#Gran Tesoro
Getting rejected by Tesoro makes me want to write a burn book/posts…but just about how much I love him omg stoppp😂😂😂
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Literally made my day 😂
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frasesenespa-ol · 1 year
Era mi tesoro, mi gran secreto.
Lo que quiero lo consigo (Amanda Seibiel)
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caostalgia · 3 months
Quien logre descongelar aquel corazón de hielo, será el afortunado de un gran tesoro.
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ooffmlsorry · 11 months
One Piece Men Take You on a Nice Vacation
A/N: Well I did a poll and y'all definitely wanted this! Let's be serious so did I. I so desperately wanna go on vacation and leave my cares behind for a week. Alas, my imagination is all I've got 😔
Characters: Monster trio, Law, Koby
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Vacation? Did you forget who your boyfriend is? Zoro is the epitome of "No days off 😤"
I think what's more likely is y'all ended up getting lost together and it turns into an impromptu vacation
But that doesn't mean it isn't nice to essentially go camping together
You're incredibly lucky, there's a nice waterfall and river, the weather stays beautiful and the nights are crisp and clear
Once you convince him it's better to stay put and wait for the others to finally find you, it becomes a really relax retreat
Zoro still insisting on training, but that's a given. You probably train with him sometimes since you're dating, but otherwise it's the longest uninterrupted peace you've had since joining the crew
Just imagine sitting together with your feet in the cool river water, fishing in comfortable silence. The two of you wade in the stream together and splash each other, cook what you caught, cuddle around the campfire, and look up at the stars at night just talking
The privacy is perfect because it allows you two connect without worrying about any of the your crew mates
Zoro's even admittedly a little surprised by how much he enjoys being alone with you (it definitely gives him thoughts about what your future together could look like)
It's something the two of you look back on incredibly fondly, and if you happen to get lost on an island again...maybe for once Zoro did it intentionally
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This man is so serious about taking you a vacation, it's the time of your life
He's such a mom though lol. He cooks a shit ton before he leaves with you so the crew can reheat it and still have nutritious meals while their cook is away
He owes Nami so much berri, but since it's for a romantic vacation with you, the interest isn't too bad 🤭
I'd imagine it's somewhere with lots to do and lots to see like Gran Tesoro or Sabaody (*ignoring how fucked they are in context of the story, I just mean a place like that)
Unlike something impromptu accidental like Zoro's, he's planned out everything. A spa day, mani/pedi, sightseeing, shopping, really nice dinners.
You dance around together in your hotel and watch the fireworks and the city lights at night. Not to mention Sanji looks extremely handsome in the glow of it.
He absolutely spoils you! All in the name of how much he appreciates and loves you
And for what it's worth you don't let him forget how much it means to you...whenever you're not utterly speechless. It's more like the two of you spoil each other lol
The two of you have a lot of fun together, living in your own rose-colored world
As much as this is about you, you Sanji sometimes wishes he lived in a fairy tale world and this is it. It's just the breather you both need.
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You kind of have to explain to him what a vacation is at first because he thinks you're just asking about going on an adventure with him🤭
Once he does understand the concept, he's pretty gung ho about it! Well, the "relaxing" part of a vacation sounds kind of dull to him but going somewhere just the two of you sounds awesome!
He kind of just springs it on you. You mentioned it once in passing and then a week later you're on a random island together and the Sunny is sailing off to pick you guys up in a week
It's not really a vacation spot, it's just a normal island he's never been to before (because he still doesn't quite understand the difference between a vacation and an adventure) but it's nice. It's somewhat reminiscent of Loguetown or Mock Town
You still have a great time with it's charm and the fact that there's little to no Marines around means you get peace in that aspect
That's the only kind of peace you get though lol
The two of you go all over the place, trying different food, poking around the jungle and in shops, and possibly getting into a little bit of trouble
Every night the two of you crash and sleep in as much as you want, wake up whenever you want and eat as much and whenever you want
It's kind of like a long sleepover with no parents around to keep you in line
As fun as it is you'll probably start to miss the routine of living as a Straw Hat and Luffy's itching to get back to the open seas!
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Law pales at the thought of a vacation, but he's not above it for the people he loves
It's absolutely not his idea though...He was trying to think of something nice for your birthday and the crew told him how stressed you've been lately (plus have seen him? He needs a damn break and they also want him to relax)
He has everything planned down to the minute. When you're going, where you're going, what you're doing, when you'll be back. This man has a whole goddamn itinerary prepared tailored to your wants.
I feel like you guys would go to a place reminiscent of Dressrosa or Water 7 (*again ignoring the in-story horrors lol), something with really beautiful architecture and lots of history.
That plan turns more into more like a rough guideline no he's not upset about it look away but it's okay because you both needed the rest and a little less rigidity does Law some good
It's okay to stumble into a bookstore and get lunch two hours later than you planned, you swear
You two mostly avoid the tourist traps, except the historical ones because they're pretty cool and you learn a lot. Walking down the streets, hand in hand (yes, you get Law to hold you hand in public, it's the small wins okay?)
He can't stop working entirely, but that gives you time to do a little exploring on your own...not to mention you're completely surprised by how he pulls you into his lap as soon as you return
Being alone together makes him realize how important you are to him. There's not nearly as much crowding his mind when he's on vacation and all that free space up there is filled with his love for you
He's also kind of surprised how much he likes you outside of the Heart Pirate's rigid routine. Seeing you dressed up and not prepared for the sea, but rather a nice dinner, is a shock to his system. The fact that you're pretty much two normal people and nothing is falling apart surprises him. Maybe, he thinks, the two of you should do this more often
A/N: Koby is literally my baby boy, cuppy-cake, sugar plum, pumpkin. He's so precious. Just a perfect lil guy 🥹💞 if Law is my husband, then Koby is my son
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Oh lord, he's sweating lol
You? Wanna go on vacation with him? Alone? He's so flustered! Such a big step!
But he's really happy and super excited!! He definitely has a little countdown going on on his calendar
I could definitely see you guys having a beach type vacation, somewhere with a pier/boardwalk with all kinds of games and maybe a few cheap rides too
He'd absolutely win you a prize, and even better if you beat him and win him a prize
The photo booth pictures you end up taking are so cute and he keeps them forever
You hang out on the beach and build a massive sand castle, y'all probably get a terrible sunburn or at least Koby does 🤭
And at night you take nice long walks, listening to waves and collecting shells that catch your attention
The vacation is good for you, but it's also good for him to be out of the Marine environment for a minute
He gets to enjoy the results of all of his hard work and it makes him incredibly grateful that you're by his side, and when he tells you as such it's a long stuttering speech but he makes it through
Don't be surprised that he's awake at least 2-3 hours before you but that just means he gets time to think about what you're gonna do and be completely captivated as you sleep beside him
Those photo booth pictures? He keeps them in his jacket now. Whenever he gets overwhelmed or feels homesick he'll either look at them or pat his pocket to remind himself of those moments with you
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kaizokuniichan · 4 months
Poker Face
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Pairing: Roronoa Zoro x Reader
Summary: A cocktail waitress in the Gran Tesoro casino takes a liking to Zoro and you can’t stand it. Reader is toxic. Pettiness ensues.
Note: Takes place during Film Gold although it’s just the backdrop. No canon characters apart from Zoro.
Word Count: 4.6k
Warning: Basic toxic behavior, degradation, spitting, hair pulling, devious back shots
Tags: @eelnoise @bby-deerling @kibblz-n-bitz @sunshinescribes @sleepymarimo
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You were going to kill him. You were going to throttle him if he didn’t get that busty cocktail waitress’s hands off of him.
All night you’d been trying to convince yourself that the woman was simply doing her job of preying on the weak-willed desires of male patrons in exchange for their lecherous ogling. But Zoro wasn’t just any male patron, and her needling went far beyond a means to an end. She wanted him, and she’d done everything outside of plop herself into his lap to make her point.
