#Gloria/Velvet Velour
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internod · 1 year ago
𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐈𝐎𝐍 / actividad dos.
⚁ Registro de la conversación entre Choi Binna y la Camarilla con relación a la desaparición de Mihara Naoki. Cuarta semana de agosto del 2023.
ojalĂĄ pudiera disfrutar del camino, hay obras para apreciar, reliquias que nunca antes habĂ­a visto y muchos lujos, tal cual se reflejĂł en la fiesta, pero no en las calles. el hecho de transitar por los pasillos y notar la gran opulencia solo le genera mucha molestia y frustraciĂłn. hace minutos atrĂĄs tuvo que patrullar tokio para “atrapar ratas” (en su caso, fingir hacerlo) pues al parecer nadie mĂĄs se cargarĂĄ el problema al hombro. muy bonita la realeza hasta que deben proteger a su pueblo, piensa mientras kiyoshi la guĂ­a por un sitio al nivel del suelo, sin ventanas. sospechoso. podrĂ­a asustarse, claro, pero no es tonta, no vino completamente vulnerable. esconde una navaja debajo de su manga por si las dudas y no teme usarla. aprendiĂł a manejar el objeto afilado, cuando se dio cuenta que sin su familia y sin nadie que la proteja debe cuidarse ella misma, decidiĂł comenzar a practicar. a veces, en ocasiones especiales, contrata guardaespaldas, pero nada mejor que el trabajo hecho por uno mismo, se asegura el Ă©xito.
minamoto aiko aparece en su cambio visual, dåndole la bienvenida. un simple movimiento de cabeza es su respuesta antes de notar como el hijo del príncipe pasa a su lado sin pena ni gloria, sentåndose. enseguida siente una sensación de incomodidad recorrerle el cuerpo entero. ah, si no estå allí para recibir un título nobiliario entonces se sentirå altamente decepcionada. es lo que merece, ser recibida y festejada como toda una reina, sin embargo intuición le dice que no sucederå, que como el resto del mundo quieren algo de ella, buscan chuparle la sangre figurativamente para sacarle un provecho. aprieta los labios, evitando revelar sus emociones cuando se sienta frente a los dos. brazalete de aiko brilla, encandilåndola alguna que otra vez, dejåndole saber que sí hay dinero para joyas, pero no para expertos fumigadores. podría quejarse, abrir la boca y soltar verdades, sin embargo cuestionario empieza. debe pensar muy bien que contestar, pareciera que acaban de traerle a una emboscada mås no va a darles el gusto de caer, de doblegarse. binna es una våstaga fuerte, lo fue también en sus épocas humanas, una mujer que pisa con firmeza a donde quiera que entra, imponiendo presencia. 
⚁ cuĂ©ntanos,Âżpor quĂ© piensas que estĂĄs aquĂ­? primera pregunta que recibe, la cual provoca que sus ojos se entrecierren, creyendo que le acaba de hacer una broma de mal gusto. ’ ustedes dĂ­ganme, me citaron aquĂ­, Âżno? ’ no fue por voluntad propia, porque quiera verlos, los admire ni nada cercano siquiera. a su vez, proceso analĂ­tico en su mente le indica que no revele informaciĂłn extra, que se limite a mantener silencio y contestar solo lo extremadamente necesario. si puede tirar la pelota en cancha contraria, mejor, significa que ella es quien se irĂĄ con informaciĂłn extra y no al revĂ©s. aquel es su objetivo, torcer la situaciĂłn a su favor a pesar de tener absolutamente todo en contra. 
⚁ es verdad, tiempo al tiempo. ¿notaste algo o a alguien que llamarå tu atención en la fiesta realizada en el vesuvius? ¿por qué razón?
