#Golden Visa Portugal Lisbon
biglisbonnews · 1 year
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A Navy SEAL Story of Becoming an Expat in Lisbon, Portugal Ever wonder how America's best known instructor of Navy SEAL snipers ended up living in Portugal? Read on to find out from the man himself. #SOFREP #Portugal #BrandonWebb https://sofrep.com/news/a-navy-seal-story-of-becoming-an-expat-in-lisbon-portugal/
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quinnlarrabee · 5 months
Macron's fiery Sorbonne speech targets summering American Millennials
It’s no coincidence that Emmanuel Macron gave a fiery speech about the threats facing Europe the same week that American Millennials in New York, LA, and Miami began talking about booking their one-way flights to the continent. "There is a risk our Europe could die - we are not equipped to face the risks," Macron said, referring to the dietary allergies, alternative milk needs, and tedious conversations of trust-funded, unemployed young adults who will begin their summer in Paris to attend a museum benefit that spills into a large dinner party with several professional photographers before traveling to Puglia, Comporta, or Ibiza where they will subsist on ‘beautiful tomatoes,’ flat whites, and MDMA. 
Europe has struggled with illegal immigration for decades, and there is no more pressing illegal immigration threat than American Millennials who have decided that being unemployed in Europe is less distressing for their parents than being unemployed in Williamsburg. Google searches for ‘how long can I stay in EU without passport’ spiked in late-April among Americans who have not yet bought a Portuguese passport from a guy who used to run a turnkey Burning Man camp who is now running a Golden Visa scheme in Lisbon. “Our Europe today is mortal,” Macron said. “It can die and that depends solely on our choices,” the choices being whether or not to search and detain for ketamine at customs and how to clearly define tipping protocol in restaurants. 
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“It used to be enough to spend a couple weeks in Italy in July,” observes Coco, a 34-year-old retired gallery founder who is on the board of several art-related non-profits that she instructed her unpaid interns to start. “But now it gets so hot in Europe in July that everyone is going in June and even like, May.” Coco has several weddings and dinner parties in various coastal destinations in Europe in June, but she has not yet RSVP’d nor has she booked any travel. “I know I’m going to go, but I’ve just been too busy to look at the dates or book anything,” she says, absently picking some kind of beige matter from the left eye of her toy goldendoodle. Macron at one point asserts in his speech that Europe is “too slow and lacks ambition,” referring directly to Coco’s ambivalent European travel plans. 
Uncertainty permeates the vibe in Europe right now, not because of a military threat posed by a giant, angry country with cocked nukes driven by a weak-minded Cold War relic, but because every Millennial in New York, Miami and Los Angeles has expressed their intention to occupy Europe without declaring the targets. 
“Is very stressful,” says Aldo Melpignano, the proprietor of Borgo Egnazia, a trendy boutique hotel in Puglia that for Europeans costs €120 a night and charges 30something Americans visiting from coastal zipcodes $970. “I see the hashtags on the Instagram, like, I’m coming for your @borgoegnazia,” he says. “Va bene, Allison, when you gonna come for us, and are you gonna come with that stupid capello?” says Aldo while making a pinched-fingers emoji with one hand and pointing to his head with the other. Hotel, coffee shop, organic market, and narcotics purveyors all over Italy, France, Spain, and Portugal have echoed this desire for more resolute planning and fewer hats from the demographic that funds the less productive but more desirable EU countries.  
"We must produce more, we must produce faster, and we must produce as Europeans," Macron said, a rallying cry to European DJs to sample only vocals that were recorded in native European languages.  
“Europe must show that it is never a vassal of the United States and that it also knows how to talk to all the other regions of the world," Macron said, refuting the irrefutable fact that Europe has become a summer camp for unproductive younger Americans and suggesting that they be immediately deported to Bodrum or Izmir upon landing at CDG, MXP, and LIS. 
“This is a betrayal of our values that ultimately leads us to dependency on other counties,” Macron said, making an observation about Europe’s frustration with having to work between May and August in order to show American Millennials how to correctly tap their credit card on puzzling European payment terminals.
“Europe must become capable of defending its interests, with its allies by our side whenever they are willing, and alone if necessary,” said Macron, in defense of French baristas who do not like working with oat milk. Taking a hands-on approach to ensuring the EU’s “ability to ensure our security” Macron and his wife will begin their Summer at a wedding in the Aeolian Islands in early June, float around Sicily or Puglia the following week, head to Bonjuk Bay for an appearance of prominent LA-based DJ, RICHE, and then couch-surf in Santa Gertrudis de Fruitera the rest of the summer.
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newstfionline · 2 years
Sunday, February 19, 2023
Protecting children from mass murder has become a $3 billion industry (NYT) The school year was starting in 10 days, and Donald Keegan was a busy man. An associate superintendent of the North Syracuse Central School District, Mr. Keegan had to make sure the bus drivers were trained and the cafeterias fully staffed. He had a tour to lead that afternoon and a school board meeting in the evening. But that late August morning, Mr. Keegan took time to attend a demonstration inside a local factory, where he observed a series of windows being obliterated by an AR-15-style rifle. Of all the troubling aspects of gun violence, among the most dispiriting may be that preparing school administrators for a mass shooting is becoming routine. Rising gun violence, punctuated by massacres like the attack at the elementary school in Uvalde, Texas last year and the shooting on Michigan State University’s campus this week, is fueling not only the debate over gun control but also a more than $3 billion industry of companies working to protect children or employees against mass murder. The offerings are numerous: automatically locking doors, bullet-resistant tables, Kevlar backpacks, artificial intelligence that detects guns and countless types of training exercises, like breathing techniques to avoid panic during an attack.
Bias in higher education (NYT) Higher education faculty is predominantly liberal. On this point, there is not much debate among experts. About 60 percent of undergraduate teaching faculty identify as liberal or far left, compared with about 12 percent who identify as conservative or far right. The gap has grown over the past few decades. Professors’ left-wing bias most likely leads to some self-censorship by students and faculty and limits political discussions on campuses. There is a harm to progressive students too, said Amy Binder, a sociologist at the University of California, San Diego. In her research, conservative students told her that they were constantly challenged by liberal teachers and students, helping them sharpen their abilities to think about opposing ideas and debate them. Progressive students generally get less of that experience. The public appears to agree that bias is a problem: A majority have said that campus politics lean toward one direction and that there’s too much concern about protecting students from views they might find offensive, a 2019 Pew Research Center poll found.
Russian birth tourism (Foreign Policy) Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine last February and the country’s subsequent international isolation, thousands of pregnant Russian women have quietly traveled to Argentina to give birth. Russians can enter Argentina without a visa; any child born on Argentine soil has the right to Argentine citizenship and fast-tracks the path to citizenship for parents, too. An Argentine passport allows for visa-free travel to more than twice as many countries as a Russian passport, El País reported.