Cacophonous hoots and hollers from the other Blackjack tables dulled in your ears as you watched the woman scratch her talons up and down the starched sleeve of his cream suit jacket. He remained infuriatingly obtuse while draining another glass in his typical, uncouth manner. Though he continued to ignore her advances, you still ground your teeth when her blood red, coffin-shaped claws dug into his arm. There was only so much of his obliviousness you could take—after all, he wasn’t the type to allow just anyone to put their hands on him. At this point, it appeared that he was playing some sort of game to fuck with you. For what reason, you couldn’t say.
The urge to ruin her perfectly installed lash extensions with a violent slam to the table spread like venom in your veins as an envious green serpent curled and coiled into a hiss behind your darkened eyes. He was more than aware of the murderous intent licking at your fingertips, yet he refused to spare you any glance or make any move to shove the woman off. Yes, he was most certainly fucking with you.
Another roll of dice bounced softly onto the felt tabletop and the man beside you raised his glass with a jubilant shout. He’d been hopelessly trying to win your affection by purchasing all of your drinks and asking you to blow on the dice as his “good luck charm”. He is quite handsome you thought to yourself as you admired him. A bit on the older side, and much more clean cut than what you were used to, but cute enough all the same.
With wicked ease you ran your fingers down his arm to mirror the wretched tart on the other side of the table. You caught the polite man’s warm smile and tried to picture yourself falling for someone more elegant like him, but unfortunately your heart had already been claimed by the rugged, classless oaf sitting on the other side of the table.
Before you could stop yourself your feet carried you to the other side where the two of them sat—her head resting on his shoulder, and his eyes flitted to you when you stood in front of them.
“Well, isn’t this cozy.”
He’d only been mildly thrown off by the acid in your tone, but she had more sense to cower.
“I’m sorry, is there something that you need?”
You couldn’t decide if you were satisfied with the tremor in her voice, or annoyed that she’d even dared to speak to you.
“This doesn’t really seem like very “professional” behavior.”
The woman was an idiot. Anyone with half a brain could see you weren’t in the mood for mindless chat, especially with someone as irrelevant as her. You chose to ignore her and returned your attention back to him.
“Are you really doing this?”
He remained silent while little flickers of amusement tickled his lips. The woman eventually gained enough sense to disentangle herself.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t realize he was your-“
“He’s not. Have at him sweetie.”
You placed a palm to his face and mushed it as you walked past while simultaneously knocking your shoulder into hers. Under her breath there was an utterance of some sort that involved the word “bitch”, and it took everything within you not to whip back around and hurl your purse at her head. No use damaging a perfectly good bag.
As your heels clacked across the marble floors your body trembled with rage. A stiff drink probably would’ve done you some good but you weren’t in the mood, and the rest of the crew were off gallivanting around the casino but you had no desire to join them.
As luck would have it, a stool was vacated right as you arrived, and once settled in your seat, you plopped your purse on the counter and rolled your shoulders. The tension in your muscles slowly faded, and the heat simmering beneath your skin was cooled by the vent blasting overhead.
Your short-lived luck soon met its end as your attempts at flagging down the bartender were unsuccessful. After several fruitless waves, you made the decision to just end the night, but your movements were halted when a warm hand softly touched the small of your back. The touch was much too unfamiliar to be anyone from the crew—and certainly not that damned swordsman. You geared up to tell off the unwelcome guest but when you turned around you were met with the sensual gaze of the handsome man from the previous table.
“Need some help?”
You flashed him your most dazzling smile. He deserved it.
“From you? Of course.”
You heard his short intake of breath and knew you had him completely hooked—not that it took much effort really. From appearances alone it was obvious he was someone who easily garnered lots of attention. And yet you were the one who’d bewitched him, and he longed for your company. He wished to serve you, and you began flirting with the idea of allowing it. Hopefully that shitty asshole a few tables over had a perfect view.
The harried bartender finally arrived with your seltzer and lime, and your prior annoyance was quelled by his sincere apologies. The gentleman stopped your hand when you offered a tip, sliding his card over instead.
“Someone as pretty as yourself should never open their wallet.”
You snapped your clutch closed with a smirk. The guy was completely entranced.
He sat down beside you and began to ramble about his name, where he was from, and whatever it was he did that made his pockets long. You were sure it had to be interesting, but all of his words were diluted by the fog of your lingering jealousy. It was unfair to him, but you needed the distraction to keep yourself from being vexed for the rest of the night.
The squeak of Handsome Stranger’s chair blew aside your bitter thoughts when he tried to subtly inch closer, so you threw him a bone and adjusted yourself to allow the slit in your skirt to reveal more skin. Embers of his desire glowed deep his eyes, and he took a nervous gulp of his scotch before speaking.
“I hope I’m not being too forward but I would love to invite you back to my penthouse suite for a little nightcap, if you were so inclined?”
Your suddenly rose when you felt a piercing, steely glare from somewhere off to the side. Observation haki was not something you were completely practiced in, but it always seemed to appear in the most convenient times.
It was unfortunate that this sweet man was an innocent casualty in the toxic web he’d been ensnared in. The dim lights of the casino reflected in his enlarged pupils as he waited expectantly for your reply—as did the gruff man in the distance.
“Oh I would love to. But I have my nightly upkeep that I must maintain. Lots of serums and oils and creams to remain all nice and soft and sweet for tasteful men such as yourself. I wouldn’t want you to catch me looking anything less than perfect.”
He leaned closer and gently placed a cool hand over yours.
“If you come with me tonight I’ll have people that can handle your every need. Just stay with me. Let me take care of you.”
The guy was smooth, you’d certainly give him that. His thumb brushed lightly over your knuckles and he cocked his head to the side as if to bring his lips to your cheek, but a large hand grabbed his shoulder and forcefully shoved him back.
“She’s not going anywhere with you.”
Well. That barely took any time. You’d planned on at least allowing the man to walk you to the elevator.
“Excuse you,” you pouted theatrically, “that was very rude.”
Zoro slipped between the two seats to block the man from your sight.
“You done having your fun?”
Still playing nonchalant, you removed your lipgloss from your clutch and applied a few swipes across your lips.
“I don’t know what you mean. Please step aside so I can finish chatting with this lovely gentleman.”
Zoro side-eyed the man still gathering himself from being nearly toppled over and let out a dry laugh.
“You’re kidding, right? You’re gonna have to do a lot better if you wanna get a rise outta me.”
You sniffed and pretended to touch up the rest of your makeup though you knew it wasn’t needed—you looked absolutely divine.
“Well clearly it has, otherwise you wouldn’t be over here harassing my-“
“Your what?”
The man finally straightened himself out and stood by your side.
“Miss, is this guy bothering you? Shall I call security?”
Aw, what a sweetie. You began to feel a little bad for him when he was shouldered aside by Zoro’s massive body.
“So,” he scoffed, still ignoring him, “not only are you tryna piss me off, but you’re doing it with someone who thinks you’re weak?”
“Not everyone needs to use brute force to get their point across Zoro. We’re not all Neanderthals.”
Zoro’s face morphed into a taunting smirk that filled your belly with lava.
“True. But I know someone who needs brute force when they’re being a hypocritical brat.”
You fought the urge to tug him closer by the lapels of his suit jacket and bite his stupid lips just to shut him up.
The head of the unsuspecting man ping-ponged between your prickly jibes, and he stepped back as the realization of his use as a ploy began to sink in.
“I think I’d better just go.”
Zoro flashed him a maniacal grin as he stumbled away, and you began to gather your things when his arm hooked around your waist to drag you back into his chest.
“Where do you think you’re going?”
“Well,” you sighed as you tried to pull yourself free from his grasp, “you’ve effectively ruined my fun for the evening so I’m off to bed. Maybe you should go find your little girlfriend from earlier.” You heard him snicker as you walked away.
A sea of affluent casino-dwellers parted as you lead him back to the elevators, and he pressed his hard body into your back as he reached out to push the button. His warm breaths against your neck melted your glacial attitude, and his closeness was so foreboding that the levy of your sanity nearly collapsed.
The elevator doors slid open and he pushed you inside as a crowd of elaborately dressed guests exited. The night was fairly young so it was unlikely that anyone from the crew would come looking for you.
