#Golf Shoes Required
scrumptioussonglove · 2 years
The Truth About Womens Shoes
The very first thing to check out when complicated shoes may be the size because size concerns. It seems a easy thing to watch out for for as everyone knows their shoe size; however, it can be a tricky one to get right. Many consumers are unsuspecting that the sizing of trainers sometimes differs between the shoe manufacturers. For example, a person with a size 5 can sometimes fit straight into a size 6 with certain brands.
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BCBG shoes are manufactured by the most well-known personalities in vogue. The design team of BCBG is pioneers in style. You will not see shoes that are unoriginal and uninspiring. Are generally three basic always fashion challenges and unusual twists added to your shoes and start to give them personality and talent.
This could be the toughest form of moist cloth material applied in the manufacturing of high-class footwear. It is also costly because of shoes in sri lanka the rarity and durability.
The connected with heel sizes goes from half an inch to 4 inches with two to three inches being the most frequently found heel altitudes. Dancers are well aware that one half inch difference in their heels from their usual height could alter their total. Beginners are usually advised to use shoes with heels as short as two . 5 inches.
Some types of shoe jewelry are being attached to things save for shoes properly. Handbags, clothing and the most other things can also look tremendous. Because they just clip on, it means they are easy include to other things.
Designer shoes possess personality just like human beings do. Others be dainty and cute, mean looking, sharp and heavy or fun and party similarly to. It is critical to wear the pair you want for property occasion given that it says a great number about kind of person you are really. For instance, you are going to not to be able to wear party shoes towards office. Realize that some hear off your seniors if you do do. Shoes need to marry well with clothes and supplements. When buying a designer pair, keep in mind what a lot fewer like put on them with, if a person not certain you can ask for help from another placed end user.
Aside from sports, these are really to adventures as well. Sandals would be great for hiking and any other activities that men love strive and do. This type is comfortable to wear and will not cause any pain using the feet.
0 notes
liquid-geodes · 2 years
WHY has no one talked about the way Freddy says "I could open this gate if I had Monty's claws"?
He says it SO tauntingly, like he WANTS you to go decomission Monty for his claws. And when you compare it to the timid way he says "This requires Chicas voice to open" It's even CLEARER that between the two, he doesn't feel a very strong resentment towards the idea of having Monty's claws
And I think that couples EXTREMELY WELL with the sadness in his voice when you take him up to Bonnie Bowl, the way he says "I do not come up here anymore... I miss him..." With so much grief. You can feel it in his tone that Bonnie is still an open wound for him, and why wouldn't it be? Bonnie has been with Freddy since the very start, Freddy has NEVER existed without Bonnie until now. Yes he's known Chica for a long time, but not NEARLY as long as he's known Bonnie.
So yeah, he hesitates with Chica's voice gates. He knows from the start what would need to happen to his friends in order for him to open these gates the way they do, and he just doesn't seem to care about that when it comes to Monty.
And I think it's incredibly telling of Freddy as a character and what he believes happened to Bonnie:
He thinks it was Monty's fault.
He blames Monty for what happened to Bonnie, even though Monty is JUST the replacement. Monty wasnt made specifically to replace Bonnie. Bonnie was decommissioned, the company needed a bass player for parties, Monty was there, so they sent him to parts and services and gave him the necessary upgrade needed to fill the role. Monty wasnt MADE to play the bass. He was made for mini golf.
We as a player know that Monty wasnt responsible for what happened to Bonnie (depending on which ending you pursue and how much attention you're paying to it) but Freddy doesn't know that. Freddy doesn't know about Burntrap, doesn't get to see Bonnie's parts being used on his body. To Freddy, Bonnie was taken out so Monty could gain popularity. Who wouldn't hate that when it meant your best friend was no longer around?
And I think that's another reason why Monty is so aggressive. Sure Freddy talks up this big game of his band mates being his friends, but does Monty truly feel welcome amongst them? He wasn't made for music and glamor. He was made for golf and carefree fun, low expectations and an easy going day to day life of helping little kids play mini golf. Now he's a star, one of the most important animatronics in the whole pizzaplex. He has to be liked or else he'll end up like Bonnie too.
He's out of his element with big shoes to fill, a position he knows he'll never live up to. And now THE star of the show, the guy who's name is on the building, essentially snubs him before he even gets to know him, all because he's convinced Monty had something to do with why Bonnie was decommissioned.
But Monty doesn't know that.
How could he?
How would Monty guess that Freddy didn't like him because he thought he was to blame? There's no way he'd know that, so he assumes it's because he's just not good enough. So he tries harder at every performance, each show is an opportunity to prove his worth.
So when Freddy drops in the middle of a show? It sets him off. That was his opportunity of the day to prove that he belonged in the band. It's like Freddy didn't want him to be there SO BAD he'd malfunction and ruin the show over letting Monty prove himself.
And maybe thats why Monty spends so much time up on the catwalks over Monty golf. Clearly he doesn't feel welcomed by Freddy, so why hang around Rockstar Row any more than he has to? I'm sure Chica and Roxy are indifferent (at least Roxy probably. I'm sure Chica likes Monty just fine, even with a dull ache from Bonnje being gone) to Monty being there now, but Monty is probably thoroughly convinced that since Freddy doesn't like him, it's game over for him. Freddy's word is probably law around here considering the place is named after him, so Chica and Roxy would probably go along with it if Freddy decided Monty wasnt cutting it.
So yeah, he'd retreat to the one place he could ever call his own, the one place that was made just for him. The only place he truly belonged. Monty Golf is his safe haven from Freddy, because Freddy had NEVER had ANY say over what happens in there. Freddy can ignore him and be mad at him in the Atrium all he wants, but Monty Golf is HIS place. Monty Golf is whatever HE decides it is.
But now he's isolated, in a building that's supposed to bring nothing but joy. Of course he grows bitter, watching the other three get along just great while he's forced to watch from the outside. Of course it hurts, it makes him angry and confused on WHY he's just not good enough, why doesn't he deserve that as well? Was it because he wasn't Bonnie? Was it because he just wasn't living up to everyone's expectations?
Never in a million years would he guess that this all stemmed from Freddy's suspicion that he was responsible for Bonnie's decommissioning
Idk, just something I noticed today while replaying Security Breach. His tone at a Monty gate is chillingly carefree for what he's insinuating, and he doesn't dare take that tone when talking about a Chica gate... it's all very suspicious to me and I wouldn't trust Freddy to be alone with Monty after that
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ofthecaravel · 1 year
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Everything I Didn't Say
Chapter 4 of ‘You Don’t Go To Parties’, which is clearly not a oneshot anymore, but this is the last chapter I swear it on my father's sardines
Part 1  Part 2 Part 3
Summary: It's time for a stake out.
Tags: Brotherly shenanigans, anxiety, miscommunication, coming out, resolutions, love and peace on planet earth
Words: 4.7k
A/N: Let's all gather around for one last rodeo. Thank you for all the love on this series, figured it was about time to wrap it up for everybody's sanity. You are all required by Caravel Nation law to tell me what you think <3
Danny gave himself the kindness of keeping his phone off and out of sight during work, but it was never much of a problem considering the majority of his messages came from his family and Sam. However, when he slid his phone out of his work locker at the end of his shift, he was surprised to see his entire lock screen was filled to the brim with legions of texts and missed calls from Josh.
His anxiety piqued when he read the urgent nature of his texts, but calmed quickly when he realized they all had something to do with the twins’ fervent demands to help them track down Sam’s mystery girlfriend. Not even bothering to text back, Danny called Josh, pinning the phone to his ear with his shoulder as he kicked off his grass stained golf shoes and slid on his sneakers. As expected, Josh picked up on the second ring.
“Danny, my boy, finally, where have you been?” Josh greeted loudly. 
“Work,” Danny deadpanned, tapping the heel of his shoe against the locker to secure it onto his foot. “The children yearn for the golf course. What’s the emergency this time around?”
“We have a breakthrough in the case,” Josh whispered conspiratorially and Danny felt a nervous tremor in his hand start to pulse. Their work on “the case” had been slim to none, mostly being carried out on a night when Danny slept over at Jake’s apartment and Josh had scrolled through Sam’s Instagram followers and pointed out “potential suspects” while they all passed his dab pen around. Needless to say, their sleuthing hadn’t reached any kind of important conclusions after the third pass around. 
“Do tell,” Danny asked as he strode out the back doors and lumbered across the parking lot to his bulky Kia. 
“Jacob managed to divine some very interesting information out of Sam,” Josh continued, clearly enjoying drawing out the suspense. “Apparently, he has some sort of ‘meeting’ tonight at Roscoe’s. A meeting? At night? At Roscoe’s? It’s gotta be a date.”
“Hm!” Danny squeaked, his keys falling through his fingers at Josh’s words. Danny was very aware of this dinnertime date, considering he was the one who was going to be in attendance. They’d only planned it a day or two before. How could Jake have gotten that information out of Sam so quickly? Danny pressed the speaker phone button and pulled up his text thread with Sam, smiling as he waded through an adorable stream of texts begging for Danny to come save him from lecture before zeroing in on a text that read ‘Just had Such a conversation with jake, ugh’. Uh oh.
“I mean, what else could it be?” Josh exclaimed, his voice filling the expanse of Danny’s car as Danny sat staring at his phone. “Sam’s smart but he’s not professional. Bullshit, it's a date.”
“Well, I could always ask him about it and report back,” Danny offered.
“Nope, I have something much better planned,” Josh announced, a smile dripping from his voice. “Pull out your fancy pants, Wagner, because the three of us have a reservation at Roscoe’s, 6pm tonight. This is a proper stakeout.”
“What?” Danny blurted, his panic returning swiftly. “No, no, Josh, I’m b-”
“Cancel whatever it was, this is top priority!” Josh insisted passionately. “Come on, it’ll be a blast. We have a table right outside the window so we can see every table inside. We’ll stay out of sight, sneak a peek at whoever shows up, and then we’ll know! It’s a foolproof plan!”
“I won’t hear it,” Josh snapped. “We’ll pick you up at 5:45. Wear something nice. See you then!”
“No, Jo-”
“Yes, Josh, thank you for your kind offer,” Josh mocked in his best impression of Danny. “Oh, you’re so welcome, Daniel. And don’t try and tell Sam we’re coming, he texted Jake that his phone was dying half an hour ago and we all know he didn’t bring a charger to class. He’ll be out of commission until right around when we show up. It’s a perfect storm.”
“You watch too many movies,” Danny countered, his stomach sinking at Josh’s information. He glanced at his phone again and sure enough, his last text from Sam was an annoyed apology that his phone was dying and he’d text him if he had time to run home and grab a charger before he got to the restaurant. 
“You don’t watch enough,” Josh accused with a laugh. “5:45. Fancy pants. Maybe bring sunglasses. Be there or be square!”
“You’re evil for this,” Danny sighed. “Alright. I’ll dig out my sunglasses.”
“Perfect! Au revoir.”
And just like that, the call cut and Danny was left sitting blankly and anxiously fidgeting. He thought about texting Sam anyways, but it seemed like a fruitless task knowing he wouldn’t see it until it was too late. Could he call someone Sam was with to warn him? Who was he even with? He didn’t know anyone’s numbers by heart, anyways. The stars had aligned in favor of Josh’s ridiculous stakeout, and Danny couldn’t help but feel the walls closing in around him as he started up the car and drove uncharacteristically slow all the way home. He knew this wouldn’t mean the end by any means, but his stomach was aching all the same. 
