minminxings · 5 years
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Boyfriend! Gou Cheng
Coz I fell in love with this noisy boy
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teamsarawatshusband · 3 years
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Day 12 - Favorite Cast
I feel a bit ashamed that I’m so way behind schedule, but I’m intend on catching up. So!
This one was tough, because I don’t have one show that has an absolutely perfect cast, but I’m gonna pick what I think gets closest, based on what I feel makes good actors. So, to me, a good actor is capable to portray a multi-layered role, i.e. a character that has more than just one personality trait.
The Untamed is a show that has a ton of actors, many with minor roles which still provide a chance to show exactly that skill. So, aside from the obvious awesomeness in the main cast, here’s some other examples (by far not all that the show has to offer):
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Zi Teng as Lan Qiren - the character is honorable and strict, a perfect teacher, but he also has some rare moments where he is amused by the young disciples, even though he’d never admit it, and he does recognize and respect Wei Wuxian’s honesty and intelligence on more than one occasion, even though he’s mostly outraged by him. And, I think Zi Teng’s acting as Lan Qiren was beautiful in its nuances.
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Zhang Jing Tong as Madam Yu - She is so unspeakably horrible to Wei Wuxian in how she emotionally blackmails him again and again, whether it’s out of jealousy over her husband’s adultery rumors or the motherly need to support her own son above all else. She can be ruthless and unforgiving when she wants. But, she very clearly loves her children and her clan and would do whatever it takes to keep them safe, even if it costs her life. I think the series also did a really good job at showing that, deep down, she truly loves her husband. It became clear in those last moments where she crawled towards him as she was dying. What a great badass character. And Zhang Jing Tong played her wonderfully.
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He Peng as Wen Chao - OMG, don’t we all hate him with the fire of a thousand suns?! Wen Chao is SUCH an asshole. Pardon my French, but it’s the truth. He’s a whiny little good-for-nothing bitch with a superiority complex. BUT, he’s also so sadly desperate for his father’s approval, and, at the end of his life, he’s just a scared little wimp, isn’t he? It takes a great actor to be able to portray a character like that. I definitely applaud He Peng for the amazing job he did.
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Cao Jun Xiang as Ouyang Zizhen - I don’t know about you, but I just really like him. For a super minor character, he’s actually incredibly relatable. He gets scared, shows feelings. And, guys, he’s not afraid to cry nor is he afraid to stand up to his father. He’s such a wonderful character with actual development. I love him. And Jun Xiang was a great choice for this role.
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Guocheng as Lan Jingyi - Since we’re already talking about the Junior Disciples... This guy is so many people’s favorite, isn’t he? While he is a Lan, i.e. calm, serene and well educated, sometimes he just steps out of those Lan lines and gets just a tad sassy. He’s not afraid to put people in their place and sting them with their own poison for a bit. Not many people could walk the fine line between respectful junior and underground sass queen like Goucheng. Look at that smirk. Perfect casting is perfect.
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Chen Zhuoxuan as A’Qing - Wasn’t she amazing??? What a great character... a little girl with street smarts who cons people by pretending to be blind, who finds a friend to take her away from that life and strive for better, only to end up blinded for real and robbed of everything good in her life. And she has so many layers. She’s smart, funny, cute, sassy, but she also has a heart of gold and is so desperate to protect her found family. The way Zhuo Xuan acted her suffering at the end of the Yi City arc, yet STILL determined to save so many lives is just one of the most impressive acting jobs I have seen on this series. I mean, WOW!
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Wang Haoxuan as Xue Yang - Do I even have to explain this one? Look at him. Look at him acting a character that is so full of hatred, so crazy in mind, that he has no other goals in life than taking revenge on everybody. He feels perverted joy in other people’s suffering, the worse the better. Yet, for a sociopath, he is so sadly desperate to make connections to somebody. He yearns for Xiao Xingchen’s company and willingness to remain his found family. He yearns for Wei Wuxian’s approval when it comes to his demonic cultivation. He’s not GOOD, but there’s more there than just hatred. There’s desire and dreams and hopes. Also, obviously, he’s very very sexy. I mean... And Wang Hao Xuan portrayed this character so perfectly. I can’t imagine anybody else doing it like he did it. So so so good.
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Ji Li as Nie Huisaeng - I know I said no main roles, but... how could I not mention him, when, for most of the series, I had no idea of his involvement in... everything. For the longest time, I wasn’t even aware how much of a main character he truly truly was. It takes a perfect actor to play the role of a seemingly scared, incompetent and indecisive man who is secretly the one who pulls all the strings - and be so convincing that most of the audience doesn’t see it coming. Ji Li, man... what a great great actor, omg.
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