The lift climbed the floors with smooth efficiency and paused occasionally to allow more guests to enter and exit. The excitement in the box was palpable though it couldn’t quite penetrate the curtain of tension separating the two of you from the rest of the crowd. His fingers curled firmly around your hip and the subtle poke in his slacks left you breathless. Glancing at your glossy reflection in the gold-plated walls proved to be a mistake as you were met with menacing eyes and a callous grin that promised retribution.
You were under no impression that you’d part ways once you arrived at your floor, and your hands shook as you searched your bag for your key. Anxiety clawed at your chest when he swiped the key from your hands to slap it onto the card reader, and the soft click of the locking mechanism signified the final nail being hammered into your coffin. You were fucked.
Before you could gain your bearings you were shoved roughly into the wall with your arms pinned behind your back and a harsh mouth pressed to your ear.
“Bet you’re real proud of yourself, aren’t ya?”
Your heart pounded in your chest as you wobbled on your heels.
“You’re the one who started all of this with that slutty harlot downstairs.” Your sane mind would’ve admonished you for using such degrading language towards a woman, but your morals had been cast aside the moment he’d stepped out in that delicious cream suit—effortlessly sexy as always.
His low chuckle carried the rumblings of an approaching storm that rippled down your spine. “All I did was sit there and mind my drink. I can’t help it if a random woman has some kind of agenda.”
“Come on Zoro, you’re not dumb. You know what her agenda was, and you could’ve shut that shit down, but you didn’t.”
He loosened his grip on your arms when he felt your muscles strain but then re-tightened it when he remembered you mushing his face earlier.
“Why should I have shut her down,” he asked smugly. He obviously was living for your embarrassment.
“Because she’s not even someone you’d be interested in fucking.” He quirked a brow in surprise.
“Oh, she’s not?”
You chose not to speak and he pressed himself into your backside—the imprint of his arousal nestling between your cheeks.
“And who’s someone I’d be interested in fucking then?”
You had no witty reply as he pulled your long skirt up your thighs, so slowly you could almost feel every satiny fiber rub over your skin. He bunched it around your waist and gave your ass a squeeze.
“You played too close to fire the sweetheart. Now I’m gonna fuckin ruin ya.”
With a swiftness even you weren’t prepared for, he ripped off your lacy underwear and tossed it aside where it lay in tatters on the marble floor. He turned you around and shoved a thigh between your legs to prevent your escape. Not that you ever would.
“You chose the right guy to piss me off you know, knowing full well he wasn’t gonna rough you up the way you want.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, I was just having an innocent conversation.”
“Don’t play cute with me, you knew what you were doing.”
He forced your head back to leer at you through those stupid green-tinted sunglasses and you wanted to smack them off his face. Dick. How could he make something as tacky as wearing sunglasses indoors look sexy?
“Why have you been fucking with me Zoro?”
“Someone had to wake your ass up,” he murmured with a satisfied smirk.
You realized just how foolish you’d been—you were never the one who was in control. The man was an analytical genius, and you were always meant to be the prey. Your carefully curated web of petty games paled ten times over in comparison to anything he could construct.
“Okay. Since you’re the one that’s clearly in charge here, whatever am I to do?”
He rolled his eyes. “Quit the blushing good girl act and get your ass on the bed.”
“Couldn’t I at least get a kiss first,” you pouted and fluttered your lashes. You knew he hated when you pretended to act sweet and demure.
“No. Clearly you don’t deserve it yet.”
You must have taken too long for his liking for he took matters—and you—into his own hands by hoisting you up and throwing you over his shoulder. The weight of your body had hardly ever been an issue for him—what was an issue was your smart ass mouth.
“I’m surprised you could even find where the bed is.”
Your suite was fairly large so realistically it could take more than a few steps to actually reach it, but he clearly wasn’t in the mood for your diatribes. With a scoff, he roughly deposited you onto the luxurious bedding.
“The worst thing I can do right now is leave you here unfulfilled and unsatisfied, so maybe you should keep your mouth shut.”
You buttoned your lip and began unbuckling your shoes, and his eyes softened as he watched you wince while wiggling your toes.
“Dunno why you even bother with those things anyway, you know you can’t stand on them for more than an hour.”
“It goes with the outfit,” you sighed, tossing them aside.
“It’s a shame you’re not gonna get anymore wear outta that outfit.”
You leaned back on your elbows and watched him pull off his suit jacket and unzip the jumpsuit underneath down to his waist, though he didn’t remove any more than that.
He grasped your ankle to pull you back to the edge of the bed and tore your skirt apart at the slit as if it were rice paper. In the blink of an eye you were left bare and splayed before him like a feast waiting to be devoured. And oh how ravenously he would devour you—gnashing his teeth as he pulled you apart, and leaving nothing but the entrails of your bleeding heart behind. And then he’d sink his teeth into that too.
With his length completely exposed he flipped you over and propped you up on your elbows. His hand pushed your head down into the mattress, and he slapped your ass a few times, smiling to himself as you yelped from each impact. You felt him bite into the meaty flesh of your ass before following it with another harsh smack, and you hoped a reddened imprint of his teeth and hand would remain on your skin as a dirty reminder.
“I know you can do better than that. Spread your legs and arch your back more.”
Annoying as always, he demanded more while giving you virtually nothing. Your first instinct was to display disobedience, but his threat of leaving you high and dry made you compliant.
“Please Zoro, I’ve waited so long.”
You heard a clattering behind you that you assumed was his sunglasses being tossed aside. His rough fingers slid up and down your opening, and you whined when he refused to probe any deeper. You wiggled your hips in a wordless command.
“You’re such a needy girl, aren’t ya? Where’d all that fake innocence go?”
His fingers continued to tease you while he taunted, and your annoyance gave way to desperation.
“Zoro please. I’m begging you, please.”
A harsh smack on your pussy made your knees buckle.
“The begging’s nice, but I’m still waiting to hear an apology.”
You’d do anything but that. He was the one who started all of this.
“No?” He sighed in exasperation. “Alright then. Guess I’ll just leave you here to take care of yourself.”
“No wait!”
His hands crawled up your spine to grip your shoulder and the back of your neck, and he leaned over to tickle your ear with his lips.
“You want my dick that badly?”
Your tears wetted the sheets as they spilled from your eyes.
“I do, I want it so bad. So fucking bad. ’m sorry for being a brat.”
“Yeah?” His voice was strained. Clearly he was also holding himself back from giving in until you’d truly earned it. After a final swipe of his fingers along your slick folds he tapped your ass with his cock a few times before positioning himself.
“There it is. Keep begging for it.”
He gifted you with his tip, but your euphoria was short lived when he refused to fill you any further. You needed to feel every pulse that beat along the veiny underside of his length. As he stretched your walls torturously slow, your relieved whines were muffled by the silken sheets. The wait had been torturously long.
He slid his cock between your lower lips and the lubricant of his precum mixed with the wetness leaking from your pussy. One of his hands grasped your wrist to twist it behind your back and he repositioned himself once again at your entrance.
“Even though you don’t deserve it, I’m gonna fuck this needy pussy anyway.”
You gasped and sighed thankful whimpers as he pressed forward and stuffed you with a burning stretch. You’d have to adjust to his girth—every single part of his body was impossibly thick and wide. Calloused fingers tripped over your clit in an attempt to loosen your muscles, and before you knew it the two of you were fully connected.
His fingers crawled into your scalp and hooked around your tresses to tug your back, and you clenched walls and you unhinged your jaw with a deep moan. Finally, for the first time tonight, your desires were being fulfilled.
His hips snapped against your ass and all you could do was lay there and take it. The stillness of the room was rattled by the harsh slaps of your skin connecting and your rhythmic whiny moans. He was quiet, save for a couple of low grunts as he held you in place to mercilessly slam into your sex. He seemed disconnected—using you as his own personal toy to get himself off, so you were then taken by surprise when his gravelly voice finally acknowledged you.
“This what you needed to get you to behave? You’re something else. You know this is only meant for me, right? This is all mine, understand?”