Danny spent his two hours of free time buzzing around his apartment and brainstorming ways out of the plan, but when he heard a horn blare outside of his window at the stroke of 5:45, he knew his fate was sealed. He ran down the stairs and walked out to Jake’s piece of crap Toyota, smoothing his semi formal button down with one hand and pushing his sunglasses up with the other. The backseat window rolled down and Josh’s cherubic face appeared, letting loose a loud wolf whistle. He was sporting a huge pair of bedazzled sunglasses of his own and a lavender fleece, and Danny chuckled as he climbed in the passenger seat and received a side hug from Jake, who was wearing his standard round sunglasses and a secret agent-esque turtleneck.
“You both look ridiculous,” Danny declared as Jake started to drive, turning around in his seat to properly face Josh. “I don’t know how you roped me into this.”
“I’m extremely charming,” Josh announced. Jake scoffed in reply.
“Is that what you call it?” Jake teased and it was Josh’s turn to scoff. 
“Why are you in the backseat?” Danny asked, his nerves melting in the presence of his friends despite them being the source of it. 
“He calls it ‘Driving Ms. Fernanda’,” Jake explained tiredly as Josh began to cackle. “He pretends I’m his chauffeur.” 
“Are you Ms. Fernanda?” Danny questioned Josh.
“Elle Fernanda to you,” Josh declared in a confident impression of some kind of wizened socialite. “You didn’t come up with an alias for this?”
“Amateur,” Jake accused in a gravelly British accent.
“Oh, and you are…?”
“Oliver fuckin’ Reed!” Jake crowed, his face splitting into a raucous smile. “I have a beard for our grand entrance in my pocket. Didn’t want any ladies driving next to us to get distracted by how devilishly handsome I am with it on.”
Danny didn’t answer, simply laughing as he relaxed into his seat. For a moment, he forgot the end goal of this trip, taking time to enjoy the portal the twins always seemed to conjure up to transport his state of mind to a new plane of reality.
 Before he got the time to fully indulge, Jake pulled into a parking spot around the corner from the restaurant and they all climbed out. As they walked, Josh quietly hummed the Mission Impossible theme and Jake chattered about the menu he’d looked up online, leaving Danny to try and get his panic under wraps.
“I’ve planned it all out,” Josh assured them. “Sam should already be inside, and we’ll just go right to our seats outside so he’ll never even see us. See, that table right there, by the bush? He’ll never see us from behind that.”
“Smart,” Danny answered absently. He checked his phone again, but there were still no texts from Sam. He fought cursing under his breath as they approached the hostess outside and she led them to the table Josh had described. As he took his seat, he peeked around the greenery and nearly jumped when he saw Sam sitting at a corner table, his chin resting on his hand as he looked around the restaurant. He’d been there for at least 15 minutes now, and Danny hoped he had kept up his streak of lateness so that he’d been sitting there for even less time, but from the frustrated crinkle on his forehead that Danny knew so well, he figured this may have been a rare occasion he’d actually showed up on time. Danny’s heart gave a pull as he stole another glance at Sam, recognizing the soft sweater he was wearing as one that he’d told Sam was his favorite. His mind was so overwhelmed with guilt it took him a minute to hear Josh in his ear.
Danny jolted and turned to him.
“Can you see anything?” Jake asked, looking at him over the edge of his menu.
“Yeah, uh, straight shot actually,” Danny stammered. “Nobody’s with him, though.”
“Let me see,” Josh pestered, leaning over Danny to look into the main seating area. “Aw, there he is. Hi, little guy!”
“Imagine if he got stood up,” Jake joked, taking a sip of his water. “And we did all this for nothing.”
“That’s sad!” Josh lamented, but they both laughed. “We’d have to go in there and ambush him.”
“By the way, Dan, we picked an alter ego for you,” Jake said as Josh continued squinting through the glass at Sam, who had pulled out his phone and was trying to start it. Danny recognized this as a typical Sam maneuver for when his phone was dead, the explanation being that maybe he could “catch the phone by surprise” and trick it into starting up. 
“Oh, really?” Danny answered curiously, trying to distract himself from the guilt now nearly choking him. 
“You’re Chip Bunker, golf superstar,” Josh explained. “Just in case the waitress asks. If you need help beefing up your backstory, we’ll fill in for you. We need you to focus on keeping an eye on Sam.”
“Can do,” Danny answered honestly.
“Ugh, where would we be without you?” Josh gushed as the waitress started to approach. “Drinks are on me.”
An absolutely grueling 15 minutes passed, with Josh ordering a round of appetizers for them, Jake workshopping a list of discreet questions to ask Sam after, and Danny downing his entire cocktail while he watched Sam’s expression grow ever more frustrated. 
“Oh!” Danny said, leaning in and patting the table to get their attention as he watched Sam shift in his seat. “He’s getting up!”
The twins awkwardly leaned around the bush obscuring their view as they all watched Sam get up and hail down a waitress, asking her something with her replying and hurrying away as Sam took his seat again.
“Is he leaving?” Jake asked in a hurried whisper. 
“I don’t know,” Josh answered unhelpfully. “Oh, oh, here she comes.”
“Shit,” Danny blurted as he watched the waitress return to his side, a white iPhone charger in her hand as she passed it off to him and gestured to something out of sight. He watched Sam thank her and then bend to plug it into an outlet. They all waited in silence until they saw Sam’s face glow in the light of the phone starting up.
With a shaking hand, Danny tried to subtly slide his phone out of his pocket and turn his ringer off, but before he got the chance, his phone started buzzing with the Hozier song he’d assigned for Sam’s ringtone. The twins’ head snapped towards him and he had no time to move before they both saw Sam’s contact photo on Danny’s screen. His heart dropped like a cold weight into the pit of his stomach. 
“Pick it up, pick it up!” Jake hissed, wiggling his fingers towards Danny’s phone as he and Josh slid down synchronously into their seats. 
“Uh,” Danny faltered, his mind racing and his fingers beginning to shake as he tried to figure out what to do. In an instant, Josh’s hand darted out and accepted the call for him, and worse yet, pressed the speakerphone button. Danny felt the facade crashing down around him as Sam’s voice cut through.
“Where are you?” Sam whispered urgently, a sincere note of upset lacing his words. Jake and Josh stayed silent and still, their eyes slowly moving to Danny as he sat stupidly, all words dying on his tongue.
“Hello? Daniel?” Sam went on. “We were getting dinner tonight, right? I’ve been waiting for, like, half an hour for you. Are you okay?”
“I’m fine, Sammy,” Danny finally answered, his voice stuttering as the twins gave him confused looks and seemed to have an entire silent conversation of their own.
“Where are you?” Sam asked again, his words poisonous as he said every word punctually. “I can’t believe you forgot.”
Josh let out an involuntary scoff of surprise, clapping his hands over his mouth as Danny shot him a glare. 
“What was that?” Sam asked. Danny could see him hunched over at his table, hurt beginning to taint his features as his free hand began to rip his napkin to shreds. “Are you with someone?”
“No, no, I mean, yes, but-”
“Okay, wow,” Sam spat, straightening in his chair again and scowling. “You made plans when we had plans? Aren’t you Mr. Calendar?”
“Sam, let me explain-”
“No, no, please, go on, I’d love to hear this,” Sam laughed tunelessly. 
“I…” Danny trailed off, looking back at the twins, who were now looking at him with an expectant look of amusement. “Can you do something for me quick?”
“I will do jack shit, thank you very much.”
“Trust me?”
Sam was quiet for a minute, and Danny watched his gaze soften ever so slightly.
“Trust you.”
“Can you look out the window for me?”
“What?” Josh echoed, smacking Danny on the arm. “Come on!”
Sam’s brow crinkled again and he looked up from his glare fastened to the table and out the window, his eyes dancing over the scarce scenery until he finally made eye contact with Danny. Danny attempted a sheepish smile, but he was sure it came out as more of a guilty lip curl. Sam hung up the phone and got up from his table, stomping across the restaurant and towards the door.
“Traitor,” Jake declared. 
“I have so many questions,” Josh whined, removing his sunglasses and rubbing his eyes as the door burst open and Sam approached their table. He reeled slightly when he caught sight of his brothers, sending Danny a furious and panicked look.
“What the fuck?” Sam asked simply, throwing his hands up in the air and letting them fall noisily against his pants. “What is going on?”
“I have no idea,” Danny answered honestly, his seat scraping as he attempted to get up but ended up sitting defeatedly again. “But everything is fine.”
“This was your meeting?” Jake blurted in confusion. “Dinner with Danny?”
“Yes?” Sam answered in petulant exasperation. “What the hell do you care? And why are you wearing a fake beard?”
“Well, we thought you were…” Josh’s voice got very small. “On a date.”
“So you’re stalking me now?” Sam asked, putting his hands on his hips. “Why is Danny here?”
“Clearly we didn’t know he was the one you were meeting!” Jake snapped. “Why wouldn’t you tell me who you were getting dinner with? We got all excited for nothing.”
“Why do I owe you that information?”
“Why didn’t you say something, Dan?” Josh pointed out, all of them turning to Danny, who felt heat flushing his face as all three brothers glared at him. Danny caught Sam’s eye, giving him a silent look of pleading and questioning. They were completely and utterly cornered.
“For the record, you barely let me get a word in,” Danny attempted to explain. 
“What is happening?” Jake laughed, dragging a hand down his face. “Sam, we totally thought we were staking out your date. We know you have a girlfriend, okay, so we roped Danny into helping us figure out who it was, but-”
“I don’t have a girlfriend,” Sam cut him off. “We’re dating. There.”
He gestured towards Danny, who sat red faced and silent as Jake’s mouth gaped slightly in shock and Josh let out another shocked gasp. 
“Now you understand my hesitancy about the stakeout,” Danny muttered sheepishly, beginning a nervous ramble as the twins visibly absorbed the new information. “I wanted to say something but I didn’t want to before Sam said something to you guys, so I tried to play along, but then Sam’s phone was dead and I couldn’t text him about what was going on and Sam, I am so sorry, I didn’t want to stand you up, but I didn’t want them to get suspicious and-”
“Ah, ah, ah, okay, stop,” Josh interjected, waving his hands around as Danny and Sam kept a tense eye contact, Danny pleading for forgiveness with his eyes as Sam’s glare slowly began to soften. “Why didn’t you guys tell us sooner?”
“What, you thought we’d be mad?” Jake laughed, pointing at Josh. “Remember how little negative response Josh got? Mom was like okay, cool, that’s awesome, we don’t care.”
“I know, I know,” Sam said, sinking into the empty fourth chair at their table, blushing uncomfortably. “It’s just…I love you guys, but you always make such a big deal about whatever I’m doing, and I just didn’t want it to be a big thing.”
“We’re not going to be, like, all PDA and insufferable,” Danny added on. Sam laughed in agreement and half of Danny’s tension melted at the sound. 
Jake and Josh exchanged an extremely guilty look over the table.
“Sam, I’m so sorry,” Jake lamented, grasping Sam by the shoulder. “You know it’s because we love you and you’re our baby brother, but I’m sorry we made you so uncomfortable. You gotta tell us when we’re too much, man, you know we don’t know.”
“You can talk to me about stuff like this,” Josh offered, his voice gentle and genuine as he and Sam exchanged a knowing look. “About whatever you’re feeling that might, I don’t know, scare you. Even if it doesn’t scare you, talk to me anyway. I get it.”
“I know you get it,” Sam’s voice cracked, his face crumpling for a second before he scrubbed at his eyes with the sleeve of his sweater and let out a long contained breath. “I do. It’s just… it’s hard to introduce this whole new thing about myself without getting all anxious about what people might say. Even when I know it’s not a big deal, I know someone else might think it’s a big deal.”
“Fuck everybody else,” Josh exclaimed, grabbing Sam’s hand and squeezing it. “Seriously! Fuck ‘em. This is great news.”
“Sorry it came out like this,” Jake apologized again, grabbing Sam’s other hand and reaching across the table to grab one of Danny’s. “Let’s all pinky promise to keep each other totally in the loop from now on.”
