#Graham C. Goff
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Die Leere Mitte â Issue 13 + RIMAE
Die Leere Mitte â Issue 13 +Â RIMAE
In this issue: Jim Leftwich, Cecelia Chapman, Elmedin Kadric, Antonio Devicienti, Charles Wilkinson, Bob Lucky, Alexandra Fössinger, Patrick Sweeney, Rich Murphy, Strider Marcus Jones, Werner Preuss, Diana Magallon. download | cover | print ed.: lulu | amazon.com | .de | .it | .uk | au | submit | twitterEdited in Berlin by Horst Berger and Federico Federici. Enrico Sette, Rimae | instagram |âŠ
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#asemantic#asemic#asemiotic#conceptual#concrete#die leere mitte#experimental#Graham C. Goff#Howie Good#J. D. Nelson#Jim Meirose#John Grey#literature#mark young#Mohamed Gassara#Patrick Sweeney#PaweĆ Markiewicz#Ramsay Randall#reviews#Tamizh Ponni#vispo#visual poetry#yours truly
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The Greyhound / Mo Goff
The Greyhound / Mo Goff
Graham C. Goff is a college student in rural central Texas (two hundred miles from Nowhere). He collects and repairs typewriters, avidly consumes Russian literature, and plays tennis. Graham anticipates a future career in writing, law, professorship, or diplomacyâ depending on whoâs asking. He is an editor at âKitchen Sink Magazineâ and has been previously published in âKitchen Sink Magazineâ,âŠ
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Biblioteca MTÂ
-13 escalones del mentalismo
-Arte de ler mentes-Henrik Fexeus
-O mentalista
-Tricks of the mind - Derren Brown
-Absolute Magic-Derren Brown
-Pure effect-Derren Brown
-Easy mentalism
-Practical Mental magic-Theodore Annemann
-Manual de psiquiatria portugues
-Cinema e Loucura
-Psicologia Facil - Ana Merces Bahia Bock
-Introdução Ă programação neurolinguĂstica-Joseph 0'Connor e John Seymour
-despertar do gigante interior
-PNL Programacao Neurolinguistic - Steve Andreas
-Usando Sua Mente (PNL) Richard Bandler
-PNL: A Nova Tecnologia do Sucesso
-NeurociĂȘncias - Desvendando o sistema nervoso Bear, M. F., Connors, B. W., & Paradiso, M. A.,
-As bases biologicas do comportamento-marcus brandao
-Truques da mente-Stephen L.Macknik & Susana martinez-Conde
com Sandra Blakeslee
-Subliminar - Leonard Mlodinow
-Hipnoterapia Ericksoniana Passo a Passo-Sofia Bauer
-hipnose - dicas, métodos e técnicas
-o homem de fevereiro-erickson
-Manual hipnose completo-fabio puentes
-Hackeando mentes - Marcelo Maia
-A Realidade Ă© PlĂĄstica- Anthony Jacquin
-Como se dar bem com as Mulheres - Ron Louis e David Copeland
-A Arte Natural da Sedução - Richard La Ruina
-Manual de Artes Venusianas
-O Jogo-Neil Strauss
-O livro negro da sedução
-Biblia da sedução
-linguagem das Emocoes-Paul Ekman
-O cĂłdigo de Ekman -A.Freitas MagalhĂŁes
-InteligĂȘncia visual-Amy E.Herman
-As Armas da Persuasao - Robert B. Cialdini
-Manual de PersuasĂŁo do FBI - Jack Shafer
-A preparação do Ator-Stanislavski
-Mentes Geniais - Alberto Dell isola
-Mentes Brilhantes
-A Arte de Argumentar
-tratado de argumentação a nova retórica-Chaim Perelman
-logica juridica-chaim perelman
-Argumentação Juridica-Vitor Gabriel
-schopenhauer - como vencer um debate - dialetica eristica
-schoppenhauer - do pensar por si
-OratĂłria-Reinaldo Polito
-Introducao a retorica-Olivier Reboul
-How to Argue & Win Every Time- Gerry Spence
-tecnicas basicas de redacao-branca granatic
-A encantadora de Bebes
-Adestramento Inteligente
-Como Criar o Cao Perfeito Desde - Cesar Millan
-Magica de Pensar Grande-David J SchwartzA
-Mitologia Greco-Romana - René Ménard
-Os Mitos Gregos-Robert Graves
-Ultimate secrets of card magic
-Expert card technique -Jean Hugard & Frederick Braue
-Apostila aprenda a investir na bolsa corretora xp
-Analise Fundamentalista
-Os supersinais da analise técnica
-Investir cada vez melhor
-Sobreviva na bolsa
-Aprenda a operar
-Manual do pequeno investidor em - Fabio Almeida
TransaçÔes imobiliarias
-apostila TTI
-como montar uma imobiliaria
-dominio da venda imobiliaria
-SuperFreakonomics O Lado Oculto do Dia a Dia - Steven D. Levitt
-Curso basico de macroeconomia
-Historia Pensamento economico
-manual de Economia da USP
-Economia nua e crua - Charles Wheelan
-Manual do CEO
-O CEO Ă© o limite
-os axiomas de Zurique
-Pai rico pai pobre
-investimentos O segredo de George Soros e Warren Buffet
-O X da questĂŁo
-Investimentos inteligentes - Gustavo Cerbasi
-Sonho Grande
-A jogada do seculo-Michael Lewis
-Bumerangue-Michael Lewis
-Flash Boys-Michael Lewis
-O homem que roubou Portugal
-Os Genios dos Negocios-Peter-Krass
-Golpes bilionarios-kari nars
-A ascensao do dinheiro - Niall Ferguson
-A bola de neve-Alice Schroeder
-crash-uma breve histria da economia
-O Lobo de Wall Street - Jordan Belfort
-O Sequestro da America - Charles H. Ferguson
-Por que sai do Goldman Sachs - Greg Smith
Anatomia Humana Basica Dangeloe Fattini
Atlas de Anatomia Humana  Netter
Atlas FotogrĂĄfico de Anatomia - Yokochi
Grays p. estudant.
Anatomia Moore orientada para a clĂnica
Fisiologia Humana - Dee Unglaub Silverthorn
Bogliolo Patologia
Histologia BĂĄsica - Junqueira e Carneiro
5-Biologia celular
Biologia Celular e Molecular -Junqueira & Carneiro
BioquĂmica MĂ©dica BĂĄsica de Marks
embriologia clinica Moore
Microbiologia Medica - Patrick Murray
Murphy - Imunobiologia De Janeway
Griffiths - Introdução à Genética
Parasitologia Humana Neves
Fundamentos de Radiologia e DiagnĂłstico por imagem
Tratado de TĂ©cnica RadiolĂłgica - Bontrager
Farmacologia BĂĄsica ClĂnica Bertram Katzung Â
Goodman - Farmacologia
Semiologia Medica - Porto
Semiologia Bates
Exame ClĂnico-Porto
Semiologia médica - mario lópez
Semiologia MĂ©dica - Rocco
16-ClĂnica Geral
Harrison - Medicina Interna
17-UrgĂȘncia e EmergĂȘncia
Manual APH
Blackbook Pediatria
Nelson Tratado de Pediatria
19-Ginecologia e ObstetrĂcia
ObstetricĂa Rezende
Obstetricia Basica
Rotinas Em Obstetricia
Ginecologia Fundamental
Rotinas em Ginecologia
A Neurologia que todo médico deve saber - Nitrini
NeurociĂȘncias - Bear, M. F., Connors, B. W., & Paradiso, M. A.
Cem bilhoes de neuronios
Neuropsicologia - Roger Gil
CompĂȘndio de Psiquiatria - Kaplan
Manual De Psiquiatria Portugues
22-Cirurgia geral
Cirurgia ambulatorial - Savassi
Manual de tĂ©cnica cirĂșrgica para a graduação
Propedeutica Cirurgica
Ruy Garcia - Tecnica OperatĂłria e Cirurgia Experimental
Sabiston - Tratado de Cirurgia
Cardiologia para Clinico Geral
Serrano - Tratado de Cardiologia SOCESP
24-Exames Laboratorias
Exames Laboratoriais - Nemer, Neves e Ferreira
Medicina Laboratorial para o ClĂnico
Renato Failace - Hemograma - Manual De Interpretação
Manual de Medicina Legal - Delton Croce Junior
Fundamentos em Toxicologia de Casarett e Doull
Williams - Tratado de Endocrinologia
Current Reumatologia
Dermatologia - Azulay & Azulay
Nefrologia - Riella
Pneumologia - SĂ©rie No ConsultĂłrio
Andrew Holtz - A ciĂȘncia mĂ©dica de House
Onde nĂŁo hĂĄ medico
Rotinas de enfermagem
-PrincĂpios de MecatrĂŽnica-JoĂŁo MaurĂcio RosĂĄrio
FĂsica,Astronomia e Cosmologia
-50 Ideias de Fisica Que Precisa - Joanne Baker
-FĂsica Moderna para iniciados, interessados e aficionados
-O Universo Numa Casca de Noz-Stephen Hawking
-Breve histĂłria do tempo-Stephen Hawking
-O universo elegante - Brian Greene
-A Realidade Oculta - Brian Greene
-O Tecido do Cosmo - Brian Greene
-Fisica do futuro - Michio Kaku
-Hiperespaco - Michio Kaku
-Mundos Paralelos - Michio Kaku
-Batendo a porta do ceu - Lisa Randall
-O cerne da matéria
-Cosmos - Carl Sagan
-El grande diseno-Stephen Hawking
-E SE Respostas cientĂficas para perguntas absurdas - Randall Munroe
-50 Ideias de Matematica Que Pre - Tony Crilly
-17 Equacoes Que Mudaram o Mundo - Ian Stewart
-20.000 léguas matemåticas
-As maravilhas da matemĂĄtica
-Introdução a filosofia da matemåtica
-O diabo dos numeros
-O andar do bebado
-Em busca do infinito
-Os misterios dos numeros
-Sera que Deus joga dados
-Simetria matematica
-A MatemĂĄtica nos Tribunais - Leila Schneps, Coralie Colmez
-Mathemagics How to Look Like a Genius Without Really Trying Mantesh Marked
-Mania de matemĂĄtica
-50 Ideias Genetica - Mark Henderson
-O Maior EspetĂĄculo da Terra As EvidĂȘncias da Evolução-Richard Dawkins
-A Arte de Pensar Claramente - Rolf Dobelli
-Tratado LĂłgico FilosĂłfico-Wittgeinstein
-PinĂłquio no PaĂs dos Paradoxos
-RaciocĂnio LĂłgico e MatemĂĄtica para Concursos CESPE/UNB
-RaciocĂnio LĂłgico Passo A Passo -Cabral,Luiz Claudio; Nunes, Mauro CĂ©sar
-Pense Como um Freak_ Como Pensa - Steven D. Levitt
-Guia das falĂĄcias de Stephen Downes
-LĂłgica jurĂdica-Chaim Perelman
-Modal Logic for Open Minds - Johan van Benthem
-Philosophical Perspectives on Infinity-Graham Oppy
Bibliografia do Combate
-C 23-1 - Tiro Das Armas PortĂĄteis- 1ÂȘ Parte - Fuzil-EB
-C 23-1 - Tiro Das Armas PortĂĄteis- 2ÂȘ Parte - Pistola-EB
-Caderno de Instrução do Fuzil de Assalto 5,56 IA2 (EB70-CI-11.405)-EB
-CatĂĄlogo de Armas-Rodrigo Pereira Larizzatti
-C 5-37 Minas e Armadilhas-EB
-IP-23-90 Morteiro 81 mm ROYAL ORDNANCE-EB
-IP 23-34 Lança-Rojão 84mm(AT-4)
-MCRP 3-01B Pistol Marksmanship - USMC
-MCRP 3-01A Rifle Marksmanship U.S. Marine Corps
-CI 7-5-2 Combate em ĂĄrea edificada-EB
-CI 21-75 Patrulhas-EB
-Manual de Conduta de Patrulha-PMESP
-Apostila Instrução Tåtica Individual -FNSP
-The Hunter's page-Rodrigo Pereira Larizzatti
-In0531 Combat in built up areas-Us Army
-IP 21-2 Caçador-EB
-CI 21-2-1 contra caçadores-EB
-The Ultimate Sniper -Maj.John Plaster
-B-GL-392-005/FP-001 Sniping -Canada
-MCWP 3-15-3 Sniping-USMC
-MI6-028 Tiradores de élite-Ejército de Tierra(Espanha)
-Atirador de elite-Carlos David
Artes Marciais
-C 20-50 luta-EB
-Ringue Master
-Boxing-Edwin Haislet
-Gracie Jiu-Jitsu - Thomas de Soto
-A Biblia do MMA- Anderson Silva
-Krav Maga-Kobi Lichtenstein
-FM 3-25.150 Combatives-US Army
-MCRP 3-02 Close Combat-US Marine Corps
-Wrestling for Fighting The Natural Way-Randy Couture, Erich Krauss, Glen Cordoza e Eric Hendrikx
-Ninjutsu - Arte da resistencia
-Mystic Art of the Ninja - Stephen Hayes
-Ninja Combat Method - Â Stephen Hayes
-Secrets from the Ninja Grandmaster-Stephen K. Hayes & Masaaki Hatsumi
-The Way of the Ninja: Secret Techniques - Masaaki Hatsumi
TFM & Alimentação
-EB20-MC-10.350 Treinamento FĂsico Militar-EB
-Guia dos movimentos de musculação-Frédéric Delavier
-Musculação além do anabolismo-Waldemar Marques Guimarães Neto
-MD42-M-03 Manual de Alimentação das Forças Armadas-EB
-Manual de Ensino de Esgrima -Volume 1- FLORETE (EB60-ME-25.401)-EB
-Manual de Ensino de Esgrima - Volume 2 â Espada (EB60-25.502)-EB
-C 20-51-Esgrima-EB
-IP 21-80-sobrevĂȘncia na selva-EB
-Fm 21 76 Survival manual- us army
APH & Medicina
-ATLS Advanced Trauma Life Support-ColĂ©gio Americano de CirurgiĂ”es ComitĂȘ de Trauma
-Manual de Diagnóstico e Tratamento de Acidentes por Animais Peçonhentos-FUNASA
