newscarsting · 1 month
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gay gnomeys infesting my mind ( ship between unnamed gnomey ( i cal him gay gnomey ) THAT FSHOWED UP FOR 1 MINUTE and gnew guy gnomey which was only made OR EVEN THOUGHT OFbecause of me. the only thing i have going for this ship is that gay gnomey gave gnew guy gnomey his number for NO FUCKING REASON AR ALL. asked him to text him anytime and left. i know what you ARE gay GNOMEY. )
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vamprisms · 1 year
the word news should have a silent g. just my opinion
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leanderqueenie · 1 year
I am no longer 'gay'
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litwhorees · 2 years
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duky82 · 6 days
 QUERALT LAHOZ, THE KIFFNESS, MARO, CARLOS ARES, NATALIA DOCCO, FILLAS DE CASSANDRA, WILLIE PEYOTE, PEDRO PASTOR Y EL KANKA, ENTRE OTROS, EN MOMENTOS ALHAMBRA 2024 Momentos Alhambra continúa su actividad con un espectacular cartel a lo largo de los próximos meses. Lo más actual de la escena musical nacional e internacional ha pasado, y pasará por las salas de conciertos más destacadas y en los…
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jinx-on-mars-19xx · 1 year
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I thought standing up for shit that everyone stands up for wasn't cool?? So you steal other people's moves and queerbait. Lovely. You already fucked up dude, it's going to be a loooot harder to make it better. Not being homophobic (maybe) doesn't make up for being that misogynistic 🤷🏼‍♂️🖕
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wrenchswango · 1 year
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good gnews everyone
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apple20238 · 1 year
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lindanz50 · 2 years
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harkre · 1 month
I don't know where to post this—
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But it isn't like she and her "group" can't drive me off the server—because I've long left it behind. And it was I who originally introduced them to "Minecraft" which I had made a realm and invited them alongside friends. However, when people were suggesting I made a server—I told them it would take me awhile to make one. Well—Niklos couldn't wait and took everyone off from my realm and invited them to 'their server' without inviting me which I had to third-party to get a invite because I didn't even know about it!
And many don't know the actually reason why I left Moon Guard—it was due to "Niklos Adamant" Guild Leader of the Remnants of Lordaeron and it wasn't due to the "Minecraft" incident. They are manipulative and most of this stems due to lack of communication from them and other people. The only person that really communicated to me about any complaints was the leader from the Residuum. Apparently "Niklos" had a problem with me for months but never communicated about it once despite our close proximity in-game and being friends in discord. They never contacted me to expression their complaints to me directly for "months" and when they did contact me about it—
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Literally didn't communicated back with me for "months" via discord and accused me of "siccing" my friends after them. When I wasn't even online in-game for that and don't know the full context of what had happened. Just that I was doing a role-play that involved someone wanting to role-play with people from the Cathedral group and that wanted to be involved with my story. But something happened and it blew way out of proportion and was never given screenshots of what actually occurred from either party. But as you can see Niklos hadn't contacted me since December of 2021 and all the way until May of 2022 and /whisper communication in-game was non-existent.
And the screenshots in regards to the conversation that had with Hillsbradian below were originally shown to me by Niklos herself before I joined their discord back in 2019 when I had originally joined Moon Guard and was desperate for friends. I should have taken screenshots but I never thought anything like this could occur in the future with "drama"
Basically they whispered me this tinyurl link that they were "sad" that these screenshots were going around framing them in a bad way and that they were fake. And basically said something like this: "you know that isn't my discord profile picture and name" and I was dumb enough to believe them—because I didn't know better and was just desperate for a friend. However the conversation always hit me as fishy because—"you can change your profile picture and name" at any time!
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I stumbled back on the screenshots here on tumblr and clearly other people seem to be aware of them and that they aren't "fake"
I've made even more people aware of them. For example: "Gnews" "Eveneah Rosewood" and some of the core officers and the leader for the "Residuum of Icecrown" are aware of the screenshots and if there is more evidence apparently this Maxen has them.
