#Great and Tyme are in the afterlife
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becauseimanicequeen · 6 months ago
I don't think Great and Tyme survived.
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The gallery turned white after being red (which represents the heart, blood, and life, btw).
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Water is connected to the unconscious mind and memories (sound familiar?). It's also connected to blue which, in turn, is connected to serenity and peace. You know what else is peaceful? Death.
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spicyvampire · 6 months ago
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4MINUTES (2024) EP. 7 // EP. 5
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hotasfahrenheit · 6 months ago
the thing that is really crushing my heart slowly is that i can't stop thinking about the idea that everything that is happening in the fixed timeline is happening not just in Great's mind, but is a mix of Great and Tyme together because they are both currently dieing in the original timeline. they're both having an out of body experience and the changes are their shared will, not one or the other wishing things had gone better.
because that means it's not just that Great wants to have a nicer, softer relationship with Tyme- Tyme wishes he had approached Great differently, had handled things better despite knowing who Great was. remember in the fixed timeline, Tyme is the one who pulls off his own mask and reveals to Great that he's the one who attacked Korn, but we know now that in the original timeline it was Great. if this is something they're both in control of then it makes sense for Tyme to have changed that, for him to have chosen different paths to pursue Great. to have done it in a way where they both developed feelings for each other instead of using each other and just not quite making the right connection.
the main changes we see are happening when Great experiences the visions of the future, but Tyme's choices don't feel like they're just ripples of that to me. they feel like Tyme pushing things from his side as well.
because they both wish things could be different. in their fight at the end of episode 6, Tyme calls Great out for being a coward and standing by while other people die. he wants Great to be better, Great wants to be better, the first thing Great changes is the first time that he let someone die. Tyme seeks Great out sooner, approaches him in a more open manner. finds out things that he likes, protects him, takes him on a cuter, better date. plays him guitar. makes it clear that he wants to be around Great for his own sake and not just because it's a means to an end.
Tyme is not a particularly nice guy in the original timeline either. clearly Great allowing or being an accessory to murder is worse, yes, but Tyme has plenty of his own problems. he's willing to use another person to achieve his goals, his reaction to his girlfriend ending their relationship is to shrug and drink some more coffee, he's willing to post a non consensual sex tape on the internet, he's willing to do whatever he has to.
but both of the times that he walks away from Great, he's upset. upset with himself for having to break things off, upset with Great for his failings because he believed Great could have done better.
when their original timeline mini-date ends, before Tyme walks away, Great possibly predicts the future, while thinking he's speaking of the past.
"you were dying for me that day," he says.
in a show wrapped up in death and the afterlife and the steps in between, i can't think that comment wasn't loaded with some kind of meaning.
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jiwoodawnstarnation · 6 months ago
I feel like Great & Tyme will get their happy ending whether it's in the real world or the afterlife now I know that afterlife doesn't sound like a happy ending but for them being together no matter what will be their happy ending
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istanchan · 6 months ago
I don’t really have solid analysis for why I believe this but I don’t think Great and Tyme are alive.
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The ending scene just felt so ominous with the skiff boat in the river.
I am probably just reaching but the boat and the whole scene itself reminds me of the Greek myth of Charon—the ferryman that carried the souls of the dead across to the afterlife.
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The river of Styx, was the barrier between the world of the living and the work of the dead. So it makes sense here for Great and Tyme to be stuck in this limbo for the final scene.
In addition, the ambiguity of their conversation coupled with their inability to understand how Great had found the place they were at, makes it even more convincing that maybe they’re not in a reality state.
They’re not alive, but they’re not dead. I mean after all that is what the whole 4 minutes concept represents in the show. It is the limbo between life and death.
The ending to me is actually perfect. Personally I love an open ending and what I loved here was it gave us an audience the opportunity to evaluate how we interpret the two main characters’ fate.
Did they survive and get their happy ending? Do they ultimately deserve a happy ending, after all they’ve done?
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akacosmic · 6 months ago
Finally getting to episdoe 8 finale of "4 Minutes"...
Ok so we're speed running Tyme's idealized life and relationship with Great... But no actual display of the 4 minutes phenomenon.