-SIGN AND THE ART OF TRACKING-Christian Nellemann with Jack Kearney and Stig NĂ„rstad
-SAS Tracking Handbook-Barry Davies
-The art of tracking the origin of science-Liebenberg
-cgcfn 1003 manual basico do fuzileiro naval
-cgcfn 1004 combatente anfibio
-Manual Operacional Do Policial Civil SP
TĂ©cnicas Militares
-C 22-5 ordem unida-EB
-C-21-74 Instrução Individual-Exército Brasileiro(EB)
-EB70-MC-10.233 Defesa QBN-EB
-C-6-199 Topografia-EB
-C-5-40 Camuflagem-EB
-Manual de OperaçÔes de Choque
-The Ultimate Parkour & Freerunning Book-Jan Witfeld, Ilona E. Gerling
& Alexander Pach
Apronto Operacional
-EB70-CI-11.404 Caderno de Instrução de Aprestamento e Apronto Operacional-EB
-Guia do Aluno Comanf-Marinha do Brasil
-Orientação Cioesp - EB
-Orientação Cigs - EB
-Orientação Cam(Curso Avançado de Montanhismo) - EB
-Orientação PQD - EB
-C 5-37 Minas e Armadilhas-EB
-FM 5-25 Explosives & Demolitions-U.S.Army
-TM 31-210 Improvised Munitions Handbook-U.S.Army
-TM 9-1910 Military Explosives-US Army
-TM 9-1300-214 Military Explosives-US Army
-The Anarchist Cookbook-William Powell
-Guerilla Arsenal- David Harber
-The Anarchist Arsenal-David Harber
-The Advanced Anarchist Arsenal-David Harber
-The Preparatory Manual of Explosives-Jared B.Ledgard
-Kitchen Improvised Fertilizer Explosives-Tim Lewis
-Homemade Semtex-Seymour Lecker
-Science of Revolutionary Warfare-Johann Most
-The Explosives Course-Abu Khabab al-Masri(Midhat Mursi)
-Ragnar's Homemade Detonators-Ragnar Benson
-B-GL-361-007/FP-001 Combat Diving-National Defense Canada
-U.S. Navy Diving Manual SS521-AG-PRO-010
-A Guide to Public Safety Diving-North Carolina PSD Standards
-Manual Operacional de Bombeiros-CBMGO
-FM 3-05.212 Special Forces Waterborne Operations-US Army
MILITARY DIVING OPERATIONS-Headquarters of the Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, and
Coast Guard US
-Manual TĂ©cnico de Salto Livre (EB60-MT-34.405)-EB
-Manual Técnico Equitação (EB60- MT-26.401)-EB
-Manual Equitação da Federação Paulista de Hipismo
-M016 Manual Tecnica Esqui-Ejército de Tierra(Espanha)
-Ci9011 Assalto Aeromóvel e Infiltração aeromóvel-EB
-Cold Region Operations ATTP 3-97.11/MCRP 3-35.1D (FM 31-70 and FM 31-71)-US Army
-Jungle Operations-FM 90-5-US Army
-CIA-Manual Oficial truques e espionagem-H.Keith Melton
-Techiques of the professional pickpocket-Wayne B.Yeager
-Curso de Introdução Ă Atividade de InteligĂȘncia â CIAI-CGI
Sistemas de armas
-Art of the kill-Pete Bonanni
-Natops Flight Manual F16
-Natops Flight Manual F18
-Natops Flight Manual F14
-FLIGHT MANUAL EuroFighter v1
-Conocimientos submarinos S-70-Armada Española
-Manual de Marinero y del Soldado de infanterĂa de Marina-Armada Española
-Manual de policiamento fluvial-PPMPA (ParĂĄ)
-Manual M113-ExĂ©rcito PortuguĂȘs
-Fundamentals of Guided Missiles-S. R. Mohan
-AFM 52-31 Guided Missile Fundamentals-Department of the Air Force
-Advances in Missile Guidance, Control, and Estimation
-Gunsmithing at Home Lock Stock & Barrel- John E.Traister
-Building Firearms-Harold Hoffman
Armas Nucleares
-U.S. Nuclear Weapons - The Secret History Hardcover-Chuck Hansen
-Swords of Armageddon - Chuck Hansen
-Dark Sun: The Making of the Hydrogen Bomb-Richard Rhodes
-The Making of the Atomic Bomb-Richard Rhodes
-Atomic Accidents: A History of Nuclear Meltdowns and Disasters- James Mahaffey
Engenharia Naval
-SNAME Ship Design & Construction
-Engineering Economics and Ship Design - Buxton
Estratégia militar
-Field Manual of Military Operations (FM 3â0)-United States Army
-Manual de Campanha C 124-1 - Estratégia-EB
-As grandes estratégias - John Lewis Gaddis
-Techniques of Crime Scene investigation-Barry A.J Fisher
-Procedimento operacional padrĂŁo:PerĂcia Criminal-MinistĂ©rio da Justiça BR
-Manual de orientação de quesitos da perĂcia criminal-DPF
-Introduction to Criminalistics-Barry A.J Fisher,
William J.Tilstone e Catherine Woytowicz
-Fundamentals of forensic science- Max M. Houck & Jay A. Siegel
-CiĂȘncias Forenses-Alberi Espindula,Gustavo Caminoto Geiser e Jesus Antonio Velho
-Practical Crime Scene Processing and Investigation
-Hanbook of Firearms and Ballistics-Brian J.Heard
C.Hematologia Forense
-Interpretation of Bloodstain Evidence at Crime Scenes-
Stuart H.James & William G.Eckert
-Bloodstain Pattern Analysis -Tom Bevel & Ross M. Gardner
Medicina Legal
-Medicina Legal-Genival Veloso
-Manual técnico-operacional para os médicos-legistas do Estado de São Paulo
-Manual de Medicina Legal - Delton Croce Junior
-Manual de Técnicas em Necropsia médico-legal-Luiz Carlos L.Prestes Jr. &
Roger Ancillotti
Psicologia Forense
-Serial Killer louco ou cruel-Ilana Casoy
-Mentes Perigosas - O Psicopata  - Ana Beatriz Barbosa Silva
-Linguagem das EmoçÔes-Paul Ekman
-O cĂłdigo de Ekman -A.Freitas MagalhĂŁes
-InteligĂȘncia visual-Amy E.Herman
-As Armas da Persuasao - Robert B. Cialdini
-Manual de PersuasĂŁo do FBI - Jack Shafer
-OratĂłria-Reinaldo Polito
-Adestramento Inteligente
-Como Criar o Cao Perfeito Desde - Cesar Millan
-Magica de Pensar Grande-David J SchwartzA
-RaciocĂnio LĂłgico Passo A Passo -Cabral,Luiz Claudio; Nunes, Mauro CĂ©sar
-The illustrated guide to the world's top counter-terrorist forces-Samuel M.Katz
-Bushido (o CĂłdigo do Samurai)-Daidoji Yuzan
-A Arte da guerra-Sun Tzu
-O Livro dos Cinco Anéis-Miyamoto Musashi
-Charlie Oscar Tango-Eduardo Betini e Fabiano Tomazi
-Oscar Alfa-Fabiano Tomazi
-Elite da tropa- André Batista, Rodrigo Pimentel e Luiz Eduardo Soares
-FalcĂŁo Negro em Perigo-Mark Bowden
-NĂŁo hĂĄ dia fĂĄcil-Mark Owen
-Seal team six -Howard E.Wasdin & Stephen Templin
-DiĂĄrio de um policial-DiĂłgenes Lucca
-COE Comandos e OperaçÔes Especiais-por Luis Augusto Pacheco Ambar (Autor), Guto Ambar (Fotógrafo)
-Matar ou Morrer-Conte Lopes
-Rota 66-Caco Barcellos
-Thoughts of a Sniper-Vasily Zaitsev
-O diĂĄrio de GuantĂĄnamo- Mohamedou Ould Slahi
Crime Organizado
-A Guerra: a ascensĂŁo do PCC e o mundo do crime no Brasil-Bruno Paes Manso e Camila Nunes Dias
-Laços de Sangue. A História Secreta do PCC-Marcio Sergio Christino & Claudio Tognolli
-Quatrocentos Contra um (uma Historia do Comando Vermelho)- William da Silva Lima
-Tom Clancy - A Caçada ao Outubro Vermelho
-Tom Clancy - A Soma de Todos os Medos
-Tom Clancy Morto ou Vivo
-Scarpetta - Patricia Cornwell
-Dexter - Design de um Assassino - Jeff Lindsay
-Querido e Devotado Dexter - Jeff Lindsay
-Duplo Dexter - Jeff Lindsay
-Guerreiro Mais Mortal
-Sniper: Deadliest Missions(Sniper:Atiradores de Elite (BR))
-Generais em guerra-National Geographic
-SAS Survival Secrets
-Arma Humana (Human Weapon)-The History Channel
-Por Dentro do Mossad-Duki Dror
-Terrorismo atentados frustrados - Netflix
-Medalha de honra-Netflix
-The secrets of seal team six(Secretos de los SEALS VI(espanhol))
-COMBATES AĂREOS(Dogfights)-History Channel
-Preparados para o fim do mundo -National Geographic
-Ă Prova de Tudo(Man vs. Wild)-Bear Grylls
-No Pior Dos Casos-Bear Grylls
-A vida em um milhĂŁo de anos-NatGeo
-FalcĂŁo Negro em Perigo-Ridley Scott
-Até o Limite da Honra-Ridley Scott
-13 Horas: Os Soldados Secretos de Benghazi-Michael Bay
-Sniper Americano- Clint Eastwood
-Rede de Mentiras-Ridley Scott
-Rota Comando-Elias Junior
-S.W.A.T. - Comando Especial-Clark Johnson
-Tropa de Elite-José Padilha
-A Hora Mais Escura-Kathryn Bigelow
-44 Minutos-Yves Simoneau
-Beasts of No Nation-Cary Fukunaga
-Ameaça Terrorista-Gregor Jordan
-CĂrculo de Fogo (Enemy at the Gates)
-MissĂŁo ImpossĂvel(Saga)
-A Identidade Bourne-Doug Liman
-Colombiana-Olivier Megaton
-Band of Brothers-Phil Alden Robinson et al
-White Collar-Jeff Eastin
-Generation Kill- Iraque 40 dias de horror-Patrick Norris et al
-PolĂcia 24h-Diego Guebel
-Operação de Risco- Carla Albuquerque & Eduardo Oliveira
-Arma 3
-Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Blacklist
-Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas
-Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Future Soldier
-Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
-Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare
-Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X
-Microsoft Flight Simulator
-X-Plane 11
-Ship Simulator Extremes
-World of Warships
-120 dias de sodoma
-Justine-Marques de Sade
-O orgasmo multiplo do homem
-Sexo TĂąntrico - Alicia Gallotti
-DossiĂȘ do beijo
-God The Failed Hypothesis- Victor J. Stenger
-The Miracle of Theism Arguments for and Against the Existence of God- J L Mackie
-The Non Existence of God-Nicholas-Everitt
-Arguing About Gods-Graham Oppy
-Iron Chariots Wiki
-Arguing for Atheism-Robin Le Poidevin
-O relojoeiro cego-Dawkins
-Atheism: A Philosophical Justification Michael Martin
-Logic and Theism - Jordan Sobel
-The Cambridge Companion to Atheism - Michael Martin
-Irreligion -John Allen Paulos
-A Cosmological Argument for a Self-Caused-Quentin Smith
-The Skeptic's Dictionary- Robert Todd Carroll
-The Skeptic Encyclopedia of Pseudoscience - Michael Shermer
-An Encyclopedia of claims,frauds,and Hoaxes of
the Occult and Supernatural- James Randi
-O Mundo Assombrado pelos Demonios-Carl Sagan
-Cerebro e Crenca - Michael Shermer
-Por que as Pessoas Acreditam em - Michael Shermer
-Pura Picaretagem - Daniel Bezerra
-A Doutrina de Buda
-contos zen budistas
-O cérebro de Buda
-O Livro de ouro do Zen -David Scott & Tony Doubleday
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Public Enemies (2009)
Biography, Crime, Drama |
Public Enemies is a American biographical crime drama film directed by Michael Mann who co-wrote the screenplay with Ronan Bennett and Ann Biderman. It is an adaptation of Bryan Burroughâs non-fiction book Public Enemies: Americaâs Greatest Crime Wave and the Birth of the FBI, 1933â34.
Set during the Great Depression, the film chronicles the final years of the notorious bank robber John Dillinger as he is pursued by FBI agent Melvin Purvis, Dillingerâs relationship with Billie Frechette, as well as Purvisâ pursuit of Dillingerâs associates and fellow criminals Homer Van Meter and Baby Face Nelson.
In 1933, John Dillinger infiltrates Indiana State Penitentiary and assists in the jailbreak of his crew. During the firefight, his mentor Walter is shot and killed by the prison guards. Dillinger and company head for a nearby farm, where they change clothes and eat before driving to a safe house on the east-side of Chicago.
After killing Charles Floyd, FBI agent Melvin Purvis is promoted by J. Edgar Hoover to lead the hunt for Dillinger. Purvis shares Hooverâs belief in using modern methods to battle crime, ranging from cataloging fingerprints to tapping telephone lines.
In between a series of bank robberies, Dillinger meets Billie Frechette at a restaurant and impresses her by buying her a fur coat. Frechette falls for Dillinger even after he reveals his identity, and the two become inseparable.
