#Got so caught up in being confused why it wasn't getting better that I forgot about that whole Use it or Lose It thing
bleaksqueak · 1 year
Well, I feel a bit like a Dumb of Ass. Maybe you remember me hurting my back some months back and that slowing my art production down? I never *fully* recovered from that. It would get better, but then it would flare back up if i so much as blinked wrong (or slept in a Very Normal pose - like for example, a cactuar pose or Hail unto Gloria (Gloria a Las Plagas, maybe even). I've been fortunate my whole life not to ever deal with back, arm, shoulder or hand pain despite the lifestyle of drawing like a manic art weasel, so it turns out, due to that, I might not have known how to deal with back pain after hurting myself... and for extra stupidity points, "it's just a mild thing, so I need to rest, it's not worth a special doctor visit and complaint" ... so guess who took resting too far on top of far reduced physical activity o nthe heels of lockdowns and got into a severe inactivity loop that trapped them in a recurring pain loop due to it. (Hint: It Were Me) SO UH. PSA, DON'T DO THAT TO YOURSELF. Good news is I'm doing something about it because I reached my breaking point of annoyance over being Slowed Down and Achey. My brain going 90 miles a minute and wanting to slather everything down does not mix well with a body LARPing as a bedridden victorian urchin boy: "Oh, what tragedy.... A Breeze [Contorts Into Pain Pretzel]"
The rest of the good news (but also maybe the sad part) is just after getting back to doing basic stretching and getting back into exercise break routines, I already feel way better with way less pain. My back/neck/traps had become a giant (and possibly sentient) knot.
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heartofwritiing · 1 year
home is wherever you are tonight
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paring: cc!wilbur soot x fem!reader
summary: its your birthday, a day you dread every year due to bad memories, and wilbur manages to change your mindset.
authors note: this has been sitting in my drafts since march and i forgot about it oops. this is completely self indulgent. Ive dreaded my birthday for the past five years because of personal reasons… i thought maybe writing a non-shitty fake birthday would make me feel better so, it did lol. enjoy!! :)
warnings: self indulgent, mentions of childhood trama, negative past events, mentions of toxic family, fluff, Wilbur being the cutest-best boyfriend, hurt-comfort, yes the title is a lyric from a lizzy mcalpine song.. unedited!
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The day had come. the day you dreaded every year for as long as you could remember. it was your birthday.
Most people would be elated about turning another year older, to celebrate but not you. Instead, it filled you with utter disinterest and resentment. To you, it was just another day on the calendar.
Ever since you could remember you’ve just hated your birthday. Each year just felt like they got worse and worse with the number of times You had been let down. Whether it was by family drama or people just forgetting. It was the same every year. So when you finally moved away from your toxic relatives you pretty much forget about it. Only remembering when you'd get a text from your parents to wish you a happy birthday. At least they remembered now that you were gone...
You were relieved when no one at work had brought it up. you never really talked to your coworkers about your personal life, you weren't that type of person. Still, you were grateful the only attention you got today was from one of your peers Matt, asking about the printer in the office not working right.
When you walked into your flat, what you weren’t expecting was too see your boyfriend standing near the door waiting for you.
“why didn’t you tell me it was your birthday?” Wilbur asks in a slightly offended tone.
The front door hasn’t even shut yet and he’s caught you completely off guard with his question. Your heart drops in your stomach.
“hello to you too,” you snort, putting your bag down and sliding your jacket off. "And how'd you even know?" Avoiding the question. Cause that will make this better.
he sighs.
“Answer the question please, love,”
You’re toeing off the uncomfortable shoes you were required to wear at your job as you blankly bink back at him.
You can tell by the frowned expression on his face that he wasn’t just gonna let you drop this anytime soon. His arms are crossed over his sweater, the sleeves rolled up to his elbows as his curls fall around his eyes.
“maybe because it's not a big deal,” you shrugged. Wilbur stops you with a hand on your shoulder before you can escape to your shared room. It wasn't forceful but gentle, his eyes asking you to stay, talk, anything. You just wanted to go to bed and sleep until your shift tomorrow and just forget about this whole day.
"What do you mean by that?" he asks. "I don't particularly like my birthday but still celebrate with friends, family, and loved ones."
There it was.
You wanted to avoid this.
"Look, I don't want to pressure you into talking about this, you can tell me when you're ready. I can tell how uncomfortable you got when I asked you outright why you didn't say anything about it being your birthday, I'm sorry..."
You could tell he was just confused and who could blame him. You had only been dating for about a year and finally moved in together last month. He didn't want to pressure you into anything you weren't ready for, which was one of the many things you adored about him. Always so patient and thoughtful about your feelings and well-being.
There was no avoiding it now as he asked the question. Your heart beating in your ears.
“Why don’t you like your birthday, love?”
“well…” you began, but you could feel the lump in your throat forming as you thought carefully how to put it. You clear your throat and take a deep breath. “I just, have a lot of trauma revolving around today,”
Wilbur has moved slowly towards you now, almost like you were a spooked animal and he was trying to calm you. He listened carefully as you spoke slowly.
“my parents fought a lot growing up, and even on my birthday they just didn’t seem to care, even for one day, so i mostly spent my birthdays alone.”
The look in his eyes says it all. He feels so heartbroken for you. You collapsed into his chest and he wrapped you in his arms, squeezing you firmly and you felt the weight in your chest fading.
"Well listen, I got you your favorite type of cake, a good bottle of wine, not that cheap shit, the really nice one we liked. we're gonna sit on the couch and eat, and you can tell me all about your day." he pauses only to bring your face out from his chest to look you in your eyes. "and then, we're gonna cuddle and I'm gonna tell you how much I love and appreciate you."
With that, he strokes your cheeks with his thumbs and kisses your nose softly. You swear that press of his lips was what made you cave. You began to break down in front of him.
Wilbur's hands seem to be the only thing keeping you upright at the moment. If he wasn't holding you, you were sure you would have fallen to your knees by now. You sob silently as you take his wrists in your hands but don't remove them from your cheeks. The intensity of the long work day and all the recurring memories this day brought you every year, combined with Wilbur's sweet gestures and words made you break.
You felt everything come down on you all at once, yet there Wilbur was, always waiting for you at the end of the day. Always there to comfort you and support you. So these weren’t sad tears no, they were happy tears. Finally, you found someone who cherished you and cared for you enough.
@trashcanduck @merakiwi @addxms @ax-y10 @highstonedcat
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timmyscomputer · 9 months
Percy x gn!reader I'm sorry
Ok here is an angsty fluff ending fic it's kinda short but I'm like so proud of this lol
Word count~717
Me and Percy are arguing about him missing another date." Percy this is the second time this month you've missed a date".I said upset."Baby, I'm sorry but you know how they are I couldn't say no" he replied."So you're saying they're more important"? I asked."wh-what"?Percy said confused." that's what I thought," I said while leaving. As I walked away from Percy's cabin I cried. I mean how could I not, he was blowing me off for his friends, and this wasn't the first time, and for what to play games I mean was it too much to ask for one night with him? I guess it was because when I brought it up he flipped. I guess it was stupid to think he liked me. The next day at lunch he started walking toward me and I looked down and walked away fast. I know it was wrong to avoid him but I just couldn't believe he would do that yesterday so for the time being I was going to avoid him till I felt better."y/n" Percy said kind of loud towards me. I turned to look at him and kept walking eventually he caught up." what" I asked annoyed."y/n I just want to say sorry about yesterday" he said."okay great by Percy I got to go" I replied walking away. I can not believe his half-ass apology I could tell he was generally sorry but that apology was terrible. I mean you blow me off twice and then say oh sorry like hello you knew what you were doing. Anyway, I just have to ignore him till I feel better or he apologizes better.
Percy pov
I just don't get it why are they this mad at me I mean I get it I missed too many dates but I forgot the first time and the second time was because I got the wrong time. As I walk over to Luke I ask him"Hey Luke can I ask you something?" He stared at me but replied "Sure" so I asked, "Hey I missed two of my and y/n's dates and they seem genuinely upset what do I do?" "Did you apologize?" he asked"Yeah I said hey I'm sorry about yesterday" I said. "Oh there's your answer one you've made a basic apology two you did even apologize for the date in general," he said."oh shit" I replied. while getting up and leaving "Where are you going?" he questioned." to fix this" I replied. As I walked through the woods looking for Flowers. I stumbled upon a beautiful rock and smiled thinking about how y/n loves rocks so I grabbed it and stuffed it into my pocket. Continuing my search for the perfect flowers, After a while I found some pretty yellow and white flowers picked them, and headed toward the fruit field grabbing some fruits. (you can make them whatever fruit you want)I started to head toward their cabin but I couldn't see them so I decided to wait on their porch after knocking and not getting a response.
Your POV (again)
I'm currently just wondering around camp aimlessly trying to kill time and calm down and it's working I feel a lot better already so I decided to head back to my cabin as I'm walking I realized I should have let Percy apologize and heard his full apology rather than running off. As I get closer to my cabin I notice Percy sitting on my porch with Flowers." hi" I say. Percy looks up at me and smiles while replying " Hey" Handing me the flowers he says "These are for you look I'm so sorry about the date yesterday, I got the wrong time and I know sorry won't fix it that's why I'm taking you on a date right now" " oh Percy these are perfect thank you" I replied. Staring at the flowers"Come on" Percy says while holding out his hand. I take his hand in mine while he pulls something out of his pocket "Here" he says. It's so pretty "I'm adding this to my collection thank you so much I love you" "I love you too" he leans down and kisses me. The End.
I low-key love this and hope you like it so I'm writing a bunch of random stuff to get better requests are open. love you have a wonderful day.🧡
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whydoibe · 25 days
Ok so here's the start to an idea for season 3 spoilers be warned.
This is connected to anthour of my post this is a continuation
The Strom brewed in the clouds as the ash of the monstary settling as nya awoke to sora and fraq screaming as wyldfrye forced the fire out of the monstary nya got up to feel a jolt of pain fly threw her from her back looking at her hand she saw a large lighting shaped scar over it. Pushing it aside she gathered the water around her and put out the fires the rain made it easier she collapsed to her knees sora and wyldfrye running over as bonzal spitz Fritz and geo went to check on Cole who had just gotten up he looked reltvly unscaled beside his back having a gaint lighting shaped scar still so red. Fraq ran over to Zane before going to loyd realising Zane needed someone who understood his functions Lloyd stood up and stared at the ash of thier home this was bring back so many memory's from simpler times bad memories but this time it stung so much more because of who caused it jay jay had attacked and on kai nya noticed her brothers body he had scar that covered part of his face chest and the entire left side of his arm he was weirdly awake just staring at the ground looking angry and confused.
"Kai" she called seeing her brother shift to look at her noticing her arm he turned angry fire wrapping around his fist as a gaint flame burst forth from it. "Kai it's o"
"He did this" he interrupted "Jay did this he destroyed our home our lives why this isn't this can't be" he muttered as nya walked over hugging him she new the reality of what jay had become had been by acdinent kept from him
"I know" she comforted the ninja spent a good 6 hours picking through the rubble and ash only hanging to save a few important keep sakes but the monstary was dead destroyed one thing that broke her was her half of the yinyang medline was shattered no more that stung Cole looked lost she herd what he was muttering why how why how on a constant repeat geo comforting him Zane was botted up seeming lost and just crying about the monstary thier home the only thing that brought most of them close to the comforting past Lloyd recovered the icon questions if he should use it know to fix the monstary and get it out of the way and keep the sources safe. But nya new he wouldn't the kids looked distraught kai just kept staring at the ground eventually they all came to a dision get the bounty and start looking for a new home the storm had let up and they were off once morning came the merged lands were peacfull they stopped at the cross roads and bought some supplies she could swear they were being followed but brushed it off they continued their search Lloyd came to reason a home no one could find or destroy egalt and rontus home would be thiers
Jay was annoyed he was about to take that girls eye but ras stopped him how pitfull he thought the eltrical storm gave his powers the boost he needed he had learned to travel through eltrical currents capable of taking others with him though he new it put them at his mercy and the current whe taking others needed to be strong bit for himself a simple shock could do he smircked as he remanfested infront of ras looking very annoyed as arin was trying to perform object spinjitzu jay finally noticed lord ras's black eye gathering what had happened starting to laugh ras looked angry before now he looked angrier ras shouted at him that it wasn't funny but jay simply teased that it was ras snapped at him pointing his hammer at him before jay caught him as he fell over ras you forgot that the hammers your cain idiot. Ras made a disgruntled grown as he got to his feet jay looked to arin throwing anthour shurkin jay noticed red start to cover it he's getting better that's nice jay walked over to talk arin nothing him jay smiled staring to mentour him while arin taught him spinjitzu it was nice unlike before this was a home that jay could love arin stared to see him as big brother ras hatted this a bit his master had yet to contact him about anything new no updates in 7 months that made him bit the makeshift family he liked just a little they were heading west to apparently a place which should hold what they need.
Rontu and egalt were reluctant at first, but they let them move in out of pity because of what happened to them it was an eltrical storm again but this one according to rontu this seemed unnatural not normal nya stared at it kai stood next to her hugging her not letting her leave his sight unless she was showering or going to the bathroom she new jay had scared him and he scared all of them that type of thing leaves a mark one of your greatest friends a psychopath that hurts kai was the most badly hurt of them all but he seemed to get over it.
Flash a bright red lighting bolt hit the floor of the arena they turned to see a figure in red black and blue gi hood down shatter spin amour on rontu and egalt made thier way down to him jay.
"What do you want" egalt asked circling him but jay didn't want to awnser bang bang shatter spin started to form and he went on the attack the ninja couldn't help they were too injured blue and red hit the masters as purple and claws the dust became a dancing storm and the it went silently quiet as a crash of thunder fell down their stood rontu hurt heavily an eye seemingly destroyed by the lightning egalt and jay nowhere to be seen what had he dun a moment latter a second thunderass roar flew from the sky as jay reappeared blood covering him he approached robtu and threw elgalts horns at her feet rage consumed rontu she charged at her and gone jay remansfested on her back and then they were both gone jay repairing moments latter hid body cotted in blood angier dancing in his red eyes he cracked his neck looking around before running to a cavern. Nya and kai stood frozen by fear jay had just killed 2 of the greatest masters ever known how had he flame grew from the cavern soon anthour flame thunder crashing kai and nya ran to wake the others they ran to the bounty getting on starting to fly away they noticed jay notice the they flew Strait into the storm hopping to lose him he but jay had some new tricks up his sleves a thunderus roar emanated from were he was and then behind the bounty nya kai and the others witnessed a dark blue red and yellow skelton like dragon with jay atop it flying to catch them full speed ahead Lloyd cried as Zane increased speed but no matter what jay was gaining on the how was he this fast a crackle came from the dragon and he was gone had they lost him nope the ninja never were that lucky suddenly a the dragon repaired facing them nya nothing an orange figure sitting next to jay the dragon mouth opened ready to strike until jay disappeared with the other figure but the dragon remained jay remansfeted with arin standing on the bounty deck the dragon keeping perfect movement with the bounty.
"The icon" jay demaned "or you all die"
They stood shocked as arin pulled a shurkin from his belt red gathering around the 2 of them
"No" kai cried
"Arin why" Lloyd asked
"Why" arin screamed his eyes glowing red "why anything you promised me so many times you promised everyone things that you just cant keep why did you have to lie and this is your fault" he snapped
"Jay you need to stop you just committed murder why"
Jay looked to nya" thier alive but injured they will survive I needed them gone to destroy the teachings"
The relfie could be felt no matter how small
"No you won't get it" Lloyd cried jay wasn't taking no the dragons mouth grew stronger the storm enhancing.
You can't you can't
Fine you can get it Lloyd cried the dragon calming
Bring it to me Lloyd complied retrying the blade bring it out Lloyd seemed contplative.
"Arin please we were going to find your parents we needed time"
"No you weren't I tries to believe you but I couldn't wish thoes thoughts away" arin cried the storm suddenly becoming erily quite and still the dragon stopping its approach jays eyes flashed blue
"No No No you don't" Jay stammered arin turned to face him " if you wish all away then you wish your self away everything it goes away then you end up trapped in his God forsaken djin blade and the pain oh the pain you feel the all consuming fire as everyone you love slowly disapears and then she dies in your arms" Jay screeched eyes glowing blue
"Jay are you ok" arin asked running over to jay lighting surrounding him the sky's storm growing intenser
"The lighting the sea the storm the djin the game prime no no no NO NO NO NO NOOO" Jay screamed thunder crackling and then a blue figure manfsted before jay red encased jay and then him and arin were gone
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marksbear · 2 years
Hi Mark 🐻
I really really like your Blog and your Stories 🤎
I wanted to ask if I may make a request? I've been thinking about Jake Seresin from Top Gun a lot lately and there are only your stories about him.
So, my request would be Jake „Hangman“ Seresin x Male Reader.