’ yo soy quien llama la atenciĂłn, Âżme han visto? llevaba un atuendo despampanante en la fiesta. ’ responde con tranquilidad y un tono algo sobrador que no puede evitar. Âżque esperan? Âżque revele paso a paso de lo que hizo y no hizo en aquel evento? como si fuera una especie de sospechosa, si estuviera en la comisarĂ­a preguntarĂ­a: ¿necesito un abogado? pero se abstiene, simplemente los mira neutral. ’ interactuĂ© con muchos vĂĄstagos, consumimos las bebidas que velvet velour puso en el menĂș para la ocasiĂłn, muy buenas, si me lo preguntan, no por nada es la dueña. ’ decide ser honesta porque tambiĂ©n lo necesita, mĂĄs allĂĄ de todo quienes tiene enfrente son poderosos, podrĂ­an volverle la existencia imposible con solo mover un dedo, por ende confiesa datos fĂĄcilmente comprobables, a fin de cuentas no miente en nada, pueden preguntarle a las mĂĄs de diez personas que se cruzĂł allĂ­. ⚁ entonces, ÂżquĂ© conoces de mihara naoki?
’ ¿a quien? ’ confusiĂłn es genuina, nombre no le suena, honestamente conoce a miles de humanos y a muchĂ­simos vĂĄstagos, imposible serĂ­a recordarles a todos. para despejarle el panorama aiko se acerca y le entrega una foto del vampiro al que se refiere. ojos enseguida se ponen a inspeccionarla, no perdiĂ©ndose detalle hasta que lamparita de prende encima de su cabeza, por supuesto, sabe quiĂ©n es. ’ sĂ­, lo he visto antes. ‘ 
⚁ ¿cĂłmo y dĂłnde fue tu Ășltima interacciĂłn con Ă©l? ’ en la fiesta, nos conocimos esa misma noche, le pedĂ­ que me recomendara alguna bebida, como dije antes, asĂ­ me entretuve. ’ siente cierta satisfacciĂłn cuando contesta tan sĂłlida, ÂĄy ni siquiera debe inventar nada, todo es cierto! bendita sea su memoria para haberle reconocido en la imagen, ahora es ella quien comienza a sentir curiosidad por todo esto en vez de preocupaciĂłn, preguntas tan especĂ­ficas
 Âżacaso investigan una desapariciĂłn? o peor aĂșn, Âżun asesinato? ’ se veĂ­a extraño, como si estuviera intoxicado con alguna sustancia. ’ continĂșa exteriorizando memorias que comienzan a llegar de aquella velada, sin duda habĂ­a algo malo en Ă©l, quizĂĄ demasiados excesos, u otra cosa, no podrĂ­a asegurarlo pues interacciĂłn fue demasiado breve como para tener una conversaciĂłn mĂĄs profunda y conocerse de verdad. 
⚁ ¿lo viste conversar con alguna otra persona la noche de la fiesta? y, ¿tuviste contacto con él después?¿intentaste contactarlo?
’ no realmente, hablamos unos minutos y luego cada uno siguiĂł su propio camino. ’ binna es alguien que se distrae fĂĄcilmente en ese tipo de entornos, atenciĂłn se vio dispersa y lo perdiĂł entre la gente. no se atribuye toda la culpa de ello, ya lo dijo antes, naoki no estaba en sus cinco sentidos y no lo juzga, la mayorĂ­a de los invitados siguiĂł ese mismo camino, incluso por su parte bebiĂł y bebiĂł, divirtiĂ©ndose muchĂ­simo hasta que decidiĂł volver a casa. ’ no, no intercambiamos nĂșmeros y no fue alguien relevante para mĂ­, ni que haya destacado para querer volver a buscarlo. ’ explica encogiendo sus hombros luego, tiene su orgullo y muy poco tiempo disponible, no hay forma que se ponga a investigar a otro vĂĄstago, si alguien desea compartir el tiempo con ella puede intentarlo, situaciĂłn inversa, espera que vengan a ella y no al revĂ©s. 
