#Guess Who's Knott Coming to Dinner!
gameraboy2 · 2 years
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The New Scooby-Doo Movies (1972), "Guess Who's Knott Coming to Dinner!"
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scoobydoobaday · 1 year
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The New Scooby-Doo Movies S01E05 - Guess Who's Knott Coming to Dinner (1972) Hanna Barbera Productions
This episode contains the first ever ‘Scooby Dooby Doors’ skit.
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marypickfords · 1 year
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The New Scooby-Doo Movies S01E05 - Guess Who's Knott Coming to Dinner? (1972)
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scoobyganggifs · 2 years
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the new scooby doo movies: guess who's knott coming to dinner (1972)
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The New Scooby Doo Movies Ep. 5 “Guess Who’s Knott Coming to Dinner?”
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I just watched The New Scooby-Doo Movies 1x05 "Guess Who's Knott Coming to Dinner"
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I’m actually pleasantly surprised by how good ‘The Spooky Fog of Juneberry’ is! The first Don Knotts episode, ‘Guess Who’s Knott Coming to Dinner?’ was pretty dreadful for the first half. Like, yeah. I get it. Don Knotts does impressions and can play a lot of characters. Whatever. Can we get to the actual mystery yet? But in this episode, Don Knotts is there, but really doesn’t overstay his welcome like that first appearance. He isn’t the main focus of the story, but the episode is enhanced by his appearance. And he actually bounces off of Shaggy pretty well! They’re both cowardly and so them just trying to get the other to go first works in very much the same way as when Shaggy and Scooby normally do it! And the fact that Shaggy and Don can just bounce absolutely terrible jokes off of each other is fantastic. I love terrible jokes and the more terrible jokes that Shaggy can make, the happier I am.
Also that ending was really precious. A nice little bookends while also being just... Very sweet. Also I feel like in terms of continuity, ‘The Spooky Fog of Juneberry’ should take place before ‘Guess Who’s Knott Coming to Dinner.’ Maybe...? Because it was weird for the gang to be like, “Oh, wow! It’s Don Knotts! We love your work! You’re our favorite comedian!” When they’ve met him before. However in ‘Guess Who’s Knott Coming to Dinner’ it would be a little weird that Don Knotts is accusing the gang of kidnapping and possibly hurting the owner of the mansion to get an inheritance, when he should remember them and that they helped him before... But I actually still find that pretty plausible. Like, Don Knotts is famous, it’s possible that he could have forgotten that he met the gang, while the reverse is less likely. And because these kids keep showing up where there’s trouble, I can absolutely believe that he might suspect them of causing these problems! And since the gang is always traveling together all the time, he may have not really realized that they weren’t actually related! Plus Scooby recognizes Don Knotts immediately and the gang dismiss the idea outright. If they actually knew and met him and know that he’s just living over in the town of Juneberry, it makes sense that they’d be like, “Don Knotts? All the way out here? Nah.” Just a thought.
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fried-egges · 3 years
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Today's Warmup is a sloppy screencap redraw from the Scooby Doo Movie "Guess Who's Knott Coming to Dinner"
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scoobydooaesthetics · 7 years
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Guess Who's Knott Coming to Dinner
The New Scooby Doo Movies Season 1 Episode 5
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we-dragons · 3 years
I'm from a different dimension actually Damian X Reader
Pulled away to another world, Y/N uses magic science and a Little bird to help her get back home and possibly be rid of an apocalyptic event. "So, will you succumb to your doubts completely or step into the sun of this new world?"
"Aw man, this drags!" This wasn't the first time I moaned out in boredom. But then again I wasn't always in a classroom filled with rich privileged kids. "Well Y/N if you didn't always study the curriculum you might have a challenge for once," Molly said laughing at me. Molly my best friend and rival, blonde that swayed at her ankles while she stood and swept the floor when she sat her skin was so white it was almost the color of brand new paper but that also meant she was highly allergic to the sun she pretty much bathed in sunscreen. despite her paleness, her eyes weren't pink but an odd color of blue.