Director: Michael Mann
Writers: Ronan Bennett (screenplay), Michael Mann (screenplay), Ann Biderman (screenplay), Bryan Burrough (book)
Stars: Christian Bale, Johnny Depp, Christian Stolte, Jason Clarke, Stephen Graham, David Wenham, John Judd
Christian BaleâŠMelvin PurvisChristian StolteâŠCharles MakleyJason ClarkeâŠâRedâ HamiltonJohnny DeppâŠJohn DillingerStephen GrahamâŠBaby Face NelsonDavid WenhamâŠHarry âPeteâ PierpontJohn JuddâŠTurnkeyStephen DorffâŠHomer Van MeterMichael VieauâŠEd ShouseJohn KishlineâŠGuard DainardCarey MulliganâŠCarol SlaymanJames RussoâŠWalter DietrichGiovanni RibisiâŠAlvin KarpisWesley WalkerâŠJim LeslieJohn ScherpâŠEarl AdamsElena KenneyâŠViola NorrisWilliam Nero Jr.âŠToddler on FarmChanning TatumâŠPretty Boy FloydRory CochraneâŠAgent Carter BaumMadison DirksâŠAgent Warren BartonLen BajenskiâŠPolice Chief FultzAdam ClarkâŠSportAndrzej KrukowskiâŠOscar Lieboldt (as Andrew Krukowski)Casey SiemaszkoâŠHarry BermanJohn Michael BolgerâŠMartin ZarkovichBranka KaticâŠAnna SagePeter DeFariaâŠGrover Weyland (as Peter Defaria)Jonathan MacchiâŠTellersJeff ShannonâŠAngry CopMichael SassoneâŠFarmerEmilie de RavinâŠBarbara Patzke (as Emilie De Ravin)Brian ConnellyâŠOfficer Chester BoyardEd BruceâŠSenator McKellarBilly CrudupâŠJ. Edgar HooverGeoffrey CantorâŠHarry SuydamChandler WilliamsâŠClyde TolsonRobert Brooks HollingsworthâŠHoover Reporter #1David Paul InnesâŠHoover Reporter #2Joe CarlsonâŠHoover Reporter #3Ben Mac BrownâŠHoover Reporter #4 (as Ben Brown)Marion CotillardâŠBillie FrechetteDiana KrallâŠTorch SingerDuane SharpâŠDoorman at Gold Coast (as Duane A. Sharp)Domenick LombardozziâŠGilbert CatenaBill CampâŠFrank NittiJohn OrtizâŠPhil DâAndreaRichard ShortâŠAgent Sam CowleyRandy RyanâŠAgent Julius RiceShawn HatosyâŠAgent John MadalaKurt NaebigâŠAgent William RorerJohn HoogenakkerâŠAgent Hugh CleggAdam MucciâŠAgent Harold ReineckeRebecca SpenceâŠDoris RogersDanni SimonâŠMay MinczelesDon HarveyâŠCustomer at Steuben ClubShanyn LeighâŠHelen Gillis (as Shanyn Belle Leigh)Spencer GarrettâŠTommy CarrollStephen LangâŠCharles WinsteadDon FryeâŠClarence HurtMatt CravenâŠGerry CampbellLaurence MasonâŠPorter at Union StationRandy SteinmeyerâŠCop EymanKris WolffâŠDeputyLili TaylorâŠSheriff Lillian HolleyDonald G. AsherâŠReporter #1Andrew SteeleâŠReporter #2 (as Andrew C. Steele)Philip M. PotempaâŠReporter #3 (as Philip Matthew Potempa)Brian McConkeyâŠPhotographerAlan WilderâŠRobert EstillDavid WarshofskyâŠWarden BakerPeter GeretyâŠLouis PiquettMichael BenttâŠHerbert YoungbloodJohn ListerâŠJudge MurrayJim CarraneâŠSam Cahoon (as Jimmy Carrane)Joseph MazurkâŠGuard BryantJohn Fenner MaysâŠDeputy BlunkRick UeckerâŠEdward SaagerCraig SpidleâŠReporter (as Craig A. Spidle)Jason T. ArnoldâŠOther Jr. G-ManAndrew BlairâŠOther Jr. G-ManMark VallartaâŠHarry BergDaniel MaldonadoâŠJacob Solomon (as Dan Maldanado)Sean A. RosalesâŠJoe Pawlowski (as Sean Rosales)Stephen SpencerâŠEmil WanatkaPatrick ZielinskiâŠDoctorGareth SaxeâŠAgent Ray SuranGuy Van SwearingenâŠAgent Ralph BrownJeff StillâŠJimmy ProbascoLance BakerâŠFreddie BarkerSteve KeyâŠDoc BarkerLeelee SobieskiâŠPolly HamiltonJerry GoffâŠCaptain OâNeill (as Gerald Goff)David CardeâŠSpecial AgentAaron Roman WeinerâŠSpecial Agent (as Aaron Weiner)Keith KupfererâŠAgent SopsicTurk MullerâŠOther East Chicago CopTim GrimmâŠOther East Chicago CopMartie SandersâŠIrene the Ticket TakerRobyn LeAnn ScottâŠElla Natasky (as Robyn Scott)David John AdamsonâŠBank President #3
Sources: imdb & wikipedia
The post Public Enemies (2009) first appeared on TellUsEpisode.net.
from WordPress https://www.tellusepisode.net/public-enemies-2009.html
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Carson Wentz Gets Jobbed With An 82 Rating In Madden NFL 20
Madden 20 ratings are out, which means itâs time for overreaction.
What players were valued too high? Too low? Who got the ultimate video game diss?
QB Controversies Abound
NameTeamOverall Patrick MahomesKansas City Chiefs97 Tom BradyNew England Patriots96 Philip RiversSan Diego Chargers94 Drew BreesNew Orleans Saints92 Andrew LuckIndianapolis Colts92 Russell WilsonSeattle Seahawks91 Aaron RodgersGreen Bay Packers90 Matt RyanAtlanta Falcons89 Ben RoethlisbergerPittsburgh Steelers85 Cam NewtonCarolina Panthers84 Jared GoffLos Angeles Rams83 Baker MayfieldCleveland Browns83 Deshaun WatsonHouston Texans82 Carson WentzPhiladelphia Eagles82 Kirk CousinsMinnesota Vikings81 Dak PrescottDallas Cowboys81 Derek CarrOakland Raiders80 Andy DaltonCincinnati Bengals80 Marcus MariotaTennessee Titans79 Matthew StaffordDetroit Lions79
Does Philly Overvalue Carson Wentz?
The Eaglesâ franchise quarterback comes in with an absolutely underwhelming 82 overall rating in Madden 20. Look, I get it, the guy has to prove that he can stay healthy and his mobility appeared to be a bit limited as he recovered from tearing up his knee in 2018. If we follow a similar line of thinking, it makes some sense that Deshaun Watson, who also suffered a comparable injury in the same season, has the same overall rating. However, I need someone at EA Sports to explain the presence of Baker-freaking-Mayfield as a higher-rated 83. Will he put up some killer numbers with OBJ and Jarvis Landry streaking downfield? Of course. Has he put together the same kind of sustained excellence over the majority of a season like Wentz or even Watson? I say nay. Jared Goff being ahead of Wentz is nearly as perplexing, though I imagine itâs just a masterful job of trolling Eagles fans. Though, it has made our office buzz and wonder⊠do we overrate Carson Wentz?
Aaron Rodgers not in the Top-5?
In what world is Aaron Rodgers not a Top-5 QB in the NFL? Patrick Mahomes leading the list makes sense as heâs the reigning, defending, undisputed league MVP from a year ago and is the lead among numerous sportsbooks to do the same in 2019-20. Tom Bradyâs placement as a close #2 is fair, but thatâs where the wheels fall off. Philip Rivers is the THIRD-BEST QUARTERBACK IN THE NFL? Heâs two full points ahead of Drew Brees? Really? Andrew Luck is rated in line with Brees? Russell Wilson -the modern-day Michael âRun around as my O-Line collapses and hope I donât dieâ Vick- gets a boost due to his speed and elusiveness. For my money, flip Rodgers and Rivers and Iâll calm down.
Mitchell Trubiskyâs 75 Overall Madden Rating Will Enrage Chicago Bears Fans
I donât think Trubisky is by any means a Top-10 or even Top-15 quarterback, but holy shnikies this is bad. Alex Smith is rated higher, despite suffering one of the most gruesome leg injuries weâve seen in years. Lamar Jacksonâs NINETY-FOUR speed rating likely led to his one point lead in the overall category, but does anyone really think Trubisky is roughly the same player as journeyman Ryan Fitzpatrick?
Nickfolean Kryptonite
Former Eagles QB and Super Bowl LII MVP Nick Foles has been installed as a 77 overall player, the exact same rating as Alex Smith. Is he really worse than Jimmy Garoppolo? Iâd say no. Worse than Matthew Stafford? Sure.
A Giant Disappointment
Eli Manning is the 36th overall rated QB with an overall score of 72. That makes him the lowest-rated starting QB in the NFC East behind Wentz (82), Dak Prescott (81), and Smith (77). The Giantsâ first round pick Daniel Jones comes in way below Manning with an overall rating of 63, a mere point ahead of third-stringer Kyle Lauletta.
Kevin Kinkead has the rating for every Eagles player, along with some news and notes after the jump:
Philadelphia Eagles Ratings
PlayerPositionRating Fletcher CoxDT96 Jason KelceC94 Zach ErtzTE93 Malcolm JenkinsSS92 Brandon BrooksRG90 Brandon GrahamRE89 Lane JohnsonRT89 Alshon JeffreyWR 87 Jason Peters LT 87 DeSean JacksonWR 85 Nelson AgholorWR83 Ronald DarbyCB82 Carson WentzQB82 Zach Brown MLB81 Dallas GoedertTE80 Jordan HowardHB80 Malik JacksonDT 80 Rodney McLeod JrFS79 Andrew SendejoFS79 Nigel BradhamROLB78 Tim JerniganDT 78 Avonte MaddoxCB 78 Derek BarnettLE76 Sidney Jones IVCB76 Corey ClementHB75 Vinny CurryLE75 Jake ElliottK74 Jalen MillsCB74 Will TyeTE74 JJ Arcega-WhitesideWR73 Kamu Grugier-HillLOLB73 Cre'von LeBlancCB 73 Josh AdamsHB72 Rasul DouglasCB72 Miles SandersHB 72 Wendell SmallwoodHB72 Mack HollinsWR71 Joshua PerkinsTE71 Andre DillardLT70 Shelton GibsonWR70 Braxton MillerWR70 Isaac SeumaloLG70 Josh SweatRE70 Paul WorrilowLOLB70 Charles JohnsonWR69 Cameron JohnstonP69 Treyvon HesterDT68 Donnel Pumphrey JrHB68 Boston ScottHB68 Blake CountessSS67 Nathan GerryLOLB67 Daeshon HallRE67 LJ FortMLB66 Josh HawkinsCB66 Shareef MillerRE66 Hassan RidgewayDT66 Halapoulivaati VaitaiRT66 Stefen WisniewskiLG66 Tre SullivanFS63 Jeremiah McKinnonCB62 Joe OstmanLE62 Deiondre HallSS61 Bruce HectorDT61 Cody KesslerQB61 Godwin IgwebuikeSS60 Matt PryorRG59 Carlton AgudosiWR58 Tyreek BurwellLT58 Jordan MailataLT58 Nate SudfeldQB57 Anthony FabianoC56 Clayton ThorstonQB56 Rick LovatoTE41
Fletcher Cox, at 96, is the highest rated Eagles player in the game and the only Bird in the top 15. Jason Kelce is second, listed at 94, and Zach Ertz is third, given a 93 rating.
Desean Jaccson got an 85.
They ranked Ronald Darby as the best Birds corner, with an 82. Avonte Maddox was second with a 78 and Jalen Mills got a 74. Sidney Jones is a 76 and CreâVon LeBlanc a 73.
First round draft pick Andre Dillard is rated a 70, which feels low to me, but of course I donât know how you rate a guy who has never played an NFL game.
Stefen Wisniewski was rated 66, which is really low. Wis is a good player.
Rick Lovato, the long snapper, is listed as a backup tight end and rated a 41.
Nate Sudfeld and Clayton Thorson are both in the bottom five of the Eagles list, with a 57 and 56, respectively.
Cox, Ertz, and Kelce all were given a 98 awareness rating.
The fastest Bird? Madden has a five way tie between Maddox, Jaccson, Darby, Shelton Gibson, and Josh Hawkins, all given a 93.
Blake Countess and Maddox have the Birdsâ highest acceleration rating, a 94.
Maddox was given a team-high 96 agility rating.
Brandon Brooks was given a team-high 96 strength rating.
What do you think? Did EA Sports get it right?
The post Carson Wentz Gets Jobbed With An 82 Rating In Madden NFL 20 appeared first on Crossing Broad.
Carson Wentz Gets Jobbed With An 82 Rating In Madden NFL 20 published first on https://footballhighlightseurope.tumblr.com/
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Kirk Cousins Is Not Better Than Joe Montana. So Letâs Fix Passer Rating.
According to the NFLâs official passer rating system, the most efficient quarterback in NFL history is Green Bayâs Aaron Rodgers, with a lifetime mark of 103.1.1 That makes sense: Rodgers is generally regarded as one of the greatest QBs to ever play the game. But if you scroll further down the list, the results become much harder to explain. In the world of passer rating, Kirk Cousins is better than Joe Montana; Derek Carr and Matt Schaub top Dan Marino; and, after one season, Broadway Sam Darnold is running circles around Broadway Joe Namath.
Passer rating is often criticized as Byzantine (have you seen that formula?), incomplete (it does not include data on rushing plays or sacks) and arbitrary (again, have you looked at the formula?). Yet its biggest shortcoming might be the way it is unmoored from changes in the game itself. Passing has never been more efficient than it was this season, in which the leagueâs average QB posted a rating of 92.9. That is remarkably high considering that a quarterback who posted a rating of 92.9 would have led all qualified passers in 15 separate seasons from 1950 through 1986. Clearly, the scale needs recalibrating.
In the original conception of passer rating, an average rating was about 67. In 2018, only one qualified passer (Arizona Cardinals rookie Josh Rosen) fell below that threshold, and even then just barely (his rating was 66.7). But what if the standards for what makes a good or bad performance had evolved as leaguewide numbers changed? Pro-Football-Reference.com does a great job of adjusting for era with its Advanced Passing indices, which are centered on an average of 100 with 15 points representing 1 standard deviation in either direction. But I wanted to rescale the building blocks of passer rating itself to see how todayâs passing numbers would translate to a rating if the NFL had simply allowed its rating system to change with the times.
To do that, I looked at the distribution of stats in each category that goes into passer rating â completion percentage, yards per attempt, touchdown percentage and interception rate â from the sample originally used to craft the formula back in the early 1970s (qualified passers from 1960 to 1970). Specifically, I figured out the spread of values (relative to the league) that, in a given category, led to the minimum number of points (0), the average number of points (1) and the maximum (2.375). Under the hood, passer rating is built around these ranges; it hands out points on that 0-to-2.375 scale in each category, then sums up the four values, divides by 6 and multiplies by 100. (Hence, 67 is supposed to be average â a 1.0 in four categories, divided by 6, times 100.)
For any era, we can rescale what performance âshouldâ lead to a given value in each category to keep the relative leaguewide distribution the same as it was when passer rating was first conceived.2 So while, say, Alex Smithâs 62.5 percent completion rate in 2018 was worth 1.0 point, so was Don Meredithâs 49.5 percent mark from 1962. Do this for every category in every season, and you have a stabilized version of passer rating that no longer spirals uncontrollably upward with each innovation in the passing game.
Some ultra-high ratings change less than you might expect under this new method. Rodgersâs single-season record of 122.5 from 2011 tumbles all the way down to ⊠121.1. (He was very good that year.) But other seemingly immortal ratings, such as Kirk Cousinsâs 99.7 mark this season, get knocked down quite a bit â in Cousinsâs case, he falls to a much more reasonable 81.5 rating. (Anyone who watched a Vikings game this year would surely argue that this is more appropriate.) Similarly, Ryan Fitzpatrickâs 100.4 mark this season â yes, that is real, look it up â gets heavily penalized in the interception category (his 4.9 percent INT rate was more than double the league average), taking him down to an adjusted rating of 77.4.
Moving further down the list, Joe Flaccoâs decent-sounding 84.2 classic rating properly falls to a mediocre 62.8 after our adjustment, while the 30.7 rating of WOAT candidate Nathan Peterman becomes an 11.6 â perilously close to the minimum possible rating of 0.0. (If Peterman had thrown enough passes to qualify, that 11.6 rating would have âsurpassedâ Ryan Leafâs 19.1 from 1998 as the lowest-rated season since 1950.)