⚁ ¿cuåndo y de qué manera te enteraste de su desaparición? ¿por qué no reportaste la desaparición de un miembro de la camarilla?
sus ojos se abren de par en par, a pesar de haber estado manteniendo la compostura en todo momento sorpresa que siente es imposible de disimular, siendo una noticia muy pesada, que se esperaba, sĂ­, pero que no supo hasta ahora. ’ en este mismo momento, desconocĂ­a que se encuentra desaparecido. ’ entonces no estuvo tan lejos de la verdad con sus suposiciones, si la citaron al palacio es porque tienen una investigaciĂłn abierta en marcha, intentan encontrar al vampiro desaparecido. desconoce cĂłmo se han enterado de que charlaron en la fiesta pero claramente acaba de convertirse en un testigo de algo mĂĄs grande. ’ si lo hubiese sabido no habrĂ­a retenido la informaciĂłn, como han podido apreciar he cooperado en cada pregunta. ’ mĂĄs de lo que pretendĂ­a en una primera instancia, de hecho, si fue una de las Ășltimas en ver a naoki entonces lo que acaba de contarles es importante, tienen un punto de partida. existe la posibilidad de que alguien le haya echado algo en su bebida, o que haya tenido problemas al tener el raciocinio nublado por sustancias, en ese estado las posibilidades son infinitas. 
⚁ entendemos, binna, solo queda la Ășltima pregunta: Âża dĂłnde fuiste luego de la fiesta?
’ a mi penthouse, ahí vivo y es donde pueden encontrarme la mayoría del tiempo. ’ aunque realmente espera no tener que volver, ni hacer todo aquello de nuevo, bastante desgastante es recibir interrogante tras interrogante, poner a trabajar su cerebro en orden de mantenerse en una línea verídica, sin faltar a la verdad. ’ ¿ya puedo irme? ’ alza ambas cejas, no es que quiera escapar, sino que se aburrió, mejores cosas que hacer le están esperando, perder el tiempo con la realeza no es de sus hobbies preferidos.
tanto aiko como el hijo del príncipe asienten con la cabeza. ’ adiós, espero que lo encuentren. ’ son palabras que expresa antes de levantarse del sillón y caminar directo a la puerta, sitio donde encuentra a kiyoshi nuevamente para guiarla hacia la salida. 
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missn11 · 3 years ago
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Tuba/Ming Xiao
made from this picrew
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galpalaven · 4 years ago
love’s little reflections
In light of Pride Month, the VtM server I’m in ran a little gift exchange for our OCs! I got matched up with @missn11, and since I can’t draw, I wrote a couple of little drabbles with their OC, Gloria, and her boyfriend, Nines, and her girlfriend, Velvet Velour.
messaline - soft lightweight silk with a satin weave
Gloria spoils Velvet, in every possible way. Physically, emotionally, spiritually. VV deserves to be worshipped, and Gloria makes sure that she feels revered with every gesture she makes, big or small.
She drapes her lover in the finest garments her money can buy—silks and satins and lace, in every color of the rainbow, every style. VV’s wrists and neck drip with jewels, lips painted with only the best of the best when it comes to makeup. Gloria loves the taste of the lipstick on her mouth, sticky and bittersweet. Velvet goes on stage every night in only the finest lingerie, and though no one else out there knows that Gloria spent hours picking out exactly the right shades, exactly the right silhouettes, it sends a shock of excitement through her every time she sees VV up there in something she picked out. It’s not the kind of relationship Gloria ever thought she’d have, truth be told. She’d had many a lover try to win her over with extravagant gifts and hollow gestures, too focused on showing off their money to care whether the gifts were things she’d actually like or not. It wasn’t a great feeling, and she’d always thought it shallow at best, but—this is different.
Velvet receives love best in grand gestures and gifts. Every time Gloria brings her something new, her face lights up, and it’s just like the very first time all over again. In her human life, VV didn’t feel so worthy of such love, and so when she receives extravagant love—meaningful extravagant love, with gifts and gestures that mean something—she practically melts in Gloria’s arms.
It’s a feeling unlike anything Gloria has really felt before, and it makes it all the more special when she gets to lay Velvet down on their silky sheets and give. She gives and gives and gives, and she loves every moment of it. What she gives to Velvet, Velvet gives right back—in words, in letting Gloria take control, in giving herself over to the pleasure, to love, with the trust that she is safe and loved in return.