-> Jake and M/N are in a relationship, but Jake doesn't want to make it public and hasn't told the others either. He's always playing the playboy.
M/N comes to the bar and sees Jake flirting with a woman and he decides to "get revenge" and flirts with a man. Jake sees it all and becomes incredibly jealous.
Jake confronts M/N and they have a huge fight. M/N breaks up in tears and goes home. The gang try to help Jake and he tells them why he never said he had a boyfriend (fear of his dad).
The gang and even Maverick help Jake do something romantic. Jake orders M/N to the bar again and then blindfolds him. You go into the bar, which is decorated in a totally romantic way. The two eat together and talk. They finish dancing and Jake then leads M/N to the beach where the others are waiting and officially introduces him as his boyfriend.
Thank you in advance and I look forward to reading more from you. Aaaand I wish you a happy new year 🤎
Hey Anon! Thank you for liking my blog and all that means a lot to me! And I hope you like this one my friend!
And sorry for this taking so long! I meant to post it on new years but got drunk and shit and kinda forgot this was in my drafts! 😭
Warnings! Angst to fluff!,
Y/n was in a different squad. His squad was always going second after Maverick's squad. That means they always see them fly first and go to missions first.
One of the mission's Mavericks team caught them off guard and the navy needed Y/n's squad to save them.
And that's how Y/n met Hangman. Y/n thought he was irritating to save, but he dealt with him anyway taking him to safety.
Even though Jake didn't want to praise the other group he had to praise the leader. Sergeant Y/n L/n. He thought Y/n was pretty damn good at his job. The way he took care of his team and the way he showed why hes the leader was pretty good.
After they completed the mission Y/n and Jake had unrecognizable tension between each other. With all that tension in the room led to Jake cracking and asking out Y/n on a date. They spend almost everyday with each other not missing a single day without seeing the others face. Always sneaking off during classes or training to hang out.
The two were going great. Truly great. Their lives has been better with the other being by their side until Y/n tried to hold Jake's hand in public.
"whoa there Y/n." Jake moves his hand away very fast.
Y/n gives him a confused look and asks. "What? I can't hold your hand I thought we were dating-----" Y/n gets cut off by Jake covering his mouth.
"Keep your voice down..." Jake says in a hushed tone. "Look we are a thing. But not a public thing y'know? Jake adds moving his hand off of Y/n. Y/n stares at Jake like hes a ghost or something. "C'mon Y/n. Don't tell me you actually thought it was a public thing? Trust me we are boyfriends, but not like that."
Y/n didn't know why those words stung. To Y/n it's like Jake had just broken up with him. He didn't know why Jake started to treat him differently in public and private. Y/n's heart stung each time he'd think about it and especially Jake's words.
Since that day their relationship has had a crack. The sad thing is only Y/n saw the large crack not his boyfriend who looked like he wasn't and only saw the relationship as it used to be.
Y/n walks inside the bar in a good mood with some of his friends. Y/n finds an empty pool table and begins the game with some of his buddies. "Didn't think the little kids team was gonna be here." One of the girls say looking at Bradshaw and them joke around.
The little kids. Was your group's nickname for Y/n's boyfriend team name. Y/n looked up from the game and eyes widens.
Y/n grips the pool stick staring at his boyfriend watching Jake caressing a woman's lip with his thumb with a smirk. Jake leans in whispering in the woman's ear as she giggles and blush.
This wasn't the first time he saw Jake flirting with a girl. he always confronted him about it, but Jake always had an excuse and argument ready.
He was tired of his shit. If he wanted to play this game Y/n was gonna play it better. Y/n analyzed the room and got his eyes set on a man who looked good like he should be a model or something. "Play for me John." Y/n gives the stick to his friend and makes his move.
The man is sitting almost where his boyfriend is. Not close, but still close where you can hear the others conversation.
Y/n sits by the man moving his chair even closer to the man. The two hit it off kinda fast talking about all sorts of things. Once Y/n felt Jake's eyes on him he began to really make his move.
He began to give him compliments and little touches on the man. The man really did seem interested with Y/n flirting with him back even putting his hand on Y/n's thigh.
The man leans into Y/n whispering in his ear.
And that seems to finally get a reaction with Jake. Jake dismisses the girl saying "I'm not interested in you anymore." The girl looks hurt and heartbroken but walks away with some tears in her eyes.
Jake seems to move his chair around facing his boyfriend and the stranger's full attention on the two. Jake's jaw is tight as well is fist. Y/n side eyes his boyfriend sees his angry state and goes for the cherry on top.
Y/n gives the man a light kiss on the cheek. "Bye, hopefully talk to you soon?" Y/n says patting the man's back. The man gives Y/n a bright smile and a flirt wink before heading off leaving the bar.
Before Y/n gets to go back with his team he gets stopped by his boyfriend. "Y/n. What were you thinking flirting with that guy?" The blonde is gripping his boyfriend's wrist.
"What? I can't make friends." Y/n uses the excuse Jake always says when he confronts him. "It's not like we are a thing." That last line caused Jake to flip.
He shouts insults and remarks at Y/n not even caring about the tears in Y/n's eyes. "You're such an embarrassment. Theres no telling what people would say about me if they found out about you. And how could you be so selfish! Always trying to get me to come out Y/n I swear!---- " Jake stops his rant when he hears Y/n's choked sob fall from his lips and when he sees tears rushing down Y/n's face profusely no matter how much he wiped them.
Y/n storms out of the bar covering his face with his hands. Jake watches Y/n team follow after him quickly. "God. What did I do..." Jake's mind speaks for itself.
Hangman moves to the nearest window watching Y/n's team member hug him and open the car door for him. "What did you do Jake?" Phoenix asks looking outside the window beside him. The team all stare at Hangman.
After Jake tells them they all shout at him even coyote. Jake doesn't even try to defend himself knowing that he was in the wrong. "Why did you keep him a secret?" Fanboy asks shaking his head in disappointment."Yeah! Y/n is like one of the best people ever!" Bob adds in.
"Because of my father! Theres no telling what he will say or think if I come out and I have a boyfriend on the side of that."
"So, you were being a shit show of a boyfriend because of your father." Payback says starting to understand everything now. Hangman shakes his head yes.
"Someone call Mav. We gotta help this fool win his boyfriend back." Phoenix says with a plan already in mind.
Jake is standing outside the bar heart pounding out of his chest. The blonde begins to overthink his plan and himself. "What am I doing... he hates me now." Jake says covering his face with his hands and a sigh escaping his lips. His thoughts are so loud he didn't even hear a car pulling up and parking.
"Jake?" Hangman shoots his head up and smiles at his boyfriend. "Y-y/n you came!" Jake couldn't help but stutter when he saw him. Y/n wanted to just tear that smile off the blonde, but he knew he couldn't because he grew quite fond of that smile.
Hangman was nervous to give Y/n a hug, but thank god Y/n pulled Jake in his arms first.
The two stand and talk up a storm in front of the bar both of them honestly forgetting the harsh argument they shared hours ago.
"Are we gonna stand out here all day?" Y/n asks in a teasing tone which makes Jake remember his plan and cover Y/n's eyes with a tie. "Really a tie?" Y/n asks letting his boyfriend blindfold him. "Yeah do I have to bring up all the times you begged me to---" "Shut up!"
The couple laugh and joke around before Jake opens the bar door guiding his boyfriend in.
"Are you ready?" Jake asks standing behind Y/n getting ready to untie the tie. "Yes..." As soon as Y/n say yes Jake takes off the tie slowly and smiles to himself once he hears Y/n gasp.
"Jake! W-why did you do all this!"
"As an apology. I was being a real asshole and I messed everything up between us." Jake gets in front of Y/n before continuing. "You mean so much to me. I'm sorry Y/n I-I'm truly am---" Jake gets cut off by Y/n kissing him deeply on the lips.
Once the two pull away they let their foreheads rest against each other smiling and staring into the others eyes. Hangman pulls Y/n's hands dragging him to the bar.
"You did all of this?" Y/n asks looking at the romantic and beautiful scenery. "Of course I did!" Jake steals all the credit about working on the place even though it was mostly Bob and Maverick.
Hangman goes to the back of the bar getting f/n and handing Y/n's his own plate with a drink before he gets his own food sitting beside Y/n. "This is perfect. You are perfect." Y/n says eating some of the food.
The two talk about whatever is on their minds and cracking jokes. When the conversations get quiet it doesn't feel awkward at all it feels comfortable and loving.
"Do you wanna dance?" Y/n asks getting up walking to the jukebox. Jake downs his drink before getting up walking to Y/n standing beside him as he picks a song.
"Not this song Y/nnn." Jake groans seeing Y/n click on the song he honestly hates more than the whole world.
"You be the lady and i'll be the man." Y/n says with a smile putting his hands on Jake's waist.
"Do you wanna meet my team?" Jake asks sitting on the floor with his boyfriend tired from all the dancing. "I already met your team Jake." "Yeah as C/n not Y/n Jake's cool and amazing boyfriend." Y/n becomes quiet staring at his boyfriend trying to see if hes joking.
"As your boyfriend?"
"Yes. As my one and only boyfriend."
"Hell yeah!"
"So what are we waiting for let's go!"
The two jump up from the floor and run out the bar hand in hand. "Are we seriously going to run to the beach!?!" Y/n asks with a shout.
Once the two arrive at the beach Hangman takes Y/n's hand giving it a large squeeze before turning around facing him. "Are you ready?" "Of course I am." They share one last smile before walking up to the group.
The group is quick to be silent giving the couple their undivided attention.
"Everyone. I'd like for you to meet my boyfriend Y/n." Jake says pulling Y/n in front of him.
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the rest of ifiamhumaniamperfect
i never really had a solid outline for this au, since its an interactive askblog the best way to 'plan' was to keep it flexible and react to the audience. that being said, i had a few notes of the 'main events' that would happen no matter what. i've put those under the read more:
-cesar's introduction: i was going to wait until someone tried to reach out to cesar (which did happen, i just never got the motivation to answer that ask) and show his reaction. unlike the first cesar, this one is NOT afraid of ghosts. in fact, he is VERY interested in the paranormal, and almost immediately calls mark about it. (another thing different about cesar i forgot to mention is that this version of him doesn't wear suits or dress shirts regularly, usually he just wears flannels or button-ups)
-while this is happening, altsar decides to look in a mirror (prompted by another ask i got) to check his appearance. and he notices that his form has gained more stability. it isn't PERFECT or anything, but its waaay better than what it was before. aside from a few inhuman details (usually on the right side of his face), he looks A LOT like cesar. eventually he would realise this is because he has stopped forcing his face to change form.
-as per someone's suggestion, he decides to try to perfect his voice. he figures out how to turn on ms.torres' radio and starts 'singing' along with it (he is not very good at it). he often gets a bit caught up in it, and doesn't even realize that ms.torres has gotten home until he hears her. he immediately hides, but he forgets to turn off the radio. ms.torres didn't see him, but she could have sworn she heard… something.
-(speaking of ms.torres!! her name is maría and i have an entire thing of notes on her and her backstory. which i will post later.)
-one time, altsar is so focused on his voice, because hes finally gotten it right, that he doesn't notice ms.torres has walked in the room. all of the 'imperfections' on his face are on the side facing away from her (his right), so she thinks he is cesar. shes confused, because cesar hardly ever listens to her albums, he has no reason to be wearing a suit of all things, and hes acting so /strange/. altsar manages to fumble his way through a conversation, and keep the left side of his face towards her as he darts into another room. ms.torres is absolutely bewildered by this, especially when cesar walks through the front door 20 minutes later. after this she begins to piece together that maybe the radio being left on wasn't just her being forgetful after all…
-quick sidenote: this was meant to be a video and i have a wip of altsar 'singing' to "i'll never smile again". its not very good because i am not very musically talented and i had to transcribe piano chords into individual notes. and also its unfinished. but i could still post it later if anyones interested in that.
-anyways, ms.torres is conflicted. while the idea of… /something/ being in her house very much unnerves her, and shes /terrified/ of something happening to cesar… she just can't help but think whatever (or whoever) it is seems… lonely. but very, very shy. so she pretends she hasn't noticed anything. until one night when the radio is playing an album she knows she didn't put on, and she asks the empty air if it likes frank sinatra, since thats usually what disc she finds in the radio. and while she gets no response, she brings home a new album of frank sinatra anyways. and when she finds the cd case open and the new disc in the radio later, she takes it as a success.
-due to this altsar gets a bit… bolder. he managed to fool ms.torres once (he does not know that he did not fool her. at all.), why not try it again? so he lets her see him again and just starts talking. and ms.torres knows that isn't cesar, and she isn't quite sure what it is. a part of her screams that the... thing... in front of her is dangerous. but another part of her knows that if push came to shove? this is not a fight she could win. a different part of her knows that whatever this is… probably doesn't want a fight, seeing how skittish it is. and beyond all of that, she also cant stand seeing something with her son's face looking so lost and so scared. so she humours it. shes on guard the whole time, but after seeing it-him relax and stop hunching his shoulders and stop looking like a corpse, she realizes she really doesn't have to be afraid of him.
-this is around the time that altsar realizes he likes hanging out with ms.torres, he likes spending time with a human. and he starts to freak out about it because he can't do that. he KNOWS he's going to have to end up killing cesar eventually, and that ms.torres will never forgive him for that. but… does he really want to? 'gabriel' never said He would kill altsar if he failed, just leave him behind. but does he really want to kill cesar and shuffle on to the next timeline to kill another cesar and repeat that over and over again? he doesn't. but he also doesn't want to get attached. he knows he can't keep either of them safe forever, its only a matter of time before another alternate decides to kill one of them (his sibling already made that choice for him last time, after all). he can't let himself get attached to a person he knows is doomed, he couldn't handle losing them. but… the anons knew he was doomed, and they didn't leave him. they knew it would hurt, but they still stayed with him. maybe… he can try. he promised he would try, after all, maybe he just needs to change what it is he is trying to do.
-while all of this is happening, cesar is pouring through every book on ghosts, spirits, and demons he can get his hands on. he is THRILLED that his house is haunted, and he is trying to get his best friend to help him catch a ghost. which is hard because although mark likes ghosts in theory, in practice he isn't going to touch a oujia board with a ten foot pole. except cesar already bought one, and is inviting mark over to his house. great. cesar is BEGGING him to help him set everything up and make sure nothing goes wrong, because although cesar is very enthusiastic about ghosts, he also very much believes in all of the risks, and is VERY cautious. and although cesar has gone on about how important it is that he has mark helping him, mark knows it's only a matter of time before cesar attempts to use the oujia board on his shoulders hunch and a constant anxiety to engulf him whenever he stares at a shadow too long. what is it?
-this is where my notes start to get vague. from there, mark and cesar start messing with a bunch of diy ghost equipment that cesar got together. altsar was kind of watching the whole time because, hey, there's that mark guy thats been mentioned before. he sticks around to learn more about mark but also because there's something… familiar about him. no, not him, something outside of him, that makes his eyes dart around and his shoulders hunch and a constant anxiety to engulf him whenever he stares at a shadow too long. what is it?
-eventually, cesar pulls out the oujia board. and altsar feels… drawn to it. it's dark enough in the room that if he's careful, they shouldn't be able to see him if he moves the planchette… so he starts answering some questions. he's had plenty of experience with that, after all. (during all of this, anons would ALSO be able to answer questions one word at a time via poll.) and at the end, cesar asks altsar to reveal himself (mark thinks this is a horrible idea). and altsar does.
-everything kind of goes to shit. neither mark nor cesar know about alternates at this point, but seeing a weird shadow monster version of yourself manifest out of thin air is. pretty unnerving. altsar does not really stick around, he only revealed himself because he felt drawn to do what they asked(in this world ghosts are drawn towards attempts at communication, and he is technically somewhat of a ghost). and now hes freaking out over revelaing himself. the one thing he WASN'T supposed to do. nobody is having a great time.
-from here the notes get. very very sparse. eventually they calm down and form a truce with altsar once they notice he isn't trying to hurt anyone. cesar is trying to keep his shadow clone a secret from his mom (who. already knows lol)
-and mark is… spending a lot more time at cesar's house. almost like he's trying to avoid going back to his own. and eventually altsar realizes whats familiar about mark: the alternate that killed cesar last time (his 'sibling') is haunting mark's house. that. is a problem.
-altsar FREAKS out, telling them about the other alternate and possibly telling them how he was. originally meant to kill cesar but changed his mind. which is a fun conversation. this ends in altsar FINALLY going outside. and going to mark's house to confront his 'sibling'. a confrontation he actually WINS this time! turns out he's pretty decent at fighting when his body isn't falling apart at the seams.