"Molly I know that you like slacking but I plan for other things relating to my future you know like a collage. Some of us are not only children of a rich family regarding security." I tease her my boredom slowly leaving me. I had been friends with her since I was emitted into the school, we fought over a cannoli at lunch and ended up sharing it because we needed to move in the line. She smirked at me before laughing catching the attention of the class, earning odd looks from our classmates. With how the ranking system worked in our school you were placed by your social class and your grades, so being that I was hanging out with one of the richest kids in the world was already crashing the class system. But being that I had the better grades of the school (when I say better I mean the best of the school) they couldn't complain. In a way I was untouchable.
As Molly and I continued talking the bell rang signaling for us to go home. We walked outside, Taking to her family car like I did every day and waved her off as I walked home, I tried staying clear of the alleyways on my way back to my apartment building after all the streets weren't exactly safe in Gotham. My apartment resided in a building covered in ivy and was right above a small coffee shop. I went through the back door and headed up to my room, apartment 13 on the second floor that didn't help much though the whole building smelled like coffee and sugar. Unlocking my door I walk to the kitchen and grab a cherry soda grabbing my homework and heading to my room. I lived alone despite being only 16 years old I got this place technically from the government, well I suppose not alone I do have Nightmare. Then I froze just remembering the cat, There was a reason why I named it Nightmare, one being slick and black, with red piercing eyes, the other-
"OW! Holy son of a Snickerdoodle on the fourth of July!" I look down at the cat the digging his teeth and claws into my ankle. he unhooks his teeth and claws tilting his head up he meows at me. Two he attacks out of thin air, and mostly your feet but he's adorable so there's no going back from that. " You sneaky and little cute little demon." I pick him up scratching his back he purrs at my touch leaning in. I look outside and it dark already, he must have come in to tell me to make dinner. I didn't take long making him his food and me heating my sembosa and seated at my table. I put the sembosa in my mouth, and I hear Nightmare hissing over in the living room, and a crash of glass in the living room. I rush out of my seat turning to the damage, a bleeding boy in a red costume laid on my coffee table. I run closer and take a look at him, on his chest was a small black patch with a golden R stitched to it under it was a familiar large cut turning green. "Oh no." I hear a moan and I look to the face of the stranger he wore a green mask that covered part of his face but as far as I can tell he's half-conscious. " I can't believe they're back, and I left that place so they couldn't find me I guess it was going to be a matter of time." I run my hand through my hair, from the greenness on his wound he probably killed the thing while it slashed at him which would explain the taintedness of the injury. I swung open my closet and grabbed the box with the X painted on it, opening it I take out the box covered in Celtic Knotts and open that as well. And I pull out an iridescent scale. I run back to the boy, "Hey! Hey!" I slap him till I see a shift on his face. "I'm going to help you but you need to eat this, okay?" He nodded and I stuffed the thing in his mouth, I hear him chew and I get to work on the gash, cleaning, and stitching as carefully as possible.
I woke up on the love seat in front of the coffee table, I was groggy and covered in blood and sore. I am still am holding the box full of scales so I lift it and it's lighter then it should. I shoot up opening the box, my heart sinks. My eyes look up to the coffee table to the and see the boy sitting upright holding my bag of glinting scales his green gloves holding them by the ribbon black hair cascaded over his face, to be honest, it looked odd. I come back to my senses and snatch the bag from him. "those are dangerous," I quickly put the bag into the box, and look back at him. "you need to rest that wound won't heal well unless rest. especially With what you fought, I'm uncertain on how you even managed to survive this that long and crash into my window," I hold the box close to my chest, "just who are you Mr. Cloak-and-Dagger?"
He scoffs. "This is a joke right what are those things." He points to my box.
"It's something precious and rare now answer me window breaker, Just who are you?" I glare at him. "Might I remind you I saved your life?" The intruder glared back with equal intensity.
"My name is Robin son of Batman." He said as if he had a foul taste in his mouth.
"Well Robin son of Batman," I said, " can you tell me how you're going to fix my window?"
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gameraboy2 · 2 years
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The New Scooby-Doo Movies (1972), "Guess Who's Knott Coming to Dinner!"
