#Greenbrier County
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petsincollections · 5 months ago
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Interior View of White's Country Store, Greenbrier County, W. Va., 1968
Two stuffed bears holding rifles in Whites County Store, Neola, Greenbrier County. Photo from 1968 Christmas Calendar, Scenes taken from the Greenbrier Valley in 1968, Printed by the Fairlea Print Shop Inc.
West Virginia History OnView
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byjove · 8 months ago
I’ve officially decided to set my novel in fictionalized version of Highland County after spending YEARS deliberating on whether it should be set in Alleghany, Highland or Bath County.
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Little West Virginia Trivia for ya! Did you know the Glade Creek bridge on I-64 before you get to Beckley coming from Greenbrier County is the highest bridge in the U.S. interstate system. The bridge stands 700 feet above Glade Creek. Also, the bridge has the distinction of being the highest continuous truss bridge in the world.
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mydaddywiki · 10 months ago
Jim Justice
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Physique: Heavyset Build Height: 6’ 7" (2.01 m)
James Conley Justice II (born April 27, 1951-) is an American businessman and politician who has served as the 36th governor of West Virginia since 2017. Justice was once a billionaire, but his net worth had declined to $513.3 million as of 2021. He inherited a coal mining business from his father and built a business empire with 94 companies, including the Greenbrier, a luxury resort in White Sulphur Springs.
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Justice is a well-liked and wealthy coal magnate who is one big fucking bear of a man. No other way to describe him. Hell… he compared himself to a grizzly bear. A 6-foot-7, 400+ pound millionaire grizzly bear. I’ll admit, I’m a little intimidated by the sheer size of him. But once I leave my goo on him, that’ll pass.
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A lifelong West Virginian, he attended Raleigh County public schools and graduated from Woodrow Wilson High School in 1969, and attended Greenbrier Military Academy as a post-graduate. Governor Justice went on to Marshall University in Huntington, West Virginia, and was captain of the golf team for two years before earning his undergraduate degree and a Masters in Business Administration.
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Justice married his high school sweetheart, having two adult children and spend time spoiling four grandchildren. In addition, they have three dogs: two Boston Terriers, and their famous Babydog, an English Bulldog. Plus, he coach girls' basketball. Not the most handsomest guy, but I'd love to fuck around with him for a weekend. And for some reason with his dog, Babydog watching.
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peaceloveandhistory · 1 year ago
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Today in 1897 Elva Zona Heaster is found dead in Greenbrier County, West Virginia. The resulting murder trial would be the only time in U.S. history where the alleged testimony of a ghost helped secure the conviction. What?! In October 1896, Zona met Erasmus Stribbling Trout Shue, and they married shortly after. The initial result of death was from childbirth and she would be buried the next day. Zona's mother, Mary Jane Heaster claimed her daughter's ghost came to her and told her that Erasmus had murdered her. After this event, Mary visited the local prosecutor, and whether he believed the ghost story or not, he reopened the case. It was determined that a complete examination of the body was not made and an exhumation was ordered. The second autopsy found Zona's neck broken, and her throat had finger marks. Shue was found guilty on July 11, 1897, and sentenced to life in prison. Many people in the community believed the ghost story, however "the Greenbrier ghost was never mentioned by the prosecution and played no part in the case against Shue." Believe it, or don't history is fascinating.
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aergisgeist · 2 years ago
May 22nd, 2011 Joplin EF5
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Photo of the aftermath of the tornado
May 22nd, 2011
The Events
(A note before we start, kilometers and Kph are rounded up if over .5, and rounded down if .5 or less)
12 years ago, one of the deadliest tornadoes in American history occurred, the deadliest tornado since April 9, 1947. The May 22nd Joplin Tornado. The tornado initially touched down at 5:34pm in Newton County and was quickly reported to be a multi vortex storm. The tornado tore up trees, whilst heading ENE, where it damaged more trees and some buildings, all whilst continuing to widen.