With a quiet chorus of laughs, they all messily exchanged pinky promises. 
“Are we allowed to ask questions?” Josh prodded carefully, and Sam rolled his eyes.
“Yes,” Sam agreed.
“But you only get three questions a piece.” Danny added on.
“That is way too many questions!” Sam argued, shooting Danny a much more good natured glare. 
“No take backsies!” Josh insisted, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. “Hm. Who told who they liked each other first?”
“Also,” Jake interjected before either of them could answer. “When?”
“Well,” Danny started. “I technically did, at Sam’s birthday party. But Sam totally cornered me into doing it. You guys are good at doing that to me, so it seems.”
“I did not corner you!” Sam scoffed. 
“Yes, you did! You were mega drunk and hinting at it.”
“At the party?” Josh let out a sigh of disappointment. “And we missed it?”
“Bummer, man,” Jake complained. “I’d pay to see that.”
“I don’t think you would,” Danny mumbled into a sip of his water, and Sam shot him another look as the twins groaned. 
“Nevermind,” Josh gagged. “Okay, my second question is…how long did you each like the other person? Because I have guesses.”
“What do you mean, guesses?” Sam squeaked, his face flushing again.
“I want to hear this,” Danny laughed, suddenly self conscious of just how transparent he had been this whole time. 
“I’d guess you, Danny, probably liked Sam since…middle school?” Josh guessed, and he hooted in triumph when Danny sighed and nodded shyly. “Boom! Okay, two for two, I’m guessing Sam liked you since high school.”
“Oh, fuck off,” Sam replied exasperatedly, which Josh took as another confirmation and held his hand up for a high five from any of them, but received not a single one. 
“You guys weren’t all that subtle,” Jake powered on as Sam and Danny obscured their faces with embarrassed face palms. “I actually have no idea why we didn’t guess Danny as your potential beau sooner.”
“He didn’t even make Top 5,” Josh added. “We’re off our game, Jakey.”
“Indeed we are.”
“Well, this has been nice and all,” Sam began. “And by nice I mean emotionally tumultuous, but we did have something planned, so, Danny, do you…?”
“Yes, please, God,” Danny answered, getting to his feet and skirting around Josh to finally stand at Sam’s side. 
“Hey, you said we got three questions!” Josh protested.
“I only asked one, what the fuck!” Jake argued in agreement. 
“Text them to us, date crashers,” Sam stuck his tongue out childishly at them. “Or should I say ‘stalkers’? I’m including that detail when I call Mom, by the way.”
“Do not!”
“Are you guys going to stick around?” Danny asked with an amused lift of his eyebrow. 
“Well, I mean, we ordered appetizers and all,” Jake explained sheepishly, raising his glass of wine and shrugging. “Might as well.”
“It gives us more time to plot our next stake out,” Josh grinned, flicking his sunglasses back down to cover his eyes. “Elle Fernanda and Oliver Reed are a fantastic investigatory team, you know.”
“I-you know what, I don’t care,” Sam dismissed them, looking up at Danny. “Let’s go, yes?”
“Yes,” Danny confirmed. “I’m guessing you’re not keen on sticking around for dinner here.”
“Not even a little bit.”
“Can I tempt you with a frozen pizza and Psych?”
“Absolutely you can,” Sam grinned, looping his arm through Danny’s and tugging him back from the table. The twins immediately burst into a chorus of awes and endearing coos, and Sam shot them their own round of complaints as Danny waved goodbye.
Once they were out of shouting distance, Sam let out a huff of air and leaned his head against Danny’s shoulder, causing them to stumble slightly as they walked. It was rare for them to not talk while on the move, but a few minutes of quiet passed between them until Danny finally spoke up.
“I should’ve texted you anyways,” Danny said. “I’m sorry.”
“Well, I should’ve had the brains to bring a charger,” Sam countered with a feline smile. “I’m sorry, too. It’s my fault for not telling them in the first place. We should’ve known this would end the way it did.”
“Yeah, maybe,” Danny chuckled. “I mean, now that they know, we only have to face our parents, and we’ll be lucky if they don’t hound us even more than them.”
“Ugh, God, you’re so right. My mom is going to flip. She likes you more than me, you know.”
“She adores you, Sam, come on.”
“I’m just saying don’t be surprised if she asks you to start being in our Christmas cards.”
“Oh, right, and you’d hate that,” Danny countered sarcastically. 
“Totally,” Sam doubled down, his smile growing as he stared up into Danny’s eyes with the doe eyed look that made Danny nearly trip over his own feet as they approached Sam’s car. “Sorry my brothers are idiots.”
“They said it themselves, they just care,” Danny said, brushing a loose strand of hair out of Sam’s face as they stood in the warm dying light of the sunset. “Let’s cap the apologies for the night, okay? They’re idiots, we’re idiots, we know this.”
“Okay,” Sam replied quietly, looking nervous for a split second before speaking again. “Hey, uh, just, thank you.”
Danny frowned in confusion.
“For what?”
“Understanding,” Sam went on. “For not being, I don’t know, scared off by all the weirdness that follows me.”
“Sam, I’ve been there for every weird thing that’s ever happened to you,” Danny laughed. “If I was going to get scared off, that would’ve happened a long time ago.”
“I know, I know, it just means more to me now that we’re, you know…”
Sam smiled sheepishly and Danny felt like his heart was fit to burst in his chest from how much he loved him in that moment.
“I’m the lucky one, trust me,” Danny insisted, pinching Sam’s cheek endearingly.
“Ugh, gross,” Sam teased, batting his hand away and pulling out his keys, but Danny didn’t miss the smile Sam failed to squander as he fumbled with the lock button. 
“You’re gross,” Danny countered, mimicking the open mouthed stank face Sam sent him in reply as he circled to the driver’s seat and unlocked the car. Danny piled his long limbs into his seat and watched Sam start up the car and pull up his address on his GPS, his heart fluttering in further endearment at Sam’s complete lack of direction. Without thinking, Danny plucked Sam’s phone from his hand and set it on the dash.
“Hey! What-”
Danny cut him off by grabbing Sam by the jaw and pulling him into a long kiss, both of them drawing it out by huffing excitedly through their noses and cupping the other's face until Danny finally pulled away. Sam watched him with starry eyes, a dumbstruck smile on his face as Danny returned the look and cupped Sam’s face in his hands.
“I just missed you today,” Danny hummed. “And I’m thankful that didn’t end in complete disaster. I felt completely horrible watching you sit all alone. I seriously wanted to throw up seeing your little sad face.”
“Really?” Sam asked, preening in Danny’s attention. 
“I did!”
“I was only sad because I missed you, too,” Sam relinquished, putting his hand over Danny’s on his cheek. “I was surprised you were taking so long. You’re always early for me.”
“And I always will be,” Danny assured him. “I promise.”
“Even after I graduate?”
“Even after I get some fancy science job and I have to move?”
“Even after-”
“Whatever it is, yes, Sam, I’ll be there,” Danny laughed. “Seriously. I’ll follow you anywhere. And I’ll be right on time.”
Sam paused, drinking in the sincerity of the statement. Then, in typical Sam fashion, his face split into a cheeky smile.
“And if I ask you to go to a party with me?”
Danny swallowed, thinking hard as he relished in the warmth of Sam’s skin on his palm. Finally, he smiled in return and leaned in slightly.
“I’d go if you promise to never run again,” Danny whispered, and Sam shuddered slightly at the rasp in his voice. “And if you promise to always say the dumb shit you’re afraid of saying.”
“Yeah,” Sam agreed. “I promise.”
“One more pinky promise for the road?” Danny grinned, moving his hand from Sam’s face and holding out his pinky for Sam to grasp. Sam looked down at his digit and raised an eyebrow.
“I can do you one better,” Sam insisted. 
Danny didn’t get the time for a witty retort before Sam leaned in and gave him another kiss. It was a little clumsy, and lasted far longer than necessary for the situation, but after it was done, Danny spent the entire ride home reveling in the realization that he’d just been promised a lifetime's worth of them. And he intended to cash in each and every one.
Taglist:  @s0livagant @holdingup-fallingsky @t00turnttrauma @the-starcatcher @streamsofstardust @spark-my-nature @joshkiszkashusband
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 2 months
Fun facts
Thanks @illarian-rambling here!
Share some fun facts about some OCs!
Previous: Lexi, Maddie, Ash, Gwen
Doesn't just know how to cook, she cooks as a hobby, and loves doing it. She knows a lot about different cuisines and trying out new recipes.
Passed the six-foot mark in elementary school.
Has no siblings; she just lives with her mom.
Is left-handed.
Wears the same shoes almost everyday.
Her real name is Carissa. Noelle came from a misunderstanding when she met Ash. Ash thought her name was Clarissa, and when Carissa corrected that there was "no L" in her name, Ash misheard as "Noelle" and it stuck.
Master at chess and has remained undefeated for years.
Takes art as an elective, but doesn't particularly like it - mainly her mom didn't want her to take anything that may require staying after school
Is the only one of her friend group that knew about Alium beforehand, but she thought her mom was making up the stories
Always wears her hair in a ponytail
Eats her spaghetti by twirling her fork on a spoon
Other Noelle: OC in three, OC in fifteen, Picrew, bag, origin, outfit, questionnaire one, questionnaire two, bingo
Loves art more than anything, and is constantly doodling on her pants, shoes, and assignments
Specifically she wants to be a fashion designer, so most of her drawings consist of ideas for specific outfits, especially formal wear, though she doesn't have spare fabrics to put her ideas into reality
Despite her insecurities about herself, she is very proud of her art and designs
Loves wearing bandanas to hold her hair back
Likes any good Texan, loves iced tea
Bilingual - fluent in English and Spanish
Has known she's lesbian since she was ten
Her full name is Rosalinda
If it was up to her, she'd come to school in elaborate outfits that she made that include hats
Joined the tech theater class so she has a chance to work with costuming
Really likes wearing heels
Mainly listens to classical music, rock, or reggae
Other Rose: OC in three, interview, Picrew, origin, outfit, questionnaire one, questionnaire two
Doesn't like her naturally blonde hair and dyes it black
One time she accidentally dyed it blue and was humiliated though Maddie assured her it looks cool
Isn't actually as edgy as her aesthetic suggests
Is really good with little kids - takes care of her younger cousins, whom she lives with
Can crochet and loves surprising people with her products
Takes home economics as an elective at her school, which she actually quite enjoys
Is actually sassy and a bit sarcastic, but most of these thoughts are kept inside her head, as she's very shy
Her glasses are almost always smudged
Is dyslexic
Has Tourette Syndrome and usually ticks with her head jerking to the side
One time, she put on a puppet show for her cousins and handmade everything
Other Kelsey: OC in three, bingo, questionnaire one, questionnaire two, Picrew (blonde), outfit, origin
Has ADHD and is taking Adderall
Was reading at a very early age
Despite being extraverted, friendly, energetic, etc he doesn't particularly like being in the spotlight, at least not the only one there
Got his growth spurt when he was eleven and stopped growing after that
Is a theater kid and was in a production of Elf, Jr where he played Santa Claus
Is forced by his parents to keep his phone charging at night downstairs so he doesn't stay up on it
Has a recurring dream where he's being chased by an inflatable pool duck
Enjoys cloudy weather because it makes him feel cozy
He broke his arm in kindergarten on a ramp in the playground the day before the talent show
Is really into anime and manga
Takes a robotics class at his school
Weirdly good at mini golf
Other Robbie: OC in three, OC in fifteen, Picrew, questionnaire one, questionnaire two, two truths and a lie, outfit
Has a really wide singing range
Took choir and art as his electives in middle school
Has been paraplegic since birth and has named each wheelchair he's had after a Disney Princess: Jasmine, Tiana, Cinderella, and Ariel
Bilingual - fluent in English and Hindi
Wears a watch so he's always aware of the time
Is decent at cooking
His hair has never responded to any products or brushing and he can't tame it
He tried to gel it a few times but Robbie says he looks like Jimmy Neutron when he styled it, so Akash is left with full-time bedhead
Doesn't think too much about the future, but he'd like to be a teacher to be the person he needed when he was in school
Loves watching sports such as soccer and baseball and makes Robbie watch it with him with face paint
Walmart is a primary setting for his dreams but he doesn't know why
Other Akash: OC in three, OC in fifteen, interview, outfit, questionnaire one, questionnaire two, Picrew, kiss, two truths and a lie
Really loves reptiles and has a pet lizard
She also really loves snakes and is fascinated by them
Is pansexual, though she is just now starting to identify as such
Despite that, she's known she's been into girls since she had her first crush at age seven
Doesn't like coffee
Usually has a protein shake in the morning
Plays the viola and is first chair in her section
In all pre-AP courses and plans to take AP courses in high school
Despite being shy and quiet, is very confident in herself and is proud of her musical and academic achievements
Very cautious of her own health including wearing sunscreen if she knows she'll be outside
On the first day of kindergarten, she threw up on herself and the cute dress she picked out
Has relatively big hands
Likes shiny things
Loves puzzles and has many mobile apps on her phone to practice
Other Hye-Jin: OC in three, questionnaire one, questionnaire two, bingo, origin
This was so fun! I can't tell if I came up with more fun facts this time or if they were just longer.
