#Grim [Chrono Tag]
definitelynotaminion · 2 months
Rated "R" for Robin, Ch. 3 pt. 1
This is a continuation of sneak peaks for Chapter 3 of this jaytim fic (on ao3, 2 chapters 11.7k). The full wip of chapter 3 is up on my patreon, if you’re interested (the full fic is up to about 15,500 words so far). Otherwise I'll just be sharing chapter 3 in small bites here until it's finished and goes on ao3. The tag is going to be rated r 3 or if you want to start from the first post of chapter 3/chrono order, here.
“I was never this fucking small,” Jason insists, crowding right up on him, right up in his space. Fuck, he gets a feel for the shape of that armor under his hands.
“Hrk.” Tim says, intelligently.
“This armor weighs more than you do, what the fuck, Re-- Tim.”
And Tim is just in his arms, all armor and Gotham rain dripping off of it, and Jason can see the fucking-- flush on his wind-whipped cheeks!
The way Tim sucks in air and blushes for his name, not any kind of insult or mocking variant. He looks a little bit like he wants to run away, and that just won’t do.
But of course, before Jason can even grip him tighter, Tim is kicking that fear down-- kicking the darkness away-- and finding all that Robin bravery-- not bravado, not this time, not when it matters-- and leaning into this instead.
“...Jay.” He says, almost softly, and there’s a flutter at his throat. Adam’s apple just fucking-- bobbing-- and yeah, this close, even in the shitty lighting.
“I’m sorry.” Jason says roughly, thumbing at the fucking scar along his throat, hair-thin, almost invisible.
Tim fights away from him-- no, he’s just going for the domino, and he must have already applied the release outside in preparation but there’s no way it doesn’t still rip.
Then the red mask is just gone and Jason reflexively reaches behind him to yank the curtain closed with one hand, the other still flexed on Tim’s armor, on the fucking-- mean little chest piece--
Tim gives him his eyes, a cold fucking blue. Light, like the kind of skies you just didn’t see in Gotham-- metropolis, maybe. It strikes him like the glaciers he saw in cold ass countries on a grim ass mission, when he wasn’t all there.
He didn’t know he had this-- could have had this-- to come home to at the time.
It’s a strange experience, suddenly wanting to kick his own ass. Things had certainly seemed justified at the time, and yet.
“Robin.” Jason says, and yep-- strangled noise, right on queue, and Tim’s cheeks are so red. Oh, he can’t help but smirk like an asshole, except it’s a more crooked grin-- a younger grin-- showing some of his teeth.
Tim just is that breathless, right in his arms, staring like he can’t get enough, like he’s. Just. Absolutely frozen.
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denialcity · 10 months
for adoration grow - tobiizu unconventional hanahaki au - 476/?
Izuna smiled with no humour in it, only grim and hollow victory. But Tobirama continues before he can speak. 
"Can we be just dangerous enough that we minimise the evils thereof?" Tobirama asked. 
"What do you mean?" Izuna asked. 
Tobirama's mouth tightened, and he visibly rearranged the words in his head, and started on an unexpected topic. 
"Do you keep dogs?" Tobirama asked. 
Izuna blinked. 
"Uh, personally? No, I don't— not sure we even have any in the compound, the ninneko would hate…" Izuna shook his head, not sure he should be saying that much. "Let's just say we tend to be cat people." 
[for adoration grow tag] / [chrono tag for browser] / [full live WIP document for my patreons here] 
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rainmustfallts4 · 14 days
DovahSims: A Legacy of Legends ◇ Gen 1, Part 3
⊶⊰Info & Index⊱⊷ ⊶⊰Tag / Chrono⊱⊷ ⊶⊰Part 1⊱⊷ ⊶⊰Gen 1 Tag / Chrono⊱⊷
⊶⊰DovahSims Challenge Part 1 & Part 2⊱⊷
Can we just take a moment to appreciate how pretty this looks in the rain? Rhetorical question, we’re doing it anyway 😀
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Soren found a tub in the dumpster but it was broken. This is the perfect way to work on his handiness c:
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When we went to the library, Soren started to cower and was acting terrified. I was so feckin’ confused and then…
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Yeah that checks out lmao
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Once the offending wolf was finally gone, he got to business chatting with his client.
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Then back home to work on some fabrication.
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Is this guy following us?! He showed up at the park, too, and Soren was terrified again ;_;) Come on, Soren, he’s just a little wolf! Pet him, give him a snack and move on.
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Some might wonder if using a stove retrieved from a dumpster is a good idea. We don’t wonder at all lol These dumpsters are a feckin’ gold mine.
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I think the toughest thing will be selling 15,000 worth of items we crafted/fabricated lol
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I look away from the screen for one second and when I look back, I see this lmao I was so confused. It’s a nice look on him, though.
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Oh… oh well that can’t be good…
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If you die, I swear to Grim! We have 99 more generations to go!
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Fight back, Soren! You are a NORD, you won’t lose to some silly machine!
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annon-guy2 · 1 year
BlazBlue Cross Tag Heroes - BlazBlue Cast
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Ragna The Bloodedge [Grim Reaper]
Jin Kisaragi [Hero of the Frozen Blade]
Noel Vermillion [Successor of the Azure]
Rachel Alucard [The Rosen Princess]
Taokaka [Defender of the Kaka Clan]
Iron Tager [The Red Devil]
Litchi Faye-Ling [Doctor of Orient Town]
Arakune [Pursuer of the Azure]
Carl Clover [The Last Vigilante]
Bang Shishigami [Ikaruga Shinobi]
Hakumen [The White Void]
Tsubaki Yayoi [White Wings of Justice] (Replaces her Alternate Form, Izayoi.)
Hazama [Shadowy Serpent Fang]
Makoto Nanaya [Unfaltering Beastkin]
Valkenhayn R. Hellsing [The Silver Wolf]
Platinum The Trinity [Platinum Alchemist]
Relius Clover [The Mad Puppeteer]
Bullet [Fiery Mercenary]
Azrael [The Mad Dog]
Kagura Mutsuki [The Black Knight]
Kokonoe [Sector Seven's Genius Scientist]
Celica A. Mercury [Chrono Phantasma]
Lambda-11 [The Mechanical Soul]
Hibiki Kohaku [Secretary in the Shadows]
Naoto Kurogane [Bloodedge Kindred]
Nine The Phantom [The Great Magister]
Susano'o [God of Destruction]
Es [Guardian of the Gate]
Mai Natsume [The Pure Grimoire]
Jubei [One-Eyed Lotus]
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kaiowut99 · 1 year
Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters GX Episodes 91 and 92 Subbed (Finalized)
(Previously: Episodes 89 and 90 Subbed [Finalized])
(Check out my Subbed!GX Stream Masterpost!)
TURN-91: The Grim Reaper’s One-Turn Kill
Rumors have spread of a duelist taking part in GeneX who defeats his opponents in one turn.  This turns out to be Tachibana, who gained his drawing power through a pact with a Grim Reaper card.  Judai ends up dueling Tachibana, who’s sold his soul to the Grim Reaper, and with the start of their duel, Tachibana draws his “One-Hit Knockout! Slash Draw” Magic Card and comes at Judai with his One-Turn Kill. Can Judai possibly...
TURN-92: The Triangle Duel
As word goes around that rank-and-file Instructor Chronos and Vice-Principal Napoleon are being “fired,” Principal Samejima shouts “Get out of here!” at them.  They were both disheartened, but they happen to catch Chairman Pegasus of Industrial Illusions, Inc., on his way to visit Principal Samejima, and they ask for employment with I2.  Pegasus says he will approve their employment if they somehow defeat him in a duel, and so starts a Triangle Duel between Pegasus, Chronos, and Napoleon.  Can Chronos and Napoleon hope to...
*Pegasus voice* I give you finalized!91 and 92! deeeesu
Slight delay in finalizing these aside, these episodes aren’t too bad; some continuity with the Duel Academia’s North Campus in Tachibana and his struggle to make the decks he cares about work, making him turn to a Grim Reaper spirit promising to improve his drawing ability--at the cost of his soul. Works well enough for a one-shot episode in GX, nice seeing another One-Turn Kill strategy after Ojin’s in 84, plus the animation looks really good throughout, along with “Impossible Victory” being used as Tachibana switches arms with his Disk to reject the Grim Reaper’s influence.  92′s fun with Pegasus making another cameo--this time, actually dueling--and the premise being that Chronos and Napoleon thought Samejima fired them when he was just frustrated was up GX’s humor alley--though it is interesting Toon Kingdom didn’t come out in the card game until long after GX (I liked the shot of it as we see Toon Red Archery Girl, Toon Summoned Daemon, and the other Toons he used in DM as a nice homage).  Pegasus’ll still have some time in S2 and S3, related to the plot Samejima thought about early in the episode, so he’ll be back.  Kind of a shame they didn’t make a GX remix for his Toon World theme from DM though, lol; points to the dub for using theirs.  (Tachibana’s voice in the dub was also really good.)