All told, the new ratings are once again grounded in a world where an average quarterback scores about 70 â not exactly 67 because the rolling distribution includes multiple seasons for comparison3 â and as a result, the numbers make far more intuitive sense at a glance than the ludicrously inflated official ratings of 2018:
Deflating the rating
Classic and adjusted passer ratings for qualified* 2018 NFL quarterbacks
Ratings Player Team Old New 1 D. Brees NO 115.7 103.3 2 P. Mahomes KC 113.8 98.5 3 R. Wilson SEA 110.9 96.5 4 M. Ryan ATL 108.1 93.4 5 P. Rivers LAC 105.5 87.3 6 D. Watson HOU 103.1 85.3 7 C. Wentz PHI 102.2 85.1 8 J. Goff LAR 101.1 83.3 9 A. Rodgers GB 97.6 83.0 10 K. Cousins MIN 99.7 81.5 11 A. Luck IND 98.7 79.1 12 D. Prescott DAL 96.9 79.0 13 T. Brady NE 97.7 78.8 14 R. Fitzpatrick TB 100.4 77.4 15 B. Râlisberger PIT 96.5 75.7 16 D. Carr OAK 93.9 74.0 17 M. Trubisky CHI 95.4 73.2 18 E. Manning NYG 92.4 72.3 19 C. Newton CAR 94.2 71.7 20 B. Mayfield CLE 93.7 71.7 21 M. Mariota TEN 92.3 70.6 22 R. Tannehill MIA 92.7 68.8 23 M. Stafford DET 89.9 68.6 24 N. Mullens SF 90.8 66.3 25 A. Dalton CIN 89.6 66.1 26 J. Winston TB 90.2 64.9 27 A. Smith WSH 85.7 64.5 28 J. Flacco BAL 84.2 62.8 29 C. Keenum DEN 81.2 56.2 30 B. Bortles JAX 79.8 54.5 31 S. Darnold NYJ 77.6 49.7 32 J. Allen BUF 67.9 37.1 33 J. Rosen ARI 66.7 35.9
* Minimum 14 pass attempts per team game
Source: Pro-Football-Reference.com
According to the NFLâs official system, there have been 93 qualified quarterback seasons since 1950 with a passer rating of at least 100.0, and nine of those happened in 2018 alone. After our adjustment, though, there have been only 46 such seasons since 1950,4 and only one of those happened this year â the 103.3 mark Drew Brees put up with the Saints. Itâs still a golden age for passing, as nearly half of those 46 seasons have happened since 2000, but weâve also filtered out 51 âfalse 100sâ â seasons that cracked 100.0 on the old scale but not the new one â of which 47 have happened since 2000.
The result of our passer rating adjustment is a much more reasonable career leaderboard that features qualified quarterbacks from a variety of different eras:
A new all-time passer rating hierarchy
Career classic and adjusted passer ratings for qualified* NFL and AFL quarterbacks, 1950-2018
Ratings Ratings Player Last Year Old New Player Last Year Old New 1 S. Young 1999 96.7 94.2 16 F. Tarkenton 1978 80.4 80.7 2 A. Rodgers 2018 103.1 92.5 17 B. Starr 1971 80.5 80.7 3 J. Montana 1994 92.3 90.0 18 P. Rivers 2018 95.6 80.5 4 T. Brady 2018 97.6 87.2 19 C. Pennington 2010 90.1 79.9 5 P. Manning 2015 96.5 87.1 20 M. Ryan 2018 94.9 79.8 6 R. Staubach 1979 83.4 86.7 21 J. Garcia 2008 87.5 79.6 7 R. Wilson 2018 100.4 85.4 22 B. Râlisberger 2018 94.3 79.0 8 D. Brees 2018 97.7 85.4 23 J. Unitas 1973 78.3 78.9 9 T. Romo 2016 97.1 85.0 24 D. Fouts 1987 80.2 78.4 10 O. Graham 1955 78.2 84.7 25 R. Gannon 2004 84.7 78.4 11 K. Warner 2009 93.7 83.7 26 B. Griese 1980 77.1 78.3 12 S. Jurgensen 1974 82.7 82.9 27 N. Lomax 1988 82.7 78.1 13 L. Dawson 1975 82.9 82.7 28 F. Ryan 1970 78.0 78.0 14 D. Marino 1999 86.4 81.4 29 B. Jones 1982 78.5 78.0 15 K. Anderson 1986 81.9 81.2 30 J. Kelly 1996 84.4 78.0
* Minimum 1,500 career pass attempts
Source: Pro-Football-Reference.com
The biggest beneficiaries of our changes are 1950s-era passers like Otto Graham, who originally rated in the 70s (discarding his eye-popping pre-1950 numbers, which were compiled in the upstart All-America Football Conference) but leaps up into the mid-80s after judging him in comparison with his peers. San Francisco 49ers legend Steve Young also gets a boost relative to other great QBs from history, reclaiming the No. 1 slot that heâd held in real life before Rodgers and friends came along.
At the other end of the spectrum, nobody loses more points of career rating than Blake Bortles, who somehow has an 80.6 mark under the classic system but falls to 55.2 with our adjustments. Here are the biggest losers between the old and new QB ratings:
Whoâs been overrated in traditional passer ratings?
For qualified* NFL and AFL passers since 1950, the biggest shortfalls between adjusted and classic passer rating
Ratings Player Years Played Attempts Old New Diff. Blake Bortles 2014-18 2,632 80.6 55.2 -25.4 Jameis Winston 2015-18 1,922 87.8 64.0 -23.8 Case Keenum 2013-18 1,844 84.5 61.8 -22.6 Marcus Mariota 2015-18 1,605 89.4 67.5 -21.9 Ryan Fitzpatrick 2005-18 4,285 81.1 60.2 -20.9 Mark Sanchez 2009-18 2,320 73.3 52.5 -20.8 Derek Carr 2014-18 2,800 88.8 68.4 -20.4 Cam Newton 2011-18 3,891 86.4 66.1 -20.3 Chad Henne 2008-18 1,959 75.5 55.3 -20.3 Ryan Tannehill 2012-18 2,911 87.0 67.2 -19.8
* Minimum 1,500 career pass attempts
Source: Pro-Football-Reference.com
A change like this wouldnât fix the rest of passer ratingâs deficiencies, and it wouldnât include all the fancy bells and whistles youâll find in a metric like ESPNâs Total Quarterback Rating. But passer rating itself has always been a surprisingly decent metric within any self-contained era; the team with the higher passer rating (by any margin) in a game wins about 80 percent of the time. Itâs the comparisons across eras that have become distorted as the game has changed over time. But a simple fix tethering modern stats to the standards contained in passer ratingâs formula would go a long way toward restoring sanity to the metric you still see in every NFL box score and broadcast. The Blake Bortleses of the world might not like seeing their shiny 80-something ratings get dumped into the 50s, but itâs a change whose time has come.
Check out our latest NFL predictions.
from News About Sports https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/kirk-cousins-is-not-better-than-joe-montana-so-lets-fix-passer-rating/
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The OSG Fantasy Report Week 13
Week 13 Mahomes. We hope for Oakland to score a little bit. That will increase his value. Goff. Heâs in a dome vs a bad defense despite being on the road. Newton  Heâs playing the worse defense in the league despite being on the road. Winston. At home vs a bad defense but not the worse in Carolina. If he doesnât get pulled he will throw it 40 times. Jackson. Just like last week. Rushing. Passing. Floor and the ceiling is there against a leaky defense. Even though itâs on the road, heâs in a dome on a fast track. Heâs yet to hit that 50 yard TD run. RB. Gurley. High TD equity. Price tag along with it. Ware. Sudden value with the release of Hunt. Just lock him in. Yeldon. He was value before the Hunt news broke. He is still playable at home. He does catch balls out of the backfield. Who knows what to expect with Bortles being benched however. C-Mac. Great play this week vs a very bad defense. Price is up after huge performance last week. Aaron Jones. At home in bad weather vs bad defense. Barkley. Tough matchup but he is at home. Manning just may check down all day to him. Heâs as matchup proof as they come. Lindsay. Road favorite. Has been steady and is a tournament pivot off the chalk. Chubb. Tough matchup on the road. Carson. Good matchup at home. Cook. We have attacked New England with RBs. WR. Hill. Boom or bust but a lot of boom in this matchup. Cooks. Woods. Reynolds. Conley. Cheap. Hopkins. Always scores a TD Adams. Weather could cap him but Aaron Rodgers is his QB. And he scores a TD every game. Julio Jones Thielen. Will be overlooked. As consistent as they come. Are we scared of New England defense? Evans Golladay Sanders Edelman DJ Morre Corey Davis Gordon TE. Ebron. Doyle is out. Kelce. Best TE spot of the week. Team implied total is 34 Gronk Kittle Olsen. Just about matchup. Brate. Just about matchup. Cook. If Oakland scores he will get one TD. Hooper. Best spot for all Atlanta pass catchers. Njoku. Second best TE spot on the board. My favorite play of the week just ahead of Ebron. Graham. Just about the matchup. Defense Green Bay Bears Rams Texans
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New Post has been published on https://www.stl.news/nfl-rushing-leader-gurley-inactive-rams-rest-starters/59153/
NFL rushing leader Gurley inactive as Rams rest starters
December 31, 2017Â Â (AP)(STL.News)Â âNFL rushing leader Todd Gurley of the Los Angeles Rams is inactive for Sundayâs home regular-season finale against the San Francisco 49ers.
Gurley will finish the regular season with 1,305 yards rushing. Also resting for the playoffs are center John Sullivan, left tackle Andrew Whitworth and defensive tackle Aaron Donald.
The Rams clinched the NFC West title last weekend and first-year coach Sean McVay is opting to rest several of his stars. Quarterback Jared Goff is expected to get the day off but is active as the backup to Sean Mannion, who will make his first career start.
Carolina running back Jonathan Stewart is inactive for the first time this season against Atlanta. Stewart had seen a diminished role the past two weeks. He had only seven carries for 19 yards in last weekâs win over Tampa Bay, but was still listed as the Panthersâ starter. Stewartâs exit leaves Christian McCaffrey as the probable starter.
Jacksonville is locked in as the third seed in the AFC, but is sitting only two starters against Tennessee: left tackle Cam Robinson, who left last weekâs game with an abdominal strain, and receiver Marqise Lee (ankle).
Derrick Henry is getting the first start of his two-year NFL career with DeMarco Murray scratched for the first time since joining the Titans. Murray is out with an injured right knee.
Denver running back Jamaal Charles will sit out against Kansas City, his former team. Charles was a four-time Pro Bowler with the Chiefs, but never found a groove with the Broncos this season. His past month reads like this: No carries in two games, inactive for two games.
Rookie quarterback Patrick Mahomes will start for Kansas City in place of Alex Smith. Inactives for Sundayâs late games:
Panthers: QB Garrett Gilbert, WR Mose Frazier, S Kurt Coleman (ankle), CB LaDarius Gunter (illness), RB Jonathan Stewart, G Trai Turner (concussion), DE Zach Moore.
Falcons: TE Levine Toilolo (knee), WR Nick Williams, WR Marvin Hall, CB Leon McFadden, LB Sean Weatherspoon, G Sean Harlow, G Jamil Douglas. ___
Jaguars: WR Marqise Lee, WR Montay Crockett, RB Chris Ivory, OL Chris Reed, OL Cam Robinson, OL William Poehls, DT Abry Jones.
Titans: QB Brandon Weeden, RB DeMarco Murray, DB Curtis Riley, OLB Josh Carraway, LB Nate Palmer, G/C Corey Levin, WR Harry Douglas. ___
Bengals: WR Cody Core, CB KeiVarae Russell, RB Jarveon Williams, LB Vontaze Burfict, DT Josh Tupou, OT Cedric Ogbuehi, OT Justin Murray.
Ravens: WR Breshad Perriman, WR Jeremy Maclin, RB Terrance West, LB Tim Williams, OL Jermaine Eluemunor, G Maurquice Shakir, DE Bronson Kaufusi. ___
Cardinals: QB Matt Barkley; WR Chad Williams; LB Edmond Robinson; C Max Turek; TE Gabe Holmes; DL Xavier Williams.
Seahawks: WR Tanner McEvoy; RB Eddie Lacy; CB Mike Tyson; C Joey Hunt; LB D.J. Alexander; TE Nick Vannett; DE Quinton Jefferson. ___
KANSAS CITY-DENVER Chiefs: WR Tyreek Hill, CB Marcus Peters, RB Charcandrick West, S Ron Parker, LB Derrick Johnson, TE Travis Kelce, DL Bennie Logan.
Broncos: WR Emmanuel Sanders (ankle), WR Cody Latimer (thigh), RB Jamaal Charles, CB Michael Hunter, OG J.J. Dielman, OT Donald Stephenson (hand), DE Zach Kerr (ankle). ___
Saints: RB Jonathan Williams, DE Kasim Edebali, C Tom Cameron, T Terron Armstead, WR Austin Carr, TE Michael Hoomanawanui, DE Trey Hendrickson.
Buccaneers: QB Ryan Griffin, WR DeSean Jackson, CB David Rivers, LB Devante Bond, OL Adam Gattis, DE Patrick OâConnor, DE Robert Ayers. ___
49ers: WR Max McCaffrey, RB Jeremy McNichols, DB Antoine Exum Jr., LB Pita Taumoepenu, DL Aaron Lynch, DL Leger Douzable, DL D.J. Jones.
Rams: S Lamarcus Joyner, LB Mark Barron, RB Todd Gurley II, LB Alec Ogletree, C John Sullivan, T Andrew Whitworth, DT Aaron Donald. ___
Raiders: QB Connor Cook, WR Isaac Whitney, DB David Amerson, OL Ian Silberman, OL Vadal Alexander, DL Darius Latham, DL Treyvon Hester.
Chargers: QB Cardale Jones, WR Geremy Davis, S Adrian Phillips (ankle), RB Russell Hansbrough, OT Michael Ola, DT Corey Liuget, DE Jerry Attaochu. ___
Bills: WR Malachi Dupre, CB Shareece Wright (concussion), CB Breon Borders, T Conor McDermott, G John Miller, TE Logan Thomas, WR Brandon Reilly
Dolphins: QB Matt Moore, RB Damien Williams, CB Alterraun Verner, S Trae Elston, T Laremy Tunsil (ankle), T Eric Smith, WR Rashawn Scott ___
Early games:
NY JETS-NEW ENGLAND Jets: RT Brandon Shell (concussion), TE Austin Seferian-Jenkins (ribs/foot), DB Rashard Robinson, OLB Freddie Bishop, WR Lucky Whitehead, NT Deon Simon, DE Muhammad Wilkerson.
Patriots: RB James White (ankle), RB Rex Burkhead (knee), RB Mike Gillislee (knee) DL Alan Branch (knee), WR Chris Hogan (shoulder), OL Cole Croston, LB David Harris. ___
CLEVELAND-PITTSBURGH Browns: QB Cody Kessler, G Geoff Gray, FB Danny Vitale, C Marcus Martin, WR Matt Hazel, TE Matt Lengel, LB Jeremy Cash.
Steelers: QB Ben Roethlisberger, RB LeâVeon Bell, WR Antonio Brown (calf), CB Coty Sensabaugh, RG David DeCastro, C Maurkice Pouncey, DE Cam Heyward. ___
Texans: QB Josh Johnson, WR DeAndre Hopkins (calf), WR DeAndrew White, RB Jordan Todman (shoulder), LB LaTroy Lewis (shoulder), OL Kendall Lamm Q(concussion), OL Jeff Allen (concussion).
