#Gulf + Western
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Illinois Central Gulf - Ash Street
An eastbound C&NW Bird headed for Canal Street Yard on the CJ waits at Ash Street, blocked by the IMX Yard switcher and ICG SW14 No. 1454 leading a westbound local freight, in April 1987.
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myaoiboy · 10 months
do you believe Love Deterrence was kind of a love confession from Kaz to BB?
Sort of. Kind of. I do think it was about BB, and we know the lyrics are written by Kaz.
I don't know if we ever find out all the languages that BB speaks, obviously English, Russian, Spanish, that leaves iirc 3 more languages he speaks, and I don't know if Japanese is ever confirmed as one.
It seems likely given that he speaks to Kojima in PW, and that BB speaking other languages is translated for the player, but Venom also speaks to him and gets a verbal response in TPP, and we know that was in English due to [mumbled summary of TPP plot]. That's probably the closest we get to confirmation.
Anyways my point with that is, I tend to think that BB doesn't speak Japanese, at least not around Kaz, and Kaz intentionally wrote Love Deterrence in a language he didn't think BB knew so that he could get his feelings out without the utter mortification of actually sharing them.
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zponds · 2 months
My Friends’ Tribute to Rachael Lillis
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Hudson: Thank you, Rachael Lillis, for your job in voicing Misty Waterflower and Team Rocket Jessie.
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Jason: You did a fantastic job with voicing those two, Rachael.
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Perry: As well as Jigglypuff.
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Torpedo: And Ursula from Dinosaur King.
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Freddy: Regardless of how many voice roles you had, you did a great job voicing them all, Rachael.
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Glenn: You brought joy to 90s kids with your role as Misty.
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Otto: And Jessie and Jigglypuff too.
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Madeleine: Your roles as those Pokémon characters will always be cherished.
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Jimmy Guord: And you yourself will always be remembered and cherished.
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Union: Your legacy will always be remembered.
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Wasatch: Especially your legacy as the OG Misty and Jessie.
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Peter Sam: We will always remember you and carry your legacy with us all.
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Centennial: Rest in Peace, Rachael Lillis.
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Rebecca: May you find peace in the afterlife.
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Jessica: You deserved to live a healthy life full of happiness and love and joy.
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Artemis: Veronica Taylor and Eric Stuart will miss you dearly, as they’ve been with you since the beginning.
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Queen Roanoke: Your loss has not only left a major impact on the Pokémon community, your sister and your fellow actors, but also us locomotives.
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Daylight: You didn’t deserve to pass away from breast cancer.
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Zane: You were very cheerful and generous, always happy to greet those who wanted to meet you… especially in person.
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Cincinnatian: We hope your sister, family and friends will be okay.
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Chief: May God watch over your kind soul and be in peace.
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Angeles: May we, including Veronica and Eric, one day, be reunited with you.
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Rudolph: Your personality was as cheerful as your voice.
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Angelo: Let us carry your memory within us forever more.
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Donohue: May your soul join the purest and kindest of all.
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Judith: You lived a legend and died a hero.
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Stella: Until the day, Rachael Lillis, till all are one…
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Red Robin: Till all are one…
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Jewel: We all hope you find eternal peace up in heaven, being watched over by God. Rest in Peace…
These are the tributes that some of my friends from the 20 American railroads said for Racheal Lillis. After I told all my friends from the 20 American railroads about the passing of Rachael Lillis, they were all as devastated as I was. And they too wanted to pay their tributes to the OG Misty and Jessie.
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oldshowbiz · 1 year
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Gulf and Western and Desilu
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iodos84 · 11 months
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Yesterday I got to go on a tour of the main deck and quarters of the Western Flyer, a sardine boat commissioned by Ed "Doc" Ricketts and John Steinbeck to travel to the Sea of Cortez [aka the Gulf of California] in 1940. The boat was almost lost to history but with a lot of money and TLC, it will now be used around the Monterey Bay as a steward for education through the Western Flyer Foundation. It is temporarily docked in Moss Landing, but eventually will have a permanent home in Monterey. It will also make regular trips back to Washington, where it was both built and refurbished. If anyone happens to know the story about the antlers on the crow's nest, I'm very curious! All shots were taken with my Canon Rebel XS EO5.
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inatungulates · 1 year
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Southern humpback whale Megaptera novaeangliae australis
Observed by wayneosborn, CC BY-NC
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talesinfallacies · 11 months
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cavalierzee · 2 years
Piers Morgan Exposes Western Hypocrisy: LBGTQ Boycott of Qatar World Cup
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ujusttry · 1 year
Jimmy Buffett: The Man Behind the Margarita Magic
Jimmy Buffett: In the world of music and entertainment, there are few figures as iconic and enduring as Jimmy Buffett. Known for his laid-back style, catchy tunes, and a penchant for all things tropical, Jimmy Buffett has created a brand and a lifestyle that has captivated generations. But there’s more to this legendary musician than meets the eye. Early Days and Musical Beginnings of Jimmy…
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soup-mother · 7 months
Literally every commonwealth soldier who died in Iraq "was someone's loved one" but hundreds of thousands of civilians bombed apparently weren't. and god knows noone here gave a shit about Iraqi soldiers. "they were the bad guys"
it's all western veterans with ptsd, never gulf war syndrome or famines or the collapse of economies. our soldiers get to fly home and cry about it, and cash in a check.
the amount of military bootlicking on Tumblr is insane. it's all "hate the military not the soldiers" like ppl didn't sign up on mass after 9/11. it's all "hate the system, not the pawn" until it's time to treat arab men like faceless corpses in waiting. stop acting like imperial veterans are all inherently revolutionary. a few ppl with a conscience doesn't rebuild countries or stop the next wave of willing volunteers.