Edit-wise, both episodes had a fair amount of fixes I applied, mostly on the card error and quality-of-watching end (including some interesting split-screen issues), but there were 2-3 bigger ones I was able to make work; due to Tumblr’s dumb link limit in posts yeeting them out of the tags used for them and limiting their reach, and since I still wanted a visual element to it, I’ve made a separate post with my usual fix/edit breakdown for the interested!
Anywho, enjoy! These make for a little breather as we get into Judai vs White Asuka next time and some changes to Saiou’s SOLA plans.  Been looking forward to revisiting the next stretch of eps for a while as Season 2 closes on some of its best episodes; should be fun.
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cursedbeasts · 1 month
Bestia's Wrath Chapter 12: Common Ground
Tag in chrono order
Bestia makes new friends and regains some old ones.
Beginning Notes:
Recommended listening for the droid factory segment: Berserk OST - Aria
See the end of the chapter for more notes
"So that went exceedingly well." Bestia remarked, grim sarcasm oozing from her tone. "Kaliyo decided to fuck off at the worst possible moment, and Havoc got nearly slaughtered."
She leaned onto the command table, looking over the meager gathering. Theron's holo was glaring at her. Aric was busy arranging funerals for the fallen Havoc members, so Bestia offered to report in his stead. Senya was pacing off to the side, her arms crossed and a frown on her face. Lana and Scorpio stood by the table opposite of Bestia. 
"The casualties could have been much worse if you weren't there." Lana said.
"I wish I could be inside the facility keeping tabs on Kaliyo but I guess I can't be in two places at once. At least I got to do some property damage."
"I have information regarding the Gemini network." Everyone turned to Scorpio. "Each Eternal Fleet ship has a mechanical captain linked to the network. They cannot be directly subverted."
"Why?" Bestia crossed her arms, glaring at the droid.
"Because they were based on me. I do not know how they came to exist, but I will not be imitated."
"You could sue them for copyright infringement," Theron chimed in.
"The captains are produced from a template: Gemini Prime. I have located the factory the unit resides in. It is located on the planet Darvannis." 
Bestia flinched a little at that name. It was where Styrak fell. Tired of the Dread Masters' constant blunders, Styrak had tried to take the matters into his own hands. He chose  Darvannis because of all the resources and people gathered there for a huge underworld auction. Styrak wanted to corrupt all of them with a massive Sith Alchemy ritual and come back to Oricon with a huge army and a pile of wealth and weapons. 
However, the Empire and the Republic learned of it somehow, and sent in a joint team of their strongest. The group swept through the city, found Styrak, and fought him to the death. The only reason he came back was the loyalty of his surviving apprentices. They sacrificed themselves to conduct a ritual that pulled Styrak from the other side. And now Bestia was going to the world that almost claimed her husband's life. 
"So, you want someone to steal that particular unit."
"Yes, very perceptive. Retrieve it, and I will decode the Gemini Frequency from its databanks." 
"Senya, can you tell us anything?"
"Darvannis was one of the first worlds we conquered. The facility is a key factory that produces droids, weapons and starships. So it's secured accordingly."
"Let me guess. We'll need a fucking army that we don't have."
"We have three ancient Sith lords." Theron pointed out.
"Sending Styrak to the place where he pretty much died is out of the question, unless you want a Force storm that will take out EVERYTHING. And turn Darvannis into another Dromund Kaas." Bestia snapped. "Also, as much as I hate to point it out, our powers are useless against droids. Unless someone develops a virus that teaches them to feel fear, we're pretty much just regular Sith folks against Zakuul. I'm still willing to go though."
"And you will. I've found some possible allies on the planet. They want to meet the one in charge of the Alliance."
"Who are they?"
"I can't say much, but they have skill and firepower, and they won't stab us in the back. They're more of a "shoot you in the face" type."
"I see. I have a feeling I will like them. We should prepare the Gravestone for combat. Once we get that droid, we can take the fight to the Eternal Fleet."
With that, the meeting was concluded. Bestia found Styrak and Rammas waiting for her in a hallway outside the War Room. Rammas walked up to her, and unclipped something from her belt. She held it up to Bestia to see: two lightsabers with golden hilts etched with curving dark stripes.
"Where'd you get these?" Bestia picked up one of the hilts, weighing it in her hand. 
"Eh, long story. A Jedi found me in the woods and had me make these for you. She said they'll help defeat Arcann." Rammas shrugged. "I kinda modified the hilts and put in orange crystals though."
"These are wonderful!" Bestia held the lightsaber up, and activated it. A fiery orange blade hissed to life. Bestia gave it a few swings.
"Thank you. Who was this Jedi?"
"Satele Shan."
"Wait, the Grandmaster of the Jedi order?"
"Yep. Camping out in the woods as a hermit."
"She could join the alliance."
"I asked. She said her fate isn't here."
Rammas rolled her eyes at the memory, then turned to leave.
"I'm gonna go visit Shyren."
Styrak lingered around after Rammas had left. 
"There's more to her story. She mentioned having a vision of Vitiate's original form in a cave during the journey the Jedi sent her on."
"They do have the same eyes. You think they're connected?"
"I don't know." Styrak said. "Do you remember the tests I carried out shortly after we were freed? You and Raptus were the closest matches. But there's also this unidentified part."
"Yeah and I said that I wouldn't have fucked Raptus in a thousand years. Not to mention we were both in stasis at the time of her birth."
"What I'm saying is, they could be connected. We know nothing about Raptus's background. He just showed up when Vitiate gathered us to be shipped off to Oricon for the first time. But it could also be a mutation or a throwback trait like in Vitiate himself."
"You think she could be some sort of sleeper agent sent by Vitiate? Like his Children of the Emperor project?"
Styrak shrugged his great shoulders.
"That is a possibility we should account for."
"Eh, I don't want to judge someone based on what their possible ancestors are like. She's a good kid. And you've pretty much adopted her."
Styrak hummed and nodded. Bestia couldn't see his face under his mask, but was sure he was smiling a little.
"I suppose I have."
The preparations for the mission took several days. Time that Bestia used to rest and recharge, find out some information about the planet, and train with her new lightsabers. They really did feel like an extension of her body. Bestia wouldn't be caught off guard with an unwieldy lightsaber spear anymore. Which was good, considering she wouldn't have Styrak around to save her on this mission.
Darvannis, Hutt space. The shuttle had trouble landing due to strong winds, but eventually it connected lopsidedly with the landing pad. Bestia was the first to hop out, and was nearly knocked down by the wind, but managed to right herself. Squinting, she looked around. They landed on the edge of a city filled with rounded sand-colored buildings that had tiny windows. A gap in the walls led into a yard, and beyond that, was a maze of streets. Bestia looked in the other direction, and saw a blank desert with a few thin palm trees bending in the wind.
"So this is the world that claimed my husband's life? I expected something more impressive…"
Theron didn't reply. He turned around and walked into the city. Bestia followed him. They walked until they ended up in a plaza. Several tents stood around the edges, proudly decorated with banners of various clans. People in armor walked around. A larger tent dominated one edge of the plaza, with a tusked skull hanging above the entrance. It was the one Theron led Bestia to. Two guards stood at the door, they nodded at Theron and let them pass.
Inside was a large central room, flanked by two wings. The wings were filled with rows of bunk beds and footlockers. The central room had a holo table, similar to the one back at the base, but slightly smaller. Several armored people stood around it, staring at a woman with shoulder length red hair. 
"You secured contact with the Mandalorians." Bestia said, impressed. 
Mandalorians were an interspecies gathering of warriors, recognized by their distinctive armor, united by a common culture, and led by a code of honour. Usually consisting of scattered clans and mercenaries acting on their own, sometimes Mandalorians united under a singular leader. It looked like Bestia was witnessing one such occasion. She wondered what brought them to Darvannis. Mandalorians usually sought out challenging opponents to fight, and Darvannis was an out of the way world. There was no Dread Master for them to tackle here anymore. Aside from herself, but she came to try and forge an alliance against Zakuul.
