Gurahl (werebear,) Commands the Forces of Nature. Similar to a lycanthrope but slightly different, Gurahl are not always bound to change by the moon and often retain their human intelligence and abilities despite their form. Because of where he grew up, far in the northern frigid mountains and ice of the Motherland, his Gurahl form has the features of a Polar Bear.
Background: A child of a powerful Romani healer and a Mob boss, he was found at a young age to be gifted in the natural magic arts. Though he was the younger of two brothers and the more gifted naturally, he tended to get overlooked for his brother. This was especially hurtful because their father left when Maksim was a toddler, and because he looked and acted similar to his father, it caused his mother to become cold and distant with him. As he grew into adolescence and his abilities grew, he began to get cocky, hunting larger and larger prey, usually solo.
At 16 he attempted to track and kill a feral dire bear on his own. He managed to finally down the beast, but was mortally wounded in the process, he barely made it back to town alive and very nearly died on his brothers table. Mikhail managed to tap into his Romani roots and managed to restore Maksim to life, but very badly scarred. Even though he felled the bear alone and survived, the praise was given to his brother for saving his life. Tired of living in that shadow, he left. At just 17 he was on his own, left to fend for himself. What he didnt realize is that the Romani magic his brother accidentally tapped into, as well as the latent power in his blood, changed him into a creature known as a Gurahl in Romani culture, or a Werebear.
After two years living partially in the wild and partially on the streets of various cities, while learning to control his newfound abilities, he made his way to the capital. There he made a name for himself in the fighting pits, catching the attention of his father. He brought him in as muscle, after a few years working with his father, a bad deal ended even worse, sending him into Crinos form in a full feral rage. Most of the crew was killed including their father. Maksim ashamed and enraged left The Motherland forever.
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wildroseofarran · 14 days
"Sounds like somethin' a bear would say," Fletcher smirked. Knowing Peter was on board loosened some tension in his shoulders. As a child, his mother had given him magazines and brochures and newspapers from nearly every state. Only now did he understand why. Every map had been a contingency plan.
But little 7-year-old Fletcher loved the pictures. Images of beautiful forests and crystal clear lakes. A place with many dead leaves to bury his true form. A thousand cockroaches could hide neatly in the greens and browns of Arkansas. The grass was always greener on the other side. Nevermind the woods in his own backyard.
Two massive plates and a plethora of smaller side dishes were spread across their table. Just one of those plates belonged to him, and in that moment he did not envy the food coma Peter would have, while also morbidly curious how much a Gurahl could handle.
Gloves were offered fitted for the sake of appearances. Two timers set.
And... go!
Weirdly, seeing all the food laid out in front of him made the challenge less intimidating. But Pete still wasn’t about to go overestimating himself; bear or not, if this challenge was easy it wouldn’t be a challenge.
He prepared the baked potato to his liking, cut the burger in half to make eating it more manageable, and dug in. With an hour on the clock, he ate calmly, taking little bites of everything instead of focusing on one thing so his palate wouldn’t get bored.
“How are the wings?” he asked Fletcher.
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thevalicemultiverse · 2 months
Fact Core: Shapeshifters becoming Embraced will depend on the breed.  Garou, Ajaba, Bastet, Gurahl, Ratkin, and Rokea may all become vampires, although Ratkin decay like normal corpses and Rokea immediately go insane. However, they lose Gnosis whenever they violate their tenets unless they submit to the Wyrm. If they lose all of their Gnosis, they become little more than animals. An Embrace of an Ananasi, Camazotz, Grondr, Nagah, or Nuwisha simply fail.  Corax and Mokole die at sunrise regardless of if they are hidden from it, although Mokole will go insane like the Rokea do. Kitsune will immediately burst into flames when Embraced, which may kill the attempted sire.
Alice: ...thank you for that. I don't suppose you have any facts on how I can solve this bloody laser puzzle, do you?
