#Gordon Holliday
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brokehorrorfan · 2 years ago
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Steven Luros Holliday debuted a Rosemary's Baby poster at HorrorHound Weekend and has made the remaining quantity available online. Priced at $25, the 20x30 print is limited to 175.
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the-rewatch-rewind · 2 years ago
New episode!
Script below the break
Hello and welcome back to The Rewatch Rewind! My name is Jane, and this is the podcast where I count down my top 40 most frequently rewatched movies in the 20 years from 2003 through 2022. Today I will be discussing number 27 on my list: MGM’s 1949 courtroom comedy Adam’s Rib, directed by George Cukor, written by Ruth Gordon and Garson Kanin, and starring Spencer Tracy, Katharine Hepburn, and Judy Holliday.
When housewife Doris Attinger (Judy Holliday) shoots her husband Warren (Tom Ewell) at the home of his lover Beryl Caighn (Jean Hagen), assistant district attorney Adam Bonner (Spencer Tracy) is assigned to prosecute her. Adam’s wife, defense attorney Amanda (Katharine Hepburn) is moved by Doris’s story and fed up with the double standard for men and women regarding adultery, so she decides to represent her. The tension in the courtroom leads to tension at home between the Bonners, which is further strained by their neighbor Kip (David Wayne), a musician who is very openly interested in Amanda.
I think this was the first Spencer Tracy/Katharine Hepburn movie I watched, but it was the sixth that they made together, out of nine total. Somehow this is the only one to make it into my top 40, although Pat and Mike was very close, with 14 views. Both Adam’s Rib and Pat and Mike were written specifically for Tracy and Hepburn, who were together in real life, by their friends Ruth Gordon and Garson Kanin, who were married to each other, so it’s unsurprising that the stars and the scripts were perfectly suited for each other. And yes, I am talking about the same Ruth Gordon who was also an actress and won an Oscar for being delectably creepy in Rosemary’s Baby. Looking back on my viewing history of Adam’s Rib is very interesting to me: I watched it twice in 2003, once in 2004, and three times in 2005, then took a fairly long break and saw it again in 2009, then 2011, then another break until 2016, and then I watched it twice in 2018, once in 2019, once in 2020, twice in 2021, and three times in 2022. So I watched it a lot soon after I started keeping track, then hardly revisited it at all until the last five years I was tracking, when I watched it a lot again. This wasn’t a conscious decision so I’m not sure exactly why it happened, but I do know that there are things I appreciate about it now that I didn’t quite catch when I was younger, and I think I needed some time away from it to realize that.
There are two main reasons I enjoy this movie. One is that it’s very entertaining and funny, and the other is that it’s fascinating from a historical socio-political perspective. When I was younger, I mainly focused on the first reason, but more recently the second reason has particularly compelled me to keep rewatching. I’m definitely still there for the comedy though. Some of it is broad and over-the-top, such as the scene when a witness, who is also a female weightlifter, picks up Adam in the courtroom and lifts him over her head, but most of it is more understated. As I mentioned at the end of last episode, I’m pretty sure my favorite part of the whole movie is when Beryl Caighn is on the stand and says she heard a noise, and when Adam asks her to clarify what kind of a noise, she pauses for a moment and replies, “Like a sound.” That is so perfectly tailored to my sense of humor that I can’t believe that my parents weren’t even alive when it was written. Also I would like to acknowledge that this was Jean Hagen’s film debut, and while she doesn’t have much screentime, every moment of her performance is gold. (Jean Hagen is, of course, best remembered for playing Lina Lamont in Singin’ in the Rain three years later.)
Adam’s Rib was also an important steppingstone in Judy Holliday’s career. She was starring in Born Yesterday on Broadway (which was also written by Garson Kanin) but was relatively unknown in Hollywood and was initially not considered for the film adaptation. Her performance in Adam’s Rib convinced the producer of Born Yesterday to give her a screen test, and she ultimately got the part and won an Oscar for it. Katharine Hepburn in particular worked hard to get her recognized, asking director George Cukor to focus more on Holliday than on her in their shared scenes, and then leaking stories to the press about how Holliday’s performance was so fabulous it stole the spotlight from her and Spencer Tracy. This behavior is particularly surprising from Katharine Hepburn if you recall how competitive and envious she was when working with Ginger Rogers in Stage Door. Clearly she was far more mature and self-assured at this point in her career than she had been 12 years earlier. And she was also correct: Judy Holliday gave a fabulous performance in Adam’s Rib, and nobody else could have played her role as well as she did in Born Yesterday. She had such perfect comedic timing. My second favorite part of Adam’s Rib, after the “noise like a sound” exchange, is when Amanda is interviewing Doris in jail – which was the main scene that convinced the producer of Born Yesterday to consider casting Judy Holliday. The way Holliday just keeps talking every time Hepburn thinks she’s finished and is about to say something is brilliantly done. Apparently Holliday was trembling because she was so nervous to be working with Hepburn, but she managed to turn that into part of her character and it works perfectly. That scene also features Eve March as Amanda’s secretary Grace, whose snide remarks greatly add to the humor as well. Watching these three women masterfully turning a serious situation into comedy never gets old.
The character I’ve changed my mind about the most over the years is the neighbor Kip, played by David Wayne. Kip is the kind of guy who clearly thinks he’s the funniest person in the room, and when I watched this movie in my early teens, I was inclined to agree with him. I enjoyed his antics, and I felt bad for him when Adam was mean to him. But as I continued to rewatch this movie, he started to irritate me, and now I can barely stand him. Granted, I do still enjoy his song “Farewell Amanda,” which in real life was written by Cole Porter, although the way he just casually walks into a married couple’s apartment and sings a love song to one of them is so rude. In last week’s episode I talked about the trope of the married couple’s male friend who is interested in the wife, and Kip is one of the most obnoxious instances of that trope. He’s not anywhere near as funny or charming as he thinks he is. This isn’t meant as a criticism of the movie; I feel like he’s intentionally irritating, and he’s definitely important to the plot and the message of the film. But I do think that when I was watching this movie mainly for the comedy, realizing that I no longer found Kip funny was a big part of why I started rewatching it less frequently.
