#Guess who Yugi's wife is
marthafanaamay · 11 months
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Yugi is getting a little misty-eyed while reading to his children.
Inspired by the Snail and Newt episode of Bob's Burgers.
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steve0discusses · 11 months
S5 Ep : I don't know the episode numbers anymore I never wrote them down, so from here on out, I'm just going to number up from my previous post. So I guess episode 49
Fun fact I finished this post a week ago and then never pressed send. I can blame this on a lot of things, (work, illness, brain fog, etc) but at this point we just know it's the universe trying to keep me from finishing S5 of my Yugioh reblog, lmao.
So, last we left off, Sad Seto was next to die.
What makes this extra weird is that the other Seto is going to just watch this entire thing happen. He apparently didn't have enough traumatic disassociating while watching his Blue Eyes Wife die, now he will disassociate from watching himself go out in a blaze of glory, too.
Sad Seto's strategy against Zorc is not really what you'd expect out of the #2 of Egypt's court. Although...I guess before everyone biffed it, Seto was more like #5? #6?
He's above Mana I feel. Barely. Mostly because Mana probably isn't the right age to legally work, even in ancient Egypt when the working age is like...if you can walk.
But he was apparently so busy doing Aknadin's taxes that he's decided it's good judgement to throw himself at a 800 ft tall dragon/crotch/man.
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for his credit, Sun Tzu's art of war hasn't been written yet.
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And Sad Seto realizes his true purpose, which is that he has a smarter, stronger, and more powerful girlfriend (ish.) Which is a running theme on this show, as we all know.
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In a bizarre cut that I can't believe they left on US TV...other than I think they couldn't cut this any other way, the penis dragon attached to Zork extended it's neck up to grab Blue eyes by her neck and just fling her into the ground, killing her instantly.
I don't like that the neck can extend longer. I don't like that it's a function of the dragon crotch. They knew. They knew what this looked like. Thanks, I hate it.
Also what an embarrassing way for Seto's past self to die. Truly the hieroglyphs about this event will be wild, and thousands of years later, Grandma Muto probably looked at this event etched into stone and just thought it was weird ancient pervert stuff.
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Sorry if you were thinking Sad Seto would recover last minute and realize he's like the most OP person in Yugioh. He instead rotted from his hand and joined the rest of our Egyptian cast in Shadow Hell.
Leaving us with just Mana. And like kudos to her, but how on EARTH did she survive so freakin long!? Like of all of them, I thought Seto would be the last one. Not Mana. Not in a million years did I think it'd be the girl who hid in a pot.
But youknow maybe that's why she survived?
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And then Bakura casually walked away from the only Seto who matters. Which is fitting, because if memory serves, that's also what Yami did to Seto for like half of the Battle City tourney.
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It's such a weird strange bod on this dragon. It's such a strange bod. He's both got kind of a belly, but also is ripped to shreds. Such a weird bod.
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In case you were like "We haven't given Seto enough motivation," we also toss in a few nearly dead brothers just to make sure we have properly traumatized this boy to the point where he'd duel someone who isn't Yugi Muto.
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Seto decided magic exists 6 minutes ago, and he's already better at magic than Yugi Muto who's had access to it for YEARS.
Like he learned about magic in a different culture, a different time, a different language, and now he's fighting the final boss.
But it's Seto, so I buy it. He would speedrun his life like this.
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That's the dialogue of the show where he says his first words were "neutron blast attack" and youknow...he probably has very few memories of himself as a child since his parents died and his other family put him up for adoption...but he knows his first words?
That, or Seto likes making his brand a reality by making up whatever nonsense it takes to make that brand legit. Which I can also see him doing.
Also please don't look at this foreshortened hand, don't look at it, ignore that this happened.
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So thanks to Bakura's weird choice to drag Seto into this universe in the first place, now Bakura has to fight Seto and his 3 blue eyes that would not have existed here otherwise.
TBH it kinda makes the whole Sad Seto arc feel kind of like it didn't need to exist. Like this is the Seto fight that matters. This one right here, and although they share a name, it's not with the same guy who fought Zorc at the beginning of this episode.
And like I could add it to a list of problems with this season. But Sad Seto started out so interesting, and then forgot. It was like he only existed to introduce the dragon, and not explain anything at all about the nature of Seto Kaiba we know and love. Like the possession of Aknadin can be a parallel to how Seto was raised following Gozaburo's footsteps, but youknow...that's all old territory.
Like, I wish I had any sort of new growth from the interaction of either of the Seto's together in the same room, much like we've been getting from Yami facing his past self. Yami's been growing a lot, he's been facing his demons, but Seto? Seto's been walking around this desert trying find wifi.
(which like he did find a "wifey" which is almost wifi but wasn't as helpful because she was dead)
The Seto Kaiba who is fighting Bakura right now, is the same exact guy we saw at the end of the last arc against Zeigfried Von Schroeder.
Which means the reason that Seto is now souped up and capable of going up against Bakura isn't because of anything we witnessed here in this arc, but because of the weird horse guy last arc who taught him how to put up a better firewall.
And maybe there was a draft where Seto decides he is a spiritual reincarnation of the Pharaoh of Egypt. Maybe there was a draft where he gained a new ability. Maybe there was a draft where he realized the gravity of what was happening and wanted to save the world.
But it ain't this draft, unfortunately.
Seto is here not because of an internal growth reason, but because he was on a tablet in S2, and we have to know where that plot thread went to have an ending...but the show rewrote what it initially said in S2.
Like in the OG timeline, it was Seto who killed Pharaoh. But here we found out it was actually Aknadin who possessed Seto to kill Pharaoh. (and at some point in that fight, Pharaoh stuck his soul in a box and sealed away Zorc)
Sad Seto was apparently a chill bro the entire time. Just a nice guy who arrested half of Cairo and had a sort-of-girlfriend for about 8 hours before she biffed it.
And I would have been OK with that, if it were more interesting than what we initially thought happened in the past: where we thought it was a kickass Seto launching a coup. But unfortunately, it's not, instead it's a boy who started out powerless, and continued to be powerless despite working in Pharaoh's literal court. He didn't even have the power to not get possessed.
And I am sure there were other drafts, and endings are hard, and the author did get hella hospitalized while he wrote this season, animation is a miracle of many moving parts and budgets, and we were lucky to even get an ending to this show. So I don't want to sound like I'm complaining when there are so many worse directions this show could have gone. I'm just a little surprised it went this direction, mostly.
But say what you will about Yugioh, it doesn't like to be predictable, doesn't it?
+++++++++++++++++++OK I'M DONE++++++++++++++++++++++
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Speaking of characters who haven't gained anything from being here, Tristan is no longer possessed!
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Tristan begs his apologies and Yugi takes it gracefully. Which means, it's time for the main character of this entire show to finally re-enter the plot.
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And they do so, in style.
Y'all I remember being excited about the look and style of extreme sports, but I do not remember this many heelies in the 00's.
Anyway, this is the link to read these in chrono order, you know the drill. See you next time to see yet another girlfriend biff it!
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bluewavesofchange · 4 months
The guardians of the Pharaoh.
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I don't own Yugioh or it's characters.
I tried to find the name of Yugi's mother but came up with nothing, so I used the name of her Japanese voice actress. As for Yugi's father I stuck with Lee in reference to Avatar the last Airbender.
Chapter 3
While Mr and Mrs Muto (who’s names were Masami and Lee)were signing the adoption forms, Yugi and I headed over to my room to pack my things, although there wasn’t much I had to pack anyway. I pulled out the small brown suitcase from under my bed and opened the drawer of my nightstand, pulling out my clothes and folded them up before setting them in the suitcase. Yugi was standing in the middle of the room, looking around curiously as he held his hands behind his back. He wondered over to the old dresser that stood in the corner and opened the box that stood on it, (the very box Seto had given to me for my birthday). I was unaware of what he was up to as I was focused on getting my things together. "Hey Lilly...what's this?" I heard Yugi ask; I turned towards him and saw that he was holding my mother’s necklace up in the air, looking at it in wonder as the jewel shone brightly in the sunlight that was streaming through the dusty window. I wanted to yell at him for touching my things but I just couldn't. Those adorable purple eyes and sweet face was just too cute to be mad at. Instead I just smiled softly at him, "That was my mother’s necklace, it’s the only thing I have left of her..."
”Where is your mamma?" he asked tilting his head slightly as he looked at me. My heart started to hurt a little thinking about my mother...I was told that she passed away during child birth and as I mentioned before my father ran away, leaving me behind. A tear ran down my cheek as I sat on the floor, staring down at the old carpet. I hated the man who abandoned me; I couldn't even call him a father after what he did to me. Before I knew it, Yugi was standing in front of me and got down on his knees and leaned over, hanging the necklace around my neck as he smiled at me. And he proceeded to wrap his arms around me and hugged me, "It's ok Lilly. You have a new mamma now and a papa. And you have me." he said with a soft giggle. I smiled and wrapped my arms around my new little brother...wow...I had a brother...I had a family...
We headed to the office; I held Yugi's hand in mine and my suitcase in the other. The papers had been signed and my new parents led us out of the orphanage and into the parking lot to the car. I took one last glance at the place which housed me for the past 10 years while my new father loaded my suitcase into the trunk...it felt a little weird calling someone dad. It was gonna take some time getting used to having parents and more importantly a little brother. Although I guess I had some experience with Mokuba when he was still her with Seto. My new mother opened the car door for me and Yugi. I let him get in first, before I got in. I put the seat belt on as mom closed the door. Yugi sat in the middle and got his seat belt on before laying his head on my shoulder, smiling as he closed his sweet eyes and slowly fell asleep as mom and dad got into the car and we drove off to my new home. "Listen Lillian..." I looked up hearing my dad speak..."I know this is going to take some time getting use to and it's going to be a while before you can trust us and you may not know much about us and we don't know much about you since we skipped the interview...", he was interrupted by his wife.
"But know that we are going to try our best to make you happy. You protected out little Yugi and we are extremely grateful my dear. He gets bullied a lot at school because of his size and his shyness. And he doesn't have any friends. For the past 3 years now, he's been asking for a big brother or sister to protect him." I listened as she spoke. I guess it would make sense for someone like Yugi considering how Markiato had hurt him. I reached over, tucking some of the sleeping child's blond bangs behind his ear. “He was rather excited when he heard that we were going to adopt another child. To be honest I didn't think it would be this easy finding someone like you." dad let out a soft chuckle as he spoke, I raised a brow wondering what he meant by that. “I guess what I'm trying to say is that we thought it would have been hard to find someone who would get along with our Yugi and who would be there for him when he needed a friend. And when you two walked into the office and explained what happened, we knew we had found our perfect child. And that's you Lillian." he said with a smile as we arrived at a triple story game shop.
Ok, now I was confused. Was this...my new home? I careful shook Yugi awake as they parked the car before getting out followed by me and Yugi. Dad (damn that’s weird to say) got my suitcase out of the trunk and walked to the front door. Yugi was holding my hand as we walked, well he was sort of skipping, I think. Dad opened the door and let me and Yugi in first before he called out, "Dad we're back." seeing an old man popping out from behind the counter with a big smile on his face, “That was quick. Didn't think you would be back so soon." he spoke in a humble tone, it was almost soothing in a way.
Yugi smiled widely letting go of my hand and running to the old man, "Grandpa!" the old man embraced the small child with a smile, “There’s someone I want you to meet." Yugi said as dad placed a hand on my shoulder.
“Dad we'd like you to meet Lillian, the new member of the Muto family." dad said looking down at me. The old man walked over to me...he was well...rather short and looked quite a bit like Yugi. I guess he gets his looks from his grandfather. He looked me up and down before pulling me into a bear hug as he chuckled." Welcome to the family my dear. I hope you like it here." he bellowed with a chuckle and a smile.
I lay awake in bed in my new room that night. A storm was busy roaring outside. I didn't mind it really, the weather rarely bothered me. Sometimes it seemed the weather changed according to my mood. Sighing softly I glanced around at my room. The floor was covered in a soft white carpet, a white wood dresser with a round mirror stood on the other side of the room next to a white double door closet, both covered with small blue birds, and a desk by the window. My bed stood in the corner facing the door, the walls were painted a soft, baby blue colour, my bed covered in blue bedsheets with white birds on them and a matching set of curtains hung at the window. The room was...nice. They made a lot of effort to make sure I felt comfortable...but it still would be a while before it felt like home. The evening had gone by as normal I guess. First Yugi took me upstairs to his room and we played together for a while. He even showed me his most prized possession, a golden box with a symbol on it that looked like an eye, he said he found it in the game shop while helping grandpa clean one day. it looked like something straight out of Egypt. I had to admit it was pretty cool but what was inside it was even cooler...it seemed to have been a puzzle of some sorts. You would think something like this would be in a museum but no, it was in the possession of an 8 year old boy. Yugi said he enjoyed puzzles a lot and he was really excited about finishing it. He even told me that once the puzzle was completed, he could make a wish and it would come true. It sounded awesome but sadly...even I know magic doesn't exist. We were soon called for dinner. We had burgers, Yugi's favourite. And for a small kid like him he sure could eat a lot. He ate like 3. I had only one with chicken on it. Early they asked me what I preferred to eat, and I told them anything really except for beef. Every meal we had at the orphanage consisted of a flavourless stew with grey meat and old vegetables, you kinda grow sick of it after a while.
It warmed my heart to know that these people really cared about me. After dinner it was bath time. Yugi went first and then me. Mom helped wash my hair while I did the rest. It was the first time I ever had a proper bath. Back at the orphanage you were only allowed to use a jug full of water to clean, they said that because there were so many of us there wasn't enough water so we had to ration the water carefully. So having a full bath all to myself was heaven. After getting all cleaned up, mom gave me a set of new pyjamas. It was a pink long sleeve button up shirt with white bunnies on it and a pair of matching long pants. I didn't like the colour so much but they were really comfortable. After getting dressed, mom and I sat on my bed and she brushed out my hair while she softly sang to me. It felt...good knowing someone cared so much about me even though they barely knew me. Once she was done, she tucked me in, dad and Grandpa came in to say good night, Yugi was already asleep in bed. Mom kissed my forehead before turning off the lamp on my night stand and left, closing the door behind her.
So much had already happened today, I thought to myself as I ran my fingers over my birth mothers necklace that hung around my neck, tracing my index finger along the thin golden chain till it arrived at the beautiful jewel. I had to admit there was something weird about the blue jewel, I felt almost drawn to it, but also like I had seen it before...but in another life...I was pulled out of my thoughts as a bolt of lightning flashed through the sky, the rain still pouring down hard. It was really coming down tonight, not that anyone would notice since they all went to bed some time ago...except...
I looked up seeing my bedroom door opening and in the doorway stood a scared looking Yugi, dressed in his blue pyjamas with yellow stars on them and clenching a little teddy bear close to his chest. I slowly sat up turning on my lamp, “Yugi, what are you doing up?" I said as I got out of bed and walked over to him. “I-I got sc-scared o-of the storm." he looked up at me with trembling, tearful eyes. Smiling softly at him, I gently stroked his cheek to calm him, “It’s ok to be afraid of things from time to time. But just know that you are safe in here with the rest of us Yugi.”
“I-I know...but...can I stay with you tonight? I feel safer when I'm with you." He said as he trembled. I knew it would be cruel to leave the little angel alone in his room when a wild storm was going on outside. So I put my arm around his shoulder and led him to my bed, letting him climb in first before getting in and pulling the blue comforter over us. I reached over to turn off the lamp. It was a good thing we were both small so we could both fit in the bed. He snuggled up close to me, nuzzling my chest as his eyes closed; I wrapped my arms around him to make sure he felt safe and warm as he slept...
..."Um Lilly...can I ask you something?" I was just about to doze off when he spoke...
..."Um sure Yugi. What is it?"...
..."Why did you save me from that bully?"...
..."Well...a good friend told me that he didn't like seeing people picking on those weaker than them...and I guessed it rubbed off on me a little bit. I just couldn't see someone as sweet as you getting hurt by someone like Markiato."...
..."Well, he must have been a really good friend...I hope I can *yawn* meet him one day...and maybe then *yawn* I'll be as brave as you..." he said as he slowly fell asleep...I leaned down and kissed his forehead. “Maybe you will meet him one day little brother...and I promise I'll always keep you safe...my little angel." a thought crossed my mind before I fell asleep...tomorrow I would finally be able to call Seto and thank him for what he taught me...to stand up for those who can't stand up for themselves...
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chimerickat · 2 years
the disrespect on that worst husband poll😭😭 if THE seto kaiba has put a ring on your finger, you're set for life. helpppp ik he's an ass 99% of the time but damn ppl, if thats how obsessed he is with rivalry and a card game, can u imagine what he's like with his wife??
Right??? Like the amount of people who aren’t even considering the fact that he’s not going to marry someone if he doesn’t want them?
I feel like Yami Yugi isn’t getting more votes because people are conflating him with Yugi but dude doesn’t have his own body, isn’t going to have any paperwork allowing him to do anything even if he gets his own body, can’t cook or clean. He’d be the most useless husband.
And Marik? Needs just as much therapy as Kaiba if not more. Kaiba at least had a normal childhood pre parents dying. Marik grew up in a cave.