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Illinois Termianal #2304 by Jim Strain Via Flickr: ITC SD39 2304 @ Peoria, Il. Also C&IM RS 1325 31, N&W GP30 523 & ICG GP10 8115. Not aware of a reason for the locomotive line up. September 1, 1972 J. Popson photographer.
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lover-praxis · 1 year
When performance artists Marina Abramović and her partner, Ulay, decided to end their twelve-year relationship—as lovers and artistic collaborators—they marked its ending by walking the length of the Great Wall of China. “People put so much effort into starting a relationship and so little effort into ending one,” Abramović explained. On March 30, 1988, Abramović started walking from the eastern end of the Great Wall, the Gulf of Bohai on the Yellow Sea, and Ulay began walking from the western edge, in the Gobi Desert, and they each walked for ninety days, covering roughly 2,500 kilometers, until they met in the middle, where they shook hands to say goodbye. At a retrospective of Abramović’s work in Stockholm, two video screens showed scenes from The Lovers: The Great Wall Walk. One screen showed Abramović walking past camels on hard dirt covered with snow, while the other showed Ulay hiking with a walking stick over green hills. The tapes were running on a continuous loop, and it seemed beautiful to me that on those screens, years after their breakup, these two lovers still walked constantly toward each other.
Leslie Jamison, “The Breakup Museum: Archiving the Way We Were”
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zponds · 1 year
Having revealed my OCs from from the Burlington Route, Chicago & Northwestern, Milwaukee Road, Chesapeake & Ohio, and Baltimore & Ohio… I do have more OCs from nine additional railroads, and they are the…
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Union Pacific ✅
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Southern Pacific ✅
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Northern Pacific ✅
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Great Northern ✅
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Santa Fe ✅
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Norfolk & Western ✅
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Southern Railway (USA) ✅
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Seaboard Air Line ✅
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Atlantic Coast Line ✅
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Illinois Central ✅
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Gulf, Mobile and Ohio ✅
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Missouri Pacific ✅
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Rock Island Railroad ✅
P.S.: a ✅ will show that I’ve completed the specific railroad.
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stuhde · 1 year
i had shared what is happening in sudan on a long facebook post last night, but it virtually received almost little to no engagement or shares from the nearly 600 “friends” i have on the site.
this morning, my great-aunt was shot by the soldiers fighting for power, and God forbid, i lose more of my family members before eid this friday.
please read below to understand what is happening and how you can help my country. i hope the tumblr community can show more kindness than the lack of support and advocacy i’ve seen elsewhere.
يا رب اجعل هذا البلد آمناً 🇸🇩
the lack of awareness and advocacy from the African, Arab, and Muslim diaspora and the human rights community has been painful.
while Western media has done little to no coverage of the ongoing conflict in the capital city of my motherland, Sudan, it appears that the rest of the world also partakes in normalizing crimes and violence against SWANA people.
violence and war hurting the SWANA region are NOT ordinary occurrences — no one, regardless of race, creed, ethnicity, religion, and gender, should experience the unprecedented amount of violence that harms my two living grandmothers, aunts and uncles, and baby cousins who live in Khartoum.
your decision to ignore reading or educating and discussing with others about what is likely to be a civil war is complicity in viewing SWANA people as individuals who regularly experience conflict and are undeserving of help.
the silence is damaging, and it is up to us as privileged members of the diaspora (or individuals living in the Western world committed to human rights) to support the people of my country and their dream for a stable, democratically elected government.
what is happening in Sudan is a fight that started on April 15 between two competing forces for power — the Sudanese Army and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) — neither groups are representative of the needs of our people. The Sudan Army is loyal to the dictator, Omar Al-Bashir, and the RSF is responsible for the genocide in Darfur.
with both power struggles backed by different Arab and Gulf nations, the two parties have been fighting for power for the last few years. While they worked together to try and end the people’s revolution, they lost. however, they are now in a constant power play of who will get to rule the nation.
this all means that war is NOT a reflection of my country — violence does not represent the SWANA people. Sudan is a nation of beautiful culture, strong women, intellectual and influential Islamic scholars, poets, and youth at the front lines of the revolution. we are a people committed to a region of peace for ourselves and the rest of the Ummah.
my family and the rest of Sudan’s innocent civilians are at the most risk, with many currently without drinking water, food to eat, electricity, and complete blockage to any mosques during the final nights of Ramadan, our holiest month of the year.
i ask that you please keep Sudan and our people in your prayers — donate to the Sudan Red Crescent or a mutual aid GoFund Me, email your representatives if you live in a country that can put pressure on either competing force of power, discuss this with your family and friends, and please do not forget to think about SWANA people — our brothers and sisters in Syria, Yemen, Lebanon, and many others need our love and support.
الردة_مستحيلة ✊🏾
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araiz-zaria · 2 years
Getting back to Lincoln's Trident and I am still amused by the way the author wrote out Sammy Lee's family(?) name as "Phillips Lee"... 😅🙈
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