Portugal ends Golden Visas, curtails Airbnb rentals to address housing crisis (Reuters) Portugal announced on Thursday a hefty package of measures to tackle a housing crisis, including the end of its controversial “Golden Visa” scheme and a ban on new licenses for Airbnbs and other short-term holiday rentals. Rents and house prices have skyrocketed in Portugal, which is among the poorest countries in Western Europe. Last year, more than 50% of workers earned less than 1,000 euros per month while in Lisbon alone, rents jumped 37% in 2022. Low salaries, a red-hot property market, policies encouraging wealthy foreigners to invest and a tourism-dependent economy have for years made it hard for locals to rent or buy, housing groups have said. Portugal’s 8.3% inflation rate has exacerbated the problem.
A Russian Mole in Germany Sows Suspicions at Home, and Beyond (NYT) A few days before Christmas, a convoy of security vehicles invaded a quiet corner of Weilheim, a quaint Bavarian town of pastel squares and fastidiously kept cobblestone streets. Their target seemed as unassuming as the setting: a local children’s soccer coach. Nothing ever stood out about the man—until he was arrested on charges of treason and spying for Russia in one of the gravest espionage scandals in recent German history. The coach, a 52-year-old former German soldier, worked for Germany’s Federal Intelligence Service, or B.N.D., as a director of technical reconnaissance—the unit responsible for cybersecurity and surveilling electronic communications. It contributes about half of the spy agency’s daily intelligence volume. The arrest came shortly after a flurry of raids across Europe that uncovered so-called illegals, or secret Russian agents, in the Netherlands, Sweden and Norway. The German authorities are still trying to determine what damage their mole may have done. But the discovery of a double agent has rattled German political circles.
Ukraine war spurs European demand for U.S. arms, but not big-ticket items (Reuters) European demand for U.S. weaponry is soaring, but instead of big-ticket items like jets and tanks, shopping lists are focused on cheaper, less-sophisticated items such as shoulder-fired missiles, artillery, and drones that have proven critical to Ukraine’s war efforts. Countries close to Russia like Poland, Finland and Germany are striking deals to build U.S. weapons in Europe, negotiating new deals to buy arms and looking to speed up existing contracts, according to interviews with military officials and industry executives. Demand is centered around basic weapons and munitions: 155-millimeter artillery rounds, air defenses, communications equipment, shoulder-fired Javelin missiles and drones. The focus on high-volume, less costly weapons underscores how the war in Ukraine has reshaped strategic thinking in European capitals about how future conflicts could be fought.
Earthquakes Weigh on Turkey’s Already Struggling Economy (WSJ) The earthquakes that devastated Turkey and Syria last week are heaping new stresses on the Turkish economy. The quakes cut a path of destruction through a core industrial region around the cities of Kahramanmaras and Gaziantep, killed more than 38,000 people in Turkey and caused an estimated $84 billion in losses, the equivalent of about 10% of Turkey’s entire economy in 2022, according to a report from the Turkish Enterprise and Business Confederation. The disaster has deepened the economic turmoil in a country that is already reeling from a cost of living crisis.
Facing anger after quakes, Syrians in Turkey wonder again: Where do we go? (Washington Post) As Turkish rescue teams combed slowly through a gray mountain of broken concrete Wednesday night, a group of Syrians looked on, arms crossed, faces set in hard expressions. Back in Syria, where such scenes are common after more than a decade of war, rescuers usually dive right in, without proper equipment, often at great personal risk. “They would’ve cleared it in two days,” muttered one young man. His relatives grunted in agreement, huddled over an open fire as they waited to learn the fate of their missing family members. Many Syrians in the ravaged Turkish city of Kahramanmaras have already lived through years of aerial bombardment and untold loss. But even for them, the scale of the destruction after the Feb. 6 earthquakes is impossible to process. The temblors leveled whole apartment complexes and killed more than 43,000 people. Already displaced from their country, already accustomed to discrimination in Turkey, Syrians now face new trauma and insecurity, and are left to wrestle with a painfully familiar question: Where to now? Turkey is home to at least 4 million refugees and asylum seekers from Syria who have fled conflict, hardship and government repression, and many of them are concentrated across the southern quake zone. Anti-Syrian sentiment has flared time and again over the years, fanned by nativist politicians who see their former neighbors as convenient scapegoats for Turkey’s problems, including its recent economic downturn. Now, Syrians are blamed for taking up scarce resources at a time of national tragedy.
Israeli law to strip Arabs convicted of terrorism of citizenship (Foreign Policy) Israel passed legislation that would strip Arab citizens or residents of their citizenship or residency if they are convicted of terrorism and have received financial help from the Palestinian Authority. Palestinians say the money is assistance for families with people in prison; Israel says that the stipends encourage violence. The law also allows Israel to deport these individuals to Gaza or the West Bank. Ahmad Tibi, leader of the Ta’al party, an Arab party, noted that the law did not apply to Israel’s Jewish citizens, noting, “An Arab who commits an offense is a conditional citizen. If a Jew commits the same offense or a more serious one, they don’t even think of revoking his citizenship.”
Nigerian cash crisis brings pain (AP) No one in Godgift Inemesit’s family of eight is sure when they will eat each day—except for her three kids, two of whom have malaria. She can’t pay for the drugs they need or feed the rest of her family regularly. Like most Nigerians, the family’s savings are trapped in the bank. A changeover to redesigned currency has plunged Africa’s largest economy into crisis just ahead of a presidential election: There aren’t enough new banknotes in a country reliant on cash. For Inemesit, 28, the shortage of cash means even basics like food and medicine are getting trimmed for her husband, mother, kids ages 4 to 8 and two other relatives. One recent afternoon, only the children had gotten bread and hot drinks. Customers are waiting all day at banks and ATMs to withdraw only enough money—called naira—to last a day. Fights have broken out in bank halls, angry customers have attacked workers and protesters have set financial institutions on fire. Businesses unable carry out transactions have been forced to close, and people are illegally selling new currency notes at higher rates.
An Undercover Investigation Of Underground Operatives (Guardian) According to an exposé by The Guardian and journalists from 30 other news outlets, a shadowy team of Israeli contractors is meddling in elections around the world, including in Nigeria. The organization is run by Tal Hanan, an Israeli special forces operative who goes by the name “Jorge,” and has supposedly interfered with “33 presidential-level campaigns” over the last two decades. Three reporters from the joint project went undercover, posing as prospective clients for “Team Jorge.” They recorded six hours of footage from meetings with the team, learning more about the services offered by the shadowy organization. Their services include the deployment of an automated network of fake social media profiles used to distribute disinformation, a “blogger machine” used to push even more fake news, and hacking services for supposedly secure platforms, including Telegram and Gmail. Team Jorge has also staged fake protests outside corporate headquarters, harassed African politicians on election day by bombarding their personal phones with calls, and meddled in the real lives of political candidates by using Amazon to send a sex toy to a candidate’s house to make his wife think he was cheating. “To be clear,” said Jorge after the report was released, “I deny any wrongdoing.”