It’s breathtaking. It’s humbling.
It’s everything.
They dance together through the night, VV leaning back into Gloria’s arms, her small frame fitting perfectly against her as they tangle together until they are both spent. Sex in the afterlife is strange—less hot and sticky, more simmering heat and bloody lips—but even so, being with VV feels like being alive again. Her lips are always warm, and the way her body moves so effortlessly, so gracefully

What a wonderful and rare luxury, to find this kind of love in a world like this.
selcouth - unfamiliar, rare, strange, and yet wonderful
With Nines, love is quiet. Subtle. A brush of fingers on the wrist in passing. An arm thrown over her waist as the day-sleep takes them. The grand gestures give way to smaller ones. He’s in control of so much in his daily life—in charge of so many people, with so many things that cause him stress at the end of the day—that by the time they find a moment to be together, without anyone else, he’s ready to give that up and breathe. She’s more than happy to take what he gives and show him how wonderful he is, through words and through touch, until he’s reminded of just how much she cares for him, and just how much he means to her.
It had taken her very little time to figure out exactly what made him tick, when they first got together. As a domme, Gloria likes to think she’s extraordinarily gifted at reading people, but with him, she found reading him was even easier than she’d expected. He’s not a man of many words or grand gestures. He doesn’t care for pomp and circumstance or gifts. No, he receives love in little moments, little things—and he gives it in the same way. Gloria knows he loves her when he makes time to see her, when he gives himself over to her with a smile on his lips, and she gives that love back to him in other little ways.
Her love language has always been somewhere between acts of service and touch, so it’s not really a surprise when she finds that they just work together. Their love shines brightest in the afterglow, when she’s running her fingers through his hair and murmuring silly, sweet nothings in his ear. When he’s trailing his fingers delicately over every curve, touch feather light to the point that it almost tickles. When she runs him a bath and massages his scalp until he’s all but melting into the bubbles, the sweet smell of candles enveloping them as she laves him with attention

That’s when it’s best—in the aftermath.
She gets the feeling he’s never had anything quite like that with anyone else, sometimes. He doesn’t say—of course, he doesn’t—but that’s okay, because she doesn’t need him to tell her.
It’s all right there, laid out for her plain as day, and she loves it. She loves the quiet way he loves. She loves that she can be something for him that makes the day better, that she can be the thing that pulls every ounce of tension from his muscles and wrap him in comfort and happiness and ecstasy.
She’s had a lot of lovers. None of them have been like him.
Sometimes she’s really glad for the turn her life took.
She’s glad to have him.
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Clare V. Minnie Messenger Bag
A slim Clare V. shoulder bag in pebbled leather. Inset top zip and lined, single-pocket interior. Rolled handles and optional, adjustable shoulder strap. Leather: Cowhide. Weight: 10oz / 0.28kg. Made in the USA. Measurements Height: 8.75in / 22cm Length: 12.25in / 31cm Depth: 2in / 5cm Strap drop: 17.75in / 45cm Handle drop: 3.25in / 8cm
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demitgibbs · 7 years ago
Don’t Be Stupid, You Know Shania Loves You
Contrary to popular belief, some things _do_ impress Shania Twain. The country-pop icon and paragon of leopard print has great admiration for her LGBTQ fans, who she says have become guiding lights in her own life.
Twain’s inspiring story is one of survival, from her childhood hardships while growing up in the small town of Timmins, Ontario, where she raised her three younger siblings after her parents died in a car accident in 1987, to her 2009 divorce from Robert “Mutt” Lange, producer of Twain’s 1997 crossover behemoth Come on Over. The best-selling country album of all time was a game-changer with an impressive track record – 40 million copies sold globally, 50 weeks atop the Billboard country charts over three years, 11 singles released – that Twain still champions in the female-artist arena.
