#Grey's Anatomy Season 17 Episod
batarangsoundsdumb · 1 year
if you're wondering why i am suddenly posting i was actually just watching grey's anatomy but patrick dempsey had a really ugly haircut from one ep to another that i had to take a break
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she-karev · 4 months
Intervention (Marina Angst with a Happy Ending Imagine)
Previous Part Here
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Age Rating: 12+
Chapters: Three of Three
Fandom: Grey’s Anatomy
Characters: Carina DeLuca, Andrew DeLuca and Maya Bishop
Canon Episode: Season 17 Episode 1
AN: Hey guys so Station 19 ended sadness but it’s up to us to keep the epic romance alive. I will post another Marina story next week and it’s gonna be funny and surprising. Stay tuned.
Mental Health Resources: https://www.nami.org/, https://www.aacap.org/, https://www.dbsalliance.org/, https://afsp.org/
Summary: Carina drives Andrew to the treatment center and along the way he expresses guilt and shame for how he treated everybody, most of all Amber. Carina returns home to Maya who comforts her.
Words: 3213
Carina drives down the road in her car about twenty minutes away from the residential facility in Bellevue. Andrew is next to her in the passenger side alarmingly calm even as he looks out the window in a foreboding way telling her there is an inner conflict going on. Carina looks at Andrew in pity before looking back at the road. She figures out what to say to make him feel better about the journey ahead.
“I know your scared but this is one of the best treatment centers in the state I checked.” Andrew is still looking out the window, “It’s 30 days to get you on the right meds, talk to therapists and monitor you. I will visit you every Saturday so I can see how you’re doing and tell you all that you are missing. I know it’s hard but you’ll get better and that’s the goal, that is what is going to separate you from papa. He is not strong enough to do this but you are, I know you are.”
Carina stops at a stoplight, looks over and sees Andrew rubbing his tired eyes, “I know your trying to help and I appreciate that I do and I am gonna do this I am I just…I can’t undo all that I did when I was being a stubborn idiot.” Carina sighs, “Opal got away with Erin because I made a scene, I was so far out of stability I didn’t do things rationally and calmly instead I looked like a crazy man and that girl ended up back in that monster’s clutches.”
“And she got free.” Carina reminds him to no avail as he shakes his head.
“What if she didn’t?” Andrew asks in a broken voice, “If she didn’t, she would have been tortured and raped for years and it would be because I was unstable and untrustworthy.”
“Andrea the Chief didn’t believe you and she allowed Opal to walk away because she didn’t consider the possibility that you were right.”
“You didn’t believe me either.” Andrew coldly reminds her, “Nobody did and honestly I do not blame them, if papa did that a year ago, I would have thought he was crazy too.”
Carina looks down the road sad for him, “You can’t blame yourself for what happened to Erin, if you do it’s just gonna hold you back and you won’t look forward. She’s safe and she’s with her family that is what’s important here, focus on that not on how you reacted while you were having a mental breakdown you didn’t ask for.”
“I ruined- no I single handedly destroyed the best relationship I ever had because I didn’t see what everybody else did.” Andrew sniffles as tears form around his eyes, “I did to her exactly what our father did to mama and I am never gonna forgive myself for that. She’s never gonna forgive me for doing this to her, for being another name in her list of crazy people that scarred her for life.”
“You didn’t mean to hurt her it was the mania that said and did all of those things not you.” Carina tells him from observation, “I’ve seen you with her for two years and those are two different people.”
“I told her she would end up like her father.” Andrew tells her in a regretful tone, “She was trying to help me see there was something wrong and my response was telling her that without me around she would end up like her father. Her junkie father who abandoned her after beating her, I told her she would end up like that man she hates more than anyone. And after that I compared her to her schizo mom who neglected her before screaming at her to get out of my apartment because I didn’t need her or want her. God I am the cruelest person in the world, I did that to a woman who has had more than enough crazy and pain to last a lifetime. I did that and nothing you say is gonna make that okay so don’t try.” Andrew takes a deep breath rubbing his face before continuing in a tearful voice, “I love her so much, I miss her so much, why didn’t I listen to her before I destroyed her why?”
Carina sniffles and wipes a stray tear away knowing how much her brother loves Amber and sees that love again for the first time in months. She only wishes Amber was here to see it so she can see at least one person in her life feels bad for the pain their mental illness put her through.
“You listened now.” Carina tells him, “You’re doing the work and she will see that. When she sees your getting better for yourself and her, she will forgive you and take you back.”
“It’s too late, way too late.”
Carina shakes her head, “She loves you and she’s hurt but I think if she knows you feel bad for the way you treated her, she will-”
“What did she say when you asked her to come to the intervention?”
Carina pauses at that sudden question and tries to lie, “I didn’t ask her.”
Andrew chuckles bitterly, “You always were a terrible liar. Just tell me word for word so I know how bad I messed this up and how much I need to do to make up for it.”
Carina sighs and relents, “She said she didn’t want to be a sitting duck for your verbal abuse again and that she’s learned from her mom, brother and now you to walk away from a bazooka pointing at her.”
Andrew grins slightly at Amber’s feisty nature, “That’s my girl, taking hits and not pulling back punches.”
“She’s upset Andrea you need to give her time to cool down.”
“We could live for thousands of years and the temperature in that woman wouldn’t go down a single digit.” Andrew takes out his phone to play a familiar voice mail, “If you don’t believe me listen to this voicemail, she left me after I ignored her calls.”
Carina listens to the voicemail that plays while she is driving with Andrew keeping a straight face after hearing this message too many times only now feeling anguished instead of anger as Amber’s slurring words fill the small car space, “Hi, it’s me again of course you didn’t answer, I guess it’s because you think I’m gonna point out what’s wrong with you and tell you I’m here for you to use as your own verbal punching bag. Yeah, that’s not gonna happen because I’m done Andrew, I am done caring about you because you clearly don’t care about me! Your sister made that obvious when she told me about you calling her and answering your phone when she calls while I have been here wondering where you are or if you’re dead!” Carina winces at that reminder of the day she accidentally told Amber Andrew was taking her calls.