(Personally I would pick Joey dead last tbh if it were me but a caring dumbass can be an appeal for some people I guess? I also think Duke is likely to cheat on you…)
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fukia · 26 days
GUYS ;;;;; when I was little I was head over heels for Pharaoh Atem and still am ;;; I just remixed the two old designs I made for my childhood OC Queen 😭😭😭😭
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I spent hours with GPT recapping and refining my devastating, resurrecting limerence. Look on ye mighty and despair! 😭😭😭
Snake Queenie here began as princess of Upper (or Lower Egypt (just whichever region was ruled by another pharaoh besides Atem), growing up w/ Thief as friend - maybe more - in an Aladdin-esque childhood. Thief disappears. Her Pharaoh dad has no clue of thief nor that lil village, assumes random bandits - years later, “anyway, wanna marry that lil King Atem down the street lol?” She goes, “ruling will be me job so yeah ok sounds cool”
-something something “my god my heart beats faster, and my mind is racing yada yada - 🎶 THIS MAN IS DEAD HE IS NO MORE 🎵 - surprise! Lil Aladdin Thief Yami Bakura boy is a young man and alive! Cue tears and whatever; who would she choose? the Sigma or the Alpha 😳😳😳
Later that nite, she sneaks out to meet prickly British man and he says, “run away with me!” She goes “nah ive invested too heavily in Crypt-o’ (the Sphinx),” he has outburst, “but this other pharaoh killed me home village at the very outer edge of your kingdom’s jurisdiction or something!!” She’s like backing away as he’s losing his shit “r u gonna cancel the pharaoh??,” then he’s found by her own servants and he gotta dash- later she’s like “oh age-wise those allegations dont make sense, guess I’ll find him next time and let him down easy lol”
- [a few days afterwards]
“Yo fiancee I killed some loony thief with a big smile, plz stay inside more I’m scared 4 you”
Oh dear that’s her loving childhood incel- “that’s cool thanks my g.” (Cue a year of sadness in secret but at least a loving new hubby)
“Tell me about Kul Elna,” she asks him,
“What’s kul elna?”
“Check out deez epic Kool-el NUTS haha gottem more like gAtem!
My dear, a village of personal import to me was ransacked a decade ago by who knows what, I need closure.”
- truth found , considering finding a way of communicating with Thief beyond the physical realm to help everyone move on, but job gets in the way
“I feel like sacrificing myself today to zorc. Stay put plz, don’t die.”
“Ok” (actually runs off to help protect her old kingdom from zorc fragments and die like a boss w/ discarded millennium item material)
[Thousands of Years Time Skip]
Yugi: What? What is it?
*yami and yugi have a flashback*
Yami: I think…
I think I miss my wife.
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I ain’t even gonna color any of this, let me just dump dump dump my agony and mad ramblings — by the Gods I must scream into the void
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asylumdream · 1 year
Marth posting hours because Im cursed I guess
What is it with the basic cute mcs that kills and dies me every time
Mikazuki Munechika Touken Ranbu: youre such a strange old man and I love you the moon is more beautiful with you by my side you would definitely commit war crimes for me and dystroy yourself without me knowing to keep me safe
Yugi Moto Yugioh: youre so joyful inspite of everything and so kind and optimistic but you aren't naive even if everyone tells you you are and you truly are the king of games and i love you
Light Tenryu Shadowverse Flame: you have one singular brain cell and are useing it all on loyalty you are a golden retriever boy who dose nothing by halfs and is denser then fruit cake I love you
Link Twighlight Princess: you were just a farm boy who was the coolest, too yongue for the adults too old for the kids and just a little silly but then you saved the world and brcame a beast and you can never forget the wind in your fur and the songs you sang and how can you ever go back too before when they looked at you so scared i love you
Link Breath of the Wild: you knew nothing and no regained memories will ever repair that but even so youre silly and creative and kind and whimsical and the world has been waiting for you so long you forgot her but youll save her anyways because thats just what you do i love you
Pharma De'Medici Isekai Pharmacy: you died of over work to try and help people and now you may do so again youre a god but youre just a man given a second chance replacing a kid and you still havent thought about that but you love this new life and want to do good if you live long enough i love you
Stock Granorg Radient Historia:Perfect Chronology: youre quite and awkward but kids love you and youve done this so many times you knoe these scripts by heart and you want to keep everyone safe and it dosnt matter what they think of you as long as you do that for a duty you cant even remember why you have I love you
Seranoa Wolfort Triangle Strategy: you are thurst into the position of chooseing your house, the kingdom, your friends and family, or yourself. And how is it fair for you to be forced to navigate the precipace of war with a new wife and your brother in arms still in mourning but you will because you are lord wolfort and I love you
And Marth Fire Emblem: youre the Hero King, the one that everything keeps comeing back to again and again and youve seen so much battle and bloodshed but you are kind and gentle and always willing to help because thats just who you are i love you
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sesshy380 · 2 years
1, 7, 12, and 15 for the writing asks!
I will do my best to not go on a ramble, but I make no promises lol
Describe your comfort zone—a typical you-fic. Sarcasm and fun banter. Not necessarily the entirety of the fic, but a portion of it. It's why I love writing Yami B./TKB in a lot of my stuff. To me, he is the embodiment of both. That's also why he's a the primary in my crackfic series.
7. Share a snippet from one of your favorite pieces of prose you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
This is a hard one. I have several I'm proud of. I guess if I had to pick one snippet, it would be the beginning of Chapter 43 from my longfic. Quick context: Atem and OC (Daughter of Anubis/flame elemental) were once married. Atem has had multiple hosts throughout the millennia (though the memory loss only happened after last host before Yugi). He is recently revived and they are spending a day in modern Rome.
Before Atem could react to his former wife quickly taking his arm in hers again, the two were engulfed in a vortex of fire. His body reacted instinctively, trying to shield itself from the quick burst of heat that surrounded the two of them. Just as quickly as the blaze had appeared, it vanished, but the scenery had changed.
It took him a long second to recognize the remains of the ancient architecture. The last time he had seen the Colosseum, it was fully intact, covered in floral arrangements with a brightly colored velarium angled down around the outer edge to keep the sun off the spectators below. Now it looked like any other ancient landmark in this era, the obvious effects of time showing. The wooden floor had long since rotted away, exposing the network of tunnels that ran below. Scaffolding and railings had been put in place for the safety of the vast number of visitors the landmark received daily. When Bakura and Kat had spoken repeatedly of visiting Rome, Atem had pictured something else entirely. He had pictured flowing chiffon and bright colors, along with the heavy scent of flowers and perfumes in the air. Where were all the gold decorations? Floral arrangements hanging everywhere? Where were all the people that scurried about preparing for the day's events?
Right now none of that was present. Right now, he was being forcefully reminded that the world had changed in his absence.
Okay, I have to give some credit to my amazing (evil) sister, who has actually been to Rome and demanded more detail. This is still one of the parts of my story I love coming back to re-read, because I'm always blown away that I wrote it, even if I did have some help. Even though it's only Rome, you can still get the sense of Atem being out of place in time, and having to adjust to the shock of it. I imagine if he'd had his memories in tact when the group went to Egypt during MW, he might have had a similar reaction.
12. Is there an episode above all others that inspires you just a little bit more?
Episode? Not really. Now movie, that's a whole different story. Pyramid of Light kind of inspired my longfic. Even though the Anubis in the movie wasn't the Anubis, it got me wondering how things would be if the ancient Gods that were often viewed in a positive light, were actually a bunch of assholes with superiority complexes. Cue OC rewrite and insert into my current insanity.
15. If you could choose one of your fics to be filmed, which would you choose?
I 'see' the entirety of my longfic as it's own anime when I write it. I would obviously go back and rewrite/fine-tune it (I pantsed nearly 30 chapters *facepalm*).
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z-iridest · 4 years
When You Call Him By His First Name- Yu-Gi-Oh! Edition (GN reader for the most part)
Yugi Muto
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You met Yugi on your first day of school when you were both freshman
You'd found yourself lost in the big school and ran into Yugi (quite literally)
He showed you around, and after a conversation about Duel Monsters, the two of you hit it off right away
But it wasn't until sophomore year that he asked you out (with a little help from Yami)
At first, he blushed dark red everytime you called him a pet name besides his nickname
But, after a few years of dating, he got accustomed to it (honey may or may not be his favorite for you to call him..... God knows he loves calling you darling.)
That brings us to the present day:
Yugi and you had been living together since senior year, and he always made it a habit to find little ways to express his love for you
Cooking you breakfast, surprising you with a hug from behind, cuddling, or surprise kisses, he did everything he could to spoil you rotten with affection
That was about when you saw the newest challenge on Tik Tok
You bit your lip, uncertain whether or not to do it.... Then you started watching the videos
One of the videos you watched was your best friend calling their s/o by their first name.... and it was hilarious
So, you decided to try it yourself
While the two of you were getting ready to leave for a tournament Kaiba was hosting, you looked for your deck. "Yugi, have you seen my deck?" You asked him, only to get silence. "Yugi?"
When you turned around, he looked confused, his head tilted to one side.
"Did I do something wrong?" Yugi asked you. You shook your head.
"No, why?" You asked, somehow managing to keep your composure despite the fact that you wanted to bust up laughing
"You called me by my first name.... You haven't done that since before we first got together." Yugi pointed out. A giggle slipped out, which made Yugi raise a brow before he realized what was going on. "It's a Tik Tok challenge, isn't it?" He asked before you lost your self control, laughing as you doubled over.
Yugi shook his head, trying not to laugh himself as he walked over to you before scooping you up bridal style without warning
The action he took resulted in a squeak out of you, your arms automatically wrapping around his neck. When you looked at Yugi, you found a smile on his face.
"You're lucky I love you, my darling." He told you with a kiss to your nose, making you giggle
Yami Yugi/Atem
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It took Yugi for this 5000 year old Pharaoh to figure out he had it bad for you
The longing looks whenever you'd walk into a room, the more he seemed to sweat with you around, the way his eyes would light up when you cheered him on in a duel, how flustered he got anytime your name was mentioned.
So, not unlike how he forced Yami to switch places when Tèa took him out to help him with his memories, he did the same thing by telling you to meet up with Yami after school
When you got to the meeting spot, you found Yami looking bewildered before he started yelling at the Puzzle, obviously not noticing you and having just been switched out with Yugi
"Hey! Yugi, I'm not... You can't.... This isn't a Duel!" Yami stumbled over his words, the moment you walked in on causing a giggle to slip out of you.
That giggle was when he finally noticed you, going beet red in embarrassment and waving awkwardly. "Hello." His greeting was just as awkward, shortly before you had asked him what he wanted to talk about. He had blushed and looked at his boots
"I just... Wanted to say..." His blush grew even darker, if it was humanly possible, before he looked at you through his lashes. "I really like you, and I want to know if you will allow me to be yours." Of course, you said yes, and the rest is history
Flash forward 3 years
Yami, aka Atem now, had gotten his memory and his name back, but instead of choosing to go to the Afterlife, he stayed with you.
He had told you that while he was happy to have his memories back, he still had many more memories he wanted to make with you
At the present day, the two of you had moved in together, and the gang had told you two time and time again that you guys acted like a married couple.
It made you blush, while Atem seemed to like the idea of calling you his wife (He even picked up the habit of calling you either wifey or his Queen of Hearts 🥰)
Since getting together, the two of you only called each other by pet names, two of the names Atem uses are the two I just mentioned. The others are baby, honey, sweetheart, darling, my love.... Yeah, that boy's a sap for you and he knows it
Meanwhile, you usually call him Baby, Honey, sweetie, darling, hubby, the list could go on forever.
Until the day you saw the newest challenge on Tik Tok.....
You knew it could possibly get you in trouble with Atem, but that was when the video you were just watching got sent to you by Joey, daring you to do it to Atem or owe him 30 bucks.
Guess what you ended up doing?
The two of you were cuddling on the couch together, and unbeknownst to Atem, your phone was recording everything.
His strong arms were wrapped around you, his head burried in the crook of your neck, planting little kisses there every now and then
"Atem." You spoke his name and had to stifle a giggle when he burried himself deeper into your neck. "Atem." You tried again, squeaking when he playfully nipped your neck, hearing a chuckle rumble in his chest. "Atem." You called his name a third time, causing him to look up at you with his head tipped to the side, an eyebrow raised and a smirk on his face
"Why do you keep calling me that?" He asked you.
"Because that's your name, you dork." You replied, a giggle slipping out before it turned into a squeak as he shifted the two of you so you were laying on his chest.
"Nope, not to you, my Queen. Now, what's my name?" He asked. You folded your arms on his chest, laying your chin on top so you could see him.
"Baby. I love you." You answered, making him smile.
"Much better. I love you too, my love." He answered before kissing your nose and making you giggle. "By the way, tell Joey he owes you 30 bucks." His comment made you laugh as you stopped recording and you could feel him shaking in laughter with you.
By Ra, did he love making you laugh, he lived for the little moments like this with you
If only you knew about the ring in his pocket, and his plan to make sure that the little moments would keep happening everyday....
Joey Wheeler
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Now, for everyone's favorite Brooklyn Boy
Meeting him was.... Definitely a day to remember
He kept flirting with you (and failing miserably at dealing pickup lines), but it made you laugh
Not unlike Yugi and his s/o, the two of you connected with Duel Monsters (he may or may not have bragged that he taught Yugi everything he knew)
After a while of hanging out together, you found that Joey was actually charming and funny when he was being himself..... As well as cute when he was being protective of you if and when other guys made you uncomfortable
After a few months of knowing you, Joey asked you out
Over the next 3 years, you had no idea that he could get more protective than he already was with you, but you were wrong.
Next to Serenitity, you're the most important person in his life. If anyone thinks they could get away with messing with you, they'd have Joey in their face with the deadliest glare on his face and looking about ready to throw hands (You've had to drag him away from Kaiba a couple times)
As far as PDA went, he went with what you were comfortable with. If you were up for any PDA at all, he'd wrap an arm around your waist or hold your hand in his (he'd totally give you tiny kisses on your cheek, forehead or temple if you were okay with it). But, he would totally ask for permission though before showing any PDA
At home though.... Very different story. Kinda like a dog, he's really good at judging moods, especially when it comes to you. You're an open book for him. Down in the dumps and just got home? Joey practically launches himself at you to pull you into a big bear hug (can and will pepper your face in kisses until he gets a smile or giggle out of you)
Nicknames, though?
The second the two of you got together, Joey straight up started calling you "Babe", throwing the first name basis out the window. He has a different nickname for every mood too.... When you're calm or happy, the nickname is "Babe", when you're sad, it's " my Angel", When you're mad, he calls you "Firecraker", when you're excited, you're always, always "My baby", and so on
Your nicknames for him were always, Honey, baby, babe, darling, sweetie, etc.
About 3 years of dating, and 2 of living together, Tristan sent you a Tik Tok video, daring you to do the challenge in it. That challenge? Yeah, you're well aware of it by now....
You had no idea how Joey was going to react.... It made you a little nervous, to be honest
But, Tristan had insisted you pull it off, calling you a chicken
You were sitting on the couch, waiting for Joey, who was taking a while to grab the snacks. That was when you decided to just rip off the bandaid... So, to speak
"Joey, come cuddle me already!" You called him. You watched as he poked his head into the room, looking a bit confused.
"What'd ya call me, sweetheart?" He asked you.
"I called you by your name." You answered back matter-of-factly
"Nu-uh, you call me baby or any other pet name you got for me, but Joey is off limits. You're more special to me than dat, ya troublemakin' angel." Joey told you, making you giggle when he fluffed his collar just to make his point.
Hearing you giggle made him grin like a Cheshire cat and within seconds, he was curled up with you on his lap, the blanket draped over the two of you and his arms around you. Those big brown eyes stared lovingly down at you as the two of you cuddled together, his fingers running through your hair.
No doubt, this boy loved you to pieces. Nobody could call it just puppy love at this point...
Seto Kaiba
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Speaking of aloof and emotionally unavailable at first, that was what Seto Kaiba was to you when the two of you first met
But, the more time you spent around him, the more you realized the cold nature was a facade he kept up... A protective barrier
After 2 years of knowing him, there came one night that both scared you half to death and changed everything for the two of you.
You were heading home one night when you noticed you were being followed
You took the long way home, trying to loose them and ignoring them Cat calling you, but they wouldn't give up and it was starting to scare you
Eventually, the boys ended up cornering you, and just when you thought they'd get away with doing what they wanted.....
"Get away from them unless you want me to make your lives miserable." When they had stepped back from you, you caught sight of Seto before he walked up to you and wrapped a protective arm around you, the glare on his face ice cold as he glared at your stalkers with a silent but deadly final warning
"Kaiba..." You had started to thank him, but he stopped you.
"Call me Seto, and you don't need to thank me. Let's just get you home before those freaks decide to show their ugly faces again." He told you
Not too long after that incident, Seto asked you out (was totally talked into it and teased by Mokuba)
Fast forward 3 years
You help Seto run KaibaCorp (partly because you hate it when he stays up all night getting work done and partly because he's more cranky when you're not around him), and the two of you live together in the Kaiba Mansion with Mokuba
It took him a year before he started calling you anything beside your name, first calling you "Honey" (totally by accident when he was half asleep). After that came darling, doll, baby, love, sweetheart (he's a sucker for the classic pet names)
While the two of you were still getting to know each other, you had called him Blue Eyes as a joke, and it ended up sticking. It just carried over into the dating stage, changing to "Baby Blue". Other pet names you call him include, Love, Baby, Babe, Honey, Sweetie, Darling (Grumpy Pants to joke around with him when he's being cranky)
But, then Mokuba and you saw a Tik Tok challenge that Mokuba begged you to try (may or may not have given you a puppy dog pout)
Around the time the three of you usually took lunch, you peeked in his office to see him working. You softly sighed.