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scoobydoobaday · 1 year
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The New Scooby-Doo Movies S01E05 - Guess Who's Knott Coming to Dinner (1972) Hanna Barbera Productions
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ginnyweasleywannabe · 3 years
Blackinnon Week 2021
Monday 13th “Rumor has it I make you nervous”
Word Count 1070, Can also be read on AO3 @ inthemiddle2
Marlene was standing alone in the old transfiguration classroom. It was one of her favorite classroom, even in the dark of night the big windows allowed the moon to shine in, lighting most of the room. She was standing by the window looking out enjoying her alone time. She had been in her own head too much these past few days, she wanted to be alone.
“Nice night.”
Marlene jumped at the voice that came from right behind her ear. She whirled around to smack Sirius in the chest, “Merlin you scared me!”
Sirius grabbed the hand as it went to strike again, “Odd I hadn’t heard scared but rumor has it I make you nervous.”
Marlene quirked her eyebrow at him, “What are you talking about?” She had meant for it to come out as more of an accusation but their proximity was making her flush. It was more whisper.
“James pulled me aside after dinner and asked if knew why you were acting so weird. He seemed to be under the impression that I did something wrong. He pointed out how jumpy you’ve been around me, he’s say you seem nervous.”
Marlene tried to step away from him, she need to create space but Sirius just gripped her hand, holding her flush to his chest. Looking her dead in the eyes, “I’m inclined to agree with him. You’ve been avoiding me.”
“That’s ridiculous” Still not sounding as confident as she would have liked.
“See I don’t think it is. We always run together during practice and for some reason you were hauling ass like a hippogriff was chasing you. And then at dinner I sat down and suddenly you were stuffed but you had only taken two bites and I know Sheppard’s pie is your favourite. So.. what gives McKinnon?” He finally released her hand.
Marlene shoved him, not that he moved but more it pushed her back and she was happy for the space. “God you are so full of yourself.” It was nothing she hadn’t said to him before but this time there wasn’t a teasing tone. She words were sharp. “Have you ever thought that maybe it has nothing to do with you! Or maybe I’ve just grown up. We’re in 5th year Sirius. Maybe I don’t want to deal with your immature shit. Maybe I’ve just out grown you.”
Marlene didn’t know why she was being so harsh with him. It just seemed like the safe option. For a moment she say a flash of hurt cross his face. She knew she had sounded whiny and she was regretting responding in that way. Marlene looked to the ground with shame.
A slow smirk came across Sirius’ face “Bullshit.”
Marlene’s head snapped up, “What do you mean Bullshit??”
Sirius was still just smiling at her shocked face, “You heard me, McKinnon. I’m calling bull. shit.” Marlene just glared at the unfairly content boy. “Now, come on and tell me what’s really bugging you because I happen to know you were a big fan of my immaturity last week when I charmed Knott’s hair red and his food to run away from him.”
Sirius closed the gap between them, “You were such a fan, you had pumpkin juice squirting from that cute little nose of yours.” He gave said nose a little boop.
Marlene knew he was right, she really did have pumpkin juice coming from her nose. She looked up at him and blushed but she knew she needed to tell him the truth. She looked to the ground, unable to look at him while she said it.
“ihadasexdreamaboutyou” It was a mumble but it was the best she could give.
Sirius didn’t understand a word she had said, he raised one eyebrow, “what was that McKinnon?”
Marlene groaned, running her hands across her face, “I said, I had a.. a sex dream about you.” She peaked through her fingers.
Sirius let out a bark of a laugh, “Oh that is rich McKinnon” He swung an arm around her shoulder, “I knew even you couldn’t resist all this raw sexual energy.”
He was never going to let her live this down. She didn’t have to look at him to know he was smiling, his teasing voice was enough. “Tell me what was it that did it for you? Was it at practice, running with no shirt? Or was it when me and James took a dive in the lake last week. Or” He was having trouble getting his words out, he was cracking himself up, “or was it when I punched Roiser last week. Took him down with one hit ya know”
Marlene rolled her eyes at his antics but she honestly felt better that it was out there. Him teasing her was nothing out of the ordinary and she was ready for things to go back to normal between them. She shoved his side, “You’re such a prat you know that? …but if you must know it was last Tuesday.”