He pulled your head further back and cupped your jaw, and you could see his eyes glow red from your peripheral.
“Yes. I understand.”
“You understand what,” he demanded as he smushed your cheeks together.
“My pussy is yours. I’m all yours. Only yours.”
You felt his cock throb inside you and he cursed under his breath. His groans rose in volume when your tongue slid and curled between the two fingers he’d stuffed inside your mouth, and he pressed them further down your throat to make you gag.
“Fuck, you’re so needy. Look at you tightening up around me.”
You heard him chuckle and he removed his fingers to caress and grope your curves—pinching your nipples and squeezing bruises into your skin. He never ceased his thrusts as his hand slid between your legs to circle your puffy clit. Jolts of pleasure electrified your nerves as he defiled you—hammering away until your foundation crumbled to dust.
He finally let go of your hair to hike his knee up on the bed and your body flopped bonelessly onto the mattress. The bed frame knocked noisily against the wall from the merciless onslaught, and you mourned the definite loss of your security deposit.
He sunk his teeth into your shoulder to draw out more of those precious sounds he loved so much while his tongue licked to soothe the raw skin. You could hear the faint tinkling of his earrings clinking together when he nuzzled the crook of your neck.
“Stop being so quiet. Use that big mouth of yours and let me hear you.”
You gulped, filling your lungs with muggy bits of air.
“I don’t…want anyone to hear.”
His movements stilled.
“Yes you do.”
The air in your lungs was trapped as you held your breath.
“Why would you stop?”
“Because I know you’re lying.”
His cock twitched and he relinquished some of his practiced control by sensually grinding his hips, achingly slow. A totally different rhythm from what he’d started with.
“I know you wish that waitress could see us now.” His voice had dipped to an intimate murmur as he stroked your walls. You could hear the crude sounds of how slick and slippery you were at the base of your connection—he’d reached so deep that he prodded your delicate center.
“You want her to see who all of this belongs to. That I’m all yours.”
You whimpered with every rough slam of his hips, and he picked your head up to crush your lips together. His tongue invaded your mouth and you gripped the sheets as trails of saliva trickled down your chin.
He ceased his invasive overtaking of your mouth to lick up the wetness dribbling down your jaw.
“Open your mouth.”
His voice was a puppeteer that held the strings to control your body. You opened your mouth in a stupor and stuck out your tongue, and he chuckled at your immediate compliance before spitting the remnants of your saliva back into your mouth.
“Hold it there and keep your tongue out.”
You dared not disobey. He kept your head in place to examine your face and you rubbed your ass against him in an attempt to get him to fuck you harder. He smirked and finally let go of your jaw.
Immediately you closed your mouth and gulped, savoring your tastes mixing together. He continued grinding against your ass until he pressed you back down into the mattress to resume his rough thrusts. You went to bring your fingers to your clit to help yourself along but he yanked your hand away and pinned it back onto the bed.
“Nuh uh,” he tutted, “you don’t get to finish. Be good and lay there.”
You whined and begged him to let you cum but he smiled wickedly and selfishly chased his own high. Even if you weren’t permitted to touch yourself, his cock still reached the deepest depths of your insides—kissing that fleshy patch of bliss which left your body immobile. His grunts became faster as his balls slapped against your ass, and the squeaks of the weakened bed frame synchronized with his frantic thrusts. You chanted his name and arched your back as he gripped your waist to pound you into the mattress.
He fucked you in a frenzy—biting incoherent curses into your skin. And with one last slam into your abused pussy his body seized and he groaned as he released inside of you so fully that it spilled out to form a ring around the base of his cock. Your walls fluttered as you desperately rubbed your clit—still keeping your back arched to hold him in place as you rushed to follow. It only took a few firm circles around your bud before the muscles in your core tightened and your legs shook as electricity spread throughout your body to shock every one of your nerve endings. You let out a cry into the sheets and Zoro thrust lazily to help carry you along until you sighed weakly and relaxed.
He pulled out smoothly and the warmth of his cum slid down between your thighs and onto the floor. After straightening back up he turned you around and finally pressed his lips to yours. You hummed and wrapped your arms around his neck, and his hands came down to squeeze your ass a few times before giving it a smack.
“That’s my girl,” he smirked as he laid you back down onto the bed and laid next to you.
“That was so mean,” you giggled as you rested your head on his chest and dragged your fingers over his pec.
“You deserved it. Acting like such a brat, as if it wasn’t obvious that I’m already yours. And you’re mine.”
Your body buzzed from his words and you cupped his cheek to kiss his jaw.
“Yeah, I’m yours. And you’re mine.”
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90daniv · 7 months
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este mundo es una gran isla del tesoro
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bluepotion85 · 2 months
The Golden Ratio - Chapter 1
The Straw hats are tricked into a massive dept inside the biggest entertainment city in the world. To make sure they come back to pay, they have to leave Zoro as a prisoner on the island. Zoro is confident his crew will return to save him, but what he doesn't know is that his captor has bigger plans for him.
(The following story contains male weight gain, food play, BDSM, kidnap, encouragement, and feeder/feedee scenarios. If that's not for you, then go to church or something vanilla dude.
This takes place during and after the events of the One-Piece film GOLD. For a better experience see the film on your local streaming service.
This story is written in collaboration with @bee-wg )
Seeing Strawhat's crew's expression from shock to despair is exactly what I live for.
Their captain had naively bet against me, the king of the casino, with the twenty million berries I loaned them. In total, they have to repay three hundred and twenty million berries.
“You know we can't pay you a damn thing!” said the cat burglar, Nami.
“Then I guess you would have to work your debt off. If you refuse, I will have to collect your debt by force.” I replied.
After eating, drinking, racing, and gambling, they have dug themselves into a hole they can't crawl back from.
“I’ll handle this. Taking out the boss is the quickest way to end a fight,” said the pirate hunter, Zoro.
“Interesting statement, so you’re going to beat me? Here, in this city?” I asked.
“Easily,” he replied.
He charged toward me, and with a single gesture of my hand, his body solidified into gold where it stood. Only the pirate hunter´s head is left untouched as he screams, “Stay behind!”
“Good call, another second, and they would all be golden statues,” I said.
“What's this power?” said the green-haired pirate.
“I ate the gol gol fruit. I can control any gold I've touched, and you were all covered in gold flakes when you entered this city, weren't you?” I replied.
“Like everyone else, once you entered this city, you were completely under my control,” I shouted.
With a kick, the pirate hunter falls to his back.
“Now then, I’ll have you return the money we loaned you. With your three hundred and twenty million berry bounty, that is,” I say.
“So, from the beginning you …!” Said Nami.
With a laugh, I reply, “Nobody can oppose me!”
“Don't get cocky! she replied.
My main singer and servant, Carina, approached them and put a knife to Nami´s neck before saying, “Don't move.”
“Who-?” Nami asked, looking at the knife.
“Shut your mouth and obey,” Carina replied.
You- We will pay our debt,” said Nami.
“Perfect, from now on, you shall work for me. I will take this man as insurance over your debt. If any of you try to betray me or escape, I will have him executed before a live audience!” I replied.
With gritted teeth, they looked as Nami said, “Fine, we agree,”
“Of course you do. After all, this is just another one of life's gambles. Will you pay off your debt and save your friend, or will you end up slaves for the rest of your lives?”
Their captain, Monkey D. Luffy, the man capable of defeating Doflamingo lies uselessly, his expression filled with rage and impotence, while my workers drag the golden body of his crewmate.
“Be sure to entertain me thoroughly. I look forward to it!” I said.
We walk through the hallways that connect the VIP room to my studio. Dice drags Zoro's body while he struggles foolishly to break from my golden bind.
“What is the most dangerous mission we can send them to, Baccarat?” I asked.
“We could make them capture the legendary bird of Garuda Island, Steal the treasure of the Ataraxia kingdom, or even dig out the remains of the former Phrygia king,” she replied.
“Send them on all three then, and install Den Den Mushi on their ship. I want everyone on Gran Tesoro to see their gamble run,” I replied.
