#Good Ghirahim (Legend of Zelda)
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good-advice-ganondorf · 6 months ago
We got Good Advice Ganondorf, Bad Advice Yuga, Neutral Advice Aghanim, and Weird Advice Vaati. But what about Love Advice Ghirahim
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golvio · 2 years ago
Ganondorf with Alexander the Great Syndrome, where he’s dangerously clever and fantastic at military strategy, intrigue, adapting to setbacks, and inspiring people under him to action through his energizing charisma, which along with the necessary hubris from believing he is meant to rule makes him extremely effective at the “taking things over” part of attempted world domination.
However, despite his belief he is naturally inclined to lead and therefore is the best possible person to control everything, he is also absolute dogshit at actually administering his holdings and doing the basic day-to-day business required to maintain more permanent control over the territories he invades. Unless he’s motivated to stay put and hold course by a powerful grudge, he’s often moving on to the next, more exciting challenge once he’s finished his business in a location, which often involves physically leaving and abandoning whichever poor patsies he’s appointed to look after things in his absence to fend for themselves. This is why all the kingdoms he’s ever built according to his personal vision of how the world ought to be collapse into dust immediately after he dies.
Getting this man to do paperwork will get you the same response as trying to force him to chew broken glass, which is why he will always be defeated unless he eventually develops the good sense to appoint either a whole cabinet or a single reasonably competent secretary to do all the boring stuff for him.
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laniardraws · 1 year ago
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Ghirahim’s face in hyrule warriors always bothered me. I get that the game has a different art style to skyward sword, but so is twilight princess and Midna and Zant were recreated pretty faithfully. I may be wrong, but it seems to me like they tried to make him more conventionally “attractive” for some reason, which I just do not vibe with.
So I fucked around in procreate to make him look more like his original self hopefully. I’m not saying I fixed it or that he looks better or whatever, this is just for fun (and simping reasons)
The original picture is by ShrubbyNerd on deviant art
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smilesrobotlover · 2 years ago
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Ghirahim and the only person who is not his master that he respects
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skyloftian-nutcase · 2 years ago
"Shouldn't he rest, though?"
"If he stays in bed too long, he'll only grow weaker."
Link turned his face away from the voices, eager to slip back into the peaceful inky black of slumber. His head was hurting too much for this.
"Wake up, little hero."
A hand shook him slightly, pushing his shoulder further into the comfortable mattress. The movement sent a spike of pain up his neck into his skull, further articulating the headache he was desperately trying to ignore. With an angry, sharp inhale, he opened his eyes.
When he turned to view the person in question, he remembered his situation.
Huffing, he rasped, "What do you want?"
"I don't need your attitude, kid," Nabooru quipped lightly. "This is for your own good. You need to get up, and you need to eat and drink."
Link came up with a few snarky responses but found he was too tired to argue the matter. He let her pull him into a seated position, and he shifted his feet to the edge of the bed hesitantly. The last time he'd tried this he'd nearly passed out. He wasn't even sure how long ago that had been at this point - the exhaustion finally seemed to have won out over his will to escape.
Did that make him pathetic or intelligent? Zelda had always pushed herself so hard and never seemed to stop. He should do better.
Gritting his teeth, the captain pushed himself to stand. Nabooru had steadying hands on him, helping him shakily take a few steps towards the door.
Alertness came to him an instant, alongside hope. He was moving! He could survey his situation better if he let her guide him outside, he could find a way to escape the Gerudo stronghold, perhaps even retrieve the Triforce that Ganondorf had stolen!
Air moved on his other side, the only hint he had of someone moving beside him before an unsettling face invaded his personal space.
"Oh, so the wretched Hero is up and about now?" Ghirahim purred, lips curling in an unsettling smile.
"You're in the way," Nabooru said flatly.
The demon lord huffed, straightening and crossing his arms. "Must you ruin the moment, woman? You don't understand how long I've waited for this."
"Your rivalry is with the spirit, not the child," Nabooru said firmly. "Leave him be."
Link blinked, confused. With the spirit?
Oh. The Spirit of the Hero. The same person Cia had fallen into an obsession with. The same person who Zelda looked to with hope and conviction and dedication. The person who was supposed to be him, the person he strove to be every day.
Why... why were they talking about it like it was someone else?