Colts: QB Brad Kaaya, WR Donte Moncrief (ankle), TE Jason Vander Laan (concussion), OL Mark Glowinski, DT Caraun Reid, OL Denzelle Good (knee), DT Johnathan Hankins (ankle). ___
Bears: DE Rashaad Coward, S Deiondreâ Hall, RT Bobby Massie, RB Taquan Mizzell, QB Mark Sanchez, TE Adam Shaheen, LG Josh Sitton.
Vikings: QB Kyle Sloter, WR Stacy Coley, CB Tramaine Brock, RB Mack Brown, C Pat Elflein, DE Tashawn Bower, DT Shamar Stephen. ___
Packers: CB Damarious Randall (knee), WR Davante Adams, WR Jordy Nelson, TE Richard Rodgers, G Jahri Evans, RB Aaron Jones, LB Chris Odom.
Lions: CB Nevin Lawson (concussion), RB Zach Zenner, RB Dwayne Washington, OT Brian Mihalik, TE Michael Roberts, DT Rodney Coe, WR Jace Billingsley. ___
Cowboys: WR Cole Beasley, RB Rod Smith, LB Treâvon Johnson, OG Kadeem Edwards, TE Blake Jarwin, DE Benson Mayowa, DL David Irving.
Eagles: RB Jay Ajayi, DE Derek Barnett, LB Nigel Bradham, DE Brandon Graham, DT Tim Jernigan, S Rodney McLeod, CB Jalen Mills. ___
Redskins: WR Robert Davis, S DeAngelo Hall, LB Ryan Anderson, LB Zach Brown, G Kyle Kalis, C Demetrius Rhaney and NT Ziggy Hood.
Giants: WR Sterling Shepard, TE Evan Engram, QB Geno Smith, DE Avery Moss, LB Akeem Ayers, G Damien Mama and OT Ereck Flowers. With Bobby Hart waived-injured on Saturday and Flowers (groin).
By The Associated Press by Associated Press , published on STL.NEWS by St. Louis Media, LLC (US)
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Die Leere Mitte â Issue 12
In this issue:Â Tamizh Ponni, Jim Meirose, John Grey, Howie Good, Graham C. Goff, yours truly, the happy recluse Mark Young, Mohamed Gassara, PaweĆ Markiewicz, Ramsay Randall, J. D. Nelson, Patrick Sweeney.
In this issue: Tamizh Ponni, Jim Meirose, John Grey, Howie Good, Graham C. Goff, yours truly, the happy recluse, Mark Young, Mohamed Gassara, PaweĆ Markiewicz, Ramsay Randall, J. D. Nelson, Patrick Sweeney. download | cover | print ed.: Lulu | amazon.com | .de | .it | .uk | au. | submit | twitterEdited in Berlin by Horst Berger and Federico Federici.
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#asemantic#asemic#asemiotic#conceptual#concrete#die leere mitte#experimental#Graham C. Goff#Howie Good#J. D. Nelson#Jim Meirose#John Grey#literature#mark young#Mohamed Gassara#Patrick Sweeney#PaweĆ Markiewicz#Ramsay Randall#reviews#Tamizh Ponni#vispo#visual poetry#yours truly
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Week 15 vs LA Rams
The Press w/ Chris[tian] and Spense[r] Week 15 Gotta go 1-0. That's it. Win this week, start over. From here on out, the odds are against us. From here on out, Seattle controls their destiny, but it's absolutely win or go home, all the way through the end of the season. The loss to the Jaguars was tough, but the Jaguars are a good team. So are the Rams. No, I didn't think either of those teams would be great at this time last season, but here we are. Seattle came up a play or two short last week, from the late Graham drop to the Baldwin step-out on third down, to the completely unacceptable number of penalties at every phase of the game. When you have Kam, Sherman, Cliff and the rest of the defense healthy, you can afford penalties. You can come back from mistakes. But when injuries pile up and you have a young, hungry defense across the line from your offense, it isn't going to cut it. While I'll argue our defense late didn't play as disrespectful as most of the league and fans would argue, I'd say this game would still be one to forget. Multiple interceptions were at the fault of the receivers on the play, and the defense gave up back-to-back big scores, much like the road game against Tennessee. This is a team that can simply no longer make mistakes, be it through penalties, turnovers or coaching decisions. From here on out, Seattle must play perfect. And the rest of the league better hope Seattle slips up one more time, because our ceiling couldn't be higher. I love this team. Our offense with Russ playing solid has gone from miserable to magnificent in just a few weeks after a major line acquisition. Our defense is young and hurt but full of experienced veterans who aren't ready to quit. With the right circumstances we could be looking at multiple playoff victories. Of course, we could also miss the playoffs for the first time since drafting Russell Wilson. This is a huge home game, against a young and deadly division rival. The Rams have the offense and defense to beat Seattle, so the magic found against the Eagles (rip Carson Wentz) will have to be conjured once more. Seattle needs turnovers, mistake-free football, and no penalties. These are the factors that lose Seattle games--Seattle tends to beat themselves more often than other teams beat Seattle. They beat the Rams on the road--hopefully home field advantage makes up for missing pro-bowl defenders. I'll say Seattle keeps it too close for comfort and squeaks out a 28-27 win in this one, with a Michael Bennett sack/score. No Blair Walsh kicks (let's hope, right? we miss you, Hauschka). It sucks to see Russell play so well and see this team so close to missing the playoffs, but sometimes that's football. Just have to take it one week at a time. -C â- Itâs that time of year again. Playoff football in December. Three weeks left. Win out and youâre in. Lose one and you still have a chance. Lose more than one and January starts to become a little bit too full of free time. The Seahawks control their own destiny, and itâs time to see how thatâll look.Â
No Sherman, Kam, Cliff, Wagner, Wright....a defense that was missing three pro-bowl caliber players, made it five last Sunday and it was just a bit too much. The defense continued to play at an above average level, but thereâs only so much you can do without 50% of your starters. This week theyâll be missing one of their two LBâs (at least), and will be going against a Rams team that loves to pound the rock. You can talk about Goff all you want, the Rams are still a Todd Gurley led team. The Seahawks find themselves in unfamiliar territory, coming off a win against the Rams earlier in the season. In that game the Hawks defensive front was very annoying all day long, and Russ made enough plays to get the job done.
These keys to the previous game should be comforting for Hawks fans. Russ is in a better spot then earlier this season. The addition of Duane Brown, and a better then âleague worseâ rushing attack with Mike Davis can only help. The defense has lost many key players, but as a whole, Clark/Richardson/Bennett are still full-go. The ways Seattle won the first time around, have gotten relatively better throughout the year, and not worse.Â
Injuries aside, missed kicks, bad picks, and poor performances... these guys will determine what happens in January over these next few weeks. No excuses, be a team that can do it, or miss the playoffs for the first time in Russell Wilsonâs tenure. Clark gets the first sack, Wilson to Baldwin, Hawks win 23-17
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NFC West First Quarter Check-in 2017
Naming a first-quarter MVP, giving a letter grade so far, and projecting a final record for every team in the NFC West after 4 weeks of the 2017 NFL season. Full season prediction HERE
SEATTLE SEAHAWKS (2-2) - Preseason prediction: 12-4 - First quarter prediction: 10-6 - MVP: Chris Carson - Grade: C- Maybe this trouble with the o-line is just like previous seasons, but it definitely looks worse than I recall. Itâs making Russell look bad. Jimmy Graham continues to not be there when heâs needed. Thereâs an old adage that if you have two QBs you have no QBs; the Seahawks are proving that if you have 7 RBs you have no RBs. And now their most productive one is gone, so thatâs great. But this team has earned the benefit of the doubt, so... *Convincing smile*
LOS ANGELES RAMS (3-1) - Preseason prediction: 6-10 - First quarter prediction: 8-8 - MVP: Todd Gurley - Grade: A- Itâs so hard to believe that this is the same team as last year. Their success is the most damning indictment of Jeff Fisherâs coaching. What happened to Jared Goff?? How are Sammy Watkins and Cooper Kupp suddenly the greatest show on turf?? Is the Ramsâ success inversely proportional to their attendance?? Is Andrew Whitworth really a suitable replacement for the entire o-line?? Jesus! And to think the most disappointing part of this team is the Wade Phillips defense that I spent $4 for in fantasy.Â
ARIZONA CARDINALS (2-2) - Preseason prediction: 11-5 - First quarter prediction: 6-10 - MVP: Larry Fitzgerald - Grade: D+ Yeah, the loss of David Johnson and ANY faith in the Cardinals o-line is worth 5 games. Do you think possibly the regression of Carson Palmer could have anything to do with being the most-sacked QB in the league through four games? Itâs hard to see this ending in anything but a lost season, and Palmer and Fitzgerald both going out not with a bang but with a whimper.Â
SAN FRANCISCO 49ERS (0-4) - Preseason prediction: 4-12 - First quarter prediction: 4-12 - MVP: DeSean Jackson - Grade: D- Sticking to the 4-win prediction, but I really would have thought the Niners would have won a game by now. True, they have had some REALLY close calls, but close only counts in Colts logos and hand grenades. Anything and everything that has gone right has been due to coaching and/or DeSean Jackson. It wonât look good for Baby Shanny if his team wins the Matt Miller Award in his first season.
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Stopa Auction League: Navigating 14 teams, Superflex format
Tom Brady takes on extra value in a two-quarterback league (AP)
The Stopa Law Firm is a different kind of fantasy football expert league.
Itâs a big-money league (thanks to Mark Stopa, benefactor) and itâs a league about jumbo starting spots (super flex â which strongly encourages two starting quarterbacks â two tight ends, another flex spot) and limited bench space. A modified PPR scoring format is used.
And oh yeah, itâs an auction. And itâs a party that goes down in Las Vegas in mid-July. We canât post all the photos here, someone would get divorced or arrested.
The challenge is steeper this year, with noted experts Scott Jenstad and Vlad Sedler jumping in, bringing us to 14 teams. We also welcomed back Michael Salfino after a one-year absence.
I asked the league members to comment about their strategy, the auction, or anything they wanted. Hereâs what they had to say. Your full auction results are viewable here.
(Keep in mind teams were not required to fill out their starting roster on draft day; several teams passed on defense and kicker).
League History: 2016: Jeff Erickson over Brad Evans 2015: Andy Behrens over Chris Liss 2014: Andy Behrens over Mike Salfino 2013: Dalton Del Don over Scott Pianowski 2012: Scott Pianowski over Dalton Del Don
The 2017 review, in the ownerâs own words. (Summary: TL; DR)
Pos Erickson $ Salfino $ Schoenke $ Stopa $ Evans  $ QB Dak Prescott 21 Drew Brees 37 Matt Ryan 30 Tom Brady 40 Mike Glennon 4 RB C. McCaffrey 25 LeâVeon Bell 54 Ezekiel Elliott 48 Mark Ingram 20 Melvin Gordon 39 RB Doug Martin 9 Marlon Mack 3 L. Blount 10 Tevin Coleman 16 LeSean McCoy 36 WR Terrelle Pryor 29 M. Crabtree 13 Jordy Nelson 40 Amari Cooper 32 DeAndre Hopkins 25 WR Doug Baldwin 37 Chris Conley 1 TY Hilton 40 Sammy Watkins 22 Tyreek Hill 22 WR Jarvis Landry 17 Randall Cobb 8 Donte Moncrief 11 J. Crowder 10 Alshon Jeffery 25 TE Zach Ertz 8 Travis Kelce 33 Tyler Higbee 1 Xavier Grimble 1 Jared Cook 2 TE Zach Miller 1 Dwayne Allen 2 Ben Watson 1 Jesse James 1 Antonio Gates 1 K Dan Bailey 1 Mason Crosby 1 D Buffalo 1 Seattle 1 FL Spencer Ware 13 Kenny Britt 3 Alex Smith 5 M. Mitchell 1 Samaje Perine 16 FL Ryan Tannehill 18 Kirk Cousins 30 Frank Gore 7 Aaron Rodgers 48 Sam Bradford 8 B Theo Riddick 7 Ri. Matthews 3 Jamaal Williams 1 Thomas Rawls 3 Bilal Powell 12 B Derrick Henry 5 Adam Thielen 5 Jared Goff 1 Jalen Richard 1 Deshaun Watson 5 B Terrance West 3 Matt Forte 2 Alvin Kamara 1 Latavius Murray 1 Cooper Kupp 1 B Kenneth Dixon 2 Coby Fleener 2 W. Smallwood 1 Dion Lewis 1 Cole Beasley 1 B Taylor Gabriel 1 Tyler Lockett 2 Mike Williams 1 Devin Funchess 1 Zay Jones 1 B Trevor Siemian 3 C Thompson 1 Jeremy Langford 1 Chris Hogan 1 B James White 1 Wayne Gallman 1
 Pos  Del Don  $  Liss $ Funston $ Loza  $ Payne $ QB Marcus Mariota 30 Andy Dalton 21 Blake Bortles 16 Philip Rivers 26 Jameis Winston 30 RB Joe Williams 3 Carlos Hyde 27 Marshawn Lynch 25 L. Fournette 30 Mike Gillislee 21 RB J. Rodgers 1 Charles Sims 2 Joe Mixon 20 Jay Ajayi 39 Ty Montgomery 30 WR Odell Beckham 44 Dez Bryant 36 Michael Thomas 38 John Brown 14 Allen Robinson 24 WR Mike Evans 42 Devante Parker 10 Kelvin Benjamin 10 Martavis Bryant 20 Keenan Allen 13 WR Brandin Cooks 37 Kevin White 3 Quincy Enunwa 3 Jeremy Maclin 5 Stefon Diggs 6 TE David Njoku 1 Rob Gronkowski 34 Julius Thomas 4 Jordan Reed 24 Delanie Walker 16 TE Seferian-Jenkins 1 Jimmy Graham 20 Austin Hooper 3 AJ Derby 1 Greg Olsen 19 K B. McManus 1 Justin Tucker 2 Corey Davis TR C. Cantanazaro 1 D New England 1 New York Giants 1 Arizona 1 LA Rams 1 FL Allen Hurns 1 CJ Prosise 3 Jordan Howard 35 Adrian Peterson 16 Caron Wentz 16 FL Cam Newton 32 Andrew Luck 35 Eli Manning 20 Josh McCown 1 Dalvin Cook 18 B Marqise Lee 2 OJ Howard 2 Jeremy Hill 3 Eddie Lacy 13 Rex Burkhead 1 B S. Shepard 1 Dâonta Foreman 1 Brandon Marshall 4 James Connor 2 Devontae Booker 1 B Eli Rogers 1 Robert Turbin 1 Jason Witten TR Jo. Williams 3 Evan Engram 1 B P. Richardson 1 Curtis Samuel 1 Tyrell Williams 7 Robby Anderson 1 Jordan Matthews 1 B JJ Nelson 1 Cody Kessler 1 Jonathan Stewart 6 B. Perriman 3 Will Fuller 1 B Corey Davis TR Gio Bernard 1 B J. Kearse 1
 Pos Pianowski  $ Behrens $ Jenstad/Sedler $ VanRiper  $ QB M. Stafford 19 Russell Wilson 33 Derek Carr 25 Joe Flacco 15 RB Todd Gurley 29 DeMarco Murray 36 David Johnson 52 Lamar Miller 25 RB D. Freeman 37 Isaiah Crowell 26 CJ Anderson 18 Paul Perkins 17 WR Antonio Brown 51 Davante Adams 25 D.Thomas 24 AJ Green 40 WR Golden Tate 17 Pierre Garcon 6 Willie Snead 15 Julio Jones 45 WR C. Meredith 10 Julian Edelman 9 DeSean Jackson 13 E. Sanders 14 TE Cameron Brate 3 Jack Doyle 13 Kyle Rudolph 11 Tyler Eifert 9 TE CJ Fiedorowicz 3 Hunter Henry 9 Charles Clay 1 Marty Bennett 9 K S.Gostkowski 2 Adam Vinatieri 1 Matt Bryant 1 D Houston 1 Minnesota 1 Denver 2 Kansas City 1 FL Brian Hoyer 6 Duke Johnson 3 Ameer Abdullah 11 Carson Palmer 15 FL Larry Fitzgerald 7 Roethlisberger 26 Tyrod Taylor 20 Jamaal Charles 3 B D. Woodhead 8 Kareem Hunt 3 Corey Coleman 2 Rob Kelley 2 B Open Spot TR Eric Decker 6 Mike Wallace 2 Vance McDonald 1 B Eric Ebron TR DeShone Kizer 1 Josh Doctson 1 Darren McFadden 1 B Marvin Jones 1 Darren Sproles 1 De. Washington 1 Tavon Austin 1 B Robert Woods 1 Paxton Lynch 1 Ted Ginn 1 Aaron Jones 1 Shane Vereen 1
Peter Schoenke
Most âexpertsâ donât want to admit when the screwed up an auction, but I did on this one. Not so much on the players. I got some decent values (Blount $10, Moncrief $11) and donât hate my team. However, I wanted to spend at WR and QB, but early in the draft I priced enforced on Zeke Elliott and got âstuckâ on him at $48. Thatâs likely $5 less than heâd typically go for but people were sitting on their hands early in the auction. However, it sent me down a path that I donât think fared as well for me, similar to how when you take a RB in the first round of an auction.