But what I’ve grown to appreciate more recently about this movie is how progressive it was for its time, and the fascinating way that it has aged because of that. Bear in mind that this movie was made in 1949, shortly after WWII, very much in the “women stay home and support your man and raise those boomer children” era. So it was quite bold of this movie to question gender roles, particularly in terms of the infidelity double standard. After Amanda reads about the shooting in the paper but before she has taken the case, she asks Grace what she thinks about a man who cheats on his wife, and Grace replies, “Not nice, but…” and shrugs. Then Amanda asks, “What about a wife who cheats on her husband?” and Grace says, “Something terrible!” When Amanda demands to know why there’s a difference, Grace protests, “I don’t make the rules!” And Amanda retorts, “Sure you do; we all do!” And I think that’s such an important point: even if you don’t agree with social norms, accepting them and perpetuating them is equivalent to endorsing them. Amanda decides to argue that if a man confronted his cheating wife with a gun, people would consider him to be justified, and there shouldn’t be any difference in this case just because the genders are swapped. Adam, on the other hand, argues that nobody has the right to just show up at somebody’s house and shoot them. And what’s so great about this conflict is that they’re both partly right and partly wrong. Amanda’s right that women shouldn’t be punished more harshly for cheating on their spouses than men are, but at the same time, that doesn’t mean everybody should go around shooting each other. And Adam’s right about that part, but he’s wrong in the way he dismisses his wife’s legitimate concerns and fails to recognize the effects of misogyny on society and on his marriage.
It is a little odd that Doris is charged with attempted murder instead of assault with a deadly weapon or something like that, but this way it’s easier to believe that she is found innocent. She definitely did commit assault, but it doesn’t seem like she really meant to kill anyone. I’m kind of surprised the censors allowed her to be acquitted, since my understanding of production codes is that crime couldn’t be shown to pay. I guess Warren getting shot was his punishment for cheating, so now they’re even? I want to know what happens to the Attingers after the trial – hopefully they get divorced and manage to find some happiness – but we don’t get to find out because ultimately the story isn’t about them; it’s about the Bonners. Adam has moved out after the whole weightlifter-picking-him-up episode, and Kip has started to attempt to take his place. After the trial, Amanda is at Kip’s apartment to go over a contract with him, but she’s distracted with worry about what’s going to happen to her marriage, and instead of listening and being a supportive friend, Kip decides it’s a good time to confess his love for her, using the irresistible line that he’s in love with her because she lives across the hall and it’s so convenient. And then Adam bursts in with a gun, and Amanda, terrified, says, “You have no right! Nobody has the right-” and then realizes what she’s saying. Satisfied, Adam reveals that the gun is actually made of licorice, and Amanda is furious, but it’s kind of the best possible outcome here: Doris doesn’t have to go to jail, but her actions are not being condoned, which I assume is what appeased the censors. And then later Adam demonstrates that men and women are truly equal by crying to get what he wants, which is…not great, but…I guess it’s good to challenge the stereotype that masculine men aren’t supposed to cry? It’s just not great to perpetuate the stereotype that women cry to manipulate men.
And that’s when you have to bear in mind that this movie is 74 years old. In addition to outdated gender role assumptions, there’s some weird body shaming and normalization of domestic violence that is very uncomfortable. But on the whole, it does a pretty good job of supporting women standing up for themselves in a post-WWII, pre-second-wave feminism America. Also, in a time when pretty much the only non-white characters in mainstream Hollywood movies were servants, it is worth noting that there are some people of color in the background of Adam’s Rib. There’s a black man on the jury, and when Amanda brings in a bunch of witnesses to demonstrate that women are equal to men, there are a few women of color in the crowd. Granted, when the judge rules that only three are allowed to testify, all three are white women, and the juror doesn’t get to speak either, but the representation bar was so low that even this tiny amount of racial diversity among the extras feels noteworthy.
While I’m pretty sure it wasn’t intentional, this movie also shows the harms of amatonormativity, and possibly even heteronormativity. Doris and Warren certainly should not have gotten married, but amatonormativity told them that that was the life they should want. When Warren is on the witness stand, Adam asks him why he married Doris, and Warren responds, “How should I know? Why did you marry yours? Does anybody know?” The assumption that everybody wants and needs a long-term monogamous romantic and sexual relationship leads to so many incredibly dysfunctional marriages that the people trapped in them think they’re not only normal, but universal, and that’s a problem. Nobody should feel like they have to marry someone they can barely stand just to have a partner. And speaking of people I can barely stand, let’s go back to Kip. While I don’t like him as a character, I do find it interesting that he’s kind of queer-coded, and Adam in particular mocks him for being effeminate, yet he pursues and tries to seduce Amanda. Of course, being a rather effeminate man and being attracted to women are not mutually exclusive, but it does feel a bit like he’s going after Amanda because he thinks that’s what he’s supposed to do. I mean, he says he’s into her because she’s his neighbor and it’s convenient – not exactly the most convincing display of attraction. When Amanda finally understands what Kip is saying, she has this great line: “Now, you look here, Kip. I’m fighting my prejudices, but it’s clear that you’re behaving like a, like a – well, I hate to put it this way, but like a man!” – meaning in the entitled to women’s attention and bodies sense of the word. Which, as someone whose masculinity has been repeatedly called into question, is probably what he was going for. I can’t really blame him for struggling to figure out how to perform gender in a way that’s socially acceptable, but that’s not an excuse for being a jerk who refuses to take no for an answer. As Amanda pointed out earlier, we all make the rules. The only way to overthrow harmful norms is to refuse to perpetuate them. So to summarize what we’ve learned: only get married if you want to, not because you think you should; if you find out your spouse is cheating, either work it out or get divorced, but don’t shoot them; and listened to your married neighbor when she says she doesn’t want to have an affair with you.
If this movie sounds kind of weird, that’s because it is, but the true story that inspired it is, if anything, even weirder. When actors Raymond Massey and Adrienne Allen got divorced, they were represented by husband-and-wife lawyers William Dwight Whitney and Dorothy Whitney, who then divorced each other to each marry their client from that case. Garson Kanin and Ruth Gordon then took the idea of married lawyers on opposite sides of a trial and turned it into Adam’s Rib. While the acting is fabulous, ultimately the script is the best part of this movie, and it was even nominated for an Oscar, which has always been unusual for comedies. While in some ways this movie presents a cynical view of marriage, it is worth noting that Kanin and Gordon’s lasted for 43 years until her death in 1985 and seems to have been a relatively happy one. They were clearly both very talented writers, and I think the film’s commentary on gender roles greatly benefitted from having a man and a woman working on it together. Gender roles have changed a bit in the decades since this movie was made, so from that perspective it feels a bit outdated, but it definitely makes some important points that are still relevant. And if nothing else, the script is clever and the performances are captivating.