Tagging @happypup-kitcat24 @sleepyowlwrites @mk-writes-stuff @aziz-reads @orphanheirs
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites
@nebula--nix @literarynecromancy @honeybewrites @the-golden-comet
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greenlitess · 2 years
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Crash Course.
pairing: johnny suh x reader
genre: fluff
tags: rich!johnny, spoiled!johnny
warnings: n/a
word count: 2.4k
synopsis: johnny isn’t really interested in golf like his father is-- at least, until you show up attempting to do your job and have him completely enraptured.
“Come on, Johnny, at least try to look a little more excited about the most intricate sport invented. It’s not gonna kill you— you might even end up liking it once you get the hang of it!”
Johnny offered a heavy sigh, shaking his head lightly with a chuckle that says everything but actual humor. He had been avoiding this … getting together for weeks, but his luck had ran out when his excuses did, and the next thing he knew, his dad had rented a cart at his favorite course. Apparently, he was a ‘regular’ and ‘everyone loved him’. Johnny is sure it’s not so much as genuine care so much as love for the amount of cash that he forked over, but he wasn’t about to tell his dad that when he also forked cash over to him.
“Mmm. You know.. golf isn’t really my speed, Dad.”
“Psh, you said that about basketball too. And rugby. And you excelled in both. You’re getting older too, so who’s to say you don’t need a sport like this.” His dad easily retorts(he supposed that where he got it from), patting the cart seat. Johnny takes a slow, reluctant seat after adjusting his linen shirt and making sure all of the important bits were properly inside the seat. He has to laugh a bit at his dad, because of course he had a point– he’d denounced both sports, despite how bored he was, and multiple trophies later… well, that spoke for itself. He hadn’t really played either seriously since college, but even quick pick-up games showed how much of an athlete he could be.
He didn’t consider golf athletic in the slightest– just another sport to show off how rich people spent their time– aka, his father. But it had been a while since they had spent quality time together, and the weight of being in his father's shoes sooner than later is heavy on his shoulders.
He wasn’t necessarily rich– yet. But he would be. And while he may not have the… want to play a sport like golf, the least he could was learn for the future. Nothing mattered but networking, anyway– and golf was one of the best ways to do it, according to the old man.
Somewhere between being deep in thought they had arrived at the first hole, and Johnny braced himself for the lectures he was about to hear as he stood up a bit straighter. Luckily, the weather is perfect; the sun shining with a slight overcast that slowly warms up the skin without being blistering. He did like good weather– maybe this wouldn’t be so bad after all.
And truthfully, it really wasn’t. His dad was a good teacher, even if he was a bit wordy about it all. It was all in the wrists he loved to reiterate, over and over again, and while his first few hits had been definitely dead ducks, it wasn’t long before he was getting the hang of it, the movement of repeatedly swinging the club starting to become muscle memory as quickly as anything remotely requiring movement on his end did. Soon, balls that were moving only a few were moving several, and when his first ball floated, er, somewhere(he was blinded by the sun), he couldn't help the genuineness that appeared on his face as his dad patted his back.
Soon, he’s as loose as they come. They’re almost done with their path for the day, and he can… confidently be proven wrong with the enjoyment of spending time with his dad.
“How about a drink break, yeah?” His dad is calling out as he walks to their cart, and Johnny offers a soft nod as another cart, this time adorning a young woman( the only woman he had even seen outside, actually, which was mind boggling, frankly, but whatever), comes to a slow rolling stop.
You step off the cart with ease, the tennis skirt you adorn still perfectly white as always, perfectly paired with a pair of pearly white socks and shoes, and the baby blue collared tucked in as if you were a professional in this sort of thing.
Johnny tries not to stare as he picks the golf ball from the hole he had just managed to land, but it’s hard when the light seems to radiate from behind you like an angel. He’s confused for a few reasons; why someone so beautiful had managed to land themselves here in this moment… and even more confused when his father starts to make his way towards you as if you’re old friends.
In a way perhaps you were, though you wouldn’t call it that. He was a regular, just as regular as you were being a cart girl on a Thursday afternoon, so your paths crossed often.
Lucky him.
Your voice rings clear as you greet Mr. Suh, offering a bright smile that Johnny would swear is brighter than the sun, and several are pieced together at once. He walks up as if his legs are no longer really in his own control. Mr. Suh speaks of course, as Johnny offers a soft nod your way, to which you return.
“Oh, yes. This is my son, Johnny. Finally was able to drag him from his job to join the old man in the greatest sport in the world!”
Johnny sticks his hand out, but his eyes don’t leave yours, and somehow there is something oddly striking about them. You’re not sure you’ve ever seen eyes like that… well, ever.
Introductions are short, and sweet. He repeats your name as if he wants it to linger on his lips a little bit longer than necessary, and the smile he gives you has you quickly turning to your cart so you can get their order. “Nice to meet you… uh, the usual for you, Mr. Suh?” You peek into your cooler to see what you had, making sure it available, and he offers a nod as he places a club back into the bag of his own cart.
“You got it, and whatever my son wants. We haven't got much more, but it’s still early.”
You offer a soft chuckle a bit, and that moment Johnny’s father offers a boisterous laugh as he glances over, clearly seeing someone he recognizes. He’s already walking over as soon as the drink leaves your hand, and there’s a soft shaking of your head that’s good natured.
“I can assure you, he’s always that way.” Johnny’s voice is deep, and rich, with a natural rumble that has you turning to him in a bit of surprise, but it’s still light-hearted.
“Like father and son, perhaps?” You tease with a tilt of your head.Both of his eyebrows raise and he lets out a bit of a surprised sound between laughter and a gasp. You had caught him off guard with your response, which was a feat in itself, and he leans against the cart to get his own bearings.
“In some ways, sure. Not in all.”
“Ah, of course.” You say with a nod, and his brow raises again as he waits for you to elaborate-- but you don’t, only taking a sip of your own water, the sun warming your skin. Of course, you didn’t feel the need to. He was the son of one of the richest men you had ever come into contact with at the course, which can be both a good and bad thing.
More bad than good.
Most of these people had way more money than they knew what to do with, and the more money they had, the less manners they seemed to obtain. Mr. Suh wasn’t quite like that– you’d take five of him over some of the others on even his worst days.
And clearly the good genes ran in the family. Johnny was both striking and seemingly remarkable down the earth, as if you could run into him on the streets and he could be modeling some fancy brand.
You come down from your thoughts to look back at him, only to find him nearly gazing at you, eyes almost narrowed in thought and you have to fight to keep your face neutral. “You never told me what you wanted to drink.”
“I’m not picky. Can you surprise me?”
The ask has you blinking a bit. Usually, the drink requested is down to a science, even to the amount of ice cubes, but Johnny doesn’t seem to even waver, and you swear you see a hint of a twinkle in his eyes– or perhaps the sun reflecting just perfectly to see dark brown.
“Hmm. Alright.”
It’s simple enough to make a rum and coke, and he watches with a smirk as you expertly mix up the classic drink, placing three ice cubes exactly before you’re handing it to him and he takes it with a hand that just barely brushes yours.
It’s softer than you expect.
“It’s good.” He nods after a generous sip, and you find yourself looking away since your cheeks suddenly feel hot, but his question makes you focus again: “So.. is this what you do? You just… serve drinks?”
“Pretty much. Gotta make sure the patrons are comfortable.” You reply with a soft sigh, deciding to take a seat. They were your last stop before heading back anyway… and you’d be lying if you didn’t enjoy Johnny’s presence.
The feeling was mutual, and he leans against the cart with intense brown eyes and a gaze you know he knows exactly how to use. “I wasn’t interested in coming here, before.” He suddenly finds himself confessing.
“Hmm? And what changed?” You find yourself asking, looking back up at him, only to see full lips slowly curling up to an almost lopsided, but one-hundred percent devious smile, to which you roll your eyes, looking at the skyline to hide the one threatening on your own lips.
“Mmm. I don’t fraternize with patrons.” You respond— it’s not a lie, and it was technically a rule as well. You couldn’t mix pleasure and play with your work, and even… as attractive as Johnny Suh was, you weren’t willing to jeopardize your job for a pretty man— those came a dime a dozen at the course— along with pretty shiny wedding rings, free dinners and vows to ‘keep things between them.’
Johnny looks wounded, but there’s a twinkle in his eye that you can’t help but laugh at, head tilting back at all as he looks at you with almost a fond wonder. You were beautiful. And he wasn’t willing to give up that easily.
“I’m not exactly a patron, though.”
“Mmm, but your father is.” You retort, making him blow air out of his nose as he glances over to see his father still fraternizing. No matter— gave him more of a chance to change your mind.
“Is that me?” He responds, tilting his head with a rise of a brow that makes you quirk your own. You were sure, with those looks, with his charm, he was used to getting his way. Not that you particularly blamed him— if you looked like that you’d also use it to your advantage. “I’m not my father.”
“Ah, that’s what they all say, Mr. Suh.”
“Call me Johnny. I’m not my father, seriously.” He repeats then, softer, and while the smile is still at the edge of his lips, there’s a hint of seriousness to his words that have you pausing, before you allow yourself to slowly nod.
“… I believe you.” You murmur. And at the very least, a part of you did. Or perhaps you wanted to. So many of the kids were just clones of their  parents. While Mr. Suh was one of the nicer patrons, who’s to say that Johnny wasn’t a spitting image in more ways than one?
Johnny stares then, the sun hitting your eyes just right to highlight the gold flecks in them, and for a moment he grows lost as you seem to think it over. Perhaps it’s the liquid courage he’s barely had half a glass of, but something prompts him to at least try. You miss one-percent of the shots you never take, and while it’s a phrase commonly used by his father... It seems fitting at this moment. “… let me take you to dinner. I’ll show you.”
There it is. The request after work, to which has your cheeks flushing hot and there’s a sigh leaving your lips. “I just told you, I don’t fraternize with patrons.”
“What about friends?”
“We’re not friends. Y-“
His confidence has you pausing as he interrupts you, to which a chuckle escapes your full lips as you shake your head. Of course there was nothing that said you couldn’t hang with friends… but Johnny seemed convinced. “You know nothing about me.”
“… yet.” Johnny continues, and there’s that perfect smile on his lips again you swear could cause a car accident. “…. I want to, though. When do you work?”
“Johnny, I cannot tell you my schedule.”