Oooh! I LOVE the way they did Den's voice breaking through to Tyme. And the random bursts of rain coming through, reflecting what's going on in reality. This whole scene has such an ominous quality.
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"Are you disappointed in me? Is that why you did this?"
OMG Win you're so pathetic!!! You look like you're about to cry. Tonkla was just using you. You fell way too fast and too hard my dude.
LOL Korn is just looking around so confused.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand the other shoe finally dropped. Korn now knows Great was an accomplice to Dome's murder and that Tonkla shot Great as revenge. Oh, and also that Tonkla cheated on him. And from the way Korn looks at Win, I think he can figure out who Tonkla cheated with...
He's laughing? Oh, Korn's gonna have a break down.
Bas did some incredible acting in this scene.
They really pulled an Until We Meet Again?!?!
Hmmmmmm... I wonder if the scene immediately following Korn's self exit is something in his "4 minutes" realm? His dying mind going back to a happier time and asking his love to run away with him. Saying he's not afraid anymore. Hmmm 😔
Wait. What???? Last time we saw Tyme he was on the brink of death being rushed to the hospital. Now he's.... fine? What's going in here? 🤔
GREAT?!? Is this just a time jump out of nowhere? Or is it a trick and they're in the afterlife?!
So that trippy room explaining the 4 minutes thing was just an art exibit??? But the woman running the exhibit seems suspicious. ARE WE BEING TRICKED? Are they still in the 4 minutes realm or the afterlife?!? I DON'T TRUST THIS. I DON'T FEEL SAFE.
You can tell Great really doesn't want to be involved in his family's shady dealings.
Man, Win...... I know it's "big T" traumatic to accidentally shoot the subject of your infatuation and then immediately watch his boyfriend shoot himself in the head, but staring wistfully at secret pics you took of Tonkla isn't gonna make things better. SEEK THERAPY.
WHOA. TYME. What are you doing?! I know this man is vile and disgusting but... you're a doctor. You can't kill him.
Great's turning himself in for his involvement in Dome's death??? Wow. Ok.
I don't like this music. Don't do this to me!! This can't be some big twist right at the end! Did they really die?!? Has this been the afterlife this whole second half?!?!?!?!
OH THANK GOD. They were just screwing with us. *SIGH*
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miss0atae · 6 months ago
Random Thoughts about 4Minutes (EP 7):
I don't have much to say about this episode. We saw how Tonkla's past with his drunken dad (isn't it the same actor who played JJ's character drunken dad too in DFF?!). I guess in BOC when you have an alcoholic father, you always end up killing someone. We understand quite rightly why he doesn't trust the police. Justice was never served when it comes to Tonkla's life and it must be ironic that the one who killed his dear brother was the brother of his lover. I feel so bad for him. How can you not lost it when this type of thing happen to you?!
We also saw how Win found the evidence about Title and tried to give it to Tonkla, but he couldn't. He tries so hard to help Tonkla to show him that there is some justice, but in the end, it doesn't quite work the way he wants. I guess he is really involved with Tonkla, but as for Tonkla, I'm not really sure. Can you give time for love when you've been disappointed for such a long time by everything and everyone? They have such a different view of justice and there are only two choices possibles: either Win decide to defend Tonkla's action until the end, or they're going to drift apart.
This time we also discovered how connected Tyme and Great were from early on. It was fun to see the young actor who played San in Century of Love, playing Great this time. Will they only use this child to play any young version of BL actors from now on?! It would be funny. That was the only funny part of the episode for that matter because the rest of it was quite sad. Tyme feels awful for saying bad things to Great, but he wasn't entirely wrong. I guess, he couldn't really get detached from what he experienced with Great.
Now, they are both on the brick of death and I suppose the last episode will make us see how Tyme would have altered the timeline if he got the chance to change few things. I don't think any of them will make it through… at least in this life. Either they will met again in the afterlife, or maybe get reborn. I think the first option has more chance to happen. They will be free from the chains of what was their life. Can we love or learn to love in the afterlife? Can we even meet others? I guess we'll get the answer in the last episode.