Thank you for listening to my analysis of another of my most rewatched movies. I appreciate those of you who have stuck with me through this stretch of relatively obscure older films. If you’ve been enjoying hearing about them, don’t worry, there will be plenty more, but if you’re ready for a break, good news: the next movie was made in the 21st century, and you’ve probably at least heard of it! As always, I will leave you with a quote from that next movie: “I haven’t slept with hundreds of men.”
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boatmediatourney · 1 year ago
🚢Boat Song Lineup & Links🚢
*links are on the boat emojis. most of the artists listed are specific to the linked versions, and many are folk songs with no single or known author. all the links are youtube links.*
🚢 32 Down on the Robert MacKenzie (Due South), Paul Gross
🚢 A Pirate Looks at 40, Jimmy Buffett
🚢 A Sailboat in the Moonlight, Billie Holliday
🚢 The Ballad of Gilligan's Isle (theme song)
🚢 The Ballad of Harbo and Samuelson, Shanghaied on the Willamette
🚢 The Bonnie Ship the Diamond, The Corries
🚢 Bluenose, Stan Rogers
🚢 Boat on the River, Styx
🚢 Canadee-i-o, Nic Jones
🚢 Come Sail Away, Styx
🚢 Day-O (Banana Boat Song), Harry Belafonte
🚢 Friggin in the Riggin, The Sex Pistols
🚢 Ghosts of Cape Horn, Gordon Lightfoot
🚢 Go to Sea No More, The Dubliners
🚢 The Good Ship Kangaroo, Planxty
🚢 Hard on the Beach Oar, Johnny Collins
🚢 Haul Away Joe, The Eskies
🚢 Highwayman, The Highwaymen
🚢 I'm on a Boat, The Lonely Island
🚢 I'm Shipping up to Boston, The Dropkick Murphys
🚢 James Craig, The Maritime Crew
🚢 The Last Bristolian Pirate, The Longest Johns
🚢 Leave Her, Johnny, Leave Her, Coda
🚢 The Leaving of Liverpool, The Dubliners
🚢 The Little Boat, The Wiggles
🚢 Lord Franklin, Pentangle
🚢 Lowlands Away, The Corries
🚢 Lukey, Great Big Sea
🚢 The Mariner's Revenge, The Decemberists
🚢 Marie Christine, Gordon Lightfoot
🚢 The Mary Ellen Carter, Stan Rogers
🚢 Mingulay Boat Song, The Corries
🚢 Mr. Andrews' Vision ("Titanic: A New Musical"), Maury Yeston
🚢 The Mistress, Dramtreeo
🚢 My Sails Are Set (One Piece live action)
🚢 Orinoco Flow, Enya
🚢 Overture/Prologue/The Launching ("Titanic: A New Musical"), Maury Yeston
🚢 The Pacific, Dave Malloy
🚢 The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything (Veggie Tales)
🚢 Proud Mary, Ike and Tina Turner
🚢 Race to be King, Seth Lakeman
🚢 Rolling Down to Old Maui, Stan Rogers
🚢 Roll the Old Chariot (sea shanty)
🚢 Round the Cape, The Longest Johns
🚢 Row, Row, Row your Boat (nursery rhyme)
🚢 Running Down to Cuba, Colm McGuinness
🚢 Sailing, Christopher Cross
🚢 Sailor's Farewell (sea shanty)
🚢 Santiana, The Longest Johns
🚢 Santiano, Hugues Aufray
🚢 Saturday, Jonathan Eng and Stephanie Hladowski
🚢 Save the Whales!, Country Joe McDonald
🚢 Ship in a Bottle, Fin Argus
🚢 Ship of Fools, The Grateful Dead
🚢 Song for the Bowdoin, Larry Kaplan
🚢 Song of the Volga Boatmen, Soviet Army Chorus & Band
🚢 Son of a Son of a Sailor, Jimmy Buffett
🚢 South Australia, Johnny Collins
🚢 Tow Rope Girls, Daniel Kelly
🚢 The Wellerman (sea shanty), Nathan Evans
🚢 The Wild Cape Horn, Friends Of The Shipyard and Fisherman's Fayre
🚢 The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald, Gordon Lightfoot
🚢 Warlike Seamen, Jerry Bryant and Starboard Mess
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forest-enchantress · 1 year ago
I make period drama style gifs. If you use gif packs, please like and reblog them. Most of my projects are already ready, but every day I post no more than 190 gifs. Because that was the reason why my previous account was blocked.
I tried to make gif packs in a format more familiar to you with a link to a separate page. However, unfortunately, I did not succeed because of the large format of high-quality gifs.
I want to explain about color processing. Usually, I improve the contrast, brightness and saturation, but leave the naturalness of the film. I don't make the contours too sharp because I like the aesthetic of it looking like a natural image.