Iâm a WR-first guy. I stubbornly decided to still pay for WR and likely overpaid for T.Y. Hilton and Jordy Nelson, but I decided I wanted some high-floor players since weâre drafting so early and about half your roster is going to be picked up in free agency with this leagueâs thin benches. Those choices had me chasing for QBs and I never was able to pull the trigger on the $15 â $20 QB I desperately needed. As a result, that left me with Alex Smith as my superflex and Jared Goff as my backup QB. Thereâs a hint of floor and upside in that duo, but not exactly what I had in mind in a 14-team league.
Mark Stopa
In a deep format like this, everyone will have weak spots.. Given how RBs, WRs, and TEs emerge from nowhere each year, Iâd rather be weaker at those positions than QB, and I auctioned accordingly.. Thereâs simply no chance any QB outside the top 20 is going to be someone you want to use each week, and many owners doing so are wasting a valuable bench spot on a third crummy QB to make up for the crummy one in their superflex.
As for the rest ⊠Rawls and Richard are great ways to fade Lacy and Lynch, two guys I wonât be owning in 2017 seasonal.. I like my cheap Pats guys (Lewis, Hogan, Mitchell) because if injuries strike (Cooks, Edelman), theyâll be gold.. Remember, the earlier in 2017 your draft/auction occurs, the more upside on bench matters, as preseason injuries will happen.. Bills D gets the Jets at home Week 1; picking on NYJ will be an ideal way to stream defenses this year.
Kevin Payne
I got a starting lineup with the majority of my money and then went $1 for every bench spot. Didnât draft a kicker or defense. Drank a lot of vodka. Iâd recommend this for all.
Kirk Cousins, face of the Salfino franchise (AP)
Michael Salfino
The story of the draft was that QBs went for too little in this format and WRs went for too much. So Iâm thrilled to land Drew Brees ($37) and Brees Jr., Kirk Cousins. The endgame worked for me because I got some really good WR values by my rankings: Britt, Matthews, Thielen, Cobb for a combined 9% of my budget. Britt for $3 thrilled me even though I want to avoid paying for players on teams that are likely to have major QB problems. The thing is, I think Cody Kessler is pretty good â if only I believed the Browns did, too.
I wish I said $53 for David Johnson instead of later having to say $54 for LeâVeon Bell. I have to worry a little about a holdout and Bell is a greater injury risk given their respective histories. My other regret is not saying $4 for Kareem Hunt, who has a David Johnson 2015 vibe.
Scott Jenstad
We came in with a plan for 2 of the top 22 QB (that is where we set our cut off) but not one of the top 3-4, one stud RB and then to play with the depth at WR and attack the mid-range WR after people had spent money on the top WR. I regret $29 total on CJ Anderson and Ameer Abdullah, although I do like Abdullah, but I think we could have bargain shopped for our 3rd RB slot and used that money to upgrade a bit at WR and TE. However, I absolutely love our late bargain WR and I think Coleman, Wallace, Doctson and Ginn for $6 made our depth and is an absurd group for the prices. I worry about 2nd TE in a 2 TE league as we ended up having to go bottom of the barrel there so that is a spot we will need to work on pretty quickly. I regret letting Jeff land Prescott for only $21, I would love to swap out $20 Tyrod Taylor for $21 Dak.
Andy Behrens
We bumped the league size up to 14 teams this year, which is pretty much the outer limit for a two-TE superflex format. The depth of this league led me to balance my spending across positions. I didnât want to leave the auction with an unfinished team, knowing I had work to do on the wire. Going in, Iâd intended to wait on receivers, the position offering the greatest depth; that approach resulted in decent deals on Garcon, Edelman and Decker.
If you guys want to see a roadmap to despair, check out Lissâ team. A disgrace to the fantasy industry.
Derek Van Riper
My plan going into the auction was to have one elite QB (Rodgers, Brady, Brees) and one elite RB (Bell, Johnson, or Elliott). It fell though, however, as the pricing at the top exceeded my expectations, and at 14 teams, I was slightly less adamant about sticking to a stars-and-scrubs approach. The value at the top of the pool came with the elite receivers, leading me to build around Julio Jones and A.J. Green instead. The most unexpected trend from the auction that makes my team vulnerable is the high cost of the mid-range and low-end quarterbacks thanks to two additional teams in the league, and our use of the Superflex. My hope, however, is that the likes of Carson Palmer and Joe Flacco can be within a couple points per game of the options who were priced up $10-15 higher, and that my strength at WR, TE, and lack of a hole (initially) at running back gives me good balance from week-to-week.Â
Brad Evans
When tequila happens, you land Mike Glennon, Sam Bradford and Deshaun Watson as your only QBs. Intended at the onset, I purposely ignored the QB and TE positions and instead focused on acquiring high floor RBs/WRs. Though loaded in the latter areas (RBs: McCoy/Gordon/Powell/Perine; WRs: Alshon/Hopkins/Tyreek), it came at a tremendous cost elsewhere. Inevitably, Iâll spin a RB off at some point for a passing upgrade, but my roster-construction experiment could blow up the lab.
Brandon Funston
Overall, Iâm happy with the roster I was able to pull together â no glaring positional weaknesses. Miracle of all miracles, I was able to be a patient shopper and not blow my budget in the early-round inflationary period. But maybe I was a tad too patient, as I had $6 to play with at the end when everyone else was pretty much in $1-draft mode. I ended up using that $6 on Jonathan Stewart, but if I think back on how it could have played out better, it would have probably been to pay $8-9 for a tight end like Hunter Henry or Zach Ertz instead of $4 for Julius Thomas and gone with a $1 DeAndre Washington (I have Marshawn Lynch, so it would have made some sense) in the end at RB instead of J-Stew.
(Note: Funston traded Eric Ebron to Pianowski for Corey Davis and Jason Witten, shortly after the draft ended.)
Jeremy Maclin was a July bargain (AP)
Liz Loza
Thank goodness for Grey Goose and Jeremy Maclin. After spending the bulk of my coin on RBs, I needed to snag an undervalued wideout. With over 300 targets up for grabs in Charm City, Maclin is a steal late in drafts⊠and I got him for just $5!
Dalton Del Don
I entered with a âstars and scrubsâ strategy, planning on spending big on quarterbacks and wide receivers. Whether that strategy works (or if I got the right players) remains to be seen, but I certainly executed it. I regret not securing more $1 running back fliers, as I need to get lucky there (my starters are ugly). But this auction took place in mid-July, and RB is by far the most volatile position. Iâll have to be extra aggressive with FAAB at the position.
Chris Liss
Hereâs my writeup from Rotowire.
My thoughts are you need to have a decent QB at the QB flex spot. And one who wonât lose his job unless he gets hurt. If I were to do it over again, Iâd probably have bought a third instead of Carlos Hyde and punted RB altogether. Iâm fairly sure I could trade a $27 QB for a $30-plus back.
I didnât intend to go big on TE, but you and I were advancing the bid on Gronkowski, whoâs worth $40 in this format, and he stopped at $34. I was actually happy to get him even though I probably wonât have him anywhere else.
I went big on Graham because I had some money left, though he was the best player available (again in the two-TE format) and would rather struggle in the end game than leave $ on the table. It cost me a couple Stefon Diggs types, who I could use, but Iâm probably better off with Graham.
Scott Pianowski
I agree with most of Peter Schoenkeâs comments, up top. I like to go into auctions with a highly agnostic strategy, but this was a league screaming for more urgency at quarterback. Most fantasy players can take that position casually, given the league-wide depth, but that is not the case in a 14-team league where everyone is highly incentivized to play two QBs a week. I should have either gotten three solid starters, or two high-level guys who could land in the Top 10 with a reasonable runout. If we did this auction again tomorrow, Iâm sure a bunch of teams would approach the QB position differently.
Itâs never a bad idea to make an early overpayment in an auction if itâs something you really want or really need. I should have parked one major QB early, then seen how the market unfolded. Instead, I stuck to my agnostic leanings and probably paid for it.
I do like the rest of my team, but Iâm thin at the one position you canât be thin at. The trade market probably wonât be much; Brad Evans can tell you that. And itâs hard to imagine a lot of QB talent coming into the league, guys we havenât already drafted.
(Note: After the draft, Pianowski traded Corey Davis and Jason to Witten for Eric Ebron and an open spot, to be filled later).
#_uuid:e2c68628-e5b5-3de0-8afa-cbb3b4615685#_author:Scott Pianowski#_category:yct:001000854#_lmsid:a077000000CFoGyAAL#_revsp:54edcaf7-cdbb-43d7-a41b-bffdcc37fb56
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2017 NFL draft grades roundup: Which teams had the best round 1?
Letâs compile draft grades from three different outlets to see the consensus winners and losers.
The first round of the NFL Draft is over, and most of the top-notch players in this draft class now have chances to prove to their new teams why they were worth first-round picks. Many blockbuster trades, big risks, and surprise picks occurred along the way.
Six rounds remain. But for now, letâs look at how teams in each conference performed on Day 1, according to three different grades posts.
Arizona Cardinals - The Cardinals drafted a versatile linebacker, Haason Reddick. He can rush the passer from the outside and clog up rushing lanes as well. Heâll play a valuable role on Arizonaâs stifling defense.
CBS Sports: A
SB Nation: B+
Sports Illustrated: A-
Atlanta Falcons - The Falcons needed a boost on defense, so they selected linebacker Takkarist McKinley in the first round. McKinley can rush the passer standing up and with his hands in the dirt. Atlantaâs corps now consists of McKinley, Deion Jones, and Vic Beasley.
CBS Sports: A
SB Nation: B
Sports Illustrated: B+
Baltimore Ravens - While Baltimoreâs selection of Marlon Humphrey was the best moment of the first round, itâs worth questioning the Ravensâ decision-making when it came to selecting Humphrey, rather than a better value or a player at a position of need, with the 10th pick.
CBS Sports: B
SB Nation: B
Sports Illustrated: C
Buffalo Bills - Buffalo traded down from pick 10 to 27, acquiring a third-rounder as well as the Chiefsâ first-rounder from next year. All of that, and Buffalo still managed to add one of the rangiest and most versatile corners, TreâDavious White? Solid first round.
CBS Sports: B+
SB Nation: A
Sports Illustrated: A
Carolina Panthers - Carolina has a great running back in Jonathan Stewart, but heâs a 30-year-old with a history of injuries. The Panthers selected Christian McCaffrey, the Stanford product who is a do-it-all type with receiving skills.
CBS Sports: D
SB Nation: B+
Sports Illustrated: A-
Chicago Bears - The Bears traded up from No. 3 with the San Francisco 49ers to select quarterback Mitchell Trubisky. Drafting Trusbisky wasn't a bad move at all. However, Chicago probably could have stayed in place or maybe even traded down and selected the young quarterback later. Trubisky wasn't worth trading up for.
CBS Sports: D
SB Nation: C
Sports Illustrated: D
Cincinnati Bengals - For a team thatâs needed speed opposite A.J. Green and whose past first-round picks have an extensive injury history, John Ross fit the bill perfectly. Cincinnati cleared Ross medically, so now itâs up to Andy Dalton and the offense to get things going again.
CBS Sports: B
SB Nation: B-
Sports Illustrated: B+
Cleveland Browns - Selecting Myles Garrett with the first selection was an awesome move, but Clevelandâs selections of Jabrill Peppers and David Njoku were more controversial. Cleveland needed a safety, but is Peppers a good fit? And while Njoku looks like a solid player, the Brownsâ decision to trade back up into the first round for a tight end seems a bit iffy.
CBS Sports: B+, F, B-
SB Nation: A+, B-, C+
Sports Illustrated: A, B, B
Dallas Cowboys - The Cowboys selected Michigan defensive end Taco Charlton with the No. 27 pick. The Michigan product is considered a Day 1 starter who can use his size and speed to wreak havoc on quarterbacks.
CBS Sports: B-
SB Nation: B
Sports Illustrated: A-
Denver Broncos - Garett Bolles looks like heâll step in at left tackle after being selected 20th. Bolles is a bit old â heâll be 25 by the start of the season â but so was Andrew Whitworth, who entered the league at a late age and, at 35, is still an elite left tackle.
CBS Sports: B
SB Nation: B
Sports Illustrated: B+
Detroit Lions - Detroit selected Jarrad Davis, a three-down linebacker with speed and strength. Since DeAndre Levy is no longer a Lion, Detroit needed a linebacker who can have the same impact.
CBS Sports: B-
SB Nation: B
Sports Illustrated: B
Houston Texans - Trading up 13 picks and giving up next yearâs first-rounder was a risky move, with the Texans already down a second-rounder, but this team is a quarterback away from Super Bowl contention. Deshaun Watson at 12 doesnât seem like great value, but props to Houston for going all-in.