Fifteen years after dropping her last juggernaut, 2002’s Up!, Twain, 52, is again demonstrating slay status to her legions of loyal, boot-stompin’ queer fans. Even a neurological voice disorder called dysphonia couldn’t keep the genre subverter, who once thought she’d never sing again, from recording her long-overdue fifth LP, Now. Released in September, Twain wrote every song, and her shiny rĂ©sumĂ© got even shinier when the album instantly seized the No. 1 spot on the Billboard albums and country charts.
Country-pop’s comeback queen was an open book during our recent conversation, speaking  passionately and candidly about her LGBTQ activism at the onset of her country career in 1993, having to “agree to disagree” with those who aren’t pro-gay, and bringing drag queens and Bud-guzzlin’ bros together with “Man! I Feel Like a Woman!”
But, also, you don’t get Shania Twain on the phone without reminiscing on 1998’s VH1 Divas, when Twain shared the stage with an epic mix of icons – Aretha Franklin, Mariah Carey, Celine Dion and Gloria Estefan – for one of the most legendary, gay-loved nights in diva (and hair) history.
Do you have enough leopard print gloves to go around for all the gays to partake in celebrating your comeback?
(Laughs) I should make them, right? What do you think would be the preferred fabric? Silk or
Yeah, like, velvet.
We need a million of those by tomorrow. But first, Shania, after all these years, how do you explain your connection to the LGBTQ community?
I can’t really explain my connection in any sort of theoretical way to anyone. But I would say my intentions are to inspire and connect with people, to be relatable then and now. I think that it is what resonates – we relate to one another, we relate to struggle, and then surviving struggle and celebrating who we are and what we are and appreciating that as a community of people regardless of what it is. Just celebrating together to the anthemic nature of some of those songs, and on this new album there are several like that as well.
Is there something specific you hope to convey to LGBTQ audiences with this album?
Surviving against the odds. A song like “I’m Alright” – just that statement there and telling yourself, “I’m alright. I’ve made it through. I’ve survived.” And with a fist-in-the-air attitude, with conviction.
What was your introduction to the gay community?
I work with a lot of gay people and they’re just a part of my almost daily family world. So, they’re just part of my friends and my community. I guess more when I started to become successful, I was really surrounded by more creative people, and there are so many creative people in this industry who are gay, both men and women. It just becomes the norm.
During some of your rough patches, did you get any sage advice from your gay friends?
Oh, I get good advice from gay friends all the time! (Laughs) I think more than anything I’m inspired by the spirit of where the gay community is right now and that conviction to be who you are. I love standing up for that. It’s just so important to be transparent and open about who you are and to not hide behind fear.
Have you clung to that sentiment as a way to push past your own personal pain?
Completely! I mean, my whole transition into where I am now in this moment has been facing fears and taking that leap of faith myself, and that would be my advice to anyone out there. A gay person who has been living behind their fears and then makes that courageous decision to start living as who they really are and stop pretending and embrace it – it takes a lot of courage.
For me, I’ve just learned that there’s no time to waste. You need to take that leap and be who you are, and we’re in a society now that is making it easier. We still have a long way to go, but there are a lot more outlets.
But the gay community – and minority communities in general – are always fighting. I have a song on the album called “Swingin’ with My Eyes Closed” and it’s a fun party song, but the true depth of the song is about even when you can’t see what is in front of you, you still have to move forward. You can’t move backwards; you gotta keep moving forward and fighting for that freedom to exercise independence and courage.
There couldn’t be a better time for a song like that. In 2013, you tweeted about the Supreme Court overturning the Defense of Marriage Act, saying, “Congrats to everyone celebrating equality today in the U.S. #loveislove.” Why is it important for you to take a stand on gay rights and other LGBTQ issues?  
I just feel very saddened by any kind of oppression in our society in today’s day and age. I mean, it’s so negative. Equality should be a no-brainer, automatic, all the way around. We need to have mutual respect all the way around. Supremacy of any sort is just poison. I just feel like we’re not above each other in any way and mutual respect and an admiration for an individual’s abilities, talents, heart, commitment – I mean, what does that have to do with any minority status that we might be labeled with today, whatever that may be? Certainly, I know that gays feel that.