The Great TikTok Awakening? (NBC News) TikTok has been used to share viral dances, songs, and memes (and also surveil its users), but now it’s gained another function—spreading religion. Asbury University, a small Christian college in Kentucky, has begun growing its flock of believers through TikTok, with #asburyrevival garnering almost 40 million views on the platform so far. Asbury is now home to a prayer gathering that’s been in session for eight full days, running 24 hours around the clock. The gathering initially began as an informal prayer session after a routine morning service on February 8, but a short livestream and participants’ TikToks of the event have turned the intimate prayer group into a nationwide sensation, prompting worshippers from across the country to head to Kentucky to participate. Footage of the event shows an atmosphere a little less radical than the word “revival” would suggest. But while the vibe isn’t close to that of historical Great Awakenings, Asbury’s revival has sparked similar small nonstop prayer gatherings in schools across the country.
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atlaslisboa · 3 months
Private bankers descend on booming Lisbon to tap wealthy expats | Bloomberg
“Portugal’s tax breaks, golden visa and sun-soaked beaches are luring overseas millionaires wanting to settle there,” Bloomberg writes (behind paywall).
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goldenvisaportu · 4 months
Golden Visa Real Estate Services And Their Myths
A purchase of property in the beginning is difficult, but with the right steps, it becomes manageable. One of the most important steps is to understand how your finances are. Analyzing your income, expenses and savings can give you a clear picture of the amount you are able to afford. When looking to buy property in Lisbon having a clear budget and being pre-approved for a mortgage is crucial. This will not only help you establish the right price range but also speed the process of buying. Lisbon is a great place to buy a home. Lisbon real estate market offers various options, from luxurious condos to smaller homes that cater to different budgets and tastes. The location is an important factor when considering real estate available for sale within Lisbon Portugal. Lisbon is a city that has numerous neighborhoods, each of which has distinct appeal. If you're drawn to the historic Alfama district or the more modern Parque das Nacoes, visiting diverse areas is crucial to find the best fit. In addition, for those who are interested in the golden visa to Portugal, understanding the requirements and advantages of the golden visa real estate Portugal provides is crucial. This program permits non-EU citizens to obtain residency by investing in qualifying properties or Portuguese investment funds in order to qualify for the golden visa. Finding a reliable real estate agent will be another crucial step. If you are looking to learn more about golden visa portugal, browse the previously mentioned website.
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An experienced agent can navigate the complexities that are involved in the real estate Lisboa marketplace and provide insights into the most desirable neighbourhoods and offers. They can also help in issues related to the legal aspects of buying property in Portugal which includes the golden portugal visa program. Agents familiar with golden visa funds can offer useful advice on Portuguese investments that meet the golden visa Portugal criteria. Their knowledge and experience ensures a smoother transaction and helps you make informed choices throughout the process. Conducting thorough inspections and due diligence before buying any property is crucial. This includes checking the condition of the property, identifying any necessary repairs or renovations and confirming legal documents. If you're planning to invest in Lisbon real estate to sell through the golden visa Portugal program, be sure that the property meets all criteria. Knowing the long-term value of the property and potential return on investment is essential particularly in light of the growing popularity and demand in Lisbon real estate. Conducting thorough inspections can prevent future problems and secure a worthwhile investment. The benefits of the portugal real estate for sale, the golden visa is equally important. This program is not only a source of the right to reside in Portugal, but also an opportunity to become a citizen.
The golden visa investment in real estate Portugal is a strategic move for long-term benefits. In addition, exploring the options available in Portuguese investment funds with a golden visa is a great way to diversify your portfolio. The growing demand for Lisbon real estate to sell reflects the city's appeal as both as a residential and investment destination. Understanding these benefits helps you get the most value the most you can from Lisbon property. property buy in Lisbon. In the end, purchasing property is a process that requires careful planning and informed decision-making. When you evaluate your finances, selecting the best location and a reliable real estate agent, and conducting thorough inspections, you can better navigate the process. If you're planning to purchase property in Lisbon to use for personal use or for investment using the golden visa Portugal program, knowing these steps is crucial. It is important to know that the real estate Lisboa market offers diverse opportunities, and with the proper strategy, you will be able to find an property that meets your needs and offers long-term benefits. By following these essential steps, homebuyers who are first time buyers can be successful in entering the Lisbon property market.
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gokitetour · 5 months
Top 5 Beaches in Portugal that takes your breath away
Portugal, renowned for its stunning coastline and picturesque beaches, offers visitors a plethora of breathtaking seaside destinations that are sure to leave a lasting impression. From the rugged cliffs of the Algarve to the golden sands of the Lisbon coast, Portugal's beaches are as diverse as they are beautiful. Whether you're seeking secluded coves, bustling resort towns, or dramatic rock formations, Portugal's coastline has something for everyone to enjoy. Join us as we delve into the natural beauty and scenic splendor of Portugal's beaches, uncovering the hidden gems and must-visit destinations along the Atlantic coast. Whether you're a sun-seeker, a water sports enthusiast, or simply someone who appreciates the beauty of nature, Portugal's beaches are sure to captivate and inspire you. So, pack your sunscreen, grab your towel, and get ready to explore the stunning beaches of Portugal that take your breath away. Whether you're looking for relaxation, adventure, or simply a chance to connect with nature, Portugal's coastline promises an unforgettable experience for beach lovers of all ages.
Here are some beaches in Portugal that take your breath away.
1. Praia da Marinha: Known as one of Portugal's most exquisite beaches, Praia da Marinha is situated in the Algarve area. It's not surprising that Praia do Marinha is frequently ranked among the best beaches in the world, given its breathtaking limestone cliffs, golden sands, and crystal-clear blue seas. In addition to exploring the untamed coastline and taking a boat excursion to see the breathtaking rock formations and secret sea caves, visitors may unwind on the beach.
2. Praia da Rocha: Known for its colourful ambiance and breathtaking surroundings, Praia da Rocha is a bustling beach located in the thriving resort town of Portimão. This large beach provides lots of space for swimming, sunbathing, and water sports. It stretches for more than a kilometre down the shore. In addition, guests may tour the neighbouring ancient stronghold of Fortaleza de Santa Catarina or take a leisurely stroll down the bustling promenade, which is dotted with stores, eateries, and bars.
