#Goa Assembly
thehansindiaseo · 23 days
CBI Alleges Kejriwal Promised Rs 90 Lakh to Each AAP Goa Candidate; Party Denounces BJP
CBI alleges Kejriwal assured Rs 90 lakh to each AAP Goa poll candidate; AAP hits back at BJP, calling it a political conspiracy.
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xtruss · 4 months
Several Dead, Hundreds Injured in Pro-Independence Rallies in New Caledonia
Pro-independence protesters say France's new constitutional reform will dilute the share of the vote held by Kanaks, the Indigenous group that makes up about 41 percent of the population.
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“World’s Most Wanted Criminal, Fascist, Extremist, Terrorist and the Butcher of Gujrat Indian Prime Minister Modi” urges Indians to focus on national development without making Pakistan a reference point. Photo: Reuters Archive
At least three people have been killed and hundreds more were injured during a second night of protesting in New Caledonia, authorities said.
Wednesday was the third day of demonstrations against a constitutional reform pushed by Paris that has roiled the archipelago, which has long sought independence.
Despite heavily armed security forces fanning out across the capital Noumea and the ordering of a nighttime curfew, protesting continued until overnight Tuesday virtually unabated.
The reform — which must still be approved by a joint sitting of both houses of the French parliament — would give a vote to people who have lived in New Caledonia for 10 years.
Pro-independence forces say it would dilute the share of the vote held by Kanaks, the Indigenous group that makes up about 41 percent of the population and the major force in the pro-independence movement.
In Noumea and the commune of Paita on Wednesday, there were reports of several exchanges of fire between civil defence groups and protesters.
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Security forces regained control of Noumea's penitentiary, which holds about 50 inmates, after an uprising and escape attempt by prisoners, it said in a statement.
Police have arrested more than 130 people since Monday night, with dozens placed in detention to face court hearings, the commission said. About 60 police have been injured, it said.
A nighttime curfew was extended, along with bans on gatherings, the carrying of weapons and the sale of alcohol.
The territory's La Tontouta International Airport remained closed to commercial flights and people were urged to restrict any travel during the day, the high commission said.
Pacific Rivalry
Macron said French lawmakers would vote to definitively adopt the constitutional change by the end of June unless New Caledonia's opposing sides agree on a new text that "takes into account the progress made and everyone's aspirations".
In the Noumea Accord of 1998, France vowed to gradually give more political power to the Pacific island territory of nearly 300,000 people.
As part of the agreement, New Caledonia has held three referendums over its ties with France, all rejecting independence.
As part of the agreement, New Caledonia has held three referendums over its ties with France, all rejecting independence. But the independence movement retains support, particularly among the Indigenous Kanak people.
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A New Caledonia pro-independence leader, Daniel Goa, asked people to "go home", and condemned the looting.
But "the unrest of the last 24 hours reveals the determination of our young people to no longer let France take control of them," he added.
France's Minister for Interior and Overseas Gerald Darmanin attends a debate on the constitutional bill aimed at enlarging the electorate of the overseas French territory of New Caledonia, at the French National Assembly in Paris
Source: TRT World 🌎 And Agencies
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misguidedasgardian · 5 months
The Lifeaters (III.7)
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VII. A Mandragora's leaf
Chapter Summary: Back with the second part of the semester 
Pairings: Draco Malfoy x Fem!Reader (platonic)
Warnings: Cursing, magical objects, Mugglephobia, classism, charms and curses, might miss some warnings
Wordcount: 2,7 k
Notes: If you see something say soemthing, come on and party tonightttt
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You hear the indistinct sound of a bludger but you didn't even look back.
It missed you by a few feets, you were faster than the Hufflepuffs beaters with your very much superior broom
You raised the Quaffle in the air and punch it so hard, it went through the tallest of hoops 
“And Slytherin gained 10 more points! putting them ahead by 50 points against Hufflepuff’s 30, the Slytherin chasers are on fire today!”
Had said Flint
You had played good against Ravenclaw but you only had 180 points, no more, you had to annihilate Hufflpuff who had won against Gryffindor… and you had more chances than ever of winning
And you were succeeding
“Let’s go!”, said Flint, and you flied on formation to gain the Quaffle again, flanked by your beaters 
You felt like finally you were giving your nimbus 2001 some good action after last year's cancellation
You were only one week in and you were playing your second game of the season, but like the commentator said, you were on fire!
You took the time to search for Draco
You had discussed this
It was Diggory’s tactic to divert the other team’s seeker, sometimes as trying dangerous diving maneuvers, and you had warned Draco against them, he seemed to gotten that, and again, he was using his advantage of a better broom with all his might, chasing after Diggory only if the snitch was at stake.
You keep playing your own game, Draco was fine
You had recuperated the quaffle from the opposite team with the solo Pinzer, a move you had been practicing, you were getting tired of always being on the sidelines. You passed onto Adrian and he scored, making that sixty points ahead 
You celebrated with one arm in the air as you turned around
It was one of those beautiful winter days, the sky was clear, the sun was there, but there was snow everywhere, all white all around… and that is how you spotted it, in the ground, a black, moving dot, when you looked again, you realized… It was that dog! 
The dog you had fed near the shrieking shack! 
How odd was that?