-eventually ms.torres 'finds out' about altsar (he probably just tells her and shes like "oh i know^^" and hes absolutely shellshocked. how could she see through his well-crafted and clever disguise????) and is finally let in on the loop. altsar explains the whole thing with 'gabriel' and she basically just goes "well what if you severed the connection you have with him?? would that work??" and altsar. is kind of mad at himself for not thinking of that sooner. because he CAN disconnect himself from communication with the anons. which is DEVASTATING. he doesn't want to say goodbye. but he has to.
-however, altsar realizes that severing that connection would ALSO cut off communication with the anons. which is DEVASTATING. he doesn't want to say goodbye. but he has to.
-and that's how the ask blog was meant to end originally. altsar says his goodbyes, and severs the connection to live a new life with the family he found. from then on everyone would be able to watch, but he wouldn't be able to hear anything said to him. it would be a bit of an 'epilogue' ig.
and that's it! feel free to ask questions about anything, i'm going to post some of the things i had sketched out later :)
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ziminy · 2 years
A little too late pt.2
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Where Gojo is trying to show you how sweet he can be
Tags: mdni, smut, f!reader, jealous Gojo, size difference, car sex, you get caught in the middle of it, threesome, Geto being a meanie, oral, names (honey, sweetie, etc) , manhandled, double penetration, edging, hair pulling, squirting , if I forgot something I'll add it later
7490 words.
Author's note. I tried to rush a little with this, it might not be that good but I tried my best.
Part one here . Masterlist
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The room was so bright, something that made you to wake up. The bed was telling you to not get up, though. It was just so comfortable, it was like you were on a cloud. And maybe that's the reason of why the sun bothers you, since it was so bright.
After rolling around the bed, trying to find a better position to go back to sleep, you opened your eyes. Since you couldn't sleep anymore at this point. The room was so white, the floor, the walls, even the bed had no color on it. And the windows were as big as the walls. Do you even have privacy if there are no curtains? This leaves no imagination to the people outside who might be able to see inside the apartment. There were clothes everywhere on the floor, but non of them seemed to be yours. You got out the bed and looked around the room, there was nothing to see beside the mess in there. You walked to the door, trying to look around the place. It seems more cleaner than yesterday. But you can't see the tall man anywhere.
"Gojo..?" you said a little unsure. What if last night wasn't the white haired guy and you confused him with someone else? "Satoru?" you said again. But no one responded to you. It was quiet. You got out the room and finally stepped in the living room. There are a lot of doors, there is also some staircases not far from where you were. "Satoru? " you said again, walking around the couch. And then you saw in your right a room that had the door open. Walking there slowly, you took a peak inside. The guy you were looking for sat at a long table with a cup of coffee next to him and looking at his phone. Well, at least you confirmed that it was indeed him and not someone else. "Satoru." you said, half of your body hiding behind the half open door.
"Hmm?" he moved his eyes from his phone on you. "Good morning." it didn't look like morning outside.
"You know where my clothes are?"
"I put them on a chair close to the bed. But you can wear my clothes, I don't mind." you shook your head.
"I'm not wearing any clothes." his eyes moved up and down, trying to see something, even if he could only see your head from behind the door.
"Proof?" not surprised by his words. You walked back to the room you came out of. Maybe his ass didn't learn anything this whole time. "Wait, I was joking." you could hear him behind you.
"It's too early to think of how to respond to that." you said when you entered the room. Oh, he was right when he said he put your clothes on the chair. How comes you didn't saw them earlier?
"Let me look at you a little longer, don't put them on yet." his hands now on both sides of your hips, dragging you closer to him.
"Well, why do you have your clothes on? I don't find that fair." you took the cloth piece in your hands.
"I'll take them off." he said and took his shirt off in a second.
"Wait! I was kidding!" you looked surprised at him.
"Don't hide those tiddies from me." he said and got close to you again. Just holding you in his hands. His chin resting on your head.
"What time is it?"
"10 something, dunno." it doesn't look like 10 to me.
"How much do you plan to stay like this? I have to go home, we have classes tomorrow."
"Mmm." he got you in his arms and walked you to the bed, placing you on it softly. "Let's talk about what happened yesterday, what happened before that. Let's just talk about everything." he said and sat next to you. You didn't thought much about it. What if you just ran as soon as you woke up?
"Ahh. About that.." you didn't know what to say. Can he just give you time?
"Yesterday I meant it. Everything I did and say. I was an idiot. I won't lie about that. Can we talk again? I want to go back to what we was." and what were you? You two were never in a relationship. There wasn't any kind of friendship to begin with. And what could you possibly do anyway? "Say something, please." or what? Your eyes moved from the floor to his hands, then slowly up to his face. How would people react if they see you with him? What can happen anyway between the two of you? If you say no, what can you possibly do anyway? Or yes.. Oh, that's an option too.
"What exactly you want me to say?" your eyes keep moving. From the floor, to him, to the wall, maybe him, then another object in the room.
"Can you unblock me?" no. Or maybe.. Yes?
"I don't know about that." you said, playing with you finger and looking out the window, avoiding his gaze.
"You gave me a chance yesterday." you did, didn't you. Right. You did. You did? That made you realize. All you wanted was for him to take back the words he said, apologize. He did, in a way or another. No, he did. Plus the unnecessary words he wrote in that message. And now you're playing with him. What if he plans to take revenge if you say no? You're already in conflict with yourself. Adding him will just.. You gulped and looked at him.
"Listen." you finally looked in his eyes, something you tried to avoid. "Just listen careful." you said and got up from the bed. "I am unsure. I know I said and did what I said and did. But you're also not innocent. Shouldn't you ask me about it? Why I did. Why I said. Why I am unsure now."
"Why are you unsure?" he followed you with his eyes. You were waking around the room in circles, never leaving the bed area.
"Alright, listen here. Don't put all the guilt on me. You're no saint either." you stopped in front of him. "You were mean to me out of nowhere. Then sweet talked me. You made me think of you. You-" you stopped and took a deep breath. "You made me fall for you." you said without thinking. Both you and him looking surprised. "My god!" you looked concerned, while he was all a smile. "You made me fall for you?"
"I heard you the first time." his hands on your hips, dragging you closer to him in his arms.
"You don't understand! I-" you had so many questions. All he did was to kiss your belly and look up at you, since he was sitting down.
"Mmm. Me too." he said softly, still smiling.
"You too what?"
"I also love you." I mean... Wasn't him the one crying over you?
"So.. What now?" he slowly got on his back, dragging you in bed with him. You being on top of him while he kept his arms wrapped around you.
"We love each other, don't we?"
"I wouldn't say it love. It's more like I like you." he shook his head.
"It's love." you shook your head.
"Having a little crush doesn't mean that its automatically love. It's just.. Forget it." for a moment, he stood there and only looked at your face. What is going on in his head? What is he thinking about?
"Let's be together then. Love, like. Isn't it the same thing?" is he serious about it?
"Are you sure?"
"Listen. I thought at first that it was everything just because you didn't let me fuck you. But it's not that. I really want to be with you." one of his hands stood in place, keeping you close to him and the other moving up and down your body. "I was so happy when I saw you in the morning. Just stay next to me."
"Were you really that happy to see me?"
"Mmm." his eyes moved on your lips. "When I woke up with you in my arms. Or when you came looking after me."
"You heard me when I called your name?"
"Why didn't you said anything then?" because he liked the way you called him. Oh, but he doesn't want to say it, you need to figure that on your own.
"Maybe I didn't heard it." you tried to get up from there. Hmmp. If he can't be honest then why should you do so?
"I knew you were only playing with me. Can't believe I almost fell for it again." he dragged you back.
"I'm sorry." he said and kissed your face. "What do you mean by again?" this isn't right, you should get out there before you say anything else. "No, wait." he said when you tried to get up again. "What do you mean by it?" he looked at you getting out of the bed.
"Why should I tell you."
"I'm sorry. I just found you cute when you looked for me." you looked at him, the dumb smile that he had on his face. The way he just stays there at the edge of the bed waiting for you to come back.
"When you.. I mean-" you coughed. "Before I blocked you.. I also thought of accepting your words." you turned around, ready to run from there.
"Really?" he got up and got right beside you.
"Never mind.." you said quietly, looking at the opposite direction from where he is.
"Then. Let's just be together." hmm.. "I want to be with you. Don't you wanna be with me?" for a moment, you looked at him and smiled. It doesn't sound bad- ah! Wait! Not this again! Why does he always made you think of stuff like this. He wrapped his arms around you, holding you from behind. "I want to be yours." the way those words sounds. "Then you'll be mine too, won't you?"
"Alright." you looked at him and said the first thing that went through your head. His smile is even bigger now. And here he goes, walking you to his bed in his arms.
"You'll let me show you how much I love you then? I slept so good last night that I have more than enough energy now." he wants more after last night?
"Wasn't last night enough?" your words made him look surprised, and then he started to laugh.
"I wanted to take you on a date. But if you want me to show my love in another way, I wouldn't say no." why didn't he said that from the start? "Don't look like that at me." he laughed and kissed you. "I have more than enough time for you." he kissed you as he laughed.
"Never mind." you said and turned your face away.
"I was joking." he kissed your cheek. He got away from you and in a movement the few clothes he had on him disappeared. He jumped back in bed next to you, he wanted to be as close as he could to you all the time. The kisses never stopped. From your lips, to the jaw, neck, shoulders. But he wouldn't let you do the same. How greedy of him.
"It's not fair." you said, making him to look at you.
"How comes?" wait. But how will he react when he hears that you want to kiss him.
"It doesn't matter.." you looked away from him. He laughed at your reaction. How cute of you.
"Come on, look at me." you turn your head to face him slowly, and he kissed you again. "You're adorable." you could feel something between your legs, something poking at the entrance of your hot core. Slowly, you could feel yourself getting filled up by him. Even the kisses stopped for a moment, both of you looking down at the way he slowly disappear into you. "You're so wet." can he ever shut up. Why does he have to say the obvious. The way he just look into your eyes as he slowly move his hips. He doesn't let you close your eyes even for a moment. It doesn't matter as long as you're also looking at him.
"Just because I'm closing my eyes doesn't mean I'm not thinking of you." you said when he kept trying to make you look in his yes.
"I want you to look at me."
"Satoru, please." you said and sighed at his hips movement, the way you could feel his dick inside you was just beyond words. "It feels good." you confessed.
"Of course it does, baby. " his forehead was against yours, now trying to pick up the pace. The not so slow yet not so fast movement, it was just right. It only made you sigh and relax your body in his arms. "You still plan to leave later?" what's with the question?
"We have classes tomorrow."
"That doesn't answer the question."
"I'll go home later." he didn't showed any kind of emotion on his face. But he stopped for a moment and try to position himself better between your legs.
"I'll give you a moment to rethink about it." huh? You looked at him in confusion. "So is that a no?" but he didn't let you to say anything before he started to move again. The movement wasn't that fast, but the way he will go all the way inside to hit that deep spot hard, just hard. He gets out just a little to have enough space to come back inside and hit it again just like the last time, making you gasp audible. Your eyes wide as you try to hold onto his arms. "Don't worry, sweetie, I'll take good care of you here." that smirk on his face it made you angry. Well, something in him just never change.
"Wait-" you tried to say something, but everytime you got interrupted by the feeling of him hitting that one spot. It make you throw your head back on the pillow. You just couldn't make a proper sentence. Just how mean can he be? Didn't he said he'll be a better person? Did he? Or.. Ah, even now your mind is playing tricks, you couldn't even think of anything at that moment. "Toru.." the way you said his name was like a sweet song to him. He froze for a moment. He forgot everything he was doing or what he wanted to say. He even forgot he was balls deep inside you.
"Yes?" he forgot how to breathe.
"You're so mean." your cries only made his cock twitch. How can he have more? How can he make you cry more for him? Now he's just determined to make you cry your eyes out for him. He got back to the previous movement, this time the only thing he changed his his pace. He'll get more than half way outside your pussy ,slowly , just to get back inside hard, hitting that spongy spot again, and again, and then he suddenly changed the rhythm again. Now the only goal is to see you do more faces for him. He wants to see all, and he'll make sure to have that. He moved fast, hard, and he just made sure to give you no time to rest. Your eyes shut tight , same with the grip on his arms. It was so hard to not cry. Even if a few tears already made their presence , going down your face.
"Toru." it was such torture for him.
"Come on , let me see those pretty eyes of yours." you shook your head. Trying so hard to not make a sound. Wasn't this embarrassing? "Look at me, pretty girl." his face got closer to yours. But you shook your head again. For a moment, he went slower, just giving you enough to open your eyes for him. "Mmm, just like this." his lips on yours before he started to thrust again like the mad man he is. The whines you left out, or tried to let out, only got to him. And the tears he wanted to see did appear. Just how good can this day go for him? If a few days ago someone would have told that he would be in that situation, he would have not believe a word. Last night, when he saw you in the club, if someone would have told him that he'll end up like this the next day he would not believe it. He doesn't believe this, even if you're in front of him. This gotta be a dream. And it was a nightmare if he really was dreaming. How can he do this to himself.
"I'm so close." he sighed. He can't even make a proper answer, he can't even tell what he wants to say, he was a moaning mess. "Look at me, don't take your eyes off me." His movements were a mess, he , himself didn't know what he wants anymore. His mouth was on yours, his tongue was looking for yours, he just wanted to be with you for as long as he could. At this point, he was just talking nonsense. "Let's cum together. Let's just-" he can't even think of words at this point. Trying to match you in any way, breathing at the same time as you, even blinking at the same time.
"I can't-" his requests are too much. Too much in that moment. He kissed you again, moving a few more times before both you and him release. You were a shaking mess, trying to catch your breath, just like him. What got into him. "It kinda hurts now." you said when you finally could think straight.
"That means you're staying, right? I'll just drive you tomorrow to classes." does he even listed? "Also.. Now that we are in good terms, can you unblock me?" he said as he hold you in his arms. Oh, you still have him blocked, huh?
"Mmm.. Dunno.. I don't feel like you really deserve it." he bite your shoulder. "Eyy!" you gasped. "Alright! Alright! You didn't have to do that." you open your phone and unblocked him.
"Also, give me your number. I don't have it." you sighed and gave him your phone, and he went throughout all your apps to see your user name so he could follow you. He doesn't have one of the apps? He'll get that app in the next second so he could follow you. As much as you wanted to go home, you ended staying over the night. The next day he continued to be clingy. He dragged you in the shower in the morning, taking a shower together. The clothes you're going to wear that day are his. How could he let you go to school with those clothes you were in club with? Never. A pair of pants that you could fit another person in, the underwear that was falling off you, the shirt that was way bigger than you. Well, at least you could wear your own shoes. He drove you to your home just to get your stuff for school and then drove to your destination. He walked you to your classes and just run to where you were when he had some time in between the classes. People started to talk about you two quick.
"Gojo came back to his old self and some girl dressed like a homeless follow him around." you even got some texts asking about it. Who's the girl? Weren't you hanging out with Gojo? Spill the tea sis!
"I don't think we should be next to each other at school." you said and look the texts you keep getting.
"What?" he looked at you shocked. "Never!" he sounded offended. "How could you say something like that?" were you wrong tho?
"People keep calling me homeless. And I get a lot of messages asking about whos hanging with you?"
"And? Block them!" the way you blocked him? You wanted to say that, but you just shut up. You took a deep breath and tried to think of a solution.
"I don't want to be called homeless. Let's just meet less at school. Alright?" he gasped offended. "Oh, look at the time. Gotta go to my next class." just as you got up from where you were sitting, he also got up and followed you where you were going. The classroom wasn't that far away from you, it was just a few meters away. Something was telling him to not let you go there. He'll miss you, just like he did until you two finally got back on good terms. He was holding your hand and stopped walking. What if he kidnap you and never let you go back to you friends? What if he takes you away from the outside world? What you need is him, and what he needs is you. "I need to go."
"No." he said softly. His arms wrapped around you, holding you tight enough to not you move freely, trapped right next to him. "Don't go." people were looking at you two at this point. Do you really want to be known as that one couple?
"Is that Gojo?" someone said and was walking more closer and closer to you two. "Oh!" that person said surprised. "You feel better now?" the tall man only raised an eyebrow.
"Do I know you?" he said and your legs weren't on the ground anymore, now being lifted by him.
"Did you forgot me? I'm-" he walked from there to your class.
"Can't believe people are trying to talk to me when I'm busy." he still didn't let go of you.
"I'll go now." you said as he finally puts you down. You look at him slowly disappearing from your vision, slowly getting himself more and more away from you. You get inside the classroom and sat down wherever you wanted if there was a free space. You looked at your phone but you didn't got anything from him. Well, he have other things to do anyway. It's not like he doesn't have classes or anything else.
"What's with the clothes?" your friend asked when you got out the classroom.
"Boyfriend look."
"It looks like you dressed from the giants section." and your friend did not lie.