"Seto, come on, take a break. It's time for lunch." The glare he gave you sent shivers down your spine and made you want to laugh at the same time. He looked extremely done
"What'd you just call me?" He asked.
"Your first name, what did it sound like?" You asked him sassily back. He stood up and walked over to you, reminding you just how much taller he was than you. He leaned one arm against the wall, pulling a kabedon as he leaned close to your face
"You know what you call me, baby." He purred out, his voice low in tone and a smirk crossing his lips when he saw how flustered you were getting
You managed to stutter out a "Baby", making his smirk grow wider before his lips brushed against your own
That cocky Blue Eyed Bastard knew exactly how to make your heart race, and he takes great pride in doing it
Tristan Taylor
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For Tristan, meeting you was love at first sight.... Or rather, at first fall....
Tristan was so nervous about introducing himself to you, the boy literally tripped over his own feet and fell flat on his face right in front of you
You had asked him if he was okay, and this cheesy flirt came out of his mouth: "Yeah, I'm okay, just fallen for you, that's all."
Cheesy pickup line? Yes, but Tristan's happy to say that it worked.
Fast forward 3 years....
Ever since the day he asked you out, the two of you stopped calling each other by your first names
For him, the nicknames you used were actually pretty limited: Handsome, Babe, and Darling were the only ones he'd respond to
For you, though, he has tons of nicknames (Goregous, Baby, sweetheart, to name a few)
So, when Joey showed you the newest Tik Tok challenge and begged you to do it, you got a bad feeling in the pit of your stomach
It actually took 2 days for Joey to finally convince you to do it (He bugged you until you agreed to)
You bit your lip the next day, not knowing how Tristan was going to react
It was early, your hair was a mess, and you were in one of Tristan's shirts and a pair of your sweatpants when you decided to get it over with
You rubbed your eyes from the sleep as you walked to the kitchen, able to hear Tristan cooking
Like every morning, you hugged him from behind, burrying your face in his back.
"Good morning, beautiful." He greeted you, turning to hug you. You smiled as he hugged you, hugging him back. While hugging you, he lifted you a bit off the ground, making you giggle.
"Good morning, Tristan." You smiled up at him, only for it to drop when Tristan looked worried. "What's wrong?"
"Did I do something wrong?" He asked. You shook your head
"No, of course not." You answered him
"Then why'd you call me by my first name?" He asked
"Because it's your name and I like it." You answered, smiling this time
"But, my name isn't Tristan to you. It's baby." He replied in the most adorable way possible, making you hug him again as you giggled
The embrace made him smile as he returned it
He loved the little moments with you
Duke Devlin
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That brings us to the ladies' man of Yu-Gi-Oh!...... Duke Devlin
At first, you didn't like his attitude and made every attempt to show him you weren't interested in a playboy
But, unfortunately for you, that made him only try harder to pursue you.... Until Joey and Tristan got it through his head that his usual flirting wasn't going to work.
Months after that day, you got to the Duke Devlin he'd been trying to hide and you liked what you saw.
After a full year of being just friends, Duke asked you out
Fast forward 3 years:
Duke loves you to death, and after becoming your boyfriend, he never flirted with anyone else but you ever again
His favorite pet names for you include, Player 2, Baby, Babe, Hot Stuff, Doll, the list could go on forever
You've always called him your Player 1, Baby or Darling
But, then Tristan dared you to call him by his first name to see his reaction
You automatically knew it wouldn't end well, as he would think he did something wrong
Hence your hesitation
But, you decided to get it over with when the two of you were cuddling. His face was buried in your neck as he held you in his arms
"Duke." You said his name, giggling when he only responded by burying himself deeper into your neck. "Duke." You tried again
"That's not my name, Prince/Princess." Duke told you, refusing to cooperate and making you laugh
"Then what is it?" You asked, only to squeak when he made you lay back on the couch with him on top of you
"You know what it is." He purred with a smirk, leaning close to your face with his lips inches from yours
"Baby, you drive me crazy sometimes, you know that?" You asked him before he finally kissed you and shifted so you were on his lap again
"Yep, I know. You do the same thing to me."
Ryou Bakura
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Did somebody say Cream Puff? That's right, it's Ryou's turn! ^.^
The two of you were both pretty shy when you met him, and the two of you clicked right away
Believe it or not, it took him 2 years to ask you out (Yeah, Yami Bakura forced him to, getting tired of hearing Ryou pine for you in his thoughts the whole time)
It took 5 years for the two of you to move in together, and by that point, both of you had abandoned calling each other by your first names
His personal favorite to call you is "My Love", "Dear" or "My Angel" while he adores being called "Darling", "Dear" and "Honey"
But, you saw a video challenge on Tik Tok that featured women calling their lovers by their first name instead of a pet name, you decided to try it....
If only you knew the reaction it would spawn....
You had just gotten home and couldn't find him anywhere when you decided to call him by his first name.
"Ryou? Where are you?" You asked. Ryou came running, looking scared.
"What's wrong? Is everything all right, you don't normally call me by my first name." He looked so terrified as he checked you for injuries, you felt so bad and hugged him, automatically feeling his arms wrap around you back.
"No, no, everything's fine, dear. I was just wondering where you were since you weren't there to greet me like normal." You told him
You eventually did tell him about the video challenge, just.... Later... After both of you had calmed down some
The two of you shared a good laugh over it
Marik Ishtar
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While it took 5 years for Ryou to get used to being affectionate, Marik adjust a bit more quickly....
It took 3 years of being friends for Marik to know how he felt, and since he'd had no romance experience before you, it took him 2 more to go on pet name basis with you rather than first names
His favorite to call you is "Sugar" followed closely by "Baby" and "Princess/Prince". Your favorite to call him is "Darling", "Prince Charming" (that nickname gets him blushing everytime), and "Baby"
About 2 years after that, the two of you moved in together (Our adorable Egyptian boy didn't want to spend one more day with you away from him 🥺❤)
Which brings us to the present day...
You were trying on a special outfit for a date night with Marik when your best friend texted you, daring to do the challenge in the video she sent. You watched it, an eyebrow going up when you realized the video was girls calling their boyfriends/husbands by their first name instead
"You look beautiful/handsome in that outfit." You heard Marik before you turned to see him, an adoring smile on his face as he stood in the doorway
Deciding to do the dare (you'd never hear the end of it if you didn't), you looked down at yourself
"You don't think it looks bad on me, Marik?" You asked in the shy tone you had always used when addressing him for the first time
Marik tipped his head to one side, looking a bit confused. "Anything you wear looks perfect on you, baby, but why'd you call me that?"
"What, Marik? It's your name." You answered, looking up at you and trying to keep a smile from off your face
"Not to you for the past 4 years, it hasn't." Marik answered, both his brows up at this point. That's when a sly smirk crossed his face, a smirk you hadn't seen in years
You took a step back, but it was the wrong move as Marik pounced, bringing you into a hug and littering your face in kisses, making you laugh. "Now, what's. My. Name?" He asked in between kisses to everywhere on your face but your lips.
"Darling." You pouted, finally getting a long sweet kiss to your lips from Marik
He gave you a cute smile when the two of you finally separated
"Now, let's get going, my darling Prince/Princess."
If only you'd known he'd be asking you to be his King/Queen that night....
Yami Bakura
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That brings us to the bad boys..... First up Yami Bakura
The second you met him, you started calling him by the nickname "Fluffy"....
Oh Gods of Egypt, he detested that nickname
But, Ryou wouldn't let him do anything about it, so he was stuck to listen as you referred to him as Fluffy the entire time
However.... The more you called him it, the more he didn't seem to mind much
In fact, 2 years after meeting him for the first time, he asked you out
But, don't think he doesn't have a nickname for you that he started using....
Dating you brought out a mushy side to him, much to his own disgust for the first few months, but he ended up loving when it made you blush, so the nickname he gave you stuck: his Lotus.
It went on like that for a while, the two of you bantered like an old married couple (5,000 years in that Millennium Ring is more than enough to make someone cranky as hell, let's be brutally honest here)
3 years later, the two of you were living together, and Yami Marik (Melvin) dared you to call Bakura by his name instead of the Fluffy nickname you had always used
Well, you had no idea how that was going to blow over with him, but you just shrugged and thought 'What the hell?'
You found Bakura in the kitchen and hugged him from behind. "Whatcha doin', Bakura?" You asked him before feeling him tense up in your arms. When you looked up at him, he looked in shock. "What?"
"You've never called me by my first name." He told you, looking down at you and shooting you a glare. "This wouldn't have anything to do with a certain dare now, would it?"
You blinked. "How do you do that?" You asked. He shrugged with a little smirk before suddenly picking you up, making you squeak in shock as he put you on the counter, standing between your legs.
"Only you get to call me Fluffy, my Lotus. Looks like I need to remind you of that." He purred deep in his throat with a smirk
Let's just say your voice was pretty hoarse the next morning..... 😳
Yami Marik (Melvin)
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And that now brings us to our evil Egyptian boy, Yami Marik (aka Melvin)
The first time he met you, you called him "Psycho", while he called you "Doll"
The nicknames stuck, and when you two started dating after 2 years, nothing really changed.... He just called you "Baby" every now and then while you called him "My Handsome Little Psycho" or "Babe"
After a year or so of living together, you got a text from Yami Bakura daring you to call Melvin by his first name
You had no idea how he would react, honestly you didn't want to find out
But, with some convincing (and may or may not have threatened a one way trip to the Shadow Realm for you), he convinced you to do it
While the two of you were relaxing together, you looked up at Melvin.
"You know I love you, right, Melvin?" You asked him.
His eyes automatically went down to you, an eyebrow raised. "Why'd you call me that?" He asked.
"Because it's your name." You answered before you yelped as he pinned you down
"No, no, no, doll, say my name..." He told you before kissing your neck, making you bite back a moan. "My real name."
"Baby..." You moaned out before Melvin smashed his lips into yours and smirked.
"Good girl."
Taglist: @vivinightingale @bisexualmattholtstan @wataponwrites
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incorrect-hololive · 3 years
I was re-watching some “What’s in a Duel” (YouTube vids that analyzes some of the best, character-driven duels in the Yu-Gi-Oh! series) and I started thinking of some duels that could be re-skinned with Hololive, where the EN girls serve as the antagonists of each scenario. Basically the baddies are fierce and tenacious, but roles I fit the Holomyth girls in aren’t out and out evil... just morally compromised enough to qualify as main villains sometimes. First two scenarios I got are the least spoiler-heavy.
The first I got is Yugi’s first duel with Pegasus from the first generation. Our good guy playing Yugi is Mel, since she’s a somewhat lewd pure cinnamon roll... also because she played Passionate Duelists over her Vtuber chips cooking thing. Oh, and I guess Choco as Yami Yugi because they kinda look like they could evolve into one another like Pokémon or something. Then for our antagonist, Pegasus will be played by Ina. She came off a bit creepy from her character concept but her art skills, goofy eccentricity (read: puns), and comfy air have ultimately dominated general perception of who she is. And Pegasus himself is much the same. He’s a bit creepy from the fact that he’s an uber rich dude running several epic corporate takeovers, holds knowledge he really shouldn’t (by virtue of being a mind-reader mostly), and stealing the souls of innocents in a bid to revive his wife from the dead but that’s all overshadowed (moreso after either his death in the manga or reform in the anime) in light of how he’s also an eccentric goofball who personally designed most of the cards used in Duel Monsters himself and will slap you around with a deck themed around old-school kiddy cartoons. It’s a jarring disconnect and it’s great. Like could you imagine sweet, comfy Ina being all “fite me in a children’s card game” on stream to one person in particular and taking the soul of their closest loved one because she won via timer?
Moving on to GX, the flavor of the season now is the relatively mundane rematch between Judai Yuki (Jaden Yuki) and Cronos di Medici (Vellian Crowler) from the undubbed fourth season. Long story short on this one is that Cronos, an esteemed educator and the campus’ vice chancellor, is purposefully botching his teaching duties in a bid to get his graduating class held back... because he got really attached to the students for the first time in his teaching career and can’t bring himself to let them go. So it falls on protag boy Judai to step in and stake whether or not he’ll actually do his friggin job on a duel. Playing Judai for this one is Akai Haato, because, much like everyone’s favorite drop-out boy, our favorite pure red heart has been through WAY too much traumatic horseshit in the span of about half a year so who better to depict carrying the severe baggage around after the fact. Meanwhile, Cronos, unlikely as it sounds, will be depicted by Calli. Much like how Cronos carries himself with an overblown air of refined pride because he runs the most esteemed house of the school (and furthermore holds a PhD in 4Kids dub) only for the facade to constantly crumble easily, Calli will often come off as cool badass with a majestic air about her until nerves or a massive inconvenience outs her for the adorably sentimental dork she really is. It also helps that the characters loosely fit the playing styles. Judai came into the show with arguably the purest love for dueling ever shown in the series and plays a deck themed around superheroes who help another out; perfect for a pure maiden like Akai Haato, an idol who’s kind to her core and always down to help a homie where she can. Meanwhile, Cronos plays a deck of antiquated clockwork mecha who focus on brute force and making absolutely sure their opposition have no choice but to bend over and take the incoming punishment; this matches how Calli is a lass who loves to scrap but also guns for the quick kill, either scythe or mace in hand, after a slow start.
I can cook up some stuff for later series and the remaining EN girls, but that’d get way more spoilery.
Whoa, this was definitely a read! I don’t know too much about YGO but this was pretty interesting to go through, I’m intrigued now. YGO fans where you at-
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elizabeatrice · 4 years
Sumire: In Summary (Chapter 66)
Let’s Talk About JSHK Manga #2
Warning: !!!Manga spoilers up to chapter 66!!! Duh.
These are my initial thoughts. I’m warning you, they may not be entirely coherent. I wrote this when Eng scanlations weren’t out yet, so I used @etoile_atelier’s Eng summary that they posted on their Insta Story. I’ll update with the scanlations later.
Sorry not sorry for the awful title I’m just punny like that okay.
Summary: Chapter commentary + theories on: Sumire’s relations to Aoi, Sumire and Tsukasa’s seals, and is Sumire and Shinigami a cautionary tale for Hanako and Nene?
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First, chapter recap.
Having no expectations at all amplified my emotional reactions to this chapter like 1000%
IT ONLY TOOK FOUR PANELS. FOUR (4)! (Oh, the number of death ... makes sense)
I can’t. I can’t deal. I’m not supposed to sympathize with Goat Man yet.
I mean we’re only four panels into his story smh
Okay so we’re back with Hanako and Nene! And they’re ... somewhere.
And they came across villagers who call them monsters (mononokes)
Honestly why are people so rude to my boy he’s a kiddo trying his best mkay and now ya’ll’re capturing him, the nerve! Y’all captured my daughter in law as well, who’s a literal angel! I will call your mothers about this unacceptable behavior, random villagers.
*ding* [A wild new character appears!]
Ghost girl finally reappears! And yet again, I must ask,
“What is your deal, bruh?”
Sumire took them in, treating them like miserable strays in desperate need of help
And Sumire said something along the lines of taking in the mononokes like she always does
Lmao when these two dumbasses tryna escape
At the very least, Hanako and Nene are trapped somewhere comfortable. And without creepy bugs.
Sumire is so much like Aoi I-???
‘Kay they must be related somehow, right? (More on that later below)
So ... is it official? Are we serving tanuki nabe in hananene events now?
Hanako is even more careful than usual and I gotta say, I’m following his footsteps.
Before I got my stylus out and started translating stuffs, I was so worried when I saw the panels focused on Hakujoudai.
I care about Hakujoudai more than I thought, guys. What a revelation.
Domestic hananene, finally some good freaking food tea.
Darn Hanako spilled the tea (literally, and figuratively)
So they’re not in the Far Shore ... I feel like I was lied to. Why would you lie to your own minions (and us), Shinigami?!
Unless them landing wherever this is wasn’t intentional.
Man, I was excited to see the Far Shore too.
Hanako said they’re still in Shinigami’s boundary, and the place is water-less because they’re in some sort of made up world inside his boundary (that may or may not be based on his memories)
I think it actually is based on his memories, because the first page’s introductory sentence included something along the lines of, “Seven Mysteries’ No. 6′s memories”
So yeah it’s like a mini theater, presumably made by Shinigami so that his boss and his boss’ kannagi couldn’t interfere with his plans. Maybe.
I know the tea might be drugged by Sumire/Shinigami or whatever but-
Your wife helped make that tea, Yugi Amane, show some appreciation!
She looked sad about the tea, too, oh you precious child
Hanako’s sulky, distrustful face tho lmao
Boy was all serious like, “I’ll protect this girl with my afterlife”
Then ZAP *obligatory “Hanako you pervert” comment*
Hanako: Go in there save Yashiro go in there save Yashiro and maybe take a lil peek-
Also Hanako: She’ll hate me.
Hanako: Fuck.
Sumire: Aren’t you two lovers?
Nene: NO.
Nene: ////// D-do we actually look like lovers?
Sumire: Gurl-
*TV beep*
AidaIro: Imma just drop the bomb of the month here~
Sumire: I’m (probably) a yorishiro!