This time he laughs, a melodic way, calming and familiar, and there’s another eye roll that leaves you, but at least it’s more playful this time.
It seems his father has poor timing, finally done hanging with an old college buddy to start making his way back over… and you move to sit properly to head off, but Johnny clearly has other plans.“You didn’t answer me.” He murmurs, that grin ever so present.
“And I won’t. You think I’ll just give it to you?” You respond with a quirk of your brow, and his tongue finds his cheek. His eyes sparkle with a proposal of a challenge, and you can see before you realize what’s happening. Johnny’s father comes up seemingly five pounds lighter and a pep in his step. He mumbles something as he retrieves a different club from his own cart.
“What did you kids get up to?” He finally asks, dark eyes darting back between you and his son in curiosity. You open your mouth to start, but Johnny gets to it first.
“I was just… telling our lovely cart attendant how much I loved the sport and was planning to come back tomorrow. Maybe even more often.” He says, almost casually, but as he gives you a brief gaze, you can see the way his eyes sparkle.
You’d say you didn’t have a shiver down your spine. You’d be lying.
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ageless-aislynn · 23 days
Click pictures to make bigger 😎
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1. Classic pinstripe suit, bald with sunglasses - The look of a dapper businessman who also slaughters evil in his spare time.
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2. All black suit, no tie, bald with sunglasses - The Angel of Death has no tie. The Angel of Death NEEDS no tie.
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3. White dress shirt with tie, black dress pants and glasses - Could it be... Clark Kent? No, friends, it is just Frank West, photojournalist.
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4. Pink dress shirt with tie, white dress pants and hat - There might be a zombie apocalypse but that's no excuse to stop working on your golf swing while looking like a fine gentleman at the same time.
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5. Classic little black dress with deep v-neck and white shirt - It's classic for a reason. Also, please note the sensible shoes, suitable for stomping zombies and running for your life.
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6. No shirt, dual ammo bandoliers, camo pants, bald with sunglasses - Rambo? Never heard of him. I bet he's a fine fellow, though. Frank probably wouldn't mind having him at his back while they're handling this pesky zombie horde problem.
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7. Orange prison jumpsuit - The biggest crime of all is not being able to profess his love for Leah. 💘
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8. No shirt, boxers, and police hat - For your next party, call 1-888-HOT-OFFICER-WEST for all of your exotic dancer needs! 😇
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9. Yellow suit and hockey mask - No, the giant gun isn't compensating for anything. I'm not sure why you'd even ask that...? 🤔😜 An appropriately chaotic look for a chaotic time.
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10. Wrestler trunks - Brand loyalty. Frank has it. Also, cake? Frank has that, too. 😇 I ❤️ one (1) photojournalist who was built to be a brawler. 😍😍😍
Brad looks like he spends a LOT of time questioning Frank's common sense fashion sense, doesn't he? 😂😂😂
Yes, friends, I've decided to tackle one of THE most time-consuming video game achievements out there: Dead Rising's 7 Day Survivor. It requires 14 uninterrupted hours to complete. You cannot save. You cannot quit and come back later to pick up where you left off. Frank's health constantly depletes so you have to scavenge for food (which does NOT respawn) or he can starve to death every 20 minutes. The survivors have turned on you and will kill you on sight. The psychopaths are no longer in their usual spawn locations. The zombies will munch you relentlessly. You die, your run is done. Your power goes off, your PC/console crashes, you fall asleep, you get distracted, you're done.
So why do I want to do it? 🤔
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Because it's the only achievement I don't have (technically, there's also 5 Day Survivor in there as well, but if you get 7 Day, you'll have gotten 5 Day along the way). Because I love this game so much. It brings me so much silly joy. Because I want to see if my strategy will work.
Because I want to know that I can.
So! Help me pick from some of my favorite looks for Frank. We want to look strong, ready to kick zombie butt and to survive for a week under very hostile conditions in the Willamette Mall.
I'm currently writing up my strategy, including food locations, survivor and psychopath spawn times, and an optimal path to take through the mall with the best places (aka that have doors you can shut) for Frank to stay safe with his stashes of food. Then I'm going to print it because I'm just That Way™️and want a physical copy to refer to once I start this. I'm not chancing minimizing the game to open a file or to watch a tutorial video. Georgette and I are FOCUSED on success!
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Me and Georgette, our hands joined in a solemn pact to keep Frank alive for 14 hours. (O hai, Eobard, wish us luck, hm, buddy? 😉)
14 hours, girl, we can do it! I've got the support of my family, just got to let them know when I start. I can pause the game to eat and things like that but I don't want to leave it paused any longer than necessary. The in-game clock stops at the same time so you're just adding more overall hours by pausing.
Wish me luck, friends! I'm not sure what day I'll be doing this but it'll be soon! 🤞😣🤞
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unit2-ss24 · 10 months
The 1920s - part 2
The Look
Typical underwear of the 1920s
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This advertisement for the new freedom corset helped women to achieve the flat shapes and less figure hugging look required to make the fashions of the 1920s look good on the every day woman.
The new stylish look of the 1920s
The Eaton crop was a revolution in hair styles.
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Feathered headbands and turbans were the look of the era, they were often the image associated with the La Garconne / flapper look in which was inspired by the art nouveau style left over from the 1910′s and by the mid 1920′s. If you chose to wear one, you pushed it well back and lost the feathers. Sequined caps were also a big thing and heavily ornamented were also popular. Hat Fashion went side by side with hair styles. The big decision facing many women was to Bob or not to Bob, to Crop or not to Crop, or just play safe go with the Fingerwave style.
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The Prince of Wales was the ambassador for British fashion and fabrics across the world. 
In 1922, Fair Isle knits were made fashionable by the Prince of Wales when he wore one on the golf course at St Andrews. 
The Prince’s support of the Fair Isle sweater probably helped to save the knitting industry that remains to this day on the small Scottish island.
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During 1925 the men wore ‘bum freezer’ length jackets. Here we see gentlemen at the races in the new relaxed jackets.
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Sporting wear in England consisted of white flannel trousers and blazers. This was a very relaxed and elegant look.
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The 1920s passion for dressing soft extended to fabrics as well as to patterns and colours, tweed was extremely popular. Often in gaudy checks and bright stripes.
1925 marks the year that Oxford bags were born, they replaced the slim trousers worn by most young men. For the next 30 years, loose fitting trousers would remain the fashionable fit. The image below shows the comfortable functional aspects of the original 28 inch grow to 40 inch.
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Day wear may have become more relaxed but when it came to evening wear men where still expected to wear black tie and tails. Below we see a typical evening scene with men dressed in black dickie-bows and evening suits. This was a universal style adopted by all men which we still see today.
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Rudolph Valentino was the heart throb of the silent movies and influenced the hairstyle shown below of American and English men. The look was achieved by soaking the hair and wrapping the head in linen bandages until it dried.
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Men’s shoes came in a variety of styles and patterns – perfect for ‘cutting a rug’ in the roaring twenties (1925)
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river-ocean · 2 years
charlos, makeovers + teachers AU ❤️
oh! this will be fun, i’ve never written charlos but i love the ferrari boys so let’s give it a go
charles and carlos are both teachers in the same high school, but charles is an english teacher and carlos is a physics teacher, so they really only see each other whenever there’s faculty meetings.
charles wanted to study fashion. he really did. and his family was supportive, but charles wanted to be more practical so he studied english and got a job as a middle school teacher. it’s not what he saw for himself, but he really does enjoy teaching and loves being able to guide the students.
so when the students start a fashion design club, he immediately volunteers to be the faculty advisor. it’s his first passion with his current passion - how could he pass it up?
as the advisor he is tasked with recruiting other teachers to be the models for the end of the year fashion show. all of the art and music teachers sign up willingly, of course, but it’s a bit harder to get teachers from other disciplines. charles knows he’s going to have to put in work to get some more representation from the other departments.
he puts on his best charming smile and struts into the science department one day, and the first teacher he sees is the physics teacher - mr. sainz, the physics teacher. charles is appalled by his outfit: a golf shirt two sizes too big that barely meets the collared shirt requirements, khaki pants that are absolutely not tailored, and a pair of dirty new balance shoes - not the cool kinds that the kids are wearing, the kind that looks like they should be worn only for mowing the lawn.
charles feels like this guy will immediately shut down the idea of participating in a fashion show, but he is willing to give it a shot.
carlos (he corrects him when charles calls him mr. sainz - there are no students around, why is he being so formal?) surprisingly agrees, and he and charles get to know each other over the course of the next few weeks as they prepare for the show.
carlos is smart, obviously - he’s a physics teacher. but he’s also warm, and kind, and funny. charles definitely has a soft spot for him, but it hasn’t fully turned into a crush yet.
charles will be helping with hair/makeup/styling for the show. he sees how much potential carlos has - full, dark hair, strong features, etc. and decides that he will definitely be the one prepping mr. sainz for the show (he really leans into calling him mr. sainz with the excuse of the students being around).
carlos has his princess diaries moment and charles is absolutely floored by the way this man looks. that, coupled with the wonderful personality charles has learned about in the lead up to the show, has charles absolutely in a tizzy over this man.
charles is charles though and won’t say anything about it, but carlos’ makeover has given him a confidence boost. he takes charles’ fashion advice and starts dressing better for school, and he can tell that charles is crushing on him (bc charles is anything but subtle about his feelings).
carlos eventually asks charles on a date and charles immediately says yes, of course. charles keeps working with the fashion club and slowly but surely gives all of the teachers in the district a makeover, and lives happily with the fusion of his two passions and also his hunk of a boyfriend.
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Joe Kemonohito
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"In order to insult me I must value your opinion first. Nice try though."
Name: Joseph Minamoto Kemonohito
Nicknames: Joe (by everyone), Stud, Babe, Sir, Old man (all by Misty), Bro-bro (by his sisters).
Age: 19
Birthday: October 31
Height 189 cm
Appearance: Joe has powdery light blue hair with dark purple streaks in a low ponytail. Aegean blue eyes and bone white skin.
Clothing: Joe normally wears a gray polo shirt underneath a navy blue casual blazer, khaki chinos and brown boat shoes. Around his neck is a fabric choker and a seashell bracelet on his right wrist. He carries a navy blue sling bag.
Personality: Joe is a very harsh and quiet individual. He doesn't think it is necessary to or censor his words or views for others because reasoning is what drives him most of the time. He frequently gives the impression of being chilly, irritable, and apathetic while usually putting forth very little effort.
Joe has exceptional deductive talents, but his apathetic demeanor hides them, leading many to doubt his intelligence. Joe is incredibly precise and analytical, and he has a tendency to second-guess everything that is said to him. He also exhibits a dry sense of humor and isn't above joking around with others in a sarcastic manner. Despite his propensity for politeness, Joe occasionally comes off as patronizing.
When it comes to making money, he is passionate and dedicated in his business ventures, mostly stemming due to the lack of money his family had when he was a child. He has strong ambition and it fuels his desire to give his family a better life. Though a few of his businesses are questionable, such as selling blackmail.
Despite his apathetic traits, Joe genuinely cares about his family and friends and will go to great lengths to protect them. Joe is sincere and dedicated to his family and friends, he's also quite nurturing when it comes to his two younger siblings and little kids. He's honest but sometimes he can be blunt and unintentionally hurtful.
Though not as vengeful as most of his siblings, he will turn into block of ice if he suspects anyone trying to take advantage of him.
College course: Marketing and Finance
Likes: Family and friends, Misty being cute, J&V, Misty being passionate on what she loves, Takoyaki, coffee, juice, beef stroganoff, Cece's drink concoctions, Cece's streams, thriller movies, water polo, games that require deductive reasoning, spear fishing, the night, comfy hoodies, assholes getting karma.
