#Good head canons . jpg
thewispsings · 3 months
personal photographer | daniel ricciardo
pairing: daniel ricciardo x photographer!reader
summary: the one where daniel ricciardo is dating his personal photographer.
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liked by danielricciardo, maxverstappen1, landonorris, and 527,153 others!
yourusername: my favorite daniel is a smiling one :D
view comments below!
user1: he looks so good
user2: y/n always makes sure she gets the BEST angles of daniel
user3: he is her bf 😭 can’t post photos of him off guard
maxverstappen1: gorgeous
yourusername: 🤨
danielricciardo: don’t be jealous baby (max we talked about this…)
maxverstappen1: i can’t help it, you look so good 🤤
yourusername: that’s MY boyfriend you’re talking about
maxverstappen1: until i make him mine ☺️
user4: #freeynfrommaxverstappen
landonorris: when can y/n come to my garage and take pictures for me?
danielricciardo: um never?
yourusername; don’t be rude daniel 🤨 just text me lando! we’ll figure something out
danielricciardo: um no you won’t. youre MY photographer, not LANDOS.
landonorris: i just want some pictures mate 😕
user5: jesus daniel it’s okay yns all yours…
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liked by landonorris, maxverstappen1, charles_leclerc, and 725,018 others!
daniel3.jpg: the photographer gets photographed
view comments below!
user6: does anyone know what camera y/n uses professionally?? if you do pls let me know 🙏🙏
daniel3.jpg: she uses a canon EOS C70 cinema camera!
user7: that is…a 7 THOUSAND dollar camera.
user8: what the fuck
user9: sometimes i forgot that she’s like rich??
user10: i think that’s the camera daniel bought her as a birthday present, she used to use a Canon EOS Rebel T3i DSLR Camera!! that one’s more on the affordable side, and it lasted her yearrrsss
landonorris: oh but when i take photos of her it’s weird???
daniel3.jpg: YES!! she’s MY girlfriend
user11: y/n is so pretty 🤭🤭
daniel3.jpg: correct!!
user12: she’s so gorgeous
daniel3.jpg: 1000000% agree
user13: the easiest way to get a reply from daniel is to compliment y/n
maxverstappen1: why don’t you post me like this? 😕
daniel3.jpg: we’ve talked about this, you know y/n gets jealous
yourusername: WOW OKAY YOU SICK LIAR 🧍
user: i wonder how many pictures daniel has of y/n like this…
landonorris: LITERALLY thousands.
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liked by danielricciardo, daniel3.jpg, maxverstappen1, and 410,017 others!
yourusername; he’s trying to take my job 😡
view comments below!
user14: he could NEVER do it like you tho
user15: y/n we know it’s like your literal job to take pictures of daniel, but pls pls pls the world wants more pictures of YOU
user16: uh pls tell me if the tattoo is on his butt cheek
landonorris: i know where it is 🤫🤫
user16: is it on his butt cheek???
user16: lando pls
user16: is it on the downstairs cheeks
user16: pls lando
maxverstappen1: you get a tattoo for HER? but not for me. did you ever love me??
danielricciardo: baby please, you know you’re the only one for me
yourusername: he says as he places a kiss on my head AS we cuddle
user17: i’m so jealous of y/n
user18: you and me both sister
user19: i’m actually going insane I NEED TO KNOW WHERE THAT TATTOO IS
user20: man that chicken wing looks nice
user21: where exactly does one apply to take pictures of f1 drivers all day??
user22: wait..were y/n and daniel dating BEFORE she was hired or??
user23: they met on the job!! it was a straight out of wattpad moment
user24: you guys are the cutest ever
maxverstappen1: me and him are cuter.
user25: i’m starting to think it was never a joke..
. . .
notes; i’m thinking of making this like a series?? like f1 drivers dating their __ and it’ll be like, personal trainer, engineer, stylist, and things like that! thank you for reading ♡´・ᴗ・`♡
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izzyspussy · 12 days
i also think it could be fun and funky fresh if ian was gone a little longer and mickey eventually couldn't fucking take it anymore and came out at the alibi on his own and like. okay he's fighting back against terry like on the fucking principle of the thing, and a little bit because he really does want to get at least a few good fucking hits in - god he's so fucking angry and he's so fucking angry about being so fucking angry and - but on the other hand. he's by himself, he's like a third of terry's size and only half as vicious, and most importantly he lowkey kind of wants to die at this point anyway.
so. mickey comes out half because he just fucking can't stay in anymore and half for fucking spite - the latter being the main reason he does it publicly. this way terry can't keep it quiet that he's got a queer son. cause you know, unfortunately for terry, a dead fag is still a fag. so fucking there.
terry charges him of course just like in canon, and like in canon (iirc) mickey gets in the first hit. maybe even the first couple. but it's not seconds before terry has mickey down and spitting blood onto the floor. and once mickey's down... well he doesn't stop fighting entirely. he doesn't give up and he doesn't fucking tap out, and he won't let anyone else claim they taught him that, that's all him, it's his fucking nature. but he maybe starts phoning it in a little bit.
and it's. i mean it's brutal. the bar is quiet, because no matter how accustomed to this sort of violence you (think you) are there will always be at least a moment of frozen horror, and it's only worse when there's such a clear imbalance, when you know the guy on the ground is just a kid, when you know the guy kicking him is his dad. so everyone can hear the dull, concussive whap of the back of terry's hand across mickey's face, can almost feel the way it snaps mickey's head to the side so hard he stumbles with the momentum. et cetera.
and it's... it's lip who breaks the dam. he's pissed about it, he doesn't want to be doing this, mickey is the last fucking person he wants to stick his fucking neck out for, but ian fucking loves him. loves him loves him, the real fucking deal, and that makes mickey a piece of him whether anybody fucking likes it or not. and lip will always stick his neck out for ian.
so he curses mickey's name black and blue, and he bitches about how he can't believe he's doing this, and he threatens that he'll never forgive either of them, and he grabs a chair and he swings it right into terry's face.
mickey looks up at him from the floor, bloodied mouth hanging open. bro is flabbergasted dot jpg.
"i draw the line at giving you a hand up," lip says, and that kicks the whole fucking bar into gear.
mandy jumps onto terry's back, screaming like a fucking banshee and wrapping her skinny arms around his neck as tight as she fucking can, probably bites him too by the way he yells. terry's few buddies/sycophants/goons leap up to take his side, only to realize they are wildly outnumbered when the milkovich brothers and uncles take mickey and mandy's. kev calls the police, even though it makes him throw up in his mouth a little. some unaligned bar patrons flee, and most of the upstairs girls do too. some patrons start fighting each other, since there's a fight and all. some settle in for the show, and some just plain don't fucking care.
and mickey gets himself up off the ground, insert non-diagetic punk remix of i'm still standing by elton john here, and wipes his mouth with his hand. he surges forward to twist terry's arm behind his back when he rips mandy off his back, before he can throw her to the ground. she slaps their father in the face with her fingers curled, leaving four bleeding scratches across his cheek. mickey hears lip cuss again, impressed, before the back of terry's head breaks his nose.
and even as blood splurts down his face mickey wonders, dazed and almost giddy with the possibility, if lip backing him up means ian still cares about him. at least a little.
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xiubaek-13 · 1 year
Chapter 46 - White Noise
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Requested: No
Genre: Canon-AU, smut
Pairing: ? (at this stage undecided) x Reader or is it Baekhyun x Reader ?
Warnings: 18+ fic, minors DNI! Smut, sexting, phone sex, masturbation (m & f), use of a vibrator, dirty talk, swearing, mention of threesome. We’re headed towards filth territory and this is the penultimate chapter okay?
Word Count: 6,958
A/N:I said two chapters to go last time but NOW there are two chapters left. Huge thanks to @way-of-the-sun​ for beta reading and fixing mistakes I missed.  I’m putting all of it under the jump because it’s pretty spicy from the get go.
You had gotten the response you wanted. He wasn’t shying away from this. You pictured him in his room, the room where the two of you had thoroughly explored each other's bodies. Repeatedly. The room where you lost count of how many times you came. The room where, even a day later, you could still feel the ghost of his caress against your body. Desire bloomed within you.
[4:31pm] You: So tell me, what would you do to me? 
[4:31pm] You: Because I am absolutely not thinking about you in a family friendly way right now. 
[4:31pm] You: How would you touch me Baek?
His response came immediately, both saying everything and nothing at once. Your mind began to cloud over with desire. It’s not like you hadn’t sexted before and it absolutely was part of his request. You were doing this for him… at least that’s what you were telling yourself.
You wanted him to feel comfortable enough to get specific with you. Dancing around the details wasn’t going to get either of you anywhere. The need in you was growing faster than you cared to admit. You knew how adept he was with his words and now was the time to test the full extent of his skills. 
[4:31pm] Baek: How would I touch you?
[4:31pm] You: You could always remind me ;)
You scoffed at his replies. The audacity of this man knew no bounds and the fact that you weren’t even remotely mad about it should have told you something. 
[4:31pm] Baek: I think we both know how I’d touch you.
[4:32pm] Baek: Would it kill you to ask nicely?
[4:32pm] Baek: Since I am wonderful and amazing and kind and generous I’ll help you out.
[4:32pm] Baek: You already look pretty relaxed on the bed so how about this? I want you to follow my instructions and touch yourself like I tell you to, like I would if I were in the room.
[4:32pm] Baek: And what might that be?
[4:32pm] You: You forgot modest and humble.
[4:32pm] Baek: Don’t answer that.
[4:32pm] You: This bed is comfortable. It is missing something though.
[4:32pm] You: You on top of me. 
You smiled as you sent the message, knowing the exact look that would pass over his features as he read it. You could practically hear his laugh.
[4:32pm] You: Ignore my previous retort. Please.
As you lay back on the bed you felt your body heat up in anticipation. Excitement crept through your veins, feeling increasingly like your nerve endings were live wires. You did as he instructed before sending your reply to him.
[4:32pm] Baek: Wow, that was such a cheesy line. I said listen to my instructions, not to make jokes like me.
[4:33pm] You: And then?
His reply did not take long, yet you were eagerly awaiting his reply already. 
[4:32pm] Baek: I want you to lie back and spread your knees.
You sighed as your fingers made contact with your body. It wasn’t like this wasn’t an action that was foreign to you but somehow it felt different. 
[4:33pm] Baek: Touch yourself, slowly at first.
[4:33pm] Baek: How does that feel?
[4:33pm] Baek: Are you wet noona?
[4:33pm] You: Feels good Baek.
[4:33pm] Baek: Let your nails graze over your skin and pretend it’s me.
Far more than you cared to admit. You had soaked through your panties before you’d even so much as touched yourself.  
[4:33pm] You: Yes.
[4:33pm] You: Makes me want more.
[4:33pm] You: DCIM387523.jpg sent
[4:33pm] Baek: Show me.
Part of you was glad that you couldn’t see his face when he saw the image but a much needier, much hornier part of you wished you could see how much the image affected him.