*roll credits*
*cue me screaming*
Sumire? Aoi?
Option A
Aoi and Sumire come from the same bloodline, Sumire’s her ancestor.
Option B
Aoi is Sumire’s reincarnation. So, that means the Sumire we’re seeing isn’t the real Sumire, regardless whether she was made especially for this ‘made up lil’ world inside the boundary’ or the real yorishiro.
Though, would Shinigami actually put his yorishiro somewhere Hanako and Nene could find and destroy her so easily? Suspicious.
So yeah this Sumire, if she really is the real yorishiro, must be a memory apparition like Mitsuba 2.0
White on Black, Red on Black
Now the moment this girl revealed her seal I knew the fandom would point a finger and unanimously scream, Tsukasa!
But ... then again, there’s the matter of different colors between Tsukasa’s seal and the yorishiro seals we’ve seen so far
What if object-yorishiro and person-yorishiro seals have different colors?
Like, white on black seals for object-yorishiro, and red on black seals for person-yorishiro
We actually need to see Sumire’s seal in color to confirm this tho
Sumire, Shinigami, and the Repeating Motive of Tragic Human-Supernatural Relationships in JSHK
Boi. You knew from the first four panels alone that something went wrong with Sumire and Shinigami.
“Promise you’ll stay with me forever.”
Bruh. I can not.
I mean I’m already imagining stuffs that are probably not how their real story’s gonna go down but
It’s definitely tragic, you can smell it. I’ll be entirely shocked if it ain’t tragic
Shinigami’s her betrothed, right?
Why are they only getting married now tho? I assume these two first met ages ago.
Could it be that human Sumire died before they could?
If so ... what if they’re trying to fulfill their wish that never got to happen when Sumire was alive?
What if these two are a cautionary tale for Hanako and Nene?
This might be too far fetched but think about it.
Sumire said, “Falling for things that don’t exist in our world may be deemed a taboo, but you can’t help it if you’re attracted to them,” and it’s the same for Sumire.
According to her, Shinigami is a straitlaced but cute demon. He used to kill for fun (and out of boredom, ‘cause the dude is immortal) but he’s quick to get shy, too.
So. You’ve got a kannagi who’s all too kind to ‘monsters’ (taking in the mononokes, remember?) and try her best to help them.
And a monster with dangerous powers who also have a shy side and would do anything to do what they deem right.
Sounds familiar?
Let’s admit it. The only problem Nene has with liking Hanako is the fact that he’s not her type.
Him being dead has never been the main problem.
In fact, when she does acknowledge his death, it was out of sympathy. She wished he could’ve lived happier. But since he didn’t she sets out to make his afterlife happy, you know, as a good friend.
So I imagine if she does, in fact, accept that she really does like him like that, she’ll be a lot like Sumire, don’t you think?
Nene’s thing is that she’s got compassion for everyone, whether they’re supernaturals or not (unless they mock her legs I guess hahahaha).
She won over Yako (who still hasn’t admitted it), Tsuchigomori, and Shijima with her earnest heart.
On the other hand, Hanako was willing to defy his own principles, his hatred toward the fakeness of Shijima’s world, and perhaps supernatural law or whatever (’cause I doubt it’s ‘legal’ to keep the students trapped in a painting) just because Nene could live happily there.
As we (slowly) uncover Shinigami’s story, Nene also seems to be constantly confronted by others regarding her own feelings. Akane, Aoi, now Sumire.
“Promise you’ll stay with me forever?”
“Stay by my side until then, okay?”
I just broke your hearts. Maybe. Maybe not.
Now Imma go cry.
10 notes · View notes
deejadabbles · 4 years
Spells of Defiance (Atem x Reader x Yugi) Chapter 6
Six: Speakeasies
One //// Two //// Three //// Four //// Five //// Six //// Seven //// [Eight coming soon] 
Summary: The Circle of Magicians protects the world from rogue, murderous fey. The police who keep bloodsuckers and flesh-eaters in check. You’ve hunted vampires for years, earning a reputation as one of the best magicians in that field; but what happens when an encounter with a particular vampire makes your already fragile loyalties split?
Supernatural/Demon Hunter AU. Vampire!Atem x Reader x Incubus!Yugi (yes, a polyamorous relationship). Warnings for cursing, vulgar language, violence, and some sexual themes.
A.N. Sorry it took so long to get the next chapter done, I had some personal stuff go down in my life a couple months ago and it took me a long time to get back in a decent mental state. I hope I make up for that with this long chapter. I also hope everyone and their loved ones are doing well during all the crazy stuff that’s happening right now, stay safe, and stay strong <3
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“So who exactly is this Peggy guy?”
You almost wanted to snort in laughter at Joey’s nickname, and if it wasn’t for the knot in your stomach, you probably would have. “Pegasus, his name is Pegasus. And to answer your question, he’s a very prominent vampire in Domino. He owns a club that’s exclusive for highbrow fey and he’s been here for a good century or two.”
“And the circle just ignores his existence?” Atem asked.
Though his tone was devoid of anything accusatory (at least towards you) you still felt an uncomfortable tingle at the back of your neck at his words. 
“Not exactly,” you finally answered, “They have an...understanding with Pegasus. He’s supposed to give the circle information on his patrons if they’re doing anything wrong, but we all know he doesn’t, unless it’s something really big that’ll earn him favors from the Circle. Everyone also knows he has some shady dealings, and he toes the line of the Circle’s laws a lot. Still, he doesn’t go around blatantly killing humans or causing havoc, so they mostly leave him be. I guess you could say he’s a bit like a mob boss.”
Atem only answered with a sigh and looked away. Again that uncomfortable tingle crawled across your neck. Atem’s mood was still low from what little you had found at Marik’s last hideout. It was obvious that the place had been abandoned days and days ago, but you still felt an almost painful twinge of guilt in your stomach when you saw how much it pained Atem to have him slip away again.
You took the lapse in silence to look up at the sky, examining the clouds collecting overhead. The four of you were walking down the busy streets of downtown, the upscale, higher end of downtown with lots of private boutiques and day spas. The sun was just starting to set now, it was a good time to hit Pegasus’ club, less patrons to cause trouble, but enough that Pegasus would be less willing to cause some himself. Can’t look bad in front of the customers, after all.
“Do magicians come to his club often?” Yugi asked suddenly, and when you turned to look at him, you could see the worry in his lavender eyes.
You managed a small smile at him. “Don’t worry, Yugi, he rarely gets visits from the Circle. In fact, I’m one of the few magicians he’ll talk to...he’s a bit of a primadonna and usually demands to see ‘his favorites’ from the Circle only.”
“And how exactly did you become a favorite?” Joey asked, and you tried not to take the bite in his tone personally.
“When I was young and training under an older magician, my instructor and I got called to his club to arrest some trouble makers tearing the place up. In that particular moment he didn’t much care who from the Circle came to help him, but apparently he liked my…. spunk and started requesting me personally when dealing with the Circle.”
Joey gave a grunt of understanding but was obviously still unconvinced that this was a good idea with the way he averted his eyes to stare blankly ahead. Again the silence between you and the others caused you to get lost in your thoughts for a moment, mostly focusing on how all of this may go down. Atem wasn’t going to like what you were planned to suggest once you got there, but he would just have to learn to take his overprotectiveness and-
You sighed and mentally scolded yourself for the harsh thought. Atem’s protectiveness wasn’t him thinking you were weak, he just wanted to keep you safe. He and Yugi both cared about you. The feeling that rose in your chest at the thought made your fists clench. It wasn’t an uncomfortable feeling, per se, but it wasn’t familiar to you and the fact that it had crept up more and more around the boys made you want to stuff it back down to wherever it had come from.
In fact, you had to do exactly that now, seeing as how the club was in sight. You stopped in your track and waited for the boys to turn to face you with questioning looks before you spoke up.
“Alright, this is the place,” you said, waving at the well-kempt brick building.
It had large windows beside the ornate double oak doors but said windows were covered by thick, red velvet curtains. There was no sign on the building, leaving the passing humans to only stare and wonder what the place was, if they took notice at all.
Though he didn’t want to be too flashy and have humans constantly knocking on his club's door, Pegasus still left his own posh mark on the exterior. The fire escape stairs were painted bright red and had vines twisted around it, growing flowers that would bloom when the sunset; a symbol to indicate just who his particular clientele were. Then, on the roof, he had added on more brick additions to the building, a short tower on each corner, his personal living quarters and studios if you remembered right. The whole place looked like he was trying to make his own English castle in downtown Domino.
You sighed and looked back at the boys, “Listen, I’m going to need to go in and see Pegasus alone.”
“What?” Atem’s tone was flat and, given the setting sun, he actually took off his sunglasses so you could fully see the displeased look in his crimson eyes.
“I know you don’t like the idea, but he’ll get suspicious if I walk in with three random fey. As it is, he’s one of my contacts that the circle knows about, so I’m already having to hide this,” you flashed your palm, the pink scar of your magician’s seal, at them, “from him to avoid suspicion. I’ll get more info out of him if I’m alone.”
You saw Atem bite his tongue, quite literally, and seem to contemplate what to respond with. In the end, he closed his eyes and let out a long breath. “As you wish. But I want the rest of us to stay close so that if anything happens, we can help.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll signal you if I need help,”  you assured, relief flooding you as another argument was avoided.
“How will you signal us?” Joey asked, crossing his arms, “An’ just for the record, I’m not a fan of waiting.”
You actually smirked at him before looking back at the brick building for a moment. “If you three stay here you’ll be able to see when I give you the signal,” you actually winked as you turned back to them, “you’ll know it, trust me.” With that, you turned on your heel and started walking towards the door. “I won’t be long, just hold tight.”
“Be careful,” Atem called after you, apparently having to act on at least some of his protector instincts.
You almost managed to look over your shoulder and give him an assuring smile, but seeing the doors to Pegasus’ club made a begrudging air fall back on your shoulders.
Then, still about a dozen feet from said doors, you heard Yugi call out to you. Surprised, considering how quiet he had been since leaving Marik’s old hideout, you turned to him, brows furrowed. He was jogging after you, putting some distance between himself and the other two and he stopped right in front of you.
He looked a bit nervous himself and his tone was low as he said, “I just wanted to check on you before you went in. Ever since you started talking about coming here you’ve just...you’ve had this...anxiety around you. Are you okay?”
That unfamiliar sensation started in your chest again, especially with how sweet Yugi’s eyes were on you. Sometimes you forgot that incubi could sense more than just lustful emotions, that they were full empaths.
“Uh, yeah, I’ll be okay, Yugi,” you answered lamely, then continued since you knew that wouldn’t satisfy him. “It’s just that Pegasus has always kind of creeped me out, that’s all.”
You felt stupid for saying it, out of all the things you had seen (and done) in your years, it shouldn’t be easy to make your skin crawl. Then again, the fact that he kept his dead wife’s body preserved with magic and had it displayed in a glass coffin Snow White style was bound to creep most people out.
Yugi’s eyes narrowed a bit at your omission and you were glad you left out the dead wife detail. “Does he try anything with you when you go to see him? I can make us invisible, like I did at the Sanctuary, so we can go in with you. I’ll make sure that creep doesn’t-”
“Yugi.” He stopped his almost-rant at your firm word, though you couldn’t help but inwardly smile at Yugi wanting to defend your ‘honor’. “I’ll be fine, I promise. And I swear if I need your guy’s help, I’ll ask for it.”
The sweet incubus sighed, then reached out and took your hand, holding it just long enough to give it an affectionate squeeze. “We’ll be right here.”
You almost had the chance to squeeze his hand back before he pulled away, though you had to ignore the urge to ask yourself why you wanted to hold it just a moment longer. With another breath, you turned away and walked the last few feet to Pegasus’ club.
You knocked on the ornately painted doors thrice, slow and steady just like Pegasus had told you to all those years ago when he first requested your presence. The eye-level slat in the door opened to reveal a pair of yellow irises that seemed to glow in the dying daylight. You kept your face blank as you stared back at him and waited. A grunt and an “oh, it’s you” later, and the slat was shut with a snap, the door opening a second after.
“Good to see you again too, Saru,” you mumbled as you stepped inside.
The large henchman shut the door behind you and Pegasus’ haven for posh fey was splayed out before you. The whole place was bedecked in lush reds, thick carpet with simple but old designs, curtains and drapes covering the walls and hanging from the ceiling, blocking out the outside world and its troubles. A set of three steps in front of the door led to the main area where guests sat. Dozens of finely carved tables with matching chairs, leather settees, and armchairs filled the main room, with wide enough paths for people to walk through without feeling crowded.
Then there were the private booths. Vases on pillar-shaped stands as well as fine art lined the walls between each booth notched into the walls. Some had curtains drawn over them for privacy, others sat with them wide open. Only a dozen or so people occupied the venue now, not including the string band playing on the stage to the right. A rather quiet night it seemed.
As you stepped inside you tried to ignore the silhouette of a woman dancing behind one of the curtained-off booths, two patrons watching her from their seats behind the red cloth. More so was it hard to ignore the young man sitting on a vampire’s lap, baring his neck to the older man’s fangs with eyes half-lidded and smile wide, euphoric even.
Some of the other patrons actually took notice of you as you marched across the room to the lavishly painted pocket doors on the other side. A man from one of the booths watched you like a hawk, stirring his amber-colored drink with his finger and not bothering to hide the suspicion in his single eye. A woman with delicate-looking wings smiled at you as you passed, trying to make eye contact with you so she might compel you to join her seat by the fireplace. Other eyes, vampire, cyclops, nymph, and otherwise burned into you from all sides but you ignored them, keeping sights on the silver haired man guarding the double doors that cordoned off Pegasus’ private room.
“I need to speak with his royal highness,” you said, dropping mood evident in your flat tone.
This henchman always wore his thick sunglasses even inside, but you could tell he was glaring down at you behind them. “Master Pegasus is entertaining a guest at the moment,” he snapped, obviously forgetting that Peggy himself had ordered his staff to treat you kindly whenever you stopped by. He must have remembered those instructions now, because he put on a mocking smile, showing his fangs as he waved at the table beside the vampire feasting on the young man, “Please, have a seat and I’ll call you over when he’s free.”
You felt a sneer take over your face as you took a step closer to the man, he was taller than you, but height didn’t mean jack when he had seen what you were capable of. “I don’t think your boss wants me to sit down. Because if I do, I might have time to start asking that vampire if he has a legal contract to suck on that human. Or how about the succubus feasting on the two men in the corner booth?”
The man sniffed, nose wrinkling as if a rotten smell was shoved under his flaring nostrils. “I assure you, all of our patrons practice legal feeding.”
“Hm, that may be, but a magician going around asking questions and ruining their night is still bad for business.”
Looking downright livid now, he opened his mouth to say something biting in reply, but was cut off by a drawling voice coming out from the crack between the doors behind him.
“Oh let her in you fool. You know I love it when my sweet magician girl visits me!”
The overly sweet croon in his tone made your scowl deepen, even as the head suit slid the door open with a grumbled, “Yes sir”.
Pegasus had changed his private room a bit since you last visited him. Instead of the long dining table, he sat at a smaller round one covered in a beautiful white silk cloth. The china dishes, crystal wine glasses, chandelier, and candelabra centerpiece were all the same though.
“It’s so good to see you again, my sweet!” Pegasus all but cheered, a smile turning his lips as he swirled his wine glass full of red thick liquid that smelled of iron. He was wearing one of his favorite red suits trimmed in white lace and his long curtains of silver hair were styled to perfection. “To what do I owe this pleasure? What do you need from dear old Pegasus?” he asked before taking a sip of his drink.
A scan of the empty chairs around the table told you that Peggy’s right-hand man had lied when saying that he was entertaining someone, as the only other souls in the large room were his two bodyguards.
“I came to ask for information,” you said, crossing your arms as you looked down at him.
The vampire chuckled, the sound deep and dangerous as he set his glass down and looked at you through his long lashes. “Now now, my dear, there’s no need to take that impatient tone with me. You know I’m always willing to help you when I can. So long as you pay my entry fee, of course.” With that, Pegasus held out his hand, palm up and looking delicate as it waited.
Your body tensed at the gesture, even though you had been expecting it. Aside from his all-around creep factor, and the fact that you hated owing him favors, this was the main reason you hated crawling to Pegasus.
Trying to resist the urge to sigh, you skirted the table and approached him. You placed your left hand in his, wrist up and veins vulnerable. He pulled you closer as he gripped your wrist and leaned his face into the warm skin.
“No need to be nervous, my sweet,” Pegasus practically purred, “you know I’m always a perfect gentleman.”
The way he ran his nose along the veins made your stomach crawl and heave; you were glad he couldn’t see (or didn’t care about) the sickened look on your face.
“Oh my,” he said with a tisk tisk sound, then flickered his eyes up to yours, not leaning away from your wrist in the slightest. “You’ve been cheating on me, my sweet little magician. I can smell another vampire in your veins.”
The memory of Atem feeding from you made a different heat crawl up your neck, but it mixed with another sick feeling as you envisioned Atem seeing you like this. It was a good thing you had made him and Yugi stay outside, or Pegasus would probably be on the ground by now.
“I’ve never said we were exclusive, Pegasus,” you said, hiding the shamed embarrassment behind quips. Besides, it paid to play along with his sick little games.