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Impacted areas of damage. Catastrophic damage welly shows the main path of the vortex
The tornado made its way to Twin Hills Country Club, at EF3 intensity, and caused major and catastrophic damage to many houses and tossing cars, sometimes into houses. It proceeded to tear through multiple more subdivisions, while strengthening to an EF4 tornado. The tornado caused extreme damage to homes, cars, and business, collapsing concrete walls. A steel reinforced step and floor medical building was "deflected upward several inches and cracked." Steel trusses and beams of several buildings were heavily warped and twisted. Vehicles were thrown into buildings and trees, becoming wrapped around them. The tornado continued its progress through southern Joplin with no signs of stopping. The St. John's Regional Medical Center had most of its windows destroyed, floors and ceilings heavily damaged, and was missing large parts of its roof. The life flight helicopter was blown away and mangled. Debris and medical records from the hospital were found miles away in a neighboring counties. The inability to restore power directly resulted in the death of 5 individuals. The damage to the building was examined, and the NWS stated that it showed signs of windspeeds equal to or over 200mph (320kph). The hospital would eventually be torn down due to the damage.
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Damage done to the hospital
A thrown semi trucks wrapped around a tree, and nearly every house from McClelland Boulevard and 26th Street was damaged severely or completely swept away. During this time, the tornado gained EF5 strength. All buildings in the tornadoes path were near completely destroyed, or completely destroyed, as it progressed through Main street (route 43) and between 20th and 26th street.
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Hook echo from the tornado as it went on its destructive path. It leveled entire neighborhoods, as it tracked just south of the downtown area of Joplin. The tornado would eventually hit Joplin High School, which was luckily empty at the time due to a graduation ceremony going on in a different area. The Greenbrier nursing home was completely destroyed, resulting in the death of 21 people. The tornado continued, impacting a pizza hut. Store Manager Christopher Lucas lead his employees and several customers/people seeking shelter, into the walk in freezer. Unable to close the door, he would tie a bungee chord around it, and around his arm. As the tornado approached, the building was destroyed, and Lucas was sucked out and killed, leaving behind his wife and three children. All other individuals in the freezer survived. The tornado then struck a Walmart and home depot, along with several other business. The roof of the Walmart would collapse in, killing several people. The asphalt in the Walmart parking lot and other nearby lots had been scoured. Multiple more businesses such as a Acadamey Sports, and Pepsi distribution center were destroyed. 100-pound (45kg) manhole covers had been undone and throw, which shows that by now, windspeeds well surpassed 200mph (320kph). Most fatalities of the tornado were caused in this region, due to a high amount of homes and impacts on retail stores and restaurants. EF5 damage progressed a bit longer, destroying more houses and industrial/commercial buildings. Large metal warehouses were swept away, and heavy industrial vehicles thrown 400 yards (370 m). A concrete block and steel building was destroyed. The tornado proceeded to destroy a gas station and connivence store, the last of its EF5 damage, but not the end of the nightmare.
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The safety deposit box of a bank was the only part of the bank left standing.
The tornado continued with an east to east-southeast movement heading to I-44, where it began to weaken. Vehicles were thrown from the interstate near US-71. Damage reports after show damage here ranging from EF2-3 damage. The tornado continued to Jasper and Newton county, dealing damage to homes, trees, and several other buildings with EF0-1 damage. It would lift east of the town of Diamond at 6:20pm, after 50 minutes.
The path of the tornado was 21.62 miles (34.79 km) long.
At its widest point, it was 1,600 yards (1,500 m) across.
The tornado caused a total of $2,800,000,000usd in damage
The tornado caused 161 deaths, and 1,150 injuries. Most deaths occurred at home. 5 were killed at the hospital as their ventilators went out with no power. 5 were killed semi indirectly when a Mucormycosis outbreak occurred during the aftermath in the area. 18 people committed suicide after the disaster.
944 pets were rescued according to officials.
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A neighborhood ravaged by the twister. Picture was taken 10 days later.
It destroyed 7,964 buildings according to the National Institute of Standards and Technology. FEMA reports that 8,264 had been impacted, over half of which were destroyed. An estimated 4000 electrical poles were damaged. And 110 miles (161km) of electrical lines brought down. 20,000 people were left with no power, and many would not get it back for 10-12 days. The electrical damage alone costed nearly $25.700.000USD. Major damage to water caused 4000 leaks from water service lines, creating a boil water notice. 3,500 gas meters and 55,000 feet of gas main were damaged, some of which could not be turned off due to providing critical facilities gas, such as hospitals and medical buildings. Freeman Health System was the only hospital in the city left standing after the event.