You bit your lip as you stared at the image. It was clearly not his first dick pic because beginners luck with dick pics was not a thing. He was hard, the tip of his cock already leaking pre-cum. You were reminded of all that he could do with said cock, and exactly how it felt inside of you. How perfectly it fit and how it made you cry out in pleasure. It was taking far more self control than you had anticipated to refrain from getting yourself off. That wasn’t what this reward was about though. It was about following his instructions and so far you were succeeding.
[4:33pm] Baek: Please. Wanna see how much you want me.
[4:34pm] Baek: Your panties are ruined and I have barely begun.
[4:34pm] Baek: So needy for me.
[4:34pm] Baek: Look at what you’ve done to me baby.
[4:34pm] Baek: DCIM5932123.jpg sent
The flood of desire in you just kept growing. So much so that you did seriously consider putting on a bathrobe and booking it to his room so that you could sink down on his cock. You clenched around nothing, feeling so empty and all you wanted was to feel him inside you again. You were getting tremendously worked up, and you knew you wouldn’t last long. 
[4:34pm] You: Fuck.
[4:34pm] Baek: Fuck that’s hot.
[4:34pm] You: Because I do.
[4:34pm] You: Feels so much better than my fingers ever will.
A whimper left your mouth as you closed your eyes and let the sensations overtake you. You let his words paint the picture of his hands digging into your sides as his mouth worked its way down your body, leaving a trail of love bites in its wake. Of his fingers pushing into your heat, drawing moan after moan out of you, stopping right before you came only to resume his actions with vigour as he watched you fall apart beneath him. Logically you knew that it was you touching yourself but with your eyes closed it was much easier to suspend disbelief and imagine that your hands were Baek’s, that you could feel his mouth on your skin and his voice in your ear. Even when he wasn’t physically present in the room, the man was overwhelming.
[4:34pm] Baek: Slow down baby. Don’t rush.
[4:34pm] You: Is it cheesy to say I miss your cock?
[4:34pm] Baek: Imagine I’m there with you.
[4:34pm] Baek: Think about my mouth on your neck, marking you up. Look at the mark on your hip and imagine me giving you a matching one on the other side.
[4:34pm] Baek: Think about my hand moving between your legs.
So much so that you had forgotten to respond to him. You were busy giving into the Baek your imagination had created that you had forgotten that the real Baek was present - even if it was just via text. 
[4:36pm] Baek: Yah! Don’t leave me on read because you’re busy masturbating.
[4:34pm] Baek: Move your hands slowly down your body, like I would.
You heard the message notification but didn’t want to cease the motions of your fingers in order to answer it. One hand was busy tracing light patterns around your nipples, your nails occasionally grazing over the sensitive flesh before you squeezed it between your thumb and finger. The other hand traced down your body, caressing your skin as you got closer and closer to where you needed to touch the most. 
Ring Riinnngg You jumped at the sound of your phone ringing, the sound shocking you back to reality. You saw Baek’s name and sucked in a breath as you realised that you had forgotten to continue texting him. But now he was calling, which meant you’d hear his voice and he’d hear how desperate you were for him to touch you. It would be embarrassing if he hadn’t heard you like this before… however that was in person. Lest you ignore his call as well and completely fail at providing the other half of his reward, you answered. “Baek.”
His voice was rough on the other end of the line. Hearing how affected he was made you clench around nothing, once again feeling far too empty. You let out a soft whine, a sound that was not missed by his ears. “Put me on speaker baby. Then your hands can keep occupied. You just have to listen to my voice.”
“This is much hotter than I thought it would be.” You admitted. 
You heard his breathy laugh through the speaker. “I can’t disagree with you on that.” You could hear his laboured breathing as he jerked himself off. “You know what?” He asked.
“What Baek?” You replied, your voice breathier than you ever remembered hearing it.
“If I was there right now, I’d tease you until you begged me to let you cum.” He grunted. “You know I would.” 
You whimpered, flashbacks of the hours you endured of him edging you flooding your brain. You licked your lips as you listened to the sound of his hand working his shaft. “God I want your cock in my mouth, to watch you come undone as I suck you off.” It wasn’t a lie, you had enjoyed every second of blowing his mind the first time you’d given him head. 
You heard him pick up the pace, soft whines sounding through the speaker as he really started to imagine he was fucking into your mouth. “You look so good with my cock in your mouth as well. Fuck.” He was really getting into this fantasy, really giving himself over to it, just as you were.  “You can use two fingers now. I know it’s not the same as my hands or cock but it’ll have to do for now.”
You plunged your fingers into your soaked heat, moaning loudly at the feeling of them. They weren’t enough though and they never would be. Not when you knew what all of him felt like, not when you knew exactly how he could make your body react. “Want. Fuck. Need more Baek.” You whimpered. “Wanna feel you.”
“I know you do baby, but you can’t have more right now. You’re just gonna have to fuck yourself on your fingers for me.” He moaned as he thought of stuffing you full of his cock, fucking you until you couldn’t form words. “Let me hear you.”
You moved the phone so it sat between your legs, hyper aware of how he could now hear exactly how wet you were for him. “Christ I’m so fucking hard for you, you know that right?” He groaned. “That sounds so fucking hot, holy shit. You’re dripping for me baby.”
You moaned again, hearing his voice like this was tearing you apart. “Tell me. Unf. Tell me what you’re doing.”
“I’m lying on the bed, pants around my ankles as I jerk myself off wishing I was fucking your mouth or your pussy instead of my fist. You feel amazing wrapped around my cock, like your body was made for me.” 
“Shit.” You whimpered. “What I wouldn’t give to sink down on your cock right now.” You sped up your movements, chasing your high.
He groaned loudly. “Fuck. You have a filthy mouth, you know that noona?”
“I’m visiting the gutter at present.” You smiled.
He laughed, never ceasing his rapid movements. “How committed to the gutter are you right now?”
“I’m having phone sex, what do you think?” You chuckled, your breath hitching as your hand grazed your clit.
“Touche.” He replied, grunting as his body responded to the sounds you were making. “By chance did you bring any toys with you? Long shot I know.”
“I. Fuck.” You replied. “I brought my vibrator with me.”
“Shit. Go get it.” He slowed his movements while he waited for you to retrieve your toy. He really wanted to cum at the same time as you but if the sounds you were making with just your fingers were any indication, he was in for an impossible task. He heard you return to the bed and instructed. “Turn it on, low speed. Keep fucking yourself on your fingers for me. I want you to hold it just far enough from your clit that you have to grind into it to feel it.” He started moving his own hand again once he could hear the low buzz of your vibrator and the squelch of your fingers. He was matching his pace to yours and every time you moaned or whimpered his name, he felt his cock twitch. “Fuck noona, the sounds you’re making are so hot.”
You’d forgotten to respond to him but at this point he didn’t really care. He could hear everything you were doing, everything he had instructed you to do and the sounds you were making were driving him insane. “If I was there, I’d be fucking you into that mattress so hard you wouldn’t be able to walk properly. I can hear how wet you are for me baby.”  
You cried out his name as you moved even faster, hearing him do the same. “Feels so good Baek, not as good as your cock but holy shit.” You could feel that familiar tingling in your core, and knew that you weren’t far from reaching your peak.
He cried out in ecstasy. “Shit. I don’t know how much longer I’m going to last noona. You’re making such sweet noises for me.”
You whimpered. “Baek, please.” It felt so good and like not enough all at once.  
He panted, somehow still able to form coherent thoughts. “You wanna cum baby?”
“I’m so close, please, I need more.” You whined. 
“Increase the speed and get yourself off baby. However you need to, just let me hear you as you come undone for me.” He listened as you increased the speed, crying out as you pressed the vibrator against your clit, holding it there while you fucked yourself on your fingers. “So good for me. Fuck I -”
“Baek.” You moaned. You were so close, so fucking close but you needed to hear him. To hear him lose it at the sound of you fucking yourself like he told you to. 
“Mmmph, yes baby?” He moaned, so close to finishing, you could tell by the strain in his voice, the speed of his hand and the erratic breathing.
“I wanna hear you cum. Please.” Your final request was all that it took to throw him over the edge, and hearing him moan your name as he came hurtled you into your own orgasm which made you see stars.
For a few moments all that could be heard was erratic breathing. Baek broke the silence. “Holy shit.”
“No kidding.” You replied, a post orgasm smile forming on your face. 
“You’re sure you messaged him?” Minseok asked as he paced around the room. He’d been doing this for the past five minutes and it was beginning to stress you out.
You reassured him. “Positive. I’m sure he’ll be here soon.” You could see that your words weren’t having the desired effect so you stood and moved to block the path he was wearing through the carpet. 
He realised what you had done at the last possible moment and stopped before he walked smack bang into you. You grabbed his hand, your free hand cupping his cheek. “Hey, calm down. This dinner isn’t a big deal.”
Minseok narrowed his eyes at you as he fidgeted. “Maybe not for you, but I feel like I’m about to embarrass myself in front of someone I work with, and live with.”
“You seriously need to just trust me.” You sighed. “Plus the first part of this dinner isn’t even about you anyway.”
The sound of knuckles rapping on the door caused Minseok’s next words to freeze in his throat. You gestured at him to look normal as you moved to open the door. He did his best but anxiety was seeping out of him in waves. There was no way Baek wouldn’t know something was off about him.
Baekhyun stepped into the room, grinning and giving you a hug. “I’m sorry I’m late! I fell asleep earlier and only just woke up.”
“You must have been tired Baek.” You smirked.
“I was worn out.” He said with a glint in his eye.
You ignored his comment, knowing full well what would happen if the two of you indulged in banter for any length of time, and instead chose to lead both of them further into the room. You turned around when you reached the small multipurpose table that was going to serve as your dining table. “Organising dinner was on me and I figured that since the final tour date is in two days that you could both have a bit of a cheat meal.” You saw words of protest appear on both of their lips, Baek’s far less truthful than Minseok's. “Before you complain, I ordered Korean food. I know you’ve been missing it. I didn’t order the healthiest food imaginable but it’ll be delicious and hopefully comforting.”
Minseok smiled at you. “That actually sounds great.”
“And Baek, don’t worry, there’s no cucumbers this time.”
Baekhyun did a little happy dance which made both you and Minseok laugh. “Noona doesn’t hate me!” He sang.
You looked down at your phone as you checked the app and saw how far away the driver was. “It should be here soon. I’ll go down to the lobby to collect it while you two set up somewhere to eat. I’ll be back soon.” You gestured around the room to help them get the message that they needed to move things around so that you could all eat. 
Minseok sent you a warning glare as you left the room. “Noona,” You ignored the complaint in his voice, knowing that if all went well you’d probably pay for that action later. Right now what mattered was getting some food into all of you.
Minseok set down his chopsticks after finishing a piece of chicken. “Alright, enough stalling. Tell us about your meeting.” You had been waiting for him to broach the topic, figuring maybe his nerves about the other conversation might have pushed this one out of the way.
