#Gujarat Administration
forcenewz · 1 year
Cyclone Biparjoy Marches Toward Coastal Areas and Disrupts Lives 2023!
Cyclone Biparjoy will likely step into Rajasthan on June 16. The Gujarat Health Minister Rushikesh Patel has chaired a meeting with Kutch District Administration. The IMD has predicted that Cyclone Biparjoy will also impact the state of Rajasthan. For more info on cyclone biparjoy, visit our blog now!
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Looking for the best BBA degree university in Gujarat? TransStadia University in Ahmedabad is a top choice. Discover the best colleges for Bachelor of Business Administration in Gujarat and explore the top management colleges in the state. Find the perfect institution to pursue your BBA degree and set yourself on the path to a successful business career.
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cilected-blog · 2 years
With restricted improvement foundations and assets, school the executives framework gujarat. little schools are tenaciously looking for that optimal answer for the market and drawing in guardians. There has been a speedy decrease in web traffic as additional clients recognize their substances on cell phones. organization programming for schools
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dandelionsresilience · 6 months
Good News - April 1-7
Like these weekly compilations? Support me on Ko-fi! Also, if you tip me on here or Ko-fi, at the end of the month I’ll send you a link to all of the articles I found but didn’t use each week - almost double the content! (I’m new to taking tips on here; if it doesn’t show me your username or if you have DM’s turned off, please send me a screenshot of your payment)
1. Three Endangered Asiatic Lion Cubs Born at London Zoo
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“The three cubs are a huge boost to the conservation breeding programme for Asiatic lions, which are now found only in the Gir Forest in Gujarat, India.”
2. United Nations Passes Groundbreaking Intersex Rights Resolution
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“The United Nations Human Rights Council has passed its first ever resolution affirming the rights of intersex people, signaling growing international resolve to address rights violations experienced by people born with variations in their sex characteristics.”
3. Proposal to delist Roanoke logperch
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“Based on a review of the best available science, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) has determined that the Roanoke logperch, a large freshwater darter, is no longer at risk of extinction. […] When the Roanoke logperch was listed as endangered in 1989, it was found in only 14 streams. In the years since, Roanoke logperch surveys and habitat restoration have more than doubled the species range, with 31 occupied streams as of 2019.”
4. Fully-Accessible Theme Park Reopens Following Major Expansion
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“Following the $6.5 million overhaul, the park now offers [among other “ultra-accessible” attractions] a first-of-its-kind 4-seat zip line that can accommodate riders in wheelchairs as well as those who need extra restraints, respiratory equipment or other special gear.”
5. ‘The Javan tiger still exists’: DNA find may herald an extinct species’ comeback
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“A single strand of hair recovered from [a sighting] is a close genetic match to hair from a Javan tiger pelt from 1930 kept at a museum, [a new] study shows. “Through this research, we have determined that the Javan tiger still exists in the wild,” says Wirdateti, a government researcher and lead author of the study.”
6. Treehouse Village: Eco-housing and energy savings
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““The entire place is designed and built to meet the passive house standard, which is the most energy-efficient construction standard in the world,” says resident Wayne Groszko, co-owner of one of the units at Treehouse.”
7. 50 rare crocodiles released in Cambodia's tropical Cardamom Mountains
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“Cambodian conservationists have released 50 captive-bred juvenile Siamese crocodiles at a remote site in Cambodia as part of an ongoing programme to save the species from extinction.”
8. The Remarkable Growth of the Global Biochar Market: A Beacon of Environmental Progress
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“Biochar, a stable carbon form derived from organic materials like agricultural residues and forestry trimmings, is a pivotal solution in the fight against global warming. By capturing carbon in a stable form during biochar production, and with high technology readiness levels, biochar offers accessible and durable carbon dioxide removal.”
9. 'Seismic' changes set for [grouse shooting] industry as new Scottish law aims to tackle raptor persecution
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“Conservation scientists and campaigners believe that birds such as golden eagles and hen harriers are being killed to prevent them from preying on red grouse, the main target species of the shooting industry. […] Under the Wildlife Management and Muirburn Bill, the Scottish grouse industry will be regulated for the first time in its history.”
10. White House Awards $20 Billion to Nation’s First ‘Green Bank’ Network
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“At least 70 percent of the funds will go to disadvantaged communities, the administration said, while 20 percent will go to rural communities and more than 5 percent will go to tribal communities. […] The White House said that the new initiative will generate about $150 billion in clean energy and climate investments[…].”
March 22-28 news here | (all credit for images and written material can be found at the source linked; I don’t claim credit for anything but curating.)
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phenakistoskope · 6 months
Last week, I bought a copy of Frontline because I'd been quite enamoured with Aijaz Ahmad's work over the past few months. Ahmad had been an editorial consultant with Frontline for years, contributing over eighty articles to the publication, articles that I will track down one day, by hook or by crook, but that's not the point.
My copy of Frontline is dated April 5th 2024, and it begins with an article written by Satish Deshpande, whose economic and sociological scholarship I am unfamiliar with, but whose occasional contribution to The Economic and Political Weekly I am familiar with, especially the essay Caste and Castelessness: Towards a Biography of the ‘General Category’, which has been useful to my understanding of caste.
The essay in Frontline is called A Leap Year for Indian Democracy? and it walks me through the ravages of the BJP's tenure at the helm of the Indian parliament, its part in the disintegration of the democratic institutions of the state, including the courts, bureaucracy, law enforcement, and public universities. It muses about the strengths and weaknesses of the opposition, the INDIA bloc, and professes support for anything but the NDA.