A man with tan skin and a close-cropped mohawk of hair fixed Bestia with a stare.
"You're on the wrong world, Sith. Belsavis prison is on the other end of the galaxy!" He laughed at his own joke.
Bestia simply glared right back at him, letting some of her power loose. The man flinched, but stood strong.
"Shut up, Khomo. I've heard of you, Dread Master. Shae Vizla. Mandalore the Avenger."
"Bestia. Dread Master." Bestia stuck her clawed hand out for a handshake. Shae shook it.
"I take it the Mandalorians have no love for Zakuul?"
"The bastards scattered our clans. What remains stands with Mandalore the Avenger."
"Nice title. How'd you come by it?"
"My clan did better than most in the past years. I ended up in charge mostly by accident."
"I can relate." Bestia sighed, and rolled her eyes. "I set out to avenge my family and take down the sith emperor and now I'm stuck leading the rebellion like some goody-two-shoes Chosen One from some kids' story."
"That's quite a tale. Is your fighting as good as your Force powers?"
"Oh, it is. I've had plenty of practice beating up droids, considering my fear powers are useless against them." 
"Good. We have assault teams hammering at the factory. Make yourself useful and disable the perimeter guns." She looked somewhere behind Bestia. "Torian!"
A young human stepped up. He had short blond hair and crescent scars on his cheeks. Seemed like some sort of ritual scarring. 
"Mand'alor." He said respectfully. 
"Torian will show you the way. He's the best scout we got." 
Bestia nodded at Torian. 
"My name is Bestia. Just point me at the enemy." 
"Guns are in sector six. I'll try to protect you." 
Bestia burst out laughing.
"I think I'll be the one protecting, but thanks all the same. We Dread Masters are pack beasts, after all. Maybe even to our own detriment."
Torian gave her a look.
"I've heard that this world is where one of your kind fell."
Bestia let out a sigh as the two walked to the speeders parked at the edge of the camp. 
"He didn't stay dead for long, but his fall did a lot of harm to us. One of the reasons I came out here. Wanted to see the world that killed my husband. Can't say I'm impressed, but I don't know what I expected. The other reason is that I want Zakuul gone as much as everyone else does. They destroyed my home."
"I see. Our heartworlds were taken by Zakuul." Torian said.
"I hope they weren't bombed like Oricon was."
They mounted the speeders and rode out into the city. They weaved through streets, dodging Zakuulan patrols until they made it towards the first gun emplacement. It was inside a building on top of a hill with a winding walled path leading up to it.
"Time to test my new lightsabers on some real targets." Bestia said, eyeing the Skytroopers patrolling the perimeter of the building. "Cover my back."
She grabbed her weapons, orange blades coming to life, and leapt forward. The Skytroopers didn't even have time to register what hit them as Bestia sliced one vertically into three pieces, and then spun around and cut down a turret that aimed at her. She saw a blaster bolt hit another Skytrooper in the head from the corner of her eye. 
"Damn, these lightsabers are good."
Bestia and Torian fought their way up the path and inside the building, where Bestia stood guard while Torian reprogrammed the gun. When they exited, Bestia looked up and saw the gun pointed towards the huge looming tower of the droid factory. 
They fought through to the other two gun placements without much incident. However, when Torian leaned over the controls of the final gun, a burst of transmissions came from his communicator. The guns were ready to fire, but there still was a group of Mandalorians trapped inside the factory. If the guns were to fire now, they'd get caught in the blast, but so would the factory. Bestia watched Torian consider the options, a deep frown on his face.
"These are your people. It should be your decision. I'd divert one of the guns to clear a path for them. Let them fight another day."
"There's no honor in running away. Besides, it would mean less damage to the factory."
He keyed in the command. All three guns pelted the factory, engulfing it in flames. The ride back was silent. 
They reconvened in the command center. A holo of the factory in flames floated above the table. 
"We reprogrammed the guns." Bestia said. "The factory is damaged, and the shields should be down." 
"And our losses?" 
"Twenty eight seasoned Mandalorian warriors." Replied Khomo, the man who tried to snap at Bestia previously. "How valiantly they fought against the spawn of production line fifteen alpha!"
Acrid sarcasm dripped off his mocking eulogy. Torian frowned at him.
"Don't mock the dead." Bestia said. "Unless you want to be haunted."
"You're no Mandalorian, but you pulled your weight." Shae said. "We'll plan our next move in the morning. For now, we celebrate survival and victory."
Bestia thought celebrating in the wake of their allies' death was odd, but decided against saying anything. Maybe it was the Mandalorian way of honouring the fallen.
"Let's see how you handle Mandalorian drink." 
"I drank stuff that would probably kill a regular person. Bring it on!" 
The celebration was, indeed, a way to honour the fallen. While the bodies couldn't be retrieved, the Mandalorians deemed the burning factory a fitting funeral pyre. At first, Bestia stood awkwardly to the side, but then someone challenged her to a brawl, and she found herself inside a ring of shouting and cheering people, faced off against a masked stranger. Shrugging, she summoned her own mask and assumed a battle stance. 
"No claws!" The Mandalorian said. "And no Force powers." 
"Alright. We fight till one of us is knocked down." 
Bestia charged forward, going for the opponent's midsection. For her, the best defence was offence, for better or for worse. She also didn't exactly need Force powers to scare someone. Being charged by a really tall, really beefy person would make most people flinch. Not this one, though. The Mandalorian stepped to the side, avoiding the hit. Bestia spun around and moved behind her opponent. Before they could react, they were lifted up and thrown to the side. The crowd cheered. 
Several more people lined up to fight Bestia, and one even managed to knock her down. It seemed like Bestia's displays of strength warmed the hearts of the Mandalorians, and soon she was sharing stories and drinking with them. In the end, Bestia passed out, exhausted but content.
She woke up with a mild headache. Those drinks must have been strong to get through her Sith Alchemy reinforced defences. She grumbled, re-did her hair into a long braid, and joined Shae and others at the command table. 
"Hangover?" Khomo ribbed.
"A bit. Must have been some drinks." She looked over at the table."What are we dealing with?"
"Power stations and a tactical outpost in the way. If we disable the stations, we can move on to the factory." 
"I'd give a lot for an actual opponent to fight." Khomo grumbled.
"Same. Like a big beast to wrangle or something. In the meantime, I could take the outpost. How big is it?"
"You're going to take on a battalion alone? Brave, but not very bright."
"I never claimed to be the brightest lightsaber in the bunch." Bestia shrugged. "Torian can vouch for my ability to cleave through metal, though."
Shae leveled a doubtful look at Bestia, but nodded.
"It's not a very big outpost. You holding the droids off would give the clans time to reach the power stations…" she mused. "I will trust you on this. "
Bestia was given coordinates, and left the meeting, walking to stand outside the camp. Torian would be accompanying her on this mission too, but for now she was alone. Her holocom beeped.
"Lana. What is it?" Bestia asked.
"Theron has procured schematics of the droid factory. They're incomplete, but they should help in planning."
"I sense a "but" coming."
"I have concerns about our new allies. Mandalorians tend to value war and challenge above all else. They're opposing Zakuul now, but when it's gone…"
"You could say the same about me and my family." 
There was an awkward silence.
"I have found a lot in common with them. I won't betray their trust."
She could see Lana's expression change to a frown.
"You must think about the galaxy. This arrangement will not last."
"I "must" nothing, Lana. I'm already thinking about the galaxy by trying to rid it of Vitiate. I'll do as much as necessary to achieve that goal. Beyond that, I simply don't care as long as me and the Dread Masters are left alone. If it doesn't last, then so be it. Just send me the damn schematics. I'll contact you when I have the droid."
Bestia cut off the communications, and kicked at a withered palm frond at her feet, sending it flying. Now on top of having a headache she was pissed. She paced around fuming until she saw Torian emerge from the camp.
"Everything okay?"
"Yeah." Bestia did her best to erase the scowl off her face. "Let's go."
The outpost was a series of winding corridors. Droids were spat out by side tunnels and swarmed the place, but they stood no chance against Bestia's need to vent her anger. They were cut down, and the side gates wrecked with broken droids piled up to the ceiling. Finally, they made it to a control room and Torian started typing away at a console while Bestia stood guard.
