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yourbestgal · 8 months ago
i feel really good about J. really right
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cgtg · 11 months ago
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this is one of the most batshit kind complimence i hav ever gotten
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comradecowplant · 1 year ago
I would like to thank The Morning Show for feeding the millennial sapphics who always thought Elle Woods should have been with the intimidating brunette woman, I feel seen & heard 😌🙏
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kyles-afro · 2 years ago
💀💀i want to reply to this comment so bad but i have a reputation to uphold for Not being a bitch
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smoozed12 · 6 months ago
I can’t help but feel pissed off that this got 500 notes when it only took around an hour!!!!!! while the art that took me 5 hours has a little over 100 :(!!!!!!!! Gahhh!!!!!
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jackals-ships · 8 months ago
see thats one of the funnier things about memory issues is i connect dots late and am always like ".........wait a damn, WAIT A DAMN MINUTE-"
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didhewinkback · 9 months ago
wont be able to watch the bear for a while like days days shout out to the angels that tag their posts <3 <3 <3
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dokpetra · 9 months ago
Me lamenting my financial struggles: "aough... Terminally Broke"
Me remembering that my outlook & what I say about stuff matters: "ough! Terminably broke :)"
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sweetlilluvmaker · 2 years ago
this 9 to 6 def ain't for meeee
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isforever · 4 months ago
she knows if anything, she should keep her guard up. hell isn't safe, hell would chew up an angel and spit them out. when arms wrap around her, she immediately forgets about keeping her guard up. she immediately clings to the other, tears streaking down her cheeks. "i just wanted to help, i really did." she knows she doesn't need to convince the stranger, perhaps she's trying to convince herself. if emily had stayed inside the lines, if she'd kept her head down and stopped fighting for redemption, she'd still have her wings. but all people deserved a second chance, and she held that belief, even now... especially seeing the kindness being offered to her in hell.
she takes a deep breath, a faint smile offered as the other dabs at her tears. "i... i don't know where to go, i just got here." she admits, her voice wavering with emotion but she manages to hold back any further tears. "i don't know anything about where i should go or what i should do now."
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" i didn't.... do anything wrong, i wanted to help, i wanted ot do the right thing! and... and now i'm here, and... " panic is building in her chest, tears stinging in her eyes as she looks at the other. she wasn't supposed to be in hell. " it was a mistake. i can fix this, i can.... "
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stelly22 · 6 months ago
Bein gr8ful for what u got is life greatest cheatcode
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chevy-gold · 5 months ago
Bcumin Twinbruhz
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It wuz in da meetn rum wen itz pupbruh, Max, came up 2 c it.
"Sup bruh!" It said 2 him.
He hi-5d it n told it, "Hey pupbro, wanna kiss these golden lips?"
Huhu, u kno it had 2 say yea! "Yea bruh, it'd luv 2!" We started kissn gud, rubn our paws all ova each otha. He wuz so golden, so hawt, it cudnt stay off him! He started feeln itz cage below, n it did da same 2 his cok. It wuz rubn mor n mor, den he wuz pushn it down, n it went 2 itz kneez.
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Hiz flexn arms, hiz bulg n hiz shortz. He wuz so golden, itz eyez cudnt luk away! It wuz drooln az it tuk down hiz shortz. He had a golden jockstrap, it wuz clos 2 da goal now, n it duznt tak itz eyez off da goal! It pulled em down 2, n saw hiz big long cok. It moand at da site n began lickn it. He lifted itz chin 2 luk up.
"Careful bruh, mah golden cum wil mak u dumdum, huhu, n mak u az golden az meh!" He rubd hiz paw on itz cheek nice n slo.
"Huhu, bruh, it duznt care if it gitz dumdum bruh! It wud luv 2 b jus lik u pupbruh! N it wud b gr8ful 2 tayst ur golden cok!" It lukd up at him, lukn at those golden eyez. He smirkd n slipd hiz big cok in2 itz mouf. It cud alredy tayst hiz golden cum, n it cudnt think much mor. In n out, he thrust mor n mor, makn it moan n drool az it sukd. It felt hiz cok git bigr n den it wuz shootn hawt gold in2 itz mouf! No mor brain left, it swalowd agin n agin, nuthin left wen it came off him.
"Huhu, it don't...uh, brain, bruh," It said. "Dayum...u so hawt tho bruh!"
"Huhu, yea bruh, now ur golden on da inside 2 bruh! Now u luk jus lik meh!" He said.
"Woah, bruh, it luks az hawt az u?" It asked.
He nodded, "Yea bruh, u mah twin bruh now!"
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It carried a ball wit it, it felt rite. He led it 2 a mirer, n it cud c...we were da same! Itz bod, mor golden, betr formd...mor lik him. He put hiz arm round it, n it did da same, feeln rite n comfy wit itz bruh.
"Dayum...u rite bruh! It iz ur twinbruh now! We luk da same! Huhu," It laffd, feeln closr den eva wit itz bruh.
"Yea bruh, we twin pupbruhz 4 da team! We r dumdums n we flex n werk out 4 da team 2 win! Giv meh a kiss, twinbruh!" It smild, n put itz lips 2 hiz, redy 2 mak out sum mor. It luvd supportn n servn itz twinbruh!
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blackpinkofficialupdates · 7 months ago
[240817] Jennie TikTok update
Feeling gr8ful 🖤🩷 @/blackpinkofficial
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runaaaxoxo · 3 months ago
day three of shiftmas ; eggnog
answering this as my mcu dr where im tony starks sister <3
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(in this dr, civil war doesnt happen. this took place when civil war shouldve happened, how ironic lmfao)
to be honest, this dr is pretty calm (except 4 all the mc moments i scripted but thats a story 4 a diff day!). and VERY surprisingly, tony stank isnt the star of all the drama this time!!
so, sam was helping spiderman (peter) film a tiktok, and whilst spiderman was rambling on about how hes so gr8ful to his fans for all the support, sam forgot to cut the tiktok and called spiderman peter. so erm, everyone was going crazy over that, and then like 2 hours l8er, i forgot if it was steve or thor, but peter was with them and i shit you not an entire ARMY of fangirls basically ran them down, looking for peter. tony had gone out 4 a bit, but when he came in he was like '???' tbh he was probably more confused as to why they werent there 4 HIM over anything else, but thats tony 4 yall. people trying to find out spidermans identity is like a weekly occurence, but his fans have never acc tracked them down, and sam calling him peter didnt helppp.
THE LECTURE THEY GOT FROM BRUCE AND NICK WAS HILARIOUSSS DHGF7UYDQ, for some reason i was lectured too??? like sir???? apparently it was because i was in the background spraypainting vision pink BUT LIKE STILL... and pietro was making fun of me 4 a week after that
(side note, tony and wanda made me turn him back red :( v unfortunate)
YEAH THATS BASICALLY IT, my dr's dont tend to have drama unless thats the sole purpose of the reality (for example, one of my mha dr's are just filled of me being awesome and attracting tons of press lmfao)
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voidlace · 1 year ago
thank you for the redglare food im forever gr8ful
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yw its just what i do lol
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dailythiefoflight · 10 months ago
DAY 12
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Decided to dress up today for you all, 8e gr8ful ::::)
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