theenglishgent · 2 days
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Ton Ton Tawna
My birthday is tomorrow (Sept 19th), and things have been a bit rough, so I'm indulging with a massive af Tawna. v: 
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sabrocha · 2 years
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coolthingsguyslike · 23 days
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308ferrari · 3 months
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gtsdreamer2 · 11 months
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   You were deep in the Amazon rainforest. A recent graduate with your mycology doctorate, you were researching a special species of mushroom that only was said to grow deep in the jungle and only during the twenty four hours of the full moon during the autumn months. According to ancient texts found in the indigenous people's temples, the mushroom was used in fertility rituals and to signify a bountiful harvest during these months before the cold winter. You were curious about the cultural significance as well as the medicinal properties of this rare shroom. You didn't know what it looked like, only that it wasn't foraged for by the locals anymore and that it should look like a mushroom that you don't know.
   Hours of searching later, you begin to grow tired and wonder if you should give up and wait until the next full moon. The sun is starting to set when you finally spot something different. It's a mushroom you've never seen before, which is remarkable seeing as how you've seen them all. The cap is a pinky flesh color with an even pinker button on top. You giggle to yourself as you remark that it looks like a tit with a firm nipple poking out of it.
   Kneeling down, you take out your notebook and a pencil and begin to sketch it. 'I'm just drawing a boob.' You think to yourself. You stare in awe at this shroom as the sun continues to set. Taking your pencil, you poke the nipple-esque protrusion. Immediately this mushroom expells a giant cloud of spores right in your face. You gasp in surprise, sucking into your lungs an ample amount of the potent plume.
   You hack and cough, but its way too late for that, they're already lodged deep within you and entering your blood stream. Your eyes dialate and your body grows hot. You stand and lean against a tree, trying to catch your breath. You can feel your heatbeat in every nerve. Your cells are responding in a way they never have to the new foreign agent that has begun to take over you. Your heatbeat concentrates in your breasts as you feel your nipples grow almost painfully erect. Then you feel your breasts start to press against your soft white cotton top. You can feel the belts on your corset tighten to try and contain whatever is happening to you. Suddenly you shoot up four inches in height.
   Your sudden growth spurt elicits an a forced maon from your mouth. "Mmmph!" You cry out as a second wave hits you. The belts on your corset snap and suddenly you're six foot five with the seams of your jeans splitting. You feel your feet break free from your hiking boots as your toes sink into the damp rainforest earth.
   'This is starting to feel really good.' You think to yourself as you start to regain a semblance of your normal senses. Doing a body check, you can tell that you've grown. Your breasts have at least doubled in size and are now very hot and sensitive to the touch. You can feel a hunger deep in your womb as if ovulating on steroids.
   You attempt to sit down on the cool jungle floor, your now massive ass shredding the back of your jeans as you squat down. You pick up your pad and pen and continue to make notes about the shroom.
   'It is clear that this is how the Amazon women in the lore of this land gained their stature, and I can clearly feel why this particular fungus was revered for its fertility-inducing properties. I feel so full of life, yet I also feel the need to be bred full of babies.' Looking back at your notes, you are in shock that you actually wrote that down.
   You wonder to yourself how potent the flesh of the shroom might be, considering what just inhaling some of the spores had done to you. As the sun began to set, you walk back over to the shroom and delicately pluck it out of the ground before greedily shoving the whole thing into your mouth, quickly swallowing it without so much as trying to find out what it tastes like. Again the euphoria strikes your body. You feel its effects ten fold as you quickly gain four feet in height and explode out of your inadequate top. Sitting back down on the remainder of your ruined clothes, you bask in the feeling of your massive body and heightened strength and senses. You close your eyes and listen to the jungle around you, lamenting that you ate the only specimen that you had found on your journey, and now the only evidence was what it had done to you. When you open your eyes, the realize that the moon has peaked through the canopy. Your dialated eyes can see the jungle floor quite clearly now, and shimmering all across the damp dense expanse before you, you can see dozens more of the mushroom glowing against the moon, as if drinking in its power. 'It would have been so much easier to find at night.' You chastise yourself as you stand up again. You leave your ruined clothes behind as you pick up your foraging Satchel and start to delicately pick as many of the shrooms as you can carry, trying your best to put them in containers without them expelling more spores. 'This will be so great for my research.' You think to yourself. 'And it'll make a great snack for the walk back'. You giggle to yourself as you pop another three into your mouth.
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cloud-kaiju · 4 months
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Occasionally GAIA, the terraforming mecha lady, ends up on planets with some environment already. She tries to be careful, but with a butt seven kilometres across, it's hard!   