"I overheard your call. Your friend thinks we're animals. We're not. We're warriors."
"I don't agree with her on everything. I'd wager that deep down she sees me as a dangerous beast too."
"Then I shouldn't have said anything." 
"We should report to the camp."
The mood back in the camp was cheerful, especially compared to when Bestia just arrived. 
"Well done, all of you. We will march on the factory within the hour."
"There's a droid within it that I need to grab. It holds the key to the eternal fleet."
"We're after weapons, not droids." Khomo said. "Just imagine: us with all these weapons, smashing apart the siege on our homeworld!" 
"You can dream of glory later. Go, prepare the clans!" Shae snapped at him. She leaned on the table, looking tired. "Half the time I struggle simply keeping my people together."
"At least they're your people. I'm stuck in a position I didn't ask for, leading several different factions, all of which have a warrant for my arrest and likely execution. Fun times."
"Looks like you've got quite a challenge on your hands. Come, let me show you the battle plan."
"Oh yeah, speaking of. My people sent me partial schematics of the droid factory."
"This is much better!"
Bestia followed Shae outside. The Mandalore climbed on top of a stack of crates, and Bestia listened to her speech. Her people cheered, and roared when she was done. 
Bestia rode at the head of the small army, clashing with the droids alongside the Mandalorians. Among the chaos, she and Torian made their way up the tower. The defences inside were minimal compared to all the droids crowded outside. The two wrecked production lines as they went, carving a veritable path of destruction through the factory and, probably, through Zakuul's budget. 
Finally, they made it to the topmost level. It was a huge room with several elevators leading to an upper level. And there, opposite of the entrance, Bestia saw the final prize: a skinny humanoid droid floating in an open glass tube, with countless cables connecting to it. The droid looked a little like Scorpio with the same face and halo, but whoever designed it decided against giving it a weirdly feminine shape Scorpio had. 
"So that's your droid?" Torian asked.
"Yep. Now to climb up there and wait till a contact on my side slices into it."
A faint sound came from behind them. Metallic footsteps. Far too many of them. The two turned around to face a horde of droids bearing down on them. It looked like they had a long fight ahead of them.
Some time later, Bestia and Torian stood on top of a growing pile of skytroopers, with more and more surrounding them. Bestia struggled to deflect blaster bolts with her lightsabers, and Torian's shield was running out of power. Was this how it was going to end? Overrun by machines? Bestia sneered.  Khomo Fett was right, dying by droids was a stupid way to go, unworthy of both a Dread Master and Mandalorian.
Suddenly, sparks fell from above, landing on top of the droids, and Bestia chanced a look up towards the ceiling. A cyan lightsaber blade was almost done cutting a circle in the facility ceiling. With one final flourish, the cut section groaned and dropped down, crushing several skytroopers and drawing their attention away from Bestia and Torian. A figure stood on top of the circle, with its back to Bestia. The stranger spun around, the giant lightsaber in their hands cutting a dozen skytroopers in half. Black wings spread behind their back, and glowing eyes bore into Bestia's. Torian aimed his weapon at the stranger, but Bestia forced it down.
"Hi mom." Sharack said simply. A large black and gold droid charged at her, but she simply kicked at it with one of her cybernetic legs. 
And suddenly, the droids stopped. Bestia watched, her mouth agape, as  their eyes went dark and their arms fell limply to their sides. The screens on the upper level flickered and glitched out, text and data in Zakuulan replaced with a triangular logo made of sharp blades. She hasn't seen this symbol in a long while. Not since she had left Oricon, for it was the Dread Masters' coat of arms. 
"We are right on time," A deep feminine voice spoke over the communication system. 
"Sharack? Brontes?!"
"Hey, don't forget me." Another voice cut in, a very deep and rumbly one.
"Who could ever forget you, brother?" Bestia could hear the eye roll in the tone of Brontes's voice. "You are after the Gemini unit, correct? Your path should be clear, and we can assist you in extracting her. Then, we can gather in person once you return to your base."
"Where have you assholes been? I could have used your help about two weeks ago!" Bestia yelled as she trudged towards the elevator. 
She stepped out onto the upper level, a long platform that circled around the entire room. Cables ran all over the walls and ceiling towards one point: a capsule with a humanoid figure floating inside. Sharack followed her. Now that they had a moment of peace, Bestia could sense how warped Sharack's presence had gotten. It felt unnatural, like it wasn't supposed to exist. Styrak felt the same way, as well as the Dark Side beasts that spawned from the Force itself back on Ziost. Bestia decided to not linger on it for the moment.
"We have been in hiding." Brontes said. "Sharack is a bit of a later addition to our team."
"There's so much I want to talk about, but we have a droid to retrieve." Bestia turned to Sharack. "Just, promise you won't disappear?"
"I won't." Sharack stepped up to the capsule and reached towards the droid. "So, do we just tear it out?"
"No!" Brontes sounded almost frantic, but quickly regained her composure. "We do not tear the unit out of its capsule. We carefully unplug her when I'm finished overriding her protocols."
"Got it." Sharack moved away from the droid. The screens next to the droid started glitching out, and an alarm went off.  
"Good news: Brontes is in. Bad news: there's a fuckton of skytroopers converging on your location, and your Mandalorian friends are pulling out. Take the Gemini unit and go." Tyrans announced.
Bestia and Sharack scrambled to unplug the cables connecting Gemini to the facility. Sounds of shooting came from downstairs. Sharack dropped the cables.
"I'll help hold them off." She vaulted over the railing. The droids were no match for her, even in their numbers. 
Gemini twitched and slumped over when Bestia disconnected the last cable. She hoisted the droid over her shoulder and peered into the level below.
"I got the droid!"
"And I have located the self destruct codes for this facility," Brontes's voice dripped with cheerful venom. "I suggest you and the Mandalorian vacate the premises." 
Bestia jumped over the railing, the Force cushioning her fall, and ran towards the exit. Sharack flew past, Torian held under one arm, and a heavy piece of machinery levitated by the other, acting like a battering ram and clearing the path. 
Explosions thundered out soon after the group cleared the exit. Sharack dropped Torian into his speeder and took the deactivated droid. She kept up with Bestia and Torian as they made their escape, the droid factory crumbling into flames and smoke behind them. 
The camp met them with celebration. Huge crates full of weapons now lined the edges of the camp, with Mandalorians going to and fro with new guns in hand. Bestia stumbled into the command tent.
"You two look like osik."
"We just fought through like a hundred droids. We got the one I needed though. And I suddenly reunited with some allies of mine." 
Shae looked past Bestia, and the Red Sith turned to see what she was staring at. Sharack stood at the entrance, Gemini still held under one arm. She waved at Shae and gave her a toothy grin.
"Hi, Torch!"
"Sharack Snow. The one even death can't hold back."
"You two know each other?" Bestia asked.
"Remember the whole thing with Revan and his cult bringing Vitiate back to power?"
"I met Shae while investigating. We fought on top of a volcano!"
"And then I assisted Sharack in a fight against Revan."
Revan was a legendary figure, a Force user who was both Jedi and Sith. The Sith emperor held them captive for several centuries, and Bestia remembered Raptus gloating about tormenting them. Then Revan was freed by a Republic team and disappeared, only to re-emerge years later at the head of a huge cult. The cult manipulated both sides of the galactic conflict, and the whole chain of events culminated in Revan bringing the Sith Emperor Vitiate back to almost full strength. Which, in turn, led to the destruction of Ziost. Which, in turn, started the entire journey Bestia was currently on. She groaned at the realization. 
"The factory is mostly online, and we have new weapons for the first time in years." 
"Thank your spy when you see him. He brought the glory days back." 
Shae shook her head. 
"Blast it. I won't be able to stop them from starting up some sort of a neo-crusade. They'll want to fight more than droids."
"I understand." Bestia said. "How about, once Zakuul is dealt with, you help me hunt down a god?" 
"That emperor of yours?"
"I'll definitely consider it. In the meantime, I think your alliance could use a representative of the clans." 
Bestia nodded. The hum of ship engines came from the outside. 
"Looks like our ride back is here. Welcome aboard, kid." 
Torian, Bestia, and Sharack exited the tent. A shuttle with a faded Zakuul insignia on its tail sat on the landing pad. 
"Goodbye, Darvannis, I guess." Bestia said as they all piled in.
