#Goddard trevelyan
kiivg · 3 months
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.“So, about this Rook fellow…”.
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thefictionaledition · 1 month
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Trevelyan - the coming man
General will be named 'strong man' to-day
Trouble spot chief: Three offers to Alexander
Lord Goddard: Fines may be heavier - meant to sting
The earl out with royal party again
L-licence change is predicted by coroner: 'Great importance to safety'
Free Crier, C-in-C asks Russia
Mouse poison kills boy who would not tell
Baby burned to death in caravan
Heavy firing in Egypt
Pupils clash with police
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Businesses for Sale Live 2018: Bigger & Better!
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We’re returning to The Business Show this year for a jam-packed Businesses For Sale Live! 
We want to offer you a space to learn about every aspect of the buying, selling, and franchising process. 
This is the ideal place to visit and have your questions answered by experts in their field. 
Businesses for Sale Live Timetable:
Wednesday 14th November 
How to buy a business - Philip de Lisle 
Learn about all aspects of the buying process - from where to look for a business for sale all the way to working out your eventual exit strategy for your own sale. 
Franchising v going it alone - Mark Abbot and John Graham (Oven Wizards)
This seminar looks to examine some of the main differences between setting up in business on your own as opposed to buying into a Franchise. It will be an interactive session where you will be able to ask any questions you would like about franchising in general from two experienced franchisors and members of the British Franchise Association. 
How to stop your business deal falling through - Peter Wilson (Anderson Shaw
Due diligence is an often un-loved part of the sales process, but don’t be fooled, it is absolutely critical and has the potential to ‘make’ or ‘break’ the deal. It usually comprises 3 elements – legal, financial and commercial. Sellers need to be well-prepared ahead of the process. Buyers need to be clear on what they need to know about. Too many deals can fail at the due diligence stage. 
Selling a business: The secret’s in the preparation - Rob Goddard (Evolution CBS)
There’s always something you can do to increase the value of your business. Learn the secrets to successfully preparing your business to sell it at the best possible price. 
How to value your business and negotiate a successful sale - Rob Goddard (Evolution CBS)
Find out how to value your business and what it will take to win at the negotiating table to get the deal you want. 
Thursday 15th November 
Purchasing privately owned businesses - George Seward (Corporate Mergers Ltd)
Purchasing Privately Owned Businesses is a summary of the many steps, processes and stages required to successfully acquire a small privately owned business. Areas covered in this experienced-based presentation will include target identification and acquisition strategy; liaising with finance and legal professionals and building your team; valuation observations and negotiating your way through the challenges of completing a deal. 
Franchising v going it alone - Mark Abbott and John Graham (Oven Wizards)
This seminar looks to examine some of the main differences between setting up in business on your own as opposed to buying into a Franchise. It will be an interactive session where you will be able to ask any questions you would like about franchising in general from two experienced franchisors and members of the British Franchise Association. 
How to stop your business deal falling through - Peter Wilson (Anderson Shaw)
Due diligence is an often un-loved part of the sales process, but don’t be fooled, it is absolutely critical and has the potential to ‘make’ or ‘break’ the deal. It usually comprises 3 elements – legal, financial and commercial. Sellers need to be well-prepared ahead of the process. Buyers need to be clear on what they need to know about. Too many deals can fail at the due diligence stage. 
What is it really like to sell a business? - Alison Cooper (Lessmann), Andrew Sesemann, and Mark Bentley (BCMS)
Live Q&A with former business owners Thinking of selling up? Here’s a unique opportunity to hear from entrepreneurs who’ve been there and done just that. Former BCMS clients will talk through their sale experiences, discussing the commercial and personal challenges of a business sale. They’ll offer expert tips on preparing for sale, and essential advice on how to get the right deal for you. There’s an open Q&A, so whatever you need to know, just ask! 
How to value your business and put the foundations in place to negotiate a successful sale! - Rupert Trevelyan (Weybrook Business Brokers)
Valuing a business is critical to achieving a sale and the right value for the seller. This seminar will explore valuation techniques and more importantly the multiples that are likely to be achieved in current market conditions. By understanding buyer requirements, sellers are more likely to negotiate a successful sale. Rupert will cover the key pointers to achieving a deal.