How does it feel knowing that your songs “Forever and For Always” and “From this Moment On” have probably been the first dance at a number of same-sex marriages?
Awww! That’s lovely. It’s so lovely. But love is beautiful, and music is very much a part of our lives and monumental moments of our lives.
Because country music has long been deemed conservative in its views, could we speak as openly as we are now about LGBTQ issues at the beginning of your career?
I mean, I did. You know what this is really about? This is about pro-equality, this is about pro-mutual respect. And if you’re really for those things in life, then why would there be any boundaries? Why would you side where there are? Why would you a draw a line there?
In the country community, I think it comes down to the fear of potentially alienating conservative fans.
I think everybody has the right to their opinion, and that I would never argue with. That is a huge part of freedom of speech and mutual respect, having the right to your own opinion. If you’re not pro-gay, then you’re not pro-gay, and we just have to agree to disagree. I would never get into a fist fight with somebody who didn’t agree. I just think that would be counterproductive. So, I think we all have to respect each other’s opinions on these issues.
But, listen, with a song like “Man! I Feel Like a Woman!” – and this is, what, 20 years ago?  I’m over that come a long time ago. A lot of straight men sing “Man! I Feel Like a Woman!” just for the sheer entertainment of it. So, I think songs like that have been great, maybe, contributors to bringing us together, if not for anything than just for the common denominator of music and owning that for whatever it means to them, and that breaks down barriers.
How do you reflect on your gender-bending style, when you donned menswear, in that video?
I like to have a sense of humor about everything, especially things that can have a lot of tension. A song like “Man! I Feel Like a Woman!” just smacks it dead for me. The audience issue is not something I worry about. I’m respectful to my audience and I appreciate them for relating to my music regardless of their point of view on whatever it is, whether it’s politics or social issues. I’m not here to judge.
Tell me about the first time you encountered a Shania drag queen.
I went to an imposter show in Las Vegas and it was incredible. You brought up the country world and maybe how that might be more conservative, but it’s funny, three of the artists that were in the show were myself, Reba McEntire and Dolly Parton. I thought that was so wonderful. It’s like, “OK, we’re country artists, and we’re in there!” Any artist that is, on a visual level, very expressive would make a great imposter night subject!
What is the one thing a queen cannot go without if they truly want to feel like Shania Twain?
Probably something leopard print, and I would say a top hat. The boots, for sure!
For gay men everywhere, 1998 was one of the best years as it was the inaugural VH1 Divas, the best and most iconic. It doesn’t get any better than you, Mariah Carey, Gloria Estefan, Celine Dion, Aretha Franklin and guest performer Carole King. Of them, who are you still in touch with?
Mariah Carey. Celine Dion. We still cross paths – it’s great. I always like to catch Mariah when she is live, and Celine, too. It was such a wonderful group of ladies, really terrific.
Who most lived up to the diva title during the show?
I think Mariah had the biggest hair, so probably her. (Laughs)
You were second, I think.
I was! I said, “OK, I gotta look at Mariah’s hair. I want to try for it to be as big as hers,” because she has this naturally big, amazing hair. So I’m like, “Come on, let’s go for it. I know Mariah’s gonna have bigger hair than me, so I’m gonna go for it and have fun with it.” She has that hair that I want, that naturally big hair with this gorgeous wave and those ringlets.
When you all performed “Natural Woman” as your encore, I wasn’t sure who was stealing the spotlight: Mariah’s hair or Aretha.  
(Laughs) I know! Nobody can kill Aretha’s spotlight.
If you did another Divas, what other diva would you want to sing alongside?
Rihanna, for sure. She’s just so awesome. I love her voice; I never get tired of it. Never, never. And we hear it so much on the radio, right? She’s every second song on the radio and I just never get tired of it. Even with “Love on the Brain” – I mean, it just doesn’t get better than that. So, she’d definitely be on my list.
I’m hoping for you and Taylor to team up – our two country-gone-pop queens.  