My laugh drowns the hallway before I hear him speak.
“You will regret this,” said Zoro.
“You still have some spirit in you, pirate hunter,” I say, leaning closer to him.
“It's going to be entertaining beating that energy out of you,” I add.
With a single kick, I put him to sleep.
My eyes open to find an office. No, a Lounge? Just where am I? The last thing I remember is Tesoro taking me hostage.
Looking around the room, I see golden decorations everywhere and a massive desk in front of me. That's when I noticed. I'm half attached to the room with both my arms and legs deep within the golden walls.
I need to get out of here, reunite with everyone and get the fuck away from this gold prison. The door to the room is underneath me. It opens up to reveal Tesoro. He walks to his desk without even looking at me. When he sits down, he grins at me and says.
“Our guest has woken up. Have you enjoyed your stay in my studio?”
“It’s ugly,” I reply.
“Lie to me all you want, but you know these walls are paradise. I guess you can't comprehend your luck,” he added.
“Luck? After getting kidnapped by a golden eyesore?” I replied.
“To be a trophy on my wall, only the most luxurious of pieces are here. Also, to be here and not like your friends running around, desperately to pay your debt,” he replied.
“I would rather die like a man out there with them than live here as a wall decoration,” I said through gritted teeth.
Tesoro laughed at that and added, “Let's make a gamble of our own then. Will you stay this strong till your friends come to your rescue, or will you beg to stay here at the Gran Tesoro before your friends can pay up their debt,”
“What's in for me?” I replied.
“If you win by a miracle, I will forgive your friend's debt, and you can take the three hundred and twenty million berries with you. But if I win, you will be my slave for the rest of your sorry life,” he said.
“I´ll buy some good booze with that money,” I reply.
“I can't wait to break you, Roronoa Zoro,” he replied before exiting the room.
I stayed there waiting for hours or days, wondering if Tesoro was planning on leaving me here to slowly starve to death. In the darkened room, I could only sense the smell of cologne and him. It's a suffocating thing. As the hours pass, I feel a strange burning sensation spreading all over me. It begins in my chest and extends to every inch of my body. My heart starts to pump faster, and sweat runs through my forehead. I try to ignore it the best I can, but with every breath I take the sensation grows stronger, and the temperature in the room continues to rise.
I keep thinking that my nose will get used to it, and my body will adapt to whatever makes it react like this. But the more I stay here, the more I can smell it in the air.
For three days, I stayed in the wall. With some meditation, I tried to keep my strength. My muscles remained steady in this position, and a puddle of my own sweat formed on the floor. Even with all of my efforts, my body betrayed me. A haze of need clouds my eyes. I crave release.
Occasionally, a golden tube will descend to try and give me food or water but I refuse to. After getting turned into a gold statue from golden flakes, how could anyone trust them with food?
Finally, Tesoro came back to his studio at the end of the third day.
“What a great show that was! It's a shame you couldn't see it, pirate hunter,”
I don't reply, as I am at my limit. My body can withstand three days easily without food or water, but this goddamn smell is making me mad. I need to get off this wall! If I open my mouth, I'm not sure what I will say.
“I see you are withering away while everyone else is out there enjoying your friends' adventures. It is the ultimate entertainment.”
“What are you talking about?” I replied.
My mouth is dry, and the words come out dry and slow, but that doesn't bother him. If anything, it makes his grin grow.
“I sent your friends on treasure hunt missions and live-streamed their misadventures for everyone to enjoy. The hottest new show at the Gran Tesoro, Straw Hats Adventure!” he replied.
I can feel my rage bubbling inside me when he says.
“I could show you if you want, under one condition,” he says.
”What?” I reply.
“You have to do everything exactly as I say when you are off that wall,” he said.
My body has been running in high gear for the last three days. Through the haze of the heat, I wonder if I should accept what he will make me do. I need to know they are safe, yet I trust them to be on their own. Before my brain can come to a conclusion, my broiling body responds for me.
“I knew you would be smart and agree,” he said.
The gold of the wall turned liquid and descended me onto the floor. I collapsed to my feet after days of not using them.
“What's the matter, a cramp?” He says, looming over me.
“Show me,” I replied.
His mad eyes looked at me with a twisted pleasure as he pushed a button on his desk. A Den Den Mushi descended from the roof, and after opening his eyes, a projection appeared in front of us.
“Incredible isn't it? A live projection of their adventure twenty four hours,” he said.
I couldn't listen to him because I was too focused on watching Luffy and the rest fight a hoard of beasts so expensive I couldn't see the end of it.
“Garuda Island, they have the strongest beast in the new world. A legendary bird capable of laying golden eggs is said to be nesting there. Bringing a batch of their eggs seemed like a simple enough first mission, don't you think?” He said.
A giant turkey takes Luffy with its beak and throws him off the view. The bird approaches Ussop, and I know he is dead meat.
“Now, for payment. You have to do as I say,” said Tesoro.
He presses another button on his desk, and a group of women show up at his door with a trolley filled with food.
“You have rejected every meal for the past three days. I have to commend your dedication, but we can’t have you dying out of starvation. Otherwise, our show will end too soon. So, I want you to eat,”
“I'm not hungry,”
My stomach betrays me and rumbles. Damn it. I take a spoonful of the saffron rice and shrimp they gave me; the taste is good, but nothing compares to the perv cook. If that twisted eyebrow freaked knew, he would never let me live it down.
“Good to see you cooperate. You know, I have a couple of collaborators near the island. They could lend a hand to your friends. Make sure they are safe on their mission if you eat a second plate of food.”
“I trust them to survive on their own,”
At that moment, the bird catches Usopp and throws him as well, but I see Luffy intercepting him mid-air.
“Gum Gum Balloon!”
They will survive on their own. I can't allow Tesoro to poison me with whatever could be in this food.
Then I noticed Luffy left Usopp drop, and I wondered if the second plate might be necessary at some point.
“Suit yourself. It's more exciting to see them struggle. In any case, What do you think of the food? The best ingredients in all of the new world,” he asks.
“Shitty, I have tasted better stuff from a pervert,”
“You will see it has an acquired taste. For now, enjoy it,”
He stayed there watching me eat. Like he said, with each mouthful my palate got accustomed to the flavor until my fork hit the empty plate.
Tentacles of gold stretch from the wall and drag me back to it as soon as the plate is off my hands.
“What the fuck?”
“Well, you said you only needed that one plate. Your friends are safe and sound, and know you are back to being my trophy. Ain't I a man of my word?”
“What gives?”
“What, you wanted some private time or something? Don't forget Roronoa Zoro. You are my slave now. I don’t need to give you shit. Every meal, every drop of water is a gift out of a merciful king,”
“Damn you,” I replied.
“If you want something in particular, and I can see what it could be,” he said, eyeing me.
“Then beg for it like the lowlife you are,” he added.
We stayed silently there for a minute. Then he broke the silence with a laugh.
“Millions of people enter the GranTesoro with dreams of winning a fortune. Like them, you too will succumb to despair. Try as much as you want to look strong, it won't help you in due time,”
He exited the room, and I lowered my head in defeat. By the time I wake up from my nap, they will be here.
Next Chapter >>
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manofbeskar · 5 months
mishanks vegas au? 👀👀
the idea for it is to celebrate their birthday, mishanks go to gran tesoro and spend overnight there, they get drunk enough that at one point, they just black out. they wake up in the morning and try to backtrack their steps, figure out what they did when they were drunk, and realise they got married
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angelap3 · 5 months
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❤️ 𝑼𝒏𝒂 𝒎𝒂𝒎𝒎𝒂 𝒆̀ 𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒂 𝒄𝒉𝒆:
“Vieni a pranzo che ti ho preso il pane buono.” Non il pane fresco. Non il pane caldo. No. Il pane buono.
Una mamma è quella che:
- Amore tieni. Prendi i soldi che mi hai prestato l’altro giorno.
- Ma erano venti euro mamma, questi sono cinquanta.
- Non fa niente. Mettili via che ti fanno comodo.
E intanto te li spinge giù nella tasca.