At the end of classes your so sweet boyfriend drove you home. And for the few next days you were only going to text each other and try to meet between the classes. At this point, more than half of the school and mostly everyone that knows Satoru also knows you're his girlfriend. But what news. Number one playboi finally is finally in a relationship. He looks happier than ever. And a lot of people are jealous. What is so special about you? How did you blackmail him to get with you? What exactly have you done? But why is no one asking what in the world have he done. Because everyone is pointing fingers. But no one is putting the right questions.
"Can we meet in after classes?" you look at his text. You're a little busy today, he'll have to wait if he wants to see you.
"I have something to do then."
"When can we meet?" hard to say. But after you text your friends about it, you managed to come to a conclusion.
"Around 8 or 9." it was better than nothing. And he waited patiently. He was already in the parking lot of the place you were at.
"Hey there, cutie." he said when you almost walked past his car. That made you jump, it scared you.
"You scared me!" you put a hand on your chest, trying to calm yourself. "What are you doing here?"
"Hope in. We're going to spend some time together." you got in his car. As he was driving, a hand was on you thigh, squeezing it from time to time. But as some points he stopped in the first parking lot he saw first. "I had such a hard time without you." you only sighed. And? What does he plan to do now?
"I wanted to take you home. Maybe watch a movie or something." you nodded. "But I just want to feel you right now." you raised an eyebrow.
"Not here." but his face got closer and closer to yours. "Satoru, no." you put a hand over his mouth when he was about to kiss you.
"Just a little?" you shook your head. "Just to feel something." you shook your head again. A hand of his over the one that was trying to keep his lips away from yours and he kissed it. His yes were fixed on your face as he kissed your hand. The way you looked so shocked, speechless. Your mouth was open, but you didn't look like you could say anything. "It won't take long." you sighed. A little, huh? You bite your lower lip and nodded, the next second he was in the backseat. "Come here." how lucky of him that you can't see shit inside the car from outside, either because of his windows or the fact that's dark outside by this time, people couldn't see shit anyway. You got next to him, and he just started to undress you, kissing you as soon as he managed to take something off you. But he was indecisive. He just couldn't decide what to do faster ,you were almost naked, and he wanted to feel you as fast as he could. It took him a second to unzip his pants and free his cock from them after he took all the clothes off from you. "It would be quick, alright?" any preparation? Nope. You were already wet and hes just in a hurry. He wants to take you home and then spend as much time as you want on you. His hands on your hips, pushing you down on him. All he did was to give you a few moments to adjust a little. Then he started to guide you up and down. You let out sighs and gasp, he's just touching all the right places. And then he decides to go all the way in, touching that spot that made you melt in his arms. Your head rest on his shoulder, and he kiss your neck since he have access to it. The little sighs he let out from time to time, his moans are so quiet, he could feel you squeezing him every time he let any kind of sound out. "You like to hear me that much?" his hot breath gave you chills down your spine. It was something you can't really explain.
"Maybe." he also liked to hear you, he won't lie. His phone rang. Who in the world might be? He didn't even look, his phone is on the driver seat anyway. And why would he try to ruin this moment by answer to who ever is calling? He wrapped his hands around you, letting you move however you want. His kisses go from your jaw line to your chest, and he would go as down as he could, if he could more than that at the moment. His phone rang again. He was angry at who ever keeps calling him. And then someone sat next to his car, and then his phone rang again. He could recognize that person everywhere.
"I can't believe him." he sighed and made you stop for a moment. He took his phone and texted who ever called him. But he just stared angrily at the phone.
"Did something happen?" he let his head back, resting on whatever it was behind him.
"You can wait until we go home, can't you?" it was him who started it anyway. He get you off him slowly, he tried helping you to put your clothes back on and when he thought that everything was alright he got out the car. You could see him talking with the guy that was next to the car, and all you did was to hide behind the drivers seat. Gojo got back in the car, now back in the front seat while the guy that he was talking to also got inside, sitting in front next to his friend.
"If your were in the car why didn't you respond to me?" the guy who just got in the car rolled his eyes.
"I was busy." the white haired guy said. The other one looked with the side of his eyes back, finally noticing you. He look at his friend then back at you. So this is how it is, huh? Should you say anything? You played with your fingers and looked out the window.
"Is it just me or it's a little stuffy in here." you let your head down. This was so embarrassing.
"Shut up." the white haired guy said annoyed. He drove back to his place. It was so quiet until you got in the apartment, witch his friend also walked with you two there.
"Well, I got what I needed. I'll go now." the black haired guy said. "It was nice meeting you, Y/N." you looked at your boyfriend and that guy finally left.
"That guy." Gojo sighed. His eyes quickly moved on you. "So where were we?" his hands back on you, one on your ass while the other was trying to get your shirt off. He kissed you so hungrily. He was slowly guiding you to the couch, letting you on it as soon as he got off your shirt. Your pants and whatever you had on you disappeared, now being naked once again. His shirt was laying somewhere on the floor, probably next to yours. He kissed you again, his tongue in your mouth and dragging you closer to him every time he could. He bearly let you breathe, only trying to deep the kiss more and more. The rest of his clothes now somewhere around the room. Getting on top of you as soon as he could, getting inside you and starting to move his hips as fast as he could. He let out some deep ass groans, the grip on your thigh was so tight it might left a bruise on you.
"Toru." the way you said his name was more like a moan. The way everything felt was just.. No words to explain. It was a feeling beyond words. It was hard to try to even think about trying to explain. You cupped his face in your hands, his eyes on you and the expressions you make.
"I forgot something." that voice made you jump, since it scared you. Why does that guy keeps interrupting you two?
"You're here again?" the white haired guy said looking at the guy who was walking around to find something.
"I didn't know you two would get to it as soon as I leave." lies. "But now that I'm here." he got closer to the couch. "Make me some space. Lemme join." you looked at your boyfriend. What would he say? He sighed and moved his eyes on you. Your heart was beating so fast, both of their eyes on you. The white haired guy could feel your walls clanging on him.
"Alright." huh?
"Wait for me then." the black haired guy walked into a room. He knew that place like it's the back of his hand. Then he walked out with a box condoms, throwing on the couch as he take his shirt off. Your boyfriend sat on the couch next to you. Something like this would have happened at some points, since he did have lots of threesome that includes his friend.
"Is it too late to back out now? I'm kinda scared.." you said it quietly, mostly for your bf to hear. All you got back was chuckles from both of them.
"Oh? But isn't this a cute one?" the black haired guy said.
"Why are you scared? Aren't I here?" your boyfriend said. They had something in their eyes, it was hard to explain what it is. It's just.. Scary. That's the only word you could think of. It's like, if you close your eyes they might eat you alive. "Okay so, lay down here." the white haired guy pat the place next to him. But it didn't really matter how you sat, because you woke up with someone turning your around. Now you were laying on your tummy, ass up and you felt a cold hand slapping your ass. Shouldn't you at least talk about a better position?
"Don't take too long to think, just do so." your boyfriend didn't said anything about it. Now you were in between Gojo's legs. Behind you being his friend, who you heard just so much about him.
"Don't worry about it." your boyfriend finally said something. "I'm here." was he supposed to not be here? What's with his words? You gulped when you felt something poking you from behind. This soon? Shouldn't they give you just a little time before anything starts. "Open your mouth." you looked at your boyfriend with big eyes. Well... If this is how you'll die, then at least they should make it enjoyable for you too. You gulped and did as the blue eyes guy said. His hand on your head, both holding your hair to not get in your face and also slowly guiding you down. And at the same time, the one from behind you made his way inside you. Oh, but how easily he just slipped inside. You close your eyes shut. This made you feel way too full. "Just like that." Satoru sighed, letting his head rest on the back of the couch. But his friend, Suguru didn't gave you no time to chill, he was just thrusting into you like a mad man. You wanted to say something, but all you let put was muffed cries. And your boyfriend just pushed your head trying to fit more and more of himself inside. You tried to say something about it, or do. But all he did was to look at your face in amusement.
"It doesn't seem like your little girlfriend know how to do much. Just look at her." oh, he talks like he could do it better if he was in your place.
"I don't think she liked your words." your boyfriend looked at your angry face.
"Oh, yeah?" he slapped you ass.
"I don't think she liked that either." it hurts. I think he even left his hand print on your ass. You slapped Gojo's leg softly. Don't give him ideas, you thought. "I think you forgot something, dear." he moved his hips forward making you gag. Can you believe him? But the little fun time ended when they actually started to fuck you. Your knees almost gave up on you, but it wasn't like you could feel your legs anymore by that point. And your boyfriend and fucked your mouth deeper and deeper, trying to get as deep as he could. If he hold your hair earlier, now his hand is replaced by Geto's hand. "Don't do that." your hair was now released from his grip. But now your boyfriend is fucking your throat, it didn't matter if you moved your head, he helped moving it or his hips moved to go as deep as he could. Both of their thrusts because more aggressive. And at this point, Suguru was the one who was holding you up. You seemed like you were about to fall if he didn't. But just to give you something to forget about it, or help you release faster, he started to rub on your clit. And the way he was penetrating was like he never left that deep deep spot alone. One of the motives of why your legs were like jelly. Oh, but how mean of him to stop everything he's doing when he could feel your walls tightening around him. Only for Satoru to cum in your mouth, so much that you couldn't even keep all of it inside, spitting some of it.
"No more." you said breathing heavily. But your words looked like they never got to them. You looked as you boyfriend put a condom on, sitting back on the couch and putting you on his lap. No words were needed for them to know what they'll do. It was like they shared the same mind. Gojo slowly made his way inside you, and it looked like his friend had the same idea. His finger slowly brushed against your clit, making you tremble.
"Look at you. You didn't even cum and yet you're like this." you had a soft expression. What are you supposed to say to this guy anyway? It's not like you could do much against these people. But now you're looking at him also trying to get inside you.
"It won't fit." and how could they fit? How can they believe they could fuck the same pussy at the same time?
"It would." your boyfriend says as if he knows that.
"Listen, it's not going to fit." you were scares. What if they can?
"Your face doesn't tell me that." Suguru said as he's trying to push himself inside. "Get a little outside and then we'll try to enter at the same time." and who came with that plan?! You shook your head. Nope, just not. You were already at the edge of crying as you felt both of them trying to get inside.
"Relax. Of course we can't get in if you don't relax." would he relax if he was you? And all your boyfriend did was to hold you in his arms, leave some kisses on your shoulder. But somehow that relaxed you a little, until you weren't relaxed anymore, remembering what is going on. You could feel them inside. The way it made you feel.. It hurts. It really does. You never been stretched this much before. It should be illegal to be able to something like that.
"I can't- I can't-" you shook your head.
"Isn't it a little too late to say that? Aren't we inside already?" this guy is pissing you off. Did anyone listen to you when you tried to say something? And he still dares to say anything about it? The audacity. You placed a hand on the chest of the person in front of you and shook your head.
"No more." your boyfriend could see your expressions so clearly even if he was behind you, holding you on in his arms. One of his hands now over your eyes.
"Don't make that expressions for anyone else." he whispered in your ear. Is he jealous? Now? Well, why couldn't he be be jealous earlier? Like, he could have said something back then and now it would have been only the two of you, but no. Geto only laughed.
"Never fuck with couples." he shook his head. "It's too late to change your mind now. You'll have to share your girlfriend with me." you tried to get Gojo's hand away, but all you could do is take a peak at Suguru's face. He was a smirk on his face that you would have bet all your money that he was Satoru if you didn't know better. But his words and face only made your boyfriend angry. His hands now wrapped around you, it was like he was trying to get you as close as he could to him, even if your were staying in his lap.
"Toru." you said when his grip became tighter.
"Listen to your girlfriend, Toru." it was like this guy wanted to fight. You look at him and shook your head. If he could really read minds, but he probably know what you want to say even without reading minds. Don't. Because your boyfriend was his friend. But why do they need to fight now? And then your boyfriend finally moves his hips, making you jump when you felt him going deep to touch that place that get your knees weak. "But you don't have to be jealous, Toru." Geto said and also moved his hips just as soon as Gojo got a little out. "It's not like your girlfriend loves me more." you slap his arm softly. This will get you no good if they continue like this. "Look at the way she's touching me." you gasped. This was all intentional! This was all a scene! It was planned! I tell you that. But your boyfriend took his words serious. Now both of your hands pressed to your chest as he holds them in one of his. The grin on his face never disappear. It pisses you off so bad. And he even dares to put his hands on you. One of your legs over his shoulder while the other was to your chest, him holding the back of you thigh in place. But you couldn't even look mad by how they were moving. When one was getting in the other was getting out, leaving you no time to think. Your head was resting on your boyfriend's shoulder. The cries you left out were mixed with moans. It hurts, it was also feeling good, but it mostly hurts. Gojo's free hand traveled to your pussy, starting to rub your clit. Only making you to arch your back. You tried to not move, but it was just impossible. Oh, but the way Suguru took advantage of your boyfriend having his hands full. His free hand now on your chest, squeezing one of your boobs.
"Stop- stop- my god." you cried out. You felt something coming and it was just not good. "I can't- i really-" you couldn't even finish your own sentences. But that didn't stopped anyone from what they were doing. No, in fact, it only pushed them to go faster, trying to get close to that sweet release too. Your boyfriend rubbed on your clit faster, and the way they thrust only made you squirm in their arms. "Toru, please. No-" it was just so embarrassing the way you felt. You didn't want to do that, it's just- no. But Gojo only kissed the back of your neck. And followed by him was his best friend, who made sure to kiss your lips just so passionately while your boyfriend was looking. That only made Satoru to bite on your neck. Making you whine. If it wasn't enough that you were already crying, hot tears racing down your cheeks. And them bullying you? Both of them could feel the way your walls are becoming tighter and tighter, and oh my- you squirted all over Suguru's abdomen. But you were still crying, and they seemed to be so close. Can you hang there a little more? Wait for them. Just a little more. As you were finally calming yourself, both coming back from your high and calming your body to stop trembling, they also finally released. Now feeling empty when they got outside. You were just so stuffed a moment ago and now it was like you could finally breathe.
"Don't relax yet. The night still young." that only made you to sigh. If only someone could have warned you earlier.
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Author's note. As much as I want what I wrote, I am afraid as heck of it. I would just cry. Not my thinking I could take them🙄✋
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evilgabe29 · 3 months
i recommend taking a look at this real quick otherwise you might be confused
ill put this on the daily writing list, i also cant focus enough to edit it right now so i might post an edited version later
oh and ill start calling the wip magic space prospectors (MSP) since i cant think of anything better right now
MSP Chapter 3 : Takeoff
Vik left their room properly dressed, ring spike on their belt and coat a bit too big hung on them perfectly, well except for the sleeves that needed to be rolled up so that they didn't get in the way. 
Vik still wasn't used to being on the ship, basically a cube of metal plating haphazardly bolted and welded together. The heaver, Kali, seemed pretty nice. they could get used to them. Based on their conversation Kali was close to losing their housing on Kuralon before getting a job with the port guild and was given guild housing. It was a shame that Vik was so young when they’d lost their place of inhabitants otherwise they might have done the same thing. 
Lan and Nell were sitting on the couch. Nell looked like they were struggling to stay awake, while Lan was in deep concentration about something. Kali was still setting up in their room. 
Kali left their room, they were dressed in a simple blue shirt with the port guild emblem printed on the left breast area. Attempts had clearly been made to scratch off the logo but they seemed to have been ineffective. Their long and black went down all the way to the middle of their back. Vik was a bit jealous. Vik used to have long hair like that but it could get caught in things way too easily so Vik had decided to not deal with it and cut it. Now that they weren't living on the street anymore they might consider growing it out again. 
“Are you alright?” Kali asked, Vik realized that they’d been staring. They blushed furiously 
“Yeah I'm fine,” Vik replied, futilely trying to hide their embarrassment. 
“Cool, anyway do you have any idea when Lan will finally explain why we're here?”
“Nope they’ve just been sitting there, do you want to ask them?”
“Yeah I guess I'll have to ask him, otherwise they might kick us off the lot,” Kali said, walking over to Lan over on the couch with Vik trailing behind.
Kali gently tapped Lan on his head, they jerked back hitting their head on the wall behind them. Lan Yelped, causing some of their coffee to splash onto them.
“Ow, shit, sorry, I get very jumpy when I'm thinking,” Lan said, getting up and wiping themselves off. Nell, who'd been woken up, wore a wide grin, silently giggling to themselves.
“So when are you going to explain what we're doing here?” Kali asked, seemingly unphased by the turn of events.
“hum? oh right yeah i forgot that i forgot to do that, uhh i guess we should probably do introductions now. my name is Lanyard Wayne, please call me Lan though,” Lan gestured to Nell inviting them to continue.
“Yeah, I got it, my name's Nellson Wayne, although you're free to call me Nell if you like. im a spiker and Lan here is a dodger” Nell shot a sly smile over to Lan. they seemed to have not noticed.