But you had no time to think about some dog, you kept playing, you needed those points to consolidate at this year’s champions… again
Your keeper was excellent, as he repelled an attempted goa by the Hufflepuffs, and you were again trying to assemble one of your plays
No mercy…
You loved this part…
Being held up in the air, in the common room, as your housemates cheered for you, their ever-winning Quidditch team
This year’s cup was as good as yours, obviously 
You had won! Draco had caught the snitch, and with it, the total score of the game had been 230 points! 
You always celebrated after a match, and before you were too young… you were still too young… but… you tried to stay a bit longer with the others, it was saturday after all, but after a couple of butterbeer from a keg someone had… brought… to the party, you were feeling a bit giggly.
It had been a long and strenuous day, you wanted to sleep, Draco was on the side, talking to Vince, Greg, and Matthew, never missed a thing that one. He catches you trying to slip out of the gathering and ran to meet you
“That was a good game”, he said, but to you, everything he said was like he was teasing you, all of it
“Thank you Matt”, he tried following you, but you looked back at him impatiently
“Why are you slipping out of your own party?”, he asked
“It’s hardly MY party”, you murmured, “I’m tired, I want to go to sleep”, he seemed to give up, only nodding and letting you be 
You should be happy, you should be extremely happy that you just won your second game of the season and you were ready to to win the house cup, playing an active role on the team
But then why couldn't you think of anything else but that Black dog?
Why was he at the Quidditch pitch?
Was it just some weird dog? that made no sense at all
The weekend came and went rather quickly, and before you could realize it, you were watching McGonagall carefully in class, for the very first time, Transfiguration might actually become your favorite class
You were going to be studying Animagi
Animagus’ were witches and wizards with the ability to transform into an animal…
Not with a spell, and it's not something you are born with, it’s something you can become, it was done due to a very particular ritual that could take months to perform. You were taking notes heavily
Perhaps, in a very subconscious way, you wanted to distract yourself with anything you could, but still, it was kind of nice
An Animagus
How cool was that? As you saw professor McGonaggal turn into a cat and back to herself in a second.She could turn into an animal at will! 
You raised your hand, and Minerva nodded her head, as giving you the word
“Can I turn into an animagus?”, you asked
“Yes, I was getting to that”, she said, “anyone who wants to become one, can do so with help of the school, from me or Professor Dumbledore”
You looked at Draco at your side and he seemed disgusted, but you were really curious, you wanted to do it
“Do you want to try?”, you asked him excitedly, he looked back at you frowning
“Really? how cool would it be?”, you asked him
“I don’t think so”
“Being able to acquire the ability of an animal?”, you kept asking, “being able to hide, climb, or even fly! FLY!”
“We fly almost everyday at training”, he said, unimpressed
He wasn’t interested, nor anyone else in your friend group, but you were.
So you stayed in the classroom after everybody had left, with a silly smile and a plea in your eyes.
It took you a few days to convince McGonagall, and at times you didn’t really think you could do it, but… in the end… 
“Why are you speaking so strange?”, Malfoy asked, you just shook your head
“No reason”, you muttered, it was strange to hold a Mandragora’s leaf inside of your mouth, even if you had picked the smallest one 
You weren’t the only one, that is why Mcgonaggal was so convinced, but as some sort of test, you needed to gather yourself two very difficult ingredients, as proof that you were truly committed, and of course, she didn’t say it clearly, but to get them, you were going to need to break a rule or two then put them in  a magical jar you had to put together.
“It’s Ravenclaw VS Gryffindor this weekend, and we have a surprise for them”, Draco told you
“What kind of surprise?”, you asked, concerned 
“If I told you it wouldn’t be a surprise, would it?”
“Draco we are winning! we don’t need to do anything! please!”, you said angrily
“It will be fun, you’ll see”, he said, content, and it got worse when you realized Flint was in on it, and he wouldn’t even tell you what it was about either.
Your relationship with Draco was getting a bit strained… bot only because he was getting meaner, but also because…
Of what happened with Buckbeak
Uncle Lucius was furious because of what happened, and he had presented an inquiry to the Department of disposal of dangerous animals, and it was a whole thing with a trial included 
Buckbeak could be… disposed off, if Hagrid didn’t do a  good job representing him in his defense, and let’s be honest, he wasn’t the most eloquent of creatures you had encountered, nor he knew the right people like uncle lucius were.
You tried to convince yourself that the jury and the department would do their job and assess the creature, maybe he was a danger to others… maybe
Poor Buckbeak was as well as dead. So in order to avoid being mad at Draco, you tried to
“Draco please!”, you begged him, “It’s a wild magical creature, he doesn’t know what he is doing! he doesn’t deserve to die!”, you tried to reason with him
“Father can’t take it back”, he said simply, and frowning, “why do you care so much anyways?”, you looked at him but found no remorse, or understanding, or anything. You didn’t want to nag him, about that quidditch surprise and about Buckbeak, so you just nodded
You had Muggle studies in the afternoon, so that is where you went with Theo and Matt
“For your semester assignment, and work for your final grade, you will make an investigation about a muggle artifact you can find in a muggle family home”, she said with a smile.
Charity Burbage was a nice teacher, once she realized you were really interested in class and you meant no harm.