Also Visit - Poland visa
3. Praia do Carvoeiro: This lovely beach, renowned for its striking cliffs, golden beaches, and crystal-clear seas, is tucked away in a little fishing community on the Algarve coast. Swim in the serene waters, unwind on the protected beach, or explore the waterfront's colourful fishing boats and charming seaside eateries. Boat trips are offered to people looking for adventure to explore the sea caves and grottoes in the area.
4. Praia da Falesia: This famous beach in the Algarve stretches over six kilometres and is known for its golden beaches, clean blue seas, and striking red cliffs. There is no shortage of room on this large beach for beach activities, lengthy walks down the sand, and sunbathing. At the top of the cliffs, visitors may also enjoy swimming, snorkeling, or just relaxing and soaking in the amazing sweeping views.
5. Praia de Benagil: Conveniently situated next to Benagil Village, Praia de Benagil is well-known for the Algar de Benagil, a spectacular sea cave. This breathtaking natural wonder has a sizable aperture in the ceiling that lets light into the cave and reveals the azure waters below. By boat or kayak, visitors may reach the beach and cave, where they can swim, snorkel, or just take in the breathtaking sight of this unusual geological feature.
Also Read: Sri Lanka visa
The beaches of Portugal offer an unparalleled opportunity to experience the beauty of the Atlantic coastline in all its glory. From the dramatic cliffs of the Algarve to the tranquil shores of the Lisbon coast, Portugal's beaches are diverse, stunning, and sure to take your breath away. Whether you're seeking relaxation, adventure, or simply a chance to soak up the sun, Portugal's beaches provide the perfect backdrop for unforgettable moments and cherished memories. With their golden sands, crystal-clear waters, and breathtaking vistas, these coastal gems offer a slice of paradise for visitors from around the world. As you plan your trip to Portugal, don't forget to apply for your Portugal visa to ensure a smooth and hassle-free journey. Once you arrive, be sure to explore the many stunning beaches that the country has to offer, each promising its own unique charm and allure. So pack your bags, grab your sunscreen, and get ready to experience the beauty of Portugal's beaches firsthand. Whether you're lounging on the sand, exploring hidden coves, or catching waves in the surf, you're sure to be captivated by the natural beauty and splendor of Portugal's coastline.
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mercangroup · 5 months
Portugal Citizenship By Investment
Smart Moves: The Advantages of Pursuing Portugal Citizenship by Investment
In an era where global mobility and diversification of assets are becoming increasingly important, Portugal Citizenship by Investment program stands out as a smart and advantageous option for individuals seeking a second citizenship. 
With its attractive benefits and strategic location within the European Union, Portugal offers a pathway to citizenship that opens doors to a myriad of opportunities. 
Let's delve into the advantages of pursuing Portugal citizenship through investment.
Access to the European Union
One of the primary benefits of obtaining Portuguese citizenship through investment is the access it grants to the European Union (EU). 
As an EU member state, Portugal offers citizens the right to live, work, and study in any of the 27 EU countries, providing unparalleled freedom of movement within the Schengen Area. 
This advantage enhances personal and professional opportunities and also offers access to high-quality healthcare, education, and social welfare systems.
Visa-Free Travel
Portuguese citizenship opens doors to visa-free or visa-on-arrival travel to over 180 countries worldwide, including the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom. 
This level of global mobility is particularly advantageous for business professionals, investors, and frequent travellers who require hassle-free access to international destinations for work, leisure, or family purposes. 
When you get a Passport by investment Portugal you can navigate global travel with ease and flexibility.
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Stable Political Environment and Quality of Life
Portugal boasts a stable political environment, making it an attractive destination for individuals seeking security and stability for themselves and their families. 
With a rich cultural heritage, stunning landscapes, and a mild Mediterranean climate, Portugal offers an exceptional quality of life that appeals to expatriates globally. 
From vibrant cities like Lisbon and Porto to picturesque coastal towns and countryside retreats, Portugal offers diverse lifestyle options to suit varying preferences and interests.
Favorable Tax Regime
Portugal offers a favourable tax regime for residents, including non-habitual residents (NHR), who may benefit from significant tax advantages, including exemptions and reduced rates on foreign-sourced income, pensions, and capital gains. 
This advantageous tax regime, with Portugal's network of double taxation treaties, makes it an attractive destination for individuals seeking to optimize their tax liabilities and preserve their wealth.
Family Reunification
Portuguese citizenship by investment extends benefits to the investor's family members, including spouses, children, and dependent parents. 
This provision enables families to reunite and enjoy the advantages of Portuguese citizenship together, fostering a sense of security, belonging, and shared opportunities. 
Whether relocating for education, employment, or lifestyle reasons, Portugal offers a welcoming environment for families seeking a better future.
In conclusion:
Pursuing Portugal citizenship by investment presents various advantages for individuals seeking to enhance their global mobility, secure their financial future, and improve their quality of life. 
With its access to the European Union, visa-free travel privileges, stable political environment, favourable tax regime, and provisions for family reunification, Portugal stands as a strategic and attractive destination for investors and families alike. 
Get your Portugal investment visa through Portugal's Citizenship by Investment Program unlock a world of opportunities and embark on a journey towards a brighter future.
To know more about this program, visit Mercan Funds and explore how they can help you get started on your journey towards Portuguese citizenship through investment!
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aptcitizenship · 8 months
Cheapest places to live and save money in Europe - rent, cost of groceries and transportation provided
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Europe is attractive to those seeking new opportunities. It comes with various options for starting a business, working remotely, or finding affordable living. This article explores the benefits of moving to Europe, the cost analysis and affordability and highlights the cheapest places to live in each country in 2023. It provides valuable insights to help you make an informed decision about your future especially when you panning family migration to Europe.
1) Portugal: embrace affordable living
Portugal has become a popular destination for those seeking an affordable and high-quality lifestyle. The cost of living in Portugal is lower than other European countries, making it attractive for expats. Lisbon which is the capital city, combines history, culture, and affordability. A. Low cost of living Compared to Other European Countries Portugal's cost of living is remarkably affordable, especially when compared to other European nations. With its warm climate, stunning coastline, and rich cultural heritage, Portugal provides an exceptional quality of life at a fraction of the cost. B. Examples of cost in Lisbon When considering the expenses in Lisbon, it's important to note the affordable prices for essential aspects of daily life: - Rent: The average monthly rent for a one-bedroom apartment in Lisbon is around £600, making it an affordable option for accommodation. - Groceries: A basic grocery basket can cost approximately £30-£40 per week. For example, a kilogram of rice costs up to £0.70, a litre of milk costs around £0.60, and a loaf of bread is about £0.80. - Transportation: For those relying on public transportation, a monthly pass costs approximately £35, ensuring convenient and cost-effective commuting options. C. One of the cheapest cities in: Braga Braga, located in northern Portugal, is known for its historical charm and lower housing costs compared to cities like Lisbon or Porto. This vibrant city offers an excellent quality of life at a fraction of the cost. Examples of cost in Braga Rent for a one-bedroom apartment in the city centre of Braga is around £400, providing an affordable and comfortable living arrangement. D. Visas for Non-EU Workers: portuguese golden residence permit program Portugal offers the golden residence permit program, which provides residency to foreign investors and entrepreneurs. This program allows non-EU workers to live and work in Portugal, opening up opportunities for individuals seeking to establish themselves in this beautiful country.
