#Guest muse| Thomas Evans-Garcia
ducknotinarow · 2 years
[BaileyRichard] 👨 [or send father if no emjoi] [i dunno if the emojis show up for you or not so putting both xD]
| Send 👨 to talk to my Muses father
Thomas step out of his car when he saw the youngest of his boys outside, seemed they were finally showing thier face again. Rolling his eyes Richard was such a dramatic child. But what got his attention more was the fact Bailey was with them, thier so-called boyfriend now. Richard seemed to say something to them to make them stay put outside the main house before he went in alone. Likely to grab more of thier things. Richard would spend up to months nearly living in the clubhouse. That's what they get for making it nearly like a small house. Thomas waited a few seconds more before shutting his door and making his way up to Bailey now that Richard was gone. Melody had points in her objections of Richard’s apparent relationship with his old friend’s son. Thomas didn’t agree with a lot of them himself if anything this was good, very good for them. He had always intended for Richard to expand the family company he married into, out further. They had a good range but Thomas knew they could expand the company's reach and Richard would be perfect for that plan. Expect they were insisting that is what they wanted. So Richard thought that wasn't what they wanted.
"Hola, ¿cómo está usted?" he greeted with nodding his head thier way to at least show he was acknowledging the young rooster. "May I speak with you a moment Bailey?"
The look Bailey was giving was interesting in the least, far more certain they knew about the conversation held between them and Richard now with it alone, they had many of Benedict's traits. Thomas just hoped they had the same sense as them or in the least the blind spot Benedict seemed to with him. As Thomas made his way to the young rooster standing out in the hallway. "Well I have to thank you for seeming to get Richard back into the house again,"
Thomas mentioned, the only reason he had a chance to speak with Bailey now. Richard's mood changed once Bailey got here and he went back into the main house after some time. Only to grab some things seemed they planned to stick out there even with thier company so it was either now or never for Thomas to have this talk. "That son of mine has been holed up in that tree house for a good while. Ricardo can be such an over-emotional dramatic kid." His tone was even when he spoke not upset or finding humor in anything. Words were being carefully thought over as he spoke to Bailey. "That isn't exactly why I wanted to speak though, we were surprised to hear that the two of you have been dating of course. Why he never said so sooner I can't say, but Richard can be a secretive one. Always keeping things to himself never speaking up about things he should." Thomas went on to say, a heavy emphasis on the last bit about how Richard should talk up more. "his mother is upset about him, well she feels lying. They will make up after all family should get along don't you think so?" a very obvious lie.
"Your father and I have known each other for a long time, of course you know seeing how you and Richard have been friends from such a young age. It's not a surprise you two got so close as you did. If it were to last it be nice, but kids are kids I'm sure you two can keep the friendship in the least." He couldn't take the relationship they had seriously himself. He saw this as nothing more than two kids highly infatuated with the other, considering all the time they spent together. "It's good with how long you two know each other, I'm glad he has such a good friend looking out for him after all. I mean we all know how much Richard likes being around you." this bit was true, "His mood always lightens up at the mere mention of the name of his friend." Despite what Thomas had been told he hadn't at once referred to Bailey as anything other than being Richard's friend. Something he caught himself soon he sighed though. "I knew we had a spat not too uncommon. Of course, he has a brother as well but I'm glad he has someone else to rely on." Soon his amber eyes stare down to the rooster, a sharp focused stare held on them.
"And I'm sure he tells you a lot, I mean why wouldn't he? After all, Richard surely trusts the one he is dating with so much of his thoughts no?" that was a bit of a low blow, Thomas knew it that is why he said it. Moving to stand beside them now Richard would likely still be inside Melody was in the house and Thomas was sure they were likely having one of thier spats he hadn't heard any yelling, but with Bailey here she may be trying to not do that. She was meant to just be talking to him so they could have this chance. “Like his whole coffee business idea I am sure of.” Sighing out “I know how it seems Mother and Father don’t support my dreams or don’t believe I can do it. That isn’t so I do feel my son could very well start a company or a café even. He is very good about but seeing things through.” The only bit out of his beak that had a hint of truth to it behind it. He knew very well Richard, if given the chance could and would to that. Expect that went against Thomas plans for them.
“I’m sue you agree with whole idea I mean being his boyfriend and all I’m sure you only wish to support him? But that’s the thing it’s not a lack of faith on my end it’s concur for my son’s well being. 74% of independent coffee shops are likely to fail within their first five years after all. Most small business do have that issue after all, the risk of failure is always there and Richard is one who doesn’t handle such things well.” Funny wonder who cause Richard to be that way.
“Without properly being prepared for this, not having a plan not to mention hell need to leash a building. I just worry my son is rushing into something and will land in a sorry state because of it.” Speaking as if Richard had no clue of what he was walking into or had no plan at all when it came t his idea of his.
“ I don’t want that and I’m sure you don’t either? Watching him work hard only to have it all taken away from him? It be too hard for him to come back from. Like with school when he over did it then? He pulled away from everything, thinking about it e had stopped talking to you as well didn’t he? I can only fear how a whole carrier failure could effect him.” Thomas recalled for a reason as he stroked at his chin as if he were thinking. “He hid away for weeks after that so down on himself about what happened he could bring himself to face anyone. And well as his father I would just be heartbroken to see him go through it again. As a child it’s different of course as an adult? I fear the outcome I simply wish to give my son a safety so to speak. A secure carrier path. I’m sure you two have it in mind you’ll be together long term, perhaps you will.” He doubted that they were just two dumb kids with no clue about relationships what could they know. “It’s not like going into his family company will prevent that. It would also mean he and Zane would work together and you know how close they are. Thick as thief’s the two of them.” He paid a second to mess with eh cuff links of his suit. “Which is good, I know your an only child yourself but those relationships are pretty important to a child. I would know but sadly I am estrange from my own family haven’t spoke to them in years. The youngest of four kids, so Richard and Zane being not only siblings but friends is good to see. I’d hate for Richard to feel he had to make a choice wouldn’t you?” Just try to plant some seeds before dropping his arm as he held them behind his back now.
“Those are just things I feel we should avoid for Richard’ sake,” as if they were on the same side here. “Don’t you agree? After all you care for my son do you not? Just some things to think about. After all you’ll be in his shoes soon enough and word of warning your future seems far away now but it looms over you long before you notice.” A faint smirk to his beak “And I’m sure. Benedict would hate any emotional turmoil to befall his own child.” Eyes shifted up when seeing Richard return outside, well timed on Thomas part as he stepped away. “Just advice from an old bird its easy to not think about them when your still young.” He parted with as he made his way to Richard simply eyeing the sack of clothing in his hand “I take it you’ll out still? Richard one day you’ll need to out grow your childish habits.”
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