Baekhyun was a little less gracious, immediately speaking whilst still trying to eat. The guy could sing and dance at the same time but he could not eat and talk simultaneously - no matter how hard he tried. “Yeah, what happened?” He started in between bites of his piece of chicken. “What did they say?” Another bite. “What did you say?” Another bite.
“Are you staying with us?” Minseok asked softly.
“Are they assigning you to another group?” Baekhyun asked with a certain amount of worry in his voice.
“Guys, calm down.” You set your own chopsticks down so you could talk to them before they bombarded you with questions. “The meeting went well. It was with two of the managers and Junmyeon was there as EXO’s representative. We all just discussed the criteria I was given when I took on the role. Feedback was provided from the staff as well as from you guys and then I provided my own opinions regarding my performance. Overall it was quite positive.” You smiled. It was the truth - the meeting was positive. Mostly.
Baek cheered as he engulfed you in a hug. “That’s great news! See we all told you how great you are at your job.”
Minseok however, was more reserved. He had a half smile on his face that said he knew there was more to the story than what you’d provided. “Why am I sensing a ‘it was quite positive, but’ moment?”
Baek stilled, refusing to detach himself from you. You sighed. “They have to send the performance discussion to the CEO and then he will make the final decision about my employment after your final performance. We won’t know the outcome until we’re back in Korea.”
“So you just get to stress about it until then? That doesn’t seem fair.” Baek muttered.
“I’m stressing about a few things.” You replied honestly. Maybe it was time to let them know what your brain had been wrestling with. 
“Like what?” Minseok asked earnestly as he reached across the table and grabbed your hand. “You know you can tell us. No matter what it is.”
You nodded. “Of course I’m stressed about my job. If they don’t keep me working with you guys, will they assign me to another group at SM or will I be going back to Mr. Kim and waiting for him to find me another group to teach?”
Baek rubbed your shoulders, muttering to no one in particular about the tightness of your muscles. His touch was both calming and distracting, which was precisely your problem. He paused to reassure you. “I’m going to speak for all of us when I say that you are great at your job regardless of the reward system you implemented. It was a definite bonus but even without that aspect of the lessons, we all improved greatly.”
Minseok squeezed your hand as he stared at you, his eyes full of warmth and love. “You’ll land on your feet no matter what happens there. You’re an excellent teacher and the company would be dumb to let you go to their competition.”
“That is another thing I stressed about.” You said, soft voice thick with emotion. “Were you only so willing to learn because it wasn’t always exactly professional? Our relationship was blurred before I was employed as your teacher.” It was something you had been increasingly unsure of recently. Would they have been as attentive and willing to learn if you had been less familiar and suggestive with them? Had you taken advantage of the situation? Had you taken advantage of them? These were all questions you were beginning to ask yourself and the negative thoughts  were growing louder by the day in your mind.
As if sensing the inner turmoil you were feeling, Minseok moved his chair closer to you so that he could grab your free hand. “If anything I think the fact that we knew you and got along with you before you were our teacher only helped make us feel more relaxed around you.” He smiled at the man who had resumed back hugging you. “Like Baek said, the less than professional side of the lessons was a bonus but at the end of the day you took our learning styles into consideration and adjusted the way you taught to suit each of us. That is not something every company assigned teacher does. They usually stick to their lesson plans rigidly and we have to work harder if their style of teaching is not beneficial for us.” 
His words pierced through, causing you to feel far more emotional than you had planned to be this evening. “Thank you Minnie.” You said, your voice trembling slightly. 
He released one of your hands to wipe away a stray tear that had escaped your eyes. “You are a phenomenal teacher. Don’t cheapen what you’ve accomplished just because you happen to have slept with us.” You choked out a laugh as he wiped a few more tears away. “We are all incredibly proud of our super talented friend and teacher for doing what no one else had been able to accomplish - teaching EXO English.” You smiled genuinely at that, thanking him for his words.
You tried to shrug but the act was harder to do with Baekhyun restricting your movement. “Pretty much.”
 “Was that everything you’re stressing about?” Baek asked softly from behind you, his head resting on your shoulder.
You shook your head. “Nothing I feel like discussing at this time though.” He narrowed his eyes at you in concern while you felt Baek remove himself from behind you, dragging his chair closer to Minseok’s so he could see your face as well. You saw the concern in his eyes and all you wanted to do was get away from this conversation. You weren’t ready for that part of the conversation yet and they would both have to trust you enough to not try and push you for answers. “I promise I will tell you as soon as I’m ready. I won’t dwell on it or anything like that.”
Baek crossed his arms. “I’d better not have to find you by the Han River again after you’ve gotten too upset.”
Minseok wasn’t having it. “I can tell from your face that there’s more…”
“You won’t. I promise.” You assured him. You had no intention of feeling as lost as you had that day. He nodded, sharing a look with Minseok that told you that they believed you and would let it go for now, but that this conversation wasn’t over. You would tell them eventually but you needed to work out the answer yourself before you even brought it up with them. You took a sip of your drink and wondered how exactly the conversation had been derailed so much that you had shed tears. That was not what tonight was supposed to be about. “I’m changing the topic now.” You stated. “How do you feel about the tour coming to an end?”
Baek smiled. “It’s been a lot of fun actually getting to visit places where we never thought we’d have that many fans. We’re only done with the American leg of the tour though. We’ve got the encore show in Seoul to prepare for, then the tour will officially be finished.” He licked his lips. “And then I can eat all the pizza I want.”
Minseok laughed as he begrudgingly added. “But then we have to start to work on the next album as well as CBX’s Japanese debut.”
“No rest for the wicked.” You replied.
Minseok shook his head. “No rest on the horizon for us. Are we tired? Sure. Do we love what we do? Absolutely. I think we all realise that we kind of get to rest in a couple of years once we have to start enlisting. EXO will have to take a break then.”
Baek chuckled. “We’re all workaholics though. So we’ll rest but to most people we’ll still appear to have too many schedules.”
Minseok sighed as he shook his head. “Why do we keep moving to heavy topics of discussion? Can we stick to lighter things?”
“Pick a topic then.” You smiled.
“Hyung. I think you owe me an apology.” Baekhyun blurted out.
Minseok looked bewildered. “For what?” He asked.
Baek stood abruptly and pointed back and forth between you and Minseok vigorously. “I was right the whole time! You and noona were fucking, the entire time!”
“Baek, seriously?” You blurted.
“It’s ok.” Minseok smirked. An unexpected action given the man was a nervous wreck not even an hour ago but he was if anything, never to be underestimated. “Baek, tell me, when have I ever denied it?” He asked, his head cocked to the side.
“What? Yah! You did though! Every time I brought it up!” Baek’s voice was increasing in volume as he got worked up.
Minseok however, remained the picture of unbothered, leaning further back in his chair as he got comfortable. Every other time Baek had brought up the idea of you and Minseok fucking, the elder had always been one breath away from punching him, but now that there were no bystanders he was toying with Baek. “No. I just never confirmed it. I never said we weren’t though. You just assumed that since I never told you you were right.” He shrugged.
Baek’s mouth opened and closed rapidly as he tried to find a fault in Minseok’s reasoning. “I. But. You.”
Minseok raised a brow. “You know I’m right.” He said.
Baek nodded a few times as he realised he had never heard Minseok or you deny that you were sleeping together. “Smooth hyung, smooth.”
“Shut up.” Minseok muttered, laughing under his breath, light dancing in his eyes.
“Wait! I have a question then.” He blurted.
Minseok groaned, that light dimming slightly. “Why do I know I’m not going to like this question…” 
“Don’t hate me. I’m just really curious.” Baek grinned.
“Fine.” He said.
“Since the two of you were fucking the whole time, how did a reward even work for you?” 
“Baek.” You warned. 
“What?” He exclaimed. “You told me everyone got a sexual reward, or punishment, and I get that. But if the two of you were already well acquainted with each other's bits then how could anything sexual still count as a reward for you?” It was a valid question, and the more you thought about it, it did lead to telling Baek about the threesome… and you were curious to see if Minseok would take the bait.
Minseok’s reply was guarded. The easygoing light was gone from his eyes, replaced by a wall. You willed him to just relax and tell Baek everything, knowing it would be better for Minseok’s confidence if it came from him rather than you. “I made a request.”
“But haven’t had it fulfilled yet?” He asked.
It was like trying to draw blood from a stone and Baek was doing his best to be respectful in how he asked. “Like, I don’t mean to pry but you have to know that kind of response only makes me more curious about what you asked for hyung.”
“Don’t play dumb Baek, you know what I asked for.” Minseok snapped. “She already told me that she accidentally spilled that information.” He groaned, embarrassed by the entire situation.
Baek took it in his stride as he continued the conversation as though Minseok wasn’t trying everything in his power to end it. “I have follow up questions.”
“Baek.” You tried. He shot you a look that said he’s my hyung and I know his moods better than you do sweetheart.
He pressed on with his questions. “Have you planned it yet?”
“What?” Minseok replied, growing exasperated but not surprised by the younger's antics.
“I don’t know hyung! I assume threesomes take planning?!” Baek threw his hands in the air, laughing nervously. 
Minseok stilled, finally understanding that Baek was trying to make him feel at ease with the topic at hand. “I. No, it has not been planned yet.”
“Oh, ok.” He replied, unsure of where to go next. 
Minseok put his head in his hands and grumbled. “Can we please stop talking about this?”
Baek smiled at Minseok lovingly. “Sorry hyung, I was just curious. Didn’t mean to make you self conscious.” He cleared his throat. “Just to be clear, there is absolutely no judgement from me, in case that was something you were now feeling weird about.”
Minseok had not removed his face from his hands but he still replied. “It’s fine. It’s just not a normal topic of conversation.”
It was time for you to step in and try to get this conversation to where it needed to go. Baek was closing in on it but had not asked the right question, nor did it seem like Minseok was going to provide the information required even if he had been asked the right question. “Baek, how do you feel about threesomes?” You asked.
Baek had not been expecting that question. “Well I’ve never had one noona, but I dunno, they sound like they could be good if the right people were involved.”
You pressed on, hoping that if you didn’t provide him room to think too much he wouldn’t make an ill-timed joke.“If you were to be involved in one, would you opt for two women or a man and a woman?” 
He mulled over the question for a bit, taking it seriously. “As hot as two women sounds, it also seems like a lot of work,” he began and you heard a small laugh from Minseok. Okay maybe jokes weren’t the worst thing Baek could throw into this conversation. “and not gonna lie I’d probably just watch the two of them and cum embarrassingly fast.” He laughed nervously. “So I’d probably go for a man and a woman.” He saw the look in your eyes and exclaimed. “What?”
You shook your head. “Nothing. I just appreciate your honesty.”
“You’re welcome?” He replied, slightly confused and feeling rather exposed. He fidgeted for a moment before standing and pointing at the fridge. “I’m getting a drink.”
Once Baekhyun was out of earshot Minseok glared at you and hissed. “What are you doing noona?”
You smiled innocently. “What? This is the perfect way to introduce the idea to him.”
Minseok was wrestling with his anxiety and fear of rejection. “But. Shit, I don’t know. Why is this so nerve wracking?” He wanted to get it out there but he was so terrified of the response.