Taylor would be a good one. She’d be a must on Divas, for sure. She’s awesome. She’s such a great creative person and a super songwriter and really uses her brain, so it’s lovely to watch her.
Lastly, how many costume changes can gay audiences look forward to when you hit the road?
(Laughs) How many would a gay audience find ideal, do you think?
At least 15.
(Laughs) Whoa. OK, that is a friggin’ high demand. I’d have to change every two songs!
As long as you bring out the iconic ensembles, no harm, no foul.  
Gotta have a little flashback moment here and there, yeah!
from Hotspots! Magazine https://hotspotsmagazine.com/2017/10/26/dont-be-stupid-you-know-shania-loves-you/ from Hot Spots Magazine https://hotspotsmagazine.tumblr.com/post/166819963270
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hotspotsmagazine · 7 years ago
Don’t Be Stupid, You Know Shania Loves You
Contrary to popular belief, some things _do_ impress Shania Twain. The country-pop icon and paragon of leopard print has great admiration for her LGBTQ fans, who she says have become guiding lights in her own life.
Twain’s inspiring story is one of survival, from her childhood hardships while growing up in the small town of Timmins, Ontario, where she raised her three younger siblings after her parents died in a car accident in 1987, to her 2009 divorce from Robert “Mutt” Lange, producer of Twain’s 1997 crossover behemoth Come on Over. The best-selling country album of all time was a game-changer with an impressive track record – 40 million copies sold globally, 50 weeks atop the Billboard country charts over three years, 11 singles released – that Twain still champions in the female-artist arena.
Fifteen years after dropping her last juggernaut, 2002’s Up!, Twain, 52, is again demonstrating slay status to her legions of loyal, boot-stompin’ queer fans. Even a neurological voice disorder called dysphonia couldn’t keep the genre subverter, who once thought she’d never sing again, from recording her long-overdue fifth LP, Now. Released in September, Twain wrote every song, and her shiny rĂ©sumĂ© got even shinier when the album instantly seized the No. 1 spot on the Billboard albums and country charts.
Country-pop’s comeback queen was an open book during our recent conversation, speaking  passionately and candidly about her LGBTQ activism at the onset of her country career in 1993, having to “agree to disagree” with those who aren’t pro-gay, and bringing drag queens and Bud-guzzlin’ bros together with “Man! I Feel Like a Woman!”
But, also, you don’t get Shania Twain on the phone without reminiscing on 1998’s VH1 Divas, when Twain shared the stage with an epic mix of icons – Aretha Franklin, Mariah Carey, Celine Dion and Gloria Estefan – for one of the most legendary, gay-loved nights in diva (and hair) history.
Do you have enough leopard print gloves to go around for all the gays to partake in celebrating your comeback?
(Laughs) I should make them, right? What do you think would be the preferred fabric? Silk or
Yeah, like, velvet.
We need a million of those by tomorrow. But first, Shania, after all these years, how do you explain your connection to the LGBTQ community?
I can’t really explain my connection in any sort of theoretical way to anyone. But I would say my intentions are to inspire and connect with people, to be relatable then and now. I think that it is what resonates – we relate to one another, we relate to struggle, and then surviving struggle and celebrating who we are and what we are and appreciating that as a community of people regardless of what it is. Just celebrating together to the anthemic nature of some of those songs, and on this new album there are several like that as well.
Is there something specific you hope to convey to LGBTQ audiences with this album?
Surviving against the odds. A song like “I’m Alright” – just that statement there and telling yourself, “I’m alright. I’ve made it through. I’ve survived.” And with a fist-in-the-air attitude, with conviction.
What was your introduction to the gay community?
I work with a lot of gay people and they’re just a part of my almost daily family world. So, they’re just part of my friends and my community. I guess more when I started to become successful, I was really surrounded by more creative people, and there are so many creative people in this industry who are gay, both men and women. It just becomes the norm.
During some of your rough patches, did you get any sage advice from your gay friends?
Oh, I get good advice from gay friends all the time! (Laughs) I think more than anything I’m inspired by the spirit of where the gay community is right now and that conviction to be who you are. I love standing up for that. It’s just so important to be transparent and open about who you are and to not hide behind fear.
