@inxthexxshadows​ replied here
Chase glanced over Jordan and then gave a shrug at the others questioning "Sorry. God and I go way back. Eighteen years to be exact. And we have a bit of beef. Anyway...Uhm. No. You shouldn't be. This is about me." As self centered as that came off, it was still very true of Chase. He made most things about him. Looking toward the outstretched hand Chase paused a moment.
Then he walked a little closer and took the others hand "Jorden Kent. Huh." Jordan was certainly not bad to look at, he was sure about that. The fact that he was even thinking that was unsettling to him, though. He wasn't used to this sort of thing. Giving a shake of the others hand he quickly pulled his own away and went silent for a moment before saying " My Benny 'The Jet' Rodriguez."
Now, if the other had watched the movie, The Sandlot, they were certainly going to see right through his lie. But Chase had often liked to deflect his true identity, if he could get a bit of amusement out of it. Looking Jorden over still he put on a grin "You know, they always said a soulmates mark would glow brightly. It wasn't till this moment, of course, that I actually believed that."
"So what are you doing out this late, Jordan Kent?"
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