It was your turn to squeeze his hand in reassurance. “Just follow my lead now, then if things go like I think they might, I’ll follow your instructions later.” You winked.
“...Fine.” He replied, not entirely certain that this wasn’t all going to end in flames.
You leaned over and whispered in his ear. “Just so you know, if this topic of conversation hadn’t come up naturally I was just going to bring it up. This is a far better way to do it though. Plus, you are not blind, you can see he’s interested.” You kissed his cheek as you pulled away.
“Can the floor just open up and swallow me already?” He groaned, looking anywhere but at you or Baek..
“So Baekkie,” You smiled. “I have some questions now.”
“Why are you looking at me like that?” He asked suspiciously.
“Like what?” You replied.
He stared at you. “Like a cat circling a mouse.”
“No idea what you’re talking about.” You replied, cutting him off before he could say anything more. “Anyway, my questions. Will you answer five questions for me?”
“Um, ok.” He looked confused but he rarely refused games involving questions with you. “Does Minseokkie have to answer as well?” He asked.
“He doesn’t have to,” You replied as you brushed your hand over Minseok’s leg.. “but I think it would be more fun if he did.”
“Okay.” Baek replied.
“Maybe.” Minseok added.
Here went nothing. Things were about to either get really awkward or work out swimmingly. “Do you like to watch?” You asked.
Baekhyun replied slowly. “That’s very vague noona.”
You replied sarcastically. “Given the previous topic of discussion I felt like it didn’t need to be more specific.” Neither of the two men looked like they were opting to speak first which simply was not going to work for you. “Fine. I’ll rephrase. Does the idea of watching two people having sex appeal to you?”
Baekhyun nodded. “I’ve watched porn, so that feels like a given.” He said matter of factly.
“Yeah.” Minseok agreed.
“Does the idea of having someone tell you where to touch your partner, and how to fuck them turn you on?” You asked, hoping this question would elicit more of a response out of them.
Baek shifted in his seat, a slight blush tinting his ears. “I, um. That. Yeah, that does sound really hot actually.”
Minseok however, as you expected, was not as enthralled by the idea of giving up control. “Hmm, not really.” He replied succinctly.
“Does the image of you and another guy sharing a woman, fucking her at the same time, hearing her fall apart because of the pleasure you’re both giving her make you feel some type of way?” It definitely made you feel some type of way, and you knew both of them were interested in the idea of a threesome so this question should have been an easy one to respond to.
Baekhyun swallowed thickly. “Fuck.” He was a bit flustered, the tips of his ears turned slightly red.  “Um, yes. That sounds really fucking hot.” He nodded.
Minseok still looked guarded but there was a fire in his eyes that told you all you needed to know. “Yes.” was the only reply you received.
Time for the final step. There was no taking this image back once you’d put it out there. “Would the idea of the woman being me, and the other guy being your hyung be a turn off?”
Baekhyun smiled softly, a complete dichotomy to the nature of the question you had asked. “Actually, not to expose myself here, but that’s what I’ve been imagining this whole time, and as long as it doesn’t get weird then no, it is absolutely not a turn off at all.” He avoided looking at either of you out of slight embarrassment. 
Minseok stilled, his breathing rough. “Fuck.” Reality slammed into him as he finally knew that his request was possible and that he would not be rejected.
You pressed on, hoping to calm the tension that was growing in the room. Baekhyun had yet to look at either of you after admitting that he was turned on at the thought of sharing you with his hyung. “Would you believe that your hyung picked you to be the one he wanted involved in his reward?”
His head shot up, eyes wide. “What?”
Minseok suddenly felt very exposed. “Noona!” He yelled.
Baekhyun shook his head. “Wait really?” He pointed at himself. “Me?”
You nodded, grinning as you replied. “Yes. You.”
He sucked in a deep breath and looked at Minseok. “I want to preface this with, I am flattered and 100% down for this but I have a question.” Minseok waited. “Why me hyung?” He asked.
Minseok looked torn between being relieved that this request seemed within his grasp and hoping that the earth would crack open and swallow him whole so that he didn’t have to explain to Baekhyun why he chose him for a threesome with you. “Uh… do I have to answer?” 
Baek narrowed his eyes at Minseok. “Yeah. You do.”
He took a deep breath and averted his gaze as he spoke, still embarrassed to be saying this in front of Baek. “You seem open minded, you have never shamed me when I’ve let a kink drop in a conversation.”
Baek nodded. “True.”
Minseok fidgeted with his hands as the anxiety worked its way out of him. “I also, uh this is embarrassing, I like to be in charge when it comes to sex. And I don’t think you’re the type who would challenge me on that.” He finally turned his gaze to Baek as he uttered his next sentence. “I also trust you not to fuck this up.”
“Thanks hyung.” Baek smiled brightly, laughing to himself right after. “Wow, what a fucking weird conversation.” He took a beat to centre himself before honestly replying. “Uh, you aren’t wrong though.” He shrugged. “I have no problem taking charge during sex but I also take instruction well and don’t care if I’m calling the shots or not.” Thay boyish grin returned to his face as he couldn’t help himself. “I’m just happy to be there.”
“Noona,” Minseok said as he waved his hand in front of your face. “Are you ok?” He asked.
“Hmm?” You shook your head as your eyes focused on the two men staring at you. “Sorry, I was just thinking about…” You replied, not realising how off with the fairies you had been.
“About what?” Baekhyun asked, a knowing gleam in his eyes.
Your breath shuddered as you spoke. “About both of you fucking me. Sorry, my brain is heavily distracted right now.” You bit your lip as you tapped your temple with your finger. “There are a lot of incredibly hot images taking place in there.”
“So uh, I guess the question of the hour is - are we doing this now?” Minseok asked quietly. Even though Baekhyun had all but jumped for joy at being selected as the third person, Minseok was still nervous about the whole thing. You remained silent while he posed the question, having led the discussion to this point, you were curious to see if he’d take over and lead from here. He gestured between all three of you before he continued speaking, his voice gaining in confidence the more he spoke. “Clearly we are all down for it, and none of us are unaffected right now. But do we need some time to consider it?”
You shook your head. He knew you were down bad for it since you kept drifting off into a daze whenever you thought about it. He all but smirked at you before turning his focus to Baek.
“I don’t need any time.” Baekhyun replied. It wasn’t a rushed response, just one he sounded very sure of. Both of your gazes focused on Minseok. His response would determine if you were fucking these two men tonight or if you were scheduling a threesome, which seemed like the strangest possible calendar entry you could make.
“I’m down,” He loosened a breath he hadn’t realised he’d been holding in. “I’ll just need a little bit of time to mentally prepare for it.” His gummy smile flashing as he realised the situation he was discussing. Baek raised his hand. “Uh, yes?” Minseok replied.
“I have more questions.” He paused, thinking over his next words carefully. “I’m completely up for this experience but we are going to have to talk about how it will work y’know. So we don’t overstep or make it weird.” 
You smiled warmly at both of them, proud that Minseok had persevered through his nerves to get to this point. He hadn’t been rejected (and you knew he never had that to fear) and was actually manifesting going through with it tonight. Proud of Baek for having the forethought to ask about boundaries to make sure the experience was good for all involved. Rather than coo at them about any of that, you decided to try and act nonchalant in an attempt to hide how badly you wanted both of them. “Alright then how about you go prepare. We’ll know when you return if Xiumin is getting his reward tonight or not.” You looked at Baek. “And if Xiu comes out, we will discuss how things will proceed. It’s his reward - we’re just excited to be here.”
A/N: Now you all just have to wait for me to die from writing this threesome, resurrect myself, dies while editing it, be resurrected again and then I’ll unleash it upon you. We’re so close to the end and I honestly don’t know how to thank everyone who has stuck with this fic because it’s been a damn long time. Years! So thank you - I really, truly appreciate it.
Masterpost | Chapter 45 | Chapter 47
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athina-blaine · 1 year
“You mark my words. Those boys are fixing to bring the world down on their heads."
Ambrosius and Ballister find each other. The world takes note.
Rating: General Audiences Ballister Blackheart | Ballister Boldheart/Ambrosius Goldenloin Chapters: 1/1 [Complete] Word Count: ~4.7k Additional Tags: Light Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Insecurity, Pre-Canon, Developing Relationship, POV Outsider
Dropping his school bag, Jason slumped onto his bed with his shoes still on. The bright red of Professor Clarkson’s pen slashed through his practice essay haunted him. Not to mention his pulled shoulder from athletics. Today had sucked, big time.
A notification dinged on his phone. Wincing, he reached into his bag, unread messages flooding his screen.
[knightmareX] Clearly there was time to include the crab monster in the movie
[knightmareX] studio just didnt want to ruin it with a big dumb monster with crappy effects
[toddski] doesn’t matter, totally dumps on what the comic is going for
[toddski] don’t like it? don’t make a movie
[Mikelangelo] [GIF: teddy bear rolling around floor on fire]
[Mikelangelo] guys pls im so screwed on these essays
[Mikelangelo] can we meet in the library tomorrow? ill bring Snacks if someone brings drinks
Jason scrolled up through his text history. Ambrosius leaving the group chat hadn't affected their day-to-day conversations much, his contributions having been mostly limited to coordinating plans and ending arguments that had spiraled out of control. Still, didn’t it bother the others that they hadn’t talked about it at all?
Sighing, he opened his keyboard.
[RenegadeRider] yeah I can meet you there after psych
[Mikelangelo] youre a lifesaver :prayer_hands_emoji: :halo_emoji:
[Mikelangelo] ill bring that good s*** :smirking_face_emoji:
[knightmareX] we are totally raging at mine once mids are over
[toddski] www.imageapp.com/attachments/20230721_233600.jpg
[toddski] get a load of this you guys
The photo pushed Jason’s conversation out of sight.
The picture had been taken recently, judging by the angle of the sun; Ambrosius and the commoner sat on the grassy field beside the university fountain plaza, near the gnarled tree. Books lay scattered around them, abandoned, as they seemed to be laughing at some secret joke. Ambrosius leaned on the commoner’s arm for support, his eyes shining.
Jason couldn't help but frown, a sense of discomfort weighing down his stomach.
[Continue on AO3]
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fazedlight · 1 year
mel i loved your post about your full timeline of s5 from a character’s perspective and i eagerly await the fic!!! i’ve never actually posted fic or anything but sometimes i kind of quietly write things i don’t think i’d ever post and honestly i both hate the amount of background you need when all you had was a scene in mind but i have to admit i also love it. it’s like this logic puzzle where you’re trying to slot everything in so it makes sense and adheres to a timeline and the headcanon speculation of it is so fun (insert crazy murderboard jpg here) and i would love to hear any of that sort of background stuff that never made it into your fics but that was painstakingly pieced together if you would care to share! i loved when you shared your gender headcanons.