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eden-regained · 10 months
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EVEN MORE of my WoD OCs in Sims 4, W:tA this time:
Eight year old Raisa was not only unfortunate enough to undergo the First Change before the onset of puberty without any warning signs prior to that, in her frenzied state she also caught her parents completely off guard; slaughtering them and leaving nothing of her house but cinders and dust.
Two weeks have passed since then. Raisa has to come to terms with the fact that not only is she a Gurahl (werebear), she's a lonely one at that, with no tribe to back her up and blood on her hands. At least she can easily overwhelm rogue shovelheads and fomori attempting to harm her, though a diet of undead, wyrmish blood and flesh will be harmful on the long run...
(I think I should give her a proper campaign because she doesn't deserve all this shit, she needs to get her life back on track ;-;)
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excelgarou · 1 year
State of the Concordiat, 2023/09/16
Been a little bit, so here's an update for you all!
The State of the Concordiat is where I issue progress reports for how the index is coming along, primarily (at this time) what books I've entered in. I used to pick books to index rather randomly, but lately I've mostly kept to a chronological release order. Right now I've got most Werewolf-related sources completed up through September of 1995, excluding novels, fiction anthologies and LARP sources (though I will be indexing these eventually, they're just lower-priority).
Which book am I currently working on? Well, since last time I've completed Savage Attack: A Players Guide to Rage, Tribebook: Red Talons and Outcasts: A Players Guide to Pariahs. I did a big reference pull (a post coming about that soon!) that kept me occupied for a while, so not quite as much progress on the index as I would have otherwise hoped for. But I'm back on track, and Freak Legion is up next. A very thorough book about fomori, but a part of the Black Dog imprint so it can be pretty dark and edgy. In Freak Legion's case, it's particularly splatterpunk, for good and for ill.
Below the cut you'll find the now fairly hefty list of sources I've indexed:
Completed to Current Standards: Art of Werewolf: The Apocalypse (Revised), Book of Worlds, Book of the Wyrm (First Edition), Book of the Wyrm (W20), Caerns: Places of Power, Ghost Towns, Guardians of the Caerns, Monkeywrench: Pentex, Outcasts, Past Lives, Players Guide to Garou, Possessed, Project Twilight, Rage: Warriors of the Apocalypse, Rite of Passage, Rites of Renown, Savage Attack, Skinner, Tribebook: Black Furies, Tribebook: Bone Gnawers, Tribebook: Children of Gaia, Tribebook: Fianna, Tribebook: Get of Fenris, Tribebook: Glass Walkers, Tribebook: Glass Walkers Revised, Tribebook: Red Talons, Tribebook: U****a Revised, Umbra: the Velvet Shadow, Under a Blood Red Moon, Ways of the Wolf, Werewolf: the Apocalypse (Second Edition), Werewolf: the Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition, Werewolf Players Guide, Werewolf Storytellers Handbook, Werewolf Storytellers Screen (First Edition), Werewolf Storytellers Screen (Second Edition), Werewolf Storytellers Screen (W20), White Wolf Magazine - Issue 32, White Wolf Magazine - Issues 39-44, Wyld West Expansion Pack
Completed to Some Standard: Ananasi, Axis Mundi, Bastet, Changing Breeds (W20), Changing Ways (W20), Corax, Dark Alliance: Vancouver, Gurahl, Hengeyokai, Kinfolk: Unsung Heroes, Mokole, Nagah, Nuwisha, Rage Across the Amazon, Rage Across Appalachia, Rage Across Australia, Rage Across New York, Rage Across Russia, Ratkin, Tribebook: Black Furies Revised, Tribebook: U****a, Valkenburg Foundation, Werewolf: the Apocalypse (1st Edition)
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songoftrillium · 1 year
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tlwebb · 8 months
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knights-and-maidens · 3 months
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Pronouns: she/her, it/its Gender: transfem creature Sexuality: lesbian/aromantic Apparent age: 26 Actual age: 26 Species: Gurahl/Szlachta Domitor: Jaromir
Kristina is a willing ghoul, please no discourse
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