#Grayson dolan concepts
elitegrayson · 4 months
Grayson putting his enemy, Y/N, to bed after he found her drunk. She’s all smiley and ask him to stay the night to cuddle together. They’ve never touched but seeing her in bed made him starstruck
i loveeee your mind, you asked and so you shall receive. i hope you like it!
Featuring: Grayson x reader
You had what seemed to be the worst week of your life. Schoolwork was piling up, and you weren’t doing the best in your classes. You were having car trouble this week, and it cost you an arm and a leg to get it all fixed. Not to mention you’re at this club with your "friend,” and it only took you 30 minutes to realize she left with her boyfriend. It also took you 30 minutes to realize that they were your ride, so now you don’t know how the hell you’re getting home. You felt like a third wheel the whole night anyway, but it didn’t matter. You just wanted to have a good time, or at least try to.
“God damnit,"  you whispered to yourself while checking the Lyft prices. They all seemed to be $50–80 dollars, money you weren’t trying to spend at the moment. The club was closing soon, and you were a drink away from being laid out on the floor. You ignored those thoughts, got one last shot, and got back on the dance floor.
People were soon certain to leave, but you were still trying to get the best out of the shot you took. You probably looked crazy dancing by yourself, but you didn’t care until you saw a familiar face coming towards you.
“Y/N?” He said it took you a few seconds to realize who this face was. Of course, it just had to be him.
Grayson Dolan.
You and him were never cool. Even as kids, you guys were always bickering. He thinks he’s all that, and only certain girls get to be with him. As if it’s a privilege.
No, it’s more like a punishment, and you feel sorry for every bimbo that has crossed his path.
“W-what? What are you even doing here?” You slurred angrily, inching a little bit closer just to see if it was really him.
"Yeah, I’m not too happy to see your face either, but what? A guy like me can’t be out and about.” He smirked.
“I never said all that; all I’m saying is—" You stopped, feeling your mouth get watery. You know this all too well, and soon you were throwing up everything you had that night.
A few people noticed, and a man shouted, "Aw, nah! Get her out of here. Now I have to be the one to clean that shit up!” Grayson immediately snapped back, saying, “Fuck off, man, I got her. You work at a nightclub; I’m sure this isn’t your first time seeing vomit.”
You started to lose balance, but Grayson caught you. Your eyes were watery, and the acid taste left in your mouth made you want to vomit again. "C'mon, Y/N, let’s get out of here. They are about to close.” He grabbed you by the waist and guided you to the door.
"Bleh, I hate throwing up.” You mumbled, walking out.
“Who doesn’t?” He chuckled, still holding on to you tightly.
“I dunno, I just want to get this taste out of my mouth as soon as I can.” You couldn’t tell what was worse—the fact that you threw up in public or the fact that Grayson was taking you home. He doesn’t even like you, nor do you like him.
Those lyft prices aren’t looking too bad right now.
Soon enough, he arrives at your apartment. "Okay, Y/N, we are at your place.” Grayson says, putting the car in the park. Somehow, the drive back home made your body feel like a noodle. You knew you would have trouble just making it to the front door. As embarrassing as this already is, you needed him to carry you.
"C'mon, get up; we need to get you inside.” He said this, unbuckling his seatbelt and yours. “Mm can’t move. I need you to carry me.” You moaned softly, sticking your arms out, hoping he’d do what you requested.
“You’re kidding, right? Are you so drunk you can’t even walk? Not even to the steps?” He replied, trying to see if you were serious or not. Grayson thought it was kind of cute to see you need him, because you did.
God knows what would’ve happened if he hadn’t seen you at the club. Deep down, he’s a good guy and a good “friend” to you, even if you don’t remember this in the morning.
You just nodded your head slightly, and he sighed, but agreed. “Yayyy!” you cheered as he got out of the car, coming to your side to open up the door. You lifted your arms out again as he picked you up in bridal style. You wrapped your arms around him and rested your head on his neck. God, he smelled amazing, you thought.
He was thinking the same thing in his mind, getting a whiff of your vanilla perfume from your hair, which the wind brought to his nose. “Don’t forget my purse; the key is in there, along with my lip combo. Please make sure my purse is closed. I lost it once, and I cannot lose it again—" He cut you off, already getting your key out.
"Yeah, yeah, princess, I know what to do.” He huffed, opening up your door and closing it behind him.
"Okay, smartass, well, my room is upstairs; did you know that?” You snapped back at him, pulling away from his neck and giving him a look.
He didn’t say anything in response, and he made his way upstairs to your room. He laid you down on your bed and took off your shoes. "Alright, well, I did my part. You made it back safely, so I’m going to head out.” Grayson announced, looking around your room to see if anything else needed to be done.
You laid there and started giggling and smiling, rubbing what was left of your mascara that was soon to be around your eyes. Grayson scanned your body, seeing how pretty your boobs sat in your tight black top. The further you laid back, the more your shirt rose, giving him a glimpse of your belly piercing. Your torso and legs looked perfect in your jean skirt, which had a slit on the left side that showed your upper thigh. He was mesmerized, but no words left his mouth.
You didn’t notice him taking all of your beauty in, but you did notice he was still here. “Will you stay and cuddle with me, Grayson?” You blurted out, still lying down but turning to the side to face him. You don’t know why you asked, but it felt right.
"Oh, I would, but I uh...” He stumbled over his words, still distracted by your body. He couldn’t find the words to say. In that moment, he thought you looked beautiful.
You gazed at him with glossy eyes, waiting for a response. "Okay, fine, but just for a little while and only because you’re drunk.” He gave in and took off his shoes and jacket, placing them off to the side.
You scooted over slightly so he could have some room next to you. He placed his arm around you while you snuggled up under him. This is definitely not how you thought your night was going to end, and neither did he.
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whorefordean · 1 year
misc masterlist (discontinued)
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a/n: i no longer write for these people. there is no chance i will ever write for these people again, though i still have all the love for them!
dolan twins
grayson dolan
choose me | one | two
adopt me
just tell them
when we were eighteen
plate swap
stolen glances
love lullabies
ethan dolan
stay the night
road trip gone wrong
5 seconds of summer
calum hood
don't go
secret love song
luke hemmings
you know me too well
tom holland
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exclusivedolan · 1 year
woah! it’s been a very long time since i’ve been on here… where’s everyone? how is everyone?
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strangerquinns · 2 years
The Library
Ever's Masterlist: Links to all stories categorized by actor or show.
*some links may be broken due to URL change, fixing in progress*
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STRANGER THINGS (Steve,Eddie, Robin + more)
concepts/blurbs \\ page two
imagines + miniseries
FEZCO (Euphoria)
ethan dolan concepts/blurbs
grayson dolan concepts/blurbs 
dolan twins imagines/oneshots
grayson dolan chaptered stories
bucky barnes/sebastian stan masterlist
tom hiddleston + characters masterlist
andrew garfield + tasm peter parker masterlist
matt murdock + daredevil masterlist
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mindofharry · 4 years
i just want to lay on top of grayson when he takes a nap and play with his hair
and he’s super tired too so he’s all whiney 😭😭😭 he’s basically like a puppy. everytime you take your hand away he nudges your shoulder with his nose, biting at your neck so you keep massaging his scalp. It helps him sleep better, relax him. you like to tease him about it. you still comply though, turning over so your back is no longer against his stomach. Both of your chests are touching.