What struck me about the essay was, first, the assertion that the Emergency called by the Indira Gandhi led Congress government in 1975-1976, "seems almost innocent" compared to the atrocities of the BJP lead government. While I would agree that the political foundations that underwrote the Emergency were certainly different from the political underpinnings of the current hindutva regime, the ascription of innocence, even in passing, to a brutal regime is a distortion of history, it seems flippant at best and deeply disturbing at worst.
Second, the essay ends with a personal anecdote where Deshpande recounts his part in the elections of 1977, that is, the year the Indira Gandhi led Congress was ousted from the centre. He calls it an "inspirational anecdote", where Deshpande and twenty or thirty of his compatriots campaigned for the Janata Party, and Deshpande himself was assigned to campaign for Atal Bihari Vajpayee, of the Bharatiya Jana Sangh, despite despite the author's political leanings "going strongly against the Jana Sangh".
Somehow, Deshpande manages to disclose that he played a small, insignificant part in the rise of the hindutva regime of our times, and in the same breath, denounce it profusely. I'm not going to denounce Deshpande based on this essay, but I do wonder whether Frontline itself limits political enunciation in a certain ways, I know Vijay Prashad has also contributed to Frontline in the past, and that The Hindu Group acquired Frontline, some time after 1994 (Frontline began publication in 1984, The Hindu Group was established in 1994, I'm making educated guesses).
But perhaps the limits of what a publication can say are determined by the advertising that pays for its publication. Now, The Hindu Group clearly has a diverse portfolio of advertisers under its belt, but I am going to consider only the advertisements printed in the particular issue of Frontline on my desk.
There are three adverts in this copy of Frontline, one inside the front cover, and two more on either side of the back cover. I shall elide the place of book reviews, book, film, and art recommendation as advertisements to expedite the analysis. The advertisements are as follows:
Inside the front cover is an advertisement for Rau's IAS Study Circle, a private tuition service which prepares students and civilians for the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) and Indian Administrative Services (IAS) exams; private tuition for public posts. The fees for the courses and rehearsal tests range from ₹8,000 to ₹175,000.
Inside the back cover is an advertisement for Gujarat Maritime University, another private institution, which teaches many courses relating to the maritime industry, but none of them concerned with actually operating sea-faring vessels.
The back cover is an advertisement for Galgotias University, established under the Uttar Pradesh Private Universities Act no. 12 of 2019, and offers a wide range of courses, and, to quote the advertisement — "In keeping with the grand vision of our Hon'ble PM Shri Narendra Modi Ji for making India a Vishwaguru, and staying committed to the dream of our Hon'ble UP CM Shri Yogi Adityanath Ji for making our state a truly Global Knowledge Superpower" (emphasis in original)
I haven't had a chance to read all the essays and articles in this issue of Frontline, that will be accomplished over the next week, nor have I any past issues to compare advertising patterns with. However, I am quite certain that political positions are limited within Frontline's pages, mainly by advertising, but, this does not imply that the limits cannot be transcended in calling for a complete restructuring of India's political economy.
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dismantlinghinduism · 25 days
Dismantling Yoga
The title might seem funny but yoga is a big part of Hindu "cultural identity" and nationalism which is the reason Hinduism can't be dismantled. Max Muller came across the same problem, despite his less than ideal motives, as Sanskrit tied the Indians steadfast to their religion. For this reason it is important to be able to associate yoga with stigma, so that Hindus themselves feel shame associated with it and gradually distance themselves from the dangerous practise. The following essay submitted by Anusha Khedar is an excellent contribution. It is important to use language such as "Hindu supremacy" to cast oppressive connotations, giving rise to the notion that something in relation to Hinduism must be "overthrown". Generally the link between fascism and yoga will begin slowly until the very practise of yoga is stigmatized. An excerpt has been given here. Please go to my main site for the full essay as it's very long! Thanks
This essay considers the significance of Narendra Modi’s yoga agenda against the backdrop of increasingly violent right-wing Hindu nationalist policies and interventions under his administration. One of Modi’s first official acts after being elected Prime Minister of India in 2014 was to urge the United Nations member states to declare June 21st International Yoga Day.
In his speech, he argued that yoga has the capacity to unite both the self and the world. Though Modi espouses unity through yoga, he has arguably been one of the most divisive Indian leaders in recent memory. How do we reconcile the contradiction between “Modi the yogi” who proposes to unify the country and “Modi the Hindu nationalist” who has been actively responsible for dividing it along sectarian lines? What is the function of International Yoga Day within the broader context of Modi’s anti-Muslim politics, both past and present? Why has yoga, in particular, become a central tenet of Modi’s Hindu nationalist agenda? Drawing on Wendy Brown’s (2006) theorization of “tolerance,” I consider how Modi’s yoga agenda has further entrenched the binary of the tolerant, “civilized” Hindu and the intolerant, “irrational” Muslim.
Other within the Indian national imaginary. In contrast to the notion of Muslims as militant, ideologically rigid, and intolerant (of difference), yoga performs the Hindu nation as flexible, yielding, open, and tolerant. With its benign, benevolent associations with health and well-being, mind-body harmony, and peace, Modi has mobilized yoga to obfuscate the increasing violence, inflexibility, and intolerance of difference under his administration. This essay concludes by thinking about the complicity of the liberal Hindu citizen in the rise of Hindu nationalism and the Hindu supremacist state.