He chuckled at that, “Right you are, my dear.” Without another word, he sank his fangs into your wrist.
You tried not to flinch as the curative on his fangs flooded your nerves. Even with the numbing effect they provided, it was still uncomfortable to feel him tearing into your skin. Though he feigned kindness and worry, his fangs had none of the gentle care that Atem’s did, none of the soothing thumb strokes or caution to not dig in too deep, just enough to draw what was needed. Pegasus’ treatment was all mock gentleness; a sickly sweet whisper while sharp nails dug into bruised skin.
He never took much, thank god, but the moment still seemed to crawl by before he was retracting his fangs. He gave a satisfied, dramatic sigh, “My dear, your blood simply gets better and better every time you come to see me, like a finely crafted wine.” He chuckled at his own comparison as he pulled the white handkerchief from his breast pocket.
Though his puncture marks were already closing, blood has still dripped out from the wound and he dapped at your wrist, again with that mocking care. You supposed he thought licking blood from your skin was too uncouth or savage-like because this was his usual routine.
The moment his grip on you slackened at all, you pulled free of his grasp, “Now that I’ve given you your usual payment, I have some questions to ask you,” the attempt to keep any snap or malic free from your tone failed, but Pegasus didn’t seem to mind at all.
“Of course my dear, always happy to help!” He waved at the seat across from him at the round table, “But I must insist that you take a seat, I do hate seeing you stand the whole time.” He snapped his fingers at the guard on his left, “Get our guest a glass of wine!”
Again, knowing it paid to play his game, you skirted the table back to the side of the room nearest the door and took the seat there. Now that the worst part of visiting the vampire lord was over, you made yourself look at ease as you leaned back, arm propped up against the ornately carved chair. A third vampire guard came into the room from the door to the right of Pegasus, carrying a dusty bottle of red wine. He poured it into the crystal glass in front of you, but you paid the alcohol no mind, instead looking the newcomer over. He was young, or at least, young when he was turned, but likely hadn’t been a vampire long judging by the way he held himself. Marik wasn’t the only one who tried to turn the humans he drained in order to get more servants. You had always had your suspicions that such a practice was a reason Pegasus turned on his clients to get in the Circle’s favor. They were all too willing to turn a blind eye to the occasional human going ‘missing’ if it meant having a good informant.
“He’s new,” you commented as the man leaned back but did not leave the room.
Pegasus ignored your observation. “So my dear, what is it that you need from me? I promise I’ll help in any way I can.”
“I heard that the cult leader Marik has given you some trouble recently. Tell me about it.”
The vampire hummed as he took another drink of the thick liquid in his glass. He waited a beat after he was done, closing his eyes and holding his hand to his chin. “Ah yes, that loathsome little nat. His thugs thought it would be funny to terrorize one of my other clubs. Tore the place up rather well too, before my men could deal with them.” He opened his eyes again and held your gaze, “If you’re wondering why I didn’t call the Circle for help, I assure you such thuggish heathens were nothing to worry about.”
“That’s not what I’m wondering,” you clarified, though you were sure an illegal dealing or two at said club was the real reason. “I want you to tell me everything you know about Marik. I’m sure after that you must know something about him...or maybe his right-hand vampire?”
Again Pegasus waited a moment to respond, then, he nodded at the man on his right. “Go fetch Kemo, he might be able to tell her a thing or two about the incident,” he turned his sights back on you, “As for myself, well, I’m sure I don’t know any more than the Circle does about this Marik boy. He’s a roach, but he’s good at evading capture like one too.” He tapped his chin then, and it actively came to mind how much he was drawing this out. Then again, Pegasus always was a showman. “But since you mentioned his right hand, there is something I can tell you. After the incident, Marik sent one of his followers here to tell me that he hadn’t ordered his thugs to attack my establishment and that he had dealt with them thoroughly. I was shocked to say the least, I assumed someone as chaotic as this Marik wouldn’t care about smoothing things over, but perhaps he simply didn’t want to risk me going after his followers in retaliation.”
“What did this follower he send look like?” you asked, trying not to seem too eager.
“Oh he was a strapping young vampire,” Pegasus crooned, “very tall and muscular, with tan skin and dark hair. The most distinguishing factor, however, was the tattoo on his face.” Another long drink taken after the statement almost made you growl impatiently. “If the design being on his face wasn’t odd enough, the fact that it was of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs makes it all the more strange.”
So, Marik’s right-hand man was someone from, or at least interested in, Egypt. Interesting. “Is there anything else you can tell me about him or anything he said to you while he was here?”
Again, Pegasus took his sweet time answering, and as he did, Kemo, as well as two other bodyguards, came into the room. The fact that they, as well as the guard who had poured your drink, were now filling the room did not go unnoticed by you.
“Besides his surprisingly calm demeanor, no, I’m afraid there isn’t,” the vampire gave a bit of a dramatic sigh. “I’m sorry my dear, but surely that distinguishing factor will help you…” his eyes narrowed on you then, shifting from that drama queen act to the dangerous man you knew he was underneath. “I’m sure the Circle will appreciate the information, be sure to give it to them when you return. In the meantime, please, drink. You haven’t touched your wine.”
The familiar burn of adrenaline was starting in your veins now, but all the same, you sighed. You didn’t exactly relish making a mess. “You know I don’t drink while working, Pegasus. And besides that, did you really think I wouldn’t notice your goons closing in?”
He chuckled darkly in response, “I don’t make a habit out of underestimating you, my dear, but I’m afraid it’s too late. Other magicians are already on their way here, you best just wait for them. And please, don’t take this personally. As much as I adore your visits, turning a traitor over to the Circle will earn me quite a large favor with them. It’s just business, after all.”
Again you sighed, staying in our laid back position despite the fact that two more goons stepped into the room. “It’s your funeral, Pegasus,” your eyes drifted to the young vampire, who still held the wine bottle and seemed to be sweating bullets. “You really should have stayed home from work today, kid.”
With that your leg came up swift and hard, launching the table and its contents into the air as you sprang up. Your full wine glass was halfway back down when you grabbed it, smashed the end on your chair, and stabbed the remaining stem into the neck of the first vampire that made to grab you.
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Yugi tried to keep his eyes on something that would distract him, like observing the old building before them, but the sound of his boyfriend’s pacing feet was too much to ignore.
“Atem, will you please calm down,” Yugi sighed, turning to face the agitated vampire.
Joey, who was leaning against the brick wall of the closed beauty shop next door, stretched his arms over his head. “Yug is right, stressin’ won’t get you anywhere.”
“She’s been in there too long. What if she’s hurt? Gods know what that man could be doing to her.”
“She wouldn’t have gone in if she didn’t at least trust this Pegasus guy a little,” Yugi countered. “Besides, she told us she would give us a signal if she needed help, she isn’t stupid.”
Atem halted his pacing and clenched his fists. “I know. But that doesn’t mean I’m not worried about her. Besides, how will we even know what-”
His words were cut off by the sound of shattering glass. They spun around, towards the large windows of the building and saw a man crashing through the glass. A wine bottle flew from his hand, clattering and clinking against the concrete as he landed hard. If there was any question on who this man was, it was answered when he sprang to his feet, raw flesh of his face already healing, and started running down the alley, yelling about how the pay wasn’t worth “this”.
“I guess that’s the signal,” Joey shrugged before the four of them descended on the new opening into the club, two well-dressed patrons running out as they did.
The sounds of a fight grew louder and the moment they came to the opening, Yugi almost had to do a double-take. Across the room two doors hung broken on their hinges, revealing an ornate dining room with more shattered glass and an upturned dining table. There in the middle of it all was you fighting off three- no, four (five?) fey clad in suits.
One made to grab you but you dodged and grabbed the back of his jacket, pulling it down to help hinder his arms as you set the fabric on fire. The man cried out as you kicked him, sending his now aflame body into one of his comrades. Without missing a beat you sidestepped another punch with grace, silver flashing in your hand as you came up and slashed the blade of your dagger across the vampire’s neck.
“Eh, you sure she actually needs help?” Joey asked, though he was immediately answered as Atem charged in with a growl of anger.
A vampire that had been hanging back tried to get a jump on your turned back, but Atem grabbed him by the arm and sent him flying across the decadent red room. That’s when Yugi spotted a door to their right burst open and even more minions came charging in. Not just vampires this time, one was a troll of sorts, another some minor race of demon, and a third who must have been a werewolf because he sniffed the air and turned excited eyes on Joey, canine teeth flashing.
In response, his old friend growled and descended on the newcomers, extended claws clashing with the other wolf.
Though you seemed to have confidence in him and Yugi was not above defending himself, he still wasn’t one for much violence. And if he was being honest with himself, Yugi wasn’t sure how much help he could be in the current chaos. The few patrons who hadn’t fled as soon as the window was open now ran past Yugi in varying stages of terror, or at least with a despondent air of ‘nope’. All except one, a nymph by a fireplace who sat reclined in her chair, calmly sipping her drink as if this was simply a mildly entertaining interactive play.
Yugi’s attention was snapped from the nymph as he caught sight of the troll stomping towards the room where you and Atem were fighting back to back. Mind working fast, Yugi’s wings flared and launched him into the air, courtesy of the building’s high ceilings. As he flew towards you he snatched a thick golden rope from the ground, a curtain accent that had been tossed to the floor in the mayhem.
He saw Atem punch another vampire in the gut, quickly grab the back of his jacket, and toss the man to you. Your hand met with the vampire’s face with a burning grasp, instantly rendering the man helpless as he howled in pain and tried to extinguish the flames across his skin.
Not a moment later however, did the troll make himself known by grunting in disapproval and raising his fists- with both you and Atem within his long reach. Atem made to grab you, likely to pull you out of harm's way but Yugi got their first. With the troll’s arms still lifted for a strike, Yugi flew past, lassoing the fancy rope around the attacker’s wrists.
Just as swiftly, Yugi’s wings carried him down and between the troll’s legs (at least his small size was good for one thing). The troll grunted as his arms were pulled back by the lead of rope now trailing between his own legs.
Yugi landed in front of you and Atem, extended the now short end of the rope and said, “Pull!”
The strength of all three of you combined was enough to pull the giant off balance and he came tumbling down with an earth-shaking thud . You took over from there, pulling a small pouch of something from your jacket and tossing it at the troll. With the flash of a spell, the pouch burst into a fine powder that fell onto the struggling heap of a giant, who quickly ceased all movement.
“My my, bravo!” Called a bright, though almost drawling, voice.
Yugi turned and finally noticed someone else that was apparently completely at home in the chaos. A silver-haired man sat in a fine-looking chair by the upturned table, lazily sipping from a crystal wine glass.
He flashed Yugi an interested smile, “And who might this handsome, young incubus be? Sexy demons, vampires, and werewolves, my my you do keep interesting company these days, my dear magician girl.”
“We need to get out of here,” you snapped, ignoring who Yugi assumed was Pegasus. “He’s sent word to the Circle and they’ll be here any minute.”
“They’re trying to block our only exit,” Atem hissed and Yugi turned to see that he was right, the few remaining lackies that Joey wasn’t fighting off were now blocking the large open window.
“Yugi, if I clear your way do you think you can grab Joey and fly out of here?” you asked.
“What about you and Atem?” he almost snapped back in worry.
“I think I can teleport us out, but Pegasus has seals up that make that difficult, otherwise I’d just teleport all four of us out. I think I can manage with just me and Atem though.”
“So, Yugi, Atem, and Joey,” Pegasus crooned from his seat, “Interesting, I’ll have to keep an eye on all four of you then!”
Obviously the boss had no intentions of getting his hands dirty by trying to stop their group, so Yugi took your lead and ignored him, instead nodding to your plan. That was all the confirmation you needed because you turned to the fey blocking the exit with raised hands.
“Get ready.”
A moment later you pulled your arms back, only to thrust them forward with a shout! Yugi felt an invisible force brush past him, but the few bodyguards by the window got more than a passing breeze. Instead, they were all thrown off their feet, some colliding with the wall, one flying through the broken window, and another flung across the room.
Yugi knew he had to move fast so, though it felt wrong to leave you and Atem behind, he put his trust in you and launched back into the air. Joey had already overpowered the goons he descended on and was looking about the room to figure out what to do next when Yugi called out to him. Joey’s eyes darted up to meet his and the moment Yugi extended his hand, the wolf understood.
The incubus grabbed the hand he held out and flew for the window, heart racing when he saw that some of the henchmen were already getting back to their feet. Joey took care of that however and delivered a swift kick to the head of the demon that made to snatch them out of the air.
The moment they cleared the jagged glass, Yugi shot upward towards the dark sky like a bullet. Once high enough Yugi slowed his ascent and hovered in the air with steady wing beats as he looked down at the ground, searching for any sign of you and Atem, or Circle mages closing in.
“Please be okay,” he whispered to himself.
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“Come on!” your call drew Atem’s attention even before you grabbed his hand.
Turning, you tried to make a break for the nearest door, so that you might have some distance between yourself and Pegasus’ henchmen, but the ones by the window were already rising to their feet again. The demon looked absolutely livid as blood from a freshly broken nose streamed down his face. He locked eyes on you and Atem just as you turned to run.
Arms wrapped around your waist and with a firm strength, you were thrown to the side. Atem held tight to you as you both crashed through french-style sliding doors, bodies hitting the wood as you collided with the ground.
You shook your head to halt the dizzying sensation, as well as the ache echoing through your body at the hard impact. With a quick glance at Pegasus’ dining room, you saw the burning residue of acid eating away at the wall sconce that likely would have been your head had Atem not thrown you out of the way. Huh, first time you had ever met an acid-spitting demon before.
“Gotta move,” you grunted, pain making the words lame as you tried to jump to your feet.
It would have been impossible with Atem still holding onto you had he not moved at the same time. Again you grabbed his arm as they slid from your waist and you bolted down the narrow hallway you had fallen into. Using the same spell that had knocked the cronies off their feet, you blew open the other door at the end of the hallway, and the moment you were on the other side, Atem slammed it back shut.
With a jerk on the arm you were holding, you made Atem face you. “This is going to be uncomfortable,” you warned before grabbing his other hand and closing your eyes.
Pegasus’ seals were weak, but they still made the task of teleporting out of the building quite taxing on your already depleted energy. With careful patience, you pushed through the blockages, feeling for the weak spot in the magic, like a light breaking through rubble. The moment you found it you cast your spell and the both of you were zapped out of Pegasus’ reach.
Now, to be technical, you weren’t exactly sure what it felt like to be shrunken down and stuffed into a tube that was still two sizes too small for your body, but, if you had to take a guess, you would assume the sensation was similar to the turmoil of teleporting. The fact that you had to push past the vampire’s seals only made the uncomfortable journey twice as torturous. A second later you found yourself stumbling across tarry ground, ankles aching from the hard, sudden contact. Unfortunately, Atem had less experience with the sensation than you did and tumbled to the ground, his still firm grip on you taking you down with him.
You lay there for a moment as you caught your breath, but Atem quickly sat up on his elbow and looked you over. “Are you alright?”
“F-fine,” you panted, “told you I’d let you know when things went south.”
He let out a huff of laughter, “Indeed.”
After waiting a beat, he got to his feet and held his hand out to you. You took the offer and let him pull you to your feet as his eyes scanned your new surroundings. You had landed them on the roof of a bookshop/apartment a good block and a half from Pegasus’ club. Close enough to regroup with Yugi and Joey, but far enough that you could hopefully avoid being spotted by any approaching magicians.
Speaking of, before Atem was even done scanning the rooftop, you heard your name called through the air, succeeded by Atem’s name a beat later. You both looked up to see Yugi soaring through the air, Joey dangling from his hands. The moment he was over the roof, Joey let go and stuck his landing, Yugi dropping down right beside him.
“Are you two okay?” the incubus asked, eyes looking over your face. You realized there might be a fresh bruise or two forming there, judging by the concern on his face and the pain that was getting harder to ignore as the rush of the fight fizzled out.
“I’m fine,” you assured, the words sounding more flat than you meant as you looked over at Atem. Of course he was fine, any injury sustained in there, against other vampires, would have healed by now.
“So, you find out anything before Peggy ratted you out to the circle?” Joey asked, stuffing his hands in his pockets.
You nodded, “Pegasus likes to talk, and he was doing just that while trying to stall me, hoping I wouldn’t notice. He said that he actually met with one of Marik’s followers, who he assumed is close to Marik. Even gave me an accurate description we may be able to use.”
“And you believe he was actually telling the truth?” Atem asked, “He could have made up anything to keep your attention.”
“True, but, I don’t think he was lying. I’ve seen him lie before and he knows I’m trained to sense deception. He would have tipped his hand to me quicker if he risked lying.” You let out a sigh, trying to remind yourself that, though both leads had turned into trials that day, you were at least getting small pieces of the Marik puzzle. “Anyway, we need to get moving, the Circle’s Magicians are likely already here and it won’t take them long to start searching the area for us.”
“Do you want to head back home?” Yugi asked as you all made your way to the fire escape.
You hesitated for a moment. The night was still young, and, given how agitated Atem still seemed, it might be nice to get at least one inch closer in your search. “Actually, if you’re up for it, there’s one more place I want to hit up. But I promise it’s less likely to end in a fight.”
As you started down the grated steps, Atem looked over his shoulder and quirked an eyebrow at you. “A more trusted informant? Or just a less violent one?”
“Neither, really. You remember me saying I have a friend who owns a bar?”