Una mamma è quella che:
“Allora? Raccontami qualcosa!” E mentre tu racconti del più e del meno, lei ti guarda gli occhi come se guardasse l’infinito da uno spioncino.
E mentre stai ancora parlando, ti interrompe e ti fa: come stai amore? Stai bene?
Una mamma è quella che:
- Amore senti che dolci questi pachino!
- Mamma adesso non mi v..
Troppo tardi. Col dito è già arrivata in fondo alla trachea.
Una mamma è quella che:
- Come stai tesoro?
- Eh insomma mamma. Un po’ di raffreddore.
- Hai preso un colpo d’aria?
- Ma non lo so mamma. Magari un po’ di freddo.
- Copriti bene che vai sempre in giro con “ I RENI “ scoperti.
E mentre te lo dice, ti spinge la maglietta giù nei pantaloni.
Una mamma è quella che:
tu potrai anche fare 180 corsi di cucina... Utilizzare solo prodotti biologici.... Prendere tre stelle Michelin... ma i suoi pomodori al riso saranno sempre mille volte più buoni dei tuoi. E comunque sia alla fine ti dirà: “Mah. L’ultima volta mi sono venuti meglio.”
Una mamma è quella che:
“L’altro giorno ho visto un film bellissimo SUL SECONDO“ “Com’era il titolo mamma?“ “Boh, non me lo ricordo “ “ Vabbè ma di che parlava “ “ Non mi ricordo niente. Ma è stato proprio bellissimo “
Una mamma è quella che:
- Non fare troppo tardi che poi domani dormi fino a mezzogiorno!
- Veramente sono già a letto mamma.
(cambio immediato di tonalità che diventa calma, tiepida, felice. Quasi le avessero appena comunicato una splendida notizia)
- Ecco. Copriti bene! “
Una mamma è quella che:
“Amore al telegiornale hanno detto che si fregano i numeri delle carte di credito.” “Ma da dove mamma?” “Non ho capito, ma tu stai attento.”
Una mamma è quella che:
“Amore vai piano!”
“Mamma vado in treno”
“Vai piano lo stesso!”
Una mamma è quella che:
Lei 50, tu 20.
- Tesoro mi accompagni a fare un po’ di spesa?
- Dai che palle mamma! Prossima volta. Giuro!
Lei 70, tu 40.
- Mamma andiamo a fare un po’ di spesa, ti accompagno?
- Ho un gran dolore alle ossa tesoro. Vai tu. Prendi un po’ di carne e di verdura. Poi ti ridò i soldi.
Una mamma è quella che:
- Buona notte amore.
- Buona notte mamma.
E tu dormi. E invece lei, soltanto un po’.
~A. Faber~
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Mi intensidad es mi perdición y también mi gran tesoro.
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teddywook · 5 months
Hey, you wanna talk and i want to be unstressed, so here I go. What love trope do you think RIIZE will fall?
It would be a spanglish combination cuz I didn't sleep well and yeah, my thoughts are kinda combine, sorry to all the non spanish speakers out there.
Me thoughts are:
Childhood friends to lovers. Creo que se enamoraría de alguien a quién dejo de ver un buen tiempo y cuando vuelven a encontrarse ven qué tanto a crecido el otro y pum, enamoraditos.
Second chance romance. I saw @nori-the-cat talked about this, i definitely see him falling in love with someone, a good relationship, but he's communication style is kinda different, you expect to hug you after receiving a gift from you, but he will pat your head and give you a smile with a 'thank you'. So he can make you feel kinda unloved when he loves you very bad (and hard)
Friends to lovers, soulmates. Anteriormente dijo que el preferiría un amor que crece con el tiempo a un amor a primera vista, entonces friends to lovers me parece una idea muy viable, sin embargo, no puedes ser solo un amigx, él NECESITA sentir una conexión contigo, y pensar que eres su alma gemela lo tendrá LOCO. También, me da una vibra de love at first sight, but it's kinda weird, the vibe is like "He would love at first sight but he wouldn't believe it, that makes him want to be your friend, and if he finds that soulmate conexion with you, there it is".
Secret Royal/Billionare. Why? Because, I think Wonbin would fall for someone who match his personality, match his vibe and also doesn't love him just for his appearance (oh maybe a soulmates too?), so I think he would like to be unkwon to his s/o.
Enemies to lovers. No comment I just think Seunghan would enjoy it hahahaha. Definitely falling for the person he teased a lot.
Omaigad, aquí no se me ocurrió ningunaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Gritote.
Con Sohee no se me ocurrió y acá se me ocurrieron varios: Bestfriends to lovers, Childhood friends and love triangle.
Bestfriends to lovers porque sin importar si eres menor o mayor a él le gustaría tener esa relación de mejores amigos con su s/o.
Childhood friend because i really saw him being with someone who knows him amazingly well, so está de la mano con el anterior, no importa si te conoce de la infancia o no, sino que sienta que se conocen desde hace tiempo.
Último, love triangle, okay este está un poco triste, pero se me vino una escena en dónde eres amiga de los miembros, y te enamoras de uno de ellos, pero Anton se enamora de ti. Anton es un buen amigo así que te ayudará a que estés con el miembro que te gusta, si funciona o no, aún así él estará ahí para ti, con la esperanza de que algún día lo veas de la misma manera en la que Anton te mira.
joder sí que soy lenta te responderé en español también jsjs espero que puedas relajarte y descansar tesoro <3
so... riize as love tropes... me encanta, tengo unas cuantas ideas ajbjsak
shotaro me da vibes de un strangers to friend to lovers
visualizo a taro como un senior de tu carrera al cual conoces porque es un estudiante modelo al cual los profesores siempre toman como ejemplo. además de ser popular en el campus por su característica amabilidad, el tipo de chico que conoce a todos y todos lo conocen. imagino que un día necesitas ayuda para un proyecto de clase para el cual requieres consejos de un alumno de grados avanzados, así que tu profesor te asigna un asesor. la sopresa que te llevaste cuando notaste que dicho asesor era shotaro. obviamente estarías nerviosa porque ajá, como la gran mayoría, tienes un crush en el chico de adorable sonrisa. pero shotaro encuentra tu nerviosismo tierno, además puede notar lo lista que eres y como anotas diligentemente cada consejo que te da al respecto de tu trabajo, lo cual lo hace sonreir satisfecho cuando formulas preguntas basadas en sus correciones previas. es cuestion de tiempo para que comiencen a conversar y reir como dos amigos cercanos. y un poco menos de tiempo para que él comience a rozar tu mano sobre la mesa y pinchar tus mejillas. un día lo viste desde el otro lado del campus dejando a sus amigos con la palabra en la boca solo para correr en tu dirección a saludarte; y al otro estaría con su mano entrelazada a la tuya frente a la puerta de tu casa, preguntando nerviosamente si sería muy atrevido de su parte si te robara un beso.
eunseok queda muy bien con un second chance romance honestamente. ¿que tal mezclarlo con un amnesia/mistaken identidy?
imagina que estás en casa, con la cena caliente y lista para comer, esperando a tu novio como cada día, cuando recibes una llamada que derriba todo tu mundo. un accidente de auto, una semana inconsciente y cuando despierta, se ha olvidado de ti. todos los recuerdos, los momentos juntos, las promesas, se han ido. estás vuelta un mar de llanto suplicando que por favor te recuerde, que te acaricie el rostro y limpie tus lagrimas prometiendo que todo estará bien; pero él está simplemente sentado en esa camilla de hospital con una expresión en blanco sin tener idea de quién es la chica frente suyo. volverías los días siguientes, intentando recuperar los fragmentos de su vida que le ayuden a recordar quién es, y quién eres tú. no te voy a mentir, eunseok sabe que el proceso te está dañando más de lo que lo ayuda a él. puede notar tus ojos brillantes en lágrimas retenidas cuando le muestras las fotos de sus vacaciones el verano pasado, la vez que fueron a esquiar sobre nieve dos años antes, la primera navidad que pasaron juntos en casa de sus padres. sabe que cuando le platicas de las cosas que disfrutaban hacer juntos como cocinar o leer, la voz se te quiebra e intentas ocultarlo fingiendo un estornudo. así que quiere pararlo todo. por eso un día cuando llegas del trabajo para verlo y estás apunto de volverte loca porque descubriste que le habían dado el alta sin avisarte, el aparece totalmente vestido con una suave sonrisa en el rostro. te limpia las lagrimas con delicadeza y por un segundo sientes la esperanza creciendo en tu pecho "no puedo decirte que te amo porque recuerdo quién eres o lo que teníamos, pero quiero hacerlo por lo que conozco y tenemos ahora".
