#Guest Muse| Zane Evans
ducknotinarow · 2 years
[BaileyRichard] 🧑 [or send sibling if no emjoi]
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Zane stepped into the building, taking a moment to look around the place despite Las Egealas and St. Canard being in the same state the two cities were so different even down to the restaurants. Shifting his attention till he spotted red hair, strolling past the hostess as he let them know he saw who he was meeting up with as he made his way to the table. "You know I don't normally just drop everything like this to fly all the way out here, soooo I hope this is an important reason." He said trying to sound as if he were being unconvinced here. But the act fell as he laughed out a bit. "Nah not even soon as you said the word about meeting up to talk I was already looking for an excuse." Pulling out a chair from the table as he went to sit down and join them. Looking at where they were sitting, a two topper uh? "No Richard today?" He questioned, watching Bailey shake his head. Interesting, moving in his seat as he went and snagged the menu Bailey had in front of themself to glance at himself now.
"So you going to pop the question here soon then?" Zane went and asked right away, smiling to himself "not that I don't enjoy one on one time here but I'm pretty sure you wouldn't have me come all the way here just for that now would you Bailito?"
Seemed it was that way, Bailey saying something about how he had been wanting to do so for some time now but just not sure when mentioning maybe waiting till after Richard wraps up his college courses. Guess that made sense to be better to wait a bit since he would be busy with school sure many got married during those years but it did add stress. And Richard was not one to pile stress on. Not that it would matter that guy stressed himself out enough as is. "As Richard's father" The look Bailey gave him made Zane pause in thought as he went to speak up again "Look we both know those two were not parents to him or me. I'm the one who looked out for him so he's basically my son so that makes me the dad...though I guess with that logic I am also his mother? I'd be an awful mother so well stick to dad and your kids can call me gramps." holding his smile a second as he was trying to figure out where he had just left off in his thought. The focus was easily lost these days. "Right as Richard's father though I can't see anyone better for him, after all pretty sure I married you guys once when we were all kids. I feel that should count already." recalling one of the few times Zane the oldest of them all got pulled into watching them well the adults were busy. That actually made Zane smile to think back too. "You know Bailey you could have just asked him after you graduated high school even. Stress or not Richard would and I'm sure even now tell you yes the second he notices what is going on. Yeah, he'll stress out but I mean you know that only when he cares enough about something right? Not that you are any better always worrying over everyone else and how they are doing. Whatever you can offer to be a support to them, especially when it comes to Richard." likely because of the fact Bailey lost his parents when still so young, or because Opal had that illness they just seemed to focus on trying to be there for others as much as he could. Looking away from his menu now he went to look at the rooster across the table from him. He'd known them since they hatched almost just that small fluffy ball of feathers that would be brought over from time to time. "I joke about Richard being my son but I'm going to be earnest here. You have always been like a brother to me as well, so can I say something like an older brother?"
"Sure waiting till he is out of school is a good idea, but then there is the fact hell then be working to start up his business right? be stressed then. When he is working to start it starts up? Once it's all settled and established well you know then he will also be stressing out every day. Look I'm not trying to make you think you should like never ask. I'm more saying there will always be a reason to not ask. What matters is that you want to ask. What does it matter if Richard stresses out for like an hour at best about making sure wedding plans are perfect? when you two will have a whole life to look forward to after that?" he went on to express, "it's funny you know, you two are perfect for each other but when I look at you two, and I see you together and it just fits. And I just know it is going to last forever." "So why let one day of extra stress keep you from getting there?" Zane asked once more. he moved to recline in his chair a little bit now. "I still remember when Richard told me he liked you, I wasn't aware he liked guys but it made sense soon as he fessed up about it course took a while before he finally let you in on it himself. But, I know he cares about you, and even if he goes and worries about the day it's only because well I'm pretty sure he has had it in his mind for years that you would be the one he was going to marry. And wants it to be the perfect day, just as you are wanting for him because you two are grossly sweet in that way." he teased a bit. "Though I say you should do it at his graduation cause you know everyone's gonna stare" Zane suggested playfully. "So you gonna finally pull the trigger?"