Actors in alphabetical order: part 1(A-D), part 2, part 3
The arrangement of names may not be alphabetical
▶Page 1
Anne Hathaway Anya Taylor-Joy Asia Argento Astrid Berges-Frisbey Boran Kuzum Camille Rutherford
▶Page 2
Carla Juri César Domboy Callum Turner Cate Blanchett Charity Wakefield Charlie Rowe Chiara Mastroianni Christian Bale Christoph Waltz
▶Page 3
Dagmara Dominczyk Dan Stevens Ella Purnell Emily Blunt Ezra Miller Raffey Cassidy Rebecca Emilie Sattrup Rose Byrne Roxane Duran
▶Page 4
Frances O'Connor Gemma Arterton Hannah Taylor-Gordon Hattie Morahan Hugh Dancy Isabelle Adjani Jude Law Keira Knightley
▶Page 5
Izzy Meikle-Small James Norton Jane Birkin Joanne Whalley Lucy Boynton Jim Caviezel Monica Keena Nicolas Duvauchelle Sally Hawkins
▶Page 6
Adriana Tarábková Dakota Fanning Elle Fanning Gaia Weiss Gwyneth Paltrow Kirsten Dunst Léa Seydoux Pia Degermark Roxane Mesquida Rosamund Pike Samantha Gates Sophia Myles Nell Tiger Free
▶Page 7
Annabelle Wallis Austin Butler Carey Mulligan Guy Pearce James Frain Katie Parker Kate Siegel Olivia Cooke Rachel Hurd-Wood Soko Sujaya Dasgupta Tom Cruise
▶Page 8
Adèle Exarchopoulos Anna Maxwell Martin Charles Dance Emma Williams Gillian Anderson Ian Somerhalder Imogen Poots Matthew Rhys Natalie Press Nina Dobrev Paul Wesley Tamzin Merchant
▶Page 9
Anna Friel Catherine Mouchet Déborah François Dominic West Frédéric Noaille Joséphine Japy Kevin Kline María Valverde Paz Vega
▶Page 10
Ben Whishaw Clémence Poésy Elliot Grihault Emilia Fox Joseph Morgan Lambert Wilson Michelle Dockery Phoebe Fox Sophie Okonedo Tom Hiddleston Tom Hughes Tom Sturridge
▶Page 11
Calista Flockhart Charlotte Gainsbourg Christina Giannelli David Strathairn Felicity Jones Fu'ad Aït Aattou Greta Scacchi Helena Bonham Carter Holliday Grainger Michelle Pfeiffer Rupert Friend Sophie Marceau
▶Page 12
Angela Bassett Brooke Carter Cillian Murphy Danylo Kolomiiets Katie McGrath Keeley Hawes Maria Bonnevie Marta Gastini Miriam Giovanelli Olivia Hussey Oscar Isaac Peter Plaugborg
▶Page 13
Ben Affleck Ben Barnes Ben Chaplin Bill Skarsgård Iben Akerlie Jakob Oftebro Jo Woodcock Josh Hartnett Lily-Rose Depp Reese Witherspoon Ruth Wilson Samantha Soule Taissa Farmiga Tess Frazer Virginie Ledoyen
▶Page 14
Cary Elwes Colin Firth Daniel Day-Lewis Emilia Verginelli Hannah James Jonah Hauer-King Loli Bahia Lorenzo Balducci Rebecca Hall Robin Wright Rupert Everett Willa Fitzgerald
▶Page 15
Annes Elwy Claire Danes Eliza Scanlen Freddie Fox Hugh Jackman Kathryn Newton Louis Partridge Maya Hawke Romola Garai Samantha Mathis Trini Alvarado Winona Ryder
▶Page 16
Douglas Smith Eric Bana Gizem Karaca Jessica Brown Findlay Kenneth Branagh Kit Harington Millie Brady Natalie Dormer Poppy Delevingne Rachel Weisz Rosy McEwen Sam Claflin
▶Page 17
Aubri Ibrag Christina Hendricks Connie Jenkins-Greig Guy Remmers Henry Cavill Imogen Waterhouse Josie Totah Mia Threapleton Olivia Hallinan
▶Page 18
Alex Fitzalan Emma Connell Essie Davis Fahriye Evcen Justine Waddell Natalia Sánchez Monica Bellucci Penelope Cruz Piper Perabo
▶Page 19
Alicia Vikander Alida Baldari Calabria Christopher Abbott Emma Stone Jasmine Blackborow Kim Rossi Stuart Lili Reinhart Louis Cunningham Margaret Qualley Marine Vacth Mark Ruffalo Mélanie Thierry Ramy Youssef Scarlett Johansson Sydney Sweeney
▶Page 20
Antonia Clarke Cameron Monaghan Daisy Edgar-Jones Domhnall Gleeson Heather Graham Isolda Dychauk Kaitlyn Dever Karen Gillan Laoise Murray Madelaine Petsch Olivia Colman Sophie Turner Vanessa Redgrave
▶Page 21
Claire Foy Claire Holt Clementine Nicholson Emily Mortimer Jennifer Beals Kelly Macdonald Lena Headey Perdita Weeks Ruta Gedmintas Sarah Bolger Sting Tom Holland
▶Page 22
Berrak Tuzunatac Burcu Ozberk Cansu Dere Deniz Cakir Melisa Sozen Merve Bolugur Saadet Aksoy Yasemin Allen
▶Page 23
Alesya Romanova Alina Kovalenko Anastasiya Ostreinova Anna Sagaydachnaya Dorota Delag Konstantin Temlyak Kseniya Mishina Marianna Januszewicz Oleksii Yarovenko Olena Lavrenyuk Taras Tsimbalyuk Veronika Shostak
▶Page 24
Amelia Warner Bruce Robinson Cristiana Capotondi Christiane Filangieri David Rott Francesca Annis Golshifteh Farahani Helen McCrory Maisie Williams Nadia Parkes Pierre Niney Uma Thurman
▶Page 25
To do list:
Christopher Gorham under development (The Other Side of Heaven 2001) Harry Melling - The Pale Blue Eye 2022 Nora Arnezeder - Angélique 2013 Isabella Heathcote - Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. Dark Shadows 2012. Beneath Hill 60 2010. Eleanor Worthington-Cox in Gwen (2018) Julie Delpy - La passion Béatrice 1987,  Frankenstein 2004, Trois couleurs: Blanc 1994, The Three Musketeers 1993 Nastassja Kinski - Revolution (1985), Tess 1979 Julia Ormond - Young Catherine 1991, First Knight 1995, Legends of the Fall 1994 Laura Donnelly - Beowulf: Return to the Shieldlands, Britannia, Outlander Morena Baccarin in Stargate Isabella Celani - A Room with a View 1985 Neve McIntosh - Gormenghast 2000 Kate Beckinsale - Much Ado About Nothing 1993 Sarah Felberbaum as Maddalena in Medici Rocco Gottlieb - The Book of Vision 2020 Kate Beckinsale - Alice Through the Looking Glass 1998. Stonehearst Asylum 2014. Haunted 1995. Royal Deceit 1994. Love & Friendship 2016. Van Helsing 2004. Pearl Harbor 2001. Michelle Jenner - La catedral del mar 2018, Isabel Aaron Taylor-Johnson - Anna Karenina 2012. Nosferatu 2024. Oskar McNamara
Volker Bohnet — Ludwig 1973 Romy Schneider — Ludwig 1973, Sissi 1955 Helmut Berger — Ludwig 1973
✦Ethan Erickson
Dorian 2003— under development
All of these gifs were made from scratch by me for roleplaying purposes. Feel free to use them as sidebars and reaction gifs. PLEASE DON’T CLAIM THEM AS YOUR OWN.