War games, making mochi, winning verbal arguments, Stay Alive, movie nights, watermelon golf, teasing his siblings, Neffex, spears and polearms, money, good business, blackmail, camping.
Dislikes: Liars, cheaters, toxic people, misogynists, racists, disrespecg or harm to his family, people lusting after his mom, Misty's ex, non-sensical arguments, older people lusting after him, Jack being annoying, Grim stealing his food, people wanting to take advantage of him, his siblings getting heartbroken, idiots who are not family, people who refuse to face reality (except his family, friends and Misty), Misty's sisters being too nosy.
Abilities: Cooking, spear fishing, melee combat (specifically spears and staffs), keyboard and piano proficiency, business sense, krav maga.
Joseph - Jehovah shall add
Minamoto - 'Source', 'origin'
Kemonohito - Beast
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csashton · 2 years
A New Pack - Chapter Three
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Warnings - A/B/O fic Characters - Lando Norris, Charles LeClerc, Sebastian Vettel, Carlos Sainz Jr. Summary - Lando meets his new pack.
my masterlist 🖤
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“Welcome to the Vettel Pack, Lando.” Alpha Sebastian says from beside him, his heart fluttering in his chest at the thought. He had to get through the next thirty days without stuffing it up. “Thank you, Alpha.” he replies when his brain restarts, shifting back and forth on his feet.
“Alpha?” That same higher-pitched voice asks with a laugh, “What the hell are they teaching in that shitty place? That’s so outdated, no one uses that unless they’re in the bedroom.” He hears a smacking noise and the person who was speaking lets out a hurt noise. The husky voice returns, “We call him Seb, or Sebastian.” he explains as if he doesn’t want to scare Lando away. “I’m Carlos, and this other idiot is Charles.” There’s another smacking noise but this time the “Ouch!” comes from the deeper voice, Carlos.
Lando nods, moving his hands behind his back as he bows to them. “Thank you for allowing me into your pack, I will do my best to serve you.” he recites, the sentence engraved in his brain at this point.
“Lando?” Sebastian questions to his left, his hand coming out to turn Lando to face him. “You can look at us, you don’t need permission. You’re allowed to look at everyone, you can talk to everyone. You don’t need permission in my pack to do the basic functions of a human.” Lando’s face scrunches.
There’s no way this Alpha is serious. You don’t ever make eye contact with an Alpha without permission. You don’t speak out of turn, you speak when spoken to.
“Lando, look at me.” he hears, this time more sternly. His eyes trail up from the floor to the black dress shoes, and the dark gray slacks to where his white button-down is tucked in. He takes a deep breath before continuing the route up to Sebastian’s face, taking in the slight stubble and blonde hair. When he meets his eyes he feels his breath leave his lungs in one fell swoop. He’d never seen blue eyes like this, he felt like they were piercing into his soul.
“I promise you it is okay.” Sebastian pats his shoulder before turning back to the other two people in the room. Sebastian’s hand comes up into view, pointing at the person sitting on the left side of the couch. “That is Charles, my mate.” Lando’s eyes find him, unsurprisingly Charles is the most beautiful Omega Lando has seen in his life. His dimples frame his million-watt smile, gorgeous brown hair, and green eyes.
As if Sebastian can read his mind he says, “I know - he’s breathtaking.” Nodding his agreement, he follows Sebastian’s finger to land on the person sitting to the right. “This is Carlos.” It’s like Lando’s heart jumped from his chest to his throat. Carlos sends a soft smile in Lando’s direction, his hands are shaking as he offers a small smile back. Carlos was the most attractive Alpha that he had seen in his life. “There’s more of us but they're out playing mini-golf.” 
Holy shit, how was this pack so attractive? Was that a requirement? How am I going to fit in this pack? Why do they want me? 
“I would like to go to my assigned space please, Alpha.” he requests, stepping back from Sebastian to wait. He needed to go somewhere quiet to calm himself and his brain down. This was more overwhelming than he had anticipated.
“Oh,” Lando fidgets with his hands as he waits, eyes locked on the wall just over Sebastian's shoulder. “Charles, can you take Lando to his room and help him settle in?”
Charles closes the door behind them once they enter what Lando supposes is his assigned room. “Well, this is your room, mine and Seb’s is at the end of the hall. Carlos is across the hall and down one door. You have an attached bathroom,”
This room is bigger than the classrooms at the training facility. There’s no way an Alpha would give the pack Omega a room like this. I can’t possibly have a whole bathroom to myself.
Charles is leaning against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest. “This is your space to do whatever you want. Your rules apply here, if you don’t want someone in here you tell them that. If you don’t want anyone in here, you tell us that.” Lando can hear Charles’ stress as he turns away from him. There's a massive window that overlooks the backyard right by the bed.
Maybe Alpha Sebastian will allow me to start a garden. There's plenty of sunlight back here, and there's plenty of space.
“Lando, is this all you have?” Charles asks, his voice having a sad tone to it. “I am sorry, Omega Charles. I do not mean to disappoint.” he says as he turns to face him. “You have some t-shirts and sweatpants, but no shoes? Where’s the rest of your clothes?” His voice is kind when he asks, but it makes Lando feel as though he’s done something wrong. “It is all I have.” he confirms, shifting to kneel on the floor in front of the window. It had become his comfort position after all these years of training. “You don’t need to kneel, Lando. You’re not in trouble, you’ve done nothing wrong.” Charles explains, moving to kneel in front of him, hands coming to his shoulders.
Lando bites his lip for a moment, worried that if he explains he will somehow be in trouble and they will send him back. “We had uniforms.” he gestures to the white top and white pants he was wearing, his hands coming to rest on his knees. “I was given to the training facility when I was young, so I did not have many belongings to bring with me.” he explains, keeping his voice neutral. “I am sorry, Omega Charles.”
“Stop calling me that, please.” Charles requests, hand coming up to pat Lando’s cheek. “You can call me Charles, or Char. Okay? We don’t use designations like that in this house.” Lando nods, closing his eyes for a moment. “Thank you, Charles. You are very gracious to accept me into your home, I will do my best for your pack.”  Charles’ eyes are sad when he opens his again which sends panic through him, he's done something wrong. “Why don’t you go rest and I will work to get you more clothing, yes?” he asks as he stands, helping Lando out of his kneeling position. “I will have Carlos wake you for dinner if you’re not up.”
Lando nods again, making his way over to the bed before sliding under the covers. “Thank you, Charles.” he's closing his eyes as Charles opens the door. “You’re welcome, Lando.” Charles' voice floats over him before the door shuts. Lando is pretty sure he may have been asleep before the latch clicked.
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nathanlnes · 2 years
New Zealand - A camping Paradise
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When we think of camping, what's the first picture that comes to mind? Some would think of tents lined up in a mountain landscape, others would think of a walking trail passing through a deep forest while still some others would think of having a relaxing time near a crystal-clear lake or walking through a coastal beach. Regardless of the image associated with camping, everyone would say that without the right accessories, such a trip is incomplete.
If you are thinking of having a thrilling and adventurous camping experience, you should be aware of the best camping locations around the world. In this context, one must admit that of all the countries of the world, New Zealand has the best camping sites that are simply stunning.  In this article, we would shed some light on some of these locations and the camping gear required to make the best out of a camping trip. Inflatable tents in NZ would probably be one of the first items in the list. So without further ado, here are three awesome locations in New Zealand that you should definitely check out.
Waiheke Island: A gorgeous island that would make one feel like it's emerged right out of a Disney movie, the Waiheke Island has some fantastic landscapes. The Island has a long coastal stretch that is about 40 km long. The turquoise island waters look pristine with its beautifully transparent view. You could go for canoeing in the clean waters and appreciate the beautiful scenery all around. Else, you could set up tents or gazebos almost anywhere in the island enjoying the surrounding view at the same time. Make sure they have height-adjustable poles for ventilation and veranda awnings for relaxing inside or sunbathing outside the tent. You would come across a long walking trail, approximately 100 km, on the Waiheke Island. Make sure to pack the right hiking shoes that are suitable for a beach walk.
Urupukapuka Bay Campsite: You are likely to see a lot of reefs, clear waters, sandy beaches, and diverse flora and fauna like the unique Paradise duck. The island is ideal for those who want to get away from civilization and bask in the nature. The island is quite well preserved and you would find some good archaeological sites to explore. The Urupukapuka Bay Campsite is the largest campsite on the island where people usually come with their families to spend quality time having recreational activities like fishing and kayaking. One would come across a lot of inflatable tents in NZ camped around the place.
Lake Wanaka: Highly recommended by tourists, Lake Wanaka is a marvellous camping destination. The lake is more than 40 km long and is surrounded by a breath-taking view of mountains and valleys. If you are a Lord of the Rings fan, you must have seen the lake in the movies. The Wanaka Lake is home to several resorts and camping sites where people set up base to explore the region. Adventure sports like river rafting in the fast-flowing rivers attract a lot of people. You could go for a hike on the Mt. Aspiring National Park which is highly popular for backpacking and mountaineering. Within the Wanaka region lies the Cardrona river valley where you would find some reclusive areas to have an alone and introspective stay. Camping enthusiasts should not miss out on the incredible experience of the region at all.
Key Takeaway
There is no doubt that New Zealand is blessed with the most outstanding topography that makes it apt for indulging in outdoor activities. From camping in a forest reserve, kayaking in turquoise blue waters, golfing in golden sand beaches to immersing oneself in nature walk trails, the country has it all to enthral your senses. It is a delight to go for a camping trip in the island nation.
You just need the right camping gear like tents. Based on the location of the trip and the weather conditions, you should plan accordingly. You should look for certain basic features like good material strength, accommodative and expansive interiors, durability and ventilation features like height-adjustable poles, awnings and vestibule doors to ensure proper air circulation. So enjoy your long-planned camping experience to your heart's content by equipping yourself with the best camping gear. So, plan your next getaway camping trip with the right camping equipment. Dwights Outdoors is an established business since 1979 that deals with camping accessories that guarantee you an amazing camping trip.
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nothingunrealistic · 2 years
billions season 7 casting calls: january 1-15, 2023
'Billions' Season 7 (posted January 5; expires February 4; shoot dates TBD in NYC)
Production Description: Casting season 7 of "Billions."
Black, Bald Man (5'10-6'0) for Golf Photo Double (SAG-AFTRA Covered): Background / Extra, Male, 50-75. GWC is seeking a Black, Bald Man (5'10-6'0) for GOLF Photo Double. Must know how to play golf. Tentative Dates: COVID Test: day prior to work, Work: TBD between Jan. 19 Feb. 2. Measurements: 5'10-6'0, approx 190lbs, 16x33 shirt, 37x33 pants, 11.5 shoe. Ethnicity: Black / African Descent. [Posted January 5]
(i don’t think this matches any existing characters. golfing seems most likely to be on the finance side of things.)
'Billions' Season 7 (posted January 11; expires February 4; shoot dates February TBD in NYC)
Production Description: Casting season seven of "Billions."
White, Bald Man (6'1-6'3) Photo Double (SAG-AFTRA Covered): Background / Extra, Male, 30-55. White, bald man (6'1-6'3) for basketball photo double. Must know how to play basketball. Measurements: 6'1-6'3, 220lbs, Shirt 17x35, Pants 36-38, Shoe 13. Ethnicity: White / European Descent. Required Skills: Sports/Fitness: Basketball. [Posted January 11]
(prince, obviously. the last time he played basketball on screen, it was with dominique wilkins. no telling who it might be this time.)