Everyone took their seats, and for a while, no one spoke as the ship took off. After a while, Bestia shifted in her seat, and looked at Sharack. The Jedi sat slightly to the side in the opposite row of seats, her cybernetic legs taking up the entire aisle.
"What happened?" Bestia asked, and after that, more questions poured from her. "Where have you been? How are you…?"
"Yes. You were on Ziost when…" Bestia shut her eyes, trying to prevent herself from tearing up at the memory. When she spoke again, her voice was full of pain. "When Vitiate devoured it. I felt you die."
"I did. But also I didn't. I'm not sure what happened, but I woke up after a while. And I was like this." Sharack held up one of her arms.
The arm was covered in dark grey scales that roughly followed the flow of muscle fibers. Bestia stared at it, and then recognition sparked in her mind.
"Styrak has scales like these on his right arm and leg." 
"You mean we're, like, both the same undead thing?"
"I think so."
"Brontes said the same thing." Sharack rubbed the back of her neck. "Man, this is ironic. I led half the group that killed him. Now I'm the same thing as him. And I never got to apologize properly."
"He's back at the base, so you have that chance now."
"I guess." Sharack shrugged. "So after I woke up, I wasn't really myself. I was numb and angry, and the only thing that mattered was tracking down Vitiate. I just kinda flew off into space, not thinking much. I can exist in space now. And then Zakuul ships showed up. They managed to knock me out, and when I woke up, I had Force suppression shackles on."
"I saw you in the throne room."
"Yeah. I was still not really there. Just, laser focused on getting to Vitiate, and here he was. The motherfucker. The tool. Right fucking there inside that old guy." 
"Then Marr set us free and you stabbed him."
"I think the dude he was hijacking wanted him gone as much as I did."
"I bet he did."
"For a moment, I think he took control back and asked me to do it. So I did. Ran him through, and Vitiate exploded out and escaped. I flew after him, but I lost track of him." 
"What did you do after? I was stuck in carbonite for five years, then Lana found me."
"Oh, shit, Lana's here too? This is gonna be awkward. I kinda broke up with her. Thought she wouldn't wanna be with a monster. I drifted around for a while. Eventually, I started to sorta feel like myself again, and decided to try and return to the Jedi. Except, by the time I did…"
"There wasn't really a Jedi order to return to?"
Sharack nodded, her ears lowered.
"Yeah. Coruscant was blockaded, and the Jedi were scattered. I don't know if they'd even accept what I've become. Some of them struggled to accept my species even after I literally beat the shit out of the Sith Emperor. I couldn't even contact my former master. So I went back to drifting and eventually Brontes found me and I've been with her and Tyrans since. Maybe I should ask them to find master No'ree. Just, to know if she's okay or not."
"Will you join the Alliance?"
"Sure. Seems like the only way to get to Vitiate is to get Arcann out the way. Annoying little man." Sharack grumbled.
"That, he is. I found Seid a bit ago on Zakuul." 
"He's okay?" Sharack perked up. "I never got to talk to him after Ziost…"
"He is. I didn't really talk to him much though." 
In truth, Bestia mostly didn't know how to approach her son. He had chosen to maintain a bit of distance from both her and Styrak, being Force-blind and wary of his sith parents. With the twins located, that left only one of Bestia's offspring unaccounted for: Mu'hass, her eldest. Bestia only knew that he escaped with Styrak and Rammas, but later on split off on his own. He'd be fine, Bestia thought, trying to soothe her worry. He's a grown man and a Sith, and he had a level head, meaning he wouldn't take unnecessary risks. He'd turn up eventually, or Brontes and Tyrans could track him down.
As soon as they landed, Sharack hopped out, carrying the droid towards the base entrance. Bestia ambled after her. An alarm blared, causing Bestia to grumble and reach for her lightsabers. She was exhausted, and there was sand in far too many places, and she was looking forward towards a shower and not another fight. Someone shouted, pointing up. A wedge-shaped vessel revealed itself in the air above Odessen. It was painted a faded red, and sharp white designs ran along its underbelly. A hatch opened and two small figures flew towards the ground.
"Do not attack!" Bestia shouted in her most commanding voice. "They are on our side!" 
Confused and angry stares were aimed her way, but no one fired. The descending shapes drew closer, turning out to be two people in red robes and golden crested masks. They both wore bladed cybernetic wings. They landed in front of Bestia, the wings folding neatly behind their backs, and Bestia pulled both of them into a hug.
"Hey." The taller one said.
"Hey Tyrans. I see you assholes still love to make an entrance."
"Yep." Tyrans sounded decidedly smug. 
"Hello to you too."  Brontes freed herself from Bestia's hug. "I would like to see the Gemini unit."
"You'll have to contend with Scorpio, but I got a feeling you two will get along. Let's head inside."
They met Lana at the base entrance. She frowned at the sudden arrivals.
"More Dread Masters?"
"Yep." Tyrans and Bestia said in unison, and then chuckled.
"Do not worry. With us here, there is only one Dread Master left unaccounted for." Brontes reassured. Lana didn't look convinced. 
"Raptus." Bestia rolled her eyes.
"I don't think he'll be joining us. Even we couldn't trace him. Bastard just disappeared." 
"Eh, good riddance." 
Lana led them all to the command table. Sharack sat in a chair watching Scorpio pick at a port on the back of Gemini's neck. She turned to look at the new arrivals, and beamed when she saw Brontes. Brontes in turn walked right to the droids. Tyrans sat on a smaller holotable by the wall that wasn't in use, and Lana took her place at the head of the table. 
"I believe we both have quite a lot to report."
End notes:
Osik means "shit" in Mando'a.
This was a surprisingly fun chapter to write and there's a surprising amount of common ground between Bestia and the Mandalorians.
Also a fun bit of lore that I wanted to include but couldn't find a way to do so organically: the celebration where Bestia suplexes a person is a Mandalorian death ceremony. The only outsider to be honoured with one was actually a female sith lord named Raze who fought off many Jedi and died fighting.
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(It’s up to you whether you’d want to.) -Bracket
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But you see, I DO remember it! And I wouldn’t mind, but I also wouldn’t mind sticking to the two I have already. I’d only bother if people really wanted it.
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berriesandjunnie · 2 years
❝ stories of the occult ❞
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┆ ° ♡ • ➵ ✩ ◛ ° synopsis humans aren’t alone on earth.  ┆ ° ♡ • ➵ ✩ ◛ ° tags supernatural au / own story idea / ot13 - separate plots & stories per member / i came up with this when i was 17, i came up with the idea of how to actually write it at 21 lol
other info included in the parts below the cut.
˚ ༘♡ ·˚꒰ now loading… enjoy! ꒱ ₊˚ˑ༄  
part 01: the mage
part 02: the storm
part 03: the poseidon
part 04: the gemini
part 05: the grim reaper
part 06: the curse
part 07: the beyonder
part 08: the quicksilver
part 09: the chronos
part 10: the aurum
part 11: the psychic
part 12: the florence
part 13: the havock
epilogue: the eighteenth of may
┆ ° ♡ • ➵ ✩ ◛ ° 1 new message ╰┈➤ ❝ dahlia: as i said in the tags, this is a story plot i came up with for wattpad when i was 16 or 17. it was intended to be full length chaptered story on wattpad but i only ever drafted the prologue (used to name these parts) and chapter one (used to name the epilogue). i recently came across the written notes for it after staring at the drafts not understanding what all the nicknames were for; what exactly supernatural beings belonged to what. but now i have all my notes, i’ve decided to break it into a part for every member. as you can tell not every member is the same power. i was truly fond of this when i first thought of it, so i’m happy to be able to revive it under such a supportive community of followers. anyway i hope you enjoy! ❞  
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zuffer-weird-girl · 4 years
Childish moves
Chisaki family au. Dont like it, dont read it.
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"""Pudding pudding taishou hajimaru yo~!"""
He heard from afar as he walked on the halls with a book on hand. He sighed but still continued walking towards the living room where the song was coming from.
Having two kids made him accostumize with the loud and even feel uncomfortable when it was way too quiet... sometimes at least. So it was better for him to be on the same ambient as his kids and prevent them from hurting themselfs then to read on a silent room and end up having to hear cries and almost have a heart attack.
Although when he entered he widened his eyes at seing both his kids AND wife, stretching and ocassionaly dancing in the middle of the room in front a T.V. Poor you was sweating already but with a huge smile on your face as Kin bounced on the place as Kaito had a serious and concentrating face towards the T.v and following the most correctly he could the steps.