I feel so drained after this one. It's such a poignant story. It always makes me think too much. I like how surprising it always feels for me because I have so much trouble trying to imagine what is going to happen. It's very interesting.
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imogenegomi · 6 months ago
I would like to request one where Tyme and Great both meet in the waiting room to the afterlife, where the clock says 4 minutes, and both try to convince the other to survive knowing that one of them will not return. You can make the ending sad or happy it's up to you❤️
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bbirdy · 5 months ago
I must say that for me Great didn't wake up from 4minutes (?) he died (?) bec I remember the woman said that her boyfriend's voice brought her out of trance, follow me here 🤲then Tyme heard his doc bestie and came out of his trance, but Great who could he hear? They were both supposed to be on the verge of death at the same time. And Great was alone in a hospital room with unknown people who would have no power to bring him out of 4minutes room💀🤔🧐🤗
Honestly this was my idea as well the first time I watched it, and it’s still one of the theories I think work. This, along with the final scene (potentially the afterlife), and that one scene where he’s working and the neon pink angel wings are on either side of him
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are my biggest indications that you could be right !!
Although, after rewatching and noticing more and more things, I think that it’s possible Great and Tyme were actually both present in each other’s 4M’s! My main example of this is that in G4M Tyme talks about the diary that his mother wrote, at around 11:02. But Tyme only remembered this diary in his own 4M!
There are tons of examples of this but I do not wanna bore you, but I really do think that this sort of implies that they’re both in there somewhere. Like, in G4M, there’s a little bit of Tyme actually in there, and vice versa.
All this to say, Great could’ve heard Tyme yelling screaming crying throwing up for him at 11:03, if there was a bit of Great’s subconscious that actually was behind the bathroom door in T4M! To me, that’s what woke him up. At the end of G4M we see him learn about the four minutes and the near death experience thing, but he never would’ve learnt this IRL - so my only explanation is that it’s Tyme’s memory of Den talking about his research!
I don’t know. I’m still half convinced Great died, and when I first watched it for the first time I really felt like that it was supposed to be perceived as the afterlife. (I spent hours sobbing!😭) But Sammon did confirm that the characters lived (even though I feel like I have to do mental gymnastics to understand how).
Hope this sums up my thoughts in a comprehensible way and I’ve made sense. I’d love to hear more of your thoughts and ideas !!! (and i’m so sorry this is obscenely long) 🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽🤍
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meremere21 · 6 months ago
I definitely don’t think the finale of 4 minutes was perfect, the pacing was odd and so many plot holes were left open…the show definitely would’ve benefited a few more episodes to further flesh out things in the real world, especially Tonkla and Korn’s relationship plus their affairs with Win and Fasai, plus everything about Korn&Great and Tyme’s parents, and the police corruption, and better sync that with Great and Tyme’s 4 minute alternate realities. And another episode for just Tyme’s 4 minute reality with Den’s voice constantly slipping through. But what I definitely appreciated is that in Tyme’s 4 minutes we see him being softer the way he wishes he would be and how once they were both awake that they start trying to change their lives to better reflect the way they want to live their lives (also would’ve been nice to actually see them wake up and reunite…but also that does leave open the interpretation that they might be in some constructed afterlife which is pretty interesting too). I also REALLY appreciated that Great was doing his part to expose his parents and their accomplices and that he actually TURNED HIMSELF IN FOR BEING AN ACCESSORY TO DOME’S MURDER. I’m not thrilled that it seems like Great might actually get off light for that and for his hit and run (that police corruption I mentioned earlier) but I still appreciate that he’s trying to take accountability for his past mistakes and crimes.