He’s warm too. It’s nice, like your own personally hot water bottle. You sighed and pecked his lips, before diving right back into that head massage. If you were put up against a professional masseuse - grayson really wouldn’t be able to tell the difference.
You could tell by his shallow breathing that he’d fallen alseep. good, you thought. He needed this nap. You should probably leave and let him sleep, but you stay tucked in on the couch with him.
You love days like this.
Slow and cozy, and grayson needy too. It’s the perfect kind of day.
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rhyrhy462 · 4 years
Do You Love Me Like I Love You? (G.D)
pairing: best friend!reader x grayson dolan (sleepover pt.2 kinda)
warnings: bad writing (it’s not good, at all), some angst, a weird plot (idk what happened), fluff, cuteness, swearing, kissing when i know nothing about it 😂 kind of sleepover part 2, but it can be independent of it. i think that’s it
word count: 1.2k
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Have you ever been so completely and utterly in love with someone and you just don’t know how to tell them? Well that’s how Grayson feels at this exact moment as he lets his best friend, Y/N, hold him.
“Grayson?” Y/N questioned.
“Yeah? What’d ya need bub?”
“Need you to move. My arm’s falling asleep” She stated, while wiggling her arm around to try and maintain the feeling in it.
“What if I don’t move, huh?” Grayson asked, tickling her side with one of his hands, that had her trying to jerk away from him while she laughed. Grayson maneuvered them around so he was holding his weight on top of her, keeping her pinned, while he continued to tickle her.
“Grayson... please.” She pleaded with him. It came out breathy with a lot of laughter in between.
“Tell me you love me and I'll stop.” Grayson told her, still tickling her. He knew it was wrong to get her to say she loved him like this, when he knew she wouldn’t mean it like he meant it.
“Fine, I love you, Grayson. So damn much.” She said, which prompted him to stop tickling her and lock eyes with her.
Y/N didn’t break eye contact, at all. Her brain felt cloudy as she watched Grayson lean down towards her and press a tentative kiss on her lips. The second he pulled away, she was pulling him back. One of her hands moved the back of his neck, the other grazing the lion tattoo on his back. His hands were moving to her hips, gripping them in a way that she absolutely loved.
They were completely and utterly making out. Neither of them knew how much time had passed, but they both knew they didn’t want to stop. His heart was pounding in his chest and he was sure she could feel it, but he didn’t care. He had wanted this for years.
Y/N was sure that if she was standing up right now, her legs wouldn’t hold her up.
Then, out of nowhere, she got hit with the realization that she was kissing her best friend, the only guy she swore she’d never get involved with. So, she was quick to move her hands from his back to his chest pushing hard.
Grayson was confused as she pushed him away. His eyes started watering as she got up while murmuring, “I gotta get out of her.” To herself more than anyone else. Grabbing the bag she had brought with her, she practically ran out the door, ignoring all of Grayson's questions.
Grayson didn’t know what he did wrong, but he was trying to think through every possible thing he could have done wrong. Y/N, on the other hand, knew exactly why she was freaking out.
Her first reason is that Grayson is her best friend. Everyone knows that you should never be with your best friend.
Her second reason was that Grayson liked to sleep around. Y/N knew what she wanted and knew what she was looking for in her future partner. Grayson exuded the complete opposite of everything she wanted.
She loved him, though. She loved him with everything she had. Which is why when she realized what exactly she was doing with Grayson, she had to leave. She didn’t want to be another girl that got her heart broken by Grayson.
She was his best friend, she knew what happened with his hook-ups. They always wanted more than he wanted to give. She couldn’t just be another hook-up and tossed to the side. She wanted a real relationship. Something, she had a feeling, Grayson couldn’t give her. Halfway through her drive home, Y/N pulled into Taco Bell’s parking lot and just cried.
Grayson, on the other hand, was pissed at himself. He kept wondering why he had to mess up the only thing that had been going right for him.
After about an hour of fighting with himself and little chat from Ethan, Grayson found himself in his car, driving towards Y/N’s apartment. The whole way there he blasted a playlist he’d found on Youtube called “A playlist for hopeless romantics,” which he thought was very fitting.
When he pulled into the parking lot, he parked his car right beside her’s, before he was running into her apartment building. He’d decided on his drive that the elevator would take too long, so he took two flights of stairs up to her apartment.
Y/N heard the familiar knock on her door, that had her pausing the show she was watching and acting as though she wasn’t home. Grayson, however, wasn’t an idiot. “I saw your car in the parking lot, I know you’re home.”
She decided that she’d be an adult about the whole thing and tell Grayson the truth. She’d tell him that, as much as she wanted to be with him, she didn’t want to get her heartbroken.
When she’d finally gotten to the door, she took a breath and opened it. “Y/N, I have to tell you something.”
“So do I, Grayson. You go first though.”
“Ok, so like I had a lot of time to think about this on the drive over, but I just wanna know why you left?” Grayson asked, his voice as soft as ever.
“Grayson, I love you, I really do. But I can’t be another girl that you just hook-up with. I want a family, a house.” He could practically hear the pain in her voice, but what he really wanted to know was why she thought she couldn’t have those things with him. He completely overlooked the fact that she just told him she loved him and meant it, the way he had meant it for years.
“You know I want those things, too.” That’s when it hit him, that she had said she loved him. He also realized that she had alluded to being with him.
“Wait wait wait, you’ve thought about being with me?” Grayson questioned, looking directly at her as she kept her gaze on the floor.
It took Grayson exactly two steps to being right in front of her. The second he was in front of her, he was grabbing her chin, making her look at him. “Do you love me like I love you, Y/N.”
She didn’t want to admit it now, but she knew she’d have to. “Yes, I do.” A grin broke out on Grayson's face and then he heard, “But, I can’t be with you.”
His smiles turned into a frown so fast. “Why not? Tell me why we wouldn’t be perfect for each other?”
“Grayson, I want a real relationship. I want a house, I want kids, I wanna be coupled up and shit. Right now, it just seems like you don’t want that.”
“Y/N, I’d give anything to be with you.” Grayson’s eyes watered as he watched a few tears fall on her cheeks.
“Do you mean it? You won’t break my heart?” She questioned.
“As long as you don’t break mine.” Grayson answered, grabbing her cheeks and kissing her, hard.
tagging: @blindedbythelightt @333dolans @fangdolan
A/N: idk what happened with monstrosity, but i finished, so might as well post. sorry if this sucks 😭 the end kinda gives me tatbilb vibes, yeah. i’m gonna go watch criminal minds and probably nap. this is so bad, i really do hate it. i feel like i’m missing so much that should be in it, but it’s not. anyway, criticism is always good. yeah, k bye 👋🏾 
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criminalhotch · 5 years
Soul Saver~ An Ethan Dolan AU
Summary: Y/N’s soul is damaged and she is troubled. She is alone so Soul Saver Ethan Dolan comes to mend her soul. The solution to their problem was bigger than both of them. It involved someone very close to Ethan.