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The journey to and from entrepreneurship can be full of unanswered questions, therefore we wanted to make sure you come away from Businesses For Sale Live feeling revitalised and ready to start the process – whichever it may be. 
We will be posting full profiles on our speakers and their talks in the build-up to The Business Show right here on the Businesses for Sale Live blog. 
Don’t forget, we will be at The Business Show 14th & 15th November if you would like to speak with us directly, and you will find our Wall of Businesses there too!
The exhibition is free for both days, so all you need to do is register for your tickets and we’ll see you there!
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kiivg · 2 years
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“Go with the Inquisitor, Carver, I’ll be right behind you.”
.Here Lies the Abyss; only you have to choose which Hawke to leave behind.
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kiivg · 6 months
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.woag sketchbook upon ye.
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kiivg · 1 month
draw your Inquisitor stress-crocheting bc they won't let him retire
.How did it feel being the funniest person in my life last night huh?????.
.I do love this however, he definitely learnt how to crochet from Florent. Woe betide anyone who interrupts him when he's counting his stitches, this man will lose his mind. I'm thinking he spends a great deal of time making gifts for his children and they're like overly bundled with scarves and dolls and blankets and jumpers. He's quite an expert, all things considered.
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kiivg · 4 months
Your art is so beautiful and detailed! Just getting into DA for Veilguard and all your work for it rocks
.Thank you so much!!!!! I'm going to be making a lot more I think. Sometimes I think I don't put enough detail in my work, there's a lot of empty space which I could put stuff in, but it's about trying to find the right place for the right things. I don't want to rely on patterning, especially when I can't stop putting variations of tartan in my stuff nowadays. I mean patterns add something, but they don't fill the space. I want these characters to be enclosed, framed, perfectly situated in between a story of that very moment. I want the surrounded by their comforts or surrounded by danger.
.I want someone to notice the two used condoms in my latest SebHawke picture, (I think someone actually did?) the bottle of oil between Hawke's legs, the pillow under his thighs, the matching leather bands they both wear, Sebastian's glove on Hawke's heart, Seb's wedding ring where Hawke hides his left hand so you won't really know that he's not wearing one, the words on those pages because they actually say something if someone can actually be inclined enough to translate them. How Hawke looks away from Sebastian because they've just had wonderful mind blowing intimacy, and the stupid grin he has on his face just as their pinky fingers touch, a little notion which is far more intimate than anything they've just done. AHHHH its not even enough! There's so much space I want to fill with more if only I could figure out what to put there.
.ANYWAY, that's my gripe? Idk. I love when people say my stuff is detailed, real big ego boost, that's what I'm going for!! But there can always be more, thank you!! 🥰
.Here's a WIP I'm slowly working on because my wrists are deciding it's time to die 👁👁.
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.Edit, I just want to add Andrastopher is very much giving me these vibes:.
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kiivg · 2 years
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.Outside Haven.
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kiivg · 1 year
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.Ce que j’ai fait est impardonnable.
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kiivg · 2 years
Do you have any additional Wardens, Hawkes, and Inquisitor OCs? Or are the ones seen on your blog the sole iterations
.Kind of? 🤔. Imean my characters are linked with specific events that happen so changing them out would affect what I consider to be my world state; like Goddard Trevelyan is present in the Battle of Denerim and saves Andrastopher Cousland’s life, which makes sense because Goddard is serving penance in the Fereldan army, hence why he’s there. Whereas I feel like an Adaar wouldn’t have a place there, (re: Sten being the only Qunari in Ferelden apparently??) I mean Lavellan could be there as an original member of the Dalish clan in DAO assuming you kept them alive (I didn’t haha) or Cadash could be a Legion of the Dead member who helped with the battle and then left the order to remain topside.
