songs-and-storms · 1 year
@squeakquil 's art blog. Call me Olivia! (she/her)
This blog mostly focuses around The Lands, an ongoing worldbuilding project I've been carrying with me for years, with the premise being "what if the world were nothing but islands in the sky?"
There may or may not be some other stuff too! (Splatoon and ttrpgs like lancer or dnd mostly)
Ongoing projects:
Song in the Storm: Tales of an arctic courier who seeks to discover her origin.
Lands One: A yet unnamed project centering a relic of the ancient history of the Lands.
The Infinite Stares Back: An ongoing TTRPG game I'm running with some friends.
Tags under the cut!
#the lands - Art centering the Lands. Other stuff will be tagged accordingly!
#song in the storm
#chessa iceborough #qwian aymara
#tisb / #the infinite stares back
#akira valysia #zhou haoyu #sam mcgregor #elias macdowell #thrask #hedgie #zender anlong - The main party!
#lyndottir / #lyn #aido #mag #monroe - Significant supporting NPCs!
#vice enticiun #vice haliycon #vice ardenter #vice invaya #vice aceda #vice justice #vice lenheim hybris #vice vania hybris #gloria hybris - The bad guys!
#lands one - Tentative name, subject to change.
#orange #chloe malga-caster #don hollowpoint
#not the lands - self explanatory!
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wisdomfish · 1 year
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Any follower, any believer in Jesus, has not merely a chart, but a Guide, an infallible Leader. He will never lead the way into darkness, but will scatter the darkness in the way of His followers. And He gives such light to the souls of men through faith in Him, that it will serve as a lodestar for them to the everlasting mansions of life above. ~ Paul Kretzmann
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zegalba · 9 months
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top - Jimmy Kuehnle: Stuffed Full (2008) bottom - Yayoi Kusama: Guidepost to the Eternal Space (2015)
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latefrequencies · 9 months
I feel like this is going to be the year I finally do that reread of the entire H2G2 series but in a specially-dedicated copy where I highlight different sections depending on how they relate to worldbuilding, characterization, themes, etc. and use that as reference for my fic-writing.
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t0ast-ghost · 1 month
Y’all should not be afraid to get silly with it. The sillier you allow yourself to become the more you’ll try different things and the artsier you’ll be. I’m not kidding, get silly with it.
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gothamcityneedsme · 3 months
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This game drives me so fucking INSANE. atom = adam ofc and just. Equating opening to the expanse to THAT choice.
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artschoolglasses · 2 years
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Guidepost to the Eternal Space, Yayoi Kusama, 2015
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doyoueverwonderwhy · 9 months
2024 Goals
Money stuff:
Find a new job!
Once that happens, work on rebuilding my emergency savings account
Pay off my car loan (on track to be done in April)
Body stuff:
Complete Yoga With Adriene's January Flow series
Run 500k, including 4 races
Do 1 yoga session and 1 strength training session each week
Social stuff:
Quarterly girls' night - we have a night planned in a few weeks to make cookies and watch romcoms and I'd like to do stuff like that regularly and really nurture those relationships
Quarterly date night - really intentional, get dressed up type dates
Home stuff:
Establish and use a chore schedule
Plant a garden - this might be a few big pots on the patio this year, but I finally have proper outdoor space again and want to use it
Paint 3 rooms
Find a chair for my craft space - it's a big room that doubles as our guest room, and I want to find an oversized chair perfect for curling up to read or craft
Hobby stuff:
Use my loom at least once - I bought it last January, assembled it, and haven't touched it since
Sew myself a Barbie dress - we're having a Barbie party in February, so that one has a deadline
Read/listen to 12 books
Learn to use curling iron - I got one for Christmas and want to actually learn to use it effectively
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greedgirl99 · 1 year
Kiun is going to do something
About that thing of "Not everything Gods
do is right, so you should guide your master"
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powderblueblood · 9 months
how have i watched gilmore girls 498 times and still tear up when lorelai finds out rory was named valedictorian
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renee-writer · 9 months
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zegalba · 9 months
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Yayoi Kusama: Guidepost to the New World (2005)
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calochortus · 4 months
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what if I bite cruz?
too late *bites cruz's neck*
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YALL 😭 /lh
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latefrequencies · 1 year
Everyone who depicts Ford Prefect with freckles is so right for that.
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elizaellwrites · 1 year
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Character Introductions Guide
Main Character Relationships Chart
Main Character Height Chart
Annamarie Ophelie
Jacob Sagael
Cameron Roiel
Elaine Sagael
Rachel Delaney
Ben Baker
Ryan Clarsoni
Eleanor Jenphor
Amber Sagael
Seniar Ocoltha
Natalie Olson
Roselle Jakoste
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