#Grayson is just a cute boy that follow Gigi around
hafwen · 1 year
Since Gigi wants Lillie’s space I’m trying to convince Lillie to move her food and general rest spot into our bedroom
Gigi won’t take that space since Pumpkin runs it and she doesn’t like him. Lillie and Pumpkin get along great it’s only Lillie’s fear of Mackie that really keeps her from moving in permanently
Even before all this I had been working on helping Lillie learn that Mackie isn’t a scary dog and he doesn’t care about her except to play if she would be interested
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melyaliz · 7 years
New Years
Summary: Jennifer looks forward to the new year with her friends. Years later their kids are doing the same.
Pairing: Dick Grayson x oc, Roy Harper x oc, Kaldur x oc
Notes: Just some fun with my OC’s for New Years
Maia and her kids Collin, Eric, Sofie are @royslittleharper
Annabella and her kids Atina, Aquata are @the-shadow-of-atlantis
Rest are mine or DC’s (You get it)
“HAPPY NEW YEAR!” Jennifer cried shaking the bottle of champagne Shane had given her. The bartender laughed shielding his face from the spray as the very drunk girl stood on the bar spraying the screaming crowd. Everyone jumping up and down as glitter, balloons, and champagne rained down on them. Alcohol infused excitement exploding through the bar as everyone moved in a large frenzy.
“I don’t know what I expected giving you that bottle,” Shane laughed up at his friend who was now sitting at the bar looking proudly out over at the people around her. Next, to Jennifer, a cute blonde leaned over the bar motioning for Shane to come over.
“Where’s my New Year’s kiss bartender?”
“Waiting for you baby” Shane said leaning forward kissing her. Behind her, a line of other girls started to clamber up cheering and asking for their new year's kisses.
Jen laughed as she watched swinging her legs. Taking in the room around her
Kaldur’s hand was above him and Jennifer’s cousin. Annabella was laughing at something the Atlantean was saying as Kaldur moved his hand letting the champaign he had shielded from her fall to the floor. Protective as always. even if it was just from some sparkling wine. Gently he leaned forward and kissed her. His precious little gift. 
Maia was trying to get some glitter out of Roy’s hair before noticing Shane’s line of ladies.
“I’m going to kiss my old self-goodbye this year,” she told the red-haired man as she nodded toward the scene at the bar. 
“Better idea,” Roy said leaning forward, “you kiss me and keep your old self.” Maia couldn’t help but smirk as brushed her nose against his. 
“Sounds good to me”
The sound of Dick Grayson’s laughter broke Jennifer out of her musings. She flashed him a smile as he walked up to the brunette. She had always loved the sound of his laughter and could pick it out of any room. Taking a swig from the mostly empty bottle she nodded toward him.
“Is there a problem officer?” Jennifer asked before holding out the bottle for him.
“I’m on duty,” he said shaking his head, “But I had to stop by and make sure you were all good.”
“Well I’m not,” Jennifer said wrapping her legs around his waist, drunk on wine and excitment, “I never got a New Year’s kiss”
“I could fix that,” Dick whispered before leaning forward gently kissing her. His hand getting tangled up in her thick brown hair. He knew this was it, just the light flirting and surface relationship. But it had taken so much time to get back to this place he would take what he could get.
Plus she tasted amazing, like champagne. Bubbly and sweet.
“Also, can I get a ride home officer? I’m too drunk to drive.” Who knows, New Year and all. 
Dick smiled kissing her forehead, enjoying her closness, Savoring it. drinking it in. “Of course, you ready to go?” Jennifer looked around the bar at all her friends. It had been a good night to a rather messy year. Who knew what the future unfolded but for this moment, this beautiful moment here in this bar everything was beautiful. Covered in glitter and champagne.
“Dick you’re here,” Annabella said skipping up to him, her hand intertwined with Kaldur’s. At the same moment Maia’s laugh rang in Dick’s ear as her arms wrapping his neck.
“Officer Grayson! Are you here to arrest us for disorderly conduct? Or are you going to give Jen a ride home?” Maia winked at Jennifer “Fast and hard.”
Shane was now trying to break apart Gigi and Bart who were still making out against the wall. Honestly, Jennifer was pretty sure they hadn’t moved all night. Both Tim and Faith had offered to patrol that night which meant the red haired couple tended to be even more handsy than normal. Mostly because Faith wasn’t there to shoot them with a water gun.