Word Count: 2,140
Warnings: DEATH!!, descriptions of death (not gruesome), mentions of cancer (Sean), accident, shitty friends, sadness, depression symptoms, sad! grayson, guardian angel! ethan, guardian angel! sean
A/N: This story talks about Ethan “dying” but he’s still a key role in the fic. If this is going to trigger you or you think it might please don’t read it. However, this is a very interesting story if I do say so myself. It’s a very different and kind of spooky fic so I hope you guys like it. With that being said I very much love Ethan and I hope to god I die before either twin does. Sean is mentioned however is not a key role. Thank you to @dolandolll​ for reading it and making sure this wasn’t dumb. Another thank you to @dolandrabbles​ for not reading it but boosting my self-confidence by telling me she didn’t need to read it to know it’s good. I love you both sm. 
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My parents practically hated me for going to school out of state, I had zero friends here and the ones I had back home could barely bother to respond to my texts. I had a job at the local bookstore but no one there had a personality and I was too shy to talk to anyone in my classes if I didn’t choose too. The only thing to keep me company was my cat, Spook. Spook was found on Halloween two years ago so that’s how he got his name. I found him in our backyard hiding in some bushes. He was only a few weeks old so my parents let me keep him. I now lived an insanely small apartment a half-mile from campus. I kind of regret it because I think this stupid apartment is haunted. I’ll hear weird noises or random things falling but I convince myself it is Spook being mischievous but here recently I hear these things when Spook is right next to me so I know it’s not him. I truly don’t think Spook and I are alone in this apartment.
One day after my chem lecture I come home to a note on the fridge, “I’m not here to hurt you”. “Is someone in here?” I ask no one in particular. Nothing.”Come out here or I’m calling the police” I yelled. Again nothing. I realized maybe it’s a spirit. “Alright fine, give me a sign if there is,” I said out loud. A few seconds later a box of cereal is knocked off the counter but Spook is asleep in his bed. “Why are you here?” I asked. A few seconds pass before I see a transparent being in front of me. “I’m your spirit guardian angel,” he says. “I’m not here to hurt you or even scare you. I’m here to help. You’re troubled and I’m here to help your troubles” he explained. “Are you a ghost?” I asked. “A friendly spirit more like. I’m kind of like Caspar but I still have my human form I’m just transparent” this creature explains. “Alright Caspar, so what’s your name?” I ask. “Ethan” he states. “Ok, Ethan well I’m” “Y/N, I know. I’ve been here for a while. I was assigned to you a month after you moved into this place” he explained. “Assigned to me?” I asked. “Those that had a passion for helping others while they are alive get the opportunity to be a Soul Saver. We find lost or troubled souls and help them get to a good place in life” he explains. “I don’t need your charity Ethan” I chastised. “Look, Y/N, you and I both know you don’t have any friends and I’m not really here so let’s be honest with each other. No one can see me but you so no one needs to know about me. We talk, you grow from this, then I move on to my next soul” he responded. “What if I don’t want to save my soul?” I asked. “Then I’ll leave” he replied. There was a moment of silence. “Do you want me to leave?” he asked. “I suppose not” I answered. “Good, so tell me about yourself,” Ethan said. I spent the next couple minutes telling him things about me somethings were on my “file” but other things he was intrigued to know.
“What about you?  Who were you when you still roamed the Earth?” I asked. “I have a twin, his name is Grayson. He was my best friend. I’m lost without him sometimes. It’s why I do this to keep me busy or I’d go crazy. There’s my sister, Cameron and my ma, her name is Lisa. I never had any real pets other than birds because Gray was allergic but Spook and I have become well acquainted while you’re at school or work. Grayson and I were YouTubers, the Dolan Twins. Our fans were pretty fucking awesome, for the most part anyway. I had a pretty amazing life on Earth” he said. “Have you ever been a soul saver for a fan of yours?” I asked. “I get assigned to them, yes but once I figure out they are a fan I remove myself so they can get assigned someone else. The last thing Grayson needs is a crazy fan talking about how she talks to the dead Ethan Dolan” he explains. “Ethan?” I asked. “Yeah?” “What happened to you?” I asked. “It was a freak four-wheeler accident. I was home in New Jersey visiting when I turned too quickly in the woods and hit a tree headfirst. Grayson was riding around with me too and he found me. I was breathing but I wasn’t conscious. I remember seeing black and I could hear him talking to me but it was faint. I know Grayson though and he was definitely screaming. I had on a helmet but there was too much bleeding. I was brain dead. I was taken off life support which is what I truly wanted. Nothing about me was lifeless and now I’m here” he explained. “Oh god, your poor parents” I gasped. “ It was just my mom, my dad was the first person I saw when I crossed over. He was waiting here for me with open arms. It’s an experience I can’t put into words. I didn’t want to leave my mom, Grayson, and Cameron but seeing my dad for the first time since I was 19 was something I’ll never forget. He’s a soul saver too” Ethan explained. “You lost your dad at 19?” I asked. “He had cancer,” he said softly. “I’m so sorry, E. Can I call you that?” I asked. “Yeah, I’d like that. Gray always called me that and I haven’t heard it in a while” he admitted. “Do you go check on your family? Like can you do that?” I asked. “Yeah, we can do that. My dad and I visit them at least once a day” he admitted. “How are they doing?” I asked. “Grayson’s lost. He doesn’t know who he is without me. Cameron’s doing the best. My mom, she struggles really hard some days. I wish I could hug her one last time. My dad and I both do.” he sighed. “Your family seems amazing”. Before I knew it tears were streaming down my face. “Hey, what’s wrong?” he asked. “You’re so young and you were so loved. Why did you have to die? Your poor mom. Your family needed you especially after losing your dad” I sobbed. “It’s ok, Y/N. We all have a plan and that was mine even if I didn’t know it. Do you want to go see them with me?” he asked. “I’d like that” I sniffled.
Before I knew it we were standing outside his family home in the countryside of New Jersey looking in. Grayson was eating avocado toast but he only had taken a bite or two. He was off into space. “Grayson’s not eating” I commented. “He’s a light eater anymore. He barely eats, he doesn’t work out.I’m so worried but there’s nothing I can do” he tapered off. Lisa was drinking coffee in the kitchen and feeding Gizmo, their bird. Cameron was getting ready to go somewhere as she had her coat and gloves on. All of a sudden I heard sobbing as I look around I realize that it’s Grayson. “I miss him ma, I miss my other goop. He was my best friend. We did everything together. I’m so alone without him. I’m so lost. I don’t know who I am without Ethan. I’m no one without him. We were the Dolan Twins and now I’m just Grayson” he sobbed into his mom’s chest. “I know baby, I miss Ethan too but you two will always be the Dolan Twins. He’s not alone though Grayson. He’s got your dad beside him now remember?” Lisa reminded him. “Ethan, can you be Grayson’s soul saver?” I asked pulling us out of the gut-wrenching scene in front of us. “Only if his soul needs saving,” Ethan said. “Look at him, E. He has no soul because he lost it when you died. He has no light in his eyes. They are dull. His body is slow and deliberate. You are his soul. He needs you” I explained. “I never thought about it like that. I never knew what to do” he replied. “Go save your brother and come back to me when you’re done,” I told him. “I’m assigned to you though. If Grayson doesn’t have a file then I can’t just save him” he explains. “Ethan there’s got to be something,” I said. “Wait, what if the reason I’m your soul saver is to bring you to Grayson?” he asks. “I don’t even know Grayson” I answered. “You both have something in common though,” he said and I gave him a puzzling look. “You both need a little soul-saving,”.