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macrogolf12 · 15 hours
Ergonomic Golf: Enhancing Comfort and Performance on the Course
Golf is a sport that requires precision, skill, and endurance, but often, it is overlooked that comfort plays a crucial role in performance. The advent of ergonomic principles in various industries has made its way into the world of golf, where it is transforming the way golfers play and maintain their bodies. "Ergonomic Golf" is not just a concept; it is a practical approach to improving both comfort and performance on the golf course. By adopting ergonomic practices, golfers can experience better posture, reduced strain, and an overall enhanced playing experience. This article explores how ergonomic principles can impact golfers and the impressive factors that make "Ergonomic Golf" essential for players at all levels.
Ergonomically Designed Golf Clubs
One of the most significant advancements in ergonomic golf is the development of ergonomically designed golf clubs. Ergonomic golf clubs are customized or adjustable to meet the specific needs of individual players. These clubs are designed to offer better grip, weight distribution, and shaft flexibility, which all contribute to more efficient swings and less fatigue over time.
The grip of an ergonomic golf club is particularly important as it helps reduce the stress on a golfer’s hands and wrists. Ergonomic grips are often thicker and feature softer materials to ensure a comfortable hold while swinging. This can drastically reduce the tension in the hands and forearms, leading to a smoother and more controlled swing.
Posture and Body Mechanics
Good posture is essential in golf, as it affects both the swing and the golfer’s overall comfort during play. Poor posture, such as slouching or improper spine alignment, can lead to back pain and decreased performance. Ergonomic golf focuses on correcting these posture issues by encouraging players to adopt a more natural stance.
Ergonomic Golf Shoes for Comfort and Stability
Foot comfort and stability are key factors in any athletic activity, and golf is no exception. Golfers spend hours on their feet, walking from hole to hole, and proper footwear is crucial for maintaining balance and comfort throughout a game. Ergonomic golf shoes are designed to provide both support and cushioning, which reduces foot fatigue and improves stability during swings.
Ergonomic golf is more than just a trend; it is a crucial aspect of improving comfort, preventing injury, and enhancing performance on the course. By focusing on the natural mechanics of the body and designing equipment that supports these movements, ergonomic golf allows players to enjoy the game while reducing the risk of strain or injury. Whether through Ergonomic golf, shoes, or accessories, golfers can experience a more comfortable and efficient way to play, ultimately leading to better performance and a more enjoyable time on the course.
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unitedstatesofworld · 22 days
The Rising Star of Golf: Charlie Woods’ Journey to Greatness
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When we think of the future of golf, one name that’s quickly becoming synonymous with greatness is Charlie Woods. At just 15 years old, Charlie is already making waves in the junior golfing world, and it’s no wonder why! With Tiger Woods as his father, the apple hasn’t fallen far from the tree. But don’t be mistaken—Charlie Woods is more than just Tiger’s son. He’s a budding star in his own right, with a passion for golf that's undeniable.
The Legacy Begins
Born into the spotlight, Charlie Woods has had some pretty big shoes to fill. But rather than shying away from the challenge, he’s embraced it. From a young age, Charlie has shown a natural affinity for the game, displaying skills that even seasoned players envy. He’s not just riding on his father’s coattails; Charlie is blazing his own trail.
The Early Days of Charlie Woods
Charlie Woods’ journey into the world of golf began almost as soon as he could walk. Tiger Woods, recognizing his son’s potential, started training him early. By the age of 10, Charlie was already participating in junior tournaments and showing promise. He wasn’t just playing the game—he was mastering it.
Tiger Woods’ Influence
It’s impossible to talk about Charlie without mentioning Tiger. Tiger Woods has been more than just a father to Charlie; he’s been a mentor, a coach, and an inspiration. The bond they share is evident every time they step onto the golf course together. But Tiger hasn’t just taught Charlie the technical aspects of the game; he’s instilled in him the mental toughness and dedication needed to succeed.
Making His Mark
Charlie Woods’ recent achievements have catapulted him into the limelight. His performance in the Hurricane Junior Golf Tour and his victory at the Florida High School Athletic Association Class A state championship have solidified his status as a rising star. But perhaps his most significant accomplishment to date is qualifying for the U.S. Junior Amateur Championship, held from July 22-27, 2024.
The U.S. Junior Amateur Championship
The U.S. Junior Amateur Championship is no small feat. It’s a tournament where the best of the best in junior golf come to compete. For Charlie to have qualified at just 15 years old is a testament to his talent and dedication. As he prepares to take on some of the toughest competitors in the sport, all eyes will be on him to see if he can continue his winning streak.
The Training Regimen
One might wonder—how does Charlie Woods prepare for such high-stakes tournaments? Well, it’s no walk in the park. Charlie’s training regimen is intense, reflecting the discipline and focus required to succeed at the highest level. His routine includes early morning practice sessions, rigorous drills, and a focus on both physical and mental fitness. But Charlie isn’t all work and no play; he balances his training with a love for the game that keeps him motivated.
Mental Toughness
Golf is as much a mental game as it is physical. Charlie Woods has learned from the best how to stay focused under pressure. Whether it’s a crucial putt or a challenging course, Charlie approaches every situation with a calm and collected mindset. This mental toughness is one of the key factors that sets him apart from his peers.
A Bright Future Ahead
Looking ahead, it’s clear that Charlie Woods is destined for greatness. With each tournament, he’s gaining more experience and confidence, setting the stage for what promises to be an illustrious career in golf. The question isn’t whether Charlie will succeed, but how far he will go.
The Next Steps
So, what’s next for Charlie Woods? As he continues to climb the ranks in junior golf, the possibilities are endless. College golf, professional tournaments, perhaps even the PGA Tour—Charlie has the potential to achieve it all. And with Tiger Woods guiding him every step of the way, the future looks incredibly bright.
Charlie Woods is more than just a young golfer with a famous last name; he’s a force to be reckoned with in the world of golf. His journey from a budding talent to a rising star has been nothing short of inspiring. As he continues to hone his skills and achieve new milestones, there’s no doubt that Charlie Woods is on his way to becoming a golfing legend in his own right. The world is watching, and Charlie is ready to shine.
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golfspain · 29 days
Planning Your Dream Golf Trip: Top Destinations and Expert Tips
Golf trips offer an incredible opportunity to combine your love of the sport with exploring new destinations, indulging in luxury amenities, and creating lasting memories. Whether you’re a seasoned golfer or just beginning to explore the world of golf tourism, planning the perfect golf trip requires thoughtful consideration and a bit of insider knowledge. This guide will walk through everything you need to know to craft the ultimate golf getaway, from choosing the ideal destination to essential tips for making the most of your experience.
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Why Plan a Golf Trip?
A well-planned golf trip is more than just a few rounds on different courses; it’s a complete experience that blends leisure, luxury, and a shared passion for the game. Whether traveling solo, with friends, or with family, a golf trip allows you to immerse yourself in the sport while enjoying the chosen destination's culture, cuisine, and scenery.
Choosing the Perfect Golf Destination
Spain: A Golfer's Paradise
Spain is renowned for its stunning golf courses, particularly in regions like Costa del Sol, Costa Brava, and the Balearic Islands. With a mild climate year-round, it’s an ideal destination for golf enthusiasts. The variety of courses, ranging from world-renowned championship courses to hidden gems, ensures that every golfer will find something that suits their level and preferences.
Scotland: The Home of Golf
For those who dream of playing on historic courses, Scotland is a must-visit destination. Known as the birthplace of golf, Scotland offers iconic courses like St. Andrews, Royal Troon, and Muirfield. The country’s rich golfing history, combined with breathtaking landscapes, makes it a pilgrimage for golfers worldwide.
Portugal: The Algarve’s Hidden Gems
The Algarve in Portugal is another top destination for golfers, offering a mix of challenging courses, luxury resorts, and beautiful coastlines. Courses like Quinta do Lago and Vale do Lobo are renowned for their design and difficulty, providing a thrilling experience for any golfer.
United States: Diverse Golfing Landscapes
From the sun-soaked courses of Florida and California to the rugged links of Oregon and the desert courses in Arizona, the United States offers a diverse range of golfing experiences. Each region provides a unique backdrop, with courses designed by some of the most famous architects in the golfing world.
Tips for Planning Your Golf Trip
Set a Budget and Stick to It
Golf trips can vary significantly in cost, depending on the destination, accommodation, and number of rounds planned. Start by setting a budget that covers flights, accommodation, green fees, and other expenses like dining and transportation. Remember to factor in extra costs like caddie fees, golf cart rentals, and tips.
Book in Advance
Popular golf destinations and courses can fill up quickly, especially during peak seasons. Booking your tee times, accommodations, and even dining reservations well in advance ensures that you get the most out of your trip without any last-minute disappointments.
Travel Light, But Don’t Forget the Essentials
While it’s tempting to bring all your golf gear, traveling light can make the journey more comfortable. Most top-tier courses offer high-quality club rentals, allowing you to leave your clubs at home. However, don’t forget to pack essentials like gloves, shoes, and any specific equipment you prefer.
Consider a Golf Package
Many destinations offer golf packages that include accommodation, tee times, and sometimes even meals and transportation. These packages often provide better value than booking everything separately and can simplify the planning process.
Explore Beyond the Fairways
While the primary focus is golf, take time to explore the local culture, cuisine, and attractions. Whether it’s a wine tasting in Spain, a castle tour in Scotland, or a beach day in Portugal, these experiences add depth to your trip and create lasting memories.
Best Times to Go on a Golf Trip
Spring and Fall: Ideal Seasons
For most golf destinations, spring and fall offer the best conditions. The weather is generally mild, courses are in excellent shape, and crowds are manageable. In places like Spain and Portugal, these seasons provide the added benefit of experiencing local festivals and events.
Summer: High Season with Cautions
While summer is popular for golf trips, especially in regions like the United States and Europe, it’s essential to consider the heat. Early morning or late afternoon tee times are advisable to avoid the midday sun. Keep hydrated and use sun protection to ensure an enjoyable experience.
Winter: Escaping to Warmer Climates
If planning a winter golf trip, destinations like Florida, the Caribbean, or the Canary Islands offer warm weather and excellent courses. These regions are perfect for escaping colder climates and continuing your golfing season year-round.
How to Make the Most of Your Golf Trip
Play with a Local Caddie
Hiring a local caddie not only enhances your game with expert advice but also provides insights into the course's history and nuances. A caddie can offer strategy tips, help you navigate the course, and even share local knowledge that can enrich your overall experience.
Mix Up Your Courses
While it’s tempting to play at the most famous courses, mixing in lesser-known ones can offer a unique challenge and a different perspective. Many of these hidden gems are less crowded and provide a more relaxed atmosphere, allowing for a leisurely round of golf.
Take Lessons or Clinics
Many top golf resorts offer lessons or clinics with professional instructors. Whether improving your swing or refining your putting, taking advantage of these opportunities can elevate your game and provide a valuable learning experience.
Relax and Unwind
After a day on the course, make sure to indulge in the amenities offered by your resort. Whether it’s a spa treatment, a dip in the pool, or a gourmet meal, these experiences are a vital part of a luxury golf trip.
Planning a golf trip is about more than just booking tee times; it’s about creating an unforgettable experience that combines your love of the game with the joys of travel. By choosing the right destination, planning carefully, and embracing all aspects of the journey, your golf trip can be a dream come true.
Ready to start planning your perfect golf trip? Explore exclusive golf packages, top destinations, and expert tips to make your next getaway unforgettable. Visit Golf Spain for more information and start your journey today.
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metroformen · 1 month
Pedicure Dilemma | Most Common Ways Men Destroy Their Feet
A pedicure is an easy thing men can do to repair much of the damage they do to their feet. Wonder how men destroy their feet? Read on to learn the most common ways men destroy their feet without realizing it.
To Sock or Not to Sock
If sweaty, stinky feet are not enough, not wearing protective socks will cut your shoe life in half. To make matters worse, not wearing socks ultimately develops into:
Gross foot fungus
Other irritating sensations
Foot infections and fungal growth are still a possibility with socks. However, men can decrease those odds by wearing socks at appropriate times. It also helps if they groom their feet now and again. We understand that socks are necessary, especially when working out, but not all socks are created equal. For the best protection, try socks made of a synthetic wicking material. Cotton socks tend to trap moisture in, which will end up causing blisters.