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keldjinfae · 8 months ago
I was tagged by the lovely @greyhavenisback, and I cannot for the life of me remember if I've already responded to this post or not, so...
In no particular order, my Top 10 Movies:
Inception - it has Marion Cotillard, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Tom Hardy, and Ken Watanabe. That would be enough if it didn't also have one of the most goosebump-inducing soundtracks of all... Time. It also set sail one of my all-time favorite ships with the creation of Arthur and Eames.
The Dark Knight - while this list won't be entirely comprised of Nolan movies, I can't not put this one on this list, considering how many times I saw it in theaters. Both Heath Ledger and Aaron Eckhart were mesmerizing as the Joker and Two-Face, and again, that soundtrack is fire (I'm sorry).
Saw (the entire series) - I went to see all of these so many damn times in theaters that it's a good thing I got to see them for free. Every weekend, provided something new hadn't been released, my friend and I went to see whichever Saw movie was still showing. And again, isn't it iconic?
Tombstone - yes, obviously there's Val Kilmer as Doc Holliday, but there's also Kurt Russell, Sam Elliott, Bill Paxton, Powers Boothe, Michael Biehn, Stephen Lang, Billy Zane, Thomas Hayden Church, and nobody's leaving it up to one man to carry the movie. It's also one that I used to watch with my father at least once a year, usually around the anniversary of his separation from my mother, and we'd pass a bottle of bourbon back and forth and rant about how insane it is that Kilmer wasn't even nominated for an Oscar.
John Wick (the entire series) - it's a thing of beauty to me that what should just be a bunch of "shoot 'em up" movies have such an insane amount of worldbuilding to them (and if anyone bothering to read this post knows anything about my writing, it's how much I build a world before I start writing the story in the first place). The action is gorgeous, the actors themselves are gorgeous, the development and usage of things as simple as slang is gorgeous, the soundtrack is gorgeous. You can also never go wrong with Ian McShane.
The Warriors - this was legit one of our family movie night features while my sister and I were growing up. Yes, there were animated movies and whatnot, but our parents were very lax about rating restrictions. We still regularly quote "CAN YOU DIG IT?!" and "Warriooooooooors! Come out to plaaaaaaaay!" Also, James Remar as Ajax was 🔥.
Interview with the Vampire - Tom Cruise may be an... interesting individual in real life, but the effort he put into portraying Lestat was sheer perfection. I used to watch this one all the time with my dad and my sister, and again, killer soundtrack.
It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World - a movie that decided to bring together every single comedian of the time that they possibly could, as well as come up with relevant things for them to do. Sounds impossible "on paper," and yet this movie exists. I've been watching it since I was a child and I still laugh through the whole thing. Buddy Hackett is also basically my father in this movie, which makes Mickey Rooney both myself and my sister. "NO ONE'S FLYING THE PLANE!"
21 Jump Street and 22 Jump Street - I laughed so hard watching the first one that my vision literally whited out at one point. Everyone is fantastic in both movies, but 21JS is also the first time I got to see Channing Tatum's understated sense of humor.
Kill Bill (both volumes) - I could have just filled up most of these slots with Tarantino movies, honestly, because I do love just about all of them (and my dad had a particular fondness for Django Unchained), but my sister and I rewatch I and II at least once a year. They make up one masterpiece, and I may be in the minority but I hope III is never actually a serious prospect.
No pressure whatsoever tags: @dear-massacre @nerdherderette @vmures @renmackree @ephemeronidwrites
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randomestfandoms-ocs · 1 year ago
Crossover Masterlist
I did threaten to do this so the natural next step was to go and organize a list of crossovers! I tried to stick to main ones/ones that have been developed a bit more but I’m happy to include anything else so!! If anyone isn’t on the list but wants to be included lmk (I was sticking with people who interacted with the original post, happy to include anyone who might have missed it), if I’ve missed any specific crossovers you want included lmk, or if there are any that you want me to take off the list, lmk that too!!
Andrew Radcliffe & Anissa Radcliffe
Andrew Berry x Bobby Seurat
Andrew Berry x Colton Cartwright
Andrew Berry & Colton Cartwright
Andrew Berry & Colton Cartwright & Quinn Fabray
Andrew Berry x Demi July
Andrew Berry & Jo Berry
Andrew Berry x Joy Schuester
Andrew Berry x Roxie Flores
Andrew Berry & Sadie Berry
Andrew Berry x Savannah Evans
Andrew Berry x Valeria Ramírez
Aria & Harmony
Brax Pierce & Jeremy St James
Brax Pierce & Kendall Pierce
Callum Zang & Kirsty Gilmore
Callum Zang & Willow Dell
Cordelia Castellan & Summer Sol
Daisy Gilmore & Willow Dell
Elliot Berry x Jeremy St James
Elliot Berry & Jo Berry
Elliot Berry & Sadie Berry
Faith Hudson & Jeremy St James
Grace Kim & Adalia Kim
Grace Kim & Cecilia Ackerman
Grace Kim & Sam Gleason
Grace Kim & Willow Dell
Mercy Medina x Sienna Elliot
Raymond Abraham & Camden Abraham
Raymond Abraham & Ginny Cresta
Raymond Abraham & Hollis Everdeen
Raymond Abraham & Precious Lucretia
Richie Gilmore & Ilsa Gilmore-Danes
Richie Gilmore & Kirsty GIlmore
