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nixie-deangel · 7 years ago
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Smoaking CanaryZamayaWest, Leverage AU.
Publicists are like priests; you gotta tell them all your secrets.
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singledarkshade · 3 years ago
Headcanons for timeship leverage au (they can be nate/Sophie or parker/Hardison)
Not perfect but I've had this half done for a while.
1. Rip Hunter is a genius tactician, and after a few other jobs found a job with an insurance company. He specialises in security and retrieval of stolen items. When his son becomes ill then subsequently dies it shatters Rip. He loses his job, his marriage ends, and he spends more time drinking than anything else. When Eobard Thawne offers a job overseeing the retrieval of stolen property with a team of thieves, Rip takes it. He needs the money. After Thawne tries to kill them so he doesn’t have to pay them, Rip somehow finds himself leading a team of thieves who steal from the rich and give to the poor.
2. Kendra Saunders is the woman of a thousand identities. A grifter she can change her identity with a simple change of shoes and hairstyle and knows everything about every single character she plays. She is brought into the team by Rip after Thawne double-crossed them as an unknown to help get their revenge. She is a very self-possessed member of the team who the others go to for advice.
3. Gideon Ryder is a hacker extraordinaire who Rip has chased for years. They’ve flirted with one another every time they’ve come in contact, although nothing ever happened as Rip would never cheat on Miranda. Now Gideon finds herself working for him but with Rip divorced their attraction becomes harder to ignore the more time they spend together. But Rip’s self-destructive tendencies after his losses means she’s reluctant to act on it. Despite this she loves the team and makes everything they need for every con.
4. John Constantine is the worlds’ greatest thief. Able to get in and out of almost anywhere without being seen, he has stolen some of the world’s most expensive paintings and jewellery. Although reluctant at first to work with the team, as a natural loner, he decides to work with them on a trial basis. But as he works with the team, he discovers that he likes working with them.
5. Amaya Jiwe is an expert retrieval specialist. Joining the team, she has no qualms about calling Rip out when he’s pushing too far. She finds Gideon’s chaotic nature irritating but soon comes to respect how good the other woman is. Amaya at first isn’t sure about working with Kendra or John but soon the three of them become a formidable team.
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aceometric · 6 years ago
So I was thinking about the Flash, and Leverage, and the idea of a Leverage team of Flash characters when I realized, Leverage actually ends with the setup for additional Leverage teams to be made. You could make it so Parker, Eliot and Hardison track down groups of Masterminds, Thieves, Hitters, Hackers and Grifters and set them up. And one of those groups is characters from another show, like the Flash.
Here’s how it would go: Parker, Eliot and Hardsion are trying to think of people to form a new Leverage team, Parker thinks she has the perfect Mastermind Leonard Snart. Len is a genius, he can plan for almost anything and what he cant plan for he can improvise his way out of. He even comes with his own Hitter: Mick Rory. Problem is, the two of them might try to avoid killing, never making a plan that relies on it, but if it comes to a choice between getting the loot or sparing a life they’ll be out of town with the loot before the gunshots even finished ringing.
For a while the three are stumped, everyone they think of would have similar problems, until Eliot realizes whats wrong: they need a moral compass. When they started most of them might not have been killers, but none of them were good people, they were doing it for the thrill not to help people. They need someone who’ll keep the group in line. And that’s where Hardison figures out the third person.
Barry Allen. A criminal in the sense that he breaks the law, Barry has spent his life since he was a teenager Hacking various systems, and breaking into secure areas. Not to steal but to investigate, he’s a good guy who wants to work as a CSI, he’d probably be willing to fight against corruption like those in the Black Book.
So the three of them contact Barry and Len, and they agree to become a Leverage team. Len because he’s grown bored with targeting museums and money transports, he wants something challenging. Barry because he was denied his CSI job due to a combination of a slight criminal record and Joe and is thrilled to have the chance to stick it to Joe and do good in the world.
With Barry comes a Thief: Linda Park. Based of her Earth-2 portrayal Linda became a skilled thief, she’s excellent at getting in and out of places undetected and met Barry in a holding cell after she was forced to take the fall in a Satini job and Barry was caught investigating a mysterious death in a power plant. The two of them worked together for several years, Linda teaching Barry how to be better at not getting caught and Barry giving her more manpower, and someone more trustworthy than the mobs.
The Grifter position causes a bit of an argument between Len and Barry, both of them wanting their respective sisters, but eventually Lisa refuses the position, not wanting to spend all her time working with her brother, although she’s willing to lend a hand if needed.
Iris West gets the job. Iris who not only wanted to be a cop, but specifically an undercover one. She spend years in acting lessons in preparation, but her father stopped her and she’s still mad, she jumps at the opportunity to go after criminals the police wont touch.
This could even be canon compliant (mostly) with the Flash too. The team comes together in January 2013 and works together for most of a year, before December 2013 happens and Barry is struck by lightning. Maybe they were in Central to go after Harrison Wells. Eobard would have defiantly known about the Financial Crash and prepared for it, he would have been in the Black Book. SO Barry falls into a coma and maybe the others develop powers too. Heat and cold for Len and Mick, Light blasts for Linda and Iris would best fit having Everyman’s shape shifting powers.
There are other characters you could do for each position too.
Mastermind, Harry Wells (E2), Martin Stein. Rip?
Thief: Pretty much whoever you wanted if you made it AU. Nobody really screams Thief specifically. Zari, Laurel, Caitlin and Ralph don’t particularly fit anywhere else though.
Hitter: Joe, Ronnie, Jax, Sara, Amaya, Mari, Kendra, Carter, Oliver, Diggle, Nate. Lots of people fit here.
Hacker: Ray, Cisco, Felicity, Curtis. Zari.
Grifter: Lisa as mentioned, Dinah Drake.
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