“I guess I'll go next,” Vik said hesitantly. “My name's Vik, it's not short for anything. i'm a dasher”
“Right, my turn i suppose, my name is Kaladar Pickwick but i prefer to go by Kali. im a heaver as i suppose you already know” 
“Alright now that's over I'll explain what we will actually be scouting for. We will be looking for a white moon.” Kali and Vik both grew silent. Kali was the first one to speak up.
“Are you insane? We only know of two Keno moons and both have been in pieces when we found them, what makes you think we can find another one?” Kali said. Vik just nodded in agreement they didn't know much about cosmography but to their knowledge most of the areas around the solar system had been thoroughly mapped out. The only hope of finding another white moon would be to go outside that range and lose contact with civilization. It didn't sound particularly like the best idea but they kept their mouth shut till they got all the facts.
“Yes, I know that. But there has been evidence that Aothos that orbited Aramis was whole while modern humans were alive. That's why we have so many legends about the sky falling apart. And we also found pieces of Melanus in the ring. So scientists have theorized that Melanus was wandering like many we have seen. What was I talking about again?” Lan abruptly stopped their torrent of words in confusion.
“Why were we looking for a Keno moon?” Vik said in a small voice.
“Oh right that. I just want to examine an untouched specimen. Oh and I guess it'll break the economy but that's irrelevant. There's also a chance that if it is orbiting another planet there's a chance that there would be life on it. There are a few theories I want to test when it comes to non-humans and if they can also be Kenek” Lan looked so excited by the prospect, Vik couldn't say no to them. And by the looks of things neither could Kali.
“I…see” they said slowly “well I guess I don't have any other option. Are we going to take any jobs while we're looking for the thing? Because chipping pisces off the engine when we need to pay for things doesn't sound like a long term solution”
“You know, i didn't intend on it but now that you mention it that does sound like a good idea” Lan said walking over to the kitchen area and pouring themself another cup of coffee
“Anyway we need to get going soon so let me explain how the ship operates, come here” Lan beckoned both Vik and Kali over to the big white rock that was bathed in yellow flame. Rods made of some kind of white metallic substance pierced through the boulder at various  angles, connecting it to the ship and rendering it imobile.
“This here is our engine, it is just one big chunk of keno. It is of 256 grade M, you know what that means right?” Lan asked to their confused faces. 
“Lan,” Nell said, glaring at Lan.
“Right, right, I'll explain it later. All you need to know is these rods here make it so any Kenek induced property the the engine is succumbed to the rest of the ship will respond as if the property was applied to it as well. Does that make sense? Any questions?” Vik hesitantly raised their hand to just above shoulder height.
“Uhm what are those rods made from?” 
“Ah right. The rods here are made from small keno shards that have been melted down and were mixed with some iron to make kenosteel. It's not the most creative name but I didn't come up with it. Anyway Kali, would you like to do the honors?” they gestured Kali over to the engine. They approached and pleased their hand gently on the stone. Nothing happened.
“Althight Vik, your turn. You know how to make things accelerate in reference to other objects right?” Vik hesitated, they were pretty sure they knew how. But what if they got it wrong, what could happen? Vik slowly stepped over to the engine and gently rested their hand on it.
Vik’s senses exploded, they could feel the immense power running through the rock. Vik struggled to focus, what were they doing again? Right the, the thing, right.
Vik took a small piece of the Athos, even that tiny piece was more Athos they’d ever touched let alone used. They focused on the landing pad below their feet. Using that as reference they multiplied the acceleration of the ship tenfold although it was still zero at the moment, the command clicked and the small pieces of Athos that they’d taken were returned back into the pool.
“Are you done?” Lan asked, as Vik stumbled back from the engine gasping. 
“Yea- yes” Vik said, finding themself a seat on the couch.
“Cool, good work, Nell our turn,” they both walked over to the engine, touching it. The ship suddenly jerked up at an insane speed, and the speed kept increasing. Nell who was the only one that wasn't completely squished against the ground reached up to touch the engine, the fire around it suddenly turned Cyan, despite it being violently yellow just moments before.
“Vik, by how much did you multiply the acceleration?” Lan asked, picking themselves off the ground.
“Uhmm…ten?” Vik whispered, almost inaudibly.
“I see, that's kind of impressive actually, but for reference usually you should only do it around two when we're taking off. Either way you did good, better than I expected actually for your first time.” they took a sip of their coffee 
“Anyway, welcome to the great nothingness, that everyone agrees is actually a whole lot of something. Yes, that is the full official name, research papers have gotten quite lengthy over the years. Anyway Now that we’re here we can take in the view.” Lan and Nell walked over to the front of the ship and unhooked a big metal panel spanning the entire width of the ship, revealing a large pane of glass. They hooked the panel to a spot under the window probably to keep it from moving around when flying.
The sight was beautiful, sure Vik had seen the night sky but the great nothingness was truly something else. 
Kali finally picked themselves off the ground, rubbing their head.
“Is that how that normally works?” they asked.
“Well we haven't actually had a dasher on board before. This is only the second time we’ve flown theo since she was built, i'm surprised it stood up to that crazy acceleration”
“I see, where to then?”  
“I uhh didn't think that far ahead” Lan scratched the back of their head. “Any suggestions?”
Kali sighed.
“Lets get over to Kuralon. They have a better market for mercenary work than Artagan,” they said, taking a seat next to Vik on the couch and taking a swig of their flask.
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liliallowed · 10 months
I'm surprised Y/N didn't ask how the Player got caught by Dust in the first place, maybe we should ask?
this takes place before the reset lending btw
"how did he capture you? I was confused for a moment... he grabbed my soul, let go and then... just... told me to leave?"
"oh wait wait wait... he let you LEAVE? after taking me from you? and you STILL came down here? wow what a gentleman. I didn't know he had mercy left in him."
"oh yeah... I forgot to mention I've been hanging out in your soul and possessing your body for like... five days. cuz I was jealous if all the attention he was giving you"
"he KIDNAPPED me! YOU'RE JEALOUS OF BEING KIDNA- wait, possession? SO HE WAS TELLING THE TRUTH!? but... I didn't FEEL possessed!"
"that's cuz I made sure to act like you silly~ so our wills were synced up until you decided to STAY instead of leaving. honestly? I didn't expect YOU to want to stay."
"I wanted to see if there were more people he kidnapped! I couldn't just stand by!"
"you clearly don't value your own life when the shady serial killer gives you an out. glad to know me and him are not the only one with loose screws."
"you don't GET TO COMPARE ME TO yourself."
"I don't? you're clearly head over heels for him you simp. I'd say I share that sentiment buuuut with a murderous subtext."
"it's not like that... he... he could have done much worse... could have killed or tortured me, stolen all my money or..."
"oh you're still in shock and in a coping mechanism. trying to justify his act. youre not in love you're SCARED aren't you? your mind is trying to calm you down by twisting logic. wait till you watch him slice off his own brothers head like it's butter HAHAHAHAHAHA! I wonder if you'll still find a way to justify it!"
"you're... you're a fucking psycho."
"of course I am! though I'll let you know not all psychopaths are like this and the social stigma around them is bullshit."
"that- no I didn't mean that you're mentally- THAT'S BESIDES THE POINT! YOU'RE FUCKING EVIL! "
"damn right I am. impressed? I can show you SOO MUCH WORSE HUN you better lower your expectations from me and him. because from the looks of it? he only use you to get back at me and capture me."
"... I... he said it was to protect-"
"awww did he tell you you're SPECIAL? that he likes you? that you make his soul flutter in his chest? what a gasslighting asshole~ I did learn from the best hehehe. besides! even if he actually likes you, are you really planning on being his PET or exp storage?"
"he's going to kill you if you stay with himmmm. make you a part of him in his LV~ I can show you if you like! in fact, go ahead and let him trap me again. live your lovey dovey life but when he KILLS you? you'll know I wasn't lying."
"he WOULDN'T."
"hm? you say as if you know him better than me. why are you so sure? because he pet you go once?"
"I don't know what history you two have but I don't plan on dying to him."
"oh? alright! let's see if you can keep that spirit up"
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callsign-magnolia · 2 years
I Hope You Dance // Ch. 28
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A/N: This is cross posted to my Wattpad, so if this seems familiar that is why!
TW: Mental abuse, emotional abuse, slight physical abuse, death and loss.
Description: When Caila meets Rooster, sparks fly. But, she's already married, to a man who she thought loved her, and won't let her go. Rooster will fight for her, he just has to convince Caila to fight for herself.
Word Count: 6.4k
Chapter 27 | Masterlist
I stared at the envelope, dazed as I grabbed my duffel to sit outside and wait for Rooster. "Magnolia? You okay?" I turned to find Bob walking over his own duffel on his shoulder. "Uhm, maybe." I said as my throat closed up. "No, I uh-I got orders." I said as I held up the envelope. "What? You just got back!" Bob was usually calm and collected, I've never seen him yell out like he just did. "When do you leave?" I bit my lip, fiddling with the envelope. "October thirtieth." His jaw dropped at my answer. "That's a little less than two weeks away!" I nodded, it was currently the eighteenth which means I had twelve days before I left. "I'll be gone eight weeks. Which means I get to come home the week of Christmas." I huffed, sitting on the sidewalk. "Better than three months or longer." I nodded. "Um, are you not going home? Wait, where's your jeep?" I looked over at him, sliding my sunglasses down my nose. 
"Rooster has it. Dahlia had a vet appointment I forgot about so while I was talking to Cyclone he offered to take her for me." It was quiet for a moment before he stepped closer, holding his hand out for me to take. "Come on." I looked up at him, brows furrowed in confusion. "I'll take you to the vet." I shook my head. "I don't want you going out of your way for me." He chuckled, grabbing my hand and hauling me up anyway. "It's not out of the way for my friends, now come on." I smiled at him, wrapping my arm around his waist. "You're the best friend a girl could ask for, Bobby. You know that?" He chuckled, putting our bags in the truck as I got in. "No one's ever said it. But I do appreciate it, Magnolia." He said as he cranked his truck. It had to be an early two thousands, nothing new like Jake's. "Any time, Bobby. Any time."
My ride with Bob made me feel a little better, we sang along to pop songs on the radio, talking about my deployment. "I hate that I have to leave. I won't even be here when the house gets finished." He nodded, turning the radio down. "It will be when you come home though." I nodded, he was right, at least I wasn't coming home to a half done house. "I also hate to leave Bradley. I mean, things just got better and now..." I trailed off, tears gathering in my eyes. "He understands. That's the great thing about being with someone who knows your job, they understand." I rolled my head over, looking at Bob as he drove. "Can you just be wrong so I can feel bad for myself for just a minute?" 
A small grin grew on his face. "No." I huffed, looking back out the window as he continued to drive. Once we were at the vet he grabbed my bag as I got out. "You're awesome, Bobby." I said, taking my bag from him. "I can be." I hugged him before saying goodbye and heading inside. "Hi, my boyfriend brought in my dog for me. Dahlia." The tech nodded, looking at her screen. "They are in the large exam room, all the way down the hall." I nodded, knowing exactly which room it was and made my way to the door. I knocked quietly before opening the door. Rooster was sitting on the bench against the wall, scrolling on his phone. He turned and saw me, his phone immediately going in my pocket. "Hey, Mags. How'd you get here?" He asked as he stood, taking my bag. "Bob caught me outside, offered to drive me." I said, placing a kiss on his cheek. 
"That's great. Look, I gotta tell you-" Movement caught my eye and I turned, seeing Dahlia laid out in the floor, a small chihuahua curled up with her. "Um, mind telling me why my dog has another dog curled up with her?" He sighed, rubbing his face. "That's what I was going to tell you. When I was checking her in this woman came in with her. She basically threw her at the girl at the front desk saying she had her third litter of puppies." I sighed, looking at the little dog fast asleep against Dahlia. "She wanted to have her put down because she couldn't have anymore puppies." My anger grew at his words, realizing this dog most likely came from a puppy mill or something of the like. "She left and the girl up front decided not to euthanize her, but she still needed an exam so I offered to pay for it. We realized pretty quickly this is the same dog that would curl up with her while she was boarded." I looked at them, Dahlia was peacefully asleep as was the other dog. 
"I was going to ask if we could bring her home." I looked at him, wide eyed. "Roo, I really don't think that's a good idea. We're renovating so that means we have to pack and she probably has some health issues as well as temperament issues." He sighed, leaning back. "Mags, honey." He said as he grabbed my hand. "We could give her a great home, one she deserves." I sighed, looking over at the small cream colored dog. "It's not that I don't want to Bradley. But she needs someone who has the time to work with her. She's probably not house broken, and she likely has a fear of being in a crate." He pouted slightly, his brown eyes widening. "We have the time and we don't have to crate train her-" "Oh yes we would. A crate is something a dog should associate as a safe space, a space where they can retreat to when they want a quiet space. She has probably spent her life in a cage with other dogs all around her yapping and barking. She needs a quiet home where she is an only dog." 
Suddenly the door opened and the vet walked in. "Ah, Miss Motley! Glad you could join us." I shook her hand. "So am I, Dr. Mabe." She smiled at Dahlia who was now standing and licking her hand. "So Dahlia's blood work came back clean but I noticed a little weakness in her back legs. If it's okay with you I would like to run some x-rays, get a good look at what's going on?" I nodded. "Absolutely. Gotta make sure my girl ages well." I said, petting her head. "Good, Joe here will take her back and then I will look at this little one." She said, motioning to the small Chihuahua cowering behind Dahlia. The tech took Dahlia out and Dr. Mabe reached for the small dog who turned and tried to run before she gently picked her up, setting her on the table. We watched as Dr. Mabe did the exam, listening to her heart and lungs as the little chihuahuas tongue hung just outside of her mouth. 
"Well everything sounds good." She said as she started looking at her teeth. "Can you tell how old she is?" I asked and she hummed. "Hard to tell. Her teeth have never been cleaned but I would estimate between ten and thirteen." She said as she continued poking around her mouth. "I'd say closer to thirteen." I nodded. "What's the lifespan of a Chihuahua again?" I asked as Dr. Mabe put her on the scale. "It is usually between twelve and twenty years." I looked over to Bradley with a raised brow. "And what are the common health problems with Chihuahuas?" I asked. I was trying to make Bradley see that getting a dog was a big commitment and Dahlia made it look easy. But an older dog with health problems takes up a lot of time and sometimes money.
"Spinal injuries are common. So is patellar luxation, tracheal collapse, dental disease, hypoglycemia, heart disease and a number of others. But despite what people say, chihuahuas can be very loving and loyal dogs and it seems she's already taken a liking to Dahlia." It was Bradley's turn to raise a brow at me. "Can we have a minute?" I asked and she nodded. "I'm going to take her back for some blood work." Dr. Mabe said, picking up the dog and walking out. "I was looking through common problems in chihuahuas when you walked in, I knew what I was getting in to." I giggled lightly, standing to lean against the table. "Why are you so against this? We talked about getting another dog-" "A one minute conversation out of the blue before court does not equal a conversation. Besides, we don't have time for her Bradley and that's not fair to her." 
"What's going on? I never thought you'd be so against this." I sighed as he stood in front of me. I debated on how to tell him and it was going to be at home but now seems like the best time, to keep him from making a rash decision. I pushed past him, grabbing the envelope from the top of my duffel. "I got orders." I said, handing him the envelope. "Wh-what?" I pursed my lips. "Bahrain, eight weeks." He sighed, reading over the paper. "I just-we just got to start our lives together and now you have to go?" I nodded. "But I'll be home the week of Christmas, so it's not all bad." I said walking over and wrapping my arms around his waist. He sighed, shaking his head. "This is why I think getting another dog now is not a good idea." He pursed his lips, nodding. "I get it." My answer seemed to upset him even more. "But, maybe we can foster her for a few weeks. Just until she finds a new home." I said. I couldn't stand to see that sad look on his face, let alone know I'm the entire reason for it. 
"You don't have to do that for me, honey." I shrugged, wrapping my arms tighter around him. "No, but who knows. She may worm herself into the family." He smiled down at me, leaning closer to kiss me. "Okay. But you're all mine until you leave." I smiled at him. "Of course." The door opened and Dr. Mabe came in with both dogs. "Okay. So this little one here seems to have some hypertension so I am sending her blood out for further testing. Usually these have underlying health problems but it could just be stress." We nodded as the little dog shook on the table. "Now, I have a few concerns for Dahlia." My hand immediately shot out, gripping Rooster's in a vice like grip. She brought up her x-rays, pointing to a few white spots around her hips. "So she does have hip dysplasia setting in, just like I thought." 
"I'm sorry, what is hip dysplasia?" Rooster asked. "It's loosening of the hip joints. The cartilage and bone wear down over time, setting up for things like arthritis, which she is developing." I pursed my lips, nodding. "I knew she probably would." Dr. Mabe sighed. "She's six, that's over half of her life expectancy. Have you considered some preventative measures?" I nodded. "I started her on joint supplements about a year ago, I put it in her food and she still runs around like she's a puppy." Dr. Mabe nodded. "Good, then I'd say she's doing well then. Keep it up and I think she'll continue to live comfortably." I nodded. "Now, about this one-" "She's coming home with us. We've agreed to foster her for now." Rooster cut her off. 