Link scoffed. "I'm not a child. I am the bearer of the Hero's Spirit. If it's a fight you want--"
The rest of the captain's statement was cut off with a yelp as Nabooru swatted at Ghirahim and dragged Link away. "That's enough of this nonsense. I took you out here to get fresh air, not pick a fight with the first idiot you find."
"Idiot?!" Ghirahim repeated, affronted, though he was left behind by the pair as Link was practically carried outside the compound.
It was evening outside, Link realized, making him feel all the more disoriented. How long had it been since his capture? How long had been asleep? It had certainly been brighter when he'd encountered Ganondorf.
As he was guided to sit in a pile of cushions, a waterskin placed into his hands, Link saw a group of Gerudo women dancing and laughing. Others were playing music, and a crowd was clapping along. On a raised platform sat their king, also enjoying the festivities, though much more solemnly than his warriors. Ganondorf's eyes flicked over to the captain a moment, studying him, and Link felt his skin crawl. He glared defiantly in return.
Ganondorf returned his attention elsewhere, and Link's brooding was interrupted when Nabooru snapped her fingers in his face.
"Drink," she ordered.
Reluctantly, Link complied. There was no point in not hydrating; he needed strength to find a way out of this place. After a few sips, his body suddenly registered just how utterly dehydrated he was, and he emptied it in a heartbeat.
Glancing to her left, Nabooru said, "Watch him."
Link looked to his right and saw another Gerudo warrior walk up beside him, sword drawn and held erect against the ground while her hands rested overtop the hilt.
"What do you people want from me?" he asked, his voice gaining some strength now that his throat wasn't quite so parched.
"I wanted to kill you," the woman grumbled, and Link recognized her as the last thing he saw before he was knocked out in battle. "But our king had other plans."
The captain once again glanced at the perpetrator of this entire mess, feeling himself shiver a little. What did such a monster want with him? He already had the Triforce, after all. Was Link needed for some kind of ritual?
Was he going to capture Zelda as well, then?
Wait... was Link bait?
He had to get out of here.
Nabooru returned quickly, a bowl of curry in her hands. She held it out to the captain, who hesitantly took it. The guard walked away silently.
"I don't suppose you can tell me why your king wants me alive," Link muttered, staring at the curry. He didn't really know how to feel about any of this at this point, except that he was most certainly on edge and wanted to get the hell away from here.
Nabooru watched him a moment, seeming to make a decision in her mind, and sat beside him to watch the dancers. The lively music didn't quite reach the cold atmosphere Link's dread generated, but the Gerudo woman at his side was a steady presence, somehow less intimidating than the others.
"You are the Hylian Hero," Nabooru said. "The Spirit of the Hero travels with you."
"I am the Hero," Link emphasized, feeling his ire rise. He had drawn the Master Sword, he had led troops into battle time and again, he bore the Triforce of Courage, and he was the one Zelda had chosen to wear the legendary garb.
"Our king is quite interested in you," Nabooru continued, ignoring his interruption. "I must confess, I didn't expect you to be so... young."
Rolling his eyes, Link looked away. "Many say that. Most don't live to regret it."
Nabooru laughed at that. "Spoken like a warrior filled with spirit and a thirst to prove himself. I admire your ability to fight, child. Don't doubt that. I started fighting around your age too. But don't forget your place. You are still young, and you know very little of the world outside of a battlefield."
"Am I going to learn about wartime strategy and politics here, then?" Link prodded, glancing back at her. "Am I being held hostage as a bartering chip?"
"My understanding of it is that you're being held to keep you safe," Nabooru answered unexpectedly, looking him in the eye with a seriousness he wasn't expecting. "But only the king knows his own plans. I just happen to be the leader of the Gerudo."
"I thought the king was?"
"He wasn't here until a few weeks ago," Nabooru replied, looking away. "Our people were mostly wiped out by Hyrule."
Link felt his throat go dry, and he had no words to say while simultaneously having so many in his mind.
What did she mean that Hyrule had wiped out the Gerudo? Had they attacked Hyrule in the past? A war between the Gerudo and Hyrule could explain why Link barely knew of their existence, and why that other guard wanted him dead. But what about the other statement, about keeping him safe? What kind of nonsense was that?
Ganondorf needed him for something, clearly. He needed him, and he knew Link was too powerful a soldier to keep in play in the war. He was crippling the Hyrulean army and preventing Link from dying so he could utilize him for something.
This had to do with the Triforce, didn't it? Link knew so little of the artifact, except for its origin story.