“Here is the list”, you had in class a poster of the inside of a muggle house, with a lot of objects and the names of them. What was most shocking is that the poster didn’t move, nor either any of the others that were decorating the classroom
You couldn’t repeat your object with others so she started talking by list and each students had to get close to it and pick one
Since you three were the last ones in joining the class, you had the last picks
You looked all over the posters, and what intrigued you most was the bathroom, specially a little yellow duck that was floating inside the bathtub
“This one!”, you said
“Ah! the mysterious rubber duck!”, said Professor Burbage, “good choice”
“Why is it mysterious?”, you asked
“Well, nobody had managed to discover its use”, she said simply, and you looked quite puzzled
Aren’t there hundreds of muggle born students in Hogwarts? nobody thought about asking them?
“What a bullshit assignment”, muttered Matt, who had picked a weird artifact that had some sort of goo inside of it and it shined, and it was commonly found in muggle children’s rooms
Theo on the other hand, had picked something they found in a kitchen, it was some sort of… thing, you didn't even know how to describe it, but it was composed of two parts, a glass container and then a base with… buttons?
They didn’t look like the buttons you know, but still
“Nobody had managed to know what these objects do, so… it can be that much of bullshit”, said Theo, “besides we have to write like three parchments on it”
“I bef if difficult”, you muttered
“Have you got something in your mouth?” Why are you speaking so weird?”, asked Matt
“No reafon”, you said with heated cheeks, “my tongue hurfts”
“You should to to the infirmary”, said Theo
“No, ifs fine”, the roof of your mouth felt weird, that is where Professor Mcgonaggal had advised you to store your mandragora’s leaf, as the first part of your transition
But now you were moving it around in your mouth, it was tricky eating with it, more sleeping, you felt like you were going to choke and you were a bit scared, so you stick it tightly against your palate 
“Anyways, I bet I can find whatever this is before you both muggle-lovers”, he mocked
“Yeah sure, you don’t study for any classes and you are going to study for this?”, said theo. matt looked at you and then at Theo
“Wanna bet?”, he asked
“What do you want?”, he asked, interested, you exchanged looks between the three of you
He seemed like he wanted something in particular, his dark eyes shining with mischief
“If I win, we three are going to sneak into the prefects bathroom with me on the fifth floor”, you both frowned
“That’s weird, why would you want us both in there?”, you asked, and Theo looked at you like you were the dumbest thing on earth, but he didn’t say anything
“Well, if I win, Basilik is going to do my potions homework for two weeks, and Matthew is going to get me the Astronomy one”
“Fine”, said Matthew, and they both looked at you
“If I win, which I will…”, you didn’t even know what you wanted out of them, you wouldn’t trust them with your homework and you didn’t want to take baths with them. then it occurred to you, “I want you both to help me trap a Death’s head hawk moth and then morning dew”
“Those are almost impossible to fetch”, Theo said
“Hagrid had some of those moths”, you said, “he knows where they are, of course he is not going to let me have one, so we need to steal one”, you said with a pleased smile, “and then we need to sneak into the woods to get the dew by the river”
“Fine”, said Matthew
“Fine”, said Theo
You three “walked” hastily from one another. Ready to figure out what those objects were
You dissed the library, didn’t even consider it, and that was going to take you hours, so instead, you went straight to the source. 
But it took you a while to find the one you were looking for, until you reached the first floor, in the hallway around the inner courtyard, she was walking to her last class of the day
“Granger!”, you called, you saw the smartest witch in my generation flinch in front of me, she didn’t even had to turn around to know who was calling her name.
As you walked to reach her all the students in you way stepped aside pretty quickly, to you get to her, that had stopped in her tracks. Any other day, you would be happy at the fact that she grabbed her books tightly against her chest while she avoided eye contact, but not today… not when you needed something from her, so you just smiled politely
“You know everything about muggles”, it wasn’t a question
“You can’t never truly know everything…”
“You get my meaning”, you interrupted, “I wanted to ask you something, for academic purposes of course”, that seemed to lighten up her chocolate eyes as she looked at you, now more interested than fearful
“For what reason?”, she asked, a hint of mischief showing up in her eyes
“Academic ones”, you repeated
“Maybe I can help you…”, she said dismissively
“I want to know… what is the purpose of a little yellow rubber duck?”, you said clearly, but in a hushed tone, you didn’t want anyone else to hear you
“Uh?”, you knew she had listened, but the little witch probably thought she misheard or had lost her mind
“Arubberduck”, you said hastily, losing your already short patience
“Oh”, she said, shaking her head like that could make her clear his ideas, “The purpose of a muggle rubber duck is clearly…”
“BASILIK!”, you growled rolling my eyes when you heard my name being called by that annoying mouth, just as you were getting my awaited answer, you turned around to meet Theodore who walked towards you pointing with his finger and an accusation in his eyes, “that is cheating”
“Bug off Theodore you didn’t even know what I was talking about with Granger!”, you said defensively. Granger took the opportunity to slip away from you and you growled, exasperated. 
“We never said anything about asking anyone”, you said angrily.
So Matthew and you met again to discuss rules
Not asking anyone
“How am I to trust you both?”, you asked them both, “what if it's not in the library?”, you asked back, “its going to take us ages!”
“I can’t believe you are the one who wants to “cheat” on this”, laughed Theo
“I do not!”, you said defensively
“We have to rest of the semester to find this out”, muttered Matthew
“Very well then, let’s go together then”
And that is how you had a new study schedule 
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aoioozora · 4 months
Hey there! I was surprised that your OC Ivy is actually Indian as well! Can you tell me something more about her? :)
Hi! Thank you for your ask :))
I'm actually Indian too, so I totally wanted to make an Indian OC! I never really saw any until yours and I was pretty surprised too. I must say it gave me some motivation to make my own.