An amazing commission by EmmY, check her out at https://furaffinity.net/user/emmywhy and https://twitter.com/emmy_liquid 
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dotodonoto · 1 year
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yuffie gets her hands on some weird materia...
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assexpansion · 5 months
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"God, you're just so small, huh?" She whispered with a tinge wonderment. "You couldn't even make it up to the second floor."
It was true. You had tried to practice some agency by scaling the shoulder-high steps but ran out of steam on the landing. Exhausted and feeling defeated, you had curled up in the corner to nap and regain your meager strength, only to be awoken by her normal-sized but relatively massive busty body looming down on you.
"The world must be so scary to you." She dreamily continued. "So big, so unkown, so full of awful, dreadful things outside."
She leaned closer to inspect you, propping her arms against the wall above and tilting forward. Her cleavage bulged down and spilled out the top corners of the corset. You felt a hardening under the trousers meant for dolls that you wore. You had never been looked at like this before. Her parted lips and those hazy eyes made you feel like you were a rare gemstone she was admiring. You nodded to her.
"It's such a giant, cruel place out there. I can't imagine how worse it'd be if a flight of stairs was too much to handle." She purred, stretching even lower so her head cast a shadow over you.
She stayed like that, just looking, taking you in as you did the same to her. She held your gaze for a few seconds before leaning back up and putting her hands on her wide hips.
"How about I make your life a little easier. Want a lift upstairs, my little man? I can't get rid of the big, scary wars or poverty or whatever else... but I can make you feel a little more comfortable."
With that, she scooped up your tiny body and gently cupped you in her hands as she rose to stand up. You made a sound in protest, wanting to complete the journey by yourself, but she shushed you. She carried you like an ant to the top of the stairs and placed you down before blowing a warm kiss in your direction.
"Don't worry, darling. I'll keep you safe."
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growingfunwithaimain · 8 months
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Alice had been dreaming of her childhood adventure in Wonderland for years. It had been a magical time, full of whimsy and adventure, but there was one thing that had always lingered in her mind: her transformation into a giant. As a child, she had grown so large that she could see the world from a whole new perspective, one that made her feel powerful and free.
One night, she found herself back in Wonderland, but this time, she was an adult. She had always wondered what it would be like to experience the transformation again, but as an adult. She knew it would be different, and she was eager to see how her body would react to the same magical potion that had turned her into a giant before.
The potion had a strange effect on her body. Her breasts began to swell, growing larger and larger until they were as big as her head. The sensation was indescribable, a mix of pleasure and disbelief. Her clothes stretched and clung to her body, but they refused to give up.
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Alice's breasts continued to grow, each swell making her feel more and more alive. Her nipples hardened, and her areolas expanded, stretching her bra until it was tighter than a drum. The fabric clung to her skin, the seam following the curve of her cleavage like a river tracing a valley.
As her body grew, she felt her bones creaking, her skin stretching, and her muscles bulging. It was as if her body was being remade, layer by layer, to accommodate her newfound size. Her waist expanded, her hips widened, and her thighs thickened until she felt like she could crush the world beneath her feet.
Her clothes, once snug, now hung loose, but they still clung to her curves, revealing the fullness of her new form. She could feel the cool air on her skin, teasing her nipples, and the warmth of her own body as it expanded.
Standing taller than any building in Wonderland, Alice looked down at the city below. Her breasts were so large that they blocked out the sun, casting the city in shadow. The people below looked like ants, scurrying around her feet. She felt invincible, like she could conquer anything.
As she surveyed the city, she realized that her transformation had not only changed her physically but also her perspective. She could see the world in a way she never had before, and she knew that this was just the beginning of her new adventure.
The story ends with Alice, now a giant, looking down at the city of Wonderland, feeling empowered and ready for whatever new adventures await her. Her clothes are stretched to their limits, but they cling to her, showing off her new curves and size. The people below look up in awe, wondering what this new giantess will do next.
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This amazing request was for @realmofgoddesses and I hope they enjoy it! It was a fun one to create!
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altairasart · 8 months
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A collaboration made with my best friend @misamy-art , each of whom made a version with inverted roles of giantess and tiny, go follow her, she draws like the gods themselves, but since I am addicted to creating I made a version of the drawing but dynamic
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sabrocha · 2 years
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GAP the Series (episode 4 / 11)
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casceth · 2 months
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Not what the chosen hero thought the “Necklace of Dragoness Vitality” would do, but perhaps dragon milk has some health benefits?
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theenglishgent · 6 months
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Ojou Intensifies
Slayers mood has been hitting hard, so I felt it appropriate to doodle a giant Naga. Needless to say, Lina hates this. v: 
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308ferrari · 2 months
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coolthingsguyslike · 2 years
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gtsdreamer2 · 5 months
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