Richie Gilmore & Lorrie Gilmore-Danes
Richie Gilmore & Lottie Donahue
Richie Gilmore & Lucas Gilmore
Richie Gilmore x/& Paige Huntzberger
Richie Gilmore x/& Sophie Dugray
Richie Gilmore x Troy Donahue-Callisto
Richie Gilmore x Troy Donahue-Callisto x Harry Bechtel
Richie Gilmore & Vicki St James
Richie Gilmore x/& Willow Dell
Roman Taylor & Angel Dearly *ft. Anastasia Dearly
Rose & Isabelle
Vance Hawthorn & Sienna Elliot
The Glee Squad
Eirwen & Elsine
Elliot Walker & Abbie Hudson
Elliot Walker & Betty Fabray
Elliot Walker x Demi July
Elliot Walker & Jeremy St James
Elliot Walker & Kendall Pierce
Elys Herondale & Adina Lightwood
Elys Herondale x Ariadne Blackthorn
Elys Herondale & Cassiel Fell
Jack Herondale & Thalia Lovelace
Jax Hearts & Ace Hearts
Jax Hearts & Anissa Radcliffe
Jax Hearts & Cain Hearts
Jax Hearts & Kyra
Jax Hearts & Queenie Hearts
Jax Hearts & Sloane White
Jax Hearts & Violet Kingsleigh
Jericho Valeska & Piper Gordon
Jess Hearts & Ace Hearts
Jess Hearts & Cian Hearts
Jess Hearts & Queenie Hearts
Kipp Hudson & Abbie Hudson
Kit Barton & Nikki Rogers
Kit Barton x Will Parker
Miles Henderson & Camila Nelson
Mia Barnes & Justine Barnes
Nate Simmons & Abbie Hudson
Nate Simmons & Aurora Anderson
Nate Simmons & Betty Fabray
Nate Simmons & Colton Cartwright
Nate Simmons & Demi July
Nate Simmons x/& Haruki Knox
Nate Simmons & Hillary Holliday
Nate Simmons & Jeremy St James
Nate Simmons & Joy Schuester
Nate Simmons & Kendall Pierce
Nate Simmons & Savannah Evans
Andrea Fitzpatrick & Carmela De Leon
Andrea Fitzpatrick & Kyla Keller
Andrea Fitzpatrick & Victoire DeHaan
Ashton Daniels & Betty Fabray
Ashton Daniels & Cece Cartwright
Ashton Daniels & Colton Cartwright
Ashton Daniels & Jeremy St James
Ashton Daniels & Joy Schuester
Ashton Daniels & Roxie Flores
Ashton Daniels & Savannah Evans
Atticus Bardot & Maisie Maiden
Atticus Bardot x Santiago Lodge
Derek Wallis & Ariel Blossom
Derek Wallis & Doria Wallis
Derek Wallis x Presley Palmer
Derek Wallis & Rosebud Reynolds
Gabe Legume x Ace Hearts
Gabe Legume & Gloria Gothel
Gabe Legume & Rosabelle Legume
Gavin Cohen x Autumn Ambrosia
Gavin Cohen x Coco Bates
Gavin Cohen x Colette Garrel-Waldorf
Gavin Cohen x Kyla Keller
Gavin Cohen x Valentina Wolfe
Greyson Gimble x Lily May
Kendall Frost x/& Abigail Claremont-Diaz
Kendall Frost x/& Caroline Fox
Lorenzo Waters x Mercedes Delgado
Matthew Porter x Autumn Ambrosia
Matthew Porter x Coco Bates
Matthew Porter x Colette Garrel-Walford
Matthew Porter x Kyla Keller
Matthew Porter x Mercedes Delgado
Matthew Porter x Valentina Wolfe
Matthew Porter x Victoire DeHaan
Thomas Mayfair x Brady Mariano
Thomas Mayfair x Evan Mariano
Thomas Mayfair x Jane Forester
Thomas Mayfair x Willow Dell
Aleks Westergaard & Eliane
Lark Thrushcross & Cassiel Fell
Liv Pillsbury & Abbie Hudson
Maite Contreras-Herrera & Demi July
Romy Thornhill & Thalia Lovelace
Winter White & Sloane White
Amelia Queen & Ivy Knight
Gwen Macintosh & Xenia Hart
Roni Stark & Ava Potts
Abigail Montoya x Eudora Donovan
Josie Flores x Jackie Sullivan
Octavia Ingram & Colton Cartwright
Sydney Blanchard & Aurora Anderson
Waverly Sinclair x Cassandra Aelius
Waverly Sinclair & Nikki Rogers
Waverly Sinclair & Pandora Jackson
Ariadne x Evie Van Der Woodsen
HN Harkness & Dylan Efron
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byneddiedingo · 16 days ago
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Adam's Rib (George Cukor, 1949)
Cast: Katharine Hepburn, Spencer Tracy, Judy Holliday, Tom Ewell, David Wayne, Jean Hagen, Hope Emerson. Screenplay: Ruth Gordon, Garson Kanin. Cinematography: George J. Folsey. Art direction: William Ferrari, Cedric Gibbons. Film editing: George Boemler. Music: Miklós Rózsa.
Lawyer Amanda Bonner (Katharine Hepburn) goes up against her own husband, lawyer Adam Bonner (Spencer Tracy), in court, when she defends Doris Attinger (Judy Holliday), accused of shooting her philandering husband, Warren (Tom Ewell). Wonderful in all respects, and probably the best of the Hepburn-Tracy movies. Jean Hagen plays the woman Warren was fooling around with, and David Wayne has one of those coded gay roles as a songwriting neighbor of the Bonners, a role supposedly modeled on Cole Porter. Wayne actually sings one of Porter's bottom-drawer songs, "Farewell, Amanda." Good as it is, Adam's Rib received only one Oscar nomination, for Ruth Gordon and Garson Kanin's screenplay, which lost to the one by Billy Wilder, Charles Brackett, and D.M. Marshman Jr. for Sunset Blvd.
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goldfeverhq · 1 month ago
do you have any mw fcs?
This is a huge list of names since I didn't know what you were looking for!
Adria Arjona, Steven Yeun, Ming-Na Wen, Idris Elba, Samantha Logan, Ncuti Gatwa, Melanie Lynskey, John Boyega, Moon Bloodgood, Santiago Cabrera, Kirby Howell Baptiste, Kiowa Gordon, Holliday Grainger, John Cho, May Calamawy, Kofi Siriboe, Maya Rudolph, Charlize Theron, Henry Golding, Ana de Armas, Scott Eastwood, Lea Seydoux, Glen Powell, Courtney Eaton, Auli'i Cravalho, Gugu Mbatha Raw, Brenda Song, Angela Basset, David Harbour, George Mackay, Alan Ritchson, Geraldine Viswanathan, Olivia Cookie, Archie Renaux, Mads Mikkelsen, Florence Pugh, Vanessa Morgan, Oscar Isaac, Josh Brolin, Anna Sawai, Sarah Snook, Alexandra Breckinridge, Dev Patel, Michelle Yeoh, Taraji P. Henson Jessie Mei Li, Lewis Tan, Dakota Johnson, Timothy Olyphant, Aslihan Malbora, Mason Gooding, Hande Ercel, Michael Grey Eyes
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betterwatchout · 3 months ago
Postwar Blues
After the War, classic blues got pulled toward the sweet sound white music lovers demanded.
