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Souhrn dosavadních výsledků pátrání vědců po přítomnosti mimozemského života ve vesmíru
Je to už přes 60 let, co Frank Drake, autor legendární Drakeovy rovnice, a další odborníci zahájili pátrání po mimozemských civilizacích v rámci aktivit SETI. Tehdy to byl projekt Ozma, který využíval služeb amerického radioteleskopu Greenbank při pátrání po rádiových signálech z oblasti hvězd, tehdy považovaných za slibné – Tau Ceti a Epsilon Eridani. Od té doby jsme byli svědky celé řady podobných pátrání. Jejich výsledek byl vždy stejný. Nenašlo se vůbec nic.
Astronomové rafinovaně využili data projektu Breakthrough Listen, která pokrývají nejen cílové hvězdy projektu v Mléčné dráze, ale i galaxie v pozadí. Tímto způsobem vlastně proskenovali stovky bilionů hvězdných systémů a pátrali v nich po tak pokročilých civilizacích, že by se mohly prozradit intenzivním rádiovým signálem z okolních galaxií. Doposud nejrozsáhlejší pátrání ve stylu SETI dopadlo úplně stejně, jako všechny předchozí.
Tomáš Petrásek - Fermiho paradox (Pátečníci PEN 18.9.2015)
Jestli existují jiné inteligentní bytosti - tak kde k čertu jsou? Mimozemské civilizace měly miliardy let pro svůj vznik, rozvoj a šíření - tak proč nevidíme žádné nepopiratelné známky jejich existence? Život na Zemi existuje 4 miliardy let - mohla se tu vyvinout vyspělá inteligence dávno před úsvitem lidstva? A pokud ne - proč ne?
Tomáš Petrásek se narodil v roce 1984 v Praze, vystudoval biologii na Přírodovědecké fakultě UK, v současné době pracuje ve Fyziologickém ústavu AV ČR a Národním ústavu duševního zdraví, kde se zabývá výzkumem mozku a chování. Ve volném čase se věnuje popularizaci astronomie a astrobiologie. Je autorem populárně naučné série Vzdálené světy (společně s Igorem Duszkem), zabývající se problematikou exobiologie, a stejnojmenné webové stránky. Na pole sci-fi vstoupil novelou Poslední hlídka (ve sborníku Mlok 2007, samostatně vyšla v roce 2012) a povídkami Tvůrci (Kočas 2009) a Bensonové efekt (v antologii Terra Nullius, 2015).
Okolní vesmír je pustý a prázdný. Přinejmenším tak vypadá. Je to slavný Fermiho paradox, který se pokouší vysvětlit celá řada hypotéz. Některé jsou úsměvné, jiné vám naruší spánkový režim. Pokud máte sklony trpět úzkostmi, hypotézu Berserk raději vynechejte. Byli jste varováni. ↓
Nejtemnější vysvětlení Fermiho paradoxu představuje hypotéza Berserk
Okolní vesmír je jako temný hvozd. Tichý, ponurý, na první pohled mrtvý. Ve stínech se ale plíží lovci, hráči vesmírného LARPu, kteří to myslí smrtelně vážně. Největší hrozbou v temném lese jsou cizí lovci. Když se střetnou, tak je to vždy kdo s koho, na plno a bez skrupulí. Taková je hypotéza Temného lesa, která vysvětluje Fermiho paradox strachem a opatrností. ↓
Zneklidňující vysvětlení Fermiho paradoxu: Žijeme v pochmurném Temném lese?
Astrofyzik Jacco van Loon se přiklání k řešení Fermiho paradoxu, podle kterého jsou okolní mimozemské civilizace – pokud existují – opatrné, a hlídají si své soukromí. Pozemšťané naproti tomu zaplavují okolní vesmír svými rádiovými signály, z valné většiny neúmyslně. A poslední dobou prozrazujeme svou pozici intenzivním umělým osvětlením, které by bylo s pokročilými technologiemi možné detekovat z velké dálky. ↓
Přitahuje rádiový provoz a umělé osvětlení pozornost k Zemi?