How did so many people die?
An article from Reuters (Many failed to heed Joplin tornado warnings, report says | Reuters) explains why so many people died from the tornado.
“The vast majority of Joplin residents did not immediately take protective action upon receiving a first indication of risk, regardless of the source of the warning,” is stated. Despite sirens being turned on for 20 minutes prior to the storm impacting, many residents of Joplin simply...didn't do anything. This is on top of warnings issued via TV, Radio, and other forms of media. The report further states “Instead, the majority of Joplin residents did not take protective action until processing additional credible confirmation of the threat,”. This confirmation included noting darkening skies or checking these other forms of media after hearing the sirens. The NWS did a lot to issue warnings, but it simply didn't work. Some people may have heard the sirens and thought to themselves about how often they may go off for tornado threats, that don't impact their area. This has become a common issue in areas that experience tornadoes. Many people simply don't think it'll happen to them, until it does. I don't think the people should be looked upon negatively for this, I can understand in some ways, why they may not take shelter after several previous warnings resulted in nothing in their region. However, you can never guarantee it won't happen to you, and the best thing anyone can do is to take all advisories seriously, and be ready to shelter at a moment's notice, or be in a shelter when issues start happening.
The Joplin tornado is incredibly infamous due to the damage it caused, and people it killed. It also serves as a warning about taking weather safety seriously. As I said, no one thinks it'll happen to them, until it does, and when that occurs, the results are often fatal. I'm going to end this with some pics I've taken on google maps, pointing out some things in relation to Joplin and how it is now. Joplin is once again a large and busy city, but it will never forget this incident that has caused immense grief and devastation, and I hope the city may never again go through such an event.
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Note the ground, most regions of Joplin are grassy, but damaged regions are brown from grass not growing. Other areas have hefty amounts of trees, but areas in the path have many less trees.
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Many areas of Joplin also have homes missing, that were never rebuilt. This can be due to owners simply leaving the area, or people not interested in getting a home built in an area that could be prone to another tornado.
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The path of the tornado is easily visible, between the areas in northern Joplin which still have greenery, and the affected areas in the south, with scoured land.
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murders-mystery-mania · 1 year ago
Hi guys! This blog is gonna be about a solved and unsolved murder and today we are gonna see the story about ‘THE GIRL WHO IS THE WITNESS OF HER OWN MURDER’ sounds weird right? believe it or not, this is a true event that took place in Greenbrier County, West Virginia, United States, the story is set around the 1890s.In the afternoon of 1897, Erasmus a blacksmith was busy at work and it was quite late so he asked his neighbour's son to check on his wife Elva, who was 3 months pregnant when the boy went there he saw a horrifying scene, he saw Her body on the staircase dead. After seeing this the boy ran to his mom and told her what happened before we go further on this let me tell you who were Erasmus and Elva. Esramus came to Greenbrier County to get a job as a blacksmith, and he met Elva who was one most beautiful girls in the town, The spark flew and they fell in love but Elva’s mother was against their relationship but Elva didn’t care. Erasmus and Elva got married and within a few months she got pregnant but she had some health problems so except them and the doctor no one knew about it so let's come back to the present, so the boy's mother called the police and Esramus came crying when he heard about it. he was with his wife and didn’t allow anyone to touch even the doctor so the doctor didn’t do the posmatram. The very next day her funeral took place, esramus cried so much and no one could console him while Elva’s mother didn’t cry but looked angry.following the months of Elva’s death, Elva’s mother looked herself and wouldn’t come out but when she would always whisper something to herself and would look back so rumours aroused that Elva’s mother killed her and she’s haunted by elva .one day, Elva’s mother came out from her house but this time she looked angry she went straight to the prosecuter’s house where she told him that her daughter was killed and when he asked her how would she know, she told that she was thinking something was something was off about it but no one witness except her own daughter so to know what happened her daugther would have to come back from dead.so in order to know what happened she prayed to god to speak to her daughter at least one, soon here prayer intensify and her prayer finally came true and her came while she was praying and told that her husband choked her to death. the very next day, her body was taken out for post-mortem and it looked like her windpipe was crushed later ramus was arrested and it was revealed that Esramus had 2 wives before marrying Elva and the 1st wife ran away from him because he was very abusive while his second wife death was similar to Elva’s. so a ghost solved its own mystery pretty bizarre. so you really think it was Elva’s ghost that came? Or was it all a lie?