Modi has been a leading proponent of Hindu nationalism, or Hindutva (Hindu-ness), which advocates for the cultural hegemony of (Brahmanical) Hinduism in Indian society, culture, and politics. Most notably, as I will discuss later, in 2002 he presided over the murder and rape of thousands of Muslims at the hands of Hindu mobs while he was Chief Minister of the state of Gujarat. Since being elected Prime Minister in 2014, Modi has continued to stoke widespread anti-Muslim violence and an overall culture of religious intolerance in India. How do we reconcile the contradiction between “Modi the yogi” who proposes to unify the country through yoga and “Modi the Hindu nationalist” who has been actively responsible for dividing it along sectarian lines? What is the function of International Yoga Day within the broader context of Modi’s anti-Muslim politics, both past and present? Why has yoga, in particular, become a central tenet of Modi’s Hindu nationalist agenda?
Yoga has largely benign, benevolent associations with health, harmony, spirituality, unity, and flexibility. This has prevented many from seeing how it, too, has become an instrument of violence and marginalization by the Hindu right. I suggest that Modi has capitalized on yoga’s associations with harmony and flexibility to distract from his administration’s divisiveness and authoritarianism. Yoga has allowed Modi to choreograph an image of himself, and by extension the Hindu state, as flexible (i.e. accommodating) yet strong, peaceful yet powerful. Meanwhile, he continues to sanction genocidal violence against Muslims in India with impunity.
This essay takes seriously the importance of the (yoga) body in the aestheticization of Hindu nationalist ideology. As Joseph Alter argues, “by starting with the body one is better able to make sense of … important features of the nationalist project” (2011, x-xi). Building on this as well as Bhuvi Gupta and Jacob Copeman’s argument that Hindu nationalism “is a condition of the body” that has emerged “from a particular prescription and practice of yoga,” (2019, 1). I consider how Modi’s International Yoga Day has further entrenched the binary of the tolerant, "civilized” Hindu and the intolerant, “irrational” Muslim Other within the Indian national imaginary. Despite what might ostensibly be perceived as a decolonial move to “take back” yoga from the West, I suggest that International Yoga Day should be viewed more skeptically as an attempt by Modi to bolster the Hinduization of India under the guise of yoga as a secular practice. In this regard, Modi’s politicization of yoga is a prime example of how the discourse of decolonization can actually be exploited to uphold violent right-wing nationalist agendas. In order to support these claims, I will first historicize Modi’s anti-Muslim Hindu nationalist agenda to show how yoga is not an aberration but a continuation of that violence. Next, I will situate Modi’s mobilization of yoga for nationalist ends as part of a longer history of yoga and somatic nationalism in India. I will then discuss the ensuing debates about International Yoga Day and the way in which the discourse of (Hindu) tolerance masks the underlying anti-Muslim violence of Modi’s administration. I will conclude by thinking about the complicity of the liberal Hindu citizen in the rise of Hindu nationalism and the Hindu supremacist state.
Please read the rest of this wonderful essay on my main site.
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nividawebsolutions · 1 year
Web Development Trends 2023: What's Shaping the Future of Online Experiences
The development of the web over time is evidence of the tech industry's commitment to constant innovation in the face of a constantly shifting digital landscape. Keeping up with these changes is crucial if we are to continue providing our clients with the most innovative solutions as a leading Web development company in Vadodara, Gujarat, India.
Web development has come a long way from its infancy to the present day. Static HTML web pages were the foundation upon which the modern web was developed. The pages were static and lacked the interactive elements that characterise modern websites. However, a giant leap was made in web development with the introduction of JavaScript and its associated frameworks. This ushered in a new era of user-centric design, rich media, and dynamic content.
The subsequent appearance of content management systems (CMS) triggered a sea change in web development and administration. WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal are just a few of the platforms that have simplified content updates and modifications by eliminating the need for elaborate coding. As a top Web development company in Gujarat, India we were responsible for implementing these systems to provide our customers with better control over their material and provide more streamlined processes.
As the variety of devices available to users grew, so did the demand for responsive web design. Maintaining continuity of use across devices with varying display sizes is now of crucial importance. This focus on responsive design is in line with our mission as a Vadodara web development company to deliver excellent user experiences on all devices.
Cutting-edge innovations like AI, Progressive online Apps, and AR have come to define modern online design and development. These developments are raising the bar for performance and user interaction, allowing for the creation of truly unique digital experiences. As an excellent Web development company in India, we've embraced these developments, tapping into their potential to create sites that expertly blend aesthetic value with state-of-the-art features.
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The Advent of Progressive Web Apps (PWAs):
The advent of Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) has been heralded as a revolutionary step that has effectively blurred the distinctions between regular web pages and dedicated mobile apps. Nivida Web Solutions is recognised as a distinct Web development company in Vadodara, Gujarat, India. We recognise the potential of PWAs to improve digital interactions for our customers and their end users, and we are committed to seizing this opportunity.
When it comes to interacting with and understanding material on the web, progressive web apps herald a significant shift. These applications take the greatest features of both websites and mobile apps and offer users extraordinary interactivity and functionality. We know that progressive web apps' (PWAs') smooth user experience is crucial to attracting and retaining visitors.
PWAs are distinguished by their adaptability to different screen sizes and devices. PWAs guarantee the same high-quality experience across all devices, from mobile to desktop. Being the most reliable Web development company in Gujarat, we are dedicated to providing solutions that are as adaptable as possible to meet the needs of a wide range of users.