Andrew continues holding the phone out, “You know what I’m not pissed anymore I am glad that you showed me what I should’ve seen two years ago at that awful bar. A man who is turning into a carbon copy of his father, you think I’m like my parents well let me tell you exactly what your dad would do. He would walk into your life acting all sweet and getting you to open your life to him but really he looks for weak spots to tear down like the cold manipulative son of a bitch you accuse him of being. That is exactly what you did to me you bastard.” Andrew closes his eyes at that feeling more tormented at soiling the loving and blissful relationship he and Amber established over two years.
“You got me to open my life to you, you let me feel safe enough to trust you and break my walls down that I put up after what my family did to me. And you know what you did Andrea Vincenzo DeLuca? You broke me! You made the pain you’ve caused so much worse by forcing me to let my guard down so you can twist the knife you put in my back. You are not the man I love, right now you are a carbon copy of your father who I hope ends up dead in a ditch because then you would know exactly how you made me feel you cruel, arrogant, crazy, selfish motherfucker!”
The voicemail ends and the car is filled with silence again as Carina processes that very vulgar message while Andrew looks down the road brooding over the voicemail his ex-girlfriend left when she was rightfully angry.
Carina exhales and takes a beat, “She’s very colorful with her words.”
Andrew nods still frowning, “Yeah and not afraid to make her point across. Do you still think she’s ready to forgive me, marry me and have my babies like none of it ever happened?”
Carina sighs, “I think you put her through a lot and you both need space to heal. The only thing you need to do now is take care of yourself, rest and learn how to establish a routine for yourself so you can be the man she loves again. If she ever decides to forgive you that is up to her and I think it might go better once she sees you are getting ahead of this. I will tell her where you are and how you are doing because I know no matter how angry she was at you she was still worried when you didn’t show up for work the next day. But for now, we’re gonna get you checked in, non aver paura.” Carina grips his hand to keep him calm as they stop outside the check in gate. Carina turns to the security guard, “I’m checking in my brother, Andrew DeLuca.”
“You need to drive around. You say goodbye there; he goes in on foot.” The drop arm in front of them pulls up and Carina drives around as instructed before putting the car in park. They both exit the car before taking his suitcase out of the trunk full of clothes and amenities for the month. Andrew takes an uneasy breath as he puts the suitcase on the ground ready to roll it inside the center.
He and Carina stand there for a moment looking at each other solemnly knowing the journey ahead is what he needs but not one that’s gonna be easy. Carina gives him a reassuring grin before putting her hands on his shoulders while he looks at her with guilt over how he treated her too after his breakdown. Carina has that far from her mind as the only thing that matters to her is that her baby brother knows he will always have her at his side through the worst times of his life like she always does.
“It’s going to be okay,” she says. “I know it doesn’t feel like it right now, but it is. You’re nothing like Papa. He wouldn’t do this, he wouldn’t accept help, even in the worst times. That makes you better than him. It makes you stronger and more brave.”
Andrew nods and she takes it as a sign that he is taking in what she is saying.
“I love you, il mio fratellino. And I’m going to be right here to pick you up in four weeks, okay?” Andrew nods knowing this is what he needs and looks at his sister with gratitude for putting up with him at his worst and never giving up on him even when he wanted her to. He resolves from then on to make amends for his mistakes by being his best possible self. And he knows the first step to do that is to head inside so his sister’s efforts aren’t for nothing.
“Thank you,” Andrew says quietly.
It is all she needs to hear, and Carina feels her chest swell. She pulls him in for a hug, holding on to him for as long as she can. Andrew wraps his arms around her pulling her in tight as both an apology and a thank you. They stand there for a minute hugging like they did when their mama died, it was the worst moment of their lives. Despite that they knew then what they know now, that they’re in each other’s corners through the good and bad.
Andrew pulls back feeling calmer and rolls his suitcase behind him walking up the sidewalk to enter the large building. Carina looks on with pride for her brother’s bravery and heartache for his unfair inheritance. As soon as he’s inside the building Carina finally lets the tears fall that she has been holding in since they started the drive. Carina takes a deep breath, wipes her face and heads back inside the car to drive back home.
Carina enters her apartment exhausted despite the sun still being up and walks to the kitchen for her secret junk food stash. Instead of an empty kitchen she finds Maya kneeling down looking in her bottom drawers and pulling out a deep glass baking dish. Maya stands up and smiles at Carina.
“Hi.” Carina greets back pleasantly surprised by Maya in her apartment.
“I know I should have called first after last time, but I didn’t want to call at a bad time. I figured you and your brother needed to do this without intrusion and-”
Carina interrupts Maya with a kiss that takes the blonde firefighter’s breath away. Maya is conscious enough to put the glass on the counter, so she doesn’t drop it. She puts her hands on Carina’s firm waist sinking into this passionate embrace. After a few blissful moments Carina pulls back and leans her head forward against Maya’s looking deep into her blue eyes that look into her brown eyes with such love and conviction.
“I’m glad you’re here, I really needed to see you after.”
Maya rubs Carina’s back soothingly, “I’m here now, it didn’t go okay?”
Carina groans slightly, “He was hesitant at first there were tears and a lot of slamming doors…but eventually he agreed to let us help him. I called in and got him into a treatment center at Bellevue.”
“And the drive up?”
Carina sighs, “He told me how guilty he feels about Erin and Amber. He told me that he regrets hurting a woman that he loves repeatedly when she was trying to help. I told him that it would be okay that she might forgive him but honestly…I don’t know if she is.”
“I hurt you too, I lashed out and I did a very stupid and awful thing to you and you still forgave me. If we can do that then I think they can too.”
Carina chuckles bitterly, “You don’t know Amber Karev she is…she is angry and rightfully so and she has had enough people hurting her when they had a mental breakdown. I don’t know if she can forgive him and love him again. He loves her so much, what am I supposed to do if she rejects him and he is heartbroken without the love of his life there with him?”