He wished Lana was here to explain the situation. He'd even take Impa.
Sighing, Link stared at his curry, his stomach growling but his appetite disappearing as his musings clouded his mind.
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bespectacled-bookwyrm · 4 months ago
Whumptober 2024 - 25
Summary: Whatever it was, its remnants clung to Ghirahim like a sickness.
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swoodthis · 11 months ago
😤 For the Zelda ask game!
Bruh you’re really gonna get me started on this—
The teasing that there might be something more than “light good dark bad no thinking allowed” and then basically taking almost every single shred of it back
Like any fandom, the OBSESSION with shipping. There are so many opportunities for lore exploration, friendship and found family and outside of the fandom for the Linked Universe comic SPECIFICALLY, people just… DON’T.
GHIRAHIM IS A SWORD. WE SEE HIM NAKED AND HE HAS NO GENITALIA. At the very least take these things into account, people! Let him be a cool android!
In basically any fanworks he is featured in, the Happy Mask Salesman is practically REQUIRED to be a Bad Guy.
Tingle. Fucking TINGLE gets the devs’ love. And the little mask wizard doesn’t. They put Tingle in the Hyrule Warriors Majora’s Mask DLC. OVER HIM. ANY MENTION OF HIM.
Honestly the whole fanbase thinking Majora’s Mask is “the Depressing One”. This game is THEMED around overcoming adversity, healing from trauma, and making the world a better place, and THEY STILL FUCKING—
Good!Ganondorf fanworks being stereotyped as having to be thirst-based. Like Skyward Sword dropped the bombshell that Ganondorf being The Villain is something that was set up before he was even born and WW Ganondorf might have even been RIGHT and we’re just supposed to forget about it because the devs seemed to?? We’re just not gonna talk about how absolutely fucked up those implications are??
This series exists in the context of the rest of fantasy media, where Lord of the Rings and its blatant Christianity are still seen as The Best Thing Ever.
Wind Waker’s fucked up ending themes.
Sidon is just a sex object when HE IS SO WHOLESOME
Lack of access to many older games (a problem with gaming in general tbh)
Twilight Princess’s final boss should have been Zant.
The noobs only caring about shipping BotW Link with either Zelda or Sidon
THE MAJORA’S MASK MANGA’S ENDING. The foreshadowing that the MASK ITSELF was the true villain were there from the beginning, AND they did my lil wizard SO DIRTY
Speaking of which, Ben Drowned being dragged into shit…
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sadnessisavegetable · 1 year ago
Happy Valentine’s Day!
I did little pinups for Ghirahim because it deserves to do it. One is femme and the other is masc because how could I not? This thing shapeshifts, so it can be whatever it wants.
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I have so many ideas for today, I may have a backlog of Valentine’s Day art into tomorrow lmaooo. We’ll see.
And yes, I censored as best as I could from my originals without ruining it because I am bold, but I am not tits and nips out bold.
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weareswords · 2 years ago
Just a reminder, that if they bring the sword spirits back, I will scream
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soulsty · 2 years ago
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—Chokehold Cherry Python—
Ashnikko-ified Ghirahim propaganda, have fun bye bye
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lamothla-art · 2 years ago
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Ghirahim painting
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good-advice-ganondorf · 8 months ago
I'm trying to get back into some hobbies I stopped doing as my life got busier- reading books, drawing, etc. Any suggestions on how I can get back into the habit of these more slow-paced pastimes?
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leafycasper · 2 years ago
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Week 3 of Pride Month 2023
Day 15: Aziraphel - Good Omens [Agender]*
Day 16: Crowley - Good Omens [Genderfluid]*
Day 17: The Titan - The Owl House [Bigender]*
Day 18: Howl - Howl’s Moving Castle [Trigender]
Day 19: Frisk - Undertale [Pangender]**
Day 20: Ghirahim - The Legend of Zelda [Genderqueer]
Day 21: Ahsoka Tano - Star Wars: Clone Wars [Demigirl]
Day 22: The Collector - The Owl House [Demiboy]*
*canonically queer
**implied canonically queer
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katkalis-the-fanartist · 2 years ago
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I felt cozy and snug, so I drew my bois being cozy and snug too
What if they met as kids...
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yahahatism · 2 years ago
every time i enter a different area in skyward sword i will just stand there for hours and get distracted by the music like la la la la world so beautiful
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lithi · 2 years ago
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