CBS Sports: C-
SB Nation: C+
Sports Illustrated: A-
Green Bay Packers - Green Bay traded the No. 29 pick to the Browns for a second and third round pick. That trade led to the Browns drafting tight end David Njoku.
CBS Sports: N/A
SB Nation: N/A
Sports Illustrated: N/A
Indianapolis Colts - Indianapolis mightâve made the steal of the draft, selecting Ohio State safety Malik Hooker with the 15th pick. Hooker was not expected to still be on the board.
CBS Sports: A
SB Nation: A+
Sports Illustrated: A
Jacksonville Jaguars - A year after the Cowboys took Ezekiel Elliott at No. 4, the Jags are doing the same with Leonard Fournette. Picking a running back is one way to make a quarterbackâs job easier.
CBS Sports: D
SB Nation: B
Sports Illustrated: B
Kansas City Chiefs - What differentiates the Chiefsâ trade up and the Texansâ trade up is the price Kansas City paid to land Patrick Mahomes with the 10th pick. Trading two first-rounders and a third for a developmental QB will define Andy Reidâs tenure, for better or for worse.
CBS Sports: B+
SB Nation: D
Sports Illustrated: B+
Los Angeles Chargers - Mike Williams fits what the Chargers look for in a receiver. Heâs tall, resilient, and has great hands. But itâs hard not to question whether the Bolts couldâve traded down and landed Williams about 10 picks later.
CBS Sports: C-
SB Nation: B-
Sports Illustrated: B-
Los Angeles Rams - The Rams had traded the Titans a kingâs ransom to select quarterback Jared Goff with the No. 1 pick in last yearâs draft. L.A.âs first selection will be in the second round.
CBS Sports: N/A
SB Nation: N/A
Sports Illustrated: N/A
Miami Dolphins - Miami stuck to its board and took Charles Harris, who figures to compete for snaps at defensive end in a rotation alongside Cameron Wake, William Hayes and Andre Branch. Thereâs no such thing as too many pass rushers.
CBS Sports: B+
SB Nation: B-
Sports Illustrated: B
Minnesota Vikings - In 2016, the Vikings traded their first round pick for Sam Bradford.
CBS Sports: N/A
SB Nation: N/A
Sports Illustrated: N/A
New England Patriots - The Pats traded away their first- and third-round selections for Brandin Cooks in a move many teams likely wouldâve been ecstatic to make. Cooks is an established playmaker whose addition all but solidifies New Englandâs pass-catching corps as the best in the NFL.
CBS Sports: N/A
SB Nation: N/A
Sports Illustrated: N/A
New Orleans Saints - The Saints used their two first-round picks on cornerback Marshon Lattimore and offensive tackle Ryan Ramczyk. Lattimore is a physical corner who can shutdown an entire side of a field. Ramczyk is a sold pass-blocker and a mauler in the run game. He has the skills to keep Drew Brees upright.
CBS Sports: A, C+
SB Nation: A, C+
Sports Illustrated: A, B
New York Giants - Just when you though the Giants offense couldn't get scarier, New York selected Ole Miss tight end Evan Engram at No. 23. Engram can line up on the perimeter and in the slot. He has a rare blend of size and speed.
CBS Sports: B
SB Nation: C
Sports Illustrated: A-
New York Jets - Jamal Adams figures to be an awesome chess piece in Todd Bowlesâ ultra-aggressive defense. Safeties arenât traditionally selected with top-10 picks, but the consensus is that the Jets didnât reach.
CBS Sports: B
SB Nation: A-
Sports Illustrated: A
Oakland Raiders - Oaklandâs selection of Ohio State cornerback Gareon Conley can only partially be judged at this point, considering the rape allegation that surfaced right before the draft. Sports Illustrated gave Conley an incomplete grade because of those allegations.
CBS Sports: B-
SB Nation: B+
Sports Illustrated: Incomplete
Philadelphia Eagles - The Eagles used the No. 14 pick on DE Derek Barnett, which is a great selection because he fits in defensive coordinator Jim Schwartzâs scheme. Adding him to a line that includes Brandon Graham and Chris Long is downright scary. The Eagles should be able to get pressure with ease.
CBS Sports: A
SB Nation: B-
Sports Illustrated: B
Pittsburgh Steelers - Like his brothers, linebacker T.J. Watt has a high motor and figures to contribute early. The Steelers have picked an outside linebacker every other year since 2013, and theyâre hoping Watt will be good enough to end that trend.
CBS Sports: B+
SB Nation: B+
Sports Illustrated: B+
San Francisco 49ers - The 49ers made two trades, acquired a lot of draft picks, and still drafted great prospects in Solomon Thomas and Reuben Foster. Thomas is a dangerous pass rusher with a quick first step. Foster is a three-down linebacker who has the speed to catch receivers and the size to tackle burly backs.
CBS Sports: A+, A
SB Nation: A+, A+
Sports Illustrated: A, A
Seattle Seahawks - The Seahawks came in with the No. 26 pick but traded it to the Falcons for the No. 31 slot. Atlanta also threw in a third and fourth rounder. Then, Seattle traded the No. 31 pick to the 49ers for a second and third round pick. Now, the Seahawks have 10 picks.
CBS Sports: N/A
SB Nation: N/A
Sports Illustrated: N/A
Tampa Bay Buccaneers - Tampa Bay bolstered its offense by selecting tight end O.J. Howard at No. 19. The Alabama product is an excellent pass-blocker and explosive in the pass game. He can run routes like a receiver and deliver blocks like a lineman.
CBS Sports: B+
SB Nation: A+
Sports Illustrated: A
Tennessee Titans - Adding Corey Davis with the fifth pick and Adoreeâ Jackson with the 18th looks like a solid round for the Titans, who quietly went 9-7 last year. Tennessee figures to compete for the AFC South.
CBS Sports: B+, B+
SB Nation: B-, B-
Sports Illustrated: A, B-
Washington - Washington improved its pass rush considerably by drafting Alabama defensive lineman Jonathan Allen. Yes, Allen is suffering from back and shoulder injuries, but heâs lethal when healthy. He can give Washingtonâs defense a boost it desperately needs.
CBS Sports: A
SB Nation: A-
Sports Illustrated: A
0 notes
Carson Wentz Gets Jobbed With An 82 Rating In Madden NFL 20
Madden 20 ratings are out, which means itâs time for overreaction.
What players were valued too high? Too low? Who got the ultimate video game diss?
QB Controversies Abound
NameTeamOverall Patrick MahomesKansas City Chiefs97 Tom BradyNew England Patriots96 Philip RiversSan Diego Chargers94 Drew BreesNew Orleans Saints92 Andrew LuckIndianapolis Colts92 Russell WilsonSeattle Seahawks91 Aaron RodgersGreen Bay Packers90 Matt RyanAtlanta Falcons89 Ben RoethlisbergerPittsburgh Steelers85 Cam NewtonCarolina Panthers84 Jared GoffLos Angeles Rams83 Baker MayfieldCleveland Browns83 Deshaun WatsonHouston Texans82 Carson WentzPhiladelphia Eagles82 Kirk CousinsMinnesota Vikings81 Dak PrescottDallas Cowboys81 Derek CarrOakland Raiders80 Andy DaltonCincinnati Bengals80 Marcus MariotaTennessee Titans79 Matthew StaffordDetroit Lions79
Does Philly Overvalue Carson Wentz?
The Eaglesâ franchise quarterback comes in with an absolutely underwhelming 82 overall rating in Madden 20. Look, I get it, the guy has to prove that he can stay healthy and his mobility appeared to be a bit limited as he recovered from tearing up his knee in 2018. If we follow a similar line of thinking, it makes some sense that Deshaun Watson, who also suffered a comparable injury in the same season, has the same overall rating. However, I need someone at EA Sports to explain the presence of Baker-freaking-Mayfield as a higher-rated 83. Will he put up some killer numbers with OBJ and Jarvis Landry streaking downfield? Of course. Has he put together the same kind of sustained excellence over the majority of a season like Wentz or even Watson? I say nay. Jared Goff being ahead of Wentz is nearly as perplexing, though I imagine itâs just a masterful job of trolling Eagles fans. Though, it has made our office buzz and wonder⊠do we overrate Carson Wentz?
Aaron Rodgers not in the Top-5?
In what world is Aaron Rodgers not a Top-5 QB in the NFL? Patrick Mahomes leading the list makes sense as heâs the reigning, defending, undisputed league MVP from a year ago and is the lead among numerous sportsbooks to do the same in 2019-20. Tom Bradyâs placement as a close #2 is fair, but thatâs where the wheels fall off. Philip Rivers is the THIRD-BEST QUARTERBACK IN THE NFL? Heâs two full points ahead of Drew Brees? Really? Andrew Luck is rated in line with Brees? Russell Wilson -the modern-day Michael âRun around as my O-Line collapses and hope I donât dieâ Vick- gets a boost due to his speed and elusiveness. For my money, flip Rodgers and Rivers and Iâll calm down.
Mitchell Trubiskyâs 75 Overall Madden Rating Will Enrage Chicago Bears Fans
I donât think Trubisky is by any means a Top-10 or even Top-15 quarterback, but holy shnikies this is bad. Alex Smith is rated higher, despite suffering one of the most gruesome leg injuries weâve seen in years. Lamar Jacksonâs NINETY-FOUR speed rating likely led to his one point lead in the overall category, but does anyone really think Trubisky is roughly the same player as journeyman Ryan Fitzpatrick?
Nickfolean Kryptonite
Former Eagles QB and Super Bowl LII MVP Nick Foles has been installed as a 77 overall player, the exact same rating as Alex Smith. Is he really worse than Jimmy Garoppolo? Iâd say no. Worse than Matthew Stafford? Sure.
A Giant Disappointment
Eli Manning is the 36th overall rated QB with an overall score of 72. That makes him the lowest-rated starting QB in the NFC East behind Wentz (82), Dak Prescott (81), and Smith (77). The Giantsâ first round pick Daniel Jones comes in way below Manning with an overall rating of 63, a mere point ahead of third-stringer Kyle Lauletta.
Kevin Kinkead has the rating for every Eagles player, along with some news and notes after the jump:
Philadelphia Eagles Ratings
PlayerPositionRating Fletcher CoxDT96 Jason KelceC94 Zach ErtzTE93 Malcolm JenkinsSS92 Brandon BrooksRG90 Brandon GrahamRE89 Lane JohnsonRT89 Alshon JeffreyWR 87 Jason Peters LT 87 DeSean JacksonWR 85 Nelson AgholorWR83 Ronald DarbyCB82 Carson WentzQB82 Zach Brown MLB81 Dallas GoedertTE80 Jordan HowardHB80 Malik JacksonDT 80 Rodney McLeod JrFS79 Andrew SendejoFS79 Nigel BradhamROLB78 Tim JerniganDT 78 Avonte MaddoxCB 78 Derek BarnettLE76 Sidney Jones IVCB76 Corey ClementHB75 Vinny CurryLE75 Jake ElliottK74 Jalen MillsCB74 Will TyeTE74 JJ Arcega-WhitesideWR73 Kamu Grugier-HillLOLB73 Cre'von LeBlancCB 73 Josh AdamsHB72 Rasul DouglasCB72 Miles SandersHB 72 Wendell SmallwoodHB72 Mack HollinsWR71 Joshua PerkinsTE71 Andre DillardLT70 Shelton GibsonWR70 Braxton MillerWR70 Isaac SeumaloLG70 Josh SweatRE70 Paul WorrilowLOLB70 Charles JohnsonWR69 Cameron JohnstonP69 Treyvon HesterDT68 Donnel Pumphrey JrHB68 Boston ScottHB68 Blake CountessSS67 Nathan GerryLOLB67 Daeshon HallRE67 LJ FortMLB66 Josh HawkinsCB66 Shareef MillerRE66 Hassan RidgewayDT66 Halapoulivaati VaitaiRT66 Stefen WisniewskiLG66 Tre SullivanFS63 Jeremiah McKinnonCB62 Joe OstmanLE62 Deiondre HallSS61 Bruce HectorDT61 Cody KesslerQB61 Godwin IgwebuikeSS60 Matt PryorRG59 Carlton AgudosiWR58 Tyreek BurwellLT58 Jordan MailataLT58 Nate SudfeldQB57 Anthony FabianoC56 Clayton ThorstonQB56 Rick LovatoTE41
Fletcher Cox, at 96, is the highest rated Eagles player in the game and the only Bird in the top 15. Jason Kelce is second, listed at 94, and Zach Ertz is third, given a 93 rating.
Desean Jaccson got an 85.
They ranked Ronald Darby as the best Birds corner, with an 82. Avonte Maddox was second with a 78 and Jalen Mills got a 74. Sidney Jones is a 76 and CreâVon LeBlanc a 73.
First round draft pick Andre Dillard is rated a 70, which feels low to me, but of course I donât know how you rate a guy who has never played an NFL game.
Stefen Wisniewski was rated 66, which is really low. Wis is a good player.
Rick Lovato, the long snapper, is listed as a backup tight end and rated a 41.
Nate Sudfeld and Clayton Thorson are both in the bottom five of the Eagles list, with a 57 and 56, respectively.
Cox, Ertz, and Kelce all were given a 98 awareness rating.
The fastest Bird? Madden has a five way tie between Maddox, Jaccson, Darby, Shelton Gibson, and Josh Hawkins, all given a 93.
Blake Countess and Maddox have the Birdsâ highest acceleration rating, a 94.
Maddox was given a team-high 96 agility rating.
Brandon Brooks was given a team-high 96 strength rating.
What do you think? Did EA Sports get it right?
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Stopa Auction League: Navigating 14 teams, Superflex format
Tom Brady takes on extra value in a two-quarterback league (AP)
The Stopa Law Firm is a different kind of fantasy football expert league.
Itâs a big-money league (thanks to Mark Stopa, benefactor) and itâs a league about jumbo starting spots (super flex â which strongly encourages two starting quarterbacks â two tight ends, another flex spot) and limited bench space. A modified PPR scoring format is used.
And oh yeah, itâs an auction. And itâs a party that goes down in Las Vegas in mid-July. We canât post all the photos here, someone would get divorced or arrested.
The challenge is steeper this year, with noted experts Scott Jenstad and Vlad Sedler jumping in, bringing us to 14 teams. We also welcomed back Michael Salfino after a one-year absence.
I asked the league members to comment about their strategy, the auction, or anything they wanted. Hereâs what they had to say. Your full auction results are viewable here.
(Keep in mind teams were not required to fill out their starting roster on draft day; several teams passed on defense and kicker).