I’m not sure what it was exactly but I felt my eyes jolt open. Was I dreaming? Was it a nightmare? I don’t know but either way, I had an overwhelming need for coffee. Maybe I just needed some fresh air. I went to the campus Starbucks and ordered my drink. Shortly I heard my name being called so I walked over to the counter to grab my drink and as I did someone bumped into me causing me to drop my freshly made drink. “I’m so sorry,” the voice said. The person looked almost in tears. I had never seen him on campus before but he seemed familiar in a way that I couldn’t quite put my finger on. “It’s ok, you didn’t mean to. I’m Y/N” I said. “I’m-” “Grayson” I interrupted him as it all came to me. “How did you know my name?” he asked. “This is going to sound crazy but I know your brother,” I said. “Ethan? He’s dead” he whispered bitterly. “I know, listen to me. I just had a dream or something along those lines. Your brother is my soul saver. It’s kind of like a guardian angel thing and I think he brought me to you” I said. “That’s not funny. That isn’t something to joke about. I don’t even know you” he said defensively. “Grayson, listen to me. An hour ago you were crying to your mom about how you missed your other goop. Ethan showed me. We were there. I’m not messing with you. You’re broken. Your brother is a soul saver. He cares for real people whose souls are damaged. I’m alone and I have no one. He was there for me. He was telling me about your family so we “visited” so to speak. I saw you crying and told him that you needed someone. He couldn’t be your soul saver because your soul was gone. It died alongside Ethan. I’m here to help you” I explained. “Can you see him?” he asked. “I could, I don’t know if I can anymore” I explained. “He loves you though, I know that. He told me about your dad. He’s a soul saver too Grayson. They’re doing well on the other side” I explained. “Can I buy you another drink and we talk some more?” Grayson asked tears threatening to spill out of hazel colored eyes. Even though there was color in them there was no light or life past those irises. “I’d love that”. I smiled. “You were at my house?” Gray asked. “We stood outside. We could see and hear everything inside. It broke my heart watching you breakdown to your mom” I said. “I miss him, Y/N” he whimpered.
I quickly figured out I can only see or talk to Ethan when no one else is around. He comes around to check on Grayson and his mom every once in a while. Grayson and I had coffee dates two to three times a week for the next month or two. I think he was starting to find light in the world again. “Grayson’s doing good, E,” I said. “I know, thanks to you,” he said. Then there was a pause. “You’re doing good too, Y/N which means I can’t be your soul saver anymore,” he said. “But what about Grayson?” I asked. “You are his Earthly soul saver and he is yours. I realize now my job was just to bring you to each other. It’s obvious to me that you two are soul mate so please take care of him. It’s your job now. You know dad and I will be around, Y/N. I’ve done your soul-saving. It’s time you guys really kick things into gear and do some soul searching” he said. Then just like that my soul saver vanished right in front of my eyes.
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poguesofthebau · 6 years
Have you done their "Ideal Girlfriend" ? Like what their perfect gf would be.
-queen of attitudes
-also the world’s kindest human
-gives him his bullshit right back
-most certainly super good with kids (which sometimes makes e feel silly bc he doesn’t think he’s as good w kids as her or gray)
-will fight anyone who looks at either twin the wrong way
-can’t hide her facial expressions for shit
-definitely pretends to laugh in the face of danger but is lowkey 50% terrified of everything all the time
-exact same sense of humor as the twins
-lowkey another mom to the boys, concerned abt their health n safety 24/7
-sweet little angel
-kills people with genuine kindness without even meaning to
-lover of pda
-unconventionally funny (little things that she does/says naturally as genuine responses are hilarious)
-definitely knows how to chef some shit up n gray would love having lil cooking comps w ethan as the judge (even tho he will ALWAYS choose her food bc he just wants gray to give up)
-innocently bossy in order to keep the boys from getting themselves thrown in jail at any given time
-so easily excited. like, that table?? yeah, she would CRY in excitement over that table
-friendliest person ever which often leads to guys thinking she’s flirting w them until grayson comes up and then they realize what she actually looks like when she flirts
-loves learning new stuff to help gray (gardening tips, how to build things, car stuff)
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flowery-mess · 5 years
Slap | ethan dolan
Another shopping date with your best friend, was what you thought this morning. But if you only knew what was waiting for you.
‘Be there in 10’ was message from your best friend that just popped up on your phone.
You were really excited to see her again since she’s been travelling around the world with her boyfriend. She was away for 5 months and as you think about it now, you don’t know how could you survive that long without her. You know each other since forever and you’re sure that she’s the person you can tell anything and she will keep it a secret. She came back from Bali this Friday and immediately made plans with you for the next day.
You both wanted and needed your day off together just to tell the other one what she missed and what was on your heart.
You were already ready for her to pick you up, wearing a nice red overall, curled hair and lipstick matching your outfit. You went to put your shoes on, made sure that your iron is off and happily left your place.
You didn’t know you were holding your feelings in until you saw her car and her standing next to it. You run to her and started screaming, just like she did. If someone saw you, they probably thought you’re two freaks, jumping and hugging each other like crazy. And you were. Crazy happy that your best friend is finally in the town and you can hug her after those looong five months.
“Oh my god Y/N! You look so hot!” she looked you up and down and lost her words on how good you looked.
“Stop saying that you know I hate compliments!” you said while the red color made it’s way to your cheeks. It’s true, you don’t know how to accept or give compliments. You turn into weird ball of ‘thanks’ and weird smile. “And look at you huh?! You look amazing.” You looked her up and down just like she did few moments ago, but she did look amazing for real. Her skin was kissed by the sun just right, her hair shortened a little and her skin was glowing. You should probably go on the next trip with her if you would look that good when you come back.
“Okay, enough. We both look amazing and blah blah blah. Let’s goooo I want to hear everything I missed in your life.” She literally threw you in her car and run to the driver side.
As she started driving, she asked you the question. What is ‘the question’ you ask? Let me tell you, it’s the question about boyfriend. The usual ‘So is there any boy I should know about in your life?’ or ‘So did you find a boyfriend finally?’ or ‘Tell me about your love life!’ etc etc.
You rolled your eyes, because you were annoyed of how often people ask you this question. Your mum, your grandma, your co-workers or even your little cousin who found a boyfriend in her kindergarten class.
“Nothing interesting.” Was what she got as answer.
“Oh come on Y/N, there must be something. At least some one night stands?”
“You mean me being drunk as hell and sleeping with someone I knew for a half hour? Yeah few of them, but I think I don’t like that anymore. I want something more serious.” You sighed and looked out of the window.
“Well, let’s find you someone today. You look amazing so it will be easy.” You always admired her positivity. She was always excited about the smallest things. And yeah, she found you a few ‘boyfriends’ but it never lasted for long so you didn’t take her words seriously.