"Okay then, I will put you in touch with a local rescue and they can get everything set for you. You may want to consider having her caught up on shots and getting her teeth cleaned." I nodded. "If you have time, can we go ahead and do the shots?" She nodded. Bradley held her as the tech gave her the shots, seeing as she was not happy about it and he was the only one she'd tolerate. Once we were done we went up to the front desk to pay and schedule next appointments. We loaded into the jeep Dahlia and my bag in the back, Rooster holding the chihuahua in his hands as he got in the drivers seat. I looked at him in confusion as he set the chihuahua in my lap. "Oh, no. She rides in the back with Dahlia." I said lifting her and setting her next to Dahlia in the back. "Oh come on, Mags. If Dahlia rolls over she'll squash her like a bug." I shook my head at his words. "Dahlia hardly moves in the car and the backseat is the safest place for her if we crash." 
The ride home was quiet, the two dogs curled up together in the back. We stayed quiet as we walked into the house, Rooster setting my bag upstairs with his as I let the dogs out bag. I watched them both closely, seeing how they would act around each other in Dahlia's domain. After awhile I went upstairs to change clothes, then I brought them in and pulled out Dahlia's crate, setting it up. "Hey, Mags." I turned to look at Rooster as I clicked the large wire crate into place. He motioned towards the couch and I looked, seeing the little chihuahua had crawled under it, shaking in fear. "Do you still have that toy the tech gave us at the vet?" He nodded, grabbing it off the counter and tossing it to me. 
I laid on my stomach, holding the toy out to her. "Hi, baby." I said lowly, trying to coax her out. I laid in the floor, patiently waiting with the toy in hand. "You think she'll come out tonight?" I looked up at Bradley from my spot on the floor, sighing. "Maybe not. She'll have to for dinner and she'll sleep in the crate tonight." He nodded as I stood, his arms going around me. "She's gonna need a name. I can't keep calling her the Chihuahua." He laughed, kissing my head. "We'll think of one." I nodded. The rest of the night was spent in our usual routine, not wanting to deviate from it. I finished setting up the crate and packing it with blankets and a few toys. We made dinner together, eating it in the dining room as we discussed my deployment. "I really think you should join my parents this year if you aren't going to join Mav. You shouldn't be alone, Roo." He huffed, dejectedly. 
"I know, I just haven't had a proper Thanksgiving since mom passed. Especially with aunt Tilly spending most of her time in Europe." I furrowed my brows in confusion. "Aunt Tilly? How come I never heard about her?" He gave me a befuddled look. "I've told you about aunt Tilly." I shook my head, taking a bite of my chicken. "No, you haven't." He nodded. "Yes I did!" I shook my head again, almost laughing. "Swear on my life, you have never mentioned an aunt Tilly or anyone else." We sat in silence for a minute before he sighed, rubbing his hand down his face. "Oh my god. I mentioned her when you were passed out in the floor, that day I called 911 for you." I nodded. "So I guess we're both right then, you did mention her just when I was dead to the world." He nodded. "So tell me about her?" He slowly stopped eating, which was odd as the man usually shovels his food in his mouth. 
"Mom and I moved back near her and my grandparents after dad died. But after both my grandparents passed aunt Tilly moved to Europe, she keeps the house in Virginia but she lives in Paris now." I nodded, a little impressed. "She must work a good job to live in Paris." He scoffed. "More like two rich, dead husbands." I choked on my food, staring at him with wide eyes. He just continued to eat like what he just said was normal. "What the hell?" He nodded. "One died of cancer, the other a car accident." I continued to stare at him, the question resting on my tongue. "I know what you're thinking and no, I don't think she killed them." He stopped, furrowing his brows slightly. "At least the first one, now the second one, maybe. She wasn't all too find of him near the end." 
I just stared at him before he turned to me and chuckled. "I'm kidding." I sighed, leaning back in my seat. "Jesus, Roo." He chuckled. "She does have a habit of holding grudges with people who don't agree with her." His voice sounded dejected. "Sounds like you've been on the receiving end of one of those grudges. He nodded, somewhat. If I hadn't been staring at the side of his face I never would've caught it. "She... didn't really agree with how I handled mom's illness." I knew this conversation was taking a hard turn, so I set my fork down and scooted my chair closer to his, taking his free hand in mine. "Do you want to tell me? You don't have to if you don't want to." He set his own fork down, leaning back in the chair. 
"Mom had pancreatic cancer when I was twelve. Mav was a big help at that time, helping to take care of her and me. We caught it early, they did surgery and removed her entire pancreas and she did six months of chemo before she went into remission. She was cancer free for so many years but when they took her pancreas it made her diabetic and she had to take enzymes to digest her food, but she was alive and happy to be alive." I gave him a soft smile, reaching up and wiping the tears from his eyes. "But she eventually developed Kidney Disease when I was sixteen. It was already at stage four when we caught it." I felt awful, not just for him but for her. Carole Bradshaw had been through so much in her life and she still did everything she could for Bradley. "She battled it for a while, Mav lived nearby for the time being to help out. But there came a point that she was in the hospital, and I had left school to go see her. She gave me this bright smile and told me she just wanted to go home. She didn't want to fight anymore and I had to respect that, so Mav helped me get her discharged and we got her home."
He leaned his head onto my shoulder as he kept talking. I ran my fingers over his hand in a comforting way, hoping it would make this even the slightest bit easier. "She passed after two days at home and aunt Tilly was so mad. Saying things like 'She should've fought harder.' or 'She should've stayed in the hospital.' It really put us at odds and we haven't had a real conversation since. She checks in every few months and let's me keep some stuff at her house but that's about it." I don't think I'd ever want to meet this woman. "I was seventeen and she shut me out, the only real family I had left and she shut me out because I did what my mom wanted." I pulled him closer, rubbing my hand up and down his arm. "I'm so sorry, Roo." We sat like that for a few minutes as tears rolled across his flushed cheeks, my lips staying attached to his temple. 
He eventually sat up and took a deep breath before shaking his head quickly, like he was trying to get something out of his hair. "But she comes back every November so I thought I would go out there and get the rest of my stuff. It's not a lot, just some more of my parents stuff." I smiled at him as he tucked back into his food. I knew while he may be acting like everything is fine and well, he was still upset. "I wish I could be here to help you." He chuckled. "I uh, also considered getting a ring." My fork stopped midair, staring at him as he held my gaze. "Is that something you'd be okay with?" I took the bite off my fork, giving him a small smile. "Just don't do it on my birthday or major holidays? I wanna be surprised." He smiled at me, his hand landing on my thigh. "Seriously?" I nodded. "I told you, you're the only person I would say yes to." 
"I love you." He said as he leaned over to kiss my cheek. "I love you too." After that we finished dinner and it was time to feed the dogs. I grabbed a bowl and filled it with food, setting Dahlia's down first before setting the other bowl down on the other side of the island. She could see the bowl from under the couch and I jostled it, the sound of the food catching her attention. "Think she'll come out?" I nodded. "Don't pay her much attention." We went about wiping down the kitchen, cleaning it up when I heard small crunches coming from the small bowl. I looked over, a smile on my face as she slowly ate. I smirked, leaning against the stove as I facetimed my mom. 
"Hi sweetie! How've you been?" I hummed, smiling at her through the phone. "Good, I started back at work yesterday and got back in the air today." Her face lit up at my words, excitement filling her eyes. "I'm so happy for you!" Suddenly Rooster leaned in next to me, smiling widely. "Hi, Regina!" She cheered, seeing him on screen. "Bradley! How are you?" His gaze shifted to me, a smirk on his face. "Good." I chuckled. "He convinced me to bring home a guest." Mom's eyebrows raised until I turned the camera around, zooming in on the little dog who kept her eyes on me. "Oh. my. god! You guys got a dog?!" She squealed making Rooster and I laugh. 
"Tell me you are bringing her to Thanksgiving! Jameson is hosting this year so you don't have to drive as far." She said, an expectant smile on her lips. "About that," I said and her face fell. "I got orders. I leave for deployment on the thirtieth and I won't be back till the week of Christmas." I could hear her sniffles through the phone, making me tear up. "Well, we get you for Christmas at least. We'll miss you though." I smiled at her through the phone. "I know, mama." Her gaze shifted to Rooster beside me. "Will you be joining us, Bradley?" He pursed his lips, as if he doesn't know what to say. "I'm not sure yet, Regina. Our plans got flipped around." He said, tossing his arm around my shoulders. She nodded, lacing her fingers under her chin. "I understand, but the invitation is always open should you decide to join us." He smiled at her before turning and placing a kiss to my head. 
"Well, I think we're gonna chill out for awhile mom. I'll talk to you soon?" She nodded, a few tears building in her eyes. "Okay, love you guys." We smiled and gave her a small wave. "We love you too." I ended the call as Bradley pulled my head down on his chest. I stayed there for a minute before the tears started, the sobs following closely behind. "I know, honey." He said just letting me soak his shirt with my tears. "I don't want to go." I muttered and he sighed, pressing a kiss to my hair. "I know. But you'll be back by Christmas and I'll be waiting for you here. Well, next door." I chuckled at his correction. "I won't even be here when they finish the renovation." He sighed as I picked myself up, looking at him. He pushed some hair away from my face as he cradled my cheeks. 
"But it'll be done when you come home, and I'll be here, ready to give you the grand tour." I laughed at his words. "Oh really?" He nodded. "Starting with our bedroom." A giggle escaped me as his hands grabbed my waist, pulling me close. "I like the sound of our bedroom." He smiled, leaning in till his lips were brushing against mine. "Yeah?" I nodded, brushing our noses together. "Yeah." He kissed my lips gently a few times before we pulled away. As he did a yawn escaped me. "Let's get you to bed, pretty girl." He said picking me up and making me laugh. He carried me upstairs, gently tossing me on the bed. The plush comforter practically swallowed me, making the bed seem comfy enough for my eyes to already start drooping. "I'll be back pretty girl." He said before kissing my forehead. 
I laid there for a minute, my eyes drifting shut before I realized I probably need to get up and brush my teeth. So I did, I brushed my teeth, took out my contacts, washed my face and everything before crawling back into the bed. I slid my glasses on, grabbing the book I'm currently reading and cracking it open. I read for a few minutes before Rooster came back in. "Okay, she's in the crate. She was hesitant but she went in a laid down, Dahlia is in her bed next to the crate." He said as he walked into the bathroom. "Maybe if Dahlia stays down there, she'll feel more secure." He hummed in response, grabbing his tooth brush from the jar on the counter. I watched as he brushed his teeth and washed his face before he turned to me, leaning on the door frame. "What?" He smiled, walking over before crawling on the bed. He crawled over me till he was face to face with me. "You're adorable with your glasses on."
"You saying I should wear them more often?" He chuckled, kissing me quickly. "I wouldn't mind." He said as he rolled over to his side of the bed, closest to the door. "You think she'll be okay down there?" I asked him, referring to the small dog in the crate. "She isn't making much noise right now." He said, at that time we heard her nails clicking around on the plastic lining of the crate. "Maybe she needs another blanket." I said getting up when Bradley grabbed my wrist. "She has three, honey. She'll be okay." I sighed, slipping back in bed, turning off the light as I did. I faced the closet, Rooster's arms wrapping around me and pulling me close. I felt his lips on the back of my neck making me sigh in content. "You think we'll be okay through my deployment?"
"After everything else we've been through? It'll be a cake walk." I furrowed my brows, rolling over to face him. "What makes you say that?" He just grinned at me, pulling me closer as my hands found his tags, fiddling with them. "Cause I know you're coming home to me this time." I smiled at him, kissing his chin. "Yeah, I am." I said, resting my head on his chest. "You worried about it?" I looked down, his tags in my hand. "A little." His hand ran up and down my spine, bringing me some comfort. "You can always email me, and we can use every opportunity to talk and facetime." I nodded, squeezing myself to him. "We'll be okay, pretty girl. I promise." Those were the last words I heard before finally drifting off.
The next morning was rough. We didn't want to get out of the bed but finally dragged ourselves up with forty-five minutes to spare. I had made my way into the bathroom after Bradley got out, not ready to be up that early. I was finishing spraying my hair with hairspray when he made his way downstairs. "Mags!" He sounded concerned so I rushed downstairs, gasping at the sight before me. "What in god's name happened down here?!" There was bits of blanket and toy stuffing everywhere and one little chihuahua sitting in the middle of it all. "Oh hell no, I don't do destructive dogs." I said looking to Bradley. "Honey, she just-" "Shredded three blankets and two of Dahlia's toys. If she's going to stay here, it's obvious we're going to have to put in more work with her." He sighed in defeat, knowing I wasn't backing down. 
"What do we do in the mean time?" I huffed, going into the kitchen to grab the broom. "You mind letting them out while I clean this up?" He nodded, grabbing the small dog and motioning Dahlia to follow. I swept up the mess, frustrated that this was how we were starting our morning. The mess trailed from the crate to a few feet away, almost as if she tossed it around. I finished cleaning as Rooster brought the dogs in and fed them. I went upstairs to finish getting ready and grab our bags as he put the pup back in the crate. "I didn't put anything in there with her." I nodded, "Good, I don't want to clean up a mess when I get home." He took our bags from me just as she started squealing in the crate. "Oh my god!" I yelled, covering my ears. We looked back at her as she pawed at the sides of the crate, her yapping seemingly growing louder and louder. 
"Should we let her out?" Rooster asked me and I shook my head. "We'll figure something else out for tonight but if we don't leave, we're going to be late!" I said as I pulled him out the door, locking it behind us. You could still hear her from outside the house, all the way in the Bronco. "Someone is going to think we're torturing that dog." I said as he crawled into the drivers seat. "I don't care so long as they don't break in." He said backing out of the driveway just as the contractors came down the road to start their own work this morning. "Nathan text me yesterday. They got all the tile laid in the bathrooms as well as the glass up around the shower, and they got the carpet laid in both bedrooms." I smiled at him, a genuine one. "Moving faster than I thought." He nodded, grabbing my hand on the center seat. "Maybe it'll get done before you leave." 
"That's eleven days. Pretty short amount of time, don't you think?" He sighed, realizing I was right. "I guess you're right." The rest of the ride was quiet. Rooster was watching the clock closely, trying to make sure we got there in time. As we pulled into a parking spot I jumped out before he even cut the engine off. "Hey!" He called and I turned to him. "We have three minutes to be in the morning briefing!" I called back, rushing inside and to the women's locker room, stuffing my bag in a locker and rushing up to the ready room. Rooster rounded a corner in front of me, swinging the door open allowing me to rush in ahead of him. We made it to some seats in the second row just as Maverick walked in. 
"Good morning, aviators." He said as he stood before us. "Good morning." We echoed. "Now before we discuss our successes and failures from yesterdays hops, I would like to give some news." Everyone looked around confused, even me. "I'm sad to say that we will be saying goodbye for a short time to two of our aviators." Rooster gripped my hand in his, giving me a small smile. "Lieutenant Motley and Lieutenant Seresin." I raised my brows in surprise. I was unaware anyone else was joining me, while I was glad Jake was I was also a little disappointed Bradley couldn't join me. 
"They will be joining the VFA-87 Golden Warriors." I noticed Rooster perk up next to me, immediately taking interest in what Mav was saying. "They'll be gone for eight weeks, leaving on the thirtieth of this month and returning the week of Christmas, which of course we probably won't see them till after the new year. Booing erupted around us, making me giggle. "Now, on to our briefing. Coyote," He said pointing at the man who sat next to Hangman. "Here's where you went wrong." Coyote threw his hands out as Maverick turned towards the screen, making us laugh.
It was four o'clock and Rooster and I were finally able to leave. We showered on base before changing and crawling into the car, pretty tired from the hard day of training. "Nathan text me." He said as we drove off base. I raised my brow at him, turning my head to face him as I leaned back on the seat. "And?" He chuckled, "The crew was apparently very concerned about the screeching coming from your house." I groaned, rubbing my face. "We have to do something before I leave. I called the rescue today and I have to take pictures of her when I get home to send, that way they can post her picture and hopefully she finds a good family." I said looking back out the window. 
When he didn't reply I turned back to him to see he had his bottom lip pulled between his teeth. "You okay, Roo?" His shoulders slumped telling me something was bothering him. "I kind of want to keep her." I sighed, leaning my head back. "Look, I can't tell you no because you're a grown man. But let's make sure she adjusts first before we decide to keep her. It's not fair to her if it's not a good environment." He nodded, taking my hand and kissing my knuckles. "Deal." About that time we pulled in the driveway and as he cut the engine off I could hear the screeching. "Has she been doing that all day?" I asked him and he nodded. "Nathan said it hasn't stopped." I huffed, getting out as Rooster grumbled about me getting my own door. 