League History: 2016: Jeff Erickson over Brad Evans 2015: Andy Behrens over Chris Liss 2014: Andy Behrens over Mike Salfino 2013: Dalton Del Don over Scott Pianowski 2012: Scott Pianowski over Dalton Del Don
The 2017 review, in the ownerâs own words. (Summary: TL; DR)
Pos Erickson $ Salfino $ Schoenke $ Stopa $ Evans  $ QB Dak Prescott 21 Drew Brees 37 Matt Ryan 30 Tom Brady 40 Mike Glennon 4 RB C. McCaffrey 25 LeâVeon Bell 54 Ezekiel Elliott 48 Mark Ingram 20 Melvin Gordon 39 RB Doug Martin 9 Marlon Mack 3 L. Blount 10 Tevin Coleman 16 LeSean McCoy 36 WR Terrelle Pryor 29 M. Crabtree 13 Jordy Nelson 40 Amari Cooper 32 DeAndre Hopkins 25 WR Doug Baldwin 37 Chris Conley 1 TY Hilton 40 Sammy Watkins 22 Tyreek Hill 22 WR Jarvis Landry 17 Randall Cobb 8 Donte Moncrief 11 J. Crowder 10 Alshon Jeffery 25 TE Zach Ertz 8 Travis Kelce 33 Tyler Higbee 1 Xavier Grimble 1 Jared Cook 2 TE Zach Miller 1 Dwayne Allen 2 Ben Watson 1 Jesse James 1 Antonio Gates 1 K Dan Bailey 1 Mason Crosby 1 D Buffalo 1 Seattle 1 FL Spencer Ware 13 Kenny Britt 3 Alex Smith 5 M. Mitchell 1 Samaje Perine 16 FL Ryan Tannehill 18 Kirk Cousins 30 Frank Gore 7 Aaron Rodgers 48 Sam Bradford 8 B Theo Riddick 7 Ri. Matthews 3 Jamaal Williams 1 Thomas Rawls 3 Bilal Powell 12 B Derrick Henry 5 Adam Thielen 5 Jared Goff 1 Jalen Richard 1 Deshaun Watson 5 B Terrance West 3 Matt Forte 2 Alvin Kamara 1 Latavius Murray 1 Cooper Kupp 1 B Kenneth Dixon 2 Coby Fleener 2 W. Smallwood 1 Dion Lewis 1 Cole Beasley 1 B Taylor Gabriel 1 Tyler Lockett 2 Mike Williams 1 Devin Funchess 1 Zay Jones 1 B Trevor Siemian 3 C Thompson 1 Jeremy Langford 1 Chris Hogan 1 B James White 1 Wayne Gallman 1
 Pos  Del Don  $  Liss $ Funston $ Loza  $ Payne $ QB Marcus Mariota 30 Andy Dalton 21 Blake Bortles 16 Philip Rivers 26 Jameis Winston 30 RB Joe Williams 3 Carlos Hyde 27 Marshawn Lynch 25 L. Fournette 30 Mike Gillislee 21 RB J. Rodgers 1 Charles Sims 2 Joe Mixon 20 Jay Ajayi 39 Ty Montgomery 30 WR Odell Beckham 44 Dez Bryant 36 Michael Thomas 38 John Brown 14 Allen Robinson 24 WR Mike Evans 42 Devante Parker 10 Kelvin Benjamin 10 Martavis Bryant 20 Keenan Allen 13 WR Brandin Cooks 37 Kevin White 3 Quincy Enunwa 3 Jeremy Maclin 5 Stefon Diggs 6 TE David Njoku 1 Rob Gronkowski 34 Julius Thomas 4 Jordan Reed 24 Delanie Walker 16 TE Seferian-Jenkins 1 Jimmy Graham 20 Austin Hooper 3 AJ Derby 1 Greg Olsen 19 K B. McManus 1 Justin Tucker 2 Corey Davis TR C. Cantanazaro 1 D New England 1 New York Giants 1 Arizona 1 LA Rams 1 FL Allen Hurns 1 CJ Prosise 3 Jordan Howard 35 Adrian Peterson 16 Caron Wentz 16 FL Cam Newton 32 Andrew Luck 35 Eli Manning 20 Josh McCown 1 Dalvin Cook 18 B Marqise Lee 2 OJ Howard 2 Jeremy Hill 3 Eddie Lacy 13 Rex Burkhead 1 B S. Shepard 1 Dâonta Foreman 1 Brandon Marshall 4 James Connor 2 Devontae Booker 1 B Eli Rogers 1 Robert Turbin 1 Jason Witten TR Jo. Williams 3 Evan Engram 1 B P. Richardson 1 Curtis Samuel 1 Tyrell Williams 7 Robby Anderson 1 Jordan Matthews 1 B JJ Nelson 1 Cody Kessler 1 Jonathan Stewart 6 B. Perriman 3 Will Fuller 1 B Corey Davis TR Gio Bernard 1 B J. Kearse 1
 Pos Pianowski  $ Behrens $ Jenstad/Sedler $ VanRiper  $ QB M. Stafford 19 Russell Wilson 33 Derek Carr 25 Joe Flacco 15 RB Todd Gurley 29 DeMarco Murray 36 David Johnson 52 Lamar Miller 25 RB D. Freeman 37 Isaiah Crowell 26 CJ Anderson 18 Paul Perkins 17 WR Antonio Brown 51 Davante Adams 25 D.Thomas 24 AJ Green 40 WR Golden Tate 17 Pierre Garcon 6 Willie Snead 15 Julio Jones 45 WR C. Meredith 10 Julian Edelman 9 DeSean Jackson 13 E. Sanders 14 TE Cameron Brate 3 Jack Doyle 13 Kyle Rudolph 11 Tyler Eifert 9 TE CJ Fiedorowicz 3 Hunter Henry 9 Charles Clay 1 Marty Bennett 9 K S.Gostkowski 2 Adam Vinatieri 1 Matt Bryant 1 D Houston 1 Minnesota 1 Denver 2 Kansas City 1 FL Brian Hoyer 6 Duke Johnson 3 Ameer Abdullah 11 Carson Palmer 15 FL Larry Fitzgerald 7 Roethlisberger 26 Tyrod Taylor 20 Jamaal Charles 3 B D. Woodhead 8 Kareem Hunt 3 Corey Coleman 2 Rob Kelley 2 B Open Spot TR Eric Decker 6 Mike Wallace 2 Vance McDonald 1 B Eric Ebron TR DeShone Kizer 1 Josh Doctson 1 Darren McFadden 1 B Marvin Jones 1 Darren Sproles 1 De. Washington 1 Tavon Austin 1 B Robert Woods 1 Paxton Lynch 1 Ted Ginn 1 Aaron Jones 1 Shane Vereen 1
Peter Schoenke
Most âexpertsâ donât want to admit when the screwed up an auction, but I did on this one. Not so much on the players. I got some decent values (Blount $10, Moncrief $11) and donât hate my team. However, I wanted to spend at WR and QB, but early in the draft I priced enforced on Zeke Elliott and got âstuckâ on him at $48. Thatâs likely $5 less than heâd typically go for but people were sitting on their hands early in the auction. However, it sent me down a path that I donât think fared as well for me, similar to how when you take a RB in the first round of an auction.
Iâm a WR-first guy. I stubbornly decided to still pay for WR and likely overpaid for T.Y. Hilton and Jordy Nelson, but I decided I wanted some high-floor players since weâre drafting so early and about half your roster is going to be picked up in free agency with this leagueâs thin benches. Those choices had me chasing for QBs and I never was able to pull the trigger on the $15 â $20 QB I desperately needed. As a result, that left me with Alex Smith as my superflex and Jared Goff as my backup QB. Thereâs a hint of floor and upside in that duo, but not exactly what I had in mind in a 14-team league.
Mark Stopa
In a deep format like this, everyone will have weak spots.. Given how RBs, WRs, and TEs emerge from nowhere each year, Iâd rather be weaker at those positions than QB, and I auctioned accordingly.. Thereâs simply no chance any QB outside the top 20 is going to be someone you want to use each week, and many owners doing so are wasting a valuable bench spot on a third crummy QB to make up for the crummy one in their superflex.
As for the rest ⊠Rawls and Richard are great ways to fade Lacy and Lynch, two guys I wonât be owning in 2017 seasonal.. I like my cheap Pats guys (Lewis, Hogan, Mitchell) because if injuries strike (Cooks, Edelman), theyâll be gold.. Remember, the earlier in 2017 your draft/auction occurs, the more upside on bench matters, as preseason injuries will happen.. Bills D gets the Jets at home Week 1; picking on NYJ will be an ideal way to stream defenses this year.
Kevin Payne
I got a starting lineup with the majority of my money and then went $1 for every bench spot. Didnât draft a kicker or defense. Drank a lot of vodka. Iâd recommend this for all.
Michael Salfino
The story of the draft was that QBs went for too little in this format and WRs went for too much. So Iâm thrilled to land Drew Brees ($37) and Brees Jr., Kirk Cousins. The endgame worked for me because I got some really good WR values by my rankings: Britt, Matthews, Thielen, Cobb for a combined 9% of my budget. Britt for $3 thrilled me even though I want to avoid paying for players on teams that are likely to have major QB problems. The thing is, I think Cody Kessler is pretty good â if only I believed the Browns did, too.
I wish I said $53 for David Johnson instead of later having to say $54 for LeâVeon Bell. I have to worry a little about a holdout and Bell is a greater injury risk given their respective histories. My other regret is not saying $4 for Kareem Hunt, who has a David Johnson 2015 vibe.
Scott Jenstad
We came in with a plan for 2 of the top 22 QB (that is where we set our cut off) but not one of the top 3-4, one stud RB and then to play with the depth at WR and attack the mid-range WR after people had spent money on the top WR. I regret $29 total on CJ Anderson and Ameer Abdullah, although I do like Abdullah, but I think we could have bargain shopped for our 3rd RB slot and used that money to upgrade a bit at WR and TE. However, I absolutely love our late bargain WR and I think Coleman, Wallace, Doctson and Ginn for $6 made our depth and is an absurd group for the prices. I worry about 2nd TE in a 2 TE league as we ended up having to go bottom of the barrel there so that is a spot we will need to work on pretty quickly. I regret letting Jeff land Prescott for only $21, I would love to swap out $20 Tyrod Taylor for $21 Dak.
Andy Behrens
We bumped the league size up to 14 teams this year, which is pretty much the outer limit for a two-TE superflex format. The depth of this league led me to balance my spending across positions. I didnât want to leave the auction with an unfinished team, knowing I had work to do on the wire. Going in, Iâd intended to wait on receivers, the position offering the greatest depth; that approach resulted in decent deals on Garcon, Edelman and Decker.
If you guys want to see a roadmap to despair, check out Lissâ team. A disgrace to the fantasy industry.
Derek Van Riper
My plan going into the auction was to have one elite QB (Rodgers, Brady, Brees) and one elite RB (Bell, Johnson, or Elliott). It fell though, however, as the pricing at the top exceeded my expectations, and at 14 teams, I was slightly less adamant about sticking to a stars-and-scrubs approach. The value at the top of the pool came with the elite receivers, leading me to build around Julio Jones and A.J. Green instead. The most unexpected trend from the auction that makes my team vulnerable is the high cost of the mid-range and low-end quarterbacks thanks to two additional teams in the league, and our use of the Superflex. My hope, however, is that the likes of Carson Palmer and Joe Flacco can be within a couple points per game of the options who were priced up $10-15 higher, and that my strength at WR, TE, and lack of a hole (initially) at running back gives me good balance from week-to-week.Â
Brad Evans
When tequila happens, you land Mike Glennon, Sam Bradford and Deshaun Watson as your only QBs. Intended at the onset, I purposely ignored the QB and TE positions and instead focused on acquiring high floor RBs/WRs. Though loaded in the latter areas (RBs: McCoy/Gordon/Powell/Perine; WRs: Alshon/Hopkins/Tyreek), it came at a tremendous cost elsewhere. Inevitably, Iâll spin a RB off at some point for a passing upgrade, but my roster-construction experiment could blow up the lab.
Brandon Funston
Overall, Iâm happy with the roster I was able to pull together â no glaring positional weaknesses. Miracle of all miracles, I was able to be a patient shopper and not blow my budget in the early-round inflationary period. But maybe I was a tad too patient, as I had $6 to play with at the end when everyone else was pretty much in $1-draft mode. I ended up using that $6 on Jonathan Stewart, but if I think back on how it could have played out better, it would have probably been to pay $8-9 for a tight end like Hunter Henry or Zach Ertz instead of $4 for Julius Thomas and gone with a $1 DeAndre Washington (I have Marshawn Lynch, so it would have made some sense) in the end at RB instead of J-Stew.
(Note: Funston traded Eric Ebron to Pianowski for Corey Davis and Jason Witten, shortly after the draft ended.)
Liz Loza
Thank goodness for Grey Goose and Jeremy Maclin. After spending the bulk of my coin on RBs, I needed to snag an undervalued wideout. With over 300 targets up for grabs in Charm City, Maclin is a steal late in drafts⊠and I got him for just $5!
Dalton Del Don
I entered with a âstars and scrubsâ strategy, planning on spending big on quarterbacks and wide receivers. Whether that strategy works (or if I got the right players) remains to be seen, but I certainly executed it. I regret not securing more $1 running back fliers, as I need to get lucky there (my starters are ugly). But this auction took place in mid-July, and RB is by far the most volatile position. Iâll have to be extra aggressive with FAAB at the position.
Chris Liss
Hereâs my writeup from Rotowire.
My thoughts are you need to have a decent QB at the QBFLEX spot. And one who wonât lose his job unless he gets hurt. If I were to do it over again, Iâd probably have bought a third instead of Carlos Hyde and punted RB altogether. Iâm fairly sure I could trade a $27 QB for a $30-plus back.
I didnât intend to go big on TE, but you and I were advancing the bid on Gronkowski, whoâs worth $40 in this format, and he stopped at $34. I was actually happy to get him even though I probably wonât have him anywhere else.
I went big on Graham because I had some money left, though he was the best player available (again in the two-TE format) and would rather struggle in the end game than leave $ on the table. It cost me a couple Stefon Diggs types, who I could use, but Iâm probably better off with Graham.
Scott Pianowski
I agree with most of Peter Schoenkeâs comments, up top. I like to go into auctions with a highly agnostic strategy, but this was a league screaming for more urgency at quarterback. Most fantasy players can take that position casually, given the league-wide depth, but that is not the case in a 14-team league where everyone is highly incentivized to play two QBs a week. I should have either gotten three solid starters, or two high-level guys who could land in the Top 10 with a reasonable runout. If we did this auction again tomorrow, Iâm sure a bunch of teams would approach the QB position differently.
Itâs never a bad idea to make an early overpayment in an auction if itâs something you really want or really need. I should have parked one major QB early, then seen how the market unfolded. Instead, I stuck to my agnostic leanings and probably paid for it.
I do like the rest of my team, but Iâm thin at the one position you canât be thin at. The trade market probably wonât be much; Brad Evans can tell you that. And itâs hard to imagine a lot of QB talent coming into the league, guys we havenât already drafted.
(Note: After the draft, Pianowski traded Corey Davis and Jason to Witten for Eric Ebron and an open spot, to be filled later).
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