.But then with Goddard, Andrastopher asks Anora to give him a secret boon (in return for saving his life) which in turn allows Goddard to ask for his freedom to return home to rule his bannorn, and then eventually become Inquisitor. Ofc I could just say some random person saved Andrastopher and maybe Goddard simply went home after serving penance and lived happily with his wife and children, and then had to endure crippling sadness knowing his youngest son died at the hands of the Inquisition, and never knowing his bastard son either, and then descending into madness knowing he had failed his child and swore to avenge him by turning against the Inquisition and possibly the Chantry and in turn losing his faith and driving House Trevelyan into the ground 👹💣💥. Or he could not go home, suffer the same knowledge, and avow to destroy the Fereldan monarchy for keeping him indebted and not being there to save his son.
.With Hawke he’s kind of interchangeable because his storyline is kind of pre-written as you’re always going to be Hawke the Eldest Sibling and certain events will always happen. But I do like Doherty more than Marcus (my previous Hawke) because I get to make his life sadder as he sides with the Templars to eradicate blood magic in the Kirkwall Circle and then offers to sacrifice himself in place of Anders (who he has already forced to flee) whereas Marcus always sided with the Templars to protect Templar!Carver. Personally I love siding with the mages and that would be a nicer ending for Doherty, but I need to side with the Templars for a specific ending 🥲.
.Still! My Hawke allows the HoF group to stay at their house (Leandra having recognised the giant son of the Couslands and knowing that they need to offer him safety and succour) whilst they’re in Lothering, and in turn Andrastopher warns them to flee whilst they can, as the dark spawn horde are advancing rapidly. This creates a kind of friendship that means Andrastopher is paramount in saving Hawke from the Seekers later as they attempt to recruit either of them for the job of Inquisitor.
.However!! I do want to make a new Warden Commander for the sake of padding out my hero count and also allowing Andrastopher to abandon the cause he detests (Grey Wardens) and also to focus solely on vengeance (Killing all Howes and stealing from the nobility who shunned him), which gives him a more stable relationship with Zevran in the end.
.But to get back to the original point of “other heroes” I do have not super developed other characters that could have been the hero. Like I have an Aeducan prince who helps the HoF team in the Deep Roads, after surviving on spider meat and mushrooms for months, and my Dalish HoF who is a transient elder who offers aide to all those in need (who leaves the clan pre-DAO). And I recently started playing a Cadash who hates the Chantry but is paramount on figuring out what happened at the conclave as some of his best friends were killed there (plus big boom?? He needs that kind of power in his arsenal) and maybe he gets a smooch along the way 😘. There are some I can’t have because they technically would die with the choices I make, like the Human/Elf mage in DAO will always be killed by Andrastopher in the circle quest, and the Dalish will also die as Andrastopher sides with the werewolves. And technically all the heroes you don’t choose do end up dying because either Duncan doesn’t show up to save them or they get killed in the Conclave explosion. Ofc that’s easily changeable like they didn’t contract the blight etc in DAO or they weren’t in the Temple when it exploded in DAI.
.TLDR: Yes but they’re all in the same world state and not technically HoFs/Hawkes/Inquis’ because I have a one track mind for this game!!!.
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kiivg · 3 years
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.My Trevelyan, his wife and children :)c with some excerpts from NTKoM.
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kiivg · 4 years
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.Thedosian Heroes.
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kiivg · 4 years
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.A post-Inquisition Inquisitor :)c.
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kiivg · 3 years
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.Been thinking about my Inquisitor a lot lately :)c.
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kiivg · 4 years
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.I decided to just go with my three heroes instead of like all my dragon age romances because I’ve got someone for Blackwall, Gaspard, and I’ve got a mind for someone with Dorian too. Then I’ve got a whole load of OC x OC as well, and trying to draw all of them would be time consuming. However! During drawing this, I realised that, technically, Andrastopher, Anders, Marcus, and Zevran, have all slept with one another. Whether that’s between two people or more just depends on when in the timeline haha…. ,’:)c.
.Anyway there’s some things about my Heroes and their love interests below :), thank you for asking! I’m always excited to talk about my OCs.