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thedman0310 · 8 months ago
This guy doesn’t even know about the Greenbrier Ghost
(ryan bergara voice) the murder of a famous lawyer in a courthouse. a ghost testifying in a court of law. the main suspect? his nine year old son. kidnapping, betrayal and a fifteen year grudge. today on buzzfeed unsolved we’re going to be looking into the mysterious death of gregory edgeworth, termed the dl-6 incident
(shane voice) ok there’s no fucking way a ghost testified in court
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kennywv84 · 17 days ago
Trump County Landfill
Greenbrier County Landfill
(304) 645-2489
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whitepolaris · 2 months ago
Greenbriar Light Road
The real name for this road is just Greenbrier Road, and it runs east of Switzerland, Florida. Yep, really the name of this peaceful little hamlet is Saint Johns County, but don't expect to see any Alps in this Switzerland.
On Greenbrier Road, there is a light that chases cars. It looks like the headlight of a motorcycle, and according to reports, it usually follows behind a car at a distance of about three hundred feet. Although the mysterious ball of light never passes a car, it has been known to shit atop a vehicle until reaching a certain point on the road, where-upon it vanishes.
In 1987, the light grabbed the interest of several science experts, who went there to determine what it was. That same year, the Saint Johns County Sheriff's Department also investigated reports of the weird light. Investigations could come up with no explanation. It is not an area that would normally produce swamp gas, as in other cases involving ghost-light phenomena. According to folklore, the light is supposed to be the headlight of a young phantom motorcyclist. Racing on the road one night, he lost control of his bike and was decapitated by a guy wire supporting a telephone pole. Why this particular mode of dying would attract the light to cars is not explained-only the cyclist knows that.
We went to Greenbrier Road to check it out and were a little disappointed. It's not at the location described in various books, nor was it a dirt road. It is a fairly heavily traveled asphalt road. Since we visited during the daytime, we had no encounters with a ball of light, although other people claim to have been pursued by this weird phenomenon.
Repeated Encounters with the Light
Everybody knew about the strange light out on Greenbrier Road, so we went there to see if we could see it. We did see it but at first thought it was a one-eyed car coming down the road. It did not move toward us very fast. We were facing it, and it kind of came up about a tenth of a mile in front of our car and just sat there, wavering or hovering over the road. We were facing east, and we turned around in the middle of the road, when we started driving west, we looked behind us, and the light was following our car. Just before we got to the end of Greenbrier Road, it disappeared. We turned around and went back, and sure enough, it popped up way down the road and again came to about a tenth of a mile in front and hovered again. We repeated this four times, and each time, the light did the same thing. We tried to figure out what it was, but we have no idea. It looked about the size of a basketball and glowed pretty bright, not hazy or faint, but a very bright whitish glow. -Paul R.
Light Comes Out of Nowhere
There is a road in St. Johns County that runs off Route 13 between Fruit Cove and Switzerland and is called Greenbrier Road. There is a ghost light on this road that appears out of nowhere, and it will follow your car. I saw this light with my friend Frank, who told me about it. It is supposed to be the ghost of a guy that was killed while riding his bike on the road, and the light is the headlight of his bike. -Jason
Was Told To Leave the Area
Me and three others went to Greenbrier Road to check out that light that chases cars. We were sitting there in the dark on the side of the road waiting to see it, and after being there about thirty minutes, we saw not one, but two lights coming at us. It turned out to be a deputy sheriff, who stopped and asked us what we were doing sitting there in the dark on the side of the road. We told him we were looking for a ghost light. He thought we were crazy and ordered us to move on. So if you go there, beware that the cops will tell you to leave. -Jim S.
Phantom Motorcyclist
A few years ago, I went to see Greenbrier Road at night with three of my friends. We had heard stories about that light that people see, and we wanted to see it. We drove up and down the road for like forty minutes trying to see something, but never saw anything until we got ready to leave. My friend Tom was driving, and he looked behind us, and there was the headlight of a motorcycle coming up fast. We slowed down a little and thought that the biker would pass us, but then just as it got right behind us about a hundred feet, the light went out. There was no motorcycle or anything. I really think we saw a ghost of that guy that was killed on his motorcycle on that road. -Todd M.