It wasn’t perfect, but I liked it anyway
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spicyvampire · 6 months ago
For a couple named GreatTyme they are just so incredibly out of sync in the real timeline, they didn't grow up together because Tyme's parents got killed while Great's parents got rich, when Great is a lonely depressed self destructive panic prone insomniac grasping at reasons to live, Tyme is ploting revenge, when Great is ready to start trying to better himself and build something with Tyme, well Tyme isn't because he is caught up in the plot and he is fighting the physical and emotional consequences of his own vendetta, and then when Great is dying, well Tyme is finally unfolding the plot and understanding what matters is his grandma and what he just started having with Great, and then he gets shot and both his heart and Great's heart stop, hopefully they can finally be in sync when they are in the afterlife together
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tamtuliko · 6 months ago
Thoughts collected
4 minutes addition
So... tomorrow's is Friday. Finally, the end of the week. Unfortunately, I'm unable to watch the ep. 6 till Saturday morning, as I live in Japan and we are a few hrs forward, to put it simply while ep. 6 will be premiered. I'll be dreaming about this:
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Seriously, does anyone move from this scene?? Cause my dumbest didn't, and I'm not sure I'll ever be. Look, I'm still thinking about Alex and Henry's scene on deck. These two were so cutesy and shit.
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Sorry, I suddenly lost myself.
What I was saying is that it's really hard to move from the scene when the shit is happening in the series.
So I need to word vomit here.
I need to ask first:
Okay... let's see what we've got so far:
Great's timeline
Probably Tyme's timline
Tonklas timeline
In Greats timeline, he goes cardiac arrest at 11 o'clock. How he got at hospital we don't know. Yes, we saw him getting shot and bla bla bla, but don't forget this is after he re-do shit. Saved woman and this woman became his end. And dot forget, she is also his begging. She is the first re-do Great did. In his timeline we don't know what happened to Tyme. Is he alive running to Great? Or is he dying somewhere.
Tymes' timeline is more complicated cause we've seen Greats POV so far. I guess we will see Tymes from the next episode, and then we will have culmination. But just guess: Tymes plan was to get Great, I don't know fall in love or just befriend him and use him against his family or just use him for information, but he fall in love and that's where all shit goes down. In the end, we see Tyme run and his bloody nose appear and dissappear, I think we are shown 2 timelines, one is Greats, and another one is Tymes. Which is which hell knows. With Greats re-do, Tyme saved Nan and all good, but in Tymes timeline, nothing has changed, I think. The bloody nose in ep. 5 and Tyme being shot in ep. 1 can be seen as evidence. The place where he is shot looks like where illegal casino or Greats Fathers whearhouse is.
Tonklas timeline, the easy one, this kid got some serious problems. He went for revenge, his little brother never was saved, he was neglected by Korn, got new man, and became a murderer. I think his and Tymes' timeline can be seen as the same. Without Greats re-do. Don't get me wrong, I'm pretty interested in how his character gonna help and how his choices gonna help the timelines and the world's, but his story is really boring for me. I am stunned by Fuaiz (Tonkla), he is a great actor, he does everything really well, but Tonkla as a character for me af this moment is very boring and just I don't know... I can't see him fitting.
Great goes cardiac arrest, Tyme runs to him
Tonkla killes Title, who killed his little brother
Tyme is shot while somewhere, maybe trying to save Nan.
2 and 3 can be same timelines. Great is still going to cardiac arrest.
And here is the main thing, if this is some suspense/ supernatural series, the worlds will collide, and we will have one timeline, everybody surviving or dying.
Like in 1 Tyme will experience the other Tymes' feelings and maybe even see all the shit. Again, I don't know about Tonkla. How is he fitting in this story? I can't wait to see it, really. Great is already experiencing different timelines, so we will se if he survives.
Wild guess, after watching Bible and Jes rehearsal for 1st meeting. It was like they were in the same place, but they couldn't reach each other, typical parallel worlds and different timelines. It was the same act in teaser as well. They met, fought, fell in love, separated, and in the end, they died.
One of them for sure will die. Or both of them. Bible in his interview said that a happy ending depends on person, how we see it. For someone, it can be these two surviving and continuing loving and living. For some, it can be them meeting again afterlife. Let's not forget that death is not the end, Albus Dumbledore said: "After all, to the well-organised mind, death is but the next great adventure".
I hope for a better end, but... they are going to be together in everytimelime, parallel , and the afterlife.
I don't know a shit.
I'm sleep deprived, and I need to see Jes being bullied by Bible.
Sorry if I didn't make a sense.