Instant loading times are another strength of PWAs, which they achieve in spades regardless of network performance. Faster loading speeds improve the user experience by decreasing the need for patience-testing waits. We know how important it is for our client's digital platforms to load quickly so that users can have a positive experience.
In addition, PWAs include offline capabilities that let consumers view content even without an active internet connection. This is a huge deal, especially in places with spotty internet service.
Voice Search and AI Integration: Transforming User Interactions
Key developments, such as voice search and AI integration, are revolutionising the way people use the internet. We at a premier Web development company in India understand the revolutionary potential of these technologies to shape the future of people's time spent online, and we're dedicated to maximising that potential to create delightful, natural user experiences for our customers and their target demographics.
Voice-activated search engines are changing the way people find their way online. The way individuals look for information has changed drastically since the introduction of voice-activated devices and virtual assistants. To ensure that our clients' platforms are still discoverable and available to consumers who prefer speech-based queries, as a reputable Web development company in Gujarat, we know the value of optimising websites for voice search.
Another game-changer in user engagement is the incorporation of artificial intelligence (AI), especially in the form of chatbots. Artificial intelligence-based chatbots allow for immediate help and tailored suggestions. Users are more satisfied and invested in the experience because it feels more human. As an India-based web development agency, we specialise in incorporating AI-powered chatbots to provide innovative user experiences that go beyond standard interfaces.
In addition, businesses may learn more about their customers' habits and preferences using AI-driven data analysis, paving the way for more tailored content and a more satisfied customer base. Vadodara's most innovative web developers know full well the strategic value of using AI to create personalised user experiences.
Keeping up with the competition requires websites to evolve as the use of voice search and AI increases. Our agile web development team builds AI-driven features that respond to user preferences and expedite interactions to make websites voice search-friendly.
Web Accessibility and Inclusive Design: Making the Web Universally Usable
The trend now is towards making websites and apps usable for people of all ages, abilities, and backgrounds. The principles of web accessibility and inclusive design have recently come to the fore, greatly impacting the process by which new websites are created. We understand the impact these tendencies will have on the future of people's interactions with the internet and are dedicated to building accessible platforms for everyone.
For those with physical or cognitive impairments, it is essential that websites be built with accessibility in mind from the start. However, Inclusive Design goes above and beyond accessibility standards by taking into account a wider range of user requirements and preferences. We, as Gujarat's leading web development agency, believe that everyone should be able to enjoy the same high-quality online services without discrimination.
Screen reader compatibility, keyboard navigation, picture alt text, and optimisation for users with visual, aural, or cognitive impairments are all components of Web Accessibility. Not only does Inclusive Design account for people of all ages and linguistic backgrounds, but it also takes into account the specific needs of those users. Websites built by an Indian web development firm following these guidelines would be accessible to the widest possible audience.
Web accessibility and inclusive design have many positive outcomes. For starters, they improve the quality of service provided by a website by making it easier to navigate and utilise. Second, they allow people who might not have been able to visit websites before to do so because of these tools. Websites that are easy for users with disabilities to navigate tend to rank higher in search results. Being the most distinguished Web development company in India, it is our responsibility to ensure that these guiding principles are fully included in our work so that no user is overlooked.
Immersive Technologies: AR and VR Redefining Online Experiences
The advent of new kinds of online experiences is due in large part to the widespread adoption of immersive technologies like AR and VR. We at Nivida Web Solutions, recognise the game-changing potential of augmented and virtual reality to shape the future of the internet. Incorporating these innovations into websites and apps will allow developers to craft more engaging and dynamic experiences for users.
In Augmented Reality, the user's environment is augmented with digital elements such as images, animations, and data. In contrast, virtual reality (VR) allows users to feel as though they are actually present and interacting within a digital world. We see the potential for augmented and virtual reality integration to transform customers' online experiences across sectors.
Virtual and augmented reality has the potential to produce very compelling interactions that will draw people in and keep them engrossed in digital material. The level of immersion provided by these technologies is unrivalled by more conventional means, whether one is trying on clothes before buying them or touring a house virtually. As an Indian web development firm, it is our job to leverage augmented and virtual reality to create user experiences that stick with them long after they've left the website.
The fields of teaching, learning, and leisure could likewise benefit greatly from these innovations. The ways in which people take in information are changing as a result of the advent of augmented and virtual reality technologies. Responsible web development in Vadodara means using cutting-edge tools like augmented and virtual reality to build cutting-edge platforms that provide users with more than just the run-of-the-mill experience.
Final Thoughts:
The trends we've covered thus far are just the tip of the iceberg, but they give us a glimpse into the exciting and transformational future of online experiences as we look ahead to 2023 and beyond. All of these developments—from Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) and voice search to Augmented Reality (AR) and inclusive design—point to a single truth about the modern digital landscape: it is in a constant state of flux, and businesses that want to stay competitive must be willing to adapt to new realities as they emerge.
Being an industry-leading Web development company in Vadodara, Gujarat, India, Nivida Web Solutions has seen this transformation firsthand. By deftly incorporating these developments into our projects, we not only stand ready to take advantage of these tendencies, but we also intend to establish new standards in web construction. Our inspiration comes from our customers' ideas, and we build each website with the goal of going above and beyond their wildest dreams.