AHHHHH I genuinely freak out when people put things in my inbox, thank you 💗💗 I'm going to answer this in almost-reverse order! Starting with some stuff that never made it into the fics (I forget a lot of them over time, but these are some off the top of my head):
My Crisis rewrite had some headcanons around how people processed time at the Vanishing Point. More "super" people like Sara and Kara processed time more slowly, whereas humans like Lena and Ryan processed time more quickly. This kind of shows up in the writing with how Kara angsts in the background, and how Sara doesn't really sleep, but ultimately I didn't use it.
In It's a Metallo Life, the team briefly heads to MIT - I have a lot of headcanons around Lena's time at MIT (I went there myself), including certain unauthorized activities she may have participated in. Ultimately, I didn't find a good excuse to include much of that in the fic, but let's just say as a student she spent a lot of time in strange places and setting things on fire.
For Even Though You're Kryptonian, I actually have a separate science summary post that you might enjoy. I really thought a lot about the science there, but it didn't make it into the fic itself.
I love the logic puzzle aspect!! Putting together the outline of the story is the part of writing that really feels like storycrafting to me. When I finally have that working outline, it gives me the same high as engineering a working piece of code.
Last year, I went into posting my very first chapter thinking "What am I even doing? I'm not a writer" - but it ended up unlocking this part of me that I had hidden away, becoming a really worthwhile experience. So I hear you on being shy to post, and I know it's a vulnerable feeling, so no pressure. But if you're feeling that inkling to give it a try, I'd encourage you to ❤️
As for the fic I was posting about... funny thing, it's not supercorp (except as background characters), and it doesn't really need the timeline at all (I just needed to know how much I was going to break canon). Maybe you'll enjoy it anyway, or maybe not.
If not, I have 3 other supercorp fics (after my current WIP) that I plan to release into the world too. So more stories will be coming regardless 💕
Thank you so much for the ask, I hope you have a marvelous day!
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hell yeah you’ve got some based headcanons
curious on your headcanons for dot
THANK YOU!!!! i think about them a lot . penguins in my brain. also i can totally do dot hcs !!! (i was wondering when someone would ask cuz i did have a couple in my mind...)
first of all and i CANNOT stress this enough, trans. she is a trans woman. this is very important!!! RAAHHH
and to add to that i'd like to think that her "design gal" appearance is the product of her finally expressing herself, which is why she's wearing a lot more colorful accessories and trying a new style she usually didn't have prior... and the whole "new passion for fashion" quote is DEFINITELY an indicator of her being more comfortable with herself and her interests, especially branching out to other things that don't have to do with the EPF
dot is fond of giving her fellow agents nicknames! she likes to call rookie "rooks" and (canonically) calls the agent "ace", she also teasingly calls jpg "big guy" just to annoy him
heres some relationship stuff below!
to rookie, she is a very dependable and understanding older sister figure. the two are very close and rookie enjoys going out on missions with her just as much as he enjoys doing so with jpg. dot has always been offering a helping flipper to rookie
to jpg, dot is very sassy and kind of ruthless. she likes to tease him a lot, mostly to see his reaction. but the two do get along, especially when talking about their common interest in fashion. jpg owes a lot to dot's talent and skill, even if he has to take in all of dot's teasing all the time
dot owes a lot to aunt arctic, mostly because of ANOTHER SCENARIO I MADE UP IN MY HEAD but basically it had to do with dot first coming into the island, and more or less being really distant and cold. a lot of that personality really softened when she got recruited into the EPF
occasionally, her old cold-hearted nature can sometimes stick out, especially when she's angry. which is one of the main reasons why jpg never attempts to fight back against her teasing. she is simply too girlboss i fear
i also originally planned for her to be the one who made rookie's hawaiian shirt. i scrapped the headcanon in favor of an oc explanation, but i'll just leave it here :3
dot enjoys scrapbooking and crafts in general! there is a board in her igloo that contains a lot of photos, she is very crafty!
dot's parents are both models, and they taught her how to improvise on fashion when she was younger. that's how she ended up being really good at making disguises out of simple materials.
despite that, dot does not get along well with her family!
dot has crossdressed a lot before, mostly for her disguises, but occasionally she does it for fun.
(semi-canon?) she has a lot of friends around the island, and maybe even moreso in the fashion industry
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her personality has hardened a lot more after the events of operation blackout, she became a lot more focused and just.. a teensy tiny bit more stern
everyone in the EPF means a lot to her, she cares about all of them like family. (and she probably cares more about them than her own family but i digress) just like gary, she'd rather be cryogenically frozen 20 times over than see the EPF get destroyed in front of her
she collects squishmallows. i dont know im adding this in
the inside of her igloo is the most pastel purple-pink mess you can possibly think of. (i also thought of her living in a travel trailer? kind of a funny thought ngl)
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4, 20 for the yugioh ask game?
4. Favorite season/story arc
for each series i have seen:
DM: *crying anime girl jpg* SORRY FOR BEING A SEASON 4 LIKER IM SORRY I CANT HELP IT. like objectively battle city is the best arc but Waking the Dragon DOMA Atlantis will forever be where my heart calls home. you had to be there (baby dana in 2004 getting her entire brain chemistry blasted open by cool dragons and rex raptor's soul being ripped out of his body.) again,
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GX: i love the first season of GX so much and so genuinely... it's just so silly and fun and the little filler antics make me smile so much. I'm also very fond of season 4 even though it's a pretty divisive one (and a little clunky i will admit).... seeing these kids get ready to graduate and grow up makes me sooo soft ;___;
5Ds: *crying anime girl jpg AGAIN* SORRY FOR BEING 5DS SEASON 2'S STRONGEST SOLDIER IM SORRY I CANT HELP ITTTTTTT like. ok see below there are part of it that Suck but that first chunk of s2 where the gang just dicks around in the garage and bruno is there is just such a treat. anyway also my actual top fav story arc is The Ark Cradle. We Know This. I am genuinely considering getting a custom ARKCRDL license plate for my car. that stretch of episodes is probably My Favorite Chunk of Yugioh Thus Far. it makes me sick in the head. it makes me explode. What if every duel Whipped Like Hell. What if Old Man Divorce happened For Real.
Zexal: god all of zex is so fuckin good but my fav is probably that first chunk of season too, the initial Barian Invasion...it's just peak yugioh hijinks and the horrors have yet to hit and it's FUN. THEY PLAY BASEBALL. RAY SHADOWS IS VERY HERE. GIRAG AND ALITO BESTIES MOMENTS. ART STANLEY.
20. Least favorite season/story arc:
again, for each series:
DM: god KC Grand Prix was bad. i thought it was bad when i was a kid and then i rewatched it and it still Was Not Very Good. i will fight for every other DM filler arc but Not That One. Sorry.
GX: aaaahhhhhh man i gotta say probably season 3....just like. especially that first half of it. When season 3 is good it's REALLY FUCKIN GOOD but it has moments that drag like hell and are just. Not fun to watch. and im still not rly the biggest fan of what they did with Jaden's character in that season...ah well. season 4 brings it home so i cant complain too much.
5Ds: ok yeah i can only defense s2 so much i love you WRGP but when you drag you FUCKING DRAG. WHY IS THE TEAM UNICORN DUEL LIKE 5 EPISODES LONG. THOG DONT CARE. WHERE ARE MY ITALIANS. also i love the dark signers arc but that shit with the ape king. i wish i could delete you from the canon.
Zexal: i actually dont think i have a 'least fav' season or arc! I genuinely had so much fun with all of Zexal and i think there's good to be found in all of it. i luv zexal :]
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lilyoffandoms · 2 years
Crimes Drabble - Trystan x Noel
Hey there @hydn-jpg. If it’s not obvious from me tagging you in this 😉 I got you for the @choicesfandomappreciation Secret Pal exchange this year. I know we’ve not interacted much but I forever love seeing your art on my dash and I still stare at that loveliest of art you created for me of my two favorites! Thank you for always brightening our little fandom and Merry Christmas and Happy Nee Year!
A/N: I was lookin through some of your Noel and Trystan art (gorgeous gorgeousness right here btw) and I couldn’t shake the idea of doing a detective noir with them. Now, fair warning, I’ve never attempted to write noir before, I just ran with my idea, but I hope I did your Noel justice and you enjoy this gift.
Warnings: No warnings that wouldn’t also apply to canon.
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She was a talented, gorgeous, up and coming artist. Her nobility certainly wouldn’t help matters. Last place she - or anyone - would expect her to end up was on Ruby’s slab. I shake my head as I toss her smiling photo back onto a stack of grittier ones.
I can’t shake the tension in my shoulders as I look up at the clock.
Another late one, I pinch the bridge of my nose. But that’s nothing new.
My eyes find the day old coffee across the room and I sigh.
I’m the one that wished for a new case, something exciting to walk through that door. Someone other than the usual jilted spouse. Never expected it to drag murder and an exiled prince with it.
I glance skeptically at the coffee again. Fresh or not, I could use the caffeine.
As I stand up from my chair, it goans and creaks. Stepping out from behind my desk, I roll my shoulders, trying to coax my muscles into moving me across the room. A swipe at my bleary eyes clears my vision enough that I manage to safely traverse the space between here and there.
Looking around, there’s probably not an inch of this agency that I don’t know.
To my left is my desk (with a few more than a few coffee rings staining the worn surface) is our evidence board and Luke’s way too neat desk. Various screens and panels still buzz from that corner though it sits dark now. Across from me are two doors. One connects to Mafalda’s pristine office with a line of filing cabinets stacked against one wall. The other door leads to the outside world where a few cars still honk angrily at each other despite the late hour.
I pour a stale, lukewarm mug and take a sip.
It tastes like shit, I cringe and take a gulp.
Pacing around the office, walking the same steps that the floor has witnessed a thousand times over on nights just like this. Force of habit, I guess.
Some fresh air would be nice… and maybe some fresh coffee…
I turn when someone tries the locked door. I groan to myself. Only one person it could be this late at night, at this place without a key, looking for me.
My suspicions are confirmed with a rhythmic knock to the door.
I set my coffee aside and move slowly across the room. Too slowly it would seem for my visitor when my phone chimes with an incoming text. My suspicions are confirmed when I pull my phone from my pocket and see the message.
I know you’re in there.
I barely suppress my smile as I type a response back. And I fail to stifle my laugh at the shouted reply.
I debate making him wait a bit longer until he shouts through the door that he has coffee. That settles it.
I open the door and Trystan stands in front of me, dashing as ever with that same killer smile on his lips.
“Took you long enough, Rose.”
I hide my smile behind the cup he offers me and allow it to warm my hands as I inhale the roasted nutty aroma before taking a tentative sip.
His eyebrows arch and his lips quirk into a wide smirk at the contented moan that escapes me with that first sip.
“Not a word,” I mumble as I leave him standing in the door way.
“Wouldn’t dream of it, detective. Mind if I join you?”
I can’t help but give him a once over. Taking him in. Damn if he doesn’t look good in those trimmed trousers, tailored jacket, and pressed shirt with a few too many buttons undo per his usual m.o. Probably helps that the fabric of that suit alone costs more than my rent.
He flashes a smirk and I clear my throat, “By all means.”
He sits across from me and picks up a file, flipping through it thoughtfully as he sips his own drink.