After walking through the whole mall and dealing with your friend desperately trying to find you a boyfriend, coffee was exactly what you needed. But let me tell a few stories from today. The one when she made you to put on a t-shirt with a half of heart, you thinking it was some best friend type of t-shirt, but then she came to this random boy and said ‘Hey handsome. Why don’t you try this on and let me find you the other half?’. Good for her that you were still in the changing room and didn’t kick her head off. Or when she asked for a number from a guy who’s girlfriend was looking for her size just two metres away? Amazing.
“Okay that’s enough. It’s probably my destiny, to be alone. Maybe grow old with a few cats in a cabin in the middle of the woods.” It was a joke, but you didn’t have energy to laugh after this day.
“Oh shut up you know that I won’t let that happen. We will find you a Prince Charming one day, maybe it’s not the right time now.”
“Yeah I guess.” You mumbled in a response. “Let’s just get a coffee and a cake now please.”
So you did exactly that and when you were looking for a place to sit? Your luck showed again and left you the biggest table at the coffee shop possible.
“Let’s just drink our coffee and then go home and watch some movies.” Your friend said, because she could sense that you were getting little angry after this whole day.
So you slowly drank your drinks and made a small talk about her travelling.
She was in the middle of telling you how the nature in Iceland is when someone interrupted you.
“Hi, um, I am sorry but do you have two seats free? There isn’t any free table. If you wouldn’t mind of course.” A good looking boy with brown hair and hazel eyes asked you. An then it hit you. Ethan Dolan. And Grayson Dolan just right next to him. It seemed like your friend noticed too because of her freeze, but she was always the good one with boys so she took it in her own hands.
“Of course we don’t mind. Feel free to sit with us.” She said with a smile on her face.
Both of them smiled right back at you and said thanks. The table was really big, so even though you were sitting together, you didn’t bump into each other or heard what they are talking about. So you two just continued talking about the Icelandic nature.
But after few minutes three girls came to your table, well to the side where the twins were sitting. Fans, you thought, asking for pictures, not a big deal. But that was until you heard “Would you mind taking your shirt off for the picture?” when you heard that, you couldn’t help but spat your drink back in the mug and said simple “Excuse me?”
Do I need to say that the six pairs of eyes were looking right at you?
“Excuse you? Who are you?” the same girl asked.
“I’m sorry, but don’t you think it’s a little inappropriate and embarrassing?”
“Well I didn’t ask you so why do you care?” you could that everyone was feeling uncomfortable right at the moment.
“Well I am sorry, but he’s not taking his shirt off.” You pointed at Ethan, but stared back at her.
“And who do you think you are to say what he can and can’t do?” it was visible that she was getting mad, but so were you.
“Because obviously he’s feeling uncomfortable even hearing the question and probably didn’t want to turn you off, so did I.”
“Calm down you big smart mouth.” She rolled her eyes at you and that was a mistake of hers.
BOOM. You didn’t even have time to stop yourself, but you did it. You slapped her. It seemed like a slowmootion when you looked at her covering her face and then your right hand. What in the hell did you just do?
“Okay that’s enough, let’s go.” You heard male voice say, while you put your hands over your mouth.
Then you felt strong arms take you by your waist and lead you away.
“What the hell Y/N? I didn’t know you’re that bad ass!” You heard your friend’s voice following you, as those strong arms were still placed on your waist.
You stopped at the parking lot, finally turning around to see three people staring at you.
“I-“ you didn’t know what to say. You really didn’t.
“I’m sorry?” you managed to say after few deep breaths.
“For what? For standing up for me? Thank you.” Ethan said with a laugh in his voice, because let’s be honest, it was kind of funny moment. You felt his strong arms around you once again when he hugged you.
“Okay, then you’re welcome I guess.” You hugged him back and finally laughed at the situation that happened while ago.
“Can I buy you another coffee? I mean both of you, we dragged you here and you probably didn’t finish your drink.” Ethan said and looked at his twin who just nodded in agreement.
“I actually have something in like few minutes. I forgot to tell you that I have to look after my neighbour’s kid tonight. They’re going out for a dinner.” Your friend said and you knew right away it was a lie.
“But-“ you tried to talk, but before you finished it, your friend slapped Grayson on his back and gave him a look, because he obviously didn’t see what she was trying to do. She saw Ethan looking at you like at someone who saved his life and she saw a chance of possible boyfriend. So after the slap, Grayson got the hint and tried to make some excuse that you would believe, because he knew Ethan could see what was he trying to do.
“And I have to go pick up my new shoes actually, so you can just go and grab some coffee by yourselves?” he said already walking away so neither of you had a chance to protest and your friend? Already gone.
“They are so bad at this. She doesn’t have neighbours with kid.” You said.
“Yeah, you can just say that they are stupid. Couldn’t make better excuses?” Ethan turned to face you. I mean, you both knew what they were doing. “But yeah I guess we can just grab some coffee by yourself what do you think?”
“I think that ice cream sounds better.” You smiled.
“Then ice cream it is.” Ethan said and opened the door to his car for you.
He took you to this nice cosy place where you had the best ice cream of your life. And you didn’t end up with one ice cream for sure.
You were sitting with a fifth ice cream on the hood of Ethan’s car when he said ‘Thank you’ for like a hundredth time today.
“I swear if you say it once more the ice cream will end up in your face.”
“Okay that sounds terrifying.” You both laughed. It actually surprised you how much in common you two had. He was nice and easy to talk to. You didn’t even notice that the sun was setting down because of how much you were caught in the conversation.
“I think I should take you home. It’s getting late.” He stated and jumped off the hood.
“Yeah.” You looked down at him , ready to jump down on his level, but his actions were faster. He picked you up by your waist and put you down. And didn’t let go off you. You stared in each others eyes for a minute before he spoke up again.
“I will get you home only if you promise me another ice cream date?”
“Well, only if you will take your shirt off.” You both couldn’t help the laugh escaping your lips.
“I will have to think about that.” He pulled you little bit closer, but watched your reaction if you don’t get uncomfortable, because that was something he didn’t want to for sure. “But for real now, can I take you on a date? I didn’t expect to meet you at all, but like, where were you my whole life?” you weren’t sure if he was trying to change the subject with the joke, but you knew you wanted to see this boy again.
“Yes.” Who could tell that this one word would put that big smile on Ethan Dolan’s face?
 So he drove you home, you exchanged numbers and he gave you a kiss on the cheek. Simple, but cute gesture.
“See you later Dolan.” You screamed at him walking towards the place you live in.
“Yeah. And make sure to take your shirt off next time I pick you up!” he screamed back and you just laughed at what he said. That was for sure something that became your inside joke.
So this one is for @matthwatsons and I hope you like it.
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Grayson going out with E. and his girlfriend hugs him goodbye. Joke's on him, because he didn't notice she taped a note on his back to mark him as taken
He looked good this evening. TOO GOOD.
And he was going out for a bro’s night out, no girls allowed.
So, before he left, you grabbed a post it and wrote a little note. You hugged Grayson goodbye, gliding your hand over his back until the note stuck to his shirt and you could let him go without him knowing it’s there until it’s too late.
