#Gotta be real smut writing is mostly academic for me.
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chickenbyday · 4 months ago
Kevin/Andrew | Explicit | 1.3k
Andrew gets a strap-on and Kevin sees god.
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myrsinemezzo · 7 months ago
Writing Interview Tag Game!
Thank you so much @klynnvakarian for the tag!
About Me:
When did you start writing?
I've written academic stuff for years, but I didn't start writing fiction until I was ...37 ?!? I didn't think I had it in me but now it's just flooding out.
Are there different genres or themes you enjoy reading other than the ones you write?
Yes indeed. I honestly love a good dose of dead dove and tension in general, but my god I cannot write it for the life of me. I try and I just can't write truly horrific psychological or physical things. Some of my fics have skirted the edges, but that's the best I can do. I leave that to amazing writers like @bad-surprise who wrote one of my favorite ever fics, the complex "the shark in your water" and vuas whose fics are just scrumptiously disturbing or @thecoziestbean with "meet me at the edge" with its tense atmosphere.
Is there an author you want to emulate, or are compared to often?
I would love to emulate Robin McKinley whose intimacy and description and interiority really influenced me growing up. I don't think I'm there yet, but I like to experiment with fic style, so maybe someday.
Can you tell me a bit about your writing space?
I love to write anywhere and everywhere in my house and outside at work. I write and edit both on my phone on the Dabble writing platform (which I highly recommend) and on my laptop since seeing the words in different layouts helps me catch things I might have missed.
What’s your most effective way to muster up a muse?
Gotta be music. I put on a single track for an hour or two (or three) and get plunged into a state with all that repetition that lets me be incredibly focused. Hozier is so good for that as well as boygenius, Florence + the Machine, and Taylor Swift for me. Poor Mr. Mezzo, basically. I run songs into the ground!
Are there any reoccurring themes in your writing? If so do they surprise you?
I don't think I have enough self-awareness to pick them out myself haha although I do have to watch out for phrases I tend to repeat like "no small amount of X" or things like that. I also lean into smut. A lot. Maybe too much? Maybe just right? Who can say.
Would you please tell me about your current favorite character?
I love writing Elrond. I never expected it, but he's such a canny character that I'm really enjoying my current chapter of my Rings of Power canon fic now that he's turned up to have battles of words with Sauron.
Which of your characters would you be friends with in real life?
Arondir and Bronwyn would be my besties, I think.
Which characters would you dislike the most if you met them?
I don't honestly know! Probably the way I've written Galadriel's mother Eärwen in past fics. I worked out a lot of parental traumas in those where she's just... awful.
Do you notice any reoccurring themes/traits in your characters?
My main characters never look where they leap in my fics. Sometimes that's because they're brave and sometimes that's because they run headlong "like a colt in full gallop" in Galadriel's case ;) I also can't stay away from Enemiese to Lovers. Ever.
How do you picture your characters?
I can visualize clothes and physical traits and thought patterns in my characters more than facial features. There's just vague actor-ish facial features, but mostly just hair color to distinguish them.
My Writing:
What’s your reason for writing?
I've always loved to fall into different worlds with reading. It's not so different with writing. There's a real joy in stepping out of my own life to have adventures and grand love affairs.
Is there any specific comment or type of comment from readers that you find particularly motivating?
I love getting the phrase "Second kudos" and just a string of hearts. It always makes me smile. Long comments deconstructing and analyzing what happens are lovely too, of course. Comments are wonderful, but they also don't motivate me as much as the sheer love of seeing characters talk to each other in my head in some ways, though.
How do you want to be thought about by your readers?
I'd love to be an escape outlet for my readers as much as my fellow writer friends are to me and all the other reading I do.
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
I think it's (maybe) the stubbornness in coming back to writing every time I fall off the horse and feel like I'll never write again when it's been a week or two. I know so many of us writers feel that feeling.
Have you been told what is your greatest strength as a writer is by others?
I'm not sure, and I should keep track with gathering up kind comments to go back to look at, but maybe smut? lol. Or modern AU cute vibes in my farmers market and musician fics. My beloved Mr. Mezzo read one of my fics recently for the first time and said "It was like I could hear you reading it to me" so maybe a storytelling quality.
How do you feel about your own writing?
I am always pleasantly surprised when I go back and reread my own work. Even back in the beginning, I had tones of voice for characters that were what I wanted to get across.
When you write are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, do you write purely for yourself, or is it a mix of both?
Not really influenced by others except when I'm feeling unsure like when I started Across That Fine Line and felt insecure about lore and such. I took requests in some ways then, although it turned out alright in the end and I don't do that as much now with letting reader comments shape things. Still, @stitchingatthecircuitboard made a comment on that fic recently and it changed the vibe of a few chapters a Ton, so maybe I'm a liar haha. But seriously, sometimes readers wondering where it will go can spark a new idea, and that's lovely.