.Andrastopher and Zevran’s relationship starts out as quite a basic thing. Something that’s not talked about in camp or on any of their journeys, but everyone knows it’s happening. On Andrastopher’s side, it’s something to make him forget for a little while, something to take his mind of everything that’s happening to him. Zevran, after all, offers this to him as more of an incentive to keep him alive knowing that Andrastopher most likely will end up killing him. Something that Andrastopher wasn’t exactly quiet about, he did actually plan on presenting Zevran’s head to Arl Howe at some point.
.Of course, everything changes with the course of time. Fighting beside one another in such dangerous situations, it was bound to leave them closer than before. They save each other’s lives, they tend one another’s wounds, and one night, Andrastopher doesn’t slink back to his own tent with a satisfied hum in his belly and stays curled around the other man. There’s a tenderness that blooms between them both, and what was not talked about before, is shown more and more openly.
.Zevran, I think, falls in love with Andrastopher before Andrastopher falls in love with him. He’s too broken to glue himself back together long enough to even think about such a thing. It probably doesn’t help that Zevran had started off by complimenting him on his looks above anything else, and Andrastopher knows he’s a weird looking man; more of a curiosity than a crush to anyone who looks at him. Anything Zevran had said after that was taken with the knowledge that the man would be lying.
.By the end of the blight, something that Andrastopher had hoped to die in, he’d found a reason to live again. Completing Morrigan’s ritual was a risk to take, but one he did so willingly so he could waken next to Zevran another day. However odd their beginnings were, neither man was willing to see the other one gone.
.After the blight, Andrastopher struggles with everything he knows. There’s no place for him in the world, and he cannot hide in Zevran’s arms as if there is nothing wrong. He takes a year to himself, sacrificing himself to the Qun, accepting that he needed a restriction in being who he was meant to be. It was a hard time apart, but the reunion was a sweet one. Though time and work takes them apart for perhaps months at a time, they remain loyal to one another. They marry at some point, a small thing which really only included the pair themselves, a chantry Mother, and Oghren who was both amused and embarrassed about it all.
.To this day they remain together, and regrets have been spoken about how they had initially started out. Andrastopher knows he should have treated Zevran better, something the man has forgiven him for over and over throughout their years. 
.Marcus and Anders’ relationship was in-game the rivalmance because it’s so much more delicious than the basic romance. But, in my mind, it’s different.
.They start off butting heads in Kirkwall, Marcus needs Anders’ help, and Anders’ needs Marcus’ help. The idea of anything between them isn’t really on the table at the time since Marcus has been spending his time between Meeran’s legs more often than not. They both find each other insufferable for a variety of reasons; Marcus is egotistic, narcissistic,  overtly cocky, and spends most of his time either fighting or fucking or playing that ridiculous lute he won in the Hanged Man. Whilst Marcus thinks Anders’ fight has been blown to unrealistic proportions, and he’s championing something that can be overcome easily enough, the man has a hero complex that grates on his nerves. Marcus is a Fereldan apostate who lives freely, and he can’t understand why people don’t just escape from the circle; his father did easily enough.
.After the Deep Roads expedition, coming home after eating nothing but mushrooms and drinking rock water for weeks, just to return to Carver’s newfound templar job really makes him rethink his attitude in Kirkwall. Marcus becomes openly supportive of the Templars, he has no choice; Carver’s relation to a mage has him under valiant watch, and though money helps, Marcus has to be on his best behaviour. Being seen with Anders can only damage his reputation, but they had kissed in that foggy desperation in the Deep Roads, not that they’d spoken of it, but it remains a memory that tasted sweet despite their breath.
.Marcus spends most of his time in the Blooming Rose in the next few years, wealth and desire letting him flaunt his time in rented beds. Anders yet plays on his mind, pulling him back time after time whenever he hears the man needs his help. They fight and disagree, snapping with magic curling in their fingertips. Anders feels like Marcus is betraying the very core of himself; denying that he’s a mage in every positive song he sings of the Templars. He hates the man with an intensity that boils over in the need to return to that time in the Deep Roads; when mages and templars didn’t matter, and the once fat Fereldan apostate gave away his shares of tasteless fungi to the mage who knew how to heal wounds. They fight and kiss, biting at each other with teeth and nails, and it is Marcus who storms away; burning with confusion and singed footsteps, and awaiting a visitor at the end of the night.