He walked ahead of Ethan who immediately took notice, turning back to wink at you and chuckle lowly as he walks out, taking a photo of the note that says:
“THIS ONE BELONGS TO ME: Y/N Y/L/N. Please don’t touch this piece of art.”
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elitegrayson · 2 years
request: y/n and grayson are enemies who happen to share the same friend group. while everyone is having a night out at the club, y/n is being harassed and groped by a guy. she finds grayson and taps the side of his hand to hold hands. graysons about to cuss her out but he immediately goes into protective mode
a/n: i appreciate all of your requests, keep em coming! i hope you enjoy this <3
it was a saturday night and your friends decided they wanted to go out clubbing. your best friend thought it would a good idea for everyone to get ready at her house. she said it'll be easier for everyone could leave from there. it was only four of you guys; rose, you, kent, and grayson. 
now grayson wasn’t particularly your friend. he was more like a coworker, but even then he was barely that. rose and kent know you guys bump heads often, but it’s never gotten too crazy. you only put up with it because wherever kent goes, grayson just has to follow. there’s no escaping him even if you wanted to. it’s the same thing with you and Rose, now that you think about it, but that’s different.
when you walked into the club, the hot air swept across your face. it smelled of hot bodies and alcohol. you like to party, but you’re more of a kickback girl, not a club girl. nonetheless, you wanted to let loose and have some fun.  
“let’s get some drinks! boys, can you go to the bar and get something good?” rose asked, looking over at kent and grayson. 
“we’ll get something for you, but not for y/n.” grayson smirked as you just rolled your eyes.
“oh please, i don’t need you to do anything for me. hell, i’ll get it myself. rose, come with me.” you responded, purposely pushing gray out of the way.
“don’t worry y/n, you’re gonna need me one day!” he yelled out, but you just ignored him, flipping him off as you walked towards the bar. you saw that the bartender was a woman and you instantly felt safe.most of the creeps here always have to comment on your drinks saying that you “couldn’t handle your drinks”.
“hey ladies, what can i get for you?” the bartender smiled, showing off her cheeky dimples.
“hi! um, i’ll take a long island iced tea, please? and what do you want rose?”
“i’ll just have a bloody mary.”
“bloody mary and a long island coming up!” 
one drink turned into at least five more. you kind of stopped counting but all you know is you felt amazing. at this point, you were on the dance floor with rose having the time of your life. music was blasting, you had a couple of drinks in your system, and everything felt great.
“hey, why do you hate grayson so much? he’s nice you know plus he’s our friend.” rose asked, yelling a bit as she leaned into your ear.
you were confused about why she was asking you about him, considering they haven’t been with us since you got your drinks.
“i don’t hate him, i just strongly dislike him. he just annoys me i don’t know. why are you even asking about him, it’s gonna ruin the nighttt.” you replied, slurring your words at the end.
“i think you guys would look cute together, to be honest,” she giggled, slapping your shoulder, but you swiped her hand away.
“gross! there’s no way in fucking hell i’d end up with him. anywho i think i want another drink, wanna come with?” you asked as she shook her head no. you knew in your head you didn’t need another drink, but you wanted one.
you sat down and before you could tell her what you wanted, she already put the drink in front of you. “this last one is on me, girl.” she smiled as you thanked her. a few seconds later, you felt someone’s hot breath on your neck.
“hey there beautiful, are you all alone tonight?” the man said then he touched your lower back slightly.
“hey, do you know what personal space is? and don’t fucking touch me, you don’t know me!” you hissed, standing up and slapping his hands off of you.
“c’mon sweetness, i’ve been watching you all night, and right now i’m tired of watching. i want you, now,” he growled, pushing you closer to him and then he roughly grabbed your ass. immediately you cursed and then slapped him and ran in the other direction.
tears started to brim in your eyes, but you started to look for Grayson. you don’t know why he was the first person to pop into your head, but he was. soon enough you saw him in the corner with a drink in his hand. luckily he was alone so you started to stumble towards him, making your way through the crowd.
you tapped the side of his hand and then you intertwined his with yours. “yo y/n what the fuck are you-“ he stopped when he saw what you looked like. makeup stained by your tears and you could barely stand on your two feet. “gray please i n-need you. i was at the b-bar and a man t-touched me.” you began to cry again, yet you were holding hands with grayson. he smiled at the shorter version of his name. you always called him by his full name so the fact that you called him “gray” made his heart flutter slightly.
he tried to push that in the back of his head so he can focus and try to comfort you. “y/n come here,” he cooed, letting go of your hand and replacing it with your hair. you were leaving a mess on his shirt, but you didn’t care. you just needed his comfort. your mind started to wonder about the words you spoke earlier to him. it was ironic that you were crying in your enemy's arms, but you decided not to say anything. you knew he never predicted this to happen, but that didn’t matter right now. you just needed grayson.
grayson continued to rub your back and whisper comforting things in your ear, but in reality, he was ready to raise hell thinking about the man who touched you. you two have never really been friends and hell he never really gave you the light of day. yet he never wanted anything bad to happen to you, especially something like this. he’s never seen you this drunk before and he definitely won’t admit it, but it’s nice that you found him and not rose or kent.
“y/n, let’s go home yeah? i don’t want you to be here any longer. we need to get you home and in bed.” grayson explained, you looked up at him with glossy, stained mascara eyes and gave him a nod.
“but what about the man? what if we see him on our way out?” you asked, holding on to him even tighter than before.
“i hope we don’t, but if we do that asshole will know to never touch another woman again, especially you y/n. i am so sorry that this happened to you.” by surprise, he pressed a small kiss to your forehead. you were shocked of course, but you didn’t say anything. you just smiled to yourself and followed grayson to the entrance.
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reblogdolan · 5 years
Hey Guys! Mushy Monday
Hey guys my name is Lynzie. I have been a Dolan stan since basically forever but I just created this blog about a week ago. I wanna get into writing concept and doing FSM requests. So with the help of @aphroditedolan I came up with the concept of MUSHY MONDAY. 
Basically mushy Monday is going to be mushy stuff you guys can send in for concepts such as “The first time Ethan realizes he loves Y/N is when they are eating breakfast”, “Grayson get’s mad at Y/N and then gets sad after caus he made her cry”, “Ethan gets upset after leaving rope marks on Y/N wrists”, “Grayson when Y/N is in subdrop and how he feels/how he deals with it”, “Alpha e when he fell for his beta Y/N”, “Ethan meeting his girl at the coffee shop for the first time”. Things like that. Really mushy Monday can be anything you make it. It can be any concept you want to send in. 
Aside from Mushy Monday by ask box is always open for you guys so come talk to me. dirty sutff, sad stuff, important stuff whatever it may be I want this blog to be an open platform for everyone to feel comfortable. 
Also if you guys would like to tag your anons with an Emoji like many of the other blogs on here have their anons do please feel free. 
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godlydolans · 5 years
Anyone up for concept night? Hmu!
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poguesholland · 3 years
No pressure but if you have time do you think you could ever write something about waking up really early one day with gray? Like you’re chilly and snuggle into him and wake up slow and just lovey and go for a walk around the neighborhood with sledge and some coffee. Idk domestic boyfriend Grayson is just so cute to me 🥺🥰
Gets a bit steamy at one point but I hope you like it!
