hooter-n-company · 2 months
Has bulzar ever eaten someone or eaten one of his human “friends” to keep them safe or just to fuck with them in an endo way?
Not too sure about the first option. It’s not completely off the table, but Bulzar isn’t an affectionate sort of monster, and his protective papa bear instincts really only kick in for his son. Plus, the bounty bros can usually handle themselves fine when things get dangerous. That said, if the trio gets into some SERIOUS peril and there’s no other way to rescue them besides tucking them away in his gut, then it’s certainly an option the big boi would consider.
As for the second option? Most definitely, especially if it’s Balroc.
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In fact, he might use the “I’m eating you to keep you safe” excuse if he’s in a cheeky mood and wants a quick snack, even if there isn’t a threat for miles around. XD
“Oh yeah, there’s a dragon over that cliff there. Breathes fire an’ everything! Don’t worry, I’ve got the perfect place to hide ya…” Cue him pointing into his open mouth.
(Btw, the artwork was a collaboration between me and TitanLeon on FA. He did the sketch and lineart while I colored it in).
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picatea · 1 year
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No context Warhammer
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battlecatbeta · 10 months
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Tonight we're checking out Helsreach!
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lordsofmedrengard · 2 years
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Pretty sure I just figured out why they made the Eternal Crusader look Like That. Someone (the artist or whoever instructed them on what to do) found this old pic of a Battle Barge and some sort of frigate, realised it was published under the unit entry for “Venerable Battle Barge”, and though to themselves that they had finally figured out what the EC looked like.
It’s of course 100% possible that I’m wrong about this, but I can’t think of any other reason why they’d weld another ship to the bottom of the EC. Ignore the measurements in the 2nd pic; they’re off (2 km length is what you’d see on a frigate, destroyer or escort, not a light cruiser, and 10 km is normal for a battleship; as a massively refitted and expanded battle barge (old canon) or Gloriana (new canon) odds are the EC is considerably larger.).
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casualevan · 2 years
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Homebrew time! I like to pretend these are Grimaldus and Hekbrect in Dred forms.
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sho-ho · 2 years
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Helsreach drawing I'll finish in 2023
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Thought of the Day: All Daemons are Falsehood. They are lies given the shape of creatures by the fell power of Chaos.
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xkeyon · 6 months
Armageddon Steel Legion for 11th ed
For some reason I have just a feeling that the Armagededdon Steel Legion will get what Cadia got in 9th and if rumours are true Krieg will get during 10th especially if the latter is true. Much that was brought into the game during Codex: Armagededdon becoming plastic with some new things to go along with it.
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Now some of the bits here I am putting are matching it with free index card info from that GW put out so if there was changes I can't find it, as well no idea what changes when the 10th ed codex comes out. Armagededdon Steel Legion keyword units: -Armagededdon Steel Legionnaire, the baseline unit to use. -Armagededdon Steel Legion Command Squad, leads Armagededdon Steel Legionnaires. New things added - Armagededdon Veteran Commissars, Commissars that have fought the more intense battles of the Armageddon wars they have to honour the greatest of them removed their arm after killing an Ork to take their Power Klaw as their own, lead Armagededdon Steel Legionnaries, Armagededdon Ork Hunters. -General Pious Korren, one of their greatest Tank Commanders gets a model that is one to go along with his Shadowsword the Iron Saint giving it a boost, he has also per the wishes of a great hero the Baneblade Fortress of Arrogance.
So new units to get added but don't have the keyword, even though in the lore are part of it like Ursula Creed and Kasrkin don't have the Cadia Keyword even though are part of it in the story. Neutral Guard Keywords Armagededdon Ork Hunters, starting off as a kill team, they would act very much like how one would use the jungle fighters but come with some very good anti-ork skills with the AVC brining out 120 percent of their potential.
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Adelaide Von Strab, the out of wedlock daughter of Herman Von Strab, the 2 cared little for each other, the only she liked was using this connection to allow her to take the officer test to become a Tank Commander. Her skill then got her the position, and the Honours. During one battle she saved the life of Arcadian Leontus, and the two grew close, with this closeness having Herman give her the Von Strab name officially though it didn't mean anything to her. This name did one time bring trouble by the Inquisition after Herman Von Strab betrayal though was proven innocent, is still watched. She would be basically a better Tank commander for the Leman Russ. For look and personality
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So there are 2 more units 1 is Armagededdon connected. One would be Priests of "Saint" Grimaldus but these could be Black Templars, or maybe even Agents of the Imperium if church members are added to it. The other is Savlar Chem Dogs as units, however unlike the the Ork Head Hunters which could be seen to the Steel Legion as what Kasrkin are to Cadia these would be their own/neutral.