Anyway, here's Ivy! (I'm still figuring out her lore, so some of these MAY change in future lol)
About my COD OC, Ivy "Vampire" Valentina Salvador de Almeida
Ivy is the only daughter of Salvador and Helen de Almeida.
She was born in India, in the state of Goa, on the outskirts of Madgaon and lived there for a few years before moving down south to Karnataka, where she spent her formative years. Her teenage and adult years were spent in Liverpool, England.
She can speak Konkani and English fluently, while she has partial fluency in Portuguese and Kannada
She's a devout Roman Catholic
Her personality type is ENFJ
She's a tall girl standing at 5'7"/170 cm! Always stood at the back of the line for school assemblies. She inherited her height from her dad.
She's a WO2 Drill Sergeant in the British Army and serves in the Infantry Training Center where she trains infantrymen in basic and advanced skills.
She's nicknamed 'Vampire' from her slightly long canine teeth, all natural.
Being an extrovert, she enjoys company and doesn't like being alone.
She's normally quiet, but if she does speak, she's charismatic, genuine, and charming, and this often got her into quite some leadership positions in school and university, and allows her to very easily make friends.
Drinking makes her talkative, and even flirtatious, but she'll have to drink quite a lot to get to that point.
She has a strong sense of justice, and cannot stand it if innocent people are needlessly harmed. Being a drill sergeant gives her a little power to execute justice if needed.
She's optimistic to a fault, often getting bogged down by reality sometimes.
Her restless, adventurous spirit makes her hate being in one place. She enjoys travelling and doing highly thrilling activities like bungee jumping. She can also be quite reckless; give her a motorcycle and she'll be popping wheelies and even drifting.
Being an only-child, she can be quite selfish and bossy, though most of it was beaten out of her during her basic training.
Likes and Dislikes
She enjoys cooking and baking and can make a variety of dishes.
She loves reading historical accounts and all sorts of fiction, especially thrillers and mysteries. Her favourite novel is 'The Hound of the Baskervilles' by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. She also enjoys Dostoevsky's novels
Her favourite Indian food is Mysore masala dosa and English food is Scotch egg
She hates milk tea and extremely spicy food (her Indian card is always at the risk of being revoked)
She loves anything that has garlic in it, though her favourite would be garlic bread
Her favourite dessert is apple pie
An area that has her whole heart is the Western Ghats
Her favourite color is phtahlo green
English Ivy
Her father is an adventurous man, so he took his family hopping around a lot from Goa to Karnataka, and eventually to England, where his wife got a job as a nurse.
Ivy and family moved to England when she was around fifteen years old, and settled in Liverpool.
Getting used to England's cold and gloom was a nightmare for poor coast born Ivy who loves the sun and heat. She can comfortably tolerate 30-35 degrees C like most Indians, but absolutely suffers through English winters despite eventually getting used to it.
Her years in Liverpool eventually bestowed upon her the glorious Scouse accent, though hers has an Indian lilt to it.
She had a hard time adjusting in English society, especially as an extrovert and a teenager, and often felt unwelcome in school. However, her university years were much more pleasant.
Do not talk to her about the Indian food in England. She will not hesitate to begin her TED talk.
If there's anything she actually does like about England, it's the abundance of pubs. She loves to drink, but considering how reckless she is known to be, she's surprisingly a responsible drinker and rarely lets herself get blackout drunk.
I've yet to think about her interactions with TF141, but that's all about her for now!
Wow, I really did infodump on you lmao. I hope it was an interesting read ^^ I'm excited to develop her some more and make more Ivy content <3
Thank you again for your ask! Have a great day/night :)
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lboogie1906 · 6 months
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Pio Gama Pinto (March 31, 1927 – February 24, 1965) was a Kenyan journalist, politician and freedom fighter. He was a socialist leader who dedicated his life to the liberation of the Kenyan people and became Kenya’s first martyr in 1965.
He was born in Nairobi to a Kenyan Asian family of Konkani Goan Catholic descent. His father was an official in the colonial government of Kenya while his mother was a housewife. At age eight, he was sent to India for his education and spent the next nine years there, passing his matriculation exams at St. Joseph’s High School, Arpora, and studying science at Karnatak College, Dharwar for two years before joining the Indian Air Force in 1944 as an apprentice ground engineer. He took up a job in the Posts and Telegraph office in Bombay, participated in a general strike, and became a founding member of the Goa National Congress. He started an agitation in Bombay against the Portuguese colonial occupation of Goa. His political activism soon made it necessary for him to return to Kenya to avoid being arrested and deported to the Tarrafal concentration camp in Cape Verde.
He became involved in local politics aimed at overthrowing British colonial rule in Kenya. He turned to journalism and worked with the Colonial Times and the Daily Chronicle. In 1954, five months after his marriage to Emma Dias, he was rounded up in the notorious Operation Anvil and spent the next four years in detention on Manda Island. He was kept in confinement from early 1958 until October 1959 at Kabarnet.