Wearing Tight And Narrow Shoes
Podiatrists explain why wearing tight, narrow shoes can mess up your feet. “The traditional wingtip shoe is the worst shoe for men,” Dr. Fullem says. That is because it comes to a narrow point, which squishes the toes together. Many people assume bunions are just bumps around the joint at the base of the big toes due to genetics. However, wearing too-tight shoes is the most common culprit. Bunions can cause severe pain and swelling and may require surgery to remove them. Narrow shoes may also lead to ingrown toenails. This is because the first toe presses against the second one, resulting in abnormal pressure on the nail that can trigger inflammation and pain. Always shop for shoes later in the day when the feet swell to get a more accurate fit, Dr. Fullem advises. He also recommends buying shoes made from softer materials with some give, like leather, to accommodate any swelling.
Running A Lot
Don’t panic!c We are not suggesting anyone give up the runner’s life. However, if you are new to running or have been doing this hobby for a long time and notice a lot of foot injuries. This may be an indication runners need some tips to improve their skills. According to Active, they outline some common foot injuries while running and how men can avoid pain and stop damaging their feet:
Plantar Fasciitis
An overuse injury and a biomechanical issue that can cause plantar fasciitis from improper running shoes, increasing training volume or intensity too quickly, or even from tight or weak calf muscles. The body is an interconnected machine, after all. Treating plantar fasciitis involves identifying the root cause and ensuring men run in shoes that offer enough support. Possibly using an insert or orthotic would be helpful, too. Lastly, Active states treatment is an ongoing process. Once the pain subsides, runners prone to plantar problems should continue to stretch their feet and roll the affected foot on a tennis ball or frozen golf ball.
Stress Fracture
Stress fractures are usually caused by rapidly increasing training volume and/or intensity. But they can also happen if men are unlucky enough to step awkwardly on a rock, root, or pothole. If men experience a stress fracture, there is no way to cure it without taking time off from running. The bone takes about six weeks of non-weight-bearing activity to heal correctly. Cross-train like a champ, wear a boot and enjoy the mental break from running. The good news is, unlike a tendon injury, once a stress fracture heals, the pain should be gone for good.
Extensor Tendonitis
Like any other tendon in the body, the tendons in the feet can become inflamed. When they do, the symptoms can be very similar to the pain of a stress fracture. How can you tell the difference between the two? The extensor tendons raise the toes. If you apply pressure to the toes as you raise them, and that isolates your pain, chances are you have a tendonitis injury. It would not be a stress fracture, which would cause more pain on impact if you tried this. Causes of inflammation can be traced to improper shoes. Tight shoes make for a tight Achilles and weak or tight calf muscles. Ice the tendons to reduce inflammation. Make sure your shoes have enough support. Again, an orthopedic insert may help. Be diligent about stretching the calf muscles and do some calf-strengthening exercises.
Lacking Feet Care | aka Not Getting a Pedicure
This is an obvious way men destroy their feet. Yet, so many men do not take the time to groom their feet properly. Proper foot care is as simple as:
Washing the feet after a long day
Regularly clipping the toenails
Removing dead skin
Removing calluses when needed
Sometimes, though, feet need a little more care. That is why getting a professional pedicure done every so often is beneficial. Pedicures also help men avoid scaring people off with nasty feet. Going to a nail salon might literally be a man’s worst nightmare. So they do not go. Try going to a men’s only salon that does men’s hair, nails, skin treatments, and more. That way, men are in a place where they feel comfortable and will not feel embarrassed getting a manly pedicure. Plus, getting a pedicure is not only healthy for the feet, but they feel good, too. The professionals will take care of the grooming and provide a nice foot massage while the men relax.
Understanding Why Men Neglect Foot Care
Foot care is essential to overall health and well-being, yet it is often overlooked, particularly among men. This neglect can lead to many problems ranging from minor discomfort to severe medical conditions. Despite the growing awareness of personal care and hygiene, many men still ignore the importance of foot care. This blog post goes on to explore the reasons behind this phenomenon. We will shed some light on cultural, psychological, and societal factors contributing to men’s reluctance to care for their feet.
Cultural and Societal Norms
One of the primary reasons men neglect foot care is deeply rooted in cultural and societal norms. Foot care, like many aspects of personal grooming, has been considered a domain reserved for women. This gendered perception has led to the belief that foot care is somehow unmasculine or unnecessary for men. The traditional image of masculinity often emphasizes toughness and a disregard for pain or discomfort. Leading many men to believe that taking care of their feet is a sign of weakness or vanity.
In many cultures, men are expected to prioritize practicality and functionality over aesthetics. This mindset can result in men viewing foot care as an unnecessary indulgence rather than an essential part of their overall health. The cultural narrative that associates grooming and self-care with femininity can create a barrier for men. Preventing them from engaging in foot care practices that benefit their health and well-being.
Lack of Awareness and Education
A lack of awareness and education is another significant factor contributing to men’s neglect of foot care. Many men simply do not understand the importance of foot health or the potential consequences of neglecting it. This lack of knowledge can lead to a dismissal of foot care as irrelevant or insignificant.
Foot problems such as athlete’s foot, ingrown toenails, and plantar fasciitis are common. Sadly, many men do not recognize the early signs of these conditions or understand how to prevent them. Without proper education on foot health, men are less likely to take preventive measures or seek treatment when problems arise. There is often little emphasis on foot care in general health education, leaving a gap in understanding that can contribute to neglect.
Stigma Surrounding the Professional Pedicure
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Men who might benefit from professional pedicure services may avoid them due to fear of judgment or ridicule. Popular culture often portrays the image of a man getting a pedicure as humorous or emasculating, which can deter men from seeking out these services. The fear of being perceived as less masculine or being teased by peers can lead many men to forgo professional foot care altogether, even when they recognize its potential benefits.
Discomfort with Physical Appearance
Body image issues are not exclusive to women; many men also struggle with discomfort or dissatisfaction with their physical appearance. This discomfort can extend to their feet, particularly if they have conditions such as bunions, calluses, or toenail fungus. Rather than addressing these issues, some men may choose to ignore them. Men will avoid situations where their feet might be exposed, such as at the beach or wearing flip-flops.
The reluctance to address foot problems can be compounded by embarrassment or shame, leading men to neglect their feet even further. This avoidance behavior can create a cycle of neglect. Then, minor issues can escalate into more severe problems due to a lack of attention and care.
Perception of a Pedicure as Unnecessary
For many men, foot care may not be perceived as a priority. The feet, often hidden away in socks and shoes, may not garner the same attention as other body parts. This perception of foot care as unnecessary can be reinforced by the fact that feet, unlike other areas, are not always visible or exposed. As a result, men may not feel the same level of concern for their feet as they do for their face, hair, or hands.
Additionally, some men may underestimate the importance of preventive care. They believe that as long as their feet are not causing pain, they do not need attention. This mindset can lead to neglecting regular foot care practices such as moisturizing, trimming nails, and inspecting for potential issues. Over time, this neglect can result in a range of foot problems that could have been prevented with regular care.
Lack of Time and Convenience
In today’s fast-paced world, time is a precious commodity, and self-care routines often fall by the wayside. For many men, the perceived inconvenience of foot care can be a significant deterrent. The time required to soak, scrub, moisturize, and trim toenails may seem excessive. Particularly for those with busy schedules. The idea of adding another step to their grooming routine may be overwhelming, leading to foot care being deprioritized.
The lack of convenient foot care options can also contribute to men’s neglect of their feet. While numerous products and services are available for foot care, they may not be easily accessible or well-advertised to men. The scarcity of male-focused foot care products and services can make it more challenging for men to incorporate foot care into their routines. Further contributing to neglect.
The Role of Footwear
Footwear choices can significantly impact foot health. Yet many men may not realize the importance of selecting proper shoes. Ill-fitting shoes, lack of arch support, and prolonged wearing of certain types of footwear, such as work boots or athletic shoes, can contribute to foot problems. Despite this, men may be less likely to prioritize the selection of appropriate footwear. They focus instead on style, function, or cost.
Reluctance to invest in quality footwear can stem from various factors. These factors include a lack of awareness about the importance of supportive shoes and the perception that high-quality footwear is an unnecessary expense. Additionally, some men may not recognize the link between their footwear choices and foot discomfort. Again, this leads to a continued cycle of neglect.
The “Tough It Out” Mentality
Many men are conditioned to endure discomfort and pain without complaint. This mindset is often called the “tough it out” mentality. This attitude can be particularly detrimental regarding foot care. It can lead men to ignore or downplay foot pain or discomfort. Rather than seeking treatment or addressing the issue, men may choose to endure the pain. They then believe it will resolve independently or is not severe enough to warrant attention.
This reluctance to acknowledge pain can prevent men from taking the necessary steps to care for their feet, such as seeking medical advice or investing in supportive footwear. Over time, this can lead to chronic foot problems that could have been prevented with earlier intervention.
Limited Representation in Media and Marketing
The media and marketing industries play a significant role in shaping societal perceptions of personal care and grooming. Unfortunately, there is a notable lack of representation of men in foot care marketing. The lack of marketing of the necessity of men’s foot care contributes to the perception that it is irrelevant to men. Advertisements for foot care products and services are often targeted toward women. The imagery and messaging advertisers use reinforces the idea that foot care is feminine.
The lack of male representation can make it difficult for men to see foot care as an ordinary and necessary part of their routine. Without role models or marketing campaigns that speak directly to men, foot care will remain a low priority for them. Furthermore, the scarcity of male-focused foot care products can make it challenging for men to find options that meet their needs and preferences.
Psychological Barriers and Discomfort of a Pedicure
Finally, psychological barriers can also contribute to men’s neglect of foot care. For some men, the idea of someone touching their feet or addressing foot problems can be uncomfortable or unsettling. This discomfort can stem from various sources. This can include a fear of discovering a medical issue, a dislike of feet in general, or a negative association with foot care.
In some cases, men may avoid foot care because it requires a level of intimacy with their bodies that they are not comfortable with. This discomfort can lead to a reluctance to engage in foot care practices. Even when men recognize the potential benefits. Additionally, the fear of discovering a severe foot problem can lead to avoidance. Some men may prefer not to confront the possibility of needing medical treatment.
Encouraging Men to Prioritize a Pedicure
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Understanding why men neglect a pedicure is the first step in addressing this issue and promoting better foot health among men. By challenging cultural norms, increasing awareness, educating men on proper foot care, and providing more inclusive marketing and product options, we can break down the barriers preventing men from getting a pedicure.
Encouraging men to prioritize foot care requires a multifaceted approach that addresses this issue’s practical and psychological aspects. Health professionals, educators, and the media all have a role in normalizing pedicure services for men and emphasizing its importance as a critical component of overall health.
Men must recognize that foot care is not a luxury or a sign of vanity but an essential aspect of maintaining their health and well-being. Men can prevent various potential health issues by taking proactive steps to care for their feet. They can enjoy greater comfort and mobility in their daily lives. In a world that increasingly values self-care and wellness, it’s time for men to step up and take their foot health seriously.
Pedicure For Men
At FOR MEN Salon | Spa, we believe in natural nail care, which we also believe is the best approach for men. While we do not offer men a pedicure, our other nail services are designed to keep our client’s health and safety first. Plus, our nail services are different and unique from any nail salon. FOR MEN Salon | Spa nail services include hot towels and peppermint products to make getting your nails done manly. We are the grooming environment for today’s men. FOR MEN Salon | Spa is located in South Orange County, California, providing men with a masculine environment where they can get the best services exclusively for men.
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