Maya looks at her in thought, “…You could get him a dog.” Carina laughs at that suggestion causing Maya to smile, “I had to do something to make you smile. He’ll be okay I don’t know him but if he’s like you then he will bounce back and move on. As long as he still has you, he’ll be okay.”
“Okay.” Carina holds Maya’s hip. “And when he’s better, I’m going to make sure he gets to know you properly. I want him to know you, Maya.”
Maya smiles, her cheeks blushing pink. She is not normally the kind of person that someone wants to introduce to their family, and it used to be a red flag to her, but not this time. This time, she wants it. She wants to be all in with Carina and get to know her brother she loves so much hoping when the time comes, she gets his approval.
“I would like that.” Maya tells Carina who smiles, “I just hope he likes me.”
“He will.” Carina tells her with conviction, “If he doesn’t, he’ll just have to learn to get used to you or I will kick his bottom.” Maya laughs at that image and Carina looks at the pan with interest, “Why were you taking a pan out anyway? We’re you gonna make me something?”
Maya smiles and pulls away from Carina to grab the glass pan, “I remember you telling me that whenever you or your brother would get sad or scared you would go to the kitchen and make something together to cheer yourselves up. I thought we could do that since you need cheering up.”
Carina looks at Maya in awe over her remembering that story. She can still remember the day their mama yelled at papa and threw plates at him after he killed those four patients. She and Andrea would crawl under the covers and she would sing to him to calm him down. The next morning when their mama was in bed and their papa was at work, she took her brother to the kitchen and taught him how to make French toast. The process helped keep their minds off their parent’s breaking apart so every fight they overheard they would find a new recipe to try. It was their thing and it make Carina’s heart skip a beat at the thought of sharing that with Maya.
“You would do that for me?”
Maya nods, “I would do anything for you, I love you Carina.”
“Ti amo Maya.”
Maya smiles at the Italian words that she finds so sexy coming from Carina but focuses on the task at hand, “So do you want to start with the lasagna? I have been dying to know what your secret is.”
“Ah, ah, ah.” Carina teases, “You are not there yet bambina, we have start you off with something simple and then work our way up to my famous lasagna.”
Maya chuckles, “Oh really? Okay sexy Guy Fieri what’s level one of this cooking challenge?”
“Mmm.” Carina thinks with a grin, “Let’s start with something simple like spaghetti aglio e olio.”
“It sounds delicious what is it?”
“Spaghetti in garlic and oil sauce.” Carina explains.
Maya’s nose wrinkles at the concoction, “It sounds like a vampire’s worst nightmare.”
Carina chuckles, “Trust me bella you say that now but when we are done you will fall to your knees over my cooking skills.”
“News flash it doesn’t take you cooking for me to do that.” Maya tells her with a mischievous smile and Carina looks at her in amusement, “Okay what do you want me to do chef?”
“Chef? Wow I think I am going to love this.” Carina teases before they head to the pantry to pull out ingredients. Carina looks at Maya with love and admiration knowing that despite the day she and her brother had things were gonna be okay, she believed it.
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ssahopelessly · 2 years
Crystal Clear
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Synopsis: The team is taking down an unsub near a dock and boathouse. But what happens when reader goes missing?
A/N: This piece was specifically inspired by Grey’s Anatomy (season 3, episodes 15-17). You know, the drowning plot? All of the drama, minimum medical talk.
Warnings: reader goes missing, drowning, talks of death, potential loss of a loved one, Spencer feeling nearly helpless,
Word Count: 2.3k
“We thought she was with you.” JJ called out over them, their heads either still looking around or looking at him.
“We thought she was with you.” JJ called out over them, their heads either still looking around or looking at him.
“We thought she was with you.” JJ called out over them, their heads either still looking around or looking at him.
“She was, but then we got seperated. Farland took off near the docks and she followed him while I went the other way.” Farland, or Elliot Farland, was the unsub of the case. A former doctor, he was responsible for lying about his credits to local hospitals and luring individuals of the staff to his boat. The boat dock would be the last known location for some of the victims. Spencer noticed Hotch looking at him skeptically, no doubt remembering the last time Spencer decided to split from his partner. “I’m sure she’s around here somewhere. I’ll just go do another sweep of the area.”
“She was, but then we got seperated. Farland took off near the docks and she followed him while I went the other way.” Farland, or Elliot Farland, was the unsub of the case. A former doctor, he was responsible for lying about his credits to local hospitals and luring individuals of the staff to his boat. The boat dock would be the last known location for some of the victims. Spencer noticed Hotch looking at him skeptically, no doubt remembering the last time Spencer decided to split from his partner. “I’m sure she’s around here somewhere. I’ll just go do another sweep of the area.”
“No, that’s a good idea. Morgan and Prentiss, you guys stay behind and help Reid. The rest of us will go back to the station and get ready to debrief with the local office.” All nodding to each other, they closed their files and handed them back to Hotch so they could get ready to do what was asked of him.
“Have you tried calling her?” Derek had piped up as he walked towards Reid.
“I tried but you know how she is. Her phone was dying on the way here, who knows if it still has a battery.” They started to make the climb back towards the boathouse, stepping over roots in the ground, careful not to slip on the wet grass.
“Well, we’ll follow behind you. I’ll try to call her.” Emily spoke up, catching up to the two of them.
“Why don’t we take the path you two took before you split up and see if she’s hanging around there.” The three agents then walked to the front of the facility where Reid walked them through the passage he had taken earlier with (Y/N). Towards the back of the factory, Reid found the pile and mess of crates Farland had thrown to try and stop them.
“From here, (Y/N) saw him go straight for the back door and she followed in pursuit.” They walked toward the back door Spencer had referred to, noticing how the bitter cold rolled into them as they exited the building. The back of the facility was right along the dock, only 10 feet of walking space if that space wasn’t filled with more storage crates. As they walked along the side, Spencer took notice of the few bullet holes that filled the concrete walls of the building. “That’s weird.” He had remarked, mainly to himself.
“Spencer.” Derek had called to him, his eyes caught on something on the ground. Looking to where he had been focused, Spencer saw the familiar gun laying on the wooden dock.