It's Swamp Gas
I have never seen the Greenbrier Light, but my cousin who lives in Green Cove Springs said that he did and that it is only swamp gas. The light is greenish yellow and drifts up out of a low area, and you can't see it but a certain times of the year. -Shooter
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💛Sunrise on the Monongahela National Forest 💛
Greenbrier County, WV
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allengreenfield · 2 months ago
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golfbreaks · 9 months ago
The Ultimate Bucket List of Golf Courses to Play on Your Break
Golf breaks offer the ideal combination of adventure and relaxation Golf-Breaks catering to both seasoned golfers and those seeking a leisurely escape. Whether you’re aiming to perfect your swing on world-class courses or explore new destinations, golf travel provides unique experiences that go beyond the greens.
1. Discovering Top Golf Destinations
Golfers are often drawn to renowned destinations like Scotland, the birthplace of golf, where courses such as St. Andrews and Gleneagles provide both challenging play and breathtaking scenery. In the United States, Pebble Beach in California and Augusta National in Georgia stand out as iconic locations. These courses not only offer impeccable greens but also a rich history, making them must-visit spots for golf enthusiasts.
In Asia, Japan’s Fuji Golf Course offers stunning views of Mount Fuji, combining the tranquility of nature with the precision of golf. Meanwhile, Australia’s Royal Melbourne Golf Club is celebrated for its design and the challenge it presents to golfers of all skill levels.
2. Combining Golf with Adventure Travel
For those seeking a blend of golf and adventure, destinations like New Zealand and South Africa are perfect. In New Zealand, you can enjoy the stunning courses at Cape Kidnappers and Kauri Cliffs, then embark on thrilling activities such as bungee jumping, hiking, and exploring geothermal wonders. South Africa, on the other hand, offers the unique opportunity to combine a golf vacation with a safari adventure. Imagine teeing off at the Leopard Creek Country Club with the Kruger National Park as your backdrop, followed by a wildlife safari.
In Ireland, after a round at the legendary Ballybunion or Royal County Down, you can explore the rugged coastline through activities like cliff walking, sea kayaking, and even surfing. The combination of challenging courses and thrilling outdoor activities makes these destinations a golfer’s paradise.
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3. Luxury Golf Resorts
For those who prefer a more relaxed pace, luxury golf resorts provide an all-inclusive experience. Resorts such as the Ritz-Carlton in Half Moon Bay, California, and The Greenbrier in West Virginia offer top-notch golf courses, spa treatments, gourmet dining, and a host of other amenities. These resorts cater to golfers and non-golfers alike, ensuring everyone can enjoy their stay.
In Europe, the Algarve region of Portugal is home to numerous luxury golf resorts, including the renowned Monte Rei Golf & Country Club. Here, guests can enjoy world-class golf, pristine beaches, and charming local culture. The blend of luxury and leisure activities ensures a memorable vacation for all.
4. Golf Cruises: A Unique Experience
Golf cruises are a unique way to explore multiple golf courses and destinations while enjoying the comfort of a luxury ship. Companies like Azamara and PerryGolf offer specialized golf cruises that take you to top courses around the world. Imagine cruising through the Mediterranean, playing at courses in Spain, Italy, and Greece, all while enjoying the amenities of a luxury cruise ship.
These cruises often include guided tours, onboard golf clinics, and opportunities to socialize with fellow golf enthusiasts. The convenience of unpacking only once and having all your travel logistics handled makes golf cruises an attractive option for avid golfers.
5. Planning Your Golf Break
When planning a golf break, consider your priorities. Are you looking to challenge yourself on world-famous courses, or do you prefer a more leisurely experience at a luxury resort? Do you want to combine golf with other adventure activities, or is relaxation your primary goal? Researching your destination and reading reviews can help you choose the best option for your needs.
Booking with specialized golf travel agencies can also enhance your experience. Companies like Golfbreaks and Premier Golf offer tailored packages that include accommodations, tee times, and transportation, ensuring a hassle-free vacation. These agencies often have insider knowledge and can provide access to exclusive courses and deals.
