octohorsey · 58 minutes
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So a lot of political scandals just dropped in the last 24 hours
-NC Governor Candidate Mark Robinson's online posts were found, including some VERY graphic descriptions (like seriously, do not read if you're not 18) of him cheating on his wife, calling himself a black Nazi, and expressing support for reinstituting slavery. His email address was also found on Ashley Madison
-Robert F Kennedy Jr was revealed to be cheating on his wife with a reporter (and that isn't even the weirdest thing since federal law enforcement opened an investigation into him allegedly cutting off the head of a whale and taking it home with him less than 24 hours ago)
-GOP Senate candidate who is the CEO of a bank has been found accepting millions of dollars from what seem to allegedly be Mexican drug cartels.
-Finally, probably the biggest bombshell, according to multiple eyewitness testimonies within sealed sworn affadavits, Congressman Matt Gaetz allegedly invited a 17-year-old girl to a drug-fueld sex party
And we haven't even hit October, folks. Again, these are all still breaking news stories, so things are subject to change, but oh man oh man.
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octohorsey · 1 hour
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Countries that have joined or declared their intention to join South Africa’s genocide case against Israel at the ICJ are:
• Nicaragua
• Belgium
• Colombia
• Turkey
• Libya
• Egypt
• Maldives
• Mexico
• Ireland
• Palestine
• Spain
• Chile
Source: AlJazeera
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octohorsey · 15 hours
generally speaking when it comes to mental and physical health, if you're asked "do you struggle with this" and your answer is "no, Because I Have A System," then your answer is actually yes
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octohorsey · 15 hours
i deserve to be an eel. in a crevice with a bunch of other eels. opening and closing our mouths over and over
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octohorsey · 15 hours
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octohorsey · 15 hours
Hey. You. The American teenager inexplicably reading this. Don't join the US military. You're better than that. The military is a bunch of cops. Are they technically diverse and inclusive? On some level, kind of, almost. But their job is to kill people. They kill innocent people every day. They abuse their own members, especially their members who aren't white cis het middle class Christian men. The US exists through perpetual violence against the global working class, including its own working class. The military is how it carries out a large portion of that violence. You deserve better. You're better than that. Don't join.
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octohorsey · 15 hours
I read that capsaicin makes your mouth feel like it's burning because it increases your nerve sensitivity to heat, and menthol works by doing the same thing to cold
So if I eat a habanero pepper and then chew a bunch of breath mints they'll each other out and I'll be fine
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octohorsey · 15 hours
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I bought this last night. This is a total game changer. Internet fame, here I come.
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octohorsey · 15 hours
skyler white: youre a drug dealer and youve been lying to and gaslighting me this whole time about what you've been doing. i think you are an active danger to myself and this household but you refuse to move out of the house or let me receive a divorce. what do you have to say for yourself?
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octohorsey · 15 hours
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octohorsey · 15 hours
If someone jerks me off with a puppet it counts as a threesome, right?
read your bible
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octohorsey · 16 hours
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octohorsey · 16 hours
ten years of science and yet no one can explain why running up stairs like a cat feels rad as hell
let's ignore the rest of the text because I really like the implication that science has been around for 10 years only
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octohorsey · 16 hours
tumblr? tiktok did not like this video.
but y'all?
i think y'all will know what to do with it.
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octohorsey · 16 hours
when i tell you i cannot go anywhere without getting out of pocket comments about my car...........
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octohorsey · 20 hours
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cops follow a fare evasion suspect, try to taze him, end up shooting him, another cop, and two bistanders. they're then called brave by the mayor of New York
cops committed a mass shooting over three dollars.
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octohorsey · 20 hours
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