Sirius thought back to Tuesday. He didn’t remember anything significant happen that day.
“Oh Merlin… you dolt. I can’t believe you’re making me explain this.” Marlene ran a hand across her face. She was still tucked under his arm. “I had over slept and missed breakfast so I was running to potions. And you being you, were just late for potions. Anyway I…” She was going to have to rush out this last part, “I came across you helping that little first year Slytherin boy who had no idea where the McGonagall’s class was. It was really sweet and that night I had the dream so there now you know and we can move on.”
Marlene pulled away from him but Sirius grabbed her wrist, “Wait, McKinnon. It’s fine, really it happens to us all. Although a little weird that’s what got you going but hey to each their own I guess.” Her face was beat red, she turned away from him again. He was still holding her wrist when he said with a shrug, “besides it’s not like I’ve never had one about you.”
“What?!” Marlene turned around at that.
“Yeah, loads of them honestly.”
“Although mine were definitely not as G rated.” Sirius gave her a wink and walked out the room, leaving a red faced Marlene McKinnon standing with her mouth agape.
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So I Don’t Forget Again: A Breath of The Wild fanfiction
Entry 170: Rito Village
 Even though I can’t fly and most of their techniques involves the intricacies of flying and shooting at the same time I’ve still learned a lot. Teba said we were going to take a break today; he had noticed my arm started acting up yesterday and thought I needed a break. Yesterday he thought I just might not have stretched enough before training but seeing me this morning he thought I might have pulled something and suggested I ask Saki to take a look at it.
I guess I’ll have to visit the Domain soon. I’m not even near finished with the medicine I have now. Feels like a waste to have not finished this stuff before getting new medicine, but I was given an excess amount since they didn’t know how long I was going to be gone for.
Bossa Nova kept nudging my arm and side, I think he’s noticed too. That or he just wants scratches and pets. After getting here he practically had been getting them nonstop from just about everyone. With no one petting him I guess he now wanted me to pet him, and he nudged me less after I pet him. There’s also plenty of foliage here. I think Bossa Nova is getting spoiled here. I hope he’ll be okay with leaving when I’m done here.
I found Amali calling out for Kheel. She had gone missing and Amali was searching around the whole village. Though things are much safer, the Yiga have been around attacking people.
Teba and I had been using them in training as targets. I understand it’s to protect everyone in the village, but… I feel nauseous seeing the bodies pile up.
I offered to search outside the village for Kheel.
She was at Warbler’s Nest. She wants to finally have singing practice with her sisters but they refuse to go and she refuses to leave till they join her. I told her that if she had to practice here I or some other warrior should be there. It seems she doesn’t know about the Yiga. I thought about explaining the situation to her but I shouldn’t scare her, what if she becomes too scared to leave the village even when it is safe. I tried telling her there were other dangerous creatures around like wolves, but she still refused. She didn’t need to practice here every day, but it had been so long she at least wanted to sing here just once. I told her that I wanted to hear their singing and didn’t want to miss a thing, so I asked her if she’d please come with me to find her sisters so I could hear their recital practice.
First Kheel and I checked back home and found Genli at the cooking pot, she wanted to do some cooking and had sent some of the others to help her collect some missing ingredients while she prepared. She did tell us where she thought some of the others would be at like the store and such.
When we were searching Amali spotted us and was relieved to see us back safely. She told Kheel it was still too dangerous to be out. I explained I’d be there to look after them, but Amali wasn’t happy. Apparently Teba had told her we were taking a break and told me I was to be resting, not fighting still. I explained the situation with my arm but that only got her to say that was even more reason to rest. She then sighed, saying I am an adult who could make choices for himself but she highly recommended that I return to the zora before my infections get worse and become more permanent, maybe even stay with them till I’m fully healed since all the Divine Beasts had been appeased now.