"DOSKOI!" You exclaimed along as the kids jumped with their hands in the air with laughter. He shoked his head at it and carefully made his way to the couch to sit and start to read his book.
He ocassionaly looked up and smiled at the scene of his three most special persons just enjoying their selfes on just a stupid exercising song... Yet the sign was way too adorable for his own sake.
Suddenly you leaned to pick the remote and paused the song and fell with your back on the couch and butt on the floor with a exausted sigh as yours kids whined and went to you.
"Mama pweaseee? One more?" Your two years old daughter whined while shaking your arm as Kaito patted and carresed your head and arm as a signal of comfort.
"I would love to kiddos but mommy is just exausted..." you panted as Kai arched an eyebrow at you from his seat, book still on his lap.
"For how long exactly you submitted yourself to this?" He mentioned towards the T.v as you giggled tiredly.
"I guess it was for two hours or so..." you panted before looking up at your husband with a smile "The kids loved this song."
"Is great for exercising." Kaito looked at his father with the same deadpanned look but still carresing you.
"Considering that you three are sweating like pigs then yeah." He arched his eyebrow at his son before the kid gasped in offense.
He smirked at that as he turned one of his pages as you finally found strengh enough to lift yourself up to sit on the couch.
"You all need to take a bath." He stated nonchantly and already heard the whines of his kids... he has already expected.
"One more time!" Kin whined while shaking your leg as you whined, feeling the wish to satisfy your daughter but your body didn't allowed you to.
"Kin. You mother is tired." Kai stated simply as Kaito suddenly snapped his fingers.
"Dance with us daddy!" Kaito poked his father's leg as Chisaki slowly lifted his gaze up from his book with a begrudily look.
"Pardon?" He didn't like one bit the sound of your snorts and muffled laughs from his side. "No. I will not do such a thing." He grunted before he felt a poke again only to be met with the most cursed thing.
His two kids pouting and the dammed puppy dog eyes.
"No." He growled and almost lose it when Kaito sniffled and Kin whined.
"Pwease papa?? Pweaseee?" The little girl curled her little hands on his knees while boucing up and down slowly.
"Mommy always do this with us.." Kaito mumbled and he was already scowling. He tried to ask for help to his wife but guess what? You were just giggling and encouraging them to have him to dance along with them.
"... ai despise you three so much sometimes." He growled before snapping his book closed and got up with a grunt as your two kids gleamed and exclaimed in joy to finally convince their dad to tag along.
"Mama mama do the thing! Do the thing!" Kin exclaimed with a toothless smile as you giggled and picked the remote. Whiel this Kaito went and dragged his father to be on the middle of him and his little sister.
"Sweetu dont you think is better to take that thing off?" You giggled whiel gesturing to your own face to poin it out his mask as he narrowed his amber eyes at you.
"You're enjoying this, arent you?" He growled while carefully taking his black mask off and handing it to you.
"Absolutelly." You giggled at his glare and picked the remote. "Ready?" The kids yelled a confirmation as your husband only deadpanned at them before rolling his golden eyes.
"Pudding pudding taishou hajimaru yo~!" You said along with the miss on the video clip as the Kin did a little wiggle as Kaito stretched his arms up in the air.
The scene was priceless. Kai was an amazing dancer with you, but with those the poor man was a disaster. Occasionally he would insult the video while clumsily coping the moves as Kaito laughed and kin giggled at their father.
It didn't take much for Kai to get comfortable with his kids and do the moves correctly along with them. You picked silently your phone to record to even show Pops later. Kai had still the same serious and poker face as usual while dancing to the kids song.
"DOSKOI!" Kin and Kaito yelled in glee while jumping with the arms up in the air.
"... doskoi." Kai did the same, and you let out a laugh with the tone of voice he used compare to the enthusiastic choir of your son and daughter.
Suddenly Ki looked over his shoulder, luckily you had stopped recording, and looked back at his two kids before shaking his head with a smirk and continuing dancing along with them.... eventually you said screw to your tired muscles and went along with them.
Puddi puddi puddi puddi puddi puddiding!
"The fuck?" Mimic muttered as Chrono looked at him with the same look. They left their own work behind to follow the music until they heard the monotonous voice of Chisaki speaking.
"Doskoii." Soon followed the laughter of his kids and wife laughing as (Y/n) took the turn to sing. They peaked and found the four in front of the T.v... dancing... a child's song.
You exclaimed with the hands in the air as Kin let out her baby laughter as Kaito laughed when his father picked both of them up to put on his shoulders.
Mimic soon bursted out in laughter as Chrono followed along. Making Kai stop dead on his moves as the Chisakis looked over at them.
"A-Apoligies-!" Chrono snorted on his hand as Mimic howled in laughter, rolling on the ground "But is that really you? Chisaki?" Hari laughed after he managed to mutter the question.
The song continued on the ground as Kai glared at them before his kids laughed on his shoulder while he mantained a grim grip when he turned back and continued.
"Is a exercise idiots. And my childs are having fun at least. Now get out before I knocked you two out cold..." he put Kin and Kaito down only for them to yell the chorus of the song.
"...Keeki mo kaachatta..." he sighed and smirked at his wife giggling at him before continuing the sing for him as his kids danced excitedly to the song.
"How long are we here?" You giggled on his ear as he shrugged.
"Five minutes and you're helping me with their bath." He muettered nonchantly as he send you a glare for giggling.
"You're such a softie hon!"
"Shut your mouth." He winced at the kick he received from his son as he pouted.
"Dont be rude with mommy." The boy said in the same nonchantly tone he almost used as he deadpanned as you snorted.
"Is your son." You manage to giggle as he rolled his eyes with a smirk.
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postalninja · 3 years
List the first lines of your last 20 stories. See if there are any patterns and choose your favorite opening line!
Didn’t get tagged to do this, but I wanted to, so that’s reason enough for me ;)
I’m not necessarily going to pull strictly from my last 20 published fics, because I have some unrevealed exchange stuff that I don’t want to spoil. But everything else is on AO3 under Postal_Ninja Tagging @cicaklah and @dianafortyseven if you’d like to give it a try, or anyone else who feels like it!
1. He’s Just Not That Into You - Animal Crossing
It was a lovely day for a date, I thought to myself as I left the house that morning, so I went out to find my boyfriend Sterling to invite him out for coffee. I found him doing push-ups on the beach, unsurprisingly. He stopped and stood up as he saw me approaching, giving me a smile and a wave.
2. About Menfolk - Octopath Traveler
As the eight of them left Stonegard behind, Primrose noted that H'aanit seemed understandably quiet and somber. The huntress had just learned the grim fate that had befallen her master and was now determinedly setting out to free or else avenge him.
3. Changing Fate - Chrono Trigger
For as long as she lived, Lucca knew that she would never forget the terror and pain she'd heard in her mother's scream that day. 
But if her mission through the red gate had been successful, she would at least have erased the consequences of that moment, if not the memory. 4. Would She Love Me If She Knew? - Octopath Traveler Steel met straw with no more than a whisper as Sir Olberic Eisenberg swung his sword in a wide arc, making contact with the tightly bundled rushes mounted at the end of the yard. The blade's sharp edge sliced through its target effortlessly, and as the severed top of the bundle fell, Olberic swiftly reversed the trajectory of his weapon into a backhanded swing, slicing through it a second time in mid-air. Twin thuds sounded as the two pieces of the bundle fell to the dusty ground. Satisfied with his blade's apparent razor sharpness, he sheathed the weapon and set the scabbard down on a nearby bench, then went to fetch one of the wooden practice swords from their barrel instead. He tested its weight in his hand, and switched to practicing his swings, with thought spared to footwork and form. 5. A Reason To Stay - Final Fantasy X Zanarkand. Here they were, at the edge of the world. The pilgrimage was nearly at its end, and Lulu keenly felt the oppressive weight of what was to come. 
If... no, when Yuna succeeded in defeating Sin... she would be gone. The irony was not lost on Lulu that this would be the price of success. As a guardian, she had lost a summoner before, but Lady Ginnem's death had been the cost of Lulu's failure; even if she now guided her summoner to victory, she would lose Yuna all the same. 6. Wanna Bet? - Octopath Traveler Tonight was the night. Tressa was going to show Therion that she was the ultimate prank master and win that bet.
She almost felt sorry for Cyrus. Then again, the professor still seemed completely oblivious to the fact that he had become the victim of a prank war between his two comrades; the fact that the scholar remained unfazed was the very reason it had gone on for so long.