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Clubs and bars that catered to all brands of fey were scattered across the city, more commonly than one might think. Much like Pegasus’ haven, they mostly hid in plain sight, relying on word of mouth to gather patrons and a bouncer at the door to keep any unsuspecting humans from wandering in. They also did their best to keep under the radar of the Circle, thanks to common dealings that were less than legal. You supposed in many ways, they could be compared to the speakeasies of the prohibition era.
Thankfully, Mai’s place had no such reputation and she always made sure her patrons took their questionable acts elsewhere. That, paired with the fact that Mai had far more loyalty to you than the Circle, made you pretty confident that her pub was more than safe from unwanted magician company.
“I texted the address to Anzu, she says she’ll be here soon,” Yugi said, stuffing his phone back in his pocket as your small group walked. After telling him that Mai would probably insist on all of you eating there, he had wanted to invite Anzu to join them, not only to update her on what the four of you had found out, but likely just to have a friendly meal together. End the day on a happier note, so to speak.
“I don’t know about you guys, but I could use a burger or two!” Joey yawned as he stretched his arms over his head.
“Don’t worry, Mai’s cook makes some good burgers,” you assured lightly, even as your well-trained eyes kept alert on the darkened streets. “Not as good as Yugi’s but…” you shrugged as you trailed off, but did not miss the way Yugi gave a small, proud smile as he averted his eyes to the ground.
Though the night was young there weren’t many wanderers in this part of the city. It wasn’t a high-end neighborhood in the slightest, but it wasn’t a city slum like where Bonz lived, instead hovering somewhere safely in the middle. The low traffic streets also made putting your nerves at ease simpler. Knowing that you and your companions had escaped capture from the Circle so easily had put you on edge and it was hard to calm that down. Though you had been careful to take every precaution while sneaking away from Pegasus’ domain, it still felt too...simple. Too lucky.
You nearly jumped when you felt a gentle hand on your back and turned to meet Atem’s eyes. They were full of concern as he said, “What’s wrong?”
You looked back for a moment, then averted your gaze. “Nothing. Just on edge.” Thankfully, the turn that would lead to your destination was within reach a beat later. “Mai’s place is just around this corner.”
Atem’s eyes glanced in the direction you were pointing but obviously knew that you were just trying to change the subject as he didn’t seem satisfied with your answer. Still, he let the topic drop, at least for now, as you picked up the pace just a bit and turned the corner.
It was a wide alleyway, almost completely devoid of any trash or litter thanks to Mai’s perfectionism and desire to look like a respectable establishment. The only indicator that there was an establishment there at all, was the modified neon sign hanging above a stairway that dipped into the ground, leading to the basement level. The sign, that almost looked more fitting to psychic's shop, read ‘Harpie’s Fortune’ with a mystic eye placed between the two words.
The boys followed as you jogged down the stairs and you four barely fit at the bottom, having to wait a moment as you knocked on the door. A more pleasant face than the one at Pegasus’s club met you when the door’s window slid open.
“Hey, Honda, I need to speak to Mai,” you informed, almost interrupted by a loud growl coming from Joey’s stomach. “...And I need to get my friends some food.”
You almost laughed with the amendment, but the bouncer actually did as he unlocked the door. “Sure thing!” Honda, a tall muscly gorgon demon, swung the door open and stepped aside, waving the four of you in. “You should take the booth at the back, I’ll let Mai know you’re here.”
“Thanks, Honda. We have another friend coming, cute brunette named Anzu-”
“Oh, yeah, I know her! She’s a regular on ladies night,” the gorgon cut in, “I’ll show her to your table when she gets here,” his assurance was paired with a flash of a smile, one that almost hid his fangs and you actually returned it as you and your friends stepped inside.
When he shut the door behind Joey, Honda started skirting his way around the tables to the back room where Mai’s office was. It wasn’t a lavish, decadent place like the one downtown, but the pub had a laid back, relaxed air. A simple but clean (Mai’s work, once again) bar complete with a line of stools that were almost always packed. Tables filled the center of the room, plain wood and metal but comfortable enough for an after-work drink. Booths with faded red upholstery and more wooden tables lined the walls for maximum occupancy. Top it off with a few TVs hung high, some cityscape pictures on the brick walls and good- though greasy, food and you had yourself a cozy bar for folks who were just looking to relax.
It wasn’t a horribly busy night, only half or so of the seats filled, but it was packed enough for Mai’s liking for sure. Usually you opted to sit at the bar where Mai would easily spot you...and decipher your mood from afar in order to whip up a drink accordingly- but that was beside the point. Tonight however, you took Honda’s advice and wove towards a booth in the corner, one of the longer ones that would accommodate your group as well as give privacy.
An oni demon leaning against the bar called your name in a passing greeting, flexing his arm before laughing to himself. When Joey turned to you with an interested eyebrow raise you scratched the back of your neck. “It’s a reference to the time I beat him in an arm wrestling match. Got the whole bar into a debate on whether or not magic should be allowed to counter his natural strength,” you explained, in a light tone.
“Hope it didn’t end in a bar fight,” Yugi said, clearly amused.
“Nah, he was actually a good sport about it. Believe me, if he wasn’t Mai would have made him regret it.”
You almost went on, recalling the very few other times you had actually been sociable at the bar, but Atem chose that moment to cut in, his eyes scanning the venue with a wary kind of caution.
“There are humans here.”
Indeed, a quick once over of the place revealed, to a keen eye, that there were at least four humans scattered around. One was curled up in the arms of a dryad, the couple lounging in a booth, looking sleepy but perfectly content as they cuddled. Another was playing a hand of poker with a pair of werewolves, a siren, and a vampire, complaining that he was losing hand-over-fist with a teasing and jovial air. Two others were sitting at the bar with three female demons of varying races, dressed as if starting a night out on the town.
“Yup,” you said in answer. “Most clubs like this aren’t safe for humans to visit, but Mai makes sure that humans who know about the fey world are welcomed here and aren’t given any trouble. Makes it a particularly popular spot for...I guess you’d call them, interracial couples?” Your eyes lingered on the couple in the booth, as the dryad leaned in and pressed a soft, chaste kiss on her girlfriend’s forehead.
Atem followed your gaze and for a second you thought he might smile at the tender scene, but a stony look remained firm on his face. “There was a human at Pegasus’s club as well,” he started in a flat tone, slowing his pace as you neared the corner booth. “He was with an older vampire and looked half dazed. Does Mai condone vampires and other monsters entrapping unsuspecting humans?”
The bite in his tone actually stung a little, though it was hard to decipher if it was directed at you or not. “No, she doesn’t. The few times she’s seen a...suspicious couple, she’s always called me to look into it.”
A thought crossed your mind with that. It wouldn’t surprise you if Atem was truly mad over how such partnerships were handled by the circle, considering the one at Peggy’s club likely wouldn’t even receive a slap on the wrist for his questionable partnership with the dazed human. It wasn’t illegal for a vampire or other fey to feed on humans, so long as said human signed a contract with the fey, consenting to anything that might be done to them and so long as it didn’t end in a dead human. Unfortunately, whether the human was in a healthy enough state to sign that contract was usually a sticky gray area. Drug addicts and the mentally unsound were often targeted for toxic or downright abusive pairings.
You were about to say something more on the topic, especially since Yugi was looking uneasy at the darkening mood, but just as you opened your mouth, something grabbed your arm and pulled you back. Some one , you amended, as a familiar voice called your name, and you were pulled into a leather and lace-clad chest.
“You haven’t visited little o’ me in forever,” Mai said, tone cheerful as she continued to embrace you with surprising strength. “And you brought friends!”
“Hi, Mai,” you greeted, tone a little awkward as you reached up and patted her on the back, the other arm hanging by your side uselessly.
After another squeeze she released you, letting you get a healthy amount of air back in your lungs. Mai was as stunning as ever, blonde curls styled to perfection, makeup bold but suited to her daring nature, and corset top matching perfectly with her ripped jeans and lace-up boots. When you turned to introduce the boys to her, you saw that Joey was staring, wide-eyed and mouth slightly agape at your friend.
You flashed him a knowing smirk before moving the moment along, “Mai, this is Joey, Yugi, and Atem.”
“Oooh,” Mai cooed, “Look at you, running with wolves, vampires, and cute little incubi.” She winked over at you when Yugi blushed at the comment, but quickly added, “Welcome to Harpie’s Fortune boys, if my favorite mage says you’re good, then you’re welcome here.” She put a hand on your back then and started guiding you the last few feet to the corner booth, her tone lowering as she addressed you. “But something tells me you aren’t here for a drink or two. You’ve got that look in your eye, girly.”
“You know me too well,” you signed as you started scooting into the seat.
Before she could answer, Mai’s attention snapped back to the middle of the room and she raised her hand in a wave. “Anzu! It’s not often you drop by on a night that isn’t ladies night.”
“Hey, Mai,” the white witch greeted as she neared your table. She had gotten there quick. “I’m actually here with these guys tonight.”
“Oh?” Mai flashed her eyes back to you, “You never told me you knew Anzu.”
“We just met today actucally, through them,” you waved your hand at Yugi and Atem, who had taken the two spaces beside you, leaving Joey and Anzu to sit on the other side.
“Hm, small city then.”
When the five of you had settled down in the booth, Mai waved over her waitress and told your group to order so you could get down to business. After placing your order the waitress scurried off to the kitchen and Mai grabbed a chair from the empty neighboring table, scooting it to the head of your booth and plopping down.
“Now, what can I help you with, hm?” the blond asked.
Everyone else leaned in, considering you hadn’t relayed exactly what Pegasus had told you, and Anzu was a bit behind on everything that had been uncovered that day.
“I may have a lead on Marik,” you started, tone low enough not to carry far. “Rumor is that his followers have been picking up humans off the streets and something we found today says that he drains all of them not only for food but also in an effort to turn them so he can gain followers.
Mai sighed, “Thank explains how he’s kept his body dumps down to a minimum. And the cops around here write their deaths off as overdoses or muggings gone wrong. Still no idea where he picks these poor souls up?”
“Not really, but I think I have a description of one of his closer cronies, one that might be doing a lot of the victim picking. We’re hoping that if we find him, we’ll find Marik. Have you seen or heard of a vampire hanging around, tall, well built, tan skin, and tattoos of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs on his face?”
Mai raised an eyebrow, “That’s a rather distinct man right there, and unfortunately, no, I haven’t seen or heard of anyone fitting that description. But now that I know you’re looking, I’ll keep an eye out, Honda will, too.” She leaned back in her chair, actually looking a bit concerned now. “I’ll ask some of my regulars if they’ve seen any vamps creeping on humans. Usually they mention that stuff to me anyway because they know I’ll pass it on to you, but, you never know.”
You nodded and despite the fact that your lead had come to a halt, you were hopeful. You knew that Mai’s personal history with ‘creepy’ vampires would make her take this threat and her promise seriously. “Thanks, we’d appreciate that.”
Mai nodded, then got up from her seat. “No problem. There’s something else I needed to talk to you about, though.”
She waved her hand as she started towards the bar and, after casting a look to the others at the booth, moved to get up and followed her. Atem and Yugi had to move out of your way and Yugi looked as though he wanted to ask what was up. In contrast, Atem’s eyes narrowed a little and you wondered if he had wanted to say something regarding your leads before Mai left, but you figured that Mai had purposely cut the conversation short with that in mind.
Through the crowds you wove, until Mai slipped behind the bar, leaving you to lean against the support beam nearby. She took a folded up piece of notepaper out from under the old landline phone and returned to you.
“About an hour ago, that creepy ghoul contact of yours called. He said to tell you that he has some info you’d want to hear and to meet him at the old parkway apartment building.” She handed you the paper, with the address and date scrawled across it in Mai’s neat handwriting. “I didn’t want to mention it in front of your friends,” she continued, arms crossed. “Didn’t know how much they were meant to know or...�� her voice trailed off then, an odd occurrence for the confident Mai who always had something to say.
You looked up and met her eyes, wondering if she was recalling the last time a creeper vampire picked a human up off the streets. “Thanks, Mai. With any luck, he’ll have something that’ll help us catch Marik. And don’t worry, we will catch him.”
That confident smile was back on Mai’s face in an instant, though you couldn’t tell if it was her typical mask or not. “I’m not worried, there’s a reason you’re the only magician I trust, you know.”
“And as for them,” you threw a look back at the booth where your new friends were still seated, “Anything you want to pass on to me, you can tell them. Especially Yugi and Atem.”
Mai got a very...interested look on her face then. “Ooh, what’s this? My girl saying things like ‘we’ and sharing all her secret contacts with friends. And here I always thought you were a lone wolf type!”
A sudden nervous air filled your chest and you found yourself looking away. “They’re just helping me with the Marik case, that’s all.”
When Mai gave an unconvinced hum you scoffed and turned to walk back to your booth without another word, hearing her chuckle to herself as you went. It didn’t take long to reach the table and scoot back into your spot beside Yugi and Atem, taking in their curious but silent gazes.
“She had a message for me from Bonz, I’ll be meeting him tomorrow night for some information.”
Yugi smiled, hopeful and positive, “That’s good, maybe with what we found out tonight, it’ll be something good!”
“Maybe…” you trailed off, looking at the pressed wood of the table with unfocused eyes as you thought.
After a minute, Atem’s deep voice brought you out of said musings. “You didn’t mention that Mai herself is a human. I’m surprised she would own a place like this.”
You almost smirked at that. Most were shocked, to say the least when they saw a young human girl catering to demons and mythical creatures. “Yup. There’s a reason she’s so serious about making sure humans are safe here, and that none of her customers cause any trouble.”
“Speaking of,” Anzu said with an annoyed huff, and nodded her head back towards the bar.
When you all turned that direction, you saw that a minotaur was jumping up from his barstool and glowering down at one of the wolves who had been playing poker just minutes ago.
“How about I beat in that muzzle of yours, mutt!” the minotaur snarled as the werewolf looked up at him with a bored expression.
“Hey!” Mai’s firm and icy voice cut above the shorter man’s snapping comeback and she leaned against the bar, glaring at the two patrons. “You both know the rules, take it outside, or can it all together!”
“I don’t take orders from scrawny ass humans like you,” the minotaur barely gave Mai a glance as he growled, which only served to anger the blonde even more.
“That’s it, out you go, walking or tossed out, I don’t care which.”
When the beast actually turned his attention fully on Mai, Joey and Atem both jumped up from their seats. “She’s gonna get herself killed!” Joey hissed.
You gave your new friend’s shin a firm kick and Atem an almost disinterested look. “Sit down, Mai can handle herself. She doesn’t need any knights to swoop in and save her. And even if she did, about a dozen others would beat you to it.”
Indeed, more than ten other patrons had gotten to their feet at the sign of a brewing fight, but they, much like Honda by the door, waited, hanging back and only ready to step in if needed. Cultivate the right kind of customers, and you get the right kind of loyalty.
Just as you said, though, Mai was seasoned at dealing with troublemakers three times her size and strength. The moment the minotaur started spewing a threat at her directly, she rolled her eyes and pulled something out from under the bar.
Mai hefted the giant and already loaded crossbow in her hands, aiming it right at the aggressor's throat. “Because I really don’t like cleaning blood off my bar I’ll say it one more time. Out. Now. Or my iron-tipped friend here will give you a new piercing to go with that gaudy nose ring.”
With a new wariness to his gaze, the minotaur eyed the tip of the arrow, cautious considering his kind were quite vulnerable to iron. Then he let out a snarl through his nose and gave the werewolf a hard shove to move out of his way as he turned. “Eh you ain’t worth killing, this place is trash anyway.”
Mai kept her weapon trained on the man’s back as Honda opened the door and waved him out with a mocking gesture. Just like that, the crisis was averted, like usual and everyone settled back down to their drinks and food as if nothing had happened. When Joey and Atem gave each other confused looks you actually let out a laugh, which Anzu and Yugi quickly joined.
Oh yes, Mai could take care of herself indeed.
“So, if my understanding is correct, you and your entire staff could not hold her for the twelve minutes it took us to get here?”
“Well there’s no need to be so snarky,” Pegasus sighed, eyeing the tall magician with a mane of long flowing hair to rival his own.
The vampire’s staff (or at least the few who could still walk) had barely started sweeping up the mess you had left behind. Windows and doors busted, tables left charred and upturned, glass everywhere- to put it short, the vampire lord’s club, was a mess.
“You underestimated her, did you?” Mana asked in a singsong tone. Then, when she saw a vampire who was healing from a nasty gash in his throat help a troll untangle himself from a fancy rope, she actually giggled.
Mahad threw her a scolding look and she quickly stifled her laughter, straightening her posture to something more professional. “Is there anything else you can tell us?” Mahad asked the vampire.
“Yes, she was with three young fey, they helped her best my bodyguards.” He cast a look around his demolished dining room. “Though I’m certain she would have managed to escape without them. Your kind trained her well.”
Mahad narrowed his eyes at the smiling tone in the vampire’s last words and found himself wondering if Pegasus really had tried his hardest to detain you. The old vampire had always been a bit...chaotic, and it wouldn’t surprise Mahad if he only half tried to capture you, just to see how the rest played out for his own amusement.
“Yes, they did train her well,” Mahad answered.
“Good thing they trained me even better,” came a new voice brimming with condescension.
The magicians and vampire turned to see two more men approaching through the broken dining room doors. Mahad felt an anxious heat crawl across his skin as the newcomers examined the scene.