“That’s (Y/N)’s gun.” Spencer crouched down to get a closer look at it, trying to think of why she would have left her weapon behind.
“So where’s (Y/N)?”
“Guys!” Emily had called over them, looking out over the water. When both boys had looked over, she raised a hand to point out at something. With his poor eyesight, it took him a few seconds to really focus on what she was seeing.
“What is it?” Spencer was trying to squint the best he could to see what she could have possibly seen. But the water was glass. And there was a fog that was still lingering on the surface of the water.
“Shit.” Just as his brain was connecting the dots, Derek had tore his vest off and dove into the water, splashing some back up onto the dock. Spencer felt paralysed as he watched him swim out to her, his brain already running the possibilities of what could have happened and what could happen.
“Is she okay?” Emily called out to him as they both watched the agent reach their friend. Pulling her head out from the water, he was clearly trying to talk to her, brushing her wet hair from her face.
“Call Hotch!” Derek yelled back to them, holding onto her vest as he tried to swim back to the dock with her. Spencer was at the side of the dock, leaning over to where he almost fell in, trying to help pull her onto the dry ground. She was colder than he thought possible, her skin feeling like she had been in an ice bath, the rosyness of her cheeks traded for a pale tone. “She doesn’t have a pulse.” Derek finally breathed out after he pulled himself back onto the dock, his entire form completely soaked. Spencer’s fingers worked fast at unfastening her vest so he could get to her chest. He didn’t know how he was doing half of it, feeling his entire body tremor at his worst thoughts. “Spence. She’s-“
“She’s not dead.” He bit back, starting CPR on (Y/N) as the other two watched. “There have been cases where-” while his brain was thinking for logical answers, he tried to catch his breath while he started compressions on her chest. He remembered every study, every lesson, everything. In this moment, he needed to keep a steady rhythm but also be cautious of the pressure he was throwing behind each beat. “There have been cases where an individual can be hypothermic and still live, pulse or no pulse. It happens.”
“Spencer, we don’t know how long she was-”
“It doesn't matter.” He was trying not to let his voice slip, not to show his emotions. He couldn’t save her if he was too busy crying over her. “Whether it was 5 minutes or 5 seconds. We’re going to save her.” He kept up with the compressions, counting under his breath, sparing a glance to the other two as they watched him. “Why are you giving up on her? She’s not a past tense. She’s present tense and she’s right here and- why aren’t you saving her?” His voice finally broke and it was a cry of a plea as he looked frantically between the two before back to focusing on his rhythm.
“Spencer, we’re not giving up.” Derek knelt beside him, nudging his shoulder. “Let me take over.”
“Spencer, we need you to think of ways to save her. Let me.” Spencer’s eyes flashed between Derek, their hands, and her face. Her lips were parted like she was sleeping but even then, a muscle would twitch. And right now, without him beating her chest, she would lay completely still, no twitch of a muscle anywhere. “Okay. So we get her heart beating. What else needs to happen?”
“She- uh, her body temperature. Her body has to reach the upper 90s.” Spencer hadn’t noticed at the time, but his hands were holding onto hers, squeezing it as if she would squeeze back. He hoped, almost prayed that she would.
The whole team was at the hospital now, sitting amongst each other while they waited for anything from the doctor. Spencer, however, was in a chair in a corner of the room, notebook against his leg as he wrote out the possibilities. He was not a medical doctor but that wouldn’t stop him from thinking of every way to save her. “How are you holding up?” Looking up, he noticed Derek had changed clothes and was now standing in front of him instead of sitting with the team.
“I’m here.” Nodding, he took the spot next to him. “Derek, if you don’t mind- I actually want to be alone right now.”
“And I don’t want you to be alone.” Closing his notebook, Spencer started stuffing his things back into his bag, as if he were about to change seats. “Listen, we don’t have to talk, we can just sit here. But I need to know we’ll have both of you at the end of this.”
“Both of us?” Spencer whispered out, keeping his head low so no one could see the anguish and defeat in his eyes.
“Yeah kid. You and her, you’re a package deal. We can’t go back to Quantico without the other half.”
“Is there a Dr. Reid out here?” Their heads looked over to the nurse standing at the other end of the hospital. Derek bumped his elbow into Spencer, trying to jolt him into action. Pushing himself out of his chair, Spencer walked towards the awaiting nurse.
“Yes! Hi- hello, it’s me. I’m uh- I’m Dr. Reid.”
“We were able to get her body temperature up but not where it needs to be. There’s also no cardiac rhythm. Dr. Reid, we need to know, how far do-“
“I want every measure. Any and everything you can think of to save her. And if you can’t think of anything. Tell me. Because I already have a list of treatments.”
“Are you a medical doctor?”
“No. But I’m expecting you to do everything to save her. Because if you come out here to tell me that-“ he could barely get the words out. “You can’t lose her.”
“Yes doctor.” The nurse offered him a nod before dipping back into the medical staff only doors. With the nurse gone, Spencer could feel everyone’s eyes on him suddenly, feeling the air draining from his lungs.
“I’m uh- I’m going to go step outside.” The team watched him as he dipped out of the lobby, walking towards the parking garage. He had swiped the keys from Emily when she wasn’t looking. He wasn’t going to leave the hospital, not without knowing she was okay. But he knew no one would bother him, or at least they wouldn’t think to look into the cars. Climbing into the backseat, he spotted the familiar black sweater, bawled up in the middle of the leather seats. Holding the fabric in his hands, he held it close to himself and took in a deep breath, trying to find a way to relax. With the inhale, he caught a whiff of her, a mix of her perfume and shampoo lingering in the fabric that created the piece. He finally started to cry at the thought of her, after every emotion he had tried to ignore from today. It had started like every other morning.