He had seemed like the perfect target. So good-natured and ready to roll with the punches. Always absorbed in either conversation or a book. Seeing him angry and embarrassed, of all people, should be hilarious. 7. A New Home For Your Memories - Hitman The Lady Diana Burnwood strode down the halls of her manor house, the low heels of her boots clicking against the hardwood flooring with each confident step she took. Her silk moiré skirts swished around her ankles as she rounded a corner and ducked through the solid oak double doors of her office. Here, alone, she sighed, her shoulders drooping slightly and the self-assured set of her jaw loosening as she made her way over to her wide mahogany desk. Sinking into the well-padded leather armchair behind it, she took a moment to reach her hands up to her head, rubbing both her temples soothingly with her fingertips. She could really use a glass of wine. 8. Le Petit Monstre - Drawfee RPF A sudden sound surprises you. It seems... wrong; unlike anything you've ever heard before. It sends an icy chill up your spine and fills your heart with dread.
But you're not alone. Jacob is there.
You turn to face him, and the same fear is painted clearly in his eyes. He hears it too. 9. Sins of the Father - Skyrim Both hands tied tightly behind her, she struggled against her bonds, grunting with ragged breath as they held her firmly in place. If only she could get a hand free to wield her magic... but it was no use.
A rising sense of panic assailed her, but she reminded herself of what was important: her son was safe. It didn't matter what happened to her, as long as he was alive and far away from this place. 10. Adrift in the Ocean of Her Eyes - Violet Evergarden (skipped the intro here, because it was taken verbatim from the movie) “May I introduce myself? If it is your wish, I will travel anywhere to meet your request. Auto-Memories Doll, at your service – Violet Evergarden.”
Her voice was soft and hushed, muffled by the thick wooden door. Hesitating, Isabella rose from her place crouched on the window seat and wandered across the room to crack the door open. She peeked out at the stranger whose arrival she had watched from her window. Why was she here? 11. Words of Love - Octopath Traveler On the morning of his and H'aanit's anniversary, Olberic awoke to silence. Cracking an eye open, he wondered how it was that his house was so quiet; B'renit, now all of three years old, was not known for her reticence when it came to using her voice. 12. The Ones Who Flew the Coop - LoZ: Ocarina of Time Her stomach tight with nerves, she waited as the boy in green went off to find her Cuccos, a look of determination on his face. She was still trying to shake away the goosebumps that had flared all over her skin when she'd tried to retrieve them herself. She felt so helpless. She hoped the boy would keep his word. 13. A Promise at the End of the World - LoZ: Majora’s Mask The light of dawn caressed Anju's eyelids, coaxing her from sleep. She turned over with a sigh as she was pulled out of her dream. She had been dreaming of Kafei, and of their wedding. He had been watching her with love in his eyes as she made her way over to him, resplendent in her wedding dress. They had been the only two there, the moment theirs alone. 14. A World of Knowledge Awaits - Persona 5/Octopath Traveler It was two weeks into summer vacation when Yusuke Kitagawa unexpectedly found himself with nothing to do. Without classes to attend, and given that the Phantom Thieves had successfully infiltrated Futaba Sakura's Palace, leading her to join their ranks and eliminate the threat from the hacker group Medjed, Yusuke was now searching for inspiration. He wanted to spend his free time painting, but was at a loss for a subject. 15. A Cleric’s Quandary - Octopath Traveler After turning over in bed for what must have been the twentieth time, Ophilia opened her eyes with a sigh. It seemed insomnia was with her tonight. Rising quietly from bed, she tip-toed her way to the door, careful not to wake the others as she left their shared room. 16. Finding Forgiveness - Skyrim Quintus Navale opened his eyes and looked at the ceiling, briefly pondering just going back to sleep. Instead, he rose and dressed himself, then prepared to open The White Phial for the day. As he stood behind the counter waiting for any patrons who might come into the alchemy shop, he couldn't decide whether he wished for a busy day or not. On the one hand, the thought of having to put on a smile and be cheerful for a customer's benefit made his stomach turn, but at the same time, having someone, anyone, to talk to might just ease his loneliness. Well, maybe a little bit, at least. 17. What the Heart Wants - Skyrim "Welcome to Warmaiden's. Now you, my girl, have definitely come to the right place."
I certainly have, Talia Willowvale had thought to herself when she first met Ulfberth War-Bear. She had merely stopped into the weapon's shop with the intent of examining their wares upon her arrival in Whiterun. She hadn't realized she would be equally assessing the shopkeeper's physique when she had walked through the door. 18. The Measure of a Man - Octopath Traveler "What is it, husband?" Olberic's wife H'aanit asked, balancing their daughter B'renit on her hip as she leaned over his shoulder where he sat reading a sheet of paper.
"A letter from Rose," he told her. "It's about Philip..."
"Philip?" she asked worriedly. "Is something amiss?" 
"Not exactly..." he replied, unsure how to characterize the contents of the letter. He began to read it to her instead. 19. The Meaning of Family - Octopath Traveler "Indeed, thou art with child. I am certain of it," the midwife told H'aanit without hesitation. Clasping her husband Olberic's hand, H'aanit turned to him and smiled broadly. His eyes shone with joy as he mirrored her expression, then kissed her forehead. 20. For Want of an Axe - Octopath Traveler Somewhere in the Woodlands outside of Victors Hollow, the eight travelers were setting up camp for the night. H'aanit had decided to make herself useful by hunting some game for the party to enjoy with their evening rations. As she made her way back towards the campsite with a wild goat slung over her shoulders and Linde, her snow leopard, following close behind, she was approached by the warrior, Olberic.
"H'aanit. I wonder if I might ask a favor of you," he began, then paused. "Would you allow me to carry that for you?”
H'aanit was puzzled. "Art thou asking for a favor, or offering one?" she questioned. And adding my first fic as a bonus, because it’s the only one left. 21. Someone Strong - Octopath Traveler H'aanit smiled over her mug of mead and rolled her eyes at hearing Z'aanta exaggerating his exploits once again. His audience was Olberic, whom she has warned of her master's penchant for embellishment.
“I tellen thee, the size of the beast was beyond imagining! And yet still, one arrow from my quiver was all it tooketh!” Trends I notice: I think that the more successful openings (or at least the ones that  I find more compelling) are the ones where I avoid exposition and just jump right into the character’s head, showing what they are doing or how they are feeling. Favorite opening line: I think I have to go with Would She Love Me if She Knew, which is kind of ironic because it had originally opened with an exposition dump, and on the advice of my beta I tried to intersperse Olberic’s training routine to make it feel more present. At the time, I kind of struggled with the descriptions and wasn’t confident in my writing of sword training, even after consulting with my partner, who knows more about that stuff than I do. But with a little distance, I find it quite effective now - it sets the scene, and gives us a bit of insight into Olberic as a character and what he values.
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gaeastudies · 4 years
tagged by @janestudies
Rules: answer 20 questions and tag 20 people
Name: ash/qiao (乔)
Nickname: n/a
Pronouns: she/her they/them
Star Sign: sagittarius
Current Time: 2:40
Song Stuck In My Head: right now i have xs by rina sawayama and wuji from cql CONSTANTLY stuck in my head 
Last Movie I Saw: the half of it directed by alice wu!
Last Thing I Googled: “A lawyer dressed as the Grim Reaper is haunting Florida beaches to protest their reopening”
Other Blogs: i have too many lol, notably @lostspacestation and lost-space-station.tumblr.com
Do I Get Asks? not often lol, but i’m always open to chat!
Reason For My Url: i really looveee nature (i’m actually planning on minoring in landscape studies) and gaea is the greek goddess of earth. it’s also mentioned in a retro game i love so much called chrono cross (is it retro now really?? i’m only 19 yet i feel like i’m ages old) 
Following: 546
Average Amount of Sleep: 8-9 hours
Lucky Number: maybe 12? or 23? i don’t have a particular reason or attachment to them tho :)
Currently Wearing: SWEATPANTS (more specifically black joggers)
Dream Job: omg so many, i would love to get into museum work, landscape architecture, urban planning, design, interior design, anything like that
Dream Trip: china! or taiwan. i’ve been studying chinese (as well as french) at uni, and i’ve never had the opportunity to travel there. if i had to choose a place in china... maybe chongqing or shanghai? kunming also looks breathtaking. zhangjiajie and guilin are also really amazing from what i’ve seen in pictures... *sigh
Favorite Food: ughhh so many. these questions are so hard. i love food so much, i can’t pick. i really love veggies like broccoli (boooring i know). i also have a sweet tooth, so... yeah. if i had to choose, chocolate chip banana bread.