The whole series doesn't make sense anymore. Yet I'm still here, in my 10000 rewatch.
Is that dimples I see there??
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Soft, soft, soft
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These two kisses were everything. Tyme is scared, nervous, and unsure. You can see it in his eyes, Jes, the actor you are 😍
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Sorry, I just love this baby girl.
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See you on Saturday. I am fucking working on that day, I'm gonna get myself ship home if continue being distracted 😆btw...
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jiwoodawnstarnation · 6 months ago
I was thinking about that comment Tyme said to Great about 'you're still afraid of dogs' now did he say that because he saw it in his file or because they knew each other from childhood which remember those photos of Jes & Bible posing with two little kids which I'm sure is going to be from when they were children
And then there's that drink that Tyme got Great where it said 'can you forgive me' (something along those lines) I'm wondering where that comes into play
Plus that scene from the trailer where Tyme is knocking on the door in his boxers and there's water coming from the ceiling and then there was another scene in the trailer where it was their silhouettes looks like they're eating and hugging
And obviously the one where they're on that boat lying down which is either going to be them living and it's their happy ending or it's the afterlife which is still there happy ending
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firelise · 6 months ago
The wildest yet sanest thought on 4 Minutes
yea, them meeting in the afterlife...maybe. A lot of assumptions taken as fact there though (we dont know where Great's body is when his brain starts dying for example, we just know where he was shot, who knows what happens anyone might find him...also this is fiction AND BL like, anything is possible). and tbh i never understand why people want a happy ending so bad like...that's nice but I care more about a good story, but that's just me.
My delusional ending if I were writing it is that the "my boyfriend's voice woke me up" comes back into play, like while we are in Tyme's 4 min ending, he gets shot (again, in his mind) and then he hears Great's voice, fade to black. Open-ended ending, my beloved.
send your wildest 4 minutes predictions
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whatever-letmebe · 6 months ago
the only ending I see for Great & Tyme at this point is that they meet in the in-between world, you know during the four minutes, and then hand in hand ascend (or more likely descend if we are to believe in something like hell) to the afterlife
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blue-grama · 6 months ago
100%! Plus:
If Great and Tyme are dead, the narrative mirroring between them and Korn and Tonkla disappears.
The foreshadowing of Lukwa saying her boyfriend called her out of her loop disappears.
The theme of the finality of death and deathbed regrets is weakened by showing Great and Tyme becoming better in a fantasy afterlife space. That truly would be an unearned happy ending for them because they did nothing in the real world to change. The story very clearly says, “We have to live with our choices, so make them deliberately. When you die, there are no do-overs.” Ok, I’m just restating the last point above now, but it really is the most important.
Lastly, it would remove the point of the magical art exhibition. Only Great and Lukwa see 4 minutes into the future in their near-death experiences. Korn, Tonkla and Tyme have a more standard moment of rewriting over their big regrets, but they don’t jump back and forth between timelines and experiment with their choices. Great does, and that’s important to his decision to follow Tyme’s voice, return to life, and become braver. He dies in real life and in his 4 minute loop - as we will all die, eventually, no matter our choices - but he realizes (and says) that dying with regret is the worse fate. He needs to be alive at the end for that lesson to resonate.
i've seen some people saying that great and tyme are still stuck in their loop, but it's so unambiguous to me.
the scenes are not filmed in fisheye (all the 4 mins dimension scenes are filmed in fisheye)
den calls tyme out of his 4 mins dimension (and tyme calls great out of his)
great and tyme process their 4 mins with each other, in almost every scene there's some mention or evidence of them doing things differently as a result of the 4 mins experience
in the boat, they mention the limitations of the 4 mins space and have a little joke about how they're actually not in it anymore
AND MOST OF ALL, most importantly for the story that was being told:
the story would literally lose a significant part of the meaning if everyone ever in the 4 mins space died. den would be pointless and the idea of fixing your mistakes while you're still alive, of regret and choosing differently, wouldn't hold any meaning because no one got to do that.
there wasn't ambiguity about great and tyme surviving because ambiguity would remove the deeper meaning from the story.
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