I do the same but soon enough, my mind drifts to other things…
Like the way he steals glances at me when he thinks I’m not looking, the touches and small shows of affection that he pretends are innocent as he grabs another file, the way that he’ll understand what I mean with just a single word or look.
He waves his hands in front of my face and grins, “Noel, you alright there?”
My given name. That does the trick. His eyes ground me as I manage to wrench my gaze up to his face.
He leans across the desk, closer. “You like what you see?”
Shit. Was I staring?
I hide my eyes behind the file I’m holding. I feel a flush creeping up my neck to burn at my ears. My head swims as I attempt to dismiss the feelings that threaten to overwhelm me whenever he’s near.
I clear my throat and risk a glance up at him. Mistake.
He knows he’s caught me and he leans back in the chair, stretching out on display. Muscles even more taut beneath his tailored shirt.
“Just tired?” I lie through my teeth.
“Mmmhmm.” His smirk is infuriating and what I wouldn’t give to kiss it from his lip.
I focus on the case file before me in a vain attempt to hide the heat still flooding my face.
A moment passes.
Then two.
I peek out from behind my file. I quietly laugh upon seeing his face. He has a look on his face I’ve not seen before. One that worries me.
“Never thought I’d see you speechless.” I can’t help the quip followed by a grin. Anything to lighten the mood that threatens to stifle.
Trystan’s smile has changed. It’s softer. Lips poised like they want to say something. Emotions lie unspoken there that leave me even more confused by my own.
But he settles upon, “Well, detective, you always leave me speechless.”
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localtopegg · 1 year
jetkie for the ship rating meme bc it was the first one to come to mind <3 yes even with these icons
Send me a Ship and I'll Rate it!
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NOTP || Just no || Meh || Neutral || Good Potential || Ship it || OTP || JUST FUCK ALREADY
Honestly took me a while to come around to this one. I grew up with Rookie and JPG from Club Penguin having a more platonic and borderline familial relationship in my head. I still see it as that in terms of hard canon but outside of that, what the community has made?
It's that version I ship. The ones the artists, roleplayers, writers and headcanon writers made. I've talked with some for several years and over time, not only did I grow to understand why people paired these two up. I grew to pair them myself too.
Not only do I ship them no because of that understanding, but also because... they kinda symbolize my growth as a person too?
Either way yeah. These two are cute, especially when it comes to the Recycling Bin's Versions.
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pridesfate-blog · 5 years
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( ´ ▽ ` )ノ hiya & welcome to my headcanon based & slightly canon divergent portrayal of CAESAR ZEPPELI from hirohiko araki’s animanga series jojo’s bizarre adventure ! if you’re here to suffer alongside me give this a  ♡ or a  ↻  and i’ll check out your blog !!! 
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daredevilexchange · 3 years
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Want to be featured here? Head to this page and fill in the form!
See what this is about here, or if you’re using the app here.
What’s your fannish ID? Mock-Speed
What types of fanworks do you create? Art! I love fitting a moment or a story into one frame — trying to squeeze in jokes or references, emotions. I try to really pack it in. Even in simpler paintings I try and find room for details that would convey something to a careful viewer. Knuckles turning white with stress or fingers really digging in to someone shoulder, a funny pattern showing on a tiny strip of boxers, choosing furniture for the background that I think fits personalities — I try to be deliberate with these things. If I’m just going to fill space I can blob in color, but those decisions are what make painting fun for me. I do write sometimes, but I only really have a few good stories in me per decade I think. “Once in a blue moon” would be overgenerous for the frequency I can write at. 
What are your favourite types of fanworks, when you’re not creating? I love fic, and it’s the primary way I spend my time, but I confess I’m very nostalgic for AMVs. I feel like they’re harder to find these days with YouTube being what it is now. 
What do you like in particular about this fandom? I love how much you can pick and choose your canon! With decades of comics to pull from, there’s nothing to say you can’t just drop what you don’t like, it probably happened your way at some point. I’ve never really read the comics, but I ship Fratt — and I draw Matt with flowy ginger hair (a la Checchetto) and Charlie Cox’s face, and Frank with the physique of a body builder and Jon Bernthal’s face and nobody can tell me I’m wrong. 
Do you like participating in fan events? I love fan events! I’m a big slut for collaboration, so my absolute favorite is Big Bangs, but I love making things for exchanges too. Working within someone’s prompts and trying to figure out just what they’d like is a lot of fun, and I think it encourages you to branch out and grow as an artist! 
What about your creating process? I love expressionism and Impressionism both, which I think helps explains my colors.   For a kid who got into art because I wanted to draw Dragon Ball Z comics, I received a LOT of formal, traditional training in art, and I find it really shows through in my style. I even spent a year in art school, though I eventually decided it wasn’t for me. During that year, my painting professor told me that I did much more interesting things with color when I was working from life/reference. A decade later, I’ve conceded that that fucker was right. So for the past year or so I’ve been working to merge my style when working from life into my workflow when inventing things wholecloth for fandom purposes — I use a mixture of modeling software (magic poser) and tons of reference to get there. It’s still a work in progress though! I also have a soft spot in my heart for working from tiny, heavily artifacted reference. Jpgs that have been jpegged to hell, porn gifs that have been compressed to fit tumblr limits — I find that these lead to strong color choices thanks to all the artifacting as you try to reinvent what the reference has lost. 
Do you interact a lot with other fans? Fandom is pretty much how I make friends — collaborating is my favorite way to get to know someone! I honestly am already drinking from a fire hose here, there’s too many events to do and people to meet. (Because I compulsively signed up for every bang I saw, for a while there…)
Do you have other fandoms you’d like to talk about? I drift from fandom to fandom pretty recently — right now I’m focusing on live action fandoms partially because it suits my art better, but I’ve really been all over the place in the past. 
Where can your fanworks be found? https://mock-arts.tumblr.com/ is the repository for all my art. 
Thank you, @mock-arts !
banner by @context-is-for-kingpins !
[ID on a white background, four black triangles that look like spotlights from above. Each illuminates one of the Defenders silhouetted in white: Jessica, Luke, Danny, Matt. A hand on the left is holding a pen writing the words Content Creator Spotlight. There is a little Punisher skull on the pen. End ID]
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mel-loly · 3 years
Can you kindly draw Sam & Levi and post it on Tumblr and any other social media accounts that you currently have please?
When you post the request, please add these tags: #sam marsh #levi broflovski #south park #wendy testaburger #bebe stevens #stan marsh #kyle broflovski #fanart #fandom #south park fandom #multifandom #south park next gen #original character #canon #sp next gen #sp next gen kids #stendy #sp stendy #kybe #sp kybe #sam #levi #south park sam marsh #south park levi broflovski
Here's photo reference of both of them!!
sam: https://64.media.tumblr.com/8bdccae087bff52f1cc7de8aed8902cf/ea05aed7cc1201bc-c6/s640x960/5d331f4bf7c9dab1de4ca5c28fb9fa32cf562918.jpg
levi: https://64.media.tumblr.com/08adf285cd438358dabaee2255e9fd8d/ea05aed7cc1201bc-7f/s640x960/033425857268762e1f5276c186842916ab72c39c.jpg
Sam and Levi as Preschoolers: https://64.media.tumblr.com/917bc02af6c5dd31e0e124d7e54199e5/ea05aed7cc1201bc-ea/s1280x1920/efbcc9e1e77456397df89b9c107e67a556d0005e.png
Sam's parents: https://64.media.tumblr.com/6e179d3bc71791ac4d51fae75aaffaf2/ea05aed7cc1201bc-be/s540x810/31d9883df1b5158ca02a13d90366d953a646106d.jpg
Levi's parents: https://64.media.tumblr.com/4c0893f3584b6ab864e8a3b64d5c0987/ea05aed7cc1201bc-e9/s400x600/6bff19fbe8d7bc61c54a68394194860018e15966.jpg
Blonde Mallory & Brown Hair Sophie: https://64.media.tumblr.com/734502ba8a5809219ae02526b0322332/ea05aed7cc1201bc-40/s400x600/34eeaae39136288c09cb6f2cd108cfaf4af8d451.png
Sam’s Personalty: He is best described as a mature, sensitive, liberal and an intelligent male feminist whose stubbornness sometimes gets the best of him
Likes: pepperoni pizza, his pet pig Bobo, coffee, singing in a band with his friends, being a male feminist, his girlfriend Sophie Anderson, His super best friend Levi Broflovski
Dislikes: bullies, Derick Cartman, people calling his sister a slut, snakes, grandpa randy, parents fighting, cousin Ben McCormick, Aunt Shelly
Other Info: He hates snakes because they scare him. Sam has beautiful ocean blue eyes.
He struggles with asthma and always carries an inhaler. His mom taught him how to speaks arabic when he was very little.
He's a Very mild-mannered young man and gets his good nature from his mother (at least she thinks so) Sam frequently attends animal rights marches with his parents and really enjoys them.
He's Very quick to jump downs people’s throats when they use sexist language. He'll Often confides in his pet pig bobo when he feels he has no one else to turn to.
Sam Enjoys being a part of a rock band, but his confidence fluctuates. His stubbornness has landed him in many sticky situations.
Being the more level-headed of the pair, Sam takes it upon himself to calm Levi when he becomes too skittish
Levi’s Personality: He's a true boy scout and a very kind soul. He gingerly tries to negotiate anything like it's a hostage situation but always knows when things don't pan out and knows how to fight his battles. He is, however, very skittish, and gets easily jumpy if scared enough. He has a sense of social purpose and moral outrage. Occasionally flirts with girls like how his mom flirts with guys.
Likes: bananas, spaghetti and meatballs with ketchup, hanging out with his friends; long hours playing video games; learning how to play instruments (even if he is slightly tone deaf).
Dislikes: haunted houses; sudden loud noises; Derick Cartman, Mr. Cartman.
Other Info: He's the green eyed kid with the first aid kit, compass and a map in his backpack just in case (in some far-fetched scenario) he and his friends get lost. He's a very bubbly young man when around people he trusts.
Levi has been responsible for getting Sam out of several altercations. His behaviour is often similar to Tweek’s in terms of skittishness.