.When things get particularly bad, Marcus gives in to Anders’ way of thinking, apologising for what they had been through over the years. He gives him a key to the Hawke estate. It’s a safe place to hide, a safe place to smuggle mages in and out. He warns him on Carver’s inclusion, Marcus can’t be seen helping; it would only come back upon his brother and he’s not willing to risk such a thing.
.Anders stops by the estate more and more, and the animosity between them settles into something of a comfort. The man is there when Leandra is killed, he is there to stop him from killing Merrill just a few nights after, he is there to drag him home from the Blooming Rose when he drinks too much to remember where he lives. Marcus knows he doesn’t deserve any of it, and he is selfish when he kisses Anders for the first time in years, selfish when he tries to drag him into bed, selfish when he asks him to stay the night. Marcus’ rise to Viscount is the only thing that keeps Anders safe, and is the only reason that Anders is able to be smuggled from Kirkwall after the explosion.
.It’s a year and a half before they see each other again. Justice has been calmed over the months, and Marcus’ attempts at keeping Kirkwall sane had slowly been overthrown by a group of zealots. A mage couldn’t hold position for any longer, and he had no choice but to flee. He’d spent six months building a home for himself in the ruins of Lothering, and he welcomes Anders with laughter and disbelief when he sees the man again. Years had passed since they had first met in Darktown, but seeing Marcus with a small herd and a weight settling in his gut, it’s the most real he’s ever been.
.They settle together, never intending for it to be permanent. But there is a loneliness that could only be combatted together, and when mages begin to find them it’s hard not to fall in love with one another when they work to rebuild what was once lost. A small village sprouts around them, mages seeking safety and succour found under the guidance of a heavy stranger named Conchobhar, and that taller fellow named Jarl.
.Goddard and Yetta’s relationship isn’t actually an in-game thing, since he’s seventy-one at the beginning of Inquisition, and like what options do I ever have apart from making him a sugar daddy (I missed a thing there for sure AH), so I gave him a wife called Yetta.
.Essentially, it’s an arranged marriage for them. Which begins terribly, because neither want to marry the other; Goddard is still holding out hope that he will find his first love again, and Yetta was betrothed to him since she was a child so she’s never had a choice. Their wedding is awkward, Goddard tries to convince his little brother, Milward, to take his place, and Yetta is caught trying to escape from the actual event. Goddard also turns up in Orlesian finery in an attempt to insult Yetta’s family and to remind them that he spent a good few years in bed with a chevalier. It works, but, the wedding still goes ahead, and they’re both miserably married by the end of the day.
.Despite his tactics, Goddard promises Yetta that he’d stay truthful to her regardless of whether or not they end up in bed together. And, in the beginning, neither of them wanted to. Goddard spends his nights sleeping on the floor, and there’s a more than obvious rumour floating around that they haven’t yet slept together. Despite all the pushes and shoves they receive; Goddard being pushed into Yetta’s room as she dresses for the day, Yetta being forced into the bathing chambers whilst Goddard is alone in there, conversations of sex being brought up at their meal times, and even being locked in their bedchamber for so long that Goddard ends up bum rushing the guards who bring them food at meal time.
.It’s not the best beginning, but there is a camaraderie that begins between them in their joint frustrations. Their attraction to one another begins in the written letters they send over the years. With Goddard working in Ferelden, and Yetta remaining in Ostwick, it’s the only way of communicating they have. And though it takes years, it’s hard to deny the way that their feelings grow each time Goddard gets some weeks away from the military.
.Together they have three children over the years, agreeing to stop trying after that due to Wakefield’s complicated birth. They remain happy together until this day, accepting a few blips over the years, and the rather gargantuan blunder of Goddard having an affair whilst incapacitated and presumed dead in Ferelden. Everything that is thrown at them is tackled head on and together, and it is obvious in almost everything that the do together, that their love grows ever stronger every minute they spent beside one another.
.TL:DR: all my heroes are happy and loved and alive :)c.
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kiivg · 4 years
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.I can’t wait for DA4 when my new protagonist gets to adventure with my other heroes to make the best possible four body team :)c.
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