Our commitment to quality and originality remains firm even as the environment around us changes. We hope you'll join us on this exciting adventure into the future. Working together, we can fully realise the advantages of PWAs, voice search, augmented and virtual reality, web accessibility, and more. Together, we have the opportunity to create a vision for the future of digital culture that doesn't merely reflect current fashions but rather pushes the envelope. Nivida Web Solutions is where website creation is headed in the future.
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waheedawolf · 1 year
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A school in Gujarat’s Mehsana district was forced to come up with an apology for celebrating the Muslim festival Eid al Adha on the school premises for allegedly ‘hurting sentiments of the Hindu community’.
School management in a written apology mentioned the move as ‘a mistake’ and stated that they won’t hold such an event in the future.
The apology from the school Principal came after Vishwa Hindu Parishad, a right-wing organization and some parents protested against the celebrations of Eid in the middle school, Kids Kingdom: A Great Place to Grow, in Mehsana district on Friday, June 30. The video of the protests surfaced on social media sites substantiate the protests.
The director of the school, Rashi Gautam said in a written apology letter, “We had organized Bakrid celebrations in the school which has hurt the sentiments of Hindu society. It was not our intention to hurt the sentiments of any religion. We are also Hindus and believe in each Hindu gods and goddesses. Consider it our first and last mistake as a Hindu and forgive us.”
The letter further stated, “We apologize to all Hindu organizations, Hindu society, and to all those who are working for the betterment of the Hindu religion.”
Achal Tyagi, Superintendent of Police, Mehsana told Maktoob, “It was parents who protested against the Bakra Eid celebrations and the matter is settled now as the school administration produced a written apology to the parents as they were not informed about the celebrations taking place.”
this, and many other cases like this where school officials have to apologise, be suspended or resign, are happening in a country where even schools unaligned with any religious organisations celebrate hindu festivals and make all students (regardless of their faith) participate. students also have to learn verses from hindu scriptures, and many muslim students portray hindu deities in plays and skits. -source-
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flash-fresh · 1 year
"Couldn't Sleep, Kept Thinking...": Mohit Sharma On Final 2 Balls To Ravindra Jadeja
As Ravindra Jadeja hit the winning runs for Chennai Super Kings in the IPL 2023 final, Mohit Sharma was shattered, having failed to defend the title for Gujarat Titans.
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The Indian Premier League (IPL) 2023 final turned out to a sporting spectacle, with Ravindra Jadeja scoring 10 runs off the final 2 balls against Mohit Sharma of Gujarat Titans to earn his team 5th title. While it was pure ecstasy for the Super Kings, the Titans unit was in complete despair after failing to defend the title with the narrowest of margins. Mohit Sharma, who conceded a six and a four on the final two balls of the match to Jadeja, admitted that he couldn’t sleep that night, thinking what he could’ve done differently.
In a chat with The Indian Express, Mohit spoke about his plans and preparation for the final over, which went as planned until the final two balls.
“My mind was very clear in what I wanted to do. In the nets, I had practiced such situations and I have been in such scenarios before too. So I said let me bowl all balls yorkers and was backing my instinct,” the Haryana speedster said.
“They wanted to know what will be plan of action. I said I will again try to bowl yorker. People are now saying this and that but frankly it has no meaning. I knew what I wanted to do,” he added.
WIth Shivam Dube and Ravindra Jadeja on strike, CSK could only score 3 runs from the first 4 balls. But, Jadeja sent the penultimate delivery straight down the ground for a six before hitting a four fine behind the stumps to complete the run-chase.
“I ran and tried to bowl (yorker) again. I just wanted to be focussed and back myself. Whole IPL I have done that. The ball landed where it shouldn’t have and Jadeja got his bat. I tried, I tried my best,” he says.
Having come into the team, literally from nowhere, Mohit truly had a comeback season that he would be remembered for a long time.
He said: “I couldn’t sleep. Sochta raha kya alag karta joh match jeet jaate. What if I could have bowled this ball or that ball? It’s not a nice feeling now. Somewhere something is missing but I’m trying to move on.”
“I was picked from nowhere. I remember speaking to Ani bhai (Anirudh Chaudhary, a veteran Haryana administrator) before the season what shall I do? Shall I continue or not. He had said I should try to play. I had come with no expectation and just have continued to work hard. My work ethic has remained the same. I don’t know what lies ahead, but I have enjoyed my journey,” the pacer went on to say.
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sayeedaqsa · 1 year
Ten Best Chemotherapy Treatment Hospitals in India
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Chemotherapy is a method of treatment given before or after any cancer surgery. It may or may not be given with radiotherapy. Cancer treatment includes different cycles of chemotherapy & radiotherapy. It might either be required pre-surgery to reduce the size of the tumor or post-surgery to lower the risk of cancer relapsing. Chemotherapy cycles are also required post-surgery as treatment beside radiotherapy or singularly.
Chemotherapy can be practically different kinds of chemicals used in patients who have cancer.
Several different forms of chemotherapy are being prescribed and tested on cancer patients over a long period.
Some of the best hospitals with a right radiotherapy wing in India have been listed below.
Leading hospitals capable of providing chemotherapy treatment in India
Without wasting any more time, let us find out a list of leading hospitals in chemotherapy treatment that can help patients in the best possible way.
1. Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai
Chemotherapy plays a significant role in cancer with continuously rolling up of new drugs and several other clinical protocols under investigation. The TMH is the first centre in the entire nation to have had first initiated bone marrow transplantation in the country.