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crimsoncityhq · 4 years
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The Washington Gala: Chicago Day of Giving Part II
The night winds down, and the guests gather up their belongings for the long trek home when a voice rings out from the stage, presenting the winner of the door prize. Everyone holds their breath in hopes they’ll be presented with the Bugatti parked out front, draped in a bright red bow and the object of every patron’s desire. The speaker sucks in a breath as he tears into the envelope, just wrapping his lips around a name when a high-pitched, technical beep shrieks from under the stage. The platform bursts into flame, blowing debris, blood, and entrails into the first few rows of tables—and the panic sets in. The guests turn on their heels and find the exits blocked by burly Vasiles cradling machine guns in their arms and wolfish grins on their lips. There’s only one escape, and that’s to the maze garden, but anyone can guess it’s a mouse trap with its winding walls and dead ends. Still, choices are limited and adrenaline is rushing, so the crowd takes the bait, scurrying past the threshold and into the garden. The Vasiles are locked and loaded, hidden in the shadows and thirsty for victims. 
In part II, your character has a choice. You may stay with your group and work together—even with your enemies—to survive, or you can search for a familiar face and pray you all make it out alive. Only the Vasiles and police officers have weapons, save for the tableware your muse may have swiped up before fleeing to the maze garden. Avoid the fountain in the center of the maze; there will be someone waiting for you. No matter how you choose to go about it, there’s one rule of thumb to abide by: don’t get c a u g h t.
The Washington Gala: Chicago Day of Giving Part II begins now and ends on Monday, June 1st, at 11:59 p.m. EST. You’re welcome to have your characters injured ( or injure others, with permission from the mun ), just please let us know beforehand. Again, you may opt to stay in your groups, or your character can find their respective families/connections and work in tandem to escape.
As a reminder, your groups are under the cut—sans the Vasiles, of course.
GROUP 1 — Audric Noire, Fletcher Hargrave,  Rosalie ‘Rosie’ Halliday, Jacob ‘Thorne’ Louthorne
GROUP 2 — Christopher ‘Chris’ Evans, Kitty O’Shea, Xavier Harris
GROUP 3 —  Daniel Adler, Gerald O’Shea, Nova Devereaux, Allegra Cooper, Darren Murphy, Joel Maddison
GROUP 4 — Esmeray Demir, Hana Faust, Koa Naihe, Sebastian Hargrave, Cassandra Harris
GROUP 5— Adrian Brooks, Davut Demir, Juliet Leon, Levi Bohan, August Brooks, Julianna Hellthorpe
GROUP 6 — Audrey Rousseau, Oliver Faust, Chaeyoung Moon
GROUP 7 — Amelia O’Shea, Effie Faust,  Ophelia O’Shea, Veronica Pierce, Logan Washington
GROUP 8 — Angelique Calore, Hayden Dixon, Kian Hannigan, Peyton Bridges
GROUP 9 — Angelo Madden, Clara Davila, Isaak Peters, Tia Valentine, Tyson Kane, Milena Washington
GROUP 10 — Ingrid Vasile, Autumn Dawson, Cecilia 'Cee’ Cavendish, 
GROUP 11 — Amara Ricci, Summer Moore
GROUP 12 — Caleb Duval, Eva Clarke, Faith Williams, Leslie Adal Galahad, Richie O’Shea
GROUP 13 — Calhoun O'Farrell, Erin Cerci, Gemma Faust, Nathan Anderson, 
GROUP 14 — Asli Demur, Charlotte O'Day, Gabriel Hill, Maisie Kane, Samuel O’Shea
GROUP 15 — Arielle Hernandez, Diamond Washington, Penelope 'Poppy’ Levenberg, Ren Daae, Teagan Michaels
GROUP 16 — Blair Faust, Edgar Ortega, Giovanni Rossi, Holden Mercer, Zoe Washington
GROUP 17 — Brayden Adler, Darcy Faust, Liam O’Shea,  Maggie Lee,  Isabella Rossi
GROUP 18 —  Evander 'Evan’ Montague, Wynter Ellis, Christian Yi, Edith Cohen
GROUP 19 — Rylin Dixon, Harley Kincaid, Maeve O’Connell, Teddy Cohen, Sawyer Nichols
GROUP 20 — Alexander Washington, Dawn Montgomery, Andromeda O’Shea
GROUP 21 — David Sharpe, Jace Dubois, Lenny Navarro, Rahi Kumar
GROUP 22 — Dominic Murphy, Sloan Washington, Wesley ‘Wes’ Ahn
GROUP 23 — Aurora O’Shea, Caroline Shepherd, Jesse Valencia, Rosalia Leon
GROUP 24 — Avery Simmons, Genevieve Bisset, Monika Adler, Andrew Whitmore
GROUP 25 — Birdie Mendoza, Zane Washington, Andrea Reed
GROUP 26 — Blue Daniels, Marizia di Greco, Violet Madden
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ducknotinarow · 2 years