Mezinárodní tým fyziků spočítal, že by LIGO mohlo vystopovat gigantické mimozemské lodě. Podmínkou je, že budou velké alespoň jako náš Jupiter a že se budou pohybovat desetinou rychlosti světla. Otázkou je, jakou odpověď bychom nechtěli slyšet víc? Že je kolem nás čilý provoz nevyzpytatelných objektů, které by Zemi strčily do kapsy nebo že je vesmír opravdu úplně prázdný? ↓
Gravitační observatoř LIGO by mohla detekovat planetární kosmické lodě
Vesmír by měl být hlučným náměstím, plným rozmanitých civilizací, které rozverně sdílejí své výdobytky. Vypadá ale jako pustý a prázdný. Dvojice fyziků s nekonvenčním pohledem na věc tvrdí, že možná nehledáme ty správné technosignatury. Navrhují pátrat po záření kvantových výpočetních systémů s černými mikrodírami, které by se mohly prozradit neutriny. Najde něco Ice Cube? ↓
Prozradí se vyspělé kosmické civilizace kvantovými počítači z černých děr?
Úzkým hrdlem láhve vzniku inteligentních bytostí ve vesmíru, je nestabilní prostředí v nejranějším planetárním stadiu. Paradoxně je tedy tím největším nedostatkem dostatek času. ↓
Mimozemšťané mlčí, protože jsou nejspíš mrtví
Vědci z Open University si myslí, že přišli na to, jak zpřesnit matematický výpočet lokalit vhodných pro osídlení. Základem je Drakem sestavená rovnice pro stanovení počtu inteligentních mimozemských civilizací. ↓
Vznikne nová Drakeho rovnice?
Fascinující příběh o milionech super-Zemí v naší Galaxii. ↓
Proč nás mimozemšťané nekontaktovali? Bydlíme na špatné adrese.
#vesmír#mimozemské civilizace#věda#Breakthrough Listen#Frank Drake#SETI#Ozma#Greenbank#Fermiho paradox#NCHU#technosignatura#Youtube
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Greenbank Park. Zenit EM. Expired Truprint 200 (shot at 400.)
I am fortunate to live near some of the most beautiful parks in the city. However Greenbank Park is one such open space that I always seem to drive past and seldom walk through.
Originally part of the estate of the Rathbone family the land was purchased by the Liverpool Corporation in 1897 on condition that it remained an open space or recreation ground with a stipulation that the Corporation was "at liberty to let off the whole or any part of the said land to cricket or other clubs, and to use the lake for boating, skating or other purposes". Stipulations where also in place to ensure access to the lake and to protect the trees.
I was happy that I was shooting at 400 iso on the day i visited as the conditions where quite dull.
#liverpool#liverpoollomo#lomo#lomography#analogue photography#Zenit EM#russian slr#Manual SLR#truprint 200iso#expired film#200 iso shot at 400 iso#35mm flim#35mm colour film#Greenbank park#South Liverpool#Mossley Hill#open space#public park#film is not dead#don't think just shoot
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telegram: t.me/perfectdrops , Brisbane 420 delivery green shrooms🍄🍄🍄 coke shard MDMA ket dmt heroin vapes edibles gummies LSD 🌈 Brisbane shrooms delivery, chasing mushrooms, stoner dealer plug drop off 🇦🇺. caboolture ,North Lakes, Greenbank #brisbane #shrooms #australia
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#Brisbane 420 delivery green shrooms coke shard MDMA ket dmt heroin vapes edibles gummies LSD 🌈 Brisbane shrooms delivery#chasing mushrooms#stoner dealer plug drop off 🇦🇺. caboolture#North Lakes#Greenbank brisbane shrooms australiabrisbanecity#perth adelaide brisbanefood sunshinecoast qld rehab psychedelic medical pharmacist high pharmacology rap harmreduction#anxiety follow cocaine doctor drugmemes addictionrecovery adiksinarkoba saynotodrugs healthcare addict sober pills funny#addictivesubstance weedmemes grunge withdrawalsymptom covid money dialogue mdma drugabuseawareness
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I'd like to say the trip to Washington was about time with family, a deeper connection to the people of the Pacific Northwest but honestly the entire trip was so I could get a Loganberry Pie.
In the words of G. W. Bush, "Mission Accomplished".
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🌱 MCC Banking is leading the way toward more sustainable banking by offering responsible financial solutions that benefit the planet and our communities. Our mission is to build a greener future through innovative services.