In 1960 he founded the Kenya African National Union newspaper Sauti Ya KANU, and later, Pan African Press, of which he subsequently became Director and Secretary. Pinto played an active role in campaigning for KANU during the 1961 elections which it won. In 1963 he was elected a Member of the Central Legislative Assembly and in July 1964 was appointed a Specially Elected Member of the House of Representatives. He worked to establish the Lumumba Institute in 1964 to train KANU party officials. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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club-filmatics · 6 months
Club Filmatics Organised Goa's First Intercollegiate Media Event "Filmbuster
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On 28 February 2024, Club Filmatics of Don Bosco College Panjim, in association with the institute’s Department of Mass Communication organised Goa’s first intercollegiate event ‘Filmbuster’, curated towards media students. The theme for the event was ‘Roll into the Cineverse’. The event began with faculty incharge of Club Filmatics, Assistant professor Sonika Lotlikar, and Coordinator of the department of Mass Communication Department, Assistant professor Archie Fernandes escorting the Chief Guest, Rajendra Talak to the dais.The student council members including President,Devonna Gomes, Vice President , Joel Rodrigues and Media Coordinator, Mario Pimenta who were instrumental in organizing the event also joined them on stage.Assistant professor Archie Fernandes welcomed the gathering and appreciated the uniqueness and changes brought about by Club Filmatics. Chief guest Rajendra Talak, who is a national award-winning director in Konkani and Film Industry, appreciated assistant professor Sonika Lotlikar for her dedication towards the students and leadership that led to the curation of a very unique media event, which involved testing students’ creative skills. Talak spoke about the importance of learning and declared Filmbuster 2024 open.Renowned personalities from the film, entertainment, and media industry graced the event as judges along with faculty members for multidimensional competitions. These included Goan Actor, Salil Naik; Director, Dnyanesh Moghe; Associate Editor and Senior Journalist, Ramnath Pai Raikar; Dancer, Simran Haldankar; Photographer, Aliston Dias; Filmmaker, Prasad Naik; Model, Saisha Prabhu; Creative Director, Vijay Xavier; Footballer, Beckham Veron Xavier and Social Media Influencer, Flexcia D'Souza.The on-stage events, off-stage events and pre-events were called ‘The Showcase’, ‘Behind The Scenes’, and ‘Director's Cut’, respectively. The pre-events of ‘Director's Cut’ included ‘Parde Ke Piche Kya Hai’, ‘Loop Lapeta’ and ‘Ruk Ruk Ke’, which tested the contestants' digital content creation skills and talent. The participating teams introduced themselves through ‘Ensemble Assemble!’. Each team was given names based on popular directors such as Karan Johar, Sanjay Leela Bhansali, Raj Kumar Hirani, etc. The mascots then interacted with the audience at the event ‘Pehchaan Kaun?’. Through the event ‘Definitely Maybe’ contestants explored different endings to popular films. Participants grooved to beats and showcased their dance moves during ‘Jhalak Dikla Ja’.Participants of the event styled, shuffled and sold iconic props at ‘Sell A Prop’. The fashion show ‘Walk of Fame’ revealed students’ style and teamwork. The most awaited event 'The Crown', saw participants exhibit their strengths and talent to win the coveted titles of Mr. And Ms. Filmbuster. The event concluded with a musical performance by DJ Doel.The participants' efforts and hard work came to fruition at the valedictory ceremony where they were awarded based on their performance. Overall winners’ trophy was won by Team Sanjay Leela Bhansali (St Xavier’s College, Mapusa). Runners-up were Team Karan Johar (SS Dempo College, Cujira).
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inkandguns · 2 years
Well I think I’m done buying guns and receivers this week. I have 2 PSA lowers on the way and a GF5 AK - fixed stock/slant brake. I think the Washington assault weapons ban will pass. I think an assault weapons ban in Colorado is swiftly on the way. Even if they’re struck down as unconstitutional the state assemblies will re-brand the ban and pass it again.
I donated $5 to GOA during both transactions. I like what GOA does. On a personal activism level I’m going to continue to fight against gun control legislation in one of the best ways - buying a whole bunch of guns.
If the ban doesn’t pass I might have to buy a bullpup to celebrate.
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werindialive · 16 days
CBI Accuses Kejriwal and AAP of Criminal Conspiracy in Excise Policy Case 
The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has filed a supplementary charge sheet accusing Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal and his party, the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), of a criminal conspiracy to privatise the 2021 Delhi Excise Policy for financial gains. The CBI claims that the policy was specifically designed to benefit select liquor businesses in exchange for kickbacks, which were allegedly used to fund AAP’s campaign in the 2022 Goa Assembly elections. 
The investigation highlights that Vijay Nair, AAP’s media and communications head, played a pivotal role in the conspiracy. According to the CBI, Nair, without any formal authority to negotiate on excise matters, solicited bribes from liquor business owners under Kejriwal’s direct instructions. These businesses were promised favourable terms under the excise policy in return for their financial contributions. The CBI alleges that these funds were funnelled into AAP’s election expenditures and used to pay for campaign-related activities, including hiring vendors and campaign managers. 
Durgesh Pathak, a senior AAP leader, is also named in the charge sheet for managing these funds. The CBI claims that Pathak oversaw the transfer of bribe money through hawala channels, which allowed large sums to be distributed without leaving a clear financial trail. The charge sheet points out that these cash payments were deliberately omitted from AAP’s official election expense reports, raising concerns about the party's financial transparency. 
Several other high-profile AAP leaders, including former Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia, have been implicated. Sisodia, who oversaw the excise department at the time, was previously arrested in connection with the case but has since been released on bail. Kejriwal, who has denied all allegations, has been in custody since March 2024. His bail plea is currently being reviewed by the Supreme Court. 