Including of Bishop "Tyragonfal" which the Residuum of Icecrown does have a document about them with evidence for why they are "blacklisted"
Tyragonfal also stalked my character from the Residuum of Icecrown various times until I had to join a voice chat for the "Midnight Repose" to tell them to stop parking themselves right nearby me in emote range. They would also metagame using their alt in the Residuum of Icecrown at the time called "Nightravens" and they are a 38+ female player who was sending inappropriate messages to the officers from the Residuum of Icecrown in a very "s*xuel matter" and seem to target young men for their "r*pe" kinks and even wrote an inappropriate fanfiction with them and another character without their consent. Eitherway "Midnight Repose" defends them and Niklos gave them a high role in their Remnant of Lordaeron discord.
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newscarsting · 1 month
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first person to ever think about or draw that gay gnomey
design might not look that accurate from theanime cuz i took it from a Card instead of the photo itself IT WAS THE ONLY TBING I HAD ON ME AT THEMOMENT
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abr · 2 months
“L’attentato non mi ha sorpreso: avete fatto di Trump l’immagine del male, era facile che qualcuno portasse il suo odio a tentare di sparagli”. (Nigel Farage, UK).
Additare il mostro e trovare poi qualcuno disposto a eliminarlo è un sistema vecchio come il mondo che è andato di moda nei secoli fino a Gandhi, ai Kennedy, più recentemente per il leader slovacco Robert Fico e ora per Trump. È un meccanismo che tutti condannano e fanno finta di detestare, ma che in fondo è comodo per eliminare qualsiasi pericoloso avversario. Immaginatevi che la pallottola contro Trump, sparata da 137 metri di distanza, fosse passata un centimetro più a destra (...).
(L)’ordine di far fuoco non è certo arrivato dalla Casa Bianca (anche se è logico ammettere che un assassinio avrebbe fatto molto comodo), ma è anche ammissibile qualche sospetto sulle consuete “devianze dei Servizi”, soprattutto se fossero vere le testimonianze che l’attentatore (...) sarebbe stato segnalato da alcuni partecipanti al comizio alle forze dell’ordine che però non sarebbero intervenute.
Imperizia, superficialità, dolo?
Resterà un dubbio, come quello che mi sono sempre posto anche a proposito del cosiddetto “assalto” al Campidoglio USA del 6 gennaio 2021. Come mai, pur ben sapendo che da tutta la nazione sarebbero convenuti a Washington quel giorno decine di migliaia di supporter di Trump imbufaliti (...), in quella piazza non era stata schierata che un’esigua presenza di agenti e le porte del palazzo erano aperte senza nessuno che le presidiasse? Anche allora quell’assalto sarebbe servito a demonizzare e criminalizzare Trump (...).
Più in generale il richiamo alla calma, al rispetto, alla pacificazione nazionale sembra scontato e assolutamente condivisibile, ma appare ora anche estremamente ipocrita. Da anni Trump è additato come il genio del male, mai come contro di lui si sono schierati giudici, giornali, tv e media in tutto il mondo. (...) Non vale solo per Trump (...).
via https://www.ilsussidiario.net/news/attentato-a-trump-il-meccanismo-molto-semplice-che-ha-portato-thomas-crooks-a-premere-il-grilletto/2731252/?utm_source=newsshowcase&utm_medium=gnews&utm_campaign=CDAqEAgAKgcICjDMoYALMP2hjAMww-KzAg&utm_content=rundown
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gnusnoteunuchs · 1 month
went to the kink club and gnobody gnew you
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duky82 · 20 days
PAT METHENY lanza su nuevo álbum, MOONDIAL, editado por BMG
PAT METHENY lanza su nuevo álbum, MOONDIAL, editado por BMG Metheny ha hecho con este álbum lo que nunca antes en su carrera: concebir, grabar y publicar un nuevo trabajo discográfico en medio de otra gira Continue reading PAT METHENY lanza su nuevo álbum, MOONDIAL, editado por BMG
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wordswithkittywitch · 2 months
Back from GNEW.
The man who stood in the middle of the marketplace and bellowed, "Oh what a day what day what a day what a lovely day! Good morning, and what a day!" every fucking morning at six fifteen is only alive because I can't move that fast before my sleep meds wear off.
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infectiouspiss · 2 years
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