The perfect dose of chemotherapy, its administration, and the number of cycles required for the complete cure of cancer requires expert care. This hospital provides good expert care when it comes to the treatment of cancer.
Address: Dr Ernest Borges Rd, Parel East, Parel, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400012.
Contact: 022 2417 7000
2. All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi
AIIMS is an institute that has been treating cancer patients now for a very long period. Chemotherapy administration, during or after the remission of cancer, is a long grown process and requires a lot of expertise. It began using proton beam therapy for curing cancer since a year back. The best part is, this type of treatment is administered for free to the patients in the hospital.
AIIMS is an organization that is attempting to work for the welfare of the patients, and the addition of free proton beam therapy is an added feather to its cap.
Address: Sri Aurobindo Marg, Ansari Nagar, Ansari Nagar East, New Delhi, Delhi 110029
Contact: 011 2658 8500
3. PGIMER, Chandigarh
PGIMER is a government organization whereby the patients get good chemotherapy treatment. With the present migration to Cryoablation, the hospital is moving towards pain-free treatment procedures. In this form of treatment modality, the nerves supplying to different organs are numbed by the extremely low temperature used in the process.
4. Apollo Speciality Hospital, Chennai
Apollo Speciality Hospital is the only private organization that is offering the proton beam therapy now for a long time to their patients and was the first proton center in entire South Asia.
Dedicated short stay for chemotherapy sessions is provided as a facility to all their patients.
It further has strict infection protocols and is one of the most advanced centres in the country for treating cancer.
5. Christian Medical College & Hospital, Vellore
This hospital has a long record of treating cancer patients, and the oncology ward has advanced arrangements when it comes to treating cancer.
Chemotherapy facilities are provided over the years, separate wards and provisions are made for the patients who have to undergo chemotherapy. Radiotherapy is an outpatient procedure, but chemotherapy can be done either through admission or as an outpatient.
6. The Gujarat Cancer & Research Institute, Ahmedabad
The Gujarat Cancer & Research Institute, Ahmedabad is also an amalgamation of different forms of oncology procedures and processes. The medical oncology team deals with chemotherapy and other processes and has brought about a massive change in the way cancer was treated earlier in these regions.
The Gujarat Cancer Research Institute is one of the pioneers in the western part of the country catering to the medical needs of hundreds of cancer patients.
7. Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute and Research Centre, Delhi
Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute & Research Centre Delhi is one of the best hospitals for those battling cancer. The institute gives complete care facility to the ones undergoing chemotherapy treatment. The radiation oncology division is the first in the country to ‘install true beam for precision radiotherapy’ and is the first hospital in the country to have a molecular laboratory.
Robotic surgery techniques, true beam, nucleic acid testing, advanced diagnostic and imaging techniques are known to influence the testing & research work for cancer greatly. Chemotherapy administration and care during chemotherapy are also very advanced in this hospital.
Address:Sir Chotu Ram Marg, Rohini Institutional Area, Sector 5, Rohini, New Delhi, Delhi 110085
Contact: 011 4702 2070.
8. HCG, Bengaluru
HCG Cancer Research Centre in Bengaluru is one of the most advanced centres where all sorts of cancer and their treatment are possible.
The diagnostic facility, the radiation & chemotherapy wing, including the CyberKnife Robotic Radiosurgery have reached their zenith of success with this organization.
Address: HCG Tower, # 8, P. Kalinga Rao Road, Sampangi Ram Nagar, Bangalore – 560 027
Contact: 7406499999
9. Columbia Asia Hospital (Bengaluru)
The hospital is catering to the needs of many cancer patients in Karnataka. Neo-adjuvant and adjuvant chemotherapy are two of the types of chemotherapy that are suitably administered by the hospital.
The infection rates post-surgery and post chemotherapy is well taken care of, and chemotherapy is the only medication technique aimed to cure or prolong the lives of the patients.
10. Basavatarakam Indo-American Cancer Hospital (Hyderabad)
It is considered as one of the top cancer hospitals and has some right specialists from all across the globe. They do take a lot of care in providing the proper treatment to patients and do help a lot with the process of chemotherapy. The cost of the chemotherapy supplied in the hospital is standard for the marginalized society.
Some experienced oncologists and chemotherapists are always eager and ready to help their patients.
Address: Road No. 10, IAS Officers Quarters, Nandi Nagar, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad, Telangana 500034
Contact: 040 2355 1235
To conclude, we can only say that chemotherapy being an essential part of cancer treatment, must be prioritized, and its administration must be done with great care. Thus, it would be safe to say that going to one of these pioneering institutes for chemotherapy administration would give you an edge over others when it comes to chemotherapy.
If there is someone around you who is currently undergoing chemotherapy, then make sure you show them the proper institutions that can help them in the best possible way.
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zarrin99 · 1 year
Ten Best Chemotherapy Treatment Hospitals in India
Chemotherapy is a method of treatment given before or after any cancer surgery. It may or may not be given with radiotherapy. Cancer treatment includes different cycles of chemotherapy & radiotherapy. It might either be required pre-surgery to reduce the size of the tumor or post-surgery to lower the risk of cancer relapsing. Chemotherapy cycles are also required post-surgery as treatment beside radiotherapy or singularly.
Chemotherapy can be practically different kinds of chemicals used in patients who have cancer.
Several different forms of chemotherapy are being prescribed and tested on cancer patients over a long period.
Some of the best hospitals with a right radiotherapy wing in India have been listed below.