2) Croatia's outstanding beauty
Croatia, with its breath-taking coastline and stunning landscapes, offers an affordable and picturesque lifestyle. While slightly more expensive than Portugal, Croatia still provides an attractive cost of living for those looking to relocate. A. Examples of cost in Zagreb Zagreb, the capital city of Croatia, showcases a blend of history and modernity. The cost of living in Zagreb is relatively affordable, making it an enticing destination for expatriates. - Accommodation: The monthly rent for a one-bedroom apartment in the city centre of Zagreb is approximately £400, offering comfortable and affordable housing options. - Groceries: A basic grocery basket can cost roughly £25-£35 per week. For instance, a kilogram of chicken is priced at about £4, a kilogram of apples is priced at approximately £1.60, and a loaf of bread is priced at around £0.70. - Entertainment: Indulging in a meal at an inexpensive restaurant costs around £6, and movie tickets are available at a reasonably priced £4.50, providing ample opportunities for leisure activities. B. One of the cheapest cities to live in: Osijek Osijek, located in eastern Croatia, offers a lower cost of living and a vibrant local culture. This charming city presents a plethora of affordable living options, attracting individuals who seek an authentic and budget-friendly lifestyle. Example of costs in Osijek: Rent for a one-bedroom apartment in the city centre of Osijek is approximately £300, allowing individuals to live comfortably without straining their finances. C. Visas for non-EU workers: Digital Nomad Visa Croatia has introduced the Digital Nomad Visa, catering to remote workers from outside the EU. This visa allows individuals to live and work in Croatia while enjoying the country's natural beauty and affordable lifestyle.
3) Lithuania: a gem in Northern Europe
Lithuania, located in Northern Europe, has gained popularity as a cost-effective destination for individuals seeking an affordable and high standard of living. A. Popular choice for affordable living Lithuania offers a cost of living that is lower than many other European countries while still maintaining excellent infrastructure and a high quality of life. The affordability of daily expenses makes it an attractive option for individuals looking to make the most of their income. B. Examples of cost in Vilnius Vilnius, the capital city of Lithuania, combines historical charm with a modern outlook. The cost of living in Vilnius is affordable, ensuring a comfortable and enjoyable lifestyle. - Utilities: The average monthly cost for basic utilities, including electricity, heating, and water, is around £100, allowing residents to manage their expenses effectively. - Groceries: A basic grocery basket can cost approximately £30-£40 per week. For example, a kilogram of potatoes costs around £0.30, a liter of milk costs around £0.70, and a loaf of bread costs around £0.60. - Healthcare: A general practitioner visit costs approximately £20, ensuring accessible and affordable healthcare for residents. C. One of the cheapest cities: Kaunas Kaunas, the second-largest city in Lithuania, is renowned for its affordability and thriving student community. The city offers lower rental prices, making it an ideal location for those seeking an affordable cost of living. Example of cost in Kaunas Rent for a one-bedroom apartment in the city centre of Kaunas is approximately £250, providing budget-friendly accommodation options. D. Lithuania's Temporary Residence Permit Lithuania offers a Temporary Residence Permit program, allowing non-EU workers to live and work in the country. This permit is typically issued to individuals who have secured employment in Lithuania or are planning to start a business there. It provides an opportunity for foreign workers to establish themselves in Lithuania and benefit from its affordable living costs. These three destinations—Portugal, Croatia, and Lithuania—offer varying levels of affordability, along with unique cultural experiences and opportunities for non-EU workers to live and work legally. Depending on your preferences, budget, and career prospects, you can choose the destination that best suits your needs.
Other destinations:
4) Ukraine: A land of rich history and hospitality
Situated in Eastern Europe, Ukraine is a country with a fascinating history, picturesque landscapes, and warm hospitality. It offers a low cost of living, making it an attractive destination for expatriates. Here are some key aspects to consider: - Accommodation: Renting a one-bedroom apartment in the city centre of Kyiv, the capital, costs around £200-£300 per month. In other cities, such as Lviv and Odesa, prices may be even lower. - Daily Expenses: The cost of groceries is relatively affordable, with a basic basket of essentials is about £50-£70 per month. Local markets offer fresh produce at reasonable prices. - Transportation: Public transportation is cost-effective, with a monthly pass for buses, trams, and the metro costing approximately £10-£15. Taxis are also affordable, with typical fares starting at around £1.50.
5) Albania: coastal beauty and affordable living
With its stunning coastline along the Adriatic and Ionian Seas, Albania is a hidden gem in the Balkans. It offers a mix of natural beauty, rich history, and a low cost of living. Consider the following factors: - Accommodation: Renting a one-bedroom apartment in the city centre of Tirana, the capital, ranges from £200 to £350 per month. Coastal cities like Vlorë and Durrës may have slightly lower prices. - Daily Expenses: A basic grocery basket costs approximately £70-£90 per month. Fresh produce, such as locally grown fruits and vegetables, are affordable. Dining out in local restaurants is also reasonably priced. - Transportation: Public transportation fares are inexpensive, with bus rides within cities costing around £0.30. Taxis are affordable, with starting fares of approximately £1.50.
6) North Macedonia: Cultural Heritage and exquisite lifestyle
Nestled in the heart of the Balkans, North Macedonia offers a mix of historical landmarks, scenic beauty, and a budget-friendly lifestyle. Consider the following aspects: - Accommodation: Renting a one-bedroom apartment in the city centre of Skopje, the capital, ranges from £200 to £350 per month. Other cities, such as Ohrid and Bitola, may have even lower prices. - Daily Expenses: A basic grocery basket costs approximately £70-£90 per month. Local markets offer fresh produce, dairy products, and meats at reasonable prices. Eating out in local restaurants is also affordable. - Transportation: Public transportation costs are relatively low, with bus fares within cities averaging around £0.40. Taxis are also affordable, with starting fares of approximately £1.50.