They woke up in the dingy hotel room, made their cups of coffee and tea and left to meet the team at the station. Garcia had found a lead on the unsubs location and Hotch sent Spencer and (Y/N) to be the first ones to check it out. Splitting up felt like his fault, of all people he knew better, but even though he remembered it as her idea, he would blame himself for eternity for that one moment that changed everything. It was one thing for him to remember nearly everything, but he couldn’t live with just the memory of her. He needed to hear her voice just one last time. One last jab at his fashion or one last remark about how tired she was. He wanted one last laugh, one last hug. Spencer wasn’t sure what but he knew he would give anything if it meant he could get one last look into her eyes, one last chance to tell her how he felt though she knew. On a list of lasts, he needed her to hear one last apology, one last I love you.
“Spencer?” It was JJ, having knocked on the vehicle windows. “Emily noticed the keys were gone and they sent me to check on you.”
“I’m fine.” He began wiping away at the tears that had found a home on the surface of his cheeks.
“Spence.” It was her sympathetic Mom voice. He only heard her use it so many times whether with Henry or with the victims, but he very rarely found himself on the receiving end of it.
“I can’t lose her JJ. I can’t- I can’t be in this world without her. And it sounds silly and cheesy but if I think of a life without her, I won't be able to breathe.”
“If anyone could beat the odds, it’s (Y/N). I know you’re scared but we have to believe she will be okay.” JJ’s phone ringing beside her tore them from the pit of despair they were diving into. Taking it from her pocket, she checked the caller id before answering. “This is JJ. Yeah? Okay, we’re on our way.” Holding the phone in her hand, she looked back to Spencer, hoping to make eye contact with him again. “Spence? That was Hotch. They’re asking for you.”
“So we have to go?”
“Yeah.” She watched as he folded the sweater in his hands, slipping it into his bag before he reached for the door handle to unlock his side. Pausing, he looked back over to her.
“Well are you coming?” A small laugh slipped past her lips as they both opened their doors to the backseat, leaving to reenter the hospital.
When they found their way back into the waiting room they had left everyone in, no one seemed to notice, heads still hung low from both worry and exhaustion. Walking up to Derek, he put his bag down next to his friend. “Derek? What’s going on?” His head lifted up to look at him, leaning back into the seat.
“The nurse was asking for you.” Spencer looked around the waiting room, noticing there was no nurse in sight. It was just his team and a few other parties waiting for their family and friends.
“Do you know where-“
“Is Dr. Reid in the room?” He turned around to see a nurse had entered the space. Walking over to her, Spencer recognized it was the first nurse he had talked to.
“Hello. I’m Dr. Reid.” A smile spread over her lips as she tucked a clipboard under her arm.
“Hi. (Y/N)’s asking for you.”
Tell me what you think here!
Part II can be found here.
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sexcromancy · 3 months
what if your mom tried to kill herself because her sense of self worth was tied up in a relationship with a married man who didn't value her enough to leave his wife. and her would be last words to you (five years old) were "be extraordinary". what if 30 years later you found yourself in the exact same situation with a man. greys anatomy season 4 episode 17 freedom part 2 bravely asserts that the problem here is that she tried to kill herself instead of committing harder to the relationship. that being extraordinary is about begging for the love of men who have repeatedly wasted it. the show positions Ellis slitting her wrists (ineffectual plea for attention) against the house of candles (grand gesture that works!) as the choices you can make in this scenario. fire your therapist again meredith
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bloodydeanwinchester · 4 months
i love watching the first season of greys anatomy. it brings me right back to my senior year of high school when i watched it as it was first airing. those early seasons of that show were so good. it feels like a damn period piece watching them now. i STILL call john supernatural denny any time i talk about him outside of tumblr. i have not watched a new episode since 2020 and that makes me kind of sad actually. because i watched it weekly for 15 years. i was 17 when i started and 32 when i stopped. this must be what people who watched supernatural from the very beginning feel like. growing up with a show feels weird. even when you dont really like it anymore it’s still a part of you.
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fifteensjukebox · 6 months
tagged by @amidalleia tysm!!💖
last song: winning by emily haines & the soft skeleton has been in my head and i have whatever a photographic memory but for music is called so i think it counts. i was trying to figure out the change in timing starting about a minute into the song and my memory wasn't good enough to figure it out, and i think the last song i actually listened to was wet blanket by metric (emily's band) in the car yesterday. what can i say i love her! (the update is that I tossed this post into my drafts earlier and i have now actually listened to winning and almost figured out what she's doing but i'll have to discuss with my music theory-knowing brother)
favourite color: turquoise/mint/teal/sage/cool amethysty purples/the denim blue VW car colour (my beloved first car was a vw beetle we called lulu so that colour is now lulu blue in my house à la dodie yellow)
currently watching/reading:
rewatching btvs and angel mid s4/s1 respectively while showing it to my mom and brother for the first time! it's taking ages but we're having the best time
gilmore girls - (late mid s3) first watch w my parents! there's so much i know from here and so much i don't but i know i love jess
grey's anatomy - watched s1-17 with my family a few years ago (begrudgingly at first bc i so did not want to watch a medical show. and sooo long! but it really is that good (sometimes)) & have been watching weekly as it airs since, but we just caught up on the first bit of the current season yesterday bc i didn't realize it was back. and i love the new class of interns so much we are SO BACK
not dead yet - the only show i'm currently watching by myself week to week as it airs and of course my favorite character is the white man i hate it here... i do love the women too though!!
doctor who 12th doctor rewatch but i stopped like a month ago in the middle of the episode before the cybermen plot starts bc it's just going to break my heart to lose bill for a third time. but i miss them! missy most of all so i will get to it soon
i'm not really reading anything at the moment but i have a couple audiobooks on hold at the library (yeah this is jenny's answer exactly but it applies!)
relationship status: single and i don't go out enough so i doubt it'll change anytime soon
sweet/savory/spicy: i want to say sweet bc i loooove sugar but i add salt to everything lately, i even added it to a rice krispie square the other day, so....
current obsessions:
also still nancy drew forever and always, but honestly i don't have a fandom hyperfixation atm! it's all about furniture shopping.... i'm looking for a small chair/stool for my bedroom desk, and a bigger table to go with my living room big chair so i can have my laptop/food/whatever else i want bc i seem to spend most of my time here
and emily haines/metric music (lately i haven't been listening to much me after 2007, but i love the more recent stuff just as much!
last thing you googled: something about the st vincent rock&roll hall of fame exhibit bc i'd seen a clip about it on someones story but i couldn't find the full video (still haven't)
no-pressure tags: @redheadedbrunette @apolloamy @godofsmallthings @jemhowling @acafemmeic @electrictouchfeaturingfalloutboy @coldnightairinmylungs & anyone else who wants to! i love these sm
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babyjapril · 10 months
hi I recently read that there was drama happening behind the scenes in greys anatomy? could you maybe elaborate on that? I think I saw it in your tags.. also is the only reason Japril broke up/not get back together rlly bc a show runner didn’t like them?
