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ines-ineffable · 2 years ago
A beautiful video for all the Italian and non-Italian fandom (English subtitles of the song available)
"In no way would I want to be somewhere else, it's not for nothing that I'm still here... In the end, we're from the same part of another half. All the broken fragments of the moon over which God wrote about you and me... Friends somewhere else, friends by mistake. Pushing you away to scream forever your name in my head. Hold me tight 'cause I don't want to lose you."
Watch this video in HD and with headphones for a better experience. Activate subtitles in English or Italian, read the text that is perfect for ineffable Husbands.
Do not watch this TV series if you are not intelligent and above all, if you do not have an elastic mind. You can't watch it if you don't open your heart to all kinds of love, you can't watch this series if you don't have a heart that believes and understands universal love. Don't watch this series if you're superficial, don't watch this series if you're bigoted, don't watch this series if you can't read between the lines. Because it's all written between the lines (even the irony) You can't watch Good Omens if you follow the orders that have been imposed on you without thinking for yourself. You can't look at it if you can't go beyond appearances. I strongly advise against watching it if you don't understand irony, the healthy one. Don't watch it if you love zany movies and don't understand sarcasm, thin, very thin jokes. And don't look at it even if you believe there is only one side of a coin, believe me, there are two and they would surprise you, so if you are a strict person, don't look at it. Don't watch Good Omens if you're not open to change, the inner one of course, if you don't want a cure for your soul, it's not for you. It's a journey that changes you and if you're not ready, you can't lleave.
@neil-gaiman thank you. Thank you and Terry for this treasure. ❤️
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ines-ineffable · 1 year ago
Good Omens, Love of my life, I went down millions of stairs giving you my arm
Poetry by Eugenio Montale "Ho sceso, dandoti il braccio, almeno un milione di scale..." (I went down, giving you my arm, at least one million of stairs...) Poesia "Ho sceso, dandoti il braccio, almeno un milione di scale..." di Eugenio Montale
Eng: I went down, giving you my arm, at least one million of stairs and now that you are no more here it’s the void on every step. Also in such way our long journey has been short too. Mine still goes on, and I need no more connections, reservations, traps, deceptions of those who think that reality is that what you see.
I went down millions of stairs giving you my arm not just because maybe it’s better to see with four eyes than two. With you I went down because I knew that between us the only true pupils, though so much blurry, were yours.
Ita (originale): Ho sceso, dandoti il braccio, almeno un milione di scale e ora che non ci sei è il vuoto ad ogni gradino. Anche così è stato breve il nostro lungo viaggio. Il mio dura tuttora, né più mi occorrono le coincidenze, le prenotazioni, le trappole, gli scorni di chi crede che la realtà sia quella che si vede.
Ho sceso milioni di scale dandoti il braccio non già perché con quattr'occhi forse si vede di più. Con te le ho scese perché sapevo che di noi due le sole vere pupille, sebbene tanto offuscate, erano le tue.
@neil-gaiman @goodomensonprime @goodomenshq @fuckyeahgoodomens
#goodomens #crowley #aziraphale #ineffablehusbands #davidtennant #goodomensfanart #goodomenscrowley #goodomensprime #michaelsheen #aziraphalexcrowley #goodomensaziraphale #GoodOmensita #goodomenscosplay #neilgaiman #crowleyxaziraphale #italy #Goodomensitalia #fanart #angel #demon #anthonyjcrowley #crowleygoodomens #crowleycosplay #italia #Goodomensit #aziraphalecosplay #goodomensedit #Goodomensitaly #goodomensart #terrypratchett #goodomens2 #goodomens2spoilers #goodomensprime #michaelsheen #aziraphalexcrowley #goodomensaziraphale #goodomensseason2 #goodomensedit #goodomenscast #goodomensseason3 #goodomenseason2 #goodomens2season #goodomenseason1 #goodomensseason1 #goodomenseason3 #eugeniomontale #hoscesodandotiilbraccio #hoscesodandotilbraccio #hoscesodandotilbracciounmilionediscale #stairs #million #poesia #poetry #queen #loveofmylife #loveofmylifequeen #queenloveofmylife #Crowleyqueen #bentley #song #canzone #GoodOmens3 #GoodOmens2
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ines-ineffable · 1 year ago
Disco Paradise - Crowley Aziraphale
@goodomensprime @neilhimself @primevideoit @bbcstudioscomedy#GoodOmens2 #GoodOmens #Aziraphale #Crowley #AziraphalexCrowley #CrowleyxAziraphale #Crowley+Aziraphale #Aziraphale+Crowley #NeilGaiman #Primevideo #GoodOmensprime #Amazonprimevideo #Goodomensprimevideo #MarcoMengoni #Duevite #Twolives #Dosvidas #Friends #love #romance #music #Bbc #GoodOmensedit #Azicrow #Aziracrow #Crowleyedit #Aziraphaleedit #AziraphaleandCrowleyedit #CrowleyandAziraphaleedit #Aziracrowedit #Azicrowedit #ineffablehusbands #DavidTennant #MichaelSheen #David #Tennant #Michael #Sheen #MichaelandDavid #DavidandMichael #Michael&David #David&Michael #MichaelSheenandDavidTennant #DavidTennantandMichaelSheen #MichaelSheen&DavidTennant #DavidTennant&MichaelSheen #AziraphaleandCrowley #Aziraphale&Crowley #CrowleyandAziraphale #Crowley&Aziraphale #AnthonyjCrowley #AZfell #italy #italia #GoodOmenseng #GoodOmenssubesp #Goodomenssubeng #Goodomensespaña #goodomensita #goodomensitaly #Goodomensit
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