Have you clung to that sentiment as a way to push past your own personal pain?
Completely! I mean, my whole transition into where I am now in this moment has been facing fears and taking that leap of faith myself, and that would be my advice to anyone out there. A gay person who has been living behind their fears and then makes that courageous decision to start living as who they really are and stop pretending and embrace it – it takes a lot of courage.
For me, I’ve just learned that there’s no time to waste. You need to take that leap and be who you are, and we’re in a society now that is making it easier. We still have a long way to go, but there are a lot more outlets.
But the gay community – and minority communities in general – are always fighting. I have a song on the album called “Swingin’ with My Eyes Closed” and it’s a fun party song, but the true depth of the song is about even when you can’t see what is in front of you, you still have to move forward. You can’t move backwards; you gotta keep moving forward and fighting for that freedom to exercise independence and courage.
There couldn’t be a better time for a song like that. In 2013, you tweeted about the Supreme Court overturning the Defense of Marriage Act, saying, “Congrats to everyone celebrating equality today in the U.S. #loveislove.” Why is it important for you to take a stand on gay rights and other LGBTQ issues?  
I just feel very saddened by any kind of oppression in our society in today’s day and age. I mean, it’s so negative. Equality should be a no-brainer, automatic, all the way around. We need to have mutual respect all the way around. Supremacy of any sort is just poison. I just feel like we’re not above each other in any way and mutual respect and an admiration for an individual’s abilities, talents, heart, commitment – I mean, what does that have to do with any minority status that we might be labeled with today, whatever that may be? Certainly, I know that gays feel that.
How does it feel knowing that your songs “Forever and For Always” and “From this Moment On” have probably been the first dance at a number of same-sex marriages?
Awww! That’s lovely. It’s so lovely. But love is beautiful, and music is very much a part of our lives and monumental moments of our lives.
Because country music has long been deemed conservative in its views, could we speak as openly as we are now about LGBTQ issues at the beginning of your career?
I mean, I did. You know what this is really about? This is about pro-equality, this is about pro-mutual respect. And if you’re really for those things in life, then why would there be any boundaries? Why would you side where there are? Why would you a draw a line there?
In the country community, I think it comes down to the fear of potentially alienating conservative fans.
I think everybody has the right to their opinion, and that I would never argue with. That is a huge part of freedom of speech and mutual respect, having the right to your own opinion. If you’re not pro-gay, then you’re not pro-gay, and we just have to agree to disagree. I would never get into a fist fight with somebody who didn’t agree. I just think that would be counterproductive. So, I think we all have to respect each other’s opinions on these issues.
But, listen, with a song like “Man! I Feel Like a Woman!” – and this is, what, 20 years ago?  I’m over that come a long time ago. A lot of straight men sing “Man! I Feel Like a Woman!” just for the sheer entertainment of it. So, I think songs like that have been great, maybe, contributors to bringing us together, if not for anything than just for the common denominator of music and owning that for whatever it means to them, and that breaks down barriers.
How do you reflect on your gender-bending style, when you donned menswear, in that video?
I like to have a sense of humor about everything, especially things that can have a lot of tension. A song like “Man! I Feel Like a Woman!” just smacks it dead for me. The audience issue is not something I worry about. I’m respectful to my audience and I appreciate them for relating to my music regardless of their point of view on whatever it is, whether it’s politics or social issues. I’m not here to judge.
Tell me about the first time you encountered a Shania drag queen.
I went to an imposter show in Las Vegas and it was incredible. You brought up the country world and maybe how that might be more conservative, but it’s funny, three of the artists that were in the show were myself, Reba McEntire and Dolly Parton. I thought that was so wonderful. It’s like, “OK, we’re country artists, and we’re in there!” Any artist that is, on a visual level, very expressive would make a great imposter night subject!
What is the one thing a queen cannot go without if they truly want to feel like Shania Twain?
Probably something leopard print, and I would say a top hat. The boots, for sