#Go Homeeee
eulaliasims · 6 months
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I looked over at the train table going when Three and Clara were occupied with something else and was like, 'is this thing haunted now? first it's a fire hazard, now this???'.
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aquablues-archive · 2 years
pure agony when i see keita clips
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comfycozycrossfox · 1 year
the customer is not always right in fact i would argue that the customer is always wrong
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skullz-chamber · 2 years
My lil homies ex moved on so I was stalking her ex's new gf ( you know, for emotional support ) lol
Anyway I'm so far down the FB rabbit hole that I'm now stalking the new girlfriend's Ex boyfriend's profile and tell me why I see my homegirl there. Just the first mf on his friends list
I was like Bry nooooooo. I have not been able to reach her since 😩😂
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sunkissedlouis · 1 year
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louis running towards the pride flag at the barricade (and ending the show there sobs) 🏳️‍🌈💖 | away from home festival 2023
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kosmogrl · 10 months
these period cramps are out to kill me this month 😭
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hella1975 · 10 months
Chapter 43: You All The Way Down
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idkwhyimhere5462 · 2 months
My Ninjago fan art of the Ice Emperor dead.
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Everyone should draw their favorite character dead.
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leprosycock · 4 months
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* Swedish Culture *
As my exchange semester is coming to an end, I want to share with you what learned about Sweden the last 6 months
Trains drive on the left side of the tracks. On dagen H, everyone switched from driving on the left side to the right side, except for trains. Swedes will look at you funny for bringing that up.
On every product there is a detailed description of how each part of the product should be recycled. We need to do that everywhere.
Fika <33333333
There are no rules for biking here. It is chaos. As a Dutch person I'm very confused
Love to the academic quarter that allows me to be 15 minutes late to every lecture
I think Gävlebocken is a tradition we need to keep. Especially the burning part of it.
Why does everything close so early during the weekends??? What am I supposed to do??
Ikea has my heart. And a lot of my money.
Sun setting at 14.30 makes me want to eat dinner so early already
Also, the cold makes my hair literally so static? Does anyone know what to do about it?
I can never live without kanelbullar again
The amount of lactosefree options there are everywhere! Love it!
Swedes will be sitting outside of a café even when it is -2 degrees. I have the utmost respect for them.
Why do you close everything for the winter? What am I supposed to do now??
The Ikea stereotype is no joke. Everything I own is from Ikea. Everything my friends own is from Ikea.
I miss cheap alcohol :(
Where are there random loose chairs and tables in your trains? Where do they come from? Why are they there?
Affordable housing <333
Little kids in their little snowsuits with their little snowboots are the cutest thing ever
In small towns, you can find like 7 different Japanese restaurants. Nothing else tho.
Kötbullar are so cheap. I love them. I buy them all the time.
I need to know, why are you so obsessed with Thailand as a country?? I need answers.
I'm not made to withstand -15 degrees. No Swede bats an eye.
Also, choirs are a very big thing??? I wish I could sing well.
Did I already mention kanelbullar? <33333
People ask you if you've already been to the ABBA museum. You have not. You are also not planning on going. Still, people ask you.
The Vasa Museum is a very controversial topic.
The red barns you see everywhere are painted with animal blood. You like to point that out to everyone who comes to visit you.
You have not seen the sun in days. You live on vitamin D-supplements and nothing else
Icehockey looks 75% of the time like very aggressive flirting. You know, like the kdramas
You are sitting in the bus quietly. There are people checking the tickets. You have a ticket. Suddenly, there are 4 people standing over you checking your ticket. There's only 5 people in the bus.
16.00 is rush hour. That is very early.
People will not move out of the way for you. Not in the supermarket, not on the train or on the pavement. There have been many times I have had to walk on the road because people will not move for you.
What is lingonberry and why do you put it in everything?
Why do your parties start and end so early?? Why is 4.00 considered "late"?
Just like the Vasa museum, Gamla Uppsala is a very controversial topic.
Tiny rocks are strewn over the street to combat the ice and snow. They get stuck in your shoes. There is a tiny rock collection on the floor of the hallway now.
It is -20 degrees Celsius outside. You see a dude wearing kaki shorts.
Tomten has my heart. He is so tiny.
Student discounts <3333
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rogdona · 6 months
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franollie · 2 months
i bring a very “scemma endgame makes the most sense” kinda attitude to the workplace that my red pill comic reader coworker does not appreciate :/
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sugarsnappeases · 6 days
hello!!!! you did not ask but i’ve been getting emotional recently about hogwarts…. jen said ‘heart of wizarding britain’ and yeah oh my god it makes me fucking crazy. like. imagine you’ve just been through a year of all-out war. everyone you know is fighting for their lives or in hiding or dead and you don’t know who’s alive and you haven’t spoken to anyone bc you don’t know who you can trust but you get word that the final battle is happening. and not only that but it’s happening at hogwarts. and hogwarts is a place that was always safe and holds so many happy memories and is HOME for so many people and now it’s under attack and so you go, maybe not even necessarily bc you particularly support either side but bc it’s HOGWARTS and hogwarts is HOME and so much love and the crux of so many people’s lives and you just have to go and help where you can. the thought of people piling through that tunnel from the hog’s head makes me fucking insane. like the amount of love in that room. the reunions. the people you thought you’d never see again. and you’re all there joined together to defend the place where you met, where you grew up together, where you became the people that you are today. and maybe you’ll die but hogwarts is home. you couldn’t possibly let it go down without a fight.
i’ve also been thinking about the death eaters who are there ATTACKING the castle. and maybe some of them called it home as well…. like even tom called it home at one point in time and although he’s way too far gone by that point and his memories were probs kinda soured anyway by dumbledore etc there must be some of his death eaters for whom hogwarts was always safety when they were students but now they’re THREATENING that safety. tainting those memories. like do you guys think they felt remorse??? guilt??? horror??? idk it’s just so interesting to me. the fact that the war proper starts (w dumbledore’s death) and ends at hogwarts. it’s really the centre of everything. even without taking the war into consideration it’s the centre of everything. it makes me CRAAAZY
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kamiraaah · 24 days
I'm tired of working I just wanna draw my silly little guys
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gayislander · 1 year
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They got me good... 😢
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bumblesimagines · 2 months
Season 3 of Vikings: Valhalla dropped y'all
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