The CBI asserts that it has gathered substantial evidence, including documents and witness testimonies, to support its claims. The case has sparked widespread political controversy, with opposition parties accusing AAP of corruption and financial misconduct. As the investigation continues, the case could have significant political ramifications for AAP, particularly as the party prepares for future elections. If proven, the allegations could severely impact AAP’s reputation and leadership, potentially undermining its governance in Delhi and beyond. 
The investigation is ongoing, and the political fallout from the case is being closely monitored. Further developments are expected as the legal process advances. For more politics news in Hindi, subscribe to our newsletter. 
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mybharatguru · 24 days
Court custody of Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal extended again in liquor policy case
Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal’s judicial custody has been extended till September 3 in the Delhi liquor policy case. Kejriwal was produced in the Delhi Liquor Policy Violation case through video in the Rose Avenue court. It was argued by the CBI that the Aam Aadmi Party contested the Goa Legislative Assembly elections with the money obtained from the liquor policy scandal. In that…
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adroitextrusion · 1 month
Supplier of Monolayer Blown Film Machine
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Adroit Extrusion is a Supplier of Monolayer Blown Film Machine across india. We are based in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. Adroit Extrusion are Manufacturer, Supplier, and Exporter of Vertical Granule Mixer With Dryer Extrusion Process Control, Gusset Board Assembly, Trim Recycling Machine, Hopper Loader, Plastic Granule and Powder Mixer, Plastic Recycling Machine, Bubble Slit Assembly. We specialize in manufacturing top-of-the-line Monolayer Blown Film Machines designed to meet the rigorous demands of modern packaging industries. We build our Monolayer Blown Film Machines to produce consistent and uniform film quality, ideal for a wide range of applications. Our machines use advanced technology for precise temperature control and automatic die-gap adjustments, ensuring optimal film quality. Constructed from high-grade materials, our machines offer exceptional durability and reliability, even under continuous operation. Working Principle: Our Monolayer Blown Film Machines extrude polymer resin through a circular die to create tubular film. We cool and solidify the film by blowing air into it, creating a bubble that we then collapse and wind into rolls. This process allows for the production of high-quality, consistent film that meets industry standards. Adroit Extrusion supplies Monolayer Blown Film Machines across India, including locations like Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Chandigarh, Chhattisgarh, Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu, Delhi, Goa, Gujarat, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Kerala, Ladakh, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Manipur, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Odisha, Puducherry, Punjab, Rajasthan, Sikkim, Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Tripura, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, West Bengal. For further details, please feel free to contact us. View Product: Click here Read the full article
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shoppsin · 1 month
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tfgadgets · 2 months
Parliament Session LIVE Updates: Govt. all set to table Bill to amend Wakf Act 1995 - The Hindu
Parliament Session LIVE Updates: Govt. all set to table Bill to amend Wakf Act 1995  The Hindu Monsoon Session Live Updates: Key Bills To Be Tabled In Parliament Today  NDTV Govt to allow up to 4 nominees per deposit account  The Economic Times Centre to introduce Bill to reserve ST seats in Goa Assembly on August 5  Deccan Herald Parliament Session Live Updates: Parliament’s Budget session…
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akhabarfactory · 2 months
Breaking: Union Minister Hardeep Puri Will Introduce Bill To Modify Oilfields Regulation Act in Parliament
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IntroductionMajor Updates in Parliament: Key Bills and ReactionsAmending the Oilfields Regulation ActProposed Changes to the Wakf ActControversy and OppositionReservation Bill for Scheduled Tribes in GoaResponses from Key StakeholdersConcerns from the Muslim CommunityConclusion
Union Minister Hardeep Singh Puri is preparing to introduce a new Bill that seeks to modify the 1948 Oilfields (Regulation and move) Act, which is a noteworthy move. Given that it corresponds with proposed amendments to the Wakf Act, it is expected that this legislative action will provoke discussion and possibly even physical altercations between the opposition and ruling parties. Reactions to these proposed modifications have been mixed, especially with regard to the inclusion of women in these committees and the autonomy of Waqf boards.
Major Updates in Parliament: Key Bills and Reactions
Amending the Oilfields Regulation Act The Oilfields (Regulation and Development) Act, which has regulated India's oilfields since 1948, is set to be updated by the government. It is anticipated that the changes will bring these essential resources' management and regulation up to date.
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Proposed Changes to the Wakf Act Regarding the proposed Wakf Act modifications, another significant event is taking place concurrently. A major influence on the management of Waqf properties could result from these measures, which are intended to improve accountability and transparency within Waqf boards. It is noteworthy that the revisions also require Waqf properties to be registered with district collectors in order to accurately estimate their valuation, and they also seek to guarantee the representation of women on these boards. Controversy and Opposition The Wakf Act's planned amendments have generated debate, especially among a number of Muslim organizations and leaders. Former Minority Affairs Minister Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi emphasized that communal resistance to inclusive reforms is improper and that the Waqf system needs to move past a "touch-me-not" mentality. Some, like Asaduddin Owaisi, the head of AIMIM, contend that the federal government wants to erode the independence of Waqf boards. Reservation Bill for Scheduled Tribes in Goa In addition to the aforementioned, the administration plans to present a bill in the Goa Legislative Assembly that would allocate reservations for scheduled tribes (ST). By taking this action, the ST community's lack of reserved seats in the state assembly will be addressed, and its participation in the legislative process will be guaranteed.