I reached in for my bag when he stopped me. "No, I got it." He said firmly, making me hold my hands up in surrender. "Yes, sir." I said and giggled as he glared at me from behind his sunglasses. I unlocked the door, opening it and immediately covering my ears as she sharp barking intensified. "Okay. OKAY!" I yelled, opening the crate and immediately she stopped, scattering out of the crate and over to Dahlia who was asleep. "How the hell are you sleeping?" I muttered as Rooster walked in. "Oh thank god, silence." He said, a look of relief on his face. He looked at the dog who was sitting, leaning against Dahlia's chest, shaking. "Is she cold?" Rooster asked as he set down our bags. I shook my head, crouching down to the little dog and holding out my hand which she turned her nose up to. "Just scared I think." 
Suddenly a knock on the door caught our attention. "Hi guys, got a minute?" I looked to Rooster who nodded. "Yeah, what's up?" He asked as I stood. "Just wanted to see if you guys wanted to come see the progress we've made so far?" Rooster nodded enthusiastically before turning to me. "You go ahead. I'll stay here with the dogs." I said walking over to him. "You sure?" I nodded, kissing his cheek. "I'll be here when you get back." He smiled before kissing me and following Nathan out the door. "Lock this." He said before pulling the door closed behind him. I huffed, deciding not to do that seeing as he'll be back in a few minutes. 
In that time I managed to get some pictures of the dog, sending them to the girl running the rescue. I scrolled through TikTok for a moment before opening twitter. I deactivated it before the trial, but now I had the app open, staring at the reactivate button. "Oh what the hell. It's been long enough." I said as I tapped the little button, turning to the stove to start the spaghetti for dinner. Within seconds my phone pinged repeatedly, telling me many people just realized I was back on social media. I ignored it until the pinging slowed down, only then did I pick it up. 
I scrolled through the notifications, new follows and tags, even a few messages. Some good and some nasty, it's to be expected. But one caught my eye, it looked like a bot account with a black picture for the profile picture. Normally I would scroll past these but the message was what caught my eye. 'I hope to finally meet you one day, Mrs. Wilder.' Something about the message sent an eerie feeling through my bones, especially the use of 'Wilder'. "You are going to love the house babe!" Rooster called as he walked in, startling me to the point I dropped my phone on the counter. "Does it look good?" I asked and he nodded excitedly. "Exactly how we pictured it!" He said, coming over and wrapping his arms around my waist. 
"I'm excited to see it, but part of me wants to wait till I come home to see it for the first time." He smiled, leaning down and kissing me. "You'll love it! I know you will!" He said, his lips finding my neck as my arms went around his shoulders. "Mm, I can't wait to live with you in our own house Mr. Bradshaw." He smirked against my neck, nipping at it lightly. "Maybe after that you'll become Mrs. Bradshaw." I was giddy at the thought, excitement shooting through my body. "Come on, we have twenty minutes till dinner's ready." I laughed as he picked me up, my legs around his waist. He carried me to the living room, dropping me onto the couch before crawling up my body. "You don't know how to do a quickie, Bradley." He chuckled, yanking my shirt over my head. "Oh yeah, watch me."
Taglist: @mak-32 @rosiahills22 @dhwanishah09
A/N: Please give me name suggestions for the new pup!
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silvertsundere · 11 months
Silver Talks AniManga (05/11/23)
I forgot to say on last week's post but having caught up with yozakura now I have finally achieved my goal of reading everything on WSJ* which is very fun. with that out the way I can finally start catching up on some other stuff I've been behind on too and then finally start new stuff but still gonna be a while for that
blue - finale/completed
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Frieren Ep9
very pogged up ep, I already knew it was gonna have sakuga cause I saw mappa posting the keyframes for some scenes on twitter but actually seeing it in action is a whole different thing
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Undead Unluck Ep5
good ep as usual, despite being basically all exposition it was still fun finally hearing how everyone in the union sounds and is characterized, and also getting to see some early foreshadowing that makes a lot more sense nowadays 👀 also the shaft style with all the fast cuts and their signature angles is really fitting for episodes like this so that helps too which I do gotta say, despite being a sakuga slut (and the previous episode being crazy) my favourite thing about the anime so far has been that shaft style, since I didn't know beforehand about the involvment of their staff, it gives it a really different feel from the manga but it's still very good in it's own, shafty, way
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Imas Million Live Ep5
good episode like usual, I thought this ep would be all preparation and the event itself would be the next one but it was half and half, which is good, not really wasting too much time. we also got to see tsumugi and kaori so that was fun too. next episode looks like there's gonna be some drama with poor shizuka so good luck to her
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The Ichinose Family's Deadly Sins Ch478 (Finale)
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that's all I should say about it. it really doesn't deserve anything else, but I won't be like that. I already knew the author's previous work takopii was needlessly edgy too but since I hadn't read it I didn't let that sway me and started this anyway. I can tell you that I'll never read anything by taizan, be it in WSJ or not. ofc it's not actually a 1, it's more like a 3, but I hated it so much I couldn't give it anything higher than that. from start to finish it was bad. none of the characters were likeable, the plot was confusing and hard to follow with it constantly switching between the "dream" and reality, every family member's plotline wasn't interesting and just an excuse to have more edgy things happen and at the end of the day it ends with "well despite everything that happened nothing changed and we're all still the same" so it was just a complete waste of time. it's sad we live in a world where something like this can get almost 50 chaps but series that are brimming with potential get cut short, and even in that short time are better than this could ever be. "oh if you hated it so much why didn't you drop it then?" simply put, I didn't ever think it'd last too long, and by the point where it had been going for a while I was like "well might as well see where this trainwreck ends up at" like I did for agk anyway. good riddance and see you never again taizan
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Kindergarten Wars Ch52
when they said earlier in the chapter the brothers had died I believed it cause I expected it to happened at the end of the last chap they showed up in so seeing this at the end was a pleasant surprise
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Show-ha Shoten Ch23
great chap, not only was their performance great, they also spent a buncha time in the last few chaps talking about how the group that goes first is doomed and can recieve and high score just for it to turn around like this. I figured they wouldn't just get dropped right away since they've actually gotten screentime before unlike a buncha the pairs that showed up just for this arc but still nice to it actually happen
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Blue Box Ch124
good ol classic sports festival but with a bit of drama throw in to shake things up I figured this was gonna happen eventually but not in the very same chap they set up the seeds for it, poor taiki and chinatsu tho I'm fairly sure taiki will say yes but not who but we'll see next ch
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Martial Master Asumi Ch20
mma's been struggling with ratings recently but this chap was GREAT, I hope it's enough to bump it up a bit, it's very cool to see this side of nito and him going off like this
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Anthony's Stupid Daily Blog (877): Mon 12th Aug 2024
I tuned into last night's Hollyoaks to find out the identity of the elusive gangster Blue but not before I went to the betting shop to put a bet on his identity and let's just say if Blue had turned out to be Flava Flav I would have been a VERY rich man! Early in the episode Misbah questioned Donny as to why he had bullets in his rucksack and he said it's because he's an ex-police officer who has been investigating the identity of Blue. During the "interrogation" Donny actually said to Misbah "I couldn't have shot Warren. I'm a market trader". WTF does that even mean? That's up there with Lloyd from Dumb and Dumber saying "It's okay: I'm a limo driver!". In tonight's episode Warren found out Rex had survived the van explosion and caught snooping around his house looking for the cash Frazer Black left behind threatened him. It didn't even occur to Rex to stick some Freddy Krueger-style burn makeup on to make Warren think he'd come back from Hell to claim his soul? Later on Warren asked Dave to help him get rid of all the drugs he had left so that he could make strides in becoming a better person. So Warren could get rid of Murphy's body at the drop of a hat but he can't find time to get rid of a couple of crates of drugs? Why doesn't he just dig another unmarked grave and chuck the drugs in it? I'm surprised Dave didn't tell Warren "I can't dispose of drugs…I've got a beard" which would have been stupid but if being a market trader prevents someone from handling a gun I see no reason why Dave couldn't use this as an excuse. Anywho the moment we'd all been waiting for finally arrived near the end of the episode where Rex went to meet the mysterious Blue who took his bike helmet off to reveal…DAVE. I wonder if I can go back to the bookies and convince him that I didn't say Flava Flav I said Flava DAVE. There then followed a very clever backstory explanation of how Dave became Blue but as we saw during the flashback he clearly had the opportunity to kill Warren a few weeks aco but chose to shoot him in the chest when he was literally feet in front of him. For all the cunning he displayed in concealing his identity…did he forgot people have heads? I went for a quick run tonight and as I was listening to a song by the blues artist Bob Crosby and his orchestra in the moonlight which made for a very lovely atmosphere. I noticed that the moon wasn't quite full as there was a little gap at the top right side. I wondered if this would turn someone into a werewolf but not quite a complete transformation. If they would have all they have all the attributes of a werewolf except they would have a human ear. It would make for a very confusing death if you ended up encountering this werewolf because instead of utter terror there would be a mixture of utter terror with a hint of bamboozlement as you wondered "Is that a human ear?" and then have your innards ripped out. If you captured the werewolf on CCTV it would make it slightly easier to identify the culprit though as there would be a small chance that you might get a member of the public who would recognise the person if they had a distinctive ear. If it was Gary Lineker then they'd be able to identify them almost immediately and the next day the BBC would have to announce "We have made the difficult decision to suspend Gary Lineker from Match of the Day due to concerns that on the first full moon of every month he may chew Ian Wright's face off".
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giuilily · 4 months
"But I'm not gonna complain if it gives us the possibility of getting her back in Part 3 lol" <- agree haha I was totally ready to accept her death (tbh i did not even consider that she wouldn't die this time until people were speculating about it before rebirth's release loll) but I am happy that we may get her back and also intrigued to see how they try to tie all of this together...
I think my overall feelings on Rebirth in general will depend a lot on how game 3 ends up going. Remake I feel can stand on its own a bit better since it is so contained. But truly why did we literally fight destiny at the end of Remake if things are just going to end up the same lol what was the point of all this! It also feels quite a downer to be like well you actually cannot change fate sorry lmao nice try though.
Something that concerns me with the defying fate/destiny thing is 1. Biggs dies anyway despite being saved 2. Zack ends up facing a firing squad no matter what (when he goes looking for hojo or when he goes after Biggs, although ofc in that case he chooses to throw himself into the void instead which i suppose could be seen as a change lol) so it's like... their fate is repeating itself in these different worlds, can it be changed? (I'm still confused as to the big rainbow flash on the Biggs path when Zack chooses to go to Hojo, does that mean theres a universe where Biggs goes to the reactor and Zack doesn't follow him so Biggs.. lives in that one?)
"I'm gonna hold the devs to that since no one asked them to add in new themes to an almost 30 yo game lol." <- lmfao for real. One of my biggest concerns about this whole thing was that they were going to waaay over complicate it (looking at you kingdom hearts) and I am reserving full judgement until things are complete but I def have not had my worries assuaged yet lol
Oh yes! I forgot we saw a chihuahua/spitz plush during the date. So the terrier-verse is still around but im pretty sure Zack is no longer alive in it lol unless he got sent back there again since it is the most relevant other universe. I wonder if Aerith and Cloud will ever wake up there... (maybe Saved Aerith will wake up there? if that did not create a New stamp-verse).
I agree with you on Rebirth. I did enjoy it gameplay-wise (except the moogles they can go to hell lol) and the battle system should definitely become a staple in future numbered FFs, but narrative-wise, because it's the middle part of game, there were a lot of new set-ups along with the OG story beats that we're still waiting for the pay offs in part 3, and I think they need to make it good, otherwise, if they did all of that in Rebirth and it's just gonna be the same as OG, then they just dangled Aerith's fate for suspense and marketing and nothing else. That would be pretty disrespecftul for both the character and the fans tbh.
Hmmm... I think Biggs's situation is kinda tricky in both Pug and Terrier verse because he sorta put himself in a situation where he's tempting fate. I'm kind of leaning on him dying in Terrier too since he's already at the Mako reactor already, but maybe Zack not being there to distract him puts him less at risk of getting caught by Shinra?
Biggs' death and Zack getting pulled in situations that mirror his OG death kinda reminded me of Final Destination, but I hope Nojima wasn't watching those movies while writing the Re Trilogy lol.
I think as long as they keep on putting themselves in those situations, serving their OG purpose in the narrative and facing exactly what got them killed the first time, they're basically tempting fate to finish its job. Idk how this will all play out or how they can avoid it if they need to take action.
And I'm sure Aerith will wake up in Terrier, but I'm worried about Sephiroth hunting her down in every world she's in. Cloud might find himself waking up there as well after he falls into a coma in the main world, and probably will have dreams of the place like in Rebirth, but I'm unsure if they'll wake up at the same time or not. Ngl, I would LOVE it if we form a party with him, Aerith and Zack. The potential awkward conversations would be SO funny lol.
Honestly the new worlds are so fascinating to me because the writers aren't constrained to OG in those parts. I know they'll all eventually merge, but I can't wait to see how they'll handle them and how the game will conclude!
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wrens-garden · 4 months
Outsiders, Krowfangs POV, episode 12 13 (This episode was a struggle)
In the last episode, that thing we saw wasn't a flashback but more like Krow being transported somewhere.
Krow woke up in its home, not the grave. That was it in the 'vision', not an old version, it turned around to find another version of it with way more horns than it should have. This Krow has 2 horns, the other Krow -presumably from the past - had more, two more in the front and more curled up in the back. The choker had horns instead of spikes, talk about an aesthetic.
'Nothing feels right' - Krow
It used to love using the trampoline in clearing B, then Percival's legs got worse and it felt bad.
It really doesn't like snowmen. It's scared of the snowman. Doesn't understand Christmas. Hasn't seen snow before. It's using Magic to hide from the snowmen. It is snowing! Krow doesn't seem to like it, I don't think it likes the cold. Did it just hiss like a cat?
It just accidentally gave Magic the blood soup, she's disgusted. Krow just fell in the bonfire. Magic is taking Krow to her house to sit by the fire. The snowmen followed, they've given them warm clothes. Krow is not happy that it isn't stylish.
Magic and Krow will be having a snowball fight. They've stopped.
Krow is wondering if it could get sick, has asked for the symptoms of being sick. It's insulted the snowmen, it's attacked the snowmen, and is now being attacked by the snowmen. It's been killed by snowman Kyle.
Gracie and Magic are asking Krow questions. Starting off strong, they don't know what they're asking it. They're testing its memory of the games. Two of the floor blocks were infested, so short break to kill the silverfish. Krow forgot about Acho drowning, I think it's innocent purely cause of that, and I know it done it. AGH I hate this, Krow just said Soup was blamed because the potion was watered down, Magic has used that as an aha moment, I'm pretty sure Oeca said that they were watered down after Acho was taken away. I'm pretty sure someone mentioned that that wasn't Krow.
Either way, Magic and Gracie definitely suspect Krow. It's playing on the fact it's outwardly violent to point out it wouldn't try to kill someone indirectly. It was an accident, so I see this no different to Guts accidentally poisoning Magic. If Krow is punished for this, it should be for lying and being reckless, not for nearly killing someone, unless Guts was also punished. I know Kyle does something, and frankly, it will piss me off to actually see from Krow POV.
Magic is so caught up on the watering down of the potion and the fact Krow said it. It's explained twice why it thinks that -beyond being the one to do it- if I didn't know any better I would assume that Gracie and Magic decided Krow done it and were trying to use any excuse to convict, no matter how unfair. Like crooked cops.
Magic brought Ayngel into this for some reason, even Krow was confused why. Magic and Gracie have gone to question Ayngel. Krow has jumped out the window to get to her first, presumably to make a plan. I can't imagine Ayngel would grass it up anyway. It's trying to eavesdrop on their convo.
Ayngel is so bad at lying. Gaslight them, icon. Krow has blamed Ayngel, Krow no. Krow is sort of guilt-tripping Magic right now, says that because no one likes it, if it got blamed it would save Ayngel and Magic from hurt. Krow has twisted it to seem that Ayngel watered the potion down, but it knew the whole time, it's just neither thought of the consequences. Magic and Gracie are acting very holier than thou right now, Krow is begging them to blame it and leave Ayngel out of this since everyone already thinks she's a murderer, and it doesn't want to add to that since she's redeemable. I'm actually not sure what Magic and Gracie are trying to do here, they're convinced Krow was gaslighting them -to be fair, it was- but I don't get the feeling they were interviewing Krow unbiased to actually find who did it, I feel like they blamed Krow anyway and were gonna convict it either way, they were just hoping it would admit straight away.