Will go more detail with everything but I kind of want to see first somethings like if Agents of the Imperium is the unknown codex, and if Krieg will be in 10th. But from here what do people think? Any suggestions on things that should/could be added?
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nightscalestudio · 2 years
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The first of the retinue of the Chaplain Grimaldus.
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So I read Helsreach by Aaron Demski-Bowden and then immediately had to get me this particular Black Templar.
The usual was done. Flat black primer, zenithal highlight over that and then a whole host of colors this time. I had a lot of fun working on them.
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hooter-n-company · 2 months
Out of the bounty bros which one out of the group is Bulzars favorite to eat flavor wise
Definitely Balroc, since he’s the biggest and “meatiest” human of the bunch who also has the most skin showing (more natural flavor, am I right?) It helps that he and Bulzar bicker a lot, so it’s extra satisfying when the Giant puts him in his place.
Owin is a bit too skinny for Bulzar’s liking, although if his stomach is bothering him, he might gulp the poor lad down like a pill to get some of that trusty healing magic. Owin’s not TOO happy about it, but he’ll suck it up to help a friend in need.
Grimaldus is completely off the table. Bulzar claims the ol’ coot is too tough and stringy for him to bother, but even he’s smart enough to know not to push his luck with the elder mage. The likelihood of being turned inside out is much too great. XD
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rubbishbooty-blog · 11 months
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Let's gooo, grimaldus is finished I just need to do his base and I can call him done and done,
I'm actually extremely pleased with how it's turned out it's a new level of quality I've managed to reach with minimal effort at that 😅
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fourgods-nobrakes · 9 months
2023 in review
Or, one fic from each month that I feel pretty good about. Most of these are smut, pls read the tags in each case, etc.
January: for my own gain i pray, Erebus seducing Lorgar and accidentally really getting into it. I will never stop using 16 Horsepower lyrics for Word Bearer fic.
February: First (Do No Harm), the one where Talos acquires Elver when Curze discards him. A story about how after that much torture, just plain impersonal use feels like a huge relief.
March: Burn the House Right Down, Sevatar/Rushal missionfic and Sev heartmarking at his violent Raven. There were a lot of things I liked in March, this one was hard to pick.
April: To Carry What We Hold, Perturabo/Fulgrim slight canon divergence during Angel Exterminatus, with oviposition. This ship is such fertile (heh) ground and every time I write them I get to explore something different.
May: the only hope for me, actually not smut, Khârn prevents Argel Tal's death (and I threw in another canon divergence just for fun). May was a slow month but good stuff I think.
June: Rationally, Cautiously, and with Restraint, combo breaker, Marek Grimaldus and Andrej Valatok versus daemon sex pollen. Andrej's voice was so much fun.
July: Commit and Advance, Fulgrim/Perturabo again only this time significantly pre-Heresy, a sweet getting-together AU. Connecting regarding art and the pursuit of perfection <3
August: Trinkets for the Tallyman, Nurgling adventure gen set on the Solace, the Lords of Silence ship. I love nurglings.
September: Every Fire and Every Thrill, Fulgrim/Horus in the early chapters of Vengeful Spirit, me having a lot of feelings about them having a lot of feelings, and also snake porn.
October: burn like a healing hand, Abaddon/Amurael for launchtheship on DW. I wanted there to be about 200% more story to this but here we are. That's the story of so many fics. At least this got to be about Cthonia and savage warband honor and how dreamy Abaddon is.
November: lay my hands on heaven, Burias-Drak'shal/Daemonette, absolutely self-indulgent PWP, the most completely self-indulgent thing I wrote all year: getting one of my favorite murderpuppies laid by a cute little monster.
December: From Faith Cometh Honor, the incident mentioned in Gate of Bones where Kar-Gatharr pulled a gravely wounded Torvann Lokk from a ruined tank on Isstvan V. The stoic and determined character getting help from someone who loves them is such catnip for me.
You know? Overall, not a bad year, when I look it over now. Expect more things I personally find iddy in 2024.
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Grimaldus by MrCoon
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caiusmajor · 11 months
Kinktober Drabble 18 - Olfactophilia
Because olfactophilia just had to be Grimaldus.
"Hey, Reclusiarch, what are you doing?" Grimaldus' face was buried in Andrej's neck. "I haven't washed. I can't smell very good, eh?"
Grimaldus made Andrej wait several long breaths. He liked making Andrej wait, even now they were something like lovers. "You smell of gunpowder and sweat."
"Not pleasant, no? Let me go shower, eh?" Andrej tried to pull away, but Grimaldus' grip was like iron.
"It is pleasant. You smell like courage." Grimaldus inhaled again, pulling Andrej closer. "And sexual arousal. You may shower, afterwards."
"… That, sounds like an arrangement I could be working with, yes."
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