7) Serbia: vibrant cities and affordable living
Serbia, located in the heart of the Balkan Peninsula, boasts a rich cultural heritage, vibrant cities, and a cost-effective lifestyle. Consider the following factors: - Accommodation: Renting a one-bedroom apartment in the city centre of Belgrade, the capital, ranges from £200 to £400 per month. Other cities, such as Novi Sad and Niš, offer even more affordable options. - Daily Expenses: A basic grocery basket costs approximately £70-£90 per month. Local markets and supermarkets provide fresh produce, meats, and dairy products at reasonable prices. Dining out in local restaurants is also budget-friendly. - Transportation: Public transportation fares are affordable, with bus and tram rides within cities costing around £0.60. Taxis are reasonably priced, with starting fares of approximately £1.50.
8) Bulgaria: charm in eastern Europe
- Accommodation: Renting a one-bedroom apartment in the city centre of Sofia is approximately £350 per month, providing affordable housing options. - Daily Expenses: A basic grocery basket can cost approximately £20-£30 per week. Local markets and supermarkets offer a range of affordable food options. - Transportation: Public transportation is affordable, with a monthly pass costing approximately £25, ensuring convenient and cost-effective commuting options. 9) Romania - a natural beauty - Accommodation: Renting a one-bedroom apartment in the city centre of Bucharest is approximately £400 per month, providing comfortable and affordable housing options. - Daily Expenses: A basic grocery basket can cost approximately £20-£30 per week. Local markets and supermarkets offer a range of affordable food options. - Entertainment: Enjoying a meal at an inexpensive restaurant costs approximately £6, and movie tickets are available at an affordable price of £5, providing ample opportunities for leisure activities. 10) Hungary in a cultural hub - Accommodation: Renting a one-bedroom apartment in the city centre of Budapest is approximately £500 per month, providing comfortable and affordable housing options. - Daily Expenses: A basic grocery basket can cost approximately £20-£30 per week. Local markets and supermarkets offer a range of affordable food options. - Transportation: Public transportation is affordable, with a monthly pass costing approximately £25, ensuring convenient and cost-effective commuting options. 11) Poland with historical charm - Accommodation: Renting a one-bedroom apartment in the city centre of Warsaw is approximately £600 per month, providing comfortable and affordable housing options. - Daily Expenses: A basic grocery basket can cost approximately £30-£40 per week. Local markets and supermarkets offer a range of affordable food options. - Transportation: Public transportation is affordable, with a monthly pass costing approximately £35, ensuring convenient and cost-effective commuting options. 12) Czech Republic - Accommodation: Renting a one-bedroom apartment in the city centre of Prague is approximately £700 per month, providing comfortable and affordable housing options. - Daily Expenses: A basic grocery basket can cost approximately £30-£40 per week. Local markets and supermarkets offer a range of affordable food options. - Transportation: Public transportation is affordable, with a monthly pass costing approximately £20, ensuring convenient and cost-effective commuting options. 13) Slovakia - Accommodation: Renting a one-bedroom apartment in the city centre of Bratislava is approximately £600 per month, providing comfortable and affordable housing options. - Groceries: A basic grocery basket can cost approximately £30-£40 per week. For example, a kilogram of chicken costs around £4, a kilogram of apples is priced at £1.50, and a loaf of bread costs £0.80. - Transportation: Public transportation is affordable, with a monthly pass costing approximately £25, ensuring convenient and cost-effective commuting options. Read the full article
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[ad_1] In the case of property funding, discovering the best location may be the important thing to success. Every year, sure cities emerge as actual property hotspots, providing favorable circumstances for traders. As we enter 2021, it is time to discover the highest cities for property funding and uncover the place the true property market is flourishing. First on the checklist is Atlanta, Georgia. Town has skilled regular inhabitants progress in recent times, with extra individuals relocating for job alternatives and a decrease price of residing. Atlanta gives a various financial system, together with industries reminiscent of expertise, healthcare, and movie manufacturing. The rental market is powerful, and property costs are nonetheless comparatively inexpensive in comparison with different main US cities. With many native facilities and a good enterprise atmosphere, Atlanta has change into a magnet for traders seeking to make long-term features. Subsequent, now we have Austin, Texas. Identified for its vibrant music scene and booming tech trade, Austin has change into a beautiful vacation spot for younger professionals and traders alike. Town's inhabitants is quickly rising, driving up demand for housing. Austin's sturdy job market, low unemployment charge, and favorable tax insurance policies make it a major location for property investments. Moreover, the town's strict zoning laws guarantee restricted provide, resulting in potential alternatives for top returns on funding. Shifting north, we come throughout Phoenix, Arizona. With its heat climate and inexpensive price of residing, Phoenix has seen a gradual inflow of individuals transferring from colder states. Town gives a powerful job market, particularly in sectors like healthcare, schooling, and expertise. The true property market in Phoenix has been steadily appreciating, with property values projected to proceed rising in 2021. Moreover, low property taxes and a landlord-friendly authorized atmosphere make Phoenix a beautiful vacation spot for property traders. Heading throughout the ocean, we attain Lisbon, Portugal. This European gem has seen a surge in reputation amongst worldwide traders in recent times. Lisbon's historic allure, favorable local weather, and inexpensive property costs make it a beautiful vacation spot for each vacationers and distant staff. The Portuguese authorities's Golden Visa program, which gives residency to non-EU residents who put money into actual property, has additionally contributed to the town's rising actual property market. With a steady political scenario and a rising financial system, Lisbon gives potential for sturdy returns on funding. Lastly, we can't overlook Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Regardless of a difficult 2020, the town's actual property market has proven resilience and is predicted to get better strongly in 2021. Dubai's strategic location, tax-free atmosphere, and world-class infrastructure make it a beautiful vacation spot for traders. The Expo 2020, which was postponed to 2021 as a result of pandemic, is predicted to spice up the town's financial system and actual property market additional. With its luxurious properties and potential for top rental yields, Dubai stays a hotspot for savvy actual property traders. As 2021 unfolds, these cities current profitable alternatives for property funding. Nevertheless, it's important to conduct thorough analysis, contemplate native market circumstances, and search skilled recommendation earlier than making any investments. Actual property is a long-term funding, and whereas these cities could also be hotspots right this moment, tendencies can change. Keep knowledgeable, versatile, and seize the alternatives that align together with your funding targets to take advantage of the ever-evolving actual property market. [ad_2]
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lexidys-blog · 10 months
Portugal's Nomad Visa: Beyond Boundaries
A Visa for Digital Nomads in Portugal is a specialized visa program designed to cater to the needs of remote workers, freelancers, and digital nomads who wish to live and work in Portugal temporarily. This innovative visa option recognizes the evolving nature of work, acknowledging that many professionals no longer need to be tethered to a specific location.