Favorite Song: oof another hard question. i can constantly listening to music. right now my favorite english song is cyber Stockholm syndrome by rina sawayama, my favorite chinese song is 心动 (tempting heart), and my favorite french song is dommage by bigflo and oli
Instruments: i played the flute starting in 5th grade through 12th! i also can play a little bit of piano.
Tagging: @byologee @delicatestudys @delciastudies @piesandpens @antrropologia @lemonsodastudies @neurisu @studyblr @sadlydrinkscoffee @joyeuxstudies @roseheystudy @pastelmoon-study @autumndesk @tillwemeet @actuarystudies @oceanid-studies @istudyplanes @vidyastudiies @studyingatsunrise @coralstudiies
and if anyone sees this post and wants to do it, go ahead! i’m tagging you too!
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denialcity · 1 year
for adoration grow - tobiizu unconventional hanahaki au - 280/?
"Retrieve the coat," he ordered Hanae as he pressed the kunoichi against the wall. He reached into her weapons pouch to find a length of wire, and he bound her arms behind her body. He wrapped them first in his own haori, and then made sure to only lay the wire on top of the thick fabric, so she would not be cut unless she really struggled. 
He glared at Sakurasou standing still in the genkan, a grim look on her face. 
"You vouched for her?" he asked scathingly. 
"The information was in the report," she said. "But the real thing is another matter it seems. Fascinating." 
[for adoration grow tag] / [chrono tag for browser] / [full live WIP document for my patreons here] 
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beardedeldridge · 5 years
My Experiences
Most materially/financially successful working to-date as I agreed to post from an earlier ask. (I chose this one due to the chain of results, recent time frame, less personal than some other workings tbh).
~Typed up quickly on my phone but done is better than perfect I guess.
~Tech - DSIC; pieces of several grims; some 7S (serviceable for starter but you can do better); posts from magicans on here (thedeedwithaname, coyote-696, jak, aur-ochs, etc); meditation heavy; took some habits from saint workings of others but applied to planetary angels; my own experiences from other systems, chrono app for times, correspondences from multiple sources, others do better write-ups for tech so read theirs and then read the actual grimoires.
~Leaving out a lot of details (away from journals at the moment) but here are the more important highlights.
So this started back about 5 months ago (and runs up to the present) when I posted one of my experiences using coyote-696 planetary talisman method. You can do a search under the tag @my experiences for more detail on that particular one. But essentially I created a talisman with the 2nd pentacle of Jupiter: to pass a ridiculous test, promotion at work, and general success overall.
The next day after that working I received a significant portion of the test bank with additional help to come later.
Given those results I doubled down on my planetary work (especially Jupiter) since then. And that talisman has become a regular part of my practice.
Soon after, wife found the house (house #1) she wanted but we needed a couple of months before we’d be ready to put in an offer. I made a petition to Sachiel, reached an agreement to ensure that the house would still be available when we got ready to buy in a couple of months. Two days later it was listed as being in the process of selling. I was pissed.
Next ritual with Sachiel. I spent a week preparing - fasted/abstained/meditations/smaller daily rituals/research/etc...
Leaving out most of the details but basically received some general instructions to tweak my planetary rituals, was told that there was another house for us (now really pissed - that wasn’t the freaking agreement) I ended up losing consciousness.
I was then startled awake during the next Jupiter hour (3:00am-ish) by an audible voice. So I started the ritual again, implementing the suggestions (still pissed but anger was replaced with a little more WTF awe). Anyway lot of stuff happened during the second go at it.
Highlights from 2nd part - lost time (way late to work), intense visions, and I received two images (for the rest of this post let’s call them 1 & 2). Finished the ritual but was feeling the effects of that working for a few days.
Couple of days later I was reading a grimoire and found image 1. After that image was a ritual laid out that helped flesh out the general instructions I had received on how to change my current methods. I used that as a basis on how to rework my planetary evocations.
At this point I took and passed the test with only 1.5 weeks of lite studying while others average 2 intense months (and a lot of people still fail). So given the results I continued my daily/weekly rituals/offerings.
I received a promotion with a 22% raise - but honestly not unexpected given the outcome of the test. But I did receive it faster and came out ahead of my colleagues reputation wise.
One of my ritual tools broke into the shape of image 1. (If you read my other posts that is now two tools that have been broken since I started working with Sachiel) But this one is still being used in its new condition.
Two higher ups, who are from the division I want to get into, approached me on a Thursday. Told me that they have a particular position opening up in 1-2 years (longer time frame actually works best for me for several reasons) and want to higher me. They then gave me a list of things that I need to add to my resume before that point. That promotion would increase my pay by another 80%. And since then assignments that provide the required experience have been flooding in.
House #1 went back on the market (sale had apparently fallen thru) the week that we decided we were ready to buy (fulfilling the original agreement). But the same week another house that she liked even more was listed for sale (fulfilling the answer I received in the later ritual). During the next day’s ritual I asked if house #2 would work out better for us. And was basically told that I had already received enough signs.
Went to go view house #2. Etched on the front door as part of the design was image #1. Ok I was intrigued, while my wife was falling in love with the house, I ended up in the back yard where I found an item (image #2). Both items are fairly uncommon and very unlikely to both be found at the house. We ended up buying the house for below asking.
**I did everything I could to the letter, things I couldn’t do I found/used the best substitute I could, and to make up for the short comings I went over the top with extras (communion, regular offerings, daily meditation, etc). My advise when starting a new system, follow the prescribed ritual as closely as possible, substitute where you have too, improve as you go, but generally going bigger is better until you can refine the process from experience.
***Start incorporating regular divination. Solid results but stop doing this shit half blind dumbass! #personal
****Results require work and loss of sleep.
*****Give magick avenues to work through. Don’t expect it to do everything. Magick is a force but it can do so much more, with less, if provided with the proper lever/fulcrum. Would you rather it be able to move pebbles or boulders?
******I attempted to do a read more thing from my phone. Sorry if it’s a wall of text :)
*******Guess I’ll be sticking with to see this through
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weisscoldglare · 6 years
What’s the lan au?
Living A Nightmare a.k.a. where Grimm!Weiss comes from
I have yet to actually fix it cause its not very chronological with the grim weiss q’s so there isnt much, the AU is currently on Hiatus because im technically working on 3 at the same time
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madman-of-amargosa · 7 years
I think I fixed all the holes that tumblr made, So I am offering up, once again, my crowning achievement as a storyteller (hah!).   Care to take a trip down memory lane?
Aliens. Male pregnancy. Gold digging whores. Lust. Betrayal. Adorable Babies.  Exhibitionism. Organized Crime.  Genies in Bottles. The Grim Reaper.  Bowling. Ghosts.  Hormonal Teenagers.  GMILFs. Newspapernapping.  Cute Puppies. Ugly neighbors.   Go Steelers!  Costume Parties.  Skinnydipping.  Boozing. Mob Hitmen. Dancing.  Woohooing.   Flaming Bags of Poo!  Fistfights.  Cruel Science Experiments.  Fried Eggs.  Sexy Neighbors.  Ugly Babies. Catfish. Breakdancing.  Grocery Stores.  Things That Cannot be Unseen.  Hackeysack.  Love. Family.
If these are the things that are important to you, then this is the story for you!
All silliness aside, I’m really proud of this piece of shit story.  It’s the only story I have ever completed, and despite the fact that it is absolutely absurd, I love it with all my heart.  (Seriously, I want to have it printed in book form so I can give it away as Christmas Presents.)   It started out as a gaming and storytelling adventure, but the final chapter is very special to me, and in it is some of the best stuff I’ve ever written.  Even if you aren’t into sims stuff, I think it stands well enough on it’s own.  It’s ridiculous and full of lulz, but the message at the end is important.  The ending says a lot about who I am and the long, crazy-ass journey I’ve made in my own life.
I love you guys.  Please read my shit and tell me you love it too.
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(I REMEMBER this blog existing, but I have forgotten about it from how long it hasn't been updated, I do miss it and am kinda wondering what happened?) - Tech anon
I lost motivation, I remember that. That’s why I don’t force myself to update my current ones! Also it’s, as the au implies, grim.
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