Jo Stafford will always be Darlene Edwards to me, but in 1953 her smooth, sultry voice helped make a case for cultural appropriation.
Meanwhile, Black musicians pulled at the blues from another direction—boogie-woogie—to forge a new sound called jump blues.
During Prohibition, Gladys Bentley, a Black lesbian with drag queen backup singers, had sung the blues at the Clam House, a Harlem speakeasy. Later on, Groucho Marx was a fan.
In 1952, with Dexter Gordon's band, she gave jump blues a jingle.
June Christy defined cool in the 1950s, giving voice to an outsider’s longing for connection. Her 1961 Christmas album is all originals.
Count Basie recorded this song in 1937 with a vocal by co-writer Jimmy Rushing. Later, Ella covered it on her essential 1960 Christmas record, but by then Dee Dee Ford had already made this amazing single.
Judy Holliday survived McCarthyism, a gay husband, and Harry Cohn to record this bittersweet tune in 1961 with bf Gerry Mulligan.
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docrotten · 7 months ago
COLOSSUS: THE FORBIN PROJECT (1970) – Episode 221 – Decades of Horror 1970s
“This is the voice of World Control. I bring you peace. It may be the Peace of Plenty and Content or the Peace of Unburied Death.” Is that a multiple-choice question? Join your faithful Grue Crew – Doc Rotten, Bill Mulligan, Chad Hunt, and Jeff Mohr – as they check out some apocalyptic science fiction and horror with Colossus: The Forbin Project (1970)!
Decades of Horror 1970s Episode 221 – Colossus: The Forbin Project (1970)
Join the Crew on the Gruesome Magazine YouTube channel! Subscribe today! And click the alert to get notified of new content! https://youtube.com/gruesomemagazine
Decades of Horror 1970s is partnering with the WICKED HORROR TV CHANNEL (https://wickedhorrortv.com/) which now includes video episodes of the podcast and is available on Roku, AppleTV, Amazon FireTV, AndroidTV, and its online website across all OTT platforms, as well as mobile, tablet, and desktop.
Thinking this will prevent war, the US government gives an impenetrable supercomputer total control over launching nuclear missiles. But what the computer does with the power is unimaginable to its creators.
Directed by: Joseph Sargent
Writing Credits: James Bridges (screenplay); D.F. Jones (based on his 1966 novel Colossus)
Cinematography by: Gene Polito (director of photography)
Visual Effects by: Albert Whitlock (special photographic effects)
Selected Cast:
Eric Braeden as Dr. Charles Forbin
Susan Clark as Dr. Cleo Markham
Gordon Pinsent as The President
William Schallert as CIA Director Grauber
Leonid Rostoff as Russian Chairman
Georg Stanford Brown as Dr. John F. Fisher
Willard Sage as Dr. Blake
Alex Rodine as Dr. Kuprin
Martin E. Brooks as Dr. Jefferson J. Johnson (as Martin Brooks)
Marion Ross as Angela Fields
Dolph Sweet as Missile Commander
Byron Morrow as Secretary of State
Lew Brown as Peterson
Sid McCoy as Secretary of Defense
Tom Basham as Thomas L. Harrison
Robert Cornthwaite as First Scientist
James Hong as Dr. Chin
Serge Tschernisch as Translator (as Sergei Tschernisch)
John Davey as Military officer on phone (uncredited)
Paul Frees as Colossus (voice) (uncredited)
Fred Holliday as Military Computer Entry – Missile Launch (uncredited)
Robert Quarry as Scientist (uncredited)
Don Ross as Logan US Air Force (uncredited)
William Traylor as Party Guest (uncredited)
Given the current state of humankind, it makes perfect sense to turn planet management over to a supercomputer, right? Enter Charles Forbin and Colossus, his mountain-size, 70s-style, omnipotent computer. Of course, “The best-laid schemes o’ mice an’ men gang aft agley and leave us nothing but grief and pain, for promised joy!” (Robert Burns) And they “gang agley” in a hurry!
The Grue-Crew are agog at the cast – Eric Braeden, Susan Clark, Gordon Pinsent, and a mountain-full of recognizable character actors, many of whom have horror cred – so there is much fodder for their talkabout! By the way, is it still science fiction if it’s happening today?
At the time of this writing, Colossus: The Forbin Project (1970) is available to stream from Vimeo, and is available on Blu-ray formatted, physical media from SHOUT! Factory. 
Gruesome Magazine’s Decades of Horror 1970s is part of the Decades of Horror two-week rotation with The Classic Era and the 1980s. In two weeks, the next episode, chosen by Doc, will be Nightwing (1979), adapted from the 1977 novel by Martin Cruz Smith. Vampire bats, fellow babies!
We want to hear from you – the coolest, grooviest fans: comment on the site or email the Decades of Horror 1970s podcast hosts at [email protected]
Check out this episode!