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Top Greenbank Plumbing Services You Can Trust
When plumbing issues arise, they often demand immediate attention to prevent further damage. Whether it’s a leaking tap or a more complex issue, finding a reliable Greenbank Plumber can make all the difference. Offering professional expertise and prompt response times, plumbers in Greenbank are here to keep your home and business running smoothly. Comprehensive Plumbing Services in Greenbank A…
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Looking for mortgage brokers in Greenback? National Pacific Finance offers seamless solutions for home loans. Team of expert brokers at National Pacific Finance has the experience and knowledge to offer complete solutions for all types of lending needs, including first homes, construction, investment, refinancing, debt consolidation and more.
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Why Was Luke Greenbank Disqualified In 200 Back in Paris 2024
When Luke Greenbank was DQ’d in his heat of the 200 backstroke I was devastated for him. So much time spent for a young swimmer with a very good chance for a gold medal. He went only slightly past 15m underwater. Why is this a rule in swimming? It is a rule because the underwater rule has history. Back in 1984 when Rick Carey won the 100 back at the Los Angeles Olympics, everyone was transfixed…
#15m rule in backstroke#200 backstroke Paris Olympics#backstroke#Dachi Suzuki#David Berkoff#disqualification in backstroke#Igor Polyanski#Luke Greenbank#Olympic Gold Medal#Olympics#Sean Murphy#swim technique
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Expert Tips For Choosing The Right Tax Accountant For Your Small Business
In case you are in charge of a business organisation then you must know the importance of a reliable tax accountant as they can help you to manage your tax-related matters and give you proper guidance and advice. In this case, a professional tax accountant can help your firm to comply with the various tax laws and regulations as well as can help you with your planning of taxes. The certified small business tax accountants in Greenbank can offer you professional accounting and taxation services at a fixed rate.
In this blog, we will provide you with some expert tips for choosing the right tax accountant for your small business. So let’s start.
Consider Their Qualifications
Before you hire any tax accountant for your small business it can be vital for you to check if they have the necessary qualifications. In this case, a certified tax accountant can have the required knowledge and experience to handle your business’s tax operations effectively. The highly experienced accountants near Park Ridge can provide you with exceptional tax and financial solutions so that you can easily counter any sort of economic challenges within your organisation.
Verify Their Fees
The overall cost of hiring a tax accountant can vary depending on their qualifications, location and experience. So to choose the right option for your small business you need to discuss their fees upfront and ask for an estimate. In this case, some of the tax accountants can charge you by the hour while others can charge a flat fee.
As tax accountants can be extremely busy during the tax seasons it can also be vital for you to check their availability and turnaround times. In this way, you can choose an accountant who can meet your deadlines and can be available when you need them.
Overall Thoughts
By following the above tips you can choose the right tax accountant for your small business operations.
With the help of a certified tax accountant, you can make your business thrive and reach unprecedented heights.
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All Sites Stump Grinding South Brisbane is a specialized service provider dedicated to the removal and grinding of tree stumps across the South Brisbane area. To know more details visit: https://www.allsitesstumpgrinding.com/stump-grinding-south-brisbane/
#Stump Grinding South Brisbane#Stump Removal South Brisbane#South Brisbane Stump Removal#Stump Grinding Greenbank
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Best Commercial Solar Panel Installation Company in Ipswich, Spring Mountain,Springfield Lakes,Bellbird Park
Rising energy costs and the recent introduction of a carbon price could eat away at your bottom line. A great way to reduce your exposure to these risks is by investing in solar power for business. By doing this now, you will take a proactive approach to the situation. Best Commercial Solar Panel Installation Company in Ipswich, Spring Mountain,Springfield Lakes,Bellbird Park,Collingwood park,Redbank Plains,Augustine Heights,Forest lakes,Darra,Greenbank,Park ridge,Regents park,Camira,Flagstone,Jimboomba,