Responses from Key Stakeholders
Concerns from the Muslim Community The revisions being suggested have been met with substantial resistance from the All India Muslim Personal Law Board (AIMPLB). SQR Ilyas, the spokeswoman, stressed that any meddling with the legal standing and authority of Waqf boards would not be accepted. The AIMPLB has called on all Muslims and Muslim-affiliated groups to unite in opposition to what it sees as a government initiative to appropriate Waqf properties.
There will be a lot going on during the legislative session, and it will have a big impact on different communities and industries. Given how delicate these topics are, the proposed changes to the Wakf Act and the Oilfields Regulation Act have already generated a great deal of discussion. Each and every stakeholder will be attentively monitoring these developments as the government and opposition get ready for potentially contentious talks. Also Read: Shocking Decline: Japan Stocks Plunge 7% as Asia Markets Tumble Read the full article
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rginfotechjpr · 2 months
How to Start A Fantasy Sports Business?
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Seize the golden chance in the flourishing fantasy sports industry, led by giants like Dream11. Conduct detailed research, discover your USP, and ensure full legal compliance.
Make sure to register your fantasy sports game development company and secure the necessary licenses to succeed in this lucrative field. By 2027, the fantasy sports market is projected to reach USD 44.07 billion, up from USD 21.39 billion in 2021, with a CAGR of 12.92% from 2022–2027. Keep scrolling to know more.
Top Sports to Consider for Your Fantasy Sports Business.
In India, hockey (the national sport) has a large player base. Kabaddi and football also have massive followings, especially in Kerala, Goa, West Bengal, and Manipur. Kolkata, home to Indian football, reflects the industry's national impact. Take a look at the fantasy sports business startup ideas given below.
Top Fantasy Sports Startup Ideas:
Cricket: this sport has huge fan engagement during IPL and international matches, with over 120 leagues and tournaments.
Football: This popular sport is driven by ISL, I-League, and international leagues like EPL and UEFA Champions League.
Kabaddi: Pro Kabaddi League (PKL) attracts a massive nationwide following.
Basketball: basketball has a huge base in urban areas, driven by NBA and local leagues.
Field Hockey: Rich history with rising interest in HIL and international competitions like the FIH Hockey World Cup.
What are Fantasy Sports?
Fantasy sports are online games that allow players to create virtual teams of real-world athletes. Points are scored based on the real-life performance of these athletes, which are converted into fantasy points. The better the real-life performance, the higher the fantasy points. Participants compete using the internet, assembling teams from various sports like football, cricket, and basketball. The teams' success depends on the statistical performance of the chosen athletes in actual games.
Why Start A Fantasy Sports Business?
According to the top fantasy sports app development company, starting a business in fantasy sports is indeed a profitable venture for several reasons:
Growing Market Demand: Fantasy sports are gaining global popularity, attracting millions of sports enthusiasts and gamers, reflecting strong market demand.
Engaging User Experience: The interactive gameplay and social interaction through leagues and discussions foster community building.
Monetization Opportunities: Platforms can monetize through subscription fees, premium features, advertising, and sponsorship deals.
Scalable Fantasy Sports Business Model: Its global reach and year-round engagement are enabled by internet connectivity and diverse sports seasons.
Innovation and differentiation: Incorporating features like daily fantasy sports and AI-driven recommendations helps fantasy sports software companies stand out and retain users.
How Do You Start a Fantasy Sports Business?
Here are some points you need to consider before venturing into the world of fantasy sports business. Take a look:
Concept and Niche: Decide whether to cover multiple sports such as football, cricket, basketball, and hockey, or focus on one sport to create a specialized experience for hardcore fans.
Market Research: Analyze industry reports to gauge market size and growth trends, understand regional regulations, and study top competitors like ESPN Fantasy Sports and FanDuel to gather insights and ensure legal compliance.
Choosing Your Sports: Select sports based on market demand, user preferences, and growth potential through thorough research, trend analysis, and understanding your target audience’s interests.
Developing the Concept: Every fantasy sports business plan needs a concept. Decide if your platform will be an app, a website, or both. Design the functionality and visuals of your app with a focus on usability and adaptability to changing market demands.
Technical Development: Choose a tech stack (e.g., React for frontend, Node.js for backend, PostgreSQL for databases), and prioritize intuitive UI/UX,
Legal and Regulatory Requirements: Research legal status, obtain licenses, ensure data protection compliance (e.g., GDPR), and adhere to gaming and advertising regulations.
Building Your Team: select a reputable fantasy app development company and assemble a team with a product manager, developers, designers, marketers, data analysts, and customer support staff for effective development and user engagement.
Marketing and Growth: Ensure your fantasy cricket app developers use SEO, social media, and email marketing strategies. Collaborate with influencers and offer rewards.
Launch: Create buzz with pre-launch campaigns, and media coverage, and introduce host launch events.
More things can help you to start a fantasy sports business. To know all these, keep reading the original piece of content here: https://bit.ly/3ymMUqL
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trueenewshub · 2 months
Kejriwal is now Superstar
IMC WEB DESK NEW DELHI: Delhi’s Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal got major relief after Honourable Supreme court granted interim bail over the money laundering case. 
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Bandana Kumari is relieved but worried of the road ahead.
Three times AAP MLA Bandana Kumari from Shalimar Bagh constituency speaking exclusively to IMC News Bureau said that Kejriwal’s release is a big boost for the party’s fortune ahead of the impending Assembly election.