Even if I’m still fighting, for me, just staying here is a rest. Amali paused for a moment then so softly told me that whenever I needed a break I could always come back here. She then told me to go back to playing with my sisters as Kheel seemed to be getting impatient. She then got flustered noticing what she had said and apologized. In a lot of ways I am rather similar to Kass and with how I’m always with her daughters, playing with them and such whenever I returned from training with Teba I was like a big brother to them. Kass had spoken much of me before Amali and I had actually met, and the tales were so accurate, she felt like she had known me for much longer than we actually had, so in a way I felt somewhat like her own child as odd as it may sound. Especially with how Kass spoke of me in a similar way he had of their daughters.
When Amali and I were hugging Kheel joined in, confused but didn’t want to be left out. I promised her I’d be more careful and that I’d go see the zora doctors soon and return better than ever. Amali said that when I come back, I should bring my boyfriend so she and everyone else could meet him, though with Kass’ many tales of Sidon he sounded like a great person. I think Sidon would like that and I told her I’d see what I could do.
Cree was buying goat butter. Notts was supposed to be helping but seems she wasw slacking off and Knotts was out fishing. I had to do a bit of climbing to reach her, but we found her on her stone perch and she joined us in our search. Knotts was very close to the village, on one of the pillars which were connected by bridges, there’s a little lake on one of them and there we did some spear fishing to get a hearty salmon. They said I fish funny; I didn’t think spear fishing could differ so much from zoras and rito but I suppose like fighting it can surprisingly be very different.
We all returned to the kitchen to cook with Genli. We made Salmon Meuniere, and it’s delicious! They wanted to make seconds but I convinced them not too so we wouldn’t spoil our appetite for dinner.
On they way to Warbler’s Nest they rode on Bossa Nova’s back, constantly giving him pets which I think he was very pleased with.
After some practice they asked me if I sang too. As far as I could remember I didn’t think I ever tried. They… didn’t seem too pleased with the result. I’m now their pet project of sorts. They want to teach me so I can become a great singer and serenade “The fish prince”. It’s common practice to sing to win someone’s heart and they wanted to help me with my relationship with Sidon. They said cooking was good but since I travel so much, I need to do more like their dad who sings a lot for their mom and them. They then got the bright idea of getting Kass to teach me, since we both have deeper voices than them and maybe someone with a slightly more similar range to me could help more. They pushed and pulled me all the way back to the village and demanded that Kass teach me. This whole affair was kind of embarrassing, but… the thought of singing for Sidon is nice.
After practice I assisted Amali in the kitchen again. Many of the Rito dishes involve a meat of some kind and I think many of them would be good for traveling, maybe not the fish meat pie, but many of the other ones seem like they could work like the Salmon Meuniere.
Kass and I did some chatting after dinner. He asked me it this is what it’s always like when in stay in a place after appeasing the Divine Beast, all the training I had been doing. I told him it differs from place to place, but this time… all I have left is finding the Master Sword and Defeating the Calamity and I want to make sure I’m ready. I told him staying in places is more like today, learning something, entertaining children, just… living here, and training to be a warrior is a big part of living here, though I had been training to excess lately and I told him I’d probably be letting up on it. Kass told me it was a good idea, I did so much fighting already and even if the art was my one true love, too much of anything was never good.
We just chatted, I’ve just chatted with others before, but this just felt especially nice. I wonder if it’s just Kass being Kass or what Amali had told me before, but I just really liked this. Maybe it was the soft playing of his accordion when we hadn’t talked for a while, just watching the sunset.
I asked Kass what he was going to do if I defeated the Calamity. Kass told me he’d still be searching for ancient songs. Even if I completed my task, that didn’t mean his job was done, and being a bard is his life, he’s not just doing it because of a dead man’s wish, like me and my journey.
Kass paused for a moment telling me he still didn’t have a song for Revali but he did have a song for someone else, the hero from a hundred years ago. Kass told me that though I can’t remember much his master was there when the Calamity had struck and met the old, dead me. Kass told me of how his teacher had loved Zelda but she had clearly fallen for someone else, the dead hero, and that likely colored this song, but even with jealousy he believed the hero would return and poured that belief into a song. It was still something that could possibly shed some light on my fogged memories even if heavily warped by another impression of that man.