“What are you two doing here?” Mana snapped at them.
The cocky one of the two, the one who had spoken, pulled a pack of cigarettes from his jacket pocket and leisurely lit one before answering. “We’re here to take over the hunt, of course.” He took a long drag, then blew the smoke out in a long breath, aiming it straight for Mana’s displeased face. “Council says you two are too...friendly with the target,” a nasty smile crossed his lip then, “so we’re going to hunt her down instead.”
Before Mana or Mahad could reply, Pegasus let out a loud, bellowing laugh. “You two? You’ve got to be kidding me!” As if for dramatic effect, the vampire pressed his hand to his forehead, still laughing, “Oh, she’s going to eat you two boys alive!”
“Shut it, prissy boy!” the cocky magician snapped, sadistic smirk now twisted into a scowl.
“Young man, do you realize how many vampires and demons of all variety I employ, hm?” Pegasus said in a mocking tone.
“Oh, we know,” the second of the two finally spoke, “that’s why they sent us- well, me at least,” he threw a raised eyebrow at his partner before shrugging. Then, his eyes scanned a scorched wall as he let out a low whistle of appreciation. “Knew she wouldn’t have trouble escaping, tore the place up pretty good too.” He gave an admiring sigh, tucking a stray strand of dark hair behind his ear. “Such a badass, I swear I’m in love with that girl.”
“You shut it too, pretty boy,” his partner growled, then turned back to Mahad and Mana. “The Council's put us in charge of this, so just stay the hell outta my way, got it?”
Mana bristled at the demand, fists clenching as she made to step forward- but Mahad extended a hand to stop her. She didn’t miss the way her master’s jaw clenched as he replied to the two men.
“If that is what the Council wishes, then we will not argue,” Mahad said in a tone devoid of any emotion. “Do you wish to hear what we’ve already found?”
The cocky one’s smirk was back as he took another drag of his cigarette. “Don’t bother.” He stepped away then, purposely turning his back on the master and apprentice as he unsheathed his silver dagger and ran his thumb along the flat of the blade. “We’ve got other ways of hunting her down.”
19 notes · View notes
steve0discusses · 1 year
Ep 48 Pt 1: Just Me Thinking too Much About the Shape of Obelisk's Ass
Got swamped by work stuff and sick stuff pushing my stupid fatigue to 11 but hell I need to write about Yugioooooh.
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Last we left off, Isis and Shimon died in order to get Pharaoh back the puzzle so he could pull out the spicy god cards.
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And I need to discuss butt plate.
(read more about Obelisk's ass under the cut)
I know that Obelisk probably never does a big sitty at any point of his day, but considering I have chronic fatigue now and I just big sitty all the time, I think about sitting a LOT. Like a LOT.
Anywhere this man sits down is destroyed. Like anywhere. He's got a gardening hoe for a rear end. This man could kill you with his butt in a way that's just way more devastating than his fists.
Why does this exist? Like have we EVER seen the back of a god card before? Like ever? It's fascinating, and parts of me wonder if whoever was doing this episode started sweating bullets when they realized "Does Obelisk have a butt? And how chiseled is the butt? I'm very concerned like, does he even wear pants? How cheeks are these cheeks?"
And like was the solution between if Obelisk would have a bubble butt or a flat butt to instead put a giant knife on his ass to cover it up? because I can respect it. It's a weird character design decision but so is this entire show.
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And the character design is about to get a little weirder his episode because Yugioh reminded us that fusion exists.
Bakura is true to his word, and so we say "so long" to the theatrical pocket universe where these two yell asides at eachother across the DM table. We will go back to the isekai where Bakura will now become Zorc for the rest of the show.
Does the show give Zorc a British accent, do you ask?
And I'm as confused and disappointed as you are. Alexander the Freakin Great had a British accent. But Obelisk? Absolutely not. Would not make sense. Who would do that?
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Now in case you forgot, because I only do like one of these a month, Seto was left behind at the castle courtyard because Yami did not give him a ride to Kul Elna. You may be asking, isn't the...castle courtyard in the capital? Like right in front of us? Like why would Seto be in the desert?
I don't know.
Maybe that was not the capital where Sad Seto watched his not-wife die? Maybe that was somewhere else? Geography in Yugioh is such a mobius strip I've sort of gotten used to this.
Anyway, Seto is in the desert, and it may have been something we found out and I forgot because my fatigue is kicking my ass but like...I'll accept it because it's very funny to me that he's hiking around sand in that outfit, comes over a dune, and just sees those God card he REALLY REALLY REALLY wanted 4 seasons ago but lost to Yugi Muto just mocking him up there in the sky.
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Also Seto believes in magic now. It was a very abrupt thing but it had to happen eventually. Better late than never, I guess.
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And then the Egyptian Gods freakin biffed it.
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Isis and Shimon would be shaking their heads about how they died for freakin nothing from their afterlife plane, if any of this were in fact actually happening and not a weird simulation in Yami Muto's mind that is in a puzzle wired to Yugi Muto's brain.
Speaking of which, back at Yami's tomb, Yugi is having a meltdown.
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It's part of his creative process, having a meltdown. Yugi would have massive creative block without his routine. That's just world building.
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Yami is also going through his spin cycle, now that the moon blocked out the sun and we don't have any way to fix that.
Except we actually do have away to fix that, we used it in Season 1 when we went up against Mako Tsunami (don't ask me how I remember that random fact but don't remember what I ate for breakfast) but the problem with the ancient Egyptian version of this card game is you can really only summon like 1-3 cards at a time. So, they're boned.
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And now it's Seto's turn to fix Yami's problems, which like, wouldn't be the first time, wouldn't it?
Problem is, this Seto is just SO BAD at cards.
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I really should've put the towel on this shot ps but like...I got tired. I got a bad fatigue week, so we're gonna go au naturale with this episode.
Now one of y'all did a fancy reblog and showed how Zorc looked in the Japanese version which can I say--is SPICY. Like the US version tried to connect the neck more with the neck of the dragon, so it's like a tummy dragon instead of peen but it uh...doesn't work from this angle, does it?
I'm just still reeling about how there is a dragon dick and it aired on kid's tv and they fully got away with it.
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We love Roland.
I'd recognize that bad stache anywhere. Just because you don't got glasses on doesn't mean we don't know you got a Roland doo under that headwrap.
Bless this man.
Also, Roland is shredded? I'm just gonna leave that there.
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And that ends this segment. With the way we do image blocks...I uh will have to end it here. I can't have like more than 30 blocks total? And we're at 15 images? I don't know if it's adding text blocks to image blocks in that addition? I'm not sure how this new post system works so I'll just cut it here anywho.
Until then I'm going to go lay down prone on the ground like Yami muto in the image above. Kinda jealous of him rn not going to lie.
(and for those who just got here, you can read these caps all in chronological order by using this link right here. Assuming it's the right link. With the new Tumblr post thingy, it has been randomly removing /chrono from the end of my link? Which sucks? anyway, hopefully it works.
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medea10 · 5 years
My Review of Fushigi Yugi
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ayma-nidiot · 4 years
In the White Light - Prideshipping fic Chapter 3
Also on AO3.
Chapter 3 – Because You’re Worth It
“Stop… Stop the pain…” Kaiba started crying tears of agony – that was until he heard a sweet baritone voice singing nearby. “Who is it? …Yugi. Get the hell away from me before I kill you!”
Even in the face of this threat, Yami Yugi continued to sing this ancient Egyptian song to Kaiba as he approached, the Millennium Puzzle surrounding them both in a golden light.
“Graaaar!” With a swing of his sharp wings, Kaiba slashed Yami Yugi across his left arm.
“Ngh…” Despite this new wound, Yami Yugi barely showed any pain as he picked up the song again, and now reached out and hugged Kaiba.
“St-Stay… away…” Kaiba could feel his anger washing away in Yami Yugi’s voice and the cool, rising water now surrounding them. It was then he saw the young pharaoh’s tender expression - Yami Yugi would not be swayed. He closed his eyes, losing himself in this song he didn’t understand, as the two were now completely submerged.
Before sleep could fully take Kaiba over, Yami Yugi had stopped singing to alert him. “Hey, Kaiba, wake up, we’re about to land.”
“…What?” Kaiba opened his eyes to find himself not in the KaibaCorp blimp, but instead in a vast desert – several thousand feet in the air. “Gaaah! Yugi, what am I supposed to- Hey!”
Unfortunately for the both of them, Yami Yugi had started to drift off almost as soon as he had finished his song, but he still managed to say, “You… can fly, you know. What do you think your wings are for?”
“Don’t take me for an idiot, you third-rate duelist with a fourth-rate deck!” Kaiba felt tempted to drop Yami Yugi to the sand dunes below, but even he felt the need to show gratitude to the one who just saved him from his own madness. So, he spread his wings and slowly made his way down, landing on a stone platform in the sand. His dragon features were now gone. “…So. Explain yourself. Where are we and what did you just do? Why are we here?”
“As you know, I am a pharaoh of ancient Egypt.” Yami Yugi gestured his arm to their surroundings. “And that is where we are right now.”
“Well, duh, I wouldn’t have figured that out myself, Sherlock! I think Ishizu has shown me enough of this place, thank you.”
Yami Yugi started walking to a magnificent palace nearby - a palace that he knew well - prompting Kaiba to follow. “But she didn’t show you the legend of the Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon, did she?”
“Your point being?”
“I’ve brought you here because I wanted to show you something. I'm just thankful I could calm you in time.”
“ ‘Calm me?’ What the heck does that mean?” Kaiba stopped to block Yami Yugi’s entry into the palace. “So, you’re the one who’s responsible for all of this happening to me?”
“Can you just forget you hate me for a few seconds? I’m trying to-”
“Hey! Who goes there!” A voice interrupted the argument.
“Damn…” Yami Yugi desperately looked around for some sheets but could only find one.
“Eh? H-Hey, watch it!” Without warning, Kaiba had a large linen sheet thrown over him. “Just what do you think you’re-”
“Shh!” Yami Yugi had barely concealed Kaiba in time, but not himself.
“Who dares to infiltrate the palace of our late, great pharaoh?” The source of the voice revealed himself to be Mahad, one of the pharaoh’s guardians. “Gah! It’s a ghost in the guise of the pharaoh! Begone, you cursed apparition!”
“Quick, over here!” Yami Yugi pulled Kaiba into another corridor.
“Dammit, Yugi, that’s my dueling arm!”
Yami Yugi had arrived at his destination, but not without hearing the sound of pattering footsteps coming from all directions.
“Stand back! I’ll fight them off!” Kaiba stood up, puffing up his chest.
“There you go again, thinking that you’re the best at everything… Get down here, you idiot!”
Mahad and his fellow guardian met at the entrance to the pharaoh’s bedchamber. In short breaths he asked, “Isis, did… did you see someone who looked like the old pharaoh run about here?”
“So, that’s who our intruder is? Hmm… Do you think that maybe someone is trying to disguise himself as our old pharaoh to try and take the throne for himself?”
“I’m thinking that, too… If that’s the case, then we can’t waste any time. Oh?” Mahad had started to patrol the area again, until he opened the door and noticed a huge pile of linen sheets inside the bedchamber. “Sigh… Our housekeeper-in-training certainly has a lot of training to do. I better tell her master about this.”
A few minutes after Mahad and Isis had left the scene, Yami Yugi asked quietly, “Are they gone yet?”
“How should I know?” Kaiba grumbled as he lay in that corner, cramped, under the linen sheet with Yami Yugi. Just as he had the notion to uncover himself, he noticed he had been holding Yami Yugi close to him the whole time.
“Kaiba, I think we’re safe now. It’s been ten minutes, and I haven’t heard any footsteps. …Kaiba?”
The pharaoh… Kaiba closed his eyes halfway, enticed by Yami Yugi’s scent; it had to be that blood orange body wash, he reckoned. Not once since their first duel had he been this close to the pharaoh. He’s beautiful…
“Kaiba, come on! I’ve just checked, and the coast is completely clear now.”
Kaiba had at last come to when he felt the linen sheet suddenly fly above him and into a heap on the floor. Getting up and dusting off his clothes, he thought, Gods, why do I have to have another dream here – and now, of all times!
“If you’re done preening yourself over there, then come this way.”
“So… This is where you used to live?” Kaiba didn’t want to admit it, but this bedchamber was easily bigger – and more extravagant – than his own.
“Yes, and emphasis on ‘used to.’ Now there is a new pharaoh in power, and he’s only a minor relative of mine.” Yami Yugi stopped to look at a stone drawing of this minor relative – a young man of 14. “He’s far too young and arrogant.”
“So, is that why you brought me here? To take your throne back? But why only a minor relative? Didn’t you have any children or siblings who could succeed you? Or even a wife?”
“…Kaiba, I was only a teenager when I died.”
“Ick… Forget I asked.” Kaiba knew that Yami Yugi would not speak further on this topic and decided to drop it.
“To answer your first question, yes and no. I intended to go back even further in time, before he had become pharaoh, but…” Yami Yugi clenched his fist at his side. “I wasn’t strong enough. In this reality, most of my priests are dead, and that includes us. That’s why I was trying to avoid Mahad and Isis – if we had met, a time paradox might have happened.”
“And just how do you know about something that happened after you died?”
“As you know, Yugi brought my spirit back when he solved the Millennium Puzzle – the Millennium Item that bore my soul. But just before I manifested myself in Yugi, a goddess told me of what happened. That was when I figured that I could recruit someone strong enough to help me turn back the hands of time and allow my priests to live again.”
“Hmph. I’m not buying it.”
Yami Yugi started pushing an enormous dresser. “Then maybe you’ll buy this.”
“Oh great, it’s another giant rock.” Kaiba wasn’t impressed.
“No, look harder. Do you remember who this is?”
Kaiba immediately recognized the figure at whom Yami Yugi pointed. “Anubis… It’s that bastard Anubis, who is the only reason why I couldn’t beat you after getting my Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon! Wait a second… Is that what I think it is next to him?”
“Yes. This beast is the Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon. According to my priests, the Shining Dragon is a beast created by Anubis himself.”
“Do you remember how?”
“Unfortunately, the inscription on this tablet doesn’t go into much other detail. My guess is that after we defeated Anubis in the present day, in his dying breath he cursed you with the power to transform into the Shining Dragon. Probably as an act of vengeance.”
“I suppose me nearly blowing chunks during our last duel had something to do with this act of vengeance, too?”
“I think so. The more you use your Blue-Eyes cards, the more the curse affects you. And if your Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon were ever to be destroyed in battle…” Yami Yugi cringed. “Well, you know. It’s a good thing I could calm you before the curse completely took you over. In the meantime, I suggest you refrain from using your Blue-Eyes cards in the future.”
Kaiba took a seat on the bed. “You do realize that I am the president of a multi-billion-dollar corporation that produces the latest in dueling technology.”
Yami Yugi also took a seat. “Your point is?”
“My point is, why in the name of the seven hells do you think I’m going to believe in all of this superstitious bullshit about curses and monsters?”
“Believe or not believe… At least in my mind, everything I just told you is true.”
“Huh. Whatever you say. Oh, and one other thing. My Blue-Eyes cards are my everything. I am NOT going to stop using them. I’m too strong-willed to lose my mind and go berserk like that again.”
“You shouldn’t. Not as long as I have my song. …Even if it does… drain a lot of my energy…” Yami Yugi could finally feel the effects of his incantation and laid flat on his back to ward off the headache that began.
“But why would you go through all of that just for me? If… If what you say is true, then if you use this power of yours too often, you could…”
“I don’t care, Kaiba.” Yami Yugi turned his head to look at the other young man. “Because you’re worth it.”
“Ah…” Kaiba felt his heart skip a beat at these words. Yugi… Do you feel… that way about me?
“Kaiba?” Yami Yugi wanted to sleep but sprung awake again when Kaiba touched his face.
This… This is for real… Kaiba laid on the bed, too, as he simply stared into Yami Yugi’s eyes. Come on, ask him out loud!
“You look like you want to say something.”
“Yugi…” Kaiba could feel his heartbeat in his throat. “Yugi… I’ve been meaning to ask… How-”
“Ah!” Yami Yugi suddenly sprung awake. “Kaiba, watch out!”
“Eh?” Kaiba turned sharply around and was not pleased to see an undead mummy dripping goo all over the place. “Shit! Get away from me, creep!”
“They’re Anubis’ mummies!” Yugi’s voice sounded from within Yami Yugi.
“You know of them?” Yami Yugi asked.
“Yeah! I remember having to beat a bunch of them with Tristan, Joey, and Téa, when you were dueling with Kaiba. That’s why I couldn’t communicate with you. The only thing that could stop them was the Dagger of Fate.”
“Which we don’t have!” Yami Yugi stumbled out of the bed, but with the help of Kaiba, he could stand again. “Kaiba, we need to get out of here, now. If these mummies don’t get us, Mahad and Isis certainly will.”
“Wait… Do you mean go back to present-day Domino City?”
“That’s exactly what I mean.”
“But how? Don’t tell me… The incantation again?”
“How else? In addition to calming raging souls, my song has the power to transport us between ancient Egypt and modern Domino City."
“But… You’re not strong enough…” Kaiba could tell Yami Yugi was ignoring him. Without even looking at him, the pharaoh began to sing, and the water arose again. “Heh! Goodbye, losers!”