sungchan para mí es el biggest brother's best friend y me justifico precisamente con esa declaración de sentir una conexion creada por el tiempo y la convivencia
creciste en una familia pequeña, solo tus padres, tu hermano mayor y tú. ah, y el molesto mejor amigo de tu hermano. como comunmente sucede, al principio ustedes dos no se llevaban muy bien y esto se debe a que ese ruidoso niño te robaba la atención de tu amado hermano. like, how does he even dare? fue tu hermano mucho antes de ser siquiera su amigo, no podía llevarselo así porque sí. además, sungchan vivía para molestarte. escondía tus juguetes, robaba tus dulces, tiraba de tu cabello y pellizcaba tus brrazos. pero conforme ambos crecían y dejaban atrás juegos y burlas infantiles, comenzaron a verse de forma distinta. tú no habías notado lo bonitos que eran los ojos de sungchan cuando te miraba, y sungchan no había captado lo adictiva que era tu risa cuando te reías de algo que había dicho o hecho. su comportamiento cambió mucho, incluso se habían vuelto amigos y pasabas el rato con él y tu hermano cuando ambos estaban en casa. aunque las cosas se pusieron dificiles cuando en su pijamada semanal tu hermano le contó que un chico te había invitado a salir. no entendía porqué le dolía el estomago o por qué de repente estaba de mal humor, pero prefirió encerrarse en la habitación de tu hermano hasta la mañana siguiente, no queriendo ver como le sonreías a alguien más. esa misma noche de madrugada, había ido a la cocina por un vaso de agua que aliviara su malestar cuando te vio sentada recargada sobre el marco de la puerta. estaba por alejarse silenciosamente cuando te escuchó sollozar y sus cejas se fruncieron automanticamente. su corazón cayó a sus pies cuando lo volteaste a vez con los ojos rojos y el maquillaje corrido. te habías arreglado tan bonito para un estúpido adolescente que te había dejado plantada, y sungchan quería romperle la cara al pobre diablo. se sentó a tu lado y te rodeó con sus brazos, susurrando palabras dulces y diciéndote que mereces a alguien que te trate como una reina y no un imbécil que no supo valorar la increible mujer que eres. en el momento que te apretaste contra su pecho pidiendole que no te dejara, supo que él quería ser ese alguien que te pusiera el mundo a los pies.
wonbin es difícil para mí siempre ngl, pero se me ocurre una fake relationship porque siento que sería el tipo de chico con el cual quieres darle celos al perro de tu ex
estás tranquilamente en tu cafetería preferida leyendo un buen libro, cuando la campanilla de la entrada suena y vez a tu miserable exnovio de la mano de una chica nueva. ustedes no tenían ni una semana de haber roto ¿y él ya tenia una nueva novia? vaya hijo de puta. por suerte estaban muy ocupados ordenando en la caja y aún no te habían visto, así que volteas para todos lados nerviosa buscando dónde esconderte cuando un chico captó tu atención. estaba solo, una mesa atrás de la tuya, escribiendo algo en una libretita. tu cuerpo se movió antes de que incluso procesaras lo que hacías, y en un parpadeo estabas sentada frente a él con el cuerpo inclinado sobre la mesa. te miró extrañado, ¿quién eres y por qué estás aquí? dibujados en su rostro serio. "por favor, mi ex está por allá". wonbin levantó una ceja en tu dirección dejando de escribir, y luego observó hacia donde señalaste, viendo a la pareja que caminaba ahora hacia ustedes. soltó un suspiro y con su mano libre tomó la tuya con delicadeza, su dedo pulgar dibujando trazos sobre el dorso de tu mano que sostenía una malteada, llevandola hasta su boca. soltando un sonoro "ah~" satisfacción justo cuando tu ex pasaba a su lado, viendo al apuesto chico que mirabas embelezada. como núnca lo habías mirado a él. cuando wonbin se aseguró que tu ex y la chica se habían sentado a una distancia donde podían verlos a ustedes pero no escucharlos, volteó a verte, riendo un poco al ver tu rostro sonrojado y tu boca entre abierta. wonbin juntó tus quijadas juguetonamente con su dedo índice, encontrándote graciosamente cautivadora.
seunghan solía molestarte todos los días en el colegio. durante las clases que compartían se la pasaba lanzandote bolitas de papel, pinchando tus brazos cada vez que pasabas junto a él o sacando un pie para hacerte tropezar cuando era tú quien pasaba a su lado. le encantaba jalar tu cabello cuando pasaba corriendo a por tu costado y tomar lo que sea que tuvieras en la mano para hacerte ir detras de él para recuperarlo. seunghan disfruta cada vez que los profesores te pedían ser su tutora porque sabía que no rechazarías los creditos extras, amaba la idea de poder molestarte durante las sesiones. hablando de otras cosas en vez de poner atención, interrumpiendote, robando tus lentes para jugar con ellos, pichando tu estómago e incluso acercando su rostro al suyo para ponerte nerviosa. otra cosa que seunghan amaba, eran tus insultos, y lo creativa que solías ser con ellos. cada día encontraba su motivación en hacerte enojar solo para descubrir que clase de insulto poético saldría de tu bonita y vulgar boca. cada vez que te das la vuelta refunfuñando luego de practicamente insultar hasta a su bisabuela, un seunghan sonriente te observa, se relame los labios y sacude la cabeza pensando en que la proxima vez, quiere escucharte insultarlo entre besos.
seunghan es demasiado enemies to lovers, pero me atrevo a decir que más enfocado en un school bully!seunghan
sohee grita bestfriends to lover y no pienso discutirlo con nadie
ustedes dos habían sido amigos desde practicamente toda la vida. sabían todo el uno del otro, iban a todas partes juntos, tenian los mismos amigos, y practicamente no había momento del día que estuvieran separados, sin mencionar el baño claro. así que para sohee no fue extraño terminar enamorándose de tí. la chica que conocía cada faceta suya, que había estado con él en las buenas, las malas y las peores y que había sido amiga, hermana y consejera. pero sohee sabía que para tí solo era tu mejor amigo, habiendo vivido practicamente cada historia de amor y desamor a tu lado. escuchó de cada uno de tus novios y los conoció, y cuando alguno de ellos rompió tu corazón, fue él quien secó tus lagrimas y te dejó llorar en su hombro, haciendo cuanto estuviera a su alcance para hacerte sentir mejor. hasta que un día, estabas hablandole sobre este chico nuevo que estaba en tu clase y él simplemente explotó. no soportando más que hablaras maravillas sin parar de un extraño solo porque te obsequió un chocolate. él te había obsequiado chocolate, no uno, cientos de barras. te compraba tu helado favorito cada sabado por la tarde, te llevaba a todas partes, venía a tu casa a prepararte ramen a las 3 de la mañana solo porque tenías hambre. deberías amarlo como él a tí y dejar de perder el tiempo con otros chicos que no valen la pena. "pensé que jamás me sacarías de la friendzone" y el hamster en su cerebro se demayó cuando entre risas lo besaste.
ok con anton tengo de por sí una idea en borrador para un childhood friends to lovers
conoces a anton porque es el hermano menor de tu mejor amigo, así que naturalmente se hicieron amigos también. para anton no fue dificil caer enamorado de ti, eras hermosa y siempre lo tratabas con mucho cariño, lo cuidabas e incluso lo mimabas. claro, eras hija única y querías un hermano, así que proyectaste ese amor fraternal en el pequeño niño. por supuesto, anton no comprendió la profundidad de su afecto hasta unos cuantos años despúes, siendo adolescente. no quiero irme de largo con este porque no quiero hacer spoilers pero aja, en esencia eso
espero que te gusten mis ideas anon gracias por conversar conmigo 💕
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zonadelcaos · 5 months
SONIC CHANNEL STAFF COLUMN - Presentación Calendario Mayo 2024
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Artículo original del Sonic Channel publicado el 19/04/2024
¡Hola! Soy KIKUZO, el webmaster de Sonic Channel. ¿Ya os habéis acostumbrado a la nueva vida? En esta ocasión también os traemos todo con el medidor de Boost al máximo.