Unpacking the Nomad Visa
What is it?
Let's start with the basics. The Nomad Visa is Portugal's way of saying, "Come one, come all!" It's an invitation for remote workers, freelancers, and digital nomads to set up shop in one of the most picturesque countries in Europe. Think of it as an extended welcome mat at the door of opportunity.
How does it work?
Getting this golden ticket isn't rocket science. The process is as breezy as the Portuguese coastline. You show proof of income, health insurance, and, of course, a love for exploring. Voila! You're ready to soak in the sun on the shores of the Atlantic.
The Appeal: Why Portugal?
Beyond the Natas
Sure, Portugal is famous for its delectable custard tarts, Pastel de Nata, but the Nomad Visa unveils a treasure trove beyond culinary delights. Imagine your office with a view of cobblestone streets, historic castles, and golden beaches. Portugal seamlessly blends work and play, making every day an adventure.
A Haven for Creativity
Portugal's rich culture and diverse landscapes create an inspiring backdrop for your creative endeavors. From the vibrant streets of Lisbon to the serene Douro Valley, every corner sparks the flame of imagination. It's not just a visa; it's an artistic pilgrimage.
Breaking the Chains: Freedom of Movement
No Strings Attached
Traditional work setups confine you to a desk and office hours. With the Nomad Visa, your office is wherever you want it to be. Break free from the shackles of the 9-to-5 routine and let the rhythm of Portugal dictate your work-life symphony.
Discover Your Rhythm
Portugal isn't just a destination; it's a rhythm waiting to be danced to. Work in the morning, surf in the afternoon, and savor a glass of Vinho Verde as the sun sets. The Nomad Visa isn't just a ticket; it's an all-access pass to a life in tune with your desires.
Embracing the Digital Nomad Culture
A Global Tribe: The Nomad Visa isn't just about the location; it's about the people you meet along the way. Join a thriving community of like-minded individuals who've also traded cubicles for sandy beaches. Share experiences, ideas, and maybe even a co-working space with fellow nomads from around the globe.
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Chasing Sunsets, Not Deadlines: In Portugal, deadlines aren't etched in stone; they're written in the colors of a sunset. Embrace a work culture that values the balance between productivity and serenity. The Nomad Visa isn't just a paper; it's a commitment to a life where deadlines are flexible, and sunsets aren't.
In wrapping up, we leave you with one thought – Portugal's Nomad Visa isn't just a document; it's an invitation to redefine your boundaries. Whether you're a seasoned nomad or a desk-bound dreamer, the allure of Portugal and its Nomad Visa beckons. It's time to pack your bags, unleash your creativity, and embark on a journey that goes beyond boundaries – both geographical and personal. Portugal awaits, and so does a life less ordinary.
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visaportugal · 1 year
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Discover Portugal's Natural Beauty: Visa Services Simplified
Experience the breathtaking natural beauty of Portugal with our simplified visa services. Explore the stunning landscapes, from the golden cliffs of the Algarve to the lush vineyards of the Douro Valley. Immerse yourself in the vibrant culture and history of Lisbon and Porto. Our streamlined portugal tourist visa process ensures a hassle-free journey, allowing you to focus on discovering Portugal's hidden gems. Whether you're enchanted by the picturesque beaches of the Azores or captivated by the mystical forests of Madeira, our services make your travel dreams a reality. online apply for visa portugal uk to Uncover Portugal's natural wonders and create unforgettable memories with ease. Start your adventure today!
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Best traditional dishes of Portugal
Portugal is a wonderful place for tourism known for many reasons. The delicious Portuguese cuisine is one of them. The country is famous for its best seafood varieties. Also, the traditional cuisine of Portugal is love to have made up of local traditions and recipes.
Try the delicious Portuguese tart, the classic piri piri chicken with a glass of sophisticated Port wine. This is something like heaven to experience. The best thing about these dishes is that you can easily follow the recipe at home. Portugal is the hub of diversified tastes of international food but the traditional cuisine of Portugal is something that one must try.
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Check out some of the best Portuguese dishes and their origins that you should not miss while you having a holiday stay in Portugal.
Best Traditional Cuisine of Portugal-
Pastel De Nata- It is a famous Portuguese dessert and one the favorite dish of all the locals. The recipe is very simple to try at home. This crispy pastry is filled with soft egg custard, sprinkled with cinnamon and powdered sugar. It is served in a bite-sized slightly hot oven. This is one of the most Popular Portuguese recipes that is commonly tried during any event or celebration.
This famous desert originated in the 18th century by a group of monks from Lisbon. In the 18th century, these tarts are used as a means of income to support the monastery. Visit Portugal you will get this famous Portuguese dish at any local bakery, cafe, or restaurant.
Peixe Grelhardo- it is commonly known as Grilled fish and served accordingly. Ordering this at any restaurant will get you a complete grilled fish served on your plate. It could be a horrifying experience but as soon you take a first bite you will fall in love with the taste and presentation.
It is a very basic dish but a perfect example of beauty in simple traditional Portuguese food. It is served with herby-boiled potatoes, steamed vegetables, or a light salad with vinegar. The traditional recipe is to cook it on a charcoal grill
The most commonly used fishes for this dish are seabass, golden bream, and grouper. Portugal is well known for fishing and seafood. Grilled fish is the most historical and old dish in Portugal.
Sardinhas- Sardinhas is the freshly grilled juicy staple dish in Portuguese gastronomy. This dish is known for its low costs and high nutrients level. Even now as well Sardinhas are the most affordable seafood dish you can try in Portugal. This is the best option for having a snack or light lunch at any restaurant. It has a strong flavor which is usually salted before grilling.
The best time of the year for trying this fresh traditional cuisine of Portugal is from June to October as the fishing season is at its peak.
Apply for a Portugal tourist visa to explore the best destinations and tastes of the country.
Piri Piri Chicken- It is the most common dish in the entire country like a national dish of Portugal. The recipe for the famous Portuguese dish is very easy which leaves it with a mouthwatering taste. It is famous because of the unique taste of the sauce that coats the chicken. It tastes a bit sweet and spicy. It is the most popular Portuguese recipe that includes common ingredients like- lemon, garlic, pepper, bay leaves, vinegar, chili, and olive oil.
Peri Peri Chicken is not originated from Portugal, but now every chef presents it in their way. The chili pepper sauce gives a spicy add-on to the dish. It is commonly served with fries or a light salad. Whether you are in Portugal or not but you will get it served as a common dish option at every restaurant or hotel.
Arroz De Pato- it is one of the most popular traditional cuisines of Portugal. It is translated as "duck rice". The rice is flavored with garlic, bay leaves wines, and plenty of sliced chorizo. The main ingredient of this dish is rice prepared similarly to risotto sauteed with onions.
