#gnew guy gnomey
newscarsting · 1 month
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gay gnomeys infesting my mind ( ship between unnamed gnomey ( i cal him gay gnomey ) THAT FSHOWED UP FOR 1 MINUTE and gnew guy gnomey which was only made OR EVEN THOUGHT OFbecause of me. the only thing i have going for this ship is that gay gnomey gave gnew guy gnomey his number for NO FUCKING REASON AR ALL. asked him to text him anytime and left. i know what you ARE gay GNOMEY. )
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newscarsting · 1 month
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first person to ever think about or draw that gay gnomey
design might not look that accurate from theanime cuz i took it from a Card instead of the photo itself IT WAS THE ONLY TBING I HAD ON ME AT THEMOMENT
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newscarsting · 6 months
PINNED pined aiawe some
hi my name homestar or tem
mexican american and bigender acespike cupiorom lesbian
i like plating and havinf g fun and. Drawing. im literally a karakasa obake irl too trust me bro im cute awesome umbrella and i like to hop around and Lick people🙏🙏
currently fixated on yokai watch ( ive been a fan since 2016 i get refixated like every 2 years for. whatever reason ) . and i think gegege no kitaro im unsure ( dont follow me for one thing i dont like making gnew blogs for a specific thing either so La )
i like gnomey and b3nk1 and oh wheel a Lot. gnew guy gnomey is one of my favorite sideseries plz watch ep69 ( first gnew guy gnomey ep ) has Gay gnomey. hes one of mh favs
i have too much favs to list. i love classic yokai a Loot though
i like nuclear rabbit and koppen and now we've got members and of montreal Awesome JUST AWESOME BANDS PLEASE LISTEN
my spinterests are disney xd and birds. i post abiout birds a Lot.
someteimes i spam reposts of stuff i really like keep that in mind. and im more active on twitter by the same user if u wanna see me post and be more Auism anout Gnomey and some other guys
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look at Gay gnomeys
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