Hii, yeah, I mean most of this is just speculation.
Okay, so April and Jackson broke up when Shonda Rhimes was still a showrunner. But even though they broke up, it seemed for a long time that the show was going in the direction of them getting back together. Like they had a child together and were living together, and then Montana happened and they just didn't mention it anymore that season. And then suddenly April thought Jackson had feelings for Maggie.
Then season 14 started. Shonda Rhimes left Grey's Anatomy due to issues with the network and Krista Vernoff took over as a showrunner (and got complete creative control). Krista does not like Japril. Idk if she ever directly said it. It was under her control that Sarah and Jessica were written out 'for creative reasons'. She wanted a Mapril endgame, which both Sarah and Justin Bruening thought was rushed. (They discuss it in this podcast) Then, the original pitch for 17x14 was that April was heavily pregnant with Matthew's baby, but he wasn't home, and Jackson has to deliver April's baby. Another baby delivery in the strom, really? With Jesse's exit though I guess Jesse and Sarah had more power and Jesse pitched a different episode to the writers which was then accepted.
(also not related to this but kinda related, why does she keep reusing the same storylines, there was an article that called the beach scenes with Meredith in season 17 creative, and I'm like that's just what happened in season 3 already, Krista is just doing what she always does, repeating storylines)
But people thinking she doesn't like Japril doesn't just come from the way she handled the storyline, it also comes from her shady twitter likes, like this one that called Japril toxic. (Then Jesse posted a photo with Sarah in front of toxic waste bin, which was possibly shading Krista liking that tweet)
I mean yeah, like I said I guess it's technically just speculation from her behavior on twitter and the way she wrote the show, me personally, I do believe she doesn't like Japril bc I don't understand why else she'd make the decisions that she did.
(also there's this thread but no real evidence that this is true)
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peonyblossom · 2 months
every episode of season 17 of grey’s anatomy be like the pandemic we’re living in a pandemic we’re doing x in a pandemic
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Dr. Derek Shepherd:
[to Addison] Christmas makes you want to be with people you love. I'm not saying this to hurt you, or because I want to leave you, because I don't. Meredith wasn't a fling. She wasn't revenge. I fell in love with her. That doesn't go away because I decided to stay with you.
Episode 25 - 17 Seconds
Season 2 - @greys-anatomy-quotes @greys-abc
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my-lover · 8 months
2/3 through s2 character updates
Chase-genuinely was confused he was Australian and not British NOT because I’m ignorant lol but because before I ever saw House I was obsessed with Jesse Williams character in Winning London, the Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen movie in which he plays a British man! Him almost clapping after House is finished juggling and says “what, no applause?” This poor boy has so many daddy issues
Foreman-honestly love him! I appreciate his level-headedness and his ability to relate to patients. He’s not blindly compassionate like Cameron but he cares a lot and uses what he has to to get through to people. I didn’t think he needed to try being the boss lmao but I get why he thought he did
Cameron-oh sweetheart. I feel like we’ve seen a dip in her after the beginning of s2, and it’s not her fault! Like the writers are kinda just ignoring her after the House stuff so I’m waiting for them to remember we love her again
House-what is he dooooing to poor Wilson like you’re gonna stop him from moving but then be a dick?? Is this because he’s worried they’re getting too close and needs to pull pigtails to cover his tracks? While not wanting to actually put distance between them and let him move out.
Wilson-we all love Wilson but my god if I had a friend irl that could not stop cheating on his partners I’d be so over him!! Please sir go to therapy!! Which is funny because he’s always telling House he should be bettering himself.
Do you have any favorite episodes in season 1 or 2 (before episode 17 because I’m on 16 as we speak)?
"Jesse Spencer LMAOO Jesse Williams is of course another dreamy doctor from Grey’s Anatomy House just wants to push Wilson so much to see if he’ll still love him 😭 my guy 😭 just ask for a kiss"
LOVEEE your thoughts so far omg !! it's so interesting seeing it from someone else's perspective !! i think you got it so right. the writers definitelyy forget cameron exists for an arc or two, haha, but i do really enjoy what they /eventually/ end up doing with her character. i really liked foreman for a while ! the end of season 2 flipped that on its head, though, and now i kind of just appreciate him for what he does to the plot / story structure
AND YESSS i just finished s2 on my own rewatch, and the hilson moments are CRAZY !! insane !! i adore their domestic era, but god house is possibly the worst roommate i can imagine hahah and yes !! i loveee wilson, but omg he would drive me insane. i think it's hilarious how big of a hypocrite he is and i love him for it
i think my favourite eps are definitely house & wilson's prank war in s2, and i just adore three stories from s1 !! what about you ??
and also i cracked UP at jesse williams hahaha omg i also love him in grey's <33
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twitt3rpate · 5 months
I made the mistake of watching an episode of season 4 Grey's Anatomy and then going to an episode of season 17. My, my, how they massacred my baby. #its giving setting a frog in a pot of water and boiling it
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leonieanderson · 7 months
“ At the end of the day when so many prayers are answered. We take our miracles where we find them. We reach across the gap and sometimes, against all odds, against all logic, we touch and we hope.”