The presentation of the dish is a bit alluring as Chorizo is spread decoratively at the top of the dish as a final touch.
You will fall in love with the diverse taste of the country. Apply for a Portugal tourist visa and be the part of Portuguese food culture. Worried about the appointments for the visa? Now it's very simple to get the express available appointments.
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Apply for your Portugal visa from the UK and get the confirmation with VFS within 2-3 days. Once you get the confirmed date of appointments you will get the visa and passport back within 12 calendar days. Portuguese food culture is waiting to welcome you.
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biglisbonnews · 1 year
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Portugal’s bid to attract foreign money backfires as rental market goes ‘crazy’ Government incentives and deregulation have brought digital nomads, Airbnbs and ‘golden visas’ – but steep housing costs for localsBy 7.30 on a summer night, Lisbon’s steep, beautiful streets are beginning to fill with visitors taking selfies in the soft light, trailing from bar to bar and wrestling with the nightly conundrum of where to have dinner.Margarida Custódio, who sits at home with her three-year-old daughter, Pilar, has more pressing matters on her mind. Like so many people in Portugal, where rental prices make a mockery of the low salaries, Custódio lives through a monthly agony when it comes to covering the costs of her flat. Despite a good job in human resources, she earns €930 (£795) a month after tax – of which €700 goes on rent. Continue reading... https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/jul/29/portugals-bid-to-attract-foreign-money-backfires-as-rental-market-goes-crazy
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atlaslisboa · 8 months
Portugal’s runaway home market shows signs of hitting a ceiling | Bloomberg
“Residential property prices are now higher than in Milan, Madrid, and Berlin,” Bloomberg writes. Related: Is Portugal still worthwhile without the golden visa for real estate and non-habitual resident regime?  ‘Portugal does not and will never see a real estate bubble,’ according to former Novobanco CEO Stolen Youths and Withheld Futures: A Look at Lisbon’s Real Cost of Living
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portugalvisitsblog · 1 year
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Unlock the Beauty of Portugal: Step-by-Step Guide to Obtaining a Schengen Visa from the UK
Dreaming of a Portuguese adventure? Start by applying for a Portugal Schengen visa from the UK. Our detailed guide will assist you every step of the way, from gathering the necessary documents to submitting your application. Explore the winding streets of Porto, marvel at the architectural wonders of Lisbon, or unwind on the golden shores of the Alentejo coast. Whether you're drawn to the vibrant cities, charming villages, or breathtaking landscapes, Portugal has something for every traveler. Let us help you unlock the beauty of this captivating destination.
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multinationalist · 1 year
Retire in Portugal: Discover Why It's Ranked as a Top Location for Retirement and Relocation
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Discover why Portugal is a top-rated location to retire and move
You've worked hard your entire life and now it's time to kick back, relax and retire in Portugal. Picture this: you're sitting on a terrace, sipping on a glass of wine, with the sun setting over the Atlantic Ocean. Portugal, the westernmost country in Europe, is known for its warm weather, beautiful beaches, and delicious food. It's also a top retirement destination for many people looking for a high quality of life at an affordable price. Below, we explore why Portugal is the perfect place for you to retire.
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Cost of Living and Housing If you're thinking of retiring in Portugal, one of the first things you'll want to consider is the cost of living. The good news is that Portugal is relatively affordable compared to many other Western European countries. According to Numbeo, a website that tracks the cost of living in cities around the world, the cost of living in Portugal is about 34% lower than in the United States. This means that you can enjoy a comfortable lifestyle in Portugal without breaking the bank. Food One of the biggest expenses for most retirees is food, but in Portugal, you'll find that grocery prices are quite reasonable. A loaf of bread, for example, costs around €0.80, and a liter of milk costs about €0.60. If you prefer to eat out, you can expect to pay around €10 for a meal at an inexpensive restaurant. Transportation Getting around in Portugal is also quite affordable. The public transportation system is efficient and reliable, and you can get around most major cities by bus, train, or subway for just a few euros. If you prefer to drive, gas prices are also quite reasonable, with a liter of gas costing around €1.50. Housing
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Housing is another major expense for retirees, but in Portugal, you'll find that housing costs are relatively affordable, especially outside of major cities. You can rent a one-bedroom apartment in Lisbon for around €700-€900 per month, while a two-bedroom apartment will cost you around €1,200-€1,500 per month. If you prefer to buy, you can find a two-bedroom apartment in Lisbon for around €200,000-€300,000. Healthcare One of the major concerns for retirees is healthcare, but in Portugal, you'll find that the healthcare system is excellent. In fact, Portugal's healthcare system is ranked as one of the best in the world. The country has both public and private healthcare options, with most doctors and medical professionals speaking English. The cost of healthcare in Portugal is also quite affordable, with many procedures costing much less than they would in the United States. Taxation Another benefit of retiring in Portugal is the country's tax system. Portugal offers a Non-Habitual Resident (NHR) tax regime that can reduce tax liability for retirees. Under this regime, qualifying individuals can enjoy a flat tax rate of 20% on income earned in Portugal for a period of 10 years. This means that retirees can enjoy their retirement income without having to worry about high taxes. Golden Visa Program Portugal's Golden Visa program offers a path to residency and citizenship for retirees. This program is aimed at attracting foreign investors to Portugal and offers a number of benefits, including visa-free travel throughout Europe. To qualify for the Golden Visa program, you'll need to invest a minimum of €500,000 in Portuguese real estate. Climate and Lifestyle
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Portugal's mild climate and outdoor lifestyle are major draws for retirees. The country enjoys more than 300 days of sunshine per year, making it an ideal destination for those who love spending time outdoors. Portugal also offers a wide range of cultural events, entertainment, and outdoor activities, from music festivals and art exhibitions to hiking, surfing, and golfing. Language and Culture If you're concerned about the language barrier in Portugal, you'll be happy to know that many Portuguese people speak English, especially in tourist areas. Portugal is also home to a large English-speaking expat community, which makes assimilation for English-speaking retirees quite easy. If you're interested in learning Portuguese, there are also many language schools and classes available throughout the country. Well, there you have it, folks! Portugal is a fantastic place to retire, and we've only just scratched the surface of why. From the affordable cost of living and housing to the world-renowned healthcare system, Portugal has a lot to offer retirees. And let's not forget about the tax benefits, Golden Visa program, and beautiful climate and outdoor lifestyle. And if you're worried about language and cultural barriers, fear not! Portugal has a thriving English-speaking community, and assimilation is relatively easy. So, what are you waiting for? Grab your sunscreen and come enjoy your golden years in one of the best retirement destinations in the world! Read the full article
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