“I hope we never grow apart,” Jennifer said pulling Annabella into a hug kissing her head. “In fact, I hope our kids are as close as we are”
--- Many years later---
---(Children years later)---
“NO Collin! I just got this shirt. UHG! I hate you!” Britney cried looking down at her brand new gold glittery crop top covered in the blue drinks that Shane and his two sons were passing out.
The bartender had offered to host a high school New Years party. All non-alcoholic of course. Not that the high strung kids of Gotham High needed it to be total idiots.
Case in point Collin, Maia and Roy’s son, and Britney, Jennifer and Dicks Daughter. 
“Well if you weren’t such a klutz I wouldn’t have spilled it on you!” Collin shouted back rolling his eyes, “Don’t be such a drama queen.”
“I’m not being a drama queen! If you hadn’t been ogling Renee’s butt you would have seen me come up.”
“It wasn’t her butt I was looking at!”
“It’s not that bad,” Lisa said pulling out a napkin, “Honestly you can’t even see a difference with the glitter.”
“Ohhh Britney, do you have a drinking problem?” Renee asked skipping up looping her arm around Collin’s “I doubt anyone will want to give you a New Year’s kiss looking like a wet dog.”
“Oh shut up” Britney snapped lunging forward causing Lisa to hit herself in the face as she tried to help Britney clean up. Letting out a soft sigh Lisa silently wondered why she even bothered. 
“They're at it again,” Antoinette said taking another drink from the bar.
“Do they ever stop?” Sofie asked
“Have you guys seen Aquata?” Red asked coming up to his sister and friend. Both girl’s shook their head. Red shrugged taking a mocktail from the bar and slowly walking back into the crowd of people where May was teaching a few of the football guys how to do a cheer.
Aquata ran her fingers through her hair as she looked down at her phone. The black screen seemed to look up at her mockingly. She had just broken up with her boyfriend. It was somewhat a mutual thing but didn’t hurt any less. 
Putting her phone back into her back pocket Aquata looked out at the crowd of kids. Even her sister was talking to a few of her drama friends. New year new girl right? Slowly she walked outside to see Red sitting by himself.
“Oh hey!” Red flashed her a smile
“Why aren't you with Collin?” Aquata asked sitting down next to him. The younger boy followed Collin around as if the older boy’s “wisdom” would rub off on him.
“Too loud” Red sighed tapping his head. Aquata nodded, when they had been younger Red had to sometimes leave school because he would get headaches trying to keep everyone’s thoughts out of his mind. The Teacher’s always thought it was just migraines even suggesting to Gigi and Bart that they get their son checked out for tumors.
“Why are you here?” The telepaths voice broke into her thoughts. Aquata just turned to him opening up her mind to him. Sometimes words weren’t enough.
“Oh, I’m sorry.”
Aquata shrugged, “No biggie,”
“His loss really.” Red added flashing her a smile, “You’re really cool… and stuff” he added lamely mentally kicking himself. And stuff? Really stupid? That was all you got? Collin would NEVER say anything that stupid.
That was when the horn went off. “HAPPY NEW YEAR!” everyone cried Aquata smiled turning to see everyone jumping up and down singing and laughing.
“Happy New Year Red” Aquata said leaning forward to give the younger boy a chaste kiss on the lips.
“Have you seen Aquata?” Atina asked over the music to Eric who was hanging with a few friends by Shane’s older son Fin who was playing DJ for the night. The middle Harper child shook his head.
“Is something wrong?”  
Atina shrugged, it was hard to explain but sometimes she just knew when her sister was upset. Like in the pit of her stomach. “I think she just broke up with her boyfriend.” she finally said. It had been a long time coming. Things hadn’t been going great for a week now and normally this lead to a breakup. Normally her sister was cool with it but it was New Years and breakups are never fun, especially on holidays.
“Oh man, the kid from East Gotham High?”
“No, that Quarterback from Star City”
“Oh, I didn’t know she broke up with the East High kid.”
“Yeah that was four months ago.”
They both lapsed into silence for a moment. Atina sighed when had things gotten so awkward between them? Conversations use to flow for hours yet the past year it seemed like she could never find the right words.