Thanks again for the tag @klynnvakarian and I'm going to tag @thecoziestbean, @bad-surprise, @stitchingatthecircuitboard, @softlighter, and @thrillofhope because I would love to hear your thoughts on writing. No pressure at all, though, since writing is such an intimate act!
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monstaxdirtywonk · 5 years ago
Love Syndrome
Member : Wonho X reader
Genre : Fuff, some angst, some smut
Synopsis : A girl obsessed with Neurology takes an experiment on dating Hoseok, who has no idea this is a joke to her. Her experiment will turn against her when she’ll actually start falling in love...
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 You weren't like the other girls. Maybe this will turn out to be one of those memes online but no, you truly meant it. As a kid, you despised dolls and castles, pink and unicorns. You showed a great interest in mechanics, cars (mostly destroying them and notice their parts), puzzles and balls. Truth be told, you were proud of yourself and how independent you grew to be. Your friends were crying every once in a while for that hottie blondie who broke up with them, while you did your best at comforting them. Relationships were an unnecessary drama, one you did not want to take part in. You’re fine the way you are! An academic career is in front of you, traveling the world and finally, being what you always wanted...a woman of logic, of sense, of credibility. No drama, no annoying clingy boyfriends, no crying sessions. No. No. No. You know what's best in life and that’s what’s your way. 
Your friend Val was over for support. There’s been a month since she broke up with the ex and still can’t let go. After hours of fake sentimentalism, you’ve had enough.
“You know what...I’ve got the perfect solution for you.”
Val raised her teary eyes and looked curiously to your side.
“You can get a dog! Yes that’s perfect, I should’ve thought about it sooner,
“okay thank you for trying to make me laugh but it’s not helping.”
“This isn’t a joke. it’s a real solution and a much more practical one than me just telling you sweet nonsense of ‘comfort’. Dogs, when in contact with humans, release a chemical in our brain called oxytocin, just like when you are with your partner. Instead of having the side effects and ups and downs of a relationship, a dog is much more devoted and drama free. Boom, you’ve got double win.”
“I swear sometimes I feel like you’re Sheldon from Big Bang theory in a female form.”
“Thank you for that compliment but I am not as good as the flawless mastermind Sheldon himself is.”
“You know what, Ima leave before we fight, the least thing I’m looking for is this.”
“Okay fine but think about it.”
You said as you made your way to the door along her. Val grinned and left without a second word. I mean you were right, even you thought of adopting a cute poodle. It’s much better than ‘adopting’ a boyfriend. Plus dogs are always happy when they see you. Maybe a dog is a good idea.
You checked the watch and it hit you.
“Damn, I’m late!” you exclaimed and took your purse heading out of the door.
‘When in love, you experience a rush of hormones to the brain — including oxytocin, the “love hormone,” the “pleasure hormone” dopamine, and sex hormones like estrogen and testosterone. ‘
You aren’t the type to believe in coincidences but if they exist, this can’t be one. Out of all those subjects, did they have to talk about love’s effect on the brain today? Unbelievable. But interesting at the same time, no wonder everyone’s so invested in this called ‘dating culture’.  
“Y/N, we’ll be in the cafeteria downstairs. Don’t be too late.”
“I won’t I promise.”
The proffessor looked at you intensely. You noticed and moved your head upwards.
“Actually I’ll close the class! Sorry about that but I have my lunch break.”
“Ah totally. I’m so sorry Mr.Jones for ‘eating your time away’” You laughed at your own pun and he did too.  
You slow-run to the exit and the moment you reached the door, you collided with someone and your books fell to the floor.
“Oh I’m sorry I can’t believe I’m so careless at times.” his voice, a sweet sound contrary to his muscular physique.
“No, it’s my mistake actually. I wasn’t looking straight, per usual.” he laughed and colected your books.
“I mean, you didn’t have to.”
“It’s the least I can do for bumbing into you like that. My Hulk self should be a little more careful since I might knock out someone.”
You laughed genuinely after a long time. He noiticed and smiled in satisfaction.
“So, you’re studying Neurology?”
“Ugh? Ah yes I do! It’s very interesting. Some might find it boring but it’s so exciting to learn about the wonder our body, our mind is.”
He was staring at you in awe. Probably thinking of you as a terrible nerd. Judging by his looks, he seemed the gym guy, totally off your valley.
‘I’m sorry. It gets boring for some.”
“No. Not at all. I admire those that are so passionate with what they’re doing. I would just like to add something more to your sentence.”
“...and what’s that?”
“the wonder our body, mind and soul is.”
Normally you’d think of it as lame. Actually it was cheesy but he is a pleasant surprise. It was unfair to judge him based on his looks after all.
“I guess.” you answered semi-sure.