Meredith Grey . Grey’s Anatomy Season 3: Episode 17. Shonda Rhimes
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she-karev · 14 days
Happy Birthday (Andrew DeLuca x Alex Karev’s Sister Birthday Imagine)
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Age Rating: 12+
Chapters: One of One
Fandom: Grey’s Anatomy
Ship: Andrew DeLuca x Amber Karev (Alex Karev’s Sister)
Canon Episode: Season 17 Episode 17
Summary: Amber is reluctant to celebrate her birthday when her friends throw her a surprise party.
Words: 1964
September 7th, 2020
“This was Thornin’s style. He was an important dwarf.” Amber reads to her niece, Luna Karev, inside the incubator where she is sleeping peacefully while her aunt reads her a copy of The Hobbit, “If he had been allowed, he would probably have gone on like this until he was out of breath without telling anyone there anything that was not known already. But he was rudely interrupted.”
“Good morning.” Andrew greets Amber and Luan with a smile inside his helmet.
“And so was I.” Amber closes her book and stands up from her chair to face her boyfriend, “Morning.”
“I woke up and you weren’t in bed, I was gonna make you a special breakfast for today before we leave.”
“Alex and Jo are at their lawyers working out the adoption legal stuff and I didn’t want Luna to wake up alone.” She looks down at Luna with a grin, “I thought Tolkien would better stimulate her than those baby books they keep here.”
“Why can I see you two already going to cosplay as Galadriel and Frodo?”
“You make that sound like a bad thing and it’s not the first time I successfully converted a non-geek. I got you to come with me to Emerald City Comicon for two years in a row.”
“Because I was afraid you would get kidnapped in a sea of nerds.” Andrew jokes before grinning down at Luna, “Don’t worry Luna if you want to want to go hiking or learn how to ride a motorcycle, I’m your guy.”
“You put my baby niece in a sidecar, and I’ll kill you before Alex and Jo do.” Ambre half threatens before she realizes what Andrew said, “Wait why were you gonna make me a special breakfast today? What’s the occasion?”
“Seriously?” Andrew asks dumbfounded causing Amber to shrug, “It’s September the 7th, your birthday.”
“Ya-da-da.” Amber stutters holding her finger up to silence her Italian lover, “No cursing in front of the baby especially if it’s the word that shall not be said again.”
“Okay I know…that word is taboo for you for personal reasons, but I just thought this year would be different.”
“Why would it be different?”
“Because your usual rebellious half birthday celebrations in March was stalled this year by a pandemic and me getting treatment.” Amber frowns at the reminder and looks down at Luna so she doesn’t get lost in her darkness, “I just thought with all that happened maybe we could make up for it by celebrating your actual birthday.”
“No thanks. I would prefer to wait it out until next March instead of having cake on a day I detest.” Amber grabs her book ready to walk out, “Babe I appreciate the effort but it’s wasted. It’s gonna take a lot more than a pandemic and my boyfriend leaving for me to consider September 7th a joyous occasion. Save that energy for March 9th and PS I like chocolate chip pancakes with lots of whipped cream on top sprinkled in chocolate.”
“That is a lot of chocolate.” Andrew points out playfully.
“It’s my half birthday I can indulge myself all I want, or you can.” Amber giggles lightly before walking with him to go to the residents lounge so she can get coffee. They open the door and Amber starts to regret it.
“SURPRISE!” Levi Schmitt, Casey Parker, Dahlia Qadri and Taryn Helm shout out loud in the room with Parker using a confetti cannon. Amber jumps at the bang before the multi color papers float down on her to her annoyance. She groans and brushes the confetti off her before walking inside with a frown towards the residents as well as Alex and Jo who are in the room looking uncomfortable as they know how much Amber hates her birthdays.
“Who blabbed?” Amber asks before turning to Andrew behind her who holds his hands up in defense.
“I swear I had no idea; my plan was a cheese omelet with bell peppers. This is not on me.”
“It was on me.” Amber sees Bailey step forward holding a cone shaped hat that says Happy Birthday, “I made it a point to celebrate residents’ birthdays as much as we can. I figured after the year we had some cake and singing might raise morale. By the time I took this initiative your date was next on the roster.”
“Lucky me.” Amber says sarcastically with a visible frown.
“You see I told you.” Alex says bluntly, “She hates it.”
Bailey glares at him, “She does not hate it.”
“I hate it.” Amber confirms bluntly as well causing Bailey to turn her glare at her, “If you really wanted me to be happy today you should have upped my vacation days that would be better than this crap fest.”
Qadri chuckles from the side, “Yeah we tried telling her you were one of those anti birthday people, but she says those don’t exist.”
“Well then I guess this is the one day she’s proven wrong.” Amber maliciously grins at Bailey.
“Shake that negative birthday energy She-Karev.” The chief tells her in an upbeat tone, “We have vanilla cake will that make you feel better?”
Amber rolls her eyes but sees the rectangle pink frosting cake with ‘Happy Birthday Amber!’ written across it.
“Wiping a birthday off the face of the earth should be an option.” Amber responds still bitter.
Bailey is offended and speaks with a frown as well, “Or you could just tolerate the fact that it’s a 24-hour period where the people who love you can treat you extra special.”
“And for the other 364 days they treat me like garbage?” Amber asks her boss who throws her hands up clearly agitated.
“Look child just eat the damn cake, wear the silly hat and enjoy your birthday, chief’s orders.” Bailey holds out the hat for Amber who looks at it for a silent moment.
“Nope.” Bailey is stumped and drops the hat on the floor. Amber turns to the crowd with a grin, “Thank you everyone but I will not be joining you. You guys can mingle and eat while I get coffee and go back to the NICU and continue to read The Hobbit to my beloved niece.”
“Let my daughter have a mind of her own please.” Alex begs his sister.
“We’ll see.” Amber turns to Andrew, “Save me some cake?”
“It is yours so yeah.”
“Thank you.” Amber walks out of the lounge leaving the others to celebrate her special day without her. Alex and Jo chuckled lightly before cutting the cake.
“You gotta give Amber this she has a unique reaction to her birthday.” Jo says with a smile.
“More like an ungrateful reaction to my attempts to bring joy to burnt out residents.” Bailey corrects with a frown, “Who doesn’t love their birthday? What possible reason could give that child an excuse to walk out on cake and love?”