Leading hospitals capable of providing chemotherapy treatment in India
Without wasting any more time, let us find out a list of leading hospitals in chemotherapy treatment that can help patients in the best possible way.
1. Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai
Chemotherapy plays a significant role in cancer with continuously rolling up of new drugs and several other clinical protocols under investigation. The TMH is the first centre in the entire nation to have had first initiated bone marrow transplantation in the country.
The perfect dose of chemotherapy, its administration, and the number of cycles required for the complete cure of cancer requires expert care. This hospital provides good expert care when it comes to the treatment of cancer.
Address: Dr Ernest Borges Rd, Parel East, Parel, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400012.
Contact: 022 2417 7000
2. All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi
AIIMS is an institute that has been treating cancer patients now for a very long period. Chemotherapy administration, during or after the remission of cancer, is a long grown process and requires a lot of expertise. It began using proton beam therapy for curing cancer since a year back. The best part is, this type of treatment is administered for free to the patients in the hospital.
AIIMS is an organization that is attempting to work for the welfare of the patients, and the addition of free proton beam therapy is an added feather to its cap.
Address: Sri Aurobindo Marg, Ansari Nagar, Ansari Nagar East, New Delhi, Delhi 110029
Contact: 011 2658 8500
3. PGIMER, Chandigarh
PGIMER is a government organization whereby the patients get good chemotherapy treatment. With the present migration to Cryoablation, the hospital is moving towards pain-free treatment procedures. In this form of treatment modality, the nerves supplying to different organs are numbed by the extremely low temperature used in the process.
Address: Madhya Marg, Sector 12, Chandigarh, 160012
Phone: 0172 274 7585
4. Apollo Speciality Hospital, Chennai
Apollo Speciality Hospital is the only private organization that is offering the proton beam therapy now for a long time to their patients and was the first proton center in entire South Asia.
Dedicated short stay for chemotherapy sessions is provided as a facility to all their patients.
It further has strict infection protocols and is one of the most advanced centres in the country for treating cancer.
Address: No.46, 7th street, Tansi Nagar, Velachery, Chennai - 600 042
Contact: +91-44-22432370 / 3370
5. Christian Medical College & Hospital, Vellore
This hospital has a long record of treating cancer patients, and the oncology ward has advanced arrangements when it comes to treating cancer.
Chemotherapy facilities are provided over the years, separate wards and provisions are made for the patients who have to undergo chemotherapy. Radiotherapy is an outpatient procedure, but chemotherapy can be done either through admission or as an outpatient.
Address: IDA Scudder Rd, Vellore, Tamil Nadu 632004
Contact: 0416 228 1000
6. The Gujarat Cancer & Research Institute, Ahmedabad
The Gujarat Cancer & Research Institute, Ahmedabad is also an amalgamation of different forms of oncology procedures and processes. The medical oncology team deals with chemotherapy and other processes and has brought about a massive change in the way cancer was treated earlier in these regions.
The Gujarat Cancer Research Institute is one of the pioneers in the western part of the country catering to the medical needs of hundreds of cancer patients.
Address: M. P. Shah Cancer Hospital Campus, New Civil Hospital Rd, Asarwa, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380016
Contact: 079 2268 8000
7. Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute and Research Centre, Delhi
Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute & Research Centre Delhi is one of the best hospitals for those battling cancer. The institute gives complete care facility to the ones undergoing chemotherapy treatment. The radiation oncology division is the first in the country to ‘install true beam for precision radiotherapy’ and is the first hospital in the country to have a molecular laboratory.
Robotic surgery techniques, true beam, nucleic acid testing, advanced diagnostic and imaging techniques are known to influence the testing & research work for cancer greatly. Chemotherapy administration and care during chemotherapy are also very advanced in this hospital.
Address:Sir Chotu Ram Marg, Rohini Institutional Area, Sector 5, Rohini, New Delhi, Delhi 110085
Contact: 011 4702 2070.
8. HCG, Bengaluru
HCG Cancer Research Centre in Bengaluru is one of the most advanced centres where all sorts of cancer and their treatment are possible.
The diagnostic facility, the radiation & chemotherapy wing, including the CyberKnife Robotic Radiosurgery have reached their zenith of success with this organization.
Address: HCG Tower, # 8, P. Kalinga Rao Road, Sampangi Ram Nagar, Bangalore – 560 027
Contact: 7406499999
9. Columbia Asia Hospital (Bengaluru)
The hospital is catering to the needs of many cancer patients in Karnataka. Neo-adjuvant and adjuvant chemotherapy are two of the types of chemotherapy that are suitably administered by the hospital.
The infection rates post-surgery and post chemotherapy is well taken care of, and chemotherapy is the only medication technique aimed to cure or prolong the lives of the patients.
Address: Kirloskar Business Park, Bellary Road, Hebbal, Bangalore - 560 024
Contact: +91 80 6660 0666/+91 80 4179 1000
10. Basavatarakam Indo-American Cancer Hospital (Hyderabad)
It is considered as one of the top cancer hospitals and has some right specialists from all across the globe. They do take a lot of care in providing the proper treatment to patients and do help a lot with the process of chemotherapy. The cost of the chemotherapy supplied in the hospital is standard for the marginalized society.
Some experienced oncologists and chemotherapists are always eager and ready to help their patients.