6. Golf Travel Tips
Pack Smart: Ensure you have all necessary equipment, including clubs, balls, and appropriate attire. Many airlines have specific regulations for transporting golf equipment, so check in advance.
Stay Hydrated: Golf can be physically demanding, especially in warm climates. Drink plenty of water and take breaks as needed.
Warm Up: Before hitting the course, spend time warming up to avoid injuries. Stretching and practicing your swing can make a significant difference.
Respect Local Customs: Golf etiquette varies around the world. Familiarize yourself with local customs and rules to ensure a smooth experience.
Golf breaks offer a unique Trusted travel guide opportunity to explore new destinations, enjoy world-class courses, and combine your passion for golf with other exciting activities. Whether you’re seeking adventure, relaxation, or a bit of both, there’s a golf travel option that’s perfect for you. So pack your clubs and get ready to embark on an unforgettable journey that goes beyond the fairways.
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lboogie1906 · 11 months ago
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Congressman Bishop Richard Harvey Cain (April 12, 1825 – January 18, 1887) was born a free African American in Greenbrier County, Virginia. In 1831 his parents moved to Gallipolis, Ohio where he attended school. In 1848, he joined the African Methodist Episcopal Church and became a minister in Muscatine, Iowa. He moved to South Carolina in 1865 to lead a Charleston AME church and soon became involved in local politics. In 1868, he was elected a member of the South Carolina State Constitutional Convention. He was elected to the South Carolina State Senate, a post he held until 1870. He was the editor and publisher of the South Carolina Leader which became the Missionary Record.
In 1872, he was elected to South Carolina’s at-large seat in the House of Representatives. He served on the Agriculture Committee in the 43rd Congress. He is most remembered, however, for his support of a civil rights bill introduced into the House in 1870. Although the bill failed to be enacted, during the debate he spoke eloquently and passionately about his own experiences during a trip to the nation’s capital where he was denied first-class accommodations on a train. By 1874, his at-large seat was eliminated and he chose not to seek another office that year. He continued to be actively involved in the South Carolina Republican Party and in 1876 he returned to Congress representing the 2nd district of South Carolina. He served one term and then returned to his ministerial duties in Charleston. In 1880 he was elected a Bishop in the A.M.E. Church. He moved to Texas and became one of the founders of Paul Quinn College in Austin. He served as the college’s first president (1880-84). #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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rebeccagaujot-realtor · 1 year ago
Realtor and Real State Agent in 1034 Washington Street Lewisburg, WV 24901
Hi, I'm Rebecca Gaujot, a licensed real estate agent based in Lewisburg WV. I received my WV real estate license in 2007, and since then, I've been helping home buyers find their new homes and assisting sellers to sell their real estate in Lewisburg and Greenbrier County. So, give me a call at (304) 520-2133, for your real estate needs. I would love to be your West Virginia Real Estate Agent.
Check us out on Google Maps:https://g.page/lewisburgwvtoprealtor Rebecca Gaujot Realtor® Fathom Realty, LLC 1034 Washington Street Lewisburg, WV 24901 304-520-2133 https://www.lewisburgwvhomesforsale.com/
The natural beauty, peaceful living, and outstanding cultural venues make the Greenbrier Valley an extremely attractive place to raise a family, retire or start a business.
The relatively low cost of living and the reasonably-priced land have brought an unprecedented increase in residential and commercial growth. Many visitors, searching for solitude from nearby metropolitan areas, are purchasing mini-farms or are buying secluded tracts of land to build either permanent or vacation homes. Let me help you find your perfect Lewisburg WV Real Estate!! To know more check my GMB page here https://g.page/lewisburgwvtoprealtor
Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rebeccagaujot/
Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/RebeccaGaujot
Follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lewisburgwvrealestate/
Subscribe to my Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4N3xU4kIyMvWupbhNpOg9w
Check out my Pinterest page: https://www.pinterest.com/rebeccagaujot/
About Rebecca: https://www.lewisburgwvhomesforsale.com/about/
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culdesacbot1 · 1 year ago
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Greenbrier, Robertson County, TN, USA 36.4250, -86.7921
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