Much like Sam, he has grown up in a household with very strong morals and he feels responsible to be a good person. Takes after his mother in terms of his ability to woo girls. Like have them get hugged by their moms
Omg... That's like.. So much information but.. I'll see what I can do😅
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wovenstarlight · 4 years
YWBK update: chapter 25 + liner notes
yesterday will be kinder has updated! you can read chapter 25 here, or start from the beginning here
okay, on to notes and commentary! first time i’m doing these, let’s hope this works out. commentary under the cut to save people’s dashes
Hamin laughs. “Given how bad you are at not being suspicious, that’s understandable.” “Oh, come on, I’m not that bad.” Hamin screws up his whole face in a squint. “Okay, so maybe I’m a little bad.”
this part was really funny to me when i wrote it because i was like “hmm reasons for DHM to understand why HHJ wouldn’t work in the guild” and then i was like Wait. Their Whole First Meeting, Dude. DHM was lowkey convinced for the longest time that HHJ was like, on the run from the KR version of the mafia, and got plastic surgery to look like his little brothers, and is possibly in some sort of witness protection program??? or something??? how else does he not have cops on his ass this man is so suspicious all the time
“I don’t think… They said the dungeons were, like, different worlds? Did they find people there?”
mafia theory second place. dungeon theory first place
“Like, humans? Um. No, no humans.” “So then you can’t be from there. Okay.”
dungeon theory shot down. mafia theory back in the running
“Hey,” he says cautiously. “I’m— I’m gonna go get us some water, okay? Why don’t you… take a minute.” “Okay.” “The bathroom is over there, if you need it.” “Okay. Thank you.”
after four years working alongside a guy you start to notice when he’s feeling a little out of it and needs a bit of a break... but as JHW mentions later you also learn to be a little subtle about giving him one
jung heewon What’s with your typing? It reads like Jihye’s [HYJ]’s fine. Very energetic Too energetic? He’s going to burn out. How do I make him calm down
Epic Burnout Man makes a reappearance! when translating sclass one of the things that makes me want to shake HYJ most is his habit of constantly adding things to his to-do list while he already has 1 billion things on his plate. and all the time he’s whining about “UGH there’s SO MUCH WORK to do” No One Asked You To Do It
Anyway. the point is. HYJ isn’t about to be beat by HHJ at Developing Issues 😔
jung heewon I haven’t spoken to him directly about this because if he’s anything like you he’ll take it as an insult You wtf whts tht supposed 2 mean quit typing jung heewon Better not say shit, mr “No, I can’t take days off and cater to my interests or go out with friends or on a date, I’m too busy taking care of the kids and making sure their needs are met, no I don’t care that there are thousands of people out there balancing personal enjoyment and romance and work AND kids at the same time, are you suggesting I be a BAD GUARDIAN to MY KIDS?”
see above re: not being too direct with pointing out when HHJ’s having Issues because he doesn’t react well
You wht but our eyes r fine jung heewon Even if having glasses doesn’t run in the family, you should still get him checked, just in case
top 10 funny time travel moments: referring to you and your past self as “us” (our = my eyes are fine), but other people think you mean “our family” (our eyes are fine = no family history of long/shortsightedness)
Also. Sooyoung-ie says hi [Attachment: 20XX1213_144516.jpg] 
ok no lie this was one of the parts that pissed me off the most, even though it’s Literally One Line, because. i love chat exchanges. i really do. when done right they’re a lot of fun to read. But Do You Know How Long It Took Me To Figure Out A Calendar For The Events In This Fic. now everything’s TIMED i have to count HOW MANY DAYS IT’S BEEN since XY event so i can CORRECTLY NUMBER the FILE ATTACHMENTS!!! this sucks!!! it took me fucking forever to pin down a timeline just so i could write this chapter plus the few before and after it!!!!
anyway i gave up when i reached year. i just put 20XX. fuck it. we are running on fairy tail time now. (actually i think that’s XXnumber number? XX76? or was it X796. something like that. Who cares i stopped watching fairy tail forever ago)
Fuck it! Hamin will understand!! “If you Awaken you should come work with me,” Han Hyunjae says all in a rush. 
“HAMIN WILL UNDERSTAND” => he literally was cool with me giving zero context for half a dozen absolute balls to the wall nonsense bullshit things i’ve done before. he’ll be fine with this too. dog_in_burning_house_this_is_fine.png
“You already know about the guilds, those are going to be for dungeon Hunters, but I was thinking of forming something like an independent group of contractors. Awakened people with skills that aren’t useful for combat, but that might… that will be generally useful. It’d be you and me, and maybe one other guy I met recently. Probably more in the future.”
given that HHJ has no idea currently that peace exists (i’m so sorry baby i’ll find a way to shoehorn you in soon i miss you so much) he’s got no intentions to start a kiseungsu business yet! he mostly wants to live quietly while just acting as a manager for other Awakening-related services, like YMW’s forge and DHM’s tracking service, along with the information exchange/lowkey spy ring that he’s planning on setting up with JHW and the bar. since HYH is fine associating with him in this timeline, HHJ’s thinking he can get a foot in the door that way, then eventually spread out into dealings with most major guild leaders
RIP to this plan. you were well-made but you will not last long.
“Please, I can’t tell you how I know that, I really can’t, it’d put me and my brothers in danger if it got out. But—” “No need.” Hamin looks slightly alarmed, and Han Hyunjae feels himself settle at the obvious concern in his eyes.
“I spoke to the Task Force Head and she said that there’s been discussion about hosting a meeting for the nearby high-rankers, where they’ll announce the guild proposal and see who else is interested in trying it out.”
“they’ll announce” i’m sorry king 💔 you deserved a nap
(OH ALSO FUN FACT choi eunyoung is a canon character, not an OC of mine! she appears in uhhh i think late 140s? 150s? something like that)
“I think there’s… probably only one other S-rank who’s Awakened right now?”
Hamin beams. “No, they’re doing great! Spookie’s taken really well to the new housing situation, but I think Spots might miss the store…”
shoutout to @daemonic-dawn​ for letting me borrow a pet name, love u king. i had a much longer ramble about pet names here but i finished typing and realized it was all entirely off topic so i removed it for convenience
Hyunjae makes an annoyed noise in the back of his throat. “Don’t— I mean.” He huffs, visibly taking a deep breath, and Yoojin frowns reflexively. [...] “Is everything alright?” Yoojin kind of wants to be annoyed at his tone on principle, but he forces his shoulders to relax, matching Hyunjae’s posture. Though he can’t stop himself from being a little short when he answers.
things the brothers have learned in four years living together: getting confrontational often leads to arguments that just fizzle out anyway, so it’s way fucking easier to consciously tone down their combativeness in advance when talking to each other about things they have problems with, instead of screaming their heads off and then having to calm yoohyun down afterwards to boot
“I guess. Whatever.” Yoojin slumps. “Can I…” “Hm?” Hyunjae blinks at Yoojin as he gestures to the spot on the bed beside him, then jolts. “Oh! Yeah, sure, c’mere.” He opens his arms, and Yoojin goes over and flumps on the bed, head in Hyunjae’s lap. Almost immediately, Hyunjae starts stroking fingers through his hair, and Yoojin relaxes into the touch, listening as Hyunjae continues speaking.
cuddles 🥺🥺🥺 sorry i don’t have any other commentary here just. cuddles. extremely and overwhelmingly comforting for a man who spent the better part of 8 years(?) with no major positive relationships, and a kid who spent 12 years of early life basically abandoned by his parents. you had best bet they gave up on not hugging each other 1 year into this whole mess
Yoojin hums in acknowledgement. It’s not like he’d ever let himself get hurt; he has too many responsibilities to his family and friends. If he wants to be good enough to keep up, he can’t afford to fuck up like that. But… hyung will worry if he keeps working so hard. He can slow down a little for him. 
Problems disorder man when will you stop. the way he sees “getting hurt” as an inconvenience and an obstacle to his duties rather than a danger to himself. the way he doesn’t really care if he himself gets hurt, but if it’ll worry his family, then it’s a no-no. it’s just. wow. i know i wrote this but i hate him
“Not really. I talk to Myeongwoo about it sometimes.” “Ah, right, Myeongwoo.”
haha gays
“Don’t be weird about him,” Yoojin warns[...]. “I won’t, promise.”
if the “i won’t” line had a dialogue tag it’d be “Han Hyunjae lied”
“Is Eunwoo still in his relationship?” “Mhm, happy as ever. Apparently they’re trying long-distance, now that Eunwoo’s gone off to university abroad.”
three guesses for who eunwoo’s dating and you won’t need the first two
Hyunjae raises his hands like he’s going to deny the accusations levelled against him, so Yoojin seizes him by the collar and shakes him until he cries for mercy
oh my o/rv ass struggled so bad with not writing “shakes him like a man betrayed” here. it killed me not to. but in the end i prevailed (against, uh, myself. don’t think about it too hard.)
“Jeez, okay, he’s an F-rank!” “Eh?! Then why—” “He’s also got an SS-rank potential skill,” Hyunjae admits[...].
play-by-play of this scene because god if i draw any scene in this fic it would be this one just for the sheer hysterical nature of HYJ’s reaction:
HYUNJAE: he’s also got an SS-rank skill,
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shih-coulda-had-it · 4 years
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So I got one of those blind bags, only one and I got one of the rare ones for everyone lives AU I can see one of the grandkids bring these for nana just for the gran torino keychain
OH MY GOODNESS (I’M LATE, BUT ALSO, CONGRATULATIONS ON BEING SO LUCKY)!!! If this was available in canon, it would definitely be a one-of-a-kind collectible. Probably a fan-made collectible, as it were...
Hana!POV in the Nana Lives!AU. Everything is fluffy, there’s no violent and catastrophic deaths here. :)
“Obaa-chan,” says Hana sweetly, like when she was six years old and wheedling extra strawberry sweets from her poor old grandmother. She is twenty-three now, a college graduate with nothing to do but visit her grandparents and poke at the overcrowded job market for openings.
Hana and her grandmother sit across from each other, enjoying tea and pastries at a tucked away coffee shop, just down the block from U.A. They’re waiting for Hana’s grandfather, who is ostensibly playing substitute teacher for Class 3-A. Hana hopes he’ll meet Toshi-ojisan, and report back to them about her favorite (and only) uncle’s adventures in student-teaching.
“Yes, Hana-chan?” says her grandmother, a quick smile twisting her lips.
“You know how ojii-chan doesn’t have any merch?”
There’s a pause. Her grandmother blinks, processing Hana’s sly question, but then her silvered scars crease into an anticipatory grin. Hana recognizes it from Tenko’s face; when he gets excited over something new, his whole spirit brightens.
“Pro-hero merchandise didn’t become a thing until All Might happened.”
“Well, yeah, but once All Might was on the scene, every other pro-hero followed suit. You couldn’t name a pro-hero without comparing their brands or licensed products.”
“Except the underground ones--”
Hana interjects, having prepped for this whole conversation in her head, “Who have unofficial fan-made content!” She twists around and digs into her purse, soon withdrawing a small box, wrapped in yellow paper and topped with a ribbon bow.
“Is this for my birthday or his?”
“Ah-h-h-h,” says Hana, who had perhaps forgotten both of her grandparents’ birthdays, and did not even have the excuse of an early Christmas (it is closer to Halloween than any other notable date; not for the first time, Hana curses her sense of time-keeping). 
“I kid. How old are you again? Six and a half?”
“Obaa-chan,” Hana whines, and she scoots the present to the center. Her grandmother carefully picks at the ribbon and pops open the lid. She watches the glee rise, slow and miraculous, as her grandmother’s hands pluck a small keychain from the box by its yellow plastic loop.
Now, Hana has seen photos of her grandparents in their prime. But she’s only ever known her grandfather as the stooped cranky figure who nevertheless spoiled her and Tenko with delicious home-cooked meals and straight-shooting advice. His continued career as a pro-hero is an open secret in the family, and one her maternal grandparents secretly disapprove of.