Address: Road No. 10, IAS Officers Quarters, Nandi Nagar, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad, Telangana 500034
Contact: 040 2355 1235
To conclude, we can only say that chemotherapy being an essential part of cancer treatment, must be prioritized, and its administration must be done with great care. Thus, it would be safe to say that going to one of these pioneering institutes for chemotherapy administration would give you an edge over others when it comes to chemotherapy.
If there is someone around you who is currently undergoing chemotherapy, then make sure you show them the proper institutions that can help them in the best possible way.
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cilected-blog · 2 years
Administration software for schools in Gujarat - India
With restricted innovation foundations and assets, little schools are continually looking for that optimal answer for the market and draw in guardians. There has been a fast decrease in web traffic as additional clients accept their substances on cell phones. What's a school to do? school management system gujarat
Enter School Management In a progressive school the executive’s framework, School Management can send updates through mass messaging administration for schools. Such messages are not difficult to access and peruse, saving school heads important time and cash.
School Management isn't only for the mass text from school all things considered. With its many parent’s correspondences and notice benefits, this web-based school the executive’s framework programming is an instrument dissimilar to some others, offering types of assistance, for example, mass text correspondence, class, and instructor refreshes, parent gathering schedulers, occurrence, and mishap reports, and auto school updates among others.
Paperless and on the web, School Management is not difficult to keep up with framework is a stage for schools to host, track and oversee understudy information. This simple to-utilize online schooling programming permits an instructive establishment to smooth out the most common way of revealing information. school management system gujarat
School Management System is an imaginative school organization and the board programming that amplifies parental inclusion. For more modest schools battling to set aside cash and paper and progress to the portable age, School Management is the minimal expense pioneer.
Current clients, going from private to Montessori schools, have seen extraordinary outcomes in further developing guardian commitment through School Management
Schools with restricted spending plans are obliged because of assets, which thus prompts an absence of parental commitment and inclusion. school management system gujarat
Most guardians today depend on cell phones for correspondence. School Management makes the method involved with arriving at the present parent speedy and simple.
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School Management likewise assists a school with expanding enlistment by assisting the school contact the local area with their boss and minimal expense promoting framework.
school management system gujarat In the present hurricane life, guardians battle to keep steady over all the school-related correspondences
As a matter of fact, as per the Seat Exploration Centre, the number of double-pay families was around 66% in 2016. It is fundamental for schools then, at that point, to have viable programming for school executives; one that will keep guardians informed about their kids' school-related exercises and occasions.
For instance, a speedy update through a school organization program before an impending occasion can go quite far in assisting guardians with keeping steady over their kid's significant school exercises. school management system gujarat
Paper warnings from school are coincidentally thrown into the waste, or they get forgotten with other material brought back from school. Guardians need content that is short and catches their eye on their cell phones by means of a school board application.
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penkraft123 · 2 years
History Of Devanagari Script
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Devanagari is a combination of the word’s deva and nagari. Deva translates as “heavenly,” “divine,” or “deity.” Nagari derives from Nagaram, a Sanskrit word that means “town.” Devanagari can therefore be rendered as “from the home of divinity.” The ancient term Nagar gave rise to the name Devanagari.
Nagari was one of the primary scripts used for the Sanskrit literature and first appeared in the northwest of the Indian subcontinent around 633 CE. It was fully evolved by the 11th century CE.
The 1st to 4th century CE inscriptions found in Gujarat provide some of the earliest epigraphic evidence of the development of the Sanskrit Nagar script in ancient India. [10] Nagar script variants, which are recognisable as being close to Devanagari, are first documented in Sanskrit Rudradaman inscriptions from the first century CE,Inscriptions from the Middle Ages indicate widespread use of scripts related to the Nagari, with scripts exhibiting local script alongside the adoption of Nagari scripts. For instance, the Siddha Matrika script and an early Telugu-Kannada script can both be found on the Pattadakal pillar from the middle of the eighth century in Karnataka.
By the seventh century CE, the Nagari script was in widespread use, and by the end of the first millennium, it had reached its full development. Numerous pillar and cave-temple inscriptions, like the 11th-century Udayagiri inscriptions in Madhya Pradesh, attest to the employment of Sanskrit in Nagari script in mediaeval India.
Moreover, the British Museum is home to an inscribed brick from 1217 CE that was discovered in Uttar Pradesh. Prototypes of the script and related variations have been found alongside historic artefacts outside of India, in places including Sri Lanka, Myanmar, and Indonesia. Buddhists in East Asia used the Siddha Matrika script, which is thought to be the closest ancestor of Nagari has historically been the foremost among the Indian scripts.
It has been used by religiously educated people in South Asia for a very long time to record and convey information, coexisting alongside a wide range of regional scripts (such as Mo, Kaithi, and Mahajani) used for administration, trade, and other daily activities all throughout the country.
In Kashmir, Sharada is still used in parallel. The Kutila inscription of Bareilly, which dates to VS 1049 (992 CE), exhibits the formation of the horizontal bar to combine letters pertaining to a word in an early form of Devanagari. [1] With a writing date of roughly 150 BCE and a transcription date of the 14th century CE, the 1,413 Nagari pages of a commentary by Patanjali are one of the earliest Sanskrit manuscripts from the early post-Maurya period still in existence.
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talent4ucompany · 7 days
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With the increasing demand for remote work, Online Job 715 has emerged as a leading platform for flexible job opportunities across India. Whether you’re looking for part-time work, a full-time remote job, or a work-from-home opportunity, Online Job 715 provides a wide range of options to suit your needs.
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startup-77 · 8 days
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