“So how come you never date?” Eric asked finally. The question catching her off guard for a moment, honestly why didn't she? I mean the boy in front of her was a big part of that. Plus there was that whole Brad drama.
“I don’t know, I never found someone worth it I guess. Plus with that whole Brad stuff…” Her voice trailed off slightly, the fear from that whole experience still fresh. The boy had been stalking her for over a year and while the issue had been resolved it still felt as if she said his voice he would appear. 
“Man, what a tool,” Eric mumbled his hand instinctively balling into a fist. “If I ever see him again”
“You’ll have to get in line.” Atina laughed. “I’m pretty sure everyone wants to beat him up at this point. Or do something worse”
“Yeah, we have a pretty cool family don’t we,” Eric said looking around. His sister was sitting at the bar probably plotting some adventure with Antoinette, Frank quietly sitting next to them listening. Lisa was with her group of friends a few feet away. May was on the shoulders of his teammate, Matt, who were coming up toward them.
“HEY GUYS!” May sang out handing them both drinks. “It’s almost midnight are you ready!”
“Yep!” Atina said raising a glass cheering Eric.
“Here’s to our family and friends,” he said
“I’ll drink to that,” Matt said. May nodded in agreement. They all took a sit as Thomas, Shane’s younger son,  jumped onto the bar holding an air horn in one hand and a mic in the other.
“OK GUYS! Countdown! 10! 9!”
Atina laughed as she raised her glass with Eric and the others counting down with the room. It was as if the whole place pulsed. Excitement rippling through. As she looked up at Eric she knew this was her year.
Things were going to turn up.
“Oh my GOD! If Renee says one more time that she’s kissing Collin at midnight I am going to rip out her hair” Britney said taking a seat next to Sofie. Antoinette laughed from Sofie’s other side.
“Why does it bother you so much?” Antoinette asked taking a sip of her drink before Sofie elbowed her in the ribs.
“Stop, I already have a headache from Renee following me around asking about Collin.”
“See!” Britney said, “She’s insufferable.”
“Too bad someone else couldn’t just… you know… kiss Collin instead” Antoinette said looking around the bar innocently as if she would find that person. “I’m sure that would shut her up.”
“Nette...” Sofie started but Britney already had that glint in her eye. That, I have an idea and no one can tell me to stop, look. Next to Antoinette Frank just chuckled. Just enjoying the show. 
Thomas had just jumped up on the bar holding up an air horn.
“OK GUYS! Countdown! 10! 9!”
Britney bolted from the girls maneuvering through the crowd.
“8! 7!”
“Britney watch out!” Eric cried almost falling into Atina and one of his teammates who had May on his shoulders. The small redheaded girl let out a squeal grabbing onto the football player. Atina looked away feeling her cheeks heating up at Eric’s closeness.
“6! 5!”
Collin was shouting along with the crowd Renee next to him. Her eyes closed as she counted.
“4! 3!”  
Renee’s eyes opened and she slowly turned toward Collin a large smile on her face.
Britney used all the amazing agility (that both her father and grandmother had blessed her with) to spin around Renee so that she had wedged her body between the other girl and Collin. The fire-haired boy smiled down at her, that cocky smile from the excitement of the party spread across his face. It may have also helped that his childhood crush was standing rather close to him. Not that he thought anything was going to happen.
Or that was his thought until she grabbing his collar pulling him down to her kissing him firmly on the lips. Collin’s green eyes grew wide in total shock. His mind went blank, had he just passed out? Was this a dream? No, maybe he had just died and gone to heaven.
Yeah, that was probably it.
Britney pulled away a large smile of total triumph on her face. Her hands falling from his collar to his chest. God, she was so beautiful as glitter and balloons rained down around her. In her glittery golden top, she almost looked like a little fairy or something.
“Uhhh cool” Collin mumbled lamely words totally escaping him. “And stuff.” He didn’t even realize he had wrapped his arms around her waist until the small brunette leaned back against them as she turned to look at Renee.
“Happy New Year” Britney sang slightly off key looking over at Renee who was standing there mouth totally agape in utter shock that probably matched Collin’s. For the first time in her life, she was lost for words.
Tagging:  @coffee-randomness @daisyboobear @werewitchling @nightwing-rules @jayne-writes  @guns-n-lilies @christmascass
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