“Now you might excuse me but I gotta go. It was nice talking to you.”
“Bye” you waved cringing at the silly child-like act.
The library was surprisingly empty for a uni with so many students. You took advantage and went there to study further for your upcoming exams. Suddenly a voice interrupted your train of thought and you were this close to cursing.
“Hey!” someone shout out in excitment, earning himself agressive shhs from the few students sitting there. He murmured a sorry and came your way. It was the guy that bumbed into you a couple of days before.  
“Hey” you answered as quietely as possible.
“So..” he said obviously nervous by his hand movements and red tint on his cheeks.
“I forgot to tell you my name and that was rude, wasn’t it?”
You didn’t answer because it wasn’t rude.
“I’m Hoseok.” he extended his arm for a hand shake.
You felt his pulse rising to dangerous vibrations. He was nervous for sure. Maybe you’re reading into it too much...
“Nice to meet you Hoseok, I’m Y/N.”
“You know I feel sorry to interrupt you but I’d like to offer you a drink, as a way to apologize.”
“You don’t have to! It wasn’t anything disastrous.”
“Is that a no?” he asked with puppy eyes, eager for an answer. You didn’t want to let him down, plus he seemed like a nice guy.
“You know what, let’s go but I’ll pay for my drink.”
“I insist.” you smiled at his stubborness.  
“So..” Hoseok said while stirring his coffee.  
“yees..” you answered looking back at him with curious eyes.
“I was thinking...if you’d like us to grab a snack/drink from time to time.”
You nodded hapily. You wanted a new friend especially when it’s someone as good and funny as Hoseok.
“Ah yes totally! I’d love to be your friend. You’re so funny and all!.” you replied and touch his arm playfully.
Hoseok sighed and his face seemed a bit dissapointed.
“Oh so you view me as a friend?”
“Yes...isn’t that what you wanted too?”
He moved closer and took your hand in his. It was a brave move and even tho his eyes were uncertain, his body language said otherwise.
“I mean, actually dating. You and me, more than friends.” he said and left your hand, letting you to decide on your own.
This came out of nowhere. You weren’t expecting this to be said so fast but here he is, right in front of you, asking. Hoseok had every charateristic a girl would want. Funny,smart and what seems like high levels of testosterone judging by his muscular body and prominant jawline. But, you didn’t know if this was enough. Relationships aren’t for you and you don’t  want to take time off your studies. You don’t even have feelings for him in the first place. You don’t have feelings for anyone, they are pointless attempts of nature to make you birth offsprings and save the specie from dissapearing.  
He studied your face for any expression that might suggest your answer but there was none. You were lost in those rapid thoughts and didn’t know what to do. When you finally came out of it and saw his pleading expression you shouted out
“YES” you bought your hand in front of your lips to shush yourself.
Hoseok smiled the brighest and most beautiful smile you’ve ever seen. His eyes were sparkling in hapiness and felt relieved to hear you, his cheeks rosy again. His beauty made you forget, the horror you just said. Did you just said...yes? How can you do such a thing? You don’t even have feelings for him. 
You sighed and he noticed.
“Don’t feel pressured. We will take things as slowly as you want them to be.”
Little did he know that wasn’t it.  
“Ah thank you Hoseok for being so understanding. Now I gotta go because … I gotta go. See you later.”
“Talk to you later” he said
“Oh and I forgot, can I have your phone you know...”
Typical couple things  
«Yes» you said and wrote your number down.
“What do I do when we walk side by side?”
You asked Val while holding a notebook in your lap, making small marks to study later.
“Just be natural! Don’t study for a date too”
“How can I be natural? I’ve got no idea what’s up with all this dating thing you guys do like it’s breathing or something. I will watch Netflix series once you’ll leave, those stupid crybaby ones, to find out more.”
“Ugh, okay you hold his hand too? maybe?”
“hold..his..hand..too..” you repeated while writing it down. It’s not that hard after all, unless he takes things further which he said won’t be happening.
“Now you can leave or you can leave because I’ve got very important things to do.”
“Very important aka watching Netflix.”
“Exactly” you nodded while laughing.
“okay I’m not gonna stay any longer either you know...i’m prone to crying.”
“Yes I know plus your PMS makes things even worse, I mean it’s normal you know with all those chemical and hormonal imbal...”
the sudden sound caught you off guard, Val really didn’t seem like the type that wanted to learn. You sighed loudly and moved to the couch. You truly made a mess. You didn’t want to hurt him with saying no, but if you say no now, it’ll hurt him even more. It’d be best if he didn’t have feelings but according to his body language and days he’s been exposed to your pherormones, he is in and deep. It might be beneficial tho, it’s not the most humanatarian idea but you can make the best out of a bad situation. Maybe, if you live through a relationship, you’ll be able to grasp why it means so much to others. An experiment.
It won’t hurt anyone, right?
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