Your eyes flutter open to be faced with a window, covered in snow. Currently, you were in New Jersey with your boyfriend, Grayson, as he visited his family. You loved coming to New Jersey, it was just so different from where you lived. It was peaceful. And you loved visiting Lisa, Graysons Mom.
Graysons arm was draped over your waist, looser than how it was last night yet still making sure you stayed close to him. His face rested against your shoulder, feeling the small breaths he takes against your skin. You shuffle a bit in place to have a better look outside the window and admire the December weather.
You feel Grayson shift a bit behind you before the arm around your waist tightens it’s grip, pulling you closer to him. A smile finds its way to your face as Grayson hides his face in the crook of your neck, peppering kisses all over. You giggle at the ticklish sensation before turning around to face your handsome boy.
You move your leg to be across Graysons waist and lay down on top of him, sort of straddling him. His hands go to your waist, sliding up the fabric of his shirt which you wore to sleep, to rest against your bare stomach giving you goosebumps. A hand of yours goes to cup Graysons face as he sleepily looks at you with admiration.
“G’Morning baby” Grayson yawns leaning into your palm, closing his eyes to savor this feeling. Smiling softly at his sleepy state, you lean in to leave a deep kiss on his lips. “Good morning, my love” You whisper against his lips, making Grayson smile and lean in to kiss you once more. Your hand tangles in his soft curls as your head rests on his chest, looking up at him.
“It’s snowing” You say, raising your eyebrows as Grayson grins widely. His hands trace random shapes onto your bare skin, the feeling making you relaxed. “Maybe we could take a walk?” He suggests and you hum a quiet ‘okay’. Both of you peacefully take in this lovely moment, a moment where you and no responsibilities or worries. Just here with one another.
That didn’t last long as you heard scratching against the bottom of the bed, looking down to see none other than Sledge, Grayson and Ethan’s dog. But from how much he adores you and Kristina, anyone would think he’s your dog. You quickly sit up to straddle Grayson, reaching down to carry Sledge up onto the bed.
“Gooodd Morning, my perfect boyy, I missed you so much. Yes I did, yes I did!” You exclaim excitedly, as you kiss Sledge all over his face. He gets excited, licking you to give you a kiss. Grayson could not bring himself to understand how you could kiss the dog directly on the lips, he could barely let the furry animal lick him.
Sledge leans up to lick Graysons face, tail wagging with excitement as Grayson smiled widely. “Good morning to you too, was hoping to have a little alone time with my girlfriend but I can share if you want” He talks to the dog, making you giggle.
Sledge lays his head on Graysons thigh, closing his eyes in content as you pet him. “Look at how cute he is! Oh my god, I just wanna eat him up!” You ramble to Grayson at the sight of the dog, making him laugh. Little did you know he was looking at you with the same look of admiration you were giving Sledge, his heart warming at the sight of you bonding with his dog.
“Can Sledge come with us on our walk? Please, I promise I won’t let go of his leash and he won’t get lost again! I even got him that adorable winter outfit with an ice cap and everything, Gray please-” You whine and Grayson laughs, leaving a kiss on your head. “Of course baby, we just need to get dressed”.
You got up and took out your warmest pair of sweatpants and one of Graysons hoodies, taking out a scarf and ice cap for you and Grayson. You weren’t wearing anything under Graysons shirt which you had slept with, so once you took it off, Grayson whistled making you blush. “Stop, Gray!” You whine making him chuckle.
He gets up from the bed to stand behind you as you looked through your closet for gloves, arms wrapping around your bare waist. He buried his head in the crook of your neck, leaving slow kisses from your jaw to your shoulder, his scruff tickling you. “On second thought, maybe we could stay in instead?” Grayson mumbles. You let out a sigh of content as you leaned back into Graysons bare chest, indulging in the feeling of his mouth on your skin.
Graysons hands trail up to your breasts, as he cups them lightly making your breath hitch in your throat. “Gray” You whimpered as you turned your head to face him, leaning in to connect your lips. You hum into the kiss as his fingers brush over your hardening buds, making your head spin.
Suddenly, Sledge barks loudly from the bed, interrupting the two of you. “Do you have to be such a cockblock all the time Sledge?” Grayson groans into the kiss, earning a giggle from you. You run your hands through his hair and pull away from him, “C’mon, get dressed so we can go”.
And both of you get dressed ten minutes later, now having finished dressing Sledge up. You went downstairs to pour some cereal into two bowls for Grayson and you, filling up two glasses of water as well.
Grayson and you quickly finish the breakfast and put on your shoes, along with your winter coats. You put Sledge’s leash on, with some difficulty due to his excitement. As you walk out, Grayson shuts the door behind you. He lightly jogs to reach you, his hand wrapping around your waist to keep you close to him.
He leans down to kiss your cheek, “Coffee?”, knowing you already want coffee. “Coffee”. You head to a small coffee stand and order, Grayson pays for your drinks which you thank him for. You wait for your drink as Sledge tries to run around to escape the leash he had on. “You love walks that much, huh buddy?” Grayson chuckles as he leans down to pet the dog. A smile finds its way onto your face before you take the coffee, thanking the barista and handing Grayson his coffee.
Snuggling up to Grayson, you walk around the snowed out streets of Jersey. “God, I forget how much I miss living in Jersey” Grayson let’s out, eyes scanning the fairytale like scene in front of the both of you. “One day, maybe you will” You hum and he squeezes your waist. “We will” He corrects you as you blush, resting your head on his shoulder.
“That’s very confident of you to say about the future” You joke and he shrugs. “You are my future” Grayson replies softly as you both stop walking. “You think about stuff like that?” You almost whisper, feeling your heart warming by the second. “Yeah, ‘Course I do” Grayson mumbles, his hands resting on your hips to bring you closer to him.
He notices your blush, smiling lightly. “When we get married, we’ll move to Jersey. We’ll get three dogs, that I’ll hopefully not be allergic to, we’ll have kids — have a huge family, if y’want to it’s your body of course — take walks every day and grow old together with Sledge” Grayson continues, and you look at him in awe. “I really won the jackpot with you, didn’t I?” You laugh lightly, a hand of yours going to Graysons neck to lightly pull him towards you and kiss him softly.
He leans his head down, deepening your kiss. “I love you so much” Grayson mumbles into the kiss and you connect your lips once more. “I love you so much more” You let out, your eyes staring into his captivating hazel orbs. He smiles lightly, before turning his attention back to Sledge who had began to get a bit bored.
Sledge begins to get a bit tired, which you take notice of, so you pick him up and try to cheer him up. “Look, Sledge! Everything’s so pretty here!” You point out to him, not even noticing that you were using your baby voice. Grayson takes his phone out to take a picture of you as you were totally unaware, setting it as his lock screen.
He really had everything he needed at this very moment. And he hoped that in the future, he could still be able to say the exact same sentence with you by his side, always.
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strangerquinns · 3 years
you already know what time it is 👀👀👀 making a sex tape with daddy gray, with him just going to town on your pussy 🦋
warning: 18+, oral (f receiving), language, sexual situations
The grip that he had on your thighs was tight, enough to where you were sure you were going to have bruises in the morning. Grayson was spreading you wide for him as his head was between your legs. His tongue working against your enough that you felt like you were slowly losing your sanity.