Krow is telling Ayngel that they blame her but might shift the blame to it, it's told her it tried to take the blame. I think Krow genuinely believes that they blame Ayngel, either that or it's a very good liar, it's asking Ayngel to not try to take the fall if Krow gets blamed. The plan is that Ayngel will fully take the blame, but when she gets charged Krow will come forward and confess.
This is so tense, I'm sorry I'm skipping like 4 minutes, if you want to watch it, it's at minute 56.
They fully blame Krow, there's no denying it. They don't believe Ayngel at all, she is so bad at lying. Why would they be put in prison, Acho was revived, no life was actually lost and as far as I'm aware Guts wasn't imprisoned.
AHHHH Fuck you, I'm skipping another 5 minutes. If I miss something, I miss something. This uncomfortable convo stresses me out.
Krow is telling Ayngel that they're using the prison to scare a confession out of her. Like crooked cops. Krow wouldn't let them lock her up, they also can't until they have a trial, right? I get with Apo it's because he killed many people and there was threat to his life, but with this, surely a trial would be needed before anyone is locked up.
Krow please, please do not betray Ayngel please, I'm trusting you. Oh my God, you sneaky fucker. It's spotted Magic and Gracie eavesdropping and is outwardly talking about how Ayngel wouldn't hurt anyone, and it should just lie and take the blame since no one like's it anyway. It might have worked. Krow is an excellent liar, and I'm pretty sure genuinely doesn't want Ayngel to take the fall fully, but still seems pleased they don't think it's done it.
It's gone to Magics house and asked what the punishment would be. Gracie said, imprisoned for an undecided amount of time. Krow told them to punish it instead, as Ayngel doesn't deserve it. They've left, saying they have their decision. Krow says that they blame it. Krow is really unhappy with the punishment, doesn't like that it's the same punishment as Apo. The time in prison will be decided on by the people, Krow isn't sure if people like Ayngel but thinks it might be a shorter time then if they believed it was Krow.
I really don't like how it keeps saying 'do I have spare Guts' in reference to food. It hopes someone isn't disappointed, I'm assuming it means clearing B members.
It seems sure it won't be locked away, but it's getting prepared for if it does. 'Nobody puts me in a cage, I've had enough of cages' Krow is unsure why it said that
Krow is digging an escape from the prison into its house, presumably for Ayngel. They're taking Ayngel away to the prison, Krow is now panicking. It says it's going as planned, but it's still unhappy with the result. Krow is digging down to get into the cell. It's getting quite close, but its pickaxes broke. It's trying to use logic instead of emotions.
Ayngels told them the truth, Krow has blocked itself into the tunnel. It's coming back up the tunnel, since no one knows where it lived. It's gone down to the prison to figure out what happened, but didn't feel right, so is coming back up.
It's gone to talk with Ayngel to see what happened. It's eavesdropping a convo between Ayngel, Kyle, Magic and Gracie. Gracie and Magic are telling Ayngel that Krow can't be trusted and betrayed her. Krow is debating trying to talk to Ayngel. They've told Kyle, Kyle has immediately gone on the aggressive. Krow has weapons and thinks it could kill them. Ayngel says Krow told her before the incident happened, but she wasn't in the headspace to pay attention, Krow is upset that Kyle is snapping at Ayngel.
Krow has gone to hide. Despite that, Krow doesn't like that Kyle was still turning it on Ayngel. Never mind, Krow seems to think throwing knives at them is another choice. I don't think it should do that. It threw a warning shot at Magics window to take the blame off Ayngel fully. Now it's run off to hide. It's gone into its house and hid in the tunnel it made near the prison.
End of stream.
It thinks it's done for. I get that considering Kyle and Krow have very similar reactions when someone they love is threatened which is, murder.
Edit: I've just realised that when Krow said it knew what Ayngel had done when it tried pinning it on Ayngel, Magic and Gracie get mad Krow didn't say anything but, when Ayngel said the same once Krow was found out, Magic and Gracie try to stop Kyle from getting mad at Ayngel for not saying anything. Hypocritical, more reason I think they went into interviewing Krow with the plan to convict it no matter what
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sayakxmi · 9 months
[Magi rewatch] Episode 6: Warrior Tribe Fanalis [Part 2]
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Again, Ohtaka, for fuck's sake.
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Morgiana having visible scars >>>
No, fr, anime ppl should really just. Start drawing scars in general. Especially when it comes to the female characers. I feel like at least male characters get to wear theirs, but female ones have to look perfectTM. Just draw women with scars ffs.
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I'm trying to make sense of her eyes here, ngl. Like, it's probably a dream effect or sth, but made me wonder if Fanalis eyes become red with time.
It's still a pretty depressing scene, but my mind works the way it does.
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Cute, but, again, I kinda liked the manga version better, mostly cuz I liked how Morgiana's first reaction was to try to stop whoever was trying to touch her. That wariness made a lot of sense, y'know? Anime Morgiana comes off as a little more helpless here, the manga one still had the instincts to protect herself.
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Small change here, in the manga iirc Nadja and her parents were leaving Balbadd bc of the conflict, but here she just says that they were living there, and then got caught by some scary guy. Like, damn, how bad was the situation in Balbadd for something like that to happen. Though, to be fair, it could've happened, given that mess and all.
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Is there a Magi character that had, like, a good life. They're all just flesh bundles of trauma.
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She's trying.
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Small change. She just smiles here, then pats Nadja's head. I like how in the manga her smile fell the moment Nadja wasn't looking. Cool characterization moment. Morgiana is reassuring her, but she's also very serious and understanding of their current situation. It's not good.
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Gdi these rugs. I have flashbacks. But anyway, it's actually pretty cool - Leila is panicking, searching for Morgiana.
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It's so cool, actually. Leila freaks out that Morgiana might've been attacked, and rushes to help her, but gets stopped here. And she's furious that somebody's trying to stop her from helping her friend.
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Nadja's sick.
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In the manga it was less dramatic, lmao.
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This looks. Kind of silly.
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There is one god, and his name is Goltas.
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They ruined my cool flashy birds with that yellow bg. This is why I don't like yellow. Ironically, a lot of my fav characters are yellow. I'm confused by that, too.
Jokes aside, the flow, obviously.
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There he is.
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Up we go.
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It was a cool moment, and, again, we should get much more of this.
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That sun behind her. Awesome moment.
Listen, I won't do that fight scene justice with screenshots. You know what happens. I know what happens. Let's leave it at that.
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That being said, it was still a bit funny how Morgiana was just lowkey flying there. Gravity who?
Ok, but the choice of words there. "I am Fanalis. One of the rulers of the Dark Continent. One of the strongest slave tribes." Em.
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Small disservice to Morgiana, again, here she just straight up breaks the door. The manga shows that while she's fully capable of handling that kind of stuff, she's also not above less violent ways of dealing with problems. She tried to use the key, but since it didn't work, she opted to kick the door. In the anime she just kicks the door like that. I wouldn't say it's bad or anything, but in the manga Morgiana seemed more poised, even in such a dramatic situation, which, imo, was both a little funny - her being polite in such circumtances - and just a cool character trait. But oh well. I'm not faulting anime!Morgiana for not bothering with pleasantries.
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Y'know, cool of the anime to address the fact that Nadja's sick. The manga kinda forgot abou it, lmao.
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He's just. Sitting there. All '-'
Like, in the manga he made friends & was vibing, but here he looks so sad and lonely, come on.
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He's happy to see Morgiana, tho.
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Ok, he did make friends with them. But they looked more chill, which was funny af. Here they're serious, eh.
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Idk what this is but it's AWESOME
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zuffer-weird-girl · 3 years
I may be hella afraid of birds but that wont stop me from making this.
Injured wing
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The poor thing was in the balcony of the apartment. Making sounds and flapping their wings at ferocity to try to take flight again as you watched in pity.
Taking a warm towel from the dryer, your boyfriend's one since it was the comfier to be exact, you picked up the squirming little brow winged creature and took inside. You didn't had the heart to leave it out there, especially due to the snow.
While taking things out of cabinets, you didn't noticed your phone buzzing with the notifications of a certain... top hero calling you.
"A nightingale." You mused as you read on the internet what type of bird was now having fun on bathing on q small pot of water and singing to its heart content "How adorable!" You gushed as it shock out of the droplets of water as you carefully put a sorta of a tiny sling on a popsicle stick to mantain its feather that seemed to be broken stood on place.
"Sorry buddy, guess you're gonna have to stay like this for some time." The bird seemed to calculate your words before tweaking as you giggled at its cuteness.
That is until you heard the door opening and clicking shut.
Fuck. Keigo.
You grabbed the bird delicately and put it on a box filled with a soft towel and placed on your bed before going to open the bedroom's door to see a soaked wet, hair flat and worried hero with a frow.
"Is this some sorta of revenge or what? I was worried sick (Y/n)! You weren't answering your phone so I thought something happened." You picked your phone in confusion.
"You did?" Shit "oh..."
"Yeah. 'Oh.'" He crossed his arms before sighing cupping your cheeks "Why did you stood me up? I thought we were going to have dinner together on that restaurant."
"God!" You face palmed "I totally forgot! I'm so sorry Kei!" You whined as he let out a chuckle.
"Is fine. Although I would like if you compesate for m-"
Before he could finish his sentence, you both froze when a couple of chirps were heard. You analyzed his expression and soon giggled in nervousness at seeing his wings puff up in alarm.
"Was that.. was that a chirp?" He yed you, his pupils dilated as you took a step back with a smile.
"I.. I dont know? Maybe they are out there singing." You rolled your eyes and sweated when he towered over you as you kinda protected the nightingale inside the box with your body.
Yet the chirps intensified...
"There is a bird in here." Hawks more accused than asked as you giggled in nervousness once again.
"A bird? Why would a bird be-" the nightingale manage to escape the box and tweaked at both of you "...here."
"What is he doing in here?" He asked, if you didn't know Keigo enough, you could assume he was... unpleasant.
That's why you were so hesitant on showing the little nightingale to him in the first place when he showed up. You werent blind, and knew Keigo had some bird attics that showed up here and there. It wasn't as frequent as it would be however he was resting if the commission hadn't somehow put their hands on it. But Keigo didn't hold much strings around you. So... you could clearly see that your boyfriend wasn't happy when another one of "his kind", especially a male, he could tell somehow it was a male by the chirping dont ask why, was beneath the same rooftop as him with his partner alone.
"Is here because he is injured Kei, he needs some treatment." You cupped your hands together for the nightingale climb in it as Hawks hlardd holes at the little thing.
"Take him to the vet or something kid, this ain't a clinic." You flinched at his words but still remained strong.
"No I am not." You said "I dont know if they are going to sacrifice him or not Kei, I cant take chances."
"Do you even know how to take care of a bird in the first place dove?!" He asked, hands up as his wings puffed even more which made you snort and arch an eyebrow at him as the fella in your hands chirped.
"Well, I do have some knowledge of wings. And have to take care of one on daily basics." You giggled at the expression of shock and insulted Keigo did before walking off and leaving him groaning and sulking at knowing you wouldn't get rid of that street bird...
"Keigo Takami." He froze when he heard his full name coming from your mouth "Put that phone down. That little bird is going to stay until it gets better." He did just as you said with an eyeroll before pouting in anger at seeing the bird at your shoulder.
That's his place to put his chin on and snuggle your neck with his face. His.
"And you have to carry that thing whenever you go now? That must suck." He tried to joke, leaning with crossed arms on the kitchen counter as before his face completely fell as you simply chuckled and said it didn't bother you at all.
"Seriously?" He asked in disbelief before grabbing his mug taking a few gulps before you widened your eyes and giggling "What are you laughing at?"
"Is just that mug was full of water early and maybe our little friend may have took a bath in it." Your boyfriend stood up so fast and soon you heard disgusting noises of vomiting .
"For god's sake KEIGO I WASHED IT!"
You sighed, waiting for your boyfriend to be back as you feed the little bird with some seeds carefully, soon being met with Keigo, still brushing his teeth.
"Drama king." You chuckled as he groaned "You know he is not a thing Kei, is a nightingale."
"Great knowing it." He said with a mouthful of toothpaste before spitting into the trash, saying something about not dirtying his bathroom with other birds germs or something.
He looked at you a bit in defeat at seeing you feeding the bird as you noticed his wings drooping a bit.
"What is wrong now bird brain?" You giggled at his expression.
"You should be feeding me ... your boyfriend." You snorted before picking a sunflower seed and showing it to him.
"I thought you didn't liked this stuff?" Yoh asked cheekily as he groaned.
"There is chicken, takoyaki, nuggets heck everything that I eat!"
The bird chirped and you nodded thoughtfully as he stared at you in confusion.
"Cannibalism. I agree."
"Oh cmon I thought we were over this..." he sighed before getting something from the fridge as he scowled at the chirps following after.
He glared at the bird chirping a song as you hummed in delight at the sound, staring lovely at the nightingale.
"Oh cmon Kei!" You poked his cheeks which was puffed "You have to admit is a amazing sound! Nightingales are famous for that!"
"Hawks are famous for other things too y'know?" He grumbled before widening his eyes at seeing you werent giving him attention, instead grabbing your phone and recording the nightingale's chirping.
"Hm? What did you say Kei?" You looked up at him with that smirk which made him scoff and stood up with crossed arms and going to the kitchen.
You stiffled your giggled, going to your pouting boyfriend and hugging him lovingly after putting the injured bird back to safety.
"You're really jealous huh?" You carresed his chest as he breathed in and out, cheeks red at being so obvious about his feelings.
"Is a form of flirting birds singing to their mates. That little shit." He mumbled, earning you a laugh that made him smile as feeling you peppering kisses all over his neck and jawline before he caught your lips with his.
You broke apart with a goofy smile as he chuckled before deadpanning at hearing chirps before puffing and straightening his wings on all glory before shouting at the nightingale:
You never laughed so hard in your life. A sound that, for Keigo at least, was far more beautiful than any chirping, singing or melody on this whole world.
After a few days you saw Keigo's hatred for the nightingale easing slowly but surely. Yet you never thought that coming home late on one of Keigo's day off, you would see your boyfriend, layed on the couch with a finger up holding the bird he claimed to hate it and whistling some similiar tone along with the nightingale's chirping.
You stared in shock yet awe at the look of your boyfriend directed to the bird as the sounds came out of his lips before chuckling.
"Your wing soon will be better by the looks of it. Isn't (Y/n) a great nurse?" He mumbled, a sadness deep down on his gaze as he saw the bird clapping the wing that wasn't wrapped up "You got freedom and my dove's attention bud, how could you and (Y/n) not expect me to get jealous?" He chuckled sadly as you frowned, walking slowly towards him, pretending to not overheard his monologue.
"Hey pretty thing, back already?" His cheeky smile was back as you looked at it in awe before kneeling in front of the couch he was layed on and kissing him deeply, making him close his eyes in bliss and pull you closer with his free hand by the neck.
You broke apart as he panted with a glossy yet pleased look. Ignoring the chirps for a bit, you carresed his golden looks as he closed his eyes with a smile.
"Redeeming yourself for giving attention to this bird and not me for these past few weeks?" He murmured happily yet drowsily as you giggled and kissed his forehead softly.
"You could say that bird brain." You stopped for a bit, hearing him whine miserably for you to get back, cupping your hands for the bird to get in.
"Cmon..." he whined, arm dropped over his face as the other rested on him until he felt you tugging on his shirt.
"Just get up lazy, I'm giving you all the attention you want." At this, you saw his golden eyes practically glow in bliss as he stood up as fast as he could.
He stretched his arms as he sitted up on the bed. Hair untamed and eyes unfocused until they dropped on the bird that had exited his box and was flapping both of his wings. Both.
"Huh. You look all better." He smirked as he felt you shift and rest your chin on his shoulder with a drowsy look.
"Who is better?" You mumbled before he pointed at the bird jumping and trying to take flight.
"Your friend there." You squealead as hs chuckled, grabbing the nightingale in one hands as he unwrapped the the made up sling as he waited patiently for the little fella to flap its wings and fly just a few centimeters above his palm.
"Cmon dove." He ushered you to follow him on the balcony as he had a gentle hold on the nightingale "Go little buddy, being stuck on a unknown place forever isn't goog for anyone."
And with a little movement of his hand, the nightingale took flight with beautiful chirps that made you smile but soon look at your boyfriend with a sad smirk as he watched the little bird fly away.
It wasn't sadness because he got attached to the nightingale. It was because that, even a small bird as he, could be free and not him. A grow up man that had a partner but was still caged by the comission...
You carresed his arm before hugging it and placing a sweet kiss to his cheek which brought his attention back to you.
"How about some hot cocoa my handsome? You still got some minutes stuck with me until you go to work." You said softly in Hope's to cheer him up.
He looked at you in some sorta of shock before chuckling and bringing you close enough to him to hear his heart beat and feel his warm yet chapte lips on your forehead.
"Being stuck with you is the only way that keeps me going to be honest."
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