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counselorssoapbox · 9 months ago
JuneteenthPhoto courtesy of Wikimedia Commons Juneteenth Holliday Inspiration.   Post by David Joel Miller. “This meant that all the slaves were now free. The slaves in Texas where the last slaves to be set free, and the day when General Gordon Granger declared freedom is still celebrated as Juneteenth.” ― Captivating History, African American History: A Captivating Guide to the People and Events…
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ulkaralakbarova · 1 year ago
From Wichita to Dodge City, to the O.K. Corral in Tombstone, Wyatt Earp is taught that nothing matters more than family and the law. Joined by his brothers and Doc Holliday, Earp wages war on the dreaded Clanton and McLaury gangs.  Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Wyatt Earp: Kevin Costner Doc Holliday: Dennis Quaid Nicholas Earp: Gene Hackman James Earp: David Andrews Morgan Earp: Linden Ashby Ike Clanton: Jeff Fahey Josie Marcus: Joanna Going Sheriff Johnny Behan: Mark Harmon Virgil Earp: Michael Madsen Allie Earp: Catherine O’Hara Ed Masterson: Bill Pullman Big Nose Kate: Isabella Rossellini Bat Masterson: Tom Sizemore Bessie Earp: JoBeth Williams Mattie Blaylock: Mare Winningham Mr. Sutherland: James Gammon Frank McLaury: Rex Linn John Clum: Randle Mell Tom McLaury: Adam Baldwin Urilla Sutherland: Annabeth Gish Curly Bill Brocius: Lewis Smith Young Wyatt: Ian Bohen Virginia Earp: Betty Buckley Lou Earp: Alison Elliott Sherm McMasters: Todd Allen Francis O’Rourke: Mackenzie Astin Warren Earp: Jim Caviezel Mrs. Sutherland: Karen Grassle Frank Stillwell: John Dennis Johnston Sally: Téa Leoni Ed Ross: Martin Kove Bob Hatch: Jack Kehler Pete Spence: Kirk Fox Johnny Ringo: Norman Howell Marshal Fred White: Boots Southerland Indian Charlie: James ‘Scotty’ Augare Billy Clanton: Gabriel Folse Billy Claiborne: Kris Kamm Judge Spicer: John Lawlor John Shanssey: Michael McGrady Dr. Seger: Ben Zeller Stable Hand: Rockne Tarkington Mayor Wilson: David Doty Gyp Clements: Matt O’Toole Saddle Tramp: Brett Cullen Danny: Owen Roizman Gambler: Lawrence Kasdan McGee: Matt Beck Film Crew: Costume Design: Colleen Atwood Original Music Composer: James Newton Howard Producer: Kevin Costner Set Decoration: Cheryl Carasik Production Design: Ida Random Producer: Lawrence Kasdan Executive Producer: Charles Okun Director of Photography: Owen Roizman Producer: Jim Wilson Casting: Jennifer Shull Editor: Carol Littleton Art Direction: Gary Wissner Set Designer: Charlie Daboub Key Costumer: Barry Francis Delaney Set Designer: Barry Chusid Music Editor: Jim Weidman Supervising Sound Editor: Stu Bernstein Camera Operator: Ian Fox Executive Producer: Michael Grillo Hair Supervisor: Marlene D. Williams Assistant Art Director: Gershon Ginsburg Executive Producer: Dan Gordon Camera Operator: Bill Roe Foley: John Murray Script Supervisor: Anne Rapp Second Unit Director of Photography: Richard Bowen Set Designer: Tom Reta Dialogue Editor: Lewis Goldstein Executive Producer: Jon Slan Makeup Artist: Francisco X. Pérez Stunts: Gary McLarty Visual Effects Producer: Robert Stadd Chief Lighting Technician: Ian Kincaid Still Photographer: Ben Glass Dialogue Editor: James Matheny Costume Supervisor: Cha Blevins Foley: Dan O’Connell Property Master: William A. Petrotta Supervising Sound Editor: Robert Grieve Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Rick Kline Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Kevin O’Connell Construction Coordinator: Greg John Callas Boom Operator: Joel Shryack ADR Supervisor: Jessica Gallavan Hairstylist: Elle Elliott Dialogue Editor: Alison Fisher Key Makeup Artist: Gerald Quist Makeup Supervisor: Michael Mills ADR Editor: Joe Dorn Supervising Dialogue Editor: Bobby Mackston Key Costumer: Ruby K. Manis Key Grip: Tim Ryan Location Manager: Paul Hargrave Key Hair Stylist: Dorothy D. Fox Steadicam Operator: Rusty Geller ADR Editor: Stephen Janisz Rigging Gaffer: Kim Kono Dolly Grip: David L. Merrill Costume Supervisor: Le Dawson Key Costumer: James M. George Casting Associate: Phil Poulos Casting Associate: Elizabeth Shull Movie Reviews: GenerationofSwine: Tombstone was a different beast, and that sort of overshadows this, given that one tries to be more accurate and the other goes for entertainment. Take Wyatt Earp as a biopic and it is a superb and fair film. Compare it to Tombstone which was more of a Western and it’s lacking the flair. However, it ends abruptly, and it is miscast. Cosner (and i am a fan) doesn’t really make a good Earp. Dennis Quaid who I am also a fan of, doesn’t make a good Doc. This was 1994, in the 80s I might have a dif...
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movienized-com · 1 year ago
Trauma Therapy: Psychosis (2023)
Jahr: 2023 Genre: Horror / Thriller Regie: Gary Barth Hauptrollen: Tom Sizemore, Hannah New, Vince Lozano, Tom Malloy, Megan Tremethick, David Josh Lawrence, Courtney Warner, Stephen Corrall, Jamie Scott Gordon, Gordon Holliday, Craig J. Seath … Filmbeschreibung: Der Selbsthilfe-Guru Tobin Vance (Tom Malloy) ist ins britische Exil gegangen, um einer Verhaftung in den USA zu entgehen. Mit…
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justapillowpetpanda · 2 years ago
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deepcutdave · 2 years ago
Deep Cut: Thunderbirds
September 30 1965-December 25 1966. 32 Episodes, ITV
Figured I'd look back at the shows I've discussed before but here it'd be a bit more detailed.
In the far future, International Rescue, led by the Tracy family, safegaurds the world from disasters both natural and man-made.
Father Jeff (Peter Dyneley) oversees the operation. His sons pilot or command each Thunderbird vehicle.
Scott (Shane Rimmer) flies Thunderbird 1
Virgil (David Holliday/Jerry Wilkin) pilots Thunderbird 2
Alan (Ray Barrett), the youngest. He also flies Thunderbird 3 and on occasion commands Thunderbird 5
Gordon (David Graham) is the undersea expert and drives Thunderbird 4
John (Ray Barrett) doesn't really do a whole lot, mostly monitors radio communication in Thunderbird 5.
There's also Brains (David Graham), the inventor of their gear and Lady Penelope Creighton-Ward (Sylvia Anderson) their London based agent.
The main problem facing IR was disasters but every so often they tangled with foes looking to steal their equipment.
Wonderfully done via marionets but a pinch too episodic. Even with that, it's still a good series with some amazing visuals and music.
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carldgreene · 2 years ago
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