You whimpered and stayed up on your elbows as you looked down towards him, his phone tight in your grasp pointed down to him. Grayson kept his eyes locked with yours, through the phone. The intensity behind that gaze was intense and making the ache between your legs build more and more.
You body was covered in a layer of sweat, your chest tight with your short labored breaths. Grayson pressed his tongue against you, giving your clit a gentle suck, before pulling back. His eyes looked up towards you from between your legs, your juices glistening over his lips and beard.
"Such a pretty little pussy," He moaned, Grayson now brining his hand up as he teased your clit.
"G-Gray..." You moaned softly, your legs shaking slightly.
A smirk played on his lips before he moved back down between your lips. You fought to keep the camera pointed down towards him as your head fell back between your shoulders. Grayson loved nothing more than to drive the moans out of you more and more - seeing how loud he could make you. He looked up towards the camera and kept his eyes on it as his tongue worked against you.
The feeling of his beard against your already sensitive clit was making you roll your eyes and whimper his name. Grayson adjusted your legs so they were pressed more towards your chest as slowly he thrust his fingers into you. Your hips fought against his hold as they tried to move against him.
"Come on baby, be a good girl...fucking take what I give you." Grayson spoke, his fingers slowly pumping in and out of you.
"I-I...fuck! Grayson...m-make me cum, please. Please." You begged
"Let go for me angel, wanna feel it...wanna fucking taste it."
Grayson growled slightly at the end before he was back between your legs. With his fingers fucking in and out of you, hitting right at your spot, you knew you weren't going to last long. You almost dropped the phone with how intense the feeling moved through your body as you came for him, shaking beneath him as his tongue worked again you. A small whimper left your lips as Grayson sucked on your clit as he slowly moved his fingers from between your legs.
Grayson licked his lips and moaned as he stared down towards you. You moaned as you saw how much you'd give him, seeing some of it wetting along his beard. He took the phone from your hand and placed it against the bedside table, still pointed towards you and recording, before his lips were on yours. You moaned against his lips as you tasted yourself on his tongue and lips. A gasp muffled between the two of you as his fingers began to tease along your sensitive clit.
"Mmmm, fuck..." You whimpered
"Think you can take more from me? Be a good girl?" Grayson whispered against your lips. "Let daddy fill this pretty little pussy."
You felt yourself clench between your legs at his words. You looked up towards him and nodded your head as his fingers continued to tease you. Grayson smirked down at you, pulling his fingers away, before settling between your legs.
hope it to your liking @bubsdolan​
part two
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mindofharry · 4 years
YESSSSSSS YES YES YES yoga instructor gray
You had just moved into town your job moving you away from jersey, your home town and family. You’re a detective so getting moved around is inevitable, but you didn’t think you’d get moved 4 hours away from everything you know and love.
You were stressed - so your work friend and fellow detective, amy told you about the yoga place she goes to every sunday afternoon. she told also told you that the instructor is something nice to look at - bare in mind she’s happily married, has three kids and is gay. But hey, who are you to judge. Yoga and a day out with a friend is exactly what you need after solving this huge case.
The case was possibly the hardest thing you’ve had to work on, one because they moved you to la for further research and two misogynistic bastards who don’t listen and make it everything so much harder than they have to be.
“I’m joining this yoga class - i mean, it’s something i guess” you say to your therapist over zoom. You were waiting to hear back for a transfer in a therapist, so for now you’re talking to the one back home. Xander Smith. The most cutthroat and stubborn man you’ve ever met. But he’s helped you in so many ways, the least you can do is humour him during these sessions.
“And are you going for you?” he asked and you smirked shrugging. “Maybe. could be for the hot yoga instructor” you teased making xander roll his eyes.
“Whatever works, Y/N. Whatever works”
Sunday came quickly which was surprising because usually your weeks are long and tiring. But you were actually excited about this week. You’re making effort with your new friend amy and making effort to get involved. This is good.
Amy said to meet at the cafe beside the little gym, her wife works there so it’s easier to see her between shifts. You don’t mind one bit, the more friends that better. Her wife, alexia was as just as nice as amy if not more, making the best coffee ever with some toast too. It was the perfect thing before going into a hot room. And Amy is possibly the best with keeping up the conversation. You’re not shy, you just don’t really know how to pick up on social clues. It’s always been like that, but amy is your first friend that doesn’t comment on it and just keeps the questions and stories flowing.
“you excited? i sure am” Amy said wiggling her eyebrows. you giggled and linked her arms with yours. “He better be good looking, god know i need someone to get me off” you sigh and amy nodded.
“Trust me. he’s good”
And god is he. You walk in him and your breath immediately hitches. He’s tall, tanned and his muscles are out for everyone to see. His tank top his tight as well as his sweats. They’re grey. God, grey sweatpants do something to you, down there. He has muscles all over him and his face is smooth. His hair is pulled back by a lavender head band, but this just makes the look. He’s currently setting up his space, while other women set up there’s and gush to their friends.
It’s mostly just middle aged women with an obvious ring on their finger - some even brought their kids and they’re still trying to flirt. But who blames them, he looks like a god.
“I told you!” Amy cackled putting down her mat, you copy her.
“God, he’s fit. It’s like he was made in a factory” you whispered and amy nodded. “I’m so gay, but i can tell you this man is hot”
You nodded in agreement before amy pulled you up towards the front (where the greek god is). You try to protest, but does this woman have a good grip. She grins and taps the mans shoulder.
“Brought my friend here! thought i’d introduce the both of you” Amy grinned, the man grinned right back holding out his hand to yours. you immediately take it, hoping your hands aren’t sweaty. “Grayson. i’ll be teaching the class” he said and you nod. “Y/N. and i guessed, you do have instructor on your shirt” you laughed pointing to the sticker stuck onto his chest. Grayson blushed and looked down at the sticker. “totally forgot about that” he said, amy looked between the two of you. Yes, finally she set someone up. She can’t wait to go home and tell alexia.
“Are you new around here?” Grayson asked and you nodded “Yeah, i’m from jersey and got transferred down here” graysons eyes widen and he laughs in amazement. “Seriously? I’m from jersey!” he said and you laugh shaking your head.
“No fucking way!” you say slapping his arm lightly. “Yeah, my twin and i moved down here for better work. Miss jersey so much though” he said and you nodded. “Well, let me know when you’re going on a roadtrip up there. Can’t wait to get back” you say and grayson smirked.
“How about we start with dinner?”
You flushed a dark red and amy noticed, pushing you out of the way. “She’d love to. Here’s her number” Amy said handing him a piece of paper. How’d she do that in such a short amount of time?
“Text her”
The yoga class went too fast for Y/N’s liking. But she did get a great view of graysons ass and his bulging muscles. She can’t thank amy enough for this, a date with a yoga instructor.
Huh, something new.
Amy and you were walking out of the building, when a hand grabbed your arm. Amy winked at you before jogging off to her car. She really was doing everything and anything to help you get this dick. You turned around and saw the blushing man his hand still on your forearm.
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