[BuddyRichard] 🧑 [or send sibling if no emjoi]
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Monarch butterflies fluttering through bug opens blue sky of nice warm day, far too perfect for a schoolday, least Zane thought. Perched up against the side of his car, arms at his sides hand tucked into his pockets, thick black sunglasses one to shield his eyes from the sun. Not as harsh out here but still bright enough. As he rested back against the car school bell going off had his attention shifted to the front doors kids began to pool out from the building a small steady flow at first until it was like they were exploding out. Just left him smiling to himself watching all the kids rushing to thier freedom from the brick building. But once he saw a certien one did he move away from his perch. Sunglasses were pushed up off his face, sweeping back, light caramel hair side from a few strands that stuck out as he threw his hands up into the air and started to wave them as high over himself to make it easy to spot him as he went and called out to his nephew, a sharp loud whistle sounding out before words left.
"Hey, Bubbito! over here!" Zane called out excitedly as he waited for Buddy to walk his way, moving to crouch to thier height "Hey there kiddo, thought I miss ya in that mass of ankle-biters but that bright hair of yours helps." hand sat on thier head as he tossed thier hair up before he went to stand back up pulling the door open for them. "it's Friday so you don't gotta work on anything for school right away right?" he asked not wanting to completely disrupt the small eagles routine. When given a no Zane smiled and pulled his sunglasses back down over his eyes "all right then pop on in we got sunlight to burn" he paused " We're burning daylight I mean." he soon corrected after waiting for the small android to hop into the car.
Sure Buddy wasn't told about Zane getting him, they also weren't told he would be getting them. Zane never once said a thing or even made the offer to either of thier dads. Nope, this was a kidnapping of his nephew, in a very harmless sense. The back passage door shut once they were safely situated in the car. Zane made his way around to get into the driver's side before getting the car on and ready to go. He figured he had at least a five-minute head start on his brother or brother-in-law before peeling out of the lot and heading into to town.
"Jeez you act like a complete stranger took your kid there," Zane said over the phone. Listening to Richard pretty much blowing up over the other end of the call. Zane looked down to Buddy who was standing off busy in front of the row of gaming machines before them. Zane handed them the little card load with 'tokens' on it for them to pay for the games they wanted. Moving his phone away from his ear letting Richard go off as he pleased at the moment as he looked at the same row. "Go ahead pick whatever you got a lot on that card there," looking himself the two racer machines catching his eye. "oh wanna see if your better driver?" he suggests prompting them that way first as he followed the phone back to his ear when hearing his younger brother repeated shout his name. "Rich chill, your baby is safe with me and more so safe from being boring and doing homework. I nearly fainted the last time I saw them. Telling me they read and for fun! what are you doing to this poor child! gonna turn them into a nerd like you were. Ya think Bailtos influence would be stronger and prevent them from becoming a bore like you." Richard was not assumed by that. As Zane took a seat in the machine next to the one Buddy picked watching them sipe the card into both to start it up as they went about picking thier characters, cards, and such. Zane turned to face Buddy as he mocked Richard well they were talking before turning his attention back to the call, looking to warp it up soon so they could play. "Ey Hermano can’t ya just loosen that stick a bit? Why don’t you take my favorite brother in-law” his only one not the point “out and have yourselves a nice date Kay? And me and jefe here will continue having quality uncle, nephew time now if you don’t mind I gotta teach ya kid how to lose.” Richard was still talking but Zane was done as he end call and put his phone away.
