#Grim plays A Game
malwarechips · 8 months
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insomniaeon · 1 year
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kitty cat pleasantview 🐈💚
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benjis-house-boat · 2 months
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Having a TIME in Twisted Wonderland xD My boi goes from laughing at the antics of his new friends to crying from stress and back bout 30 times a day, and we're only in book 1
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Also a lot of this, but Magic Beings Rich People?
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mintjeru · 12 days
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i am neither easy nor immune o(-(
open for better quality | no reposts
my shop is open!!
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pastelsketches64 · 3 months
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🐇 Happy late Easter Fools!!! 🐇
Hello Twisted Wonderland fandom, please humbly accept this chibi sized peace offering in return for me joining you all 🙏🙏🙏
I do have some more Twst art in the works as well, so be on the look out for that sometime soon 👀
⬇️ Prefect and Grim ver. under the cut! ⬇️
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I liked how I played A Date With Death, The Kid at The Back, and Touchstarved, but 14 Days With You is the one I drew fanart for first
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brearart · 8 months
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get his ass
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thekimspoblog · 3 days
I've said this before, but when the Patho2 Changeling route is released, I really hope they lean into the idea that Clara can see the console command window, and do a little meta-humor about how playing Patho with cheat codes on radically changes the meaning of the game.
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sleeps-au-bag · 3 months
yanqing didn't expect to wake up in a box in all honesty. he hadn't expected to fall asleep at all. the last thing he remembered was practicing his forms in his room as he waited for the general to call him for breakfast. there was no way he could have fallen asleep, not when he was training. unless...
a groan was heard right next to him. suddenly, he was hyperaware of the two other people stuck in the box with him. he couldn't move that much considering how little space there was but he did catch a glimpse of white and blue hair respectively. thankfully the box was big enough where they wouldn't be smushed together but it was still tight enough that they were forced to lean against each other.
one of the people snuggled into him, presumably still asleep. whoever says his face felt hot is a liar. the other person (who apparently had their arms around him) adjusted their grip around him. now he was effectively trapped.
the other two were mostly likely still asleep. yanqing started to think about their situation. most likely, they've all been drugged and kidnapped. but by who? it couldn't have been the disciples of sanctus medicus, their numbers have been dwindling by the day and it's impossible to sneak into the general's house without being noticed. that is unless they have someone insane enough in their ranks to do so. another option could be ransom or assassins but neither make sense. why not just kidnap him? why take these two others? why not take on the general directly like all the others?
"huh? where are we?"
yanqing didn't jump. "i don't know myself. i've been awake for a few minutes now." the one with white hair just hummed. she must've noticed they were touching because she suddenly tried to give him space. "oh my gosh, i'm so sorry! i didn't mean to-"
"hey, it's okay! there's not enough room to move in here and you were asleep."
"nnnnngh, my head hurts... huh?! wha-?!" it seems like the other person is awake now. they immediately tried to let go of him but he heard a thump. not big enough to let them move around. noted.
"well, now that we're all awake and stuck here with absolutely no explanation, we should probably introduce ourselves." yup. absolutely a great idea. great job yanqing. totally didn't make things awkward.
"um, i'm clara! i, uh, live in the underground of belobog with mr. svarog." belobog sounded somewhat familiar. isn't that the only city left on that one planet? he'll focus on that later.
"i'm lieutenant yanqing of the cloud knights. i live on the xianzhou luofu which is part of the xianzhou alliance." he could practically feel the person holding him vibrate with excitement.
"greeting, my name is misha. i serve as a bellboy at the reverie hotel on penacony." three different people from three different planets and factions. unless the other two were also important on their own planets, yanqing couldn't see why clara and misha would be taken as well. unless... no. he doesn't want to think about it.
the other two conversed as he thought about reasons as to why they would have been taken. doesn't mean he didn't notice the sudden rise in heat. misha must have noticed as well. could he also use ice or are bellboys just like that? no time to think as the box suddenly opened and they all tumbled out.
he could hear someone talking but he could only focus on clara and misha. no he didn't focus on their faces because he found them kind of pretty! he was just concerned that they were hurt! that's all. yeah.
he heard more groans coming from the room. it seems like they weren't the only ones taken. he looked over and froze. no way. maybe it's just the blue fire making him see things because there was no way.
but there was some way.
not only did they take clara, misha, and him, but whoever kidnapped them also took lady bailu, future ten lord huohuo, and another little girl who clara seemed to know.
just who took them?
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readers-folly · 9 months
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he's so babygirl
I want to squish his face. idc if i die. i want to see this skrunkly little man get his face squished
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onebizarrekai · 3 months
there's an entire temple dedicated to the maintenance of the seasons in holodrum and protecting the rod of seasons and its four spirits. meanwhile nayru is just keeping the harp of ages in her basement
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𝖌𝖔𝖙𝖍𝖘 𝖔𝖓 𝖆 𝖉𝖆𝖙𝖊 ♡
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ladylyra · 1 year
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this game rules
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night-running-echo · 7 months
Waited for the Date with death to launch, played it for hours and then you know, decided to hop on Tumblr to check if someone is obsessing over him as much as I do... And well, Tumblr never disappoints, thank you for being feral over blushy, stupid, dorky Reaper, he's just a bby gosh-
I love this hellsite so fucking much, don't ever stop. And please support the creators, they're just wow, incredibly amazing<3 thank you for fulfilling the dream of bullying a cute not so human, adorable, man.
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What if I made a Date with Death fic
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