Kaiba could hear a voice – and several others – call out to him. In spite of that, they were quiet voices – too quiet for him to make out any distinct words.
“Huh? My name’s not Yugi, you dweeb…” Kaiba mouthed, feeling sure that nobody heard him.
To his surprise, someone did hear him – someone he’d known his whole life. “Seeeeto! Wake up!”
“Gah!” Kaiba came to when he felt someone slap both of his cheeks. “Dammit, Mokuba, what was that for?”
“So, you’re finally awake.” Joey didn’t seem too pleased at the sight of Kaiba. “Thought you were gonna just sleep forever and hope you’d forget about the prize money you owe Yug, huh?”
“All right, all right. I’ll get the damned prize money. Just don’t hit me again.” Kaiba nodded as a gesture for Mokuba to retrieve what Joey asked for.
“Speaking of Yugi, look, guys!” Téa alerted as Yugi also began to awaken.
“Ugh…” Yugi sat up; surprisingly, he didn’t take long to feel well again. Even more surprisingly, he had recalled everything that happened during his short stay in ancient Egypt.
“Yugi, what happened?”
Yugi, please don’t tell them, Yami Yugi asked. The magic I just used is a secret spell, and if others were to find out about it… I don’t think I want to know.
“I just started to feel sleepy after my duel with Kaiba, and… well, so did Kaiba. But I’m okay now.” Yugi turned to Kaiba. “What about you?”
“Oh, I think Mokuba made sure I’m fine.” Kaiba acknowledged his brother coming back, presenting Yugi with a suitcase full of money. “Since the Battle City Tournament is now officially over, I think you all better leave.”
“Okay…” Joey gave Kaiba the stink-eye as he motioned for everyone to follow him out of the newly landed blimp.
But before he decided to follow them, Yugi stayed behind. “Say, Kaiba?”
“Remember right before we came back to present-day Domino City? What were you about to ask the pharaoh? You were sure acting a bit weird at that time, too…”
Kaiba counted his lucky stars that Yugi was dense as hell. “Nunya.”
“I’m sorry, ‘Nunya?’”
“As in ‘Nunya Business.’ Now leave, because after what the pharaoh just did to me, I need my beauty sleep.”
“Well, if you really don’t want to talk about it, that’s fine… But you know, you’re welcome to duel us at any time! Just as friends. See you at school tomorrow!” Yugi shrugged as he took his suitcase and left.
“Yeah, screw you.” Kaiba made his way to his bedroom and flopped onto the Blue-Eyes White Dragon bedsheets, falling quickly asleep on them. “…No way is this love.”
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corvidbrains · 5 years
all of the gay girl asks plz
alright you asked for it:
1.       what does your wallet look like?
it’s an exact copy of the original Legend of Zelda nes game cover
2.       favorite color?
Depends on the day I guess. I really like teal, but I also vibe with pastel pink, red, purple, and black.
 3.       do you own a pride flag, or more than one?
I don’t, unfortunately. Haven’t had the money to buy one and it’s unfortunately not at the top of my “needs” list
 4.       describe your favorite outfit.
Right now, i guess it’s my blue sweater with my light blue “hug me I’m a lesbian” shirt and my blue mom jeans with my converse.
 5.       when was the last time a girl made your heart flutter? how’d she do it?
everytime I think of my gf, so like, today, an hour ago, a minute ago, two seconds ago… she just exists.
 6.       do you use nail polish?
I’d like to, but I suck at painting my nails and it always looks bad
 7.       do you keep organized? 
as well as i can and as much as my d*pression allows me to
 8.       ever take naps?
more than i’d like to admit
9.       who was your first crush?
yugi moto from yu-gi-oh
10.   what are your crush tendencies? fall hard or often?
not always hard, but I do get small crushes, I guess. you have to be special for me to fall hard for you
11.   describe your ideal day.
get up and go out, maybe to a bookstore or coffee house or smthn, come home and watch whatever show I’m binging at the moment, all while spending time with my gf, drinking tea as it gets late, then go to bed before 11.
12.   describe your ideal date.
pretty much the same as the last question with a really cute dinner out.
13.   what’s your favorite food?
uhh I guess snow peas
14.   who do you feel most comfortable around?
my partners, my brother, dad, mom, aunt and grandparents
15.   what is your favorite compliment to recieve?
“you smell really good”
16.   did you/do you like highschool?
it was alright I guess. don’t remember much even though I only graduated three years ago lmao maybe it wasn’t that great
17.   favorite animal?
18.   do you like your name?
my name that I picked for myself? yes. my birth name? eh it’s alright I guess
19.   what kind of weather is your favorite?
cool and sunny, or if I get to lay in bed all day, dark and rainy
20.   do you believe in horoscopes?
yes and no. I believe we have the power to improve ourselves, but I don’t think the horoscope isn’t something that we should completely write off.
21.   tell us about your music taste.
eclectic, except for new country.
22.   have you had your first kiss? if so what was it like?
yes, it was with two girls in the back of my grandparent’s church, so that was cool.
23.   did you have a favorite stuffed animal as a kid?
I have two actually: a bunny from easter and tiger from the zoo. I still have them.
24.   what time do you usually wake up/go to bed?
what’s a sleep schedule
25.   what dream trip would you take with your wife?
I want to travel all over, but I really want to go to Japan, and have since I was a kid.
26.   do you have any pets?
I have five cats and a dog
27.   what pair of underwear is your favorite?
my meundies with cute little cats on them
28.   what makes you smile?
Jenna Marbles, my animals, EXO, and my loved ones.
29.   what makes you feel heavy?
everything, currently. its all happening at once
30.   what makes you feel better?
back rubs and forehead kisses. food. video games. Naruto.
31.   how do you show your love?
spending time with the people I care about
32.   when is it time to get a haircut?
when my neck hair is two finger’s width long.
33.   where would you live if you could live anywhere?
South Korea or Washington state. Maybe Cali.
34.   do your friends and family take good care of you?
for the most part; they do their best
35.   have you always used the labels you use now?
nah, I used to use she/her and bi
36.   what makes you laugh?
Jenna Marbles, dry humor, my animals, my Friends
37.   who is your favorite fictional character?
Steven Quartz Universe, probably.
38.   who do you admire?
my nana, she’s really strong and smart and hardworking
39.   describe yourself with three words.
tired gremlin baby
40.   how long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
if I have to shower, appro. 45 min-1hr. if not, 30min
41.   what do you wish you could tell your younger self?
bro why you so mad, eat some bread
42.   what would you do if you won the lottery?
buy a bus and make a tiny home so I can live my best life
43.   would you call yourself a romantic?
unfortunately, lmao
44.   what is your gayest childhood memory?
I had a crush on Tinker Bell after they made that CGI movie
45.   do you have tattoos or want any?
I have four
46.   what’s your worst habit?
anger issues
47.   what are you proud of?
my little brother
48.   did you know you’re actually a gift to the world, for real?
shut uuup ahhhh
49.   what’s your favorite memory?
my little brother being born, I think. Or meeting my gf for the first time after we started dating
50.   do you have a sweet tooth?
a little bit, but not all the time
51.   what do you like most about yourself?
my eyes
52.   what makes you fall for a girl?
what doesn’t make me fall for a girl
53.   make a recommendation.
listen to Antares by Kris Wu on itunes and spotify
54.   have you ever had your heart broken?
many time
55.   when do you feel most yourself?
when listening to my favorite songs
56.   name a gorgeous celeb.
Kim Minseok
57.   what are some of your favorite songs this week?
Hips by Gallant; Trouble and Jekyll by EXO; Slave by Taemin; She Plays Bass by beebadoobee
58.   tell us 2 of your biggest hopes and fears.
hope: I’ll be able to do what I want to set out to do and figure it out fully soon; I’ll have her by my side always
fear: I’ll never feel fulfilled in my life
59.   what flavor of chapstick/lip balm is the best?
Chapstick brand aloha coconut
60.   are you okay?
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kaiba-fangirl · 5 years
Fill in the questions/statement as if you are being interviewed for an article and you were your muse
Tag 10 people to do this meme, (repost, don’t reblog)
TAGGED BY: not @rogueprinceconsort =P & I know I’m not a RP blog, but I am a fanfic author so I still do the same kind of stuff, just everyone at once with chapters, so I’m sure ya won’t mind... idk itching to write Seto but his mind is all over the place in Ch7 of And You? (AO3/FFN), & I know I’ve missed a bunch of personal tags in the past, so, well, I’m here now. TAGGING: anyone 1. WHAT IS YOUR NAME?
“Seto Kaiba.”  (海馬 瀬人 Kaiba, Seto)
He narrows his eyes, already suspicious. “Legally, that IS my real name.”
“I was born Seto,” he answers flatly, then smirks. “The Kaiba family name I earned for myself and my little brother at the age of 10, when Gozaburo agreed to adopt us thanks to my, superior negotiating skills.” [Seto after Egyptian Pharaoh Seth. Kaiba for, apparently, hippocampus/seahorse.]
4. ARE YOU SINGLE OR TAKEN? “Taken. Happily married to the number 1 female duelist, Mai Valentine. She’s now heading the new Fashion Tech and Merchandise Department at Kaiba Corp.” [but he’s also still looking >.>]
5. HAVE ANY ABILITIES OR POWERS? “Just bleeding edge technology development and superior dueling skills,” he shrugs smugly. [and hacking.] [You also accidentally activate latent magical powers every so often, dumbass. Sure he’s a genius. A genius that weaves techno-sorcery into everything & commands gods without even knowing it.] “Anything else you may have heard about magic or spirits or real monsters, is all just nonsense hocus pocus. It’s sensationalists trying to make our amazingly life-like holographic projections seem dangerous.”
6. STOP BEING A MARY SUE/GARY STU. “Heh, doesn’t that just mean born talented? You should be so lucky.”
7. WHAT’S YOUR EYE COLOR? “Blue,” he chuckles childishly. “It was probably what first drew me to, you know, Blue-Eyes, when I was young.” [It’s not. The Blue-Eyes White Dragon was his magical monster of light ‘girlfriend’ in Ancient Egypt in a past life of his 3000 years ago.]
9. HAVE YOU ANY FAMILY MEMBERS? “Living, my little brother, Mokuba, and now my lovely wife.”
10. OH? WHAT ABOUT PETS? “No pets. I barely have time for having two people in my life now it seems, and that’s even with Mokuba off travelling.” [any pet energy is expended on more Blue-Eyes White Dragon themed everything]
11. THAT’S COOL I GUESS, NOW TELL ME ABOUT SOMETHING YOU DON’T LIKE. “You wanna see a REAL Gary Stu?! As in, there is no reason he should have made it this far?! Joey fuckin Wheeler. This loser stole his way into my tournament, then has the nerve to even challenge me for 3rd place as if that meant anything, and he still ends up 4th even?! How! He operates on pure luck, and leeching off his ‘friends!’ His deck is a mess, I mean have you even seen his lineup?!?!” [Well that would all be redacted. Now, since this is for an interviewer for a published article...] He calmly and thoughtfully looks off at a spot on the far wall behind the interviewer. He purses his lips and furrows his brow, genuinely distraught, drawing from a direct encounter. “I’m actually more concerned than ever about the state of refugees- whether they have that official label or not. Around the world. Especially the children. These children don’t know what’s going on, and people say they care about children, but they really don’t. They’re not thinking of those kids- of refugee kids. Of poor kids. Of orphans or abused kids. And the way these refugees are being treated, those kids are getting hit with all those things at once. Ya know, I- I was fortunate enough to have that opportunity to be adopted, in a strong first-world nation, but I know what it’s like, to know that the grown ups are just using you, not listening to you. You’re nothing to them; maybe pawns. Now, I’m doing all I can, as president of Kaiba Corp, but there is still only so much we can do. We’re not making tanks or any weapons at all anymore-” He chokes at the thought of a tank staring him down specifically, compared to the latest news. He clears his throat to manage. “Not since the day I took over. We may not be contributing to that military industrial complex anymore, but the state of refugees today is still just as bad if not worse. Now they’re using weapons outlawed by the Geneva Conventions, and in countries that pride themselves on freedom and opportunity. Pteh. It’s madness. It’s evil.” [...aaand that just became the cover story] [We’ll be back after after a short break.]
12. DO YOU HAVE ANY HOBBIES/ACTIVITIES YOU LIKE DOING? “Besides dueling, uh, tinkering. Reading. Hacking into random databases I shouldn’t be in.”
13. EVER HURT ANYONE BEFORE? “Next question. Don’t even print that, or you’ll be hearing from my lawyers. And they don’t play so nice.” [By ‘lawyers’ I’m pretty sure he just means goons.]
14. EVER… KILLED ANYONE BEFORE? "No.” [Gozaburo.]
16. NAME YOUR WORST HABITS. "Tch, I wouldn’t have gotten to be president of a multi-billion-dollar corporation if I had bad habits.”  [That is literally his worst habit. Also how he got there is because of all his bad habits.] He chuckles at what he’s about to make fun of. “Then again, some people think that working too much is a bad habit.”
17. DO YOU LOOK UP TO ANYONE AT ALL? "How could I when I’m already on top?”
18. GAY, STRAIGHT, OR BISEXUAL? "Irrelevant.” He smiles menacingly. “Card games are more important anyway.” [Bi and trying to figure out how to tell his wife. Then again once he does that, the press will be easy. Possibly also grey ace or demi, since he does enjoy the physical aspects of being married & his crush.]
19. DO YOU GO TO SCHOOL? “Graduated high school early and then went right back to work as CEO, at the time. I don’t have time to waste getting a piece of paper to validate my knowledge that I’m already putting to use at Kaiba Corp everyday. --but I certainly support everyone staying in school as long as they can. Kaiba Corp offers a free college tuition program for any employee, paid ahead of time, and schedules can be worked around class and homework time as needed.”
20. DO YOU EVER WANT TO MARRY AND HAVE KIDS ONE DAY? “I never thought I would want to marry, but I have always assumed I would want to adopt. Now I am married, and we both want to adopt. Someday. It needs to be when I can have time for them...” [and he’s wondering why you are supposed to only marry one person...]
21. DO YOU HAVE ANY FANBOYS/FANGIRLS? “Yeah,” he laughs, genuinely embarrassed at this level of pure idolization, “I find it endearing to see people dress up as Yugi and I at events.”
22. WHAT ARE YOU MOST AFRAID OF? “Losing my little brother.”
23. WHAT DO YOU USUALLY WEAR? “Full-length pants, tight fitting turtlenecks, boots, and a trenchcoat. More leather and straps and buckles, the better.”
24. DO YOU LOVE SOMEONE? “Of course. My little brother and my wife.” [and Joey]
25. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU WET YOURSELF? [he just makes this face:]
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[but possibly the last time he did hard drugs]
26. WHAT CLASS ARE YOU? (HIGH CLASS, MIDDLE CLASS, LOW CLASS) “Highest class.” He winks, for the spotlight.
27. HOW MANY FRIENDS DO YOU HAVE? “I don’t need ‘friends’ outside of my family.”
28. WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS ON PIE? “Finally, an intelligent question!” he laughs rudely. “My thoughts are that we should change the standard approximation for π to something closer to 3.16. That’s what I use in my calculations, and I find things just seem to work out better for me because of it.”
29. FAVORITE DRINK? “I’ve started drinking a lot more water, and I think that’s pretty much all I drink lately.”
30. WHAT’S YOUR FAVOURITE PLACE? “It’s comforting being in my office, knowing where I belong, knowing that with me there, everyone I love is safe, knowing how I got there, and being proud of all I’ve accomplished, but...” [sometimes anxiety about it being Gozaburo’s old office creeps into his mind like an evil spirit or ghost...] “But more than that, I enjoy the wild freedom of just taking my Blue-Eyes jet out with some good music playing.” [oh my various gods he will always be an emo teen at heart <3]
31. ARE YOU INTERESTED IN SOMEONE? He scoffs. “Yes, I am genuinely interested in my wife. Mai is an amazing person. And- Ah, and, um, next question?” [and Joey!]
32. WHAT’S YOUR BRA CUP SIZE AND/OR HOW BIG IS YOUR WILLY? “What kind of magazine is this for, anyway?” he asks as an aside, then thinks up a ridiculous enough response. “Ever hear of Zorc? I’d say that’s roughly one-third the size of mine.” Under his breath, he scoffs in disgust. “Imbeciles.”
33. WOULD YOU RATHER SWIM IN THE LAKE OR THE OCEAN? “Er, a private pool, thanks. Too many paparazzi anyplace else, and I wouldn’t want to close off anything from the public.” [I hear there’s a river in Egypt he lives in though]
34. WHAT’S YOUR TYPE? “Independent. Strong. Great duelist. Someone who knows what it’s like at rock bottom, but still managed to claw their way to the top...” [he spaces out off to the side]
35. ANY FETISHES? *zoom out to room full of Blue-Eyes White Dragon themed EVERYTHING* “Nah.” [*insert Will Smith presenting his AO3 tags]
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[Switch! But “And You?” is stuck at a T rating, sooo...]
37. CAMPING OR INDOORS? "The fuck- you’re giving me whiplash with these questions,” he mutters. “Camping sounds nice. Real camping. Mokuba and I used to build forts and play outside a lot. I should ask him if he wants to go on a camping trip when he gets back. I doubt- well, no, I think Mai would like that, too.” [And Joey can cook them “candy bars!”]
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