“An ancient hero, a Calamity appears, Now resurrected after ten thousand years. Her appointed knight gives his life, shields her figure, and pays the price. The princess’ love for her fallen knight awakens her power/And within the castle the Calamity is forced to cower. But the knight survives! In the Shrine of resurrection he sleeps, until from his healing dream he leaps! For fierce and deadly trials await. To regain his strength. Fulfill his fate. To become a hero once again! To wrest the princess from evil’s den. The hero, the princess-hand in hand-Must bring the light back to this land.”
Kass asked me if the song had helped any. I… feel something tugging at the back of my mind, but I can’t seem to quite reach it. I know there was something bright, but… nothing else. But the song, I died protecting Zelda? Kass told me his teacher had witnessed it. And it was as Kass had explained before, his Teacher wanted to help and seek out the ancient songs of the hero long past to help me, and after he died Kass took on his wish. Kass said that it was too bad the hero would never return. After all he died saving the princess. He knows, he learned of my past when I had my panic attack, when he had me read through my journal with him. He knows, but… it’s like back in the Zora’s Domain now. He did however tell me that should I meet the princess I should give her my condolences for being a different person, her knight gone, and if she lives, to try to let her down easy about Sidon and I. I asked him if it was a shock to find out when I was panicking. He told me he had a suspicion ever since we solved that deer puzzle together, so he wasn’t surprised. He then started giving advice. Talking about grieving, how he had tried to deal with his feelings about his teacher passing, someone like family to him. About working with your worries, being so scared about the people you care about when traveling. About getting stuck in your head when you have no one else to talk too, one piece of advice that really struck me was speaking aloud to yourself, even just hearing the words not just in your head can make quite a difference. About how to deal with the deathly loneliness all that plus traveling through such barren landscapes on your own can bring.
Kass asked me if I could do a favor for him. He just wants to see me one last time before I set off to fight the Calamity, share a day with him and Amali and his daughters if I could. He said it might be a selfish wish, but to place his own heart at ease before I go fight the thing, he wanted to see I was prepared and felt ready to do so, maybe by then he’d have a song all of his own for me, he had a lot of material to work with after all.
Kass just pulled me into a hug when I started crying. I thanked him and told him I’d be happy to and that I was just happy to be here with everyone. He told me he was happy too.
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deathbysatellite · 3 years
Dreamer Household: Week 1
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Entered the household to a couple of weird things going on. Namely, Dirk breaking the fourth wall by staring directly at the screen, and this dart board that I know I didn’t buy, and I know didn’t come with the house because the dart board is from Nightlife. I know that EP objects can show up on community lots, but I’ve never heard of them showing up on residential lots.
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The welcome wagon consisted of Jennifer Burb, Nina Caliente, and Issac Bell. Issac’s from Desiderata Valley. This is the second household in a row in which someone from a different subhood is part of the welcome wagon. I have noticed a difference on community lots, but I don’t think this should be happening this frequently on residential lots.
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Dirk invited Gordon Knott home from school, and they played video games for a bit. I found that, like with the telephone, Sims may just leave the game controller on the ground instead of putting it back.
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Brandi invited Darren on an outing Downtown, and for some reason, brought Beau along. Who then immediately walked home because it was nighttime. I know they just sort of teleport home, but imagining a kid showing up somewhere in a taxi, immediately deciding “Nope!”, and then walking home to a different city, alone, at night, is kind of amusing.
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The bowing continues to spread. Now to other neighborhoods, as Brandi has taught Anna, and Nina has taught Consort.
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Consort randomly started being a dick to Nina, and they went back and forth antagonizing each other. Then Contessa Anna joined in and Consort got ganged up on by two red heads. I like the think Anna was coming to Nina’s defense. Unfortunately, no fight happened. Just a bunch of poking, shoving, and the occasional slap. Still, unexpected moments like this are part of what make the Sims 2 so great.
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“This is a fun group of people!” I’m not so sure Nina would agree with you there, Brandi.
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While catching fireflies, Darren discovered his love for Nature.
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And Darren finished his first painting.
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Dirk headed off to his first day in the Medical career.
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Darren invited Cassandra over for the evening, and she got to know her future son-in-law over dinner.
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While Darren was painting (autonomously, I might add), the Hobby Instructor broke into his house to give him a membership to the My Muse II - Art Studio.