“That brother of mine, such a tight wad” he paused before looking to Buddy “That’s okay to say to a kid right? I was careful about the stick up the ass thing but is tight wad fine? Oh shit I said ass just now uh ignore the bad words alright Babbito.” Attention to the screen as Zane went and made his own selections now. “Not that he’s all that bad but he was never all that good about making sure to have a break now and again. I’m sure he still isn’t. I don’t think he ever impose that on ya either, but I think it’s good to give some unsolicited help now and again not to mention freaking out your dads a little is pretty funny. Don’t worry though you wont be in trouble I wont let them get mad at you.” ready to go on his end now
“now let me give you a lesson in losing.” Eyeing the little android who shockingly held a competitive side to them. They both faced their screens and grips the wheels, Zane using some advantage he had this was the same old game model he used to play as a kid. Sure they updated some stuff like the cars but the controls? They were the same. A few taps to the gas petals to rev the car up it help to fill up the speed gage. but you had to do it slow enough for it to not go all the way up since it could make the player car stall out and letting it not hold at a certain point or else it would drop it and your suck at the starting speed. Soon as the light went green Zane was able to take advantage and speed ahead at first. Playing against a kid was already a disadvantage playing against Buddy? Even worse. They managed to catch up leavening them far ahead he now fill in for the rest of the places. Lap for lap they were neck and neck sometimes they pull ahead the other. Zane making use of short cuts and clipping but Buddy picked up on I and made use of them the next time around. Till the last lap came they were right on par to each other Zane side glanced over to his nephew smiling to himself a moment before looking back to the screen foot tapping again as he pulled the stick shift on the side hoping this still worked on the newer models the car seemed to stall letting Buddy go ahead till it kicked back and speed up Zane’s at the last second it didn’t matter he was a split second for losing as the two of them tied. Zane throwing his arms up into the air “Dang it thought that woul have gave me the win!” He complained a bit before laughing and resting on the wheel. “Man your getting good finally got some competition here. You papa was terrible at this game we were kids. Well me your papa never been a kid really.” Zane teased a bit before going to get out of the chair swiping the card from Buddy as he swipe it for them to go another round, arms resting over the back of the chair. “Let me teach you my trick these things still work the same from when I was well a bit more tan you are now. You wanna tap the gas a few times lightly enough to get the speed gauge half way and then make even lighter steps so it stays and doesn’t o higher or you’ll stall out.” He went on to explain as the count down began, just like when Zane did it soon as the race started Buddy was given a sped boost as well.
“I love my brother and its good he is the way he is at times and you are a dead ringer for him, honestly I would almost think those two knuckle heads managed to have you. You remind me a lot of my brother the good and the bad course you got Bailey in you two, those two clearly are two parts of something better. And somehow I think that turned into you Bubbito. Just try not to hard to be like your papa he over thinks to much and never sees why stuff like this is good for you. Hard work is important but taking a moment to breath so not to overwhelm yourself is just as such your dads pretty good at that to an extreme so just look for a good balance. They are an interesting set aren’t they? But I feel you were the final piece for them.” Zane said to them soon Buddy wining the race as Zane reached down and once again tossed their hair. Card held up “Come on jefe we got way more gams to hit up and then we hit the prize room to load you up on sugar. Where I your responsible uncle will then drop you off to your parents to deal with.” If he was kidding it wasn’t by much waiting or Buddy to follow his lead as he went for another game “There some jellyfish game here wanna check that out?”
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