Best Commercial Solar Panel Installation in Ipswich, Best Commercial Solar Panel Installation in Spring Mountain, Best Commercial Solar Panel Installation in Springfield Lakes,Best Commercial Solar Panel Installation in Bellbird Park,Best Commercial Solar Panel Installation in Collingwood park,Best Commercial Solar Panel Installation in Redbank Plains,Best Commercial Solar Panel Installation in Augustine Heights,Best Commercial Solar Panel Installation in Forest lakes,Best Commercial Solar Panel Installation in Darra,Best Commercial Solar Panel Installation in Greenbank,Best Commercial Solar Panel Installation in Park ridge,Best Commercial Solar Panel Installation in Regents park,Best Commercial Solar Panel Installation in Camira,Best Commercial Solar Panel Installation in Flagston, Best Commercial Solar Panel Installation inJimboomba, Commercial Solar Company in Ipswich, Commercial Solar Company in Spring Mountain,Commercial Solar Company in Springfield Lakes,Commercial Solar Company in Bellbird Park,Commercial Solar Company in Collingwood park,Commercial Solar Company in Redbank Plains,Commercial Solar Company in Augustine Heights,Commercial Solar Company in Forest lakes,Commercial Solar Company in Darra,Commercial Solar Company in Greenbank,Commercial Solar Company in Park ridge,Commercial Solar Company in Regents park,Commercial Solar Company in Camira,Commercial Solar Company in Flagstone,Commercial Solar Company in Jimboomba
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Cabinet (Liverpool City Council) 17th October 2023 Part 2 of 2 (Moving Vehicle Contraventions Enforcement (TMA Part 6) - Enforcement Protocol, Allocation of 2023/24 Supplemental Substance Misuse Treatment and Recovery (SSMTR) Grant, Relocation of HARM Reduction Service to 4-6 Greenbank Drive, Award of Contracts for the Rough Sleeper 22-25 Programme and the Move On Accommodation Service & Procurement of a Strategic Property Partner)
#youtube#Liverpool City Council#Liverpool Town Hall#Liverpool#councillors#Cabinet#moving vehicle contraventions enforcement#TMA Part 6#Enforcement Protocol#allocation of 2023/24 Supplemental Substance Misuse Treatment and Recovery#SSMTR#HARM Reduction Service#4-6 Greenbank Drive#Award of Contracts#Rough Sleeper 22-25 Programme#Move On Accommodation Service#Procurement of a Strategic Property Partner
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telegram: t.me/perfectdrops
Brisbane 420 delivery green shrooms🍄🍄🍄 coke shard MDMA ket dmt heroin vapes edibles gummies LSD 🌈 Brisbane shrooms delivery, chasing mushrooms, stoner dealer plug drop off 🇦🇺. caboolture ,North Lakes, Greenbank #brisbane #shrooms #australia
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What Should You Think About Before Installing Split Air Conditioning?
Installing air conditioning can be a significant investment, and it's essential to consider a few things before making the decision to install it. So, it's best to consider hiring professionals to install your air conditioning in your space. It is a unique and effective way to deal with many unseen factors that you may be unable to manage on your own. Here are some factors to consider before split air conditioning installation in Brisbane, with the help of experts.
Unit's Size:
Consider the unit's size before air conditioning installation. A unit that is too small won't cool your space efficiently, and a unit that is too large will waste energy and money. Experts who offer air conditioning installation in Brisbane can help you determine the appropriate size for your space based on factors such as the size of the room, the number of occupants, and the amount of sunlight.
Maintenance requirements:
Like any other home appliance, air conditioning units require maintenance to function correctly. Professionals who offer air conditioning installation in Greenbank can advise you on the best maintenance practices for your unit, such as regular cleaning and filter replacement.
Installation costs:
The cost of installation can vary depending on the size and complexity of the unit. Experts can provide you with a detailed quote that includes all the necessary costs, including installation, equipment, and any additional services such as ductwork.
Proper ventilation is critical to the performance of your air conditioning unit. Experts who offer air conditioning installation in Ipswich can advise you on the best placement for your unit and help you ensure that your space has adequate ventilation.
Installing split air conditioning requires careful consideration of various factors. Experts can help you navigate the process and ensure that you choose the best unit for your space, install it correctly, and maintain it to ensure maximum performance and efficiency.
#Air Conditioning Installation Brisbane#Split Air Conditioning Installation near me#Air Conditioning Installation#Air Conditioning Installation Greenbank#Air Conditioning
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🌱 Our Commitment to Environmental Sustainability at MCC Banking
Beyond advanced financial services, MCC Banking focuses on environmental responsibility. We���re dedicated to reducing our carbon footprint, integrating eco-friendly practices in our operations, and supporting the planet.
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Valor is currently my favorite character
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