Alex winces, “Blame me and the rest of our family on that reaction. Me and Aaron were asshole teens by the time Amber was born and our mom could occasionally remember her meds. Whenever her birthday came, we would either forget or I would remember and dump her at the nearest Chuck E Cheese so I could go trolling for chicks.”
“This explains so much.” Taryn states in realization as she eats cake.
“Yeah and it didn’t help that I left for med school not long after her tenth birthday.” Alex adds to his shame grabbing a big slice for himself that he instantly devours.
Jo squeezes Alex’s arm, “She more than gets you leaving to survive, she did it too. And besides birthdays are overrated and most of the time your expectations are high, and you get let down every time.”
Alex and Andrew look at Jo surprised that she’s also anti birthday like Amber. Out of the two of them Jo is the more upbeat and positive while Amber is more sulky and cynical. Jo sees the stares and explains.
“Foster parents never remembered my birthday and the gifts I got from charity were always addressed ‘to boy’ and ‘to girl’. It’s safe to say that I more than get Amber’s reluctance to celebrate what should have been a big day.”
“Yeah I get that.” Alex shares, “My parents forgot my birthday and it got to the point where I even forgot my own.”
Andrew looks sullen by these stories, “Wow if they ever want to hire people to make others feel bad you three could be rich.”
Jo chuckles lightly, “It would be great compensation for crappy upbringings.”
“Well now I feel bad.” Bailey sulks eating her cake, “I wish you would have tried harder to stop me before I spent money on this wasted party.”
The residents continue to eat their cake instead of arguing that they tried and were ignored. Andrew finishes his cake before deciding to resolve this issue in the privacy of his and Amber’s home so she can feel special on her big day for once.
That Night
Amber turns the key in the lock on the door outside the patio of her and Andrew’s recently bought house. After he came back from Italy a month ago they went forward in buying a new place together. Amber told him his apartment was too painful for her to live in because of all the bad memories of their relationship happening there. She proposed that they get a new place and he agreed and even suggested getting a house instead.
They were able to buy a 2-bedroom house with both of their savings and a backyard for their dog Jazz who was clearly not fit for an apartment. He is the first person to greet her with his three legs scratching the hardwood as he runs toward her panting. Amber quickly closes the door and gives him an affectionate scratch on the head before walking around the marked unpacked boxes around the house.
“Hey boy.” Amber walks toward the kitchen with Jazz following behind her, “Where’s your dad?”
“Stop where you are right now.” Amber freezes at the sound of Andrew’s voice and stays in place. He walks inside from the hallway carrying a plate with a chocolate cupcake topped with a lit candle providing light in the dim kitchen. He smiles at her, “Happy birthday bella.”
“No.” Amber whines causing Andrew to chuckle as he expected this reaction, “I told you no birthday, we agreed no birthday.”
“Actually, you told me no birthday and I don’t remember making a verbal agreement.” Andrew argues bringing the cupcake with the candle still lit closer to her, “I know you hate your birthday and you have about a million reasons to but I don’t. You may not be happy about the day you were born but I am.”
Amber’s sour attitude deflates at that sweet comment as he continues, “So I’m gonna give you a cake, a private room where we celebrate alone how you like it and your gonna blow out this candle and make a wish. Got it?”
Amber looks at the cupcake enticed by how good it looks wondering if it tastes the same, “…What kind of cake is it?”
“Your favorite, devil’s food, I wasn’t born yesterday come on.”
Amber shakes her head grinning at him before taking the plate from his hands, “Your lucky your cute.”
“I know.” Andrew says smugly, “Now make a wish.”
Amber closes her eyes and blows the candle out making a wish causing Andrew to clap before she takes the first bite and celebrates her birthday for the first time feeling like it’s not a day to dread instead a day to celebrate thanks to the man that she loves.
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madebycoffee · 2 years
ok so i've been rewatching all of grey's anatomy the last few months b/c i saw that seasons 17 and 18 were put on netflix- and s18 e20 is where I am cALLING it I'm not watching anymore let the poor show end. Most shows I consider favorites don't even have 100 episodes, and grey's has over 400 which is simply too much.
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thetisming · 8 months
DRAMATIC GASP greys anatomy is a super silly medical drama and half the characters are gay btw omg anyways the mc is meredith grey she says that famous line "pick me choose me love me" so bbyg and anyways the series follows her as a resident but also showcases other characters along with her. im sending you quotes that mainly include callie torres, one of the first 2 characters to not be straight. after she gets married to george, he ends up cheating on her and they get a divorce. after that she meets a woman and everyone thinks they are dating so they try to figure it out, but drama happens and the woman ends up leaving GA. after that, callie explores her sexuality and ends up dating a lesbian woman named arizona. when arizona has to go to africa, they break up and callie sleeps with her best friend. after a while, arizona comes back, wanting to take her back and stay with her, but callie tells her she just found out she was pregnant. she ends up keeping the baby and the 3 of them decide to raise the baby. in season 7 ep 17)or 18) callie and arizona get into a car crash while shes 23 weeks pregnant., after in the car arizona randomly asks her to marry her. that episode is a musical, as callie as auditory hallucinations of everyone ( including her ) singing. they give birth to the baby girl, and they get married. until later, after arizona gets into a plane crash and callie has to amputate her leg, they start fighting and arizona cheats on her and they get divorced. callie starts dating penny ( whos one of the doctors that fucked up while they were treating merediths (the mc ) husband when he got into a car crash ) but when they move to new york they break up. after awhile arizona goes to new york to help callie raise their daughter, who has to fly to seattle and new york every week. after that we have no idea what happens with them.
sorry i started ranting i just love callie so much. whats your ops ?
i should watch this
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lamaison · 9 months
So I’m watching Grey’s Anatomy from the beginning which, wild that this show has been on air for like 17 years. And I’m on an episode early in the first season and get hit right in the face with the memory that I wrote a recap for this episode when I worked for a tv recap site. Oh god it’s been 17 years since my first professional writing job….
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