El personaje que aparece en el calendario de mayo de 2024 es alguien que aparició en Sonic Superstars
¡Es Fang!
Fang the Hunter es un jerbo fuera de la ley. Ágil y astuto, siempre está tramando cómo adelantarse a sus oponentes. En Sonic Superstars, parece estar contratado por Eggman y está buscando un tesoro oculto en las Northstar Islands... ¡Pero su verdadero objetivo es adueñarse astutamente de todo para sí mismo! Parece que no tiene intención de compartir el tesoro que encuentre ni con Sonic ni con Eggman.
¡Gracias a todos los que participasteis en la votación de los personajes! Aquí están los cuatro personajes que pudieron ser votados.
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Bien, el personaje elegido para aparecer en el calendario junto a Fang es…
Una misteriosa chica que lleva una pesada armadura…Dejadme explicaros un poco más sobre su relación con Fang.
Hizo su primera aparición en Sonic Superstars y, como habitante de las Northstar Islands, se le encomendó guiar a Fang y Eggman por la inexplorada isla.
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En especial, cuando trabaja con Fang, ella trata de ayudar en varias cosas, pero... como es torpe y un poco descuidada, siempre termina cometiendo errores. Aunque la regañan una y otra vez, ella sigue adelante sin desanimarse. ¿Qué será lo que piensa Fang al ver su persistencia...? Esta relación un poco extraña parece ser un escenario perfecto para crear situaciones interesantes.
¡Y con esto, aquí está la ilustración de esta ocasión!
¡Fang sorprendido por un gran descubrimiento inesperado durante la exploración! ¡Y Trip no puede evitar quitarse la armadura para verlo! ¡Prestad atención a las diferentes reacciones de los dos al ver lo mismo!
¿Por qué no vais a la web del Sonic Channel para descargar la ilustración y disfrutarla?
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mothedmanillustration · 10 months
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Augmen de Lute info!
Augmen de Lute is the confident, charming, laid-back captain of the Arrowpoint Pirates, a group that enjoys throwing massive parties for any occasion. Other pirates and seafarers are encouraged to join in the fun- provided they follow the rules and not cause trouble.
To fund these parties, Augmen attacks Marines and merchant ships, as well as stealing from any guests who decide to break his rules or other pirates who attack. He loves attacking any Marine ships on sight, racking up quite the bounty from property damage alone.
Augmen's parties aren't traps like some other locations (Gran Tesoro), he genuinely likes throwing parties and is very serious about hospitality. He's built up a good reputation among other pirates over the years and they know his ship's a good place to visit. Some unlucky pirates think they can take advantage of the captain's generous hospitality, wanting to steal Augmen's vast treasure or kill him for the fame, those pirates rarely make it off the ship alive.
Augmen has a large crew of loyal pirates (mostly just basic pirates, no special powers) who all love and adore their captain. He in turn, loves his crew and treats them well. He may be a partier but he works hard to keep his ship running smoothly and keeps his crew and guests safe.
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Devil Fruit: Mod Mod Fruit
Able to modify (strengthen or weaken) attributes of people and objects through touch.
If holding the target, the effect is stronger, the effect can last when the touch is gone but will start to fade after a few minutes. The longer something is held, the stronger the effect and the longer it will linger after the contact is gone.
Uses his left hand to strengthen and his right to weaken, this is entirely a stylistic choice by him and if needed he can use either hand.
Use Examples
Augmen’s dual pistols, powers them up so they’re a LOT stronger than a normal gun of that size, since they’re always on him, he’s always feeding a little power into it, keeping them stronger than if they were held suddenly
He does a similar thing with the cannons on his ship, feeding power into them so they hit harder than normal cannons, capable of taking down Marine ships in just a hit or two
Strengthen the ship’s defenses, cannon balls do less damage or bounce off entirely. Helpful since Augmen’s ship is a bit slow due to its size
Can buff himself and others attack/defense
Can weaken opponents if he gets they’re hands on them, for most people, they’ll feel weak and tired and if held on to long enough, pass out. Stronger opponents get their attacks debuffed and devil fruit users can have varying effects.
Doesn’t work well/at all on certain devil fruit users, specifically ones that can avoid being touched or ones that can’t really have their powers weakened
His power being touch-based means that he has to get up close to opponents to affect them, making him easier to hit in return. If he’s focusing on powering up/weakening a large target, he can’t power up himself, also making him vulnerable.
Example: powering up the entire ship makes him an easy target to be sniped or hit, relies on his crew to protect him
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Accidental Marriage: Gild Tesoro x Reader
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➼ Word Count » 0.6k ➼ Warnings » None ➼ Genre » Accidental Marriage AU, Romantic
The morning light filtered in through the windows, hitting your eyes as they gently grazed over your skin, beckoning you to wake up. You groaned as you tossed over, not wanting to get up just yet. Your head was killing you and you found yourself annoyed that you had drank so much at the bar. God, you hoped you hadn't embarrassed yourself in front of all the other tourists and guests. You didn't think you could leave your hotel room if that was the case. Speaking of your hotel room, the bed you were laying in was so warm and ridiculously soft, that you found it amazing you were granted such luxuries in one of the cheapest rooms.
"Morning." A deep voice rumbled as someone entered the room.
You jolted up quickly, staring at the mysterious man who had entered when it finally hit you—this wasn't your room. In fact, you'd never seen this room in your life. Your eyes bolted around to take in everything—from the gold-colored sheets to the spotless tan rug that covered the room.
He chuckled, "It's different, isn't it? The rooms up here are so much nicer than the one you had rented."
"Wh-where..?" You began to ask, slightly nervous as you observed the way he stalked toward you slowly, his dress shoes hardly making a sound as he walked across the carpet.
"This is my room," He responded, "Figured it was only right to take you here after last night."
"What happened last night?" You questioned, praying that you hadn't gotten yourself into anything you wouldn't be able to climb out of. I mean, you were already in debt, how much more could you really take?
Your confusion only grew when he pointed to the beautiful and expensive golden ring that adorned his finger. Looking down, you noticed a matching one encasing your own hand.
You felt light-headed. You were all the way out here at the Gran Tesoro, and you'd managed to get yourself married to the man in charge. Was it a trap? Some kind of ploy? You didn't have very many resources to turn to to be able to get yourself out of whatever he planned to do.
He moved his larger hand on top of yours, "It's a bit more spontaneous than I usually like, but I'm sure we could make this work."
"What? Are we seriously staying married?"
"Don't sound so disappointed, baby," He cooed, brushing a strand of hair out of your face, "we could be perfect together. I was looking for a new business partner anyway."
Your eyes lit up at the sound of a job opportunity, clasping your hand over his own in excitement. This was it. This would be your big break. Then you wouldn't have to scrounge around for cash anymore.
"Ok!" You responded, smiling widely at the flamboyant man, "Give me a second to get ready and I'll meet you outside!"
He patted your head affectionately before standing and making his way out. You threw on the most lavish white dress you could find in your closet, once you were sure he was gone. You were determined to make a good first impression as Tesoro's new spouse. The public needed to see you at your best if you planned on making this work. So, with a few sprits from the perfume that sat on the nightstand, you started to make your way out, thrilled at the thought of starting a new life.
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perpassareiltempo · 2 months
La bellezza, è un gran tesoro; ma c’è un tesoro che vale anche di più, ed è la grazia, la modestia e le buone maniere.
Carlo Collodi
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