Referring to Delhi’s voters as an extended family of Aam Aadmi Party, she said all pending welfare issues of the state would now, be fast tracked before the announcement of the assembly election dates.
Bandana Kumari told IMC news bureau that all pending files on various developmental programs would now be taken up urgently by the CM’s office.
AAP’s future step
Bandana Kumari disagreed that anything quite stopped during Kejriwal’s absence. She said “Even in the absence of the CM, there was not even a single day when APP was not hitting the roads solving grass root level issues.”
With just a few month’s left for the upcoming assembly election, AAP has a tall task in hand. Non BJP votes would be divided between AAP and Congress as the National Alliance won’t work in Delhi. It would a fourth straight fight for Bandana Kumari in the prestigious Shalimar Bagh Constituency on New Delhi.
How Kejriwal got bailed out
On March 21, ED arrested Arvind Kejriwal by alleging a case of criminal conspiracy by the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leaders like Manish Sisodia and others to benefit the liquor sellers by doing changes in the Delhi Excise Policy of 2021-22.
According to the agencies which are involved in this case alleged that AAP funded their election campaign in Goa with funds procured by this exercise.
In the Delhi excise policy case, The Supreme Court has granted interim bail to Delhi Chief Minister and Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) National Convener Arvind Kejriwal on Friday.
In the order passed, a larger bench of top court needs to reconsider the legal question regarding the "necessity to arrest" under Section 19 of the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA). This will definitely help in order to move the case forward.
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goasathi123 · 3 months
A Day in the Life of a Diver: Scuba Diving Experiences in Goa
Scuba diving in Goa offers an exhilarating adventure beneath the waves, revealing a vibrant and diverse underwater world. From the initial preparations to the final plunge, each step of a diving day is filled with excitement, anticipation, and discovery. Here’s a glimpse into what a day in the life of a scuba diver in Goa looks like, capturing the essence of this extraordinary experience.
Morning: Preparation and Briefing
The day begins early, often with the first light of dawn. Divers gather at a designated meeting point, usually a dive shop or resort, where they meet their instructors and fellow divers. The first order of business is to complete necessary paperwork, ensuring everyone is medically fit and aware of the risks and responsibilities involved in Scuba Diving Combo Package in goa
Next comes the equipment check. Divers are fitted with wetsuits, masks, fins, and other essential gear. The dive instructor meticulously inspects the equipment, ensuring everything is in top condition. This step is crucial for safety and comfort underwater. Once the gear is sorted, the group assembles for a detailed briefing. The instructor outlines the dive plan, including the dive site, depth, duration, and any specific points of interest. Safety protocols, hand signals, and emergency procedures are also reviewed to ensure everyone is prepared and confident.
Mid-Morning: Journey to the Dive Site
With the briefing complete, divers head to the dive boat that will take them to the dive site. The boat ride itself is a thrilling part of the adventure, offering stunning views of Goa’s coastline and the open sea. The journey varies in length depending on the dive site, but it usually takes around 30 to 60 minutes. During this time, divers can relax, chat with their companions, and mentally prepare for the dive ahead.
Late Morning: The First Dive
Upon reaching the dive site, the excitement reaches its peak. Divers don their gear and perform final checks.Best Water sports activities combo in Goa One by one, they enter the water, either by a giant stride from the boat’s edge or a backroll entry. As soon as they descend, a whole new world unfolds. The waters of Goa are teeming with marine life, from colorful coral reefs to schools of tropical fish. Divers might encounter vibrant parrotfish, majestic rays, and even curious sea turtles. Each dive site offers unique attractions, whether it’s exploring an underwater cave, navigating through a shipwreck, or simply admiring the beauty of the reef.
Midday: Surface Interval and Relaxation
After the first dive, divers return to the boat for a surface interval. This break is essential to allow nitrogen levels in the body to decrease before the next dive. It’s also a time to relax, rehydrate, and enjoy some snacks. Divers often share their experiences, exchange tips, and revel in the excitement of their underwater encounters.
Early Afternoon: The Second Dive
Refreshed and ready, divers gear up for their second dive. This dive is usually at a different spot nearby,best scuba diving in goa  offering a new set of underwater wonders. The second dive often feels more relaxed as divers are more acclimated to the water and more confident with their equipment. It’s another chance to explore, observe marine life, and perhaps take some underwater photographs to capture the memories.
Late Afternoon: Return and Reflection
After the second dive, the group returns to shore. The boat ride back is filled with chatter and laughter as divers recount their adventures. Once back on land, the gear is cleaned and stowed away, and everyone gathers for a debriefing session. The instructor reviews the dives, addresses any questions, and highlights noteworthy sightings and experiences.
Evening: Unwinding and Celebrating
As the sun sets, divers often gather at a local restaurant or beach shack to unwind and celebrate the day’s adventures.Night Cruise Dinner Party In Goa
 Over a delicious meal of Goan seafood and refreshing drinks, they share stories, review photographs, and strengthen the bonds formed through their shared experience.
A day in the life of a scuba diver in Goa is an extraordinary journey from dawn to dusk, filled with preparation, exploration, and camaraderie. The thrill of discovering the underwater world, coupled with the beauty and serenity of Goa’s dive sites, makes for an unforgettable experience. Whether you’re a seasoned diver or a novice, scuba diving in Goa promises a day of adventure, discovery, and lasting memories
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