Nothing good will come of it, her grandma had advised her grandmother. It’s not like the two of you need money! And he’ll never be honored for it.
He’s never done anything for the sake of recognition, her grandmother had cheerfully said.
Hana has seen some of the tributes to underground pro-heroes. Said pro-heroes are treated as cryptids most of the time; the press reports the names, the forums discuss whatever information is made public (title and Quirk name), and the fans go rabid over any sighting.
Gran Torino is the most cryptid of all the cryptids; he’s one hero amongst many. Without any indication of his age, his longevity goes unnoticed. Without any reports of his work, his fans are limited to only those that know him.
Hana had once spent an entire weekend trying to dig up old photos and videos of her grandparents. Her father had eyed her - after primary school, Tenko was the only one to retain and pursue his dreams of being a pro-hero - and then helped her sort through the albums.
“Hana-chan!” her grandmother cries, delightedly holding up the mini Gran Torino figurine before her eyes. It bounces with the force of her jangling it. “He’s so cute! How’d you make it?”
“My college still lets me access the 3-D printer,” says Hana cheerfully. She pokes at the figurine. “Do you think I got his face right?”
“Oh, yes, absolutely. Ah, you even got the buttons on his cape!”
Hana sits through her grandmother’s cooing with a smug expression. She loves it; she’ll probably attach it to her purse, so all the world can tell that she is Gran Torino’s #2 fan--
“Number two?”
“Well, the title of number one belongs to you now,” the old woman teases. “I would never have the incentive to make a little keychain of your grandfather, y’know! His ego would shoot through the roof!”
“What ego,” says a familiar voice, warm and worn-through, like it had spent the whole day yelling at teenagers. “What the hell is that?”
Her grandmother spins the keychain’s face towards Hana’s grandfather, making kissy noises. “It’s you! Look how cute you are, old man!”
Hana snickers and slips out of her chair to hug her grandfather. “Hiya, ojii-chan!”
“Hana,” her grandfather greets automatically. He’s out of his gear; the only things connecting him to the little figurine are the wooden cane and jagged tufts of hair. The difference is that his hair is gray. Silvery at best, but not pure white yet.
(Hana had not wanted to pay for an excess of colors. The green buttons were the little bit extra to give the keychain some pizzazz.)
“Sit, sit,” she ushers, and pats her pockets down for her wallet. “Let me buy you a drink. Taiyaki’s gone cold, I’ll buy some extra…”
Later, after Midoriya Izuku (her new cousin? Hana’s father was a little unsure, and Toshi-ojisan had only gone very pink) spends a week with Hana and Tenko’s paternal grandparents, Hana receives from him a polite commission for two figurines: another of Gran Torino, and one of Seventh Wonder.
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chicisdraw · 3 years
Can you kindly draw Sam & Levi with their mom and dad and post it on Tumblr and any other social media accounts that you currently have please?
When you post the request, please add these tags: #sam marsh #levi broflovski #south park #wendy testaburger #bebe stevens #stan marsh #kyle broflovski #fanart #fandom #south park fandom #multifandom #south park next gen #original character #canon #sp next gen #sp next gen kids #south park fan child #south park fanchild #stendy #sp stendy #kybe #sp kybe #sam #levi #south park sam marsh #south park levi broflovski
Here's the reference photo links of them:
sam: https://64.media.tumblr.com/8bdccae087bff52f1cc7de8aed8902cf/ea05aed7cc1201bc-c6/s640x960/5d331f4bf7c9dab1de4ca5c28fb9fa32cf562918.jpg
levi: https://64.media.tumblr.com/08adf285cd438358dabaee2255e9fd8d/ea05aed7cc1201bc-7f/s640x960/033425857268762e1f5276c186842916ab72c39c.jpg
Sam and Levi as Preschoolers: https://64.media.tumblr.com/917bc02af6c5dd31e0e124d7e54199e5/ea05aed7cc1201bc-ea/s1280x1920/efbcc9e1e77456397df89b9c107e67a556d0005e.png
Sam's parents: https://64.media.tumblr.com/6e179d3bc71791ac4d51fae75aaffaf2/ea05aed7cc1201bc-be/s540x810/31d9883df1b5158ca02a13d90366d953a646106d.jpg
Levi's parents: https://64.media.tumblr.com/4c0893f3584b6ab864e8a3b64d5c0987/ea05aed7cc1201bc-e9/s400x600/6bff19fbe8d7bc61c54a68394194860018e15966.jpg
Blonde Mallory & Brown Hair Sophie: https://64.media.tumblr.com/734502ba8a5809219ae02526b0322332/ea05aed7cc1201bc-40/s400x600/34eeaae39136288c09cb6f2cd108cfaf4af8d451.png
Sam’s Personalty: He is best described as a mature, sensitive, liberal and an intelligent male feminist whose stubbornness sometimes gets the best of him
Likes: pepperoni pizza, his pet pig Bobo, coffee, singing in a band with his friends, being a male feminist, his girlfriend Sophie Anderson, His super best friend Levi Broflovski
Dislikes: bullies, Derick Cartman, people calling his sister a slut, snakes, grandpa randy, parents fighting, cousin Ben McCormick, Aunt Shelly
Other Info: He hates snakes because they scare him. Sam has beautiful ocean blue eyes.
He struggles with asthma and always carries an inhaler. His mom taught him how to speaks arabic when he was very little.
He's a Very mild-mannered young man and gets his good nature from his mother (at least she thinks so) Sam frequently attends animal rights marches with his parents and really enjoys them.
He's Very quick to jump downs people’s throats when they use sexist language. He'll Often confides in his pet pig bobo when he feels he has no one else to turn to.
Sam Enjoys being a part of a rock band, but his confidence fluctuates. His stubbornness has landed him in many sticky situations.
Being the more level-headed of the pair, Sam takes it upon himself to calm Levi when he becomes too skittish
Levi’s Personality: He's a true boy scout and a very kind soul. He gingerly tries to negotiate anything like it's a hostage situation but always knows when things don't pan out and knows how to fight his battles. He is, however, very skittish, and gets easily jumpy if scared enough. He has a sense of social purpose and moral outrage. Occasionally flirts with girls like how his mom flirts with guys.
Likes: bananas, spaghetti and meatballs with ketchup, hanging out with his friends; long hours playing video games; learning how to play instruments (even if he is slightly tone deaf).
Dislikes: haunted houses; sudden loud noises; Derick Cartman, Mr. Cartman.
Other Info: He's the green eyed kid with the first aid kit, compass and a map in his backpack just in case (in some far-fetched scenario) he and his friends get lost. He's a very bubbly young man when around people he trusts.
Levi has been responsible for getting Sam out of several altercations. His behaviour is often similar to Tweek’s in terms of skittishness.
Much like Sam, he has grown up in a household with very strong morals and he feels responsible to be a good person. Takes after his mother in terms of his ability to woo girls.
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I tried to draw Sam and Levi
I hope you like it and I love to think of various scenarios between these two friends so that I can draw them in the future.
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yamicooki · 4 years
Would you kindly draw sam & levi and post it please?
When you post the request, please add these tags: #sam marsh #levi broflovski #south park #wendy testaburger #bebe stevens #stan marsh #kyle broflovski #fanart #fandom #south park fandom #multifandom #south park next gen #original character #canon #sp next gen #sp next gen kids #stendy #sp stendy #kybe #sp kybe #sam #levi #south park sam marsh #south park levi broflovski
Here's photo reference of both of them!!
sam: https://64.media.tumblr.com/5447394afc5f31d03b9d3d93edd2ec97/f1c1545008e52be4-39/s1280x1920/0970d535c1ced44b5bf072155c8d51d1e8697130.jpg
levi: https://64.media.tumblr.com/7fd01ba9d04ef154a23549402cd42d88/46e118306b57355e-a7/s400x600/03adeb105aa9106539aee5eb5b66fa51e9439f0a.jpg
Preschool Sam: https://64.media.tumblr.com/f84237a8b8f6ca5b3d932cdcdbc51c62/614fd3dbda402003-71/s250x400/4647065fa17e3d3a35ee170765740815244985ac.jpg
Preschool Levi: https://64.media.tumblr.com/b4b8a8d91109b9658799936705730d8c/614fd3dbda402003-68/s250x400/13029bec8b4c717a82c5dd050cdd505f062669fe.jpg
Sam's parents: https://64.media.tumblr.com/4d21eca799363b4289a9141486aac207/46e118306b57355e-7e/s400x600/3a387e28320b1f9b27855f1f1376bd1e3dbe83e1.png
Levi's parents: https://64.media.tumblr.com/5d9d399937c8a6f11846cbea01d227a7/46e118306b57355e-80/s640x960/b6236b7241ad0223fca9870140fb8f36d4ce8697.jpg
Sam’s Personalty: He is best described as a mature, sensitive, liberal and an intelligent male feminist whose stubbornness sometimes gets the best of him
Likes: pepperoni pizza, his pet pig Bobo, coffee, singing in a band with his friends, being a male feminist, his girlfriend Sophie Anderson, His super best friend Levi Broflovski
Dislikes: bullies, Derick Cartman, people calling his sister a slut, snakes, grandpa randy, parents fighting, cousin Ben McCormick, Aunt Shelly
Other Info: He hates snakes because they scare him. Sam has beautiful ocean blue eyes.
He struggles with asthma and always carries an inhaler. His mom taught him how to speaks arabic when he was very little.
He's a Very mild-mannered young man and gets his good nature from his mother (at least she thinks so) Sam frequently attends animal rights marches with his parents and really enjoys them.
He's Very quick to jump downs people’s throats when they use sexist language. He'll Often confides in his pet pig bobo when he feels he has no one else to turn to.
Sam Enjoys being a part of a rock band, but his confidence fluctuates. His stubbornness has landed him in many sticky situations.
Being the more level-headed of the pair, Sam takes it upon himself to calm Levi when he becomes too skittish
Levi’s Personality: He's a true boy scout and a very kind soul. He gingerly tries to negotiate anything like it's a hostage situation but always knows when things don't pan out and knows how to fight his battles. He is, however, very skittish, and gets easily jumpy if scared enough. He has a sense of social purpose and moral outrage. Occasionally flirts with girls like how his mom flirts with guys.
Likes: bananas, spaghetti and meatballs with ketchup, hanging out with his friends; long hours playing video games; learning how to play instruments (even if he is slightly tone deaf).
Dislikes: haunted houses; sudden loud noises; Derick Cartman, Mr. Cartman.
Other Info: He's the green eyed kid with the first aid kit, compass and a map in his backpack just in case (in some far-fetched scenario) he and his friends get lost. He's a very bubbly young man when around people he trusts.
Levi has been responsible for getting Sam out of several altercations. His behaviour is often similar to Tweek’s in terms of skittishness.
Much like Sam, he has grown up in a household with very strong morals and he feels responsible to be a good person. Takes after his mother in terms of his ability to woo girls.
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I really improvised with the piggy...
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