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I set a little plan in motion as Dirk hangs out with Lillith Pleasant and Alexander Goth. I then find out that if you have that computer with the Sims 3 that Rod Humble gives you, you can play it with the video game console, and it’s multiplayer! I don’t think the Sims community will ever run out of things to discover about this game.
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This painting was so pretty, I was a little sad to sell it. But alas, they needed the money.
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I have no fucking clue who this jerk is, or why he decided to kick over their trash can.
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Dirk invited Nawwaf Jordan home to hang out. I can’t remember if he’s from school, or from work. It’s actually been some time between playing this household, and writing this.
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I sent Darren and Dirk out, partially for some quality father-son bonding time, and partially because Dirk wanted to buy an MP3 player.
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Their little hangout ended on a bit of a sour note though, as Dirk got pickpocketed by the Unsavory Charlatan. I’d be pretty scared too, if I was in Dirk’s shoes.
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I have no clue what this painting is supposed to be. I guess Darren’s dabbling in abstract art.
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I kinda forgot it was Darren whose preferred hobby is Nature, not Dirk, so I had Dirk collect some bug and tend to the neglected flowers.
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Darren maxed the Creativity skill, making him 1/7 of the way finished with his Lifetime Want of Max 7 Skills.
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Darren got promoted to Orderly, and is proving himself to be quite a popular teen, bringing home Orlando Centowski, the third classmate/coworker this week.
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I realized it was in fact Darren who like Nature, as Dirk found is passion in Tinkering. And then decided he wanted a Robot Station, which the couldn’t afford on a $1,642 budget.
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Sunday morning and afternoon was quiet as I set up for the wedding that evening.
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And of course everyone decided to just stand outside. I had to direct my Sims to call them over.
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And Darren and Cassandra become husband and wife. While everyone dances instead of paying attention.
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Oof, good thing I had locked in Dirk’s want to buy a Robot Station, as Cassandra brought in over $50,000 to the household.
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Found these two autonomously making out. There’s a time and a place guys. Leave the kissing to the newly weds.
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I just love the animation for cutting the cake!
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Cassandra and Darren the proceed to act like they’re not at their own damn wedding. Cassandra, sweetie, you’re the bride! Let someone else clean up!
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It’s not a Sims party unless one of three things happens. Either A) somebody pees themself, B) something catches fire, or C) everybody hangs out in the bathroom.
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This wholesome little exchange between brother and sister happened autonomously.
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Unlike Dina, who took until four days, Cassandra managed to get knocked up on the first try.
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And I decided to end the week by giving Dirk that Robot Station he wanted. There ya go, kiddo.
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kittyinhiding · 4 years
Every reason people give to why they hated Scoob is why I loved it. Is it a masterpiece? Absolutely not. But it's so much better than what it could have been.
It's not as boring as The New Scooby-Doo Movies. Nor is the celebrity cameo as annoying and long as they were in that show.
It's not as boring as 13 Ghosts of Scooby-Doo. I know it has it's fans, but want to talk about the gang taking backseat to other characters? This show throws out Velma and Fred and instead focuses on Scrappy, an obnoxious kid character with the worst voice ever, Vincent van Ghoul and two dumb ghost characters. Awesome.
It's not as annoyingly dated as Shaggy and Scooby-Doo Get a Clue! Dick Dastardly is a much better villain than whatever that thing was.
Have you seen the Wrestling movies? If I hadn't had my wrestling phase they would have been basically unwatchable.
Have you seen the direct to DVD/TV live action movies? I haven't because I'm scared of them.
And you know what? I loved the character cameos too. I grew up with Cartoon Network and I want a 3D movie of Wacky Races. Penelope Pitstop is a babe and her image in the credits made me cry.
I went in knowing it was a lead up to a cinematic universe. And let's be real, DeeDee is in the movie simply because it's 2020 and the gang is all white. And that's a good thing! Velma was implied to be latina and that's good too!
I've seen people complain that the people who made Scoob hadn't seen much Scooby-Doo and my question is, have you? Because personally I'd rather rewatch Scoob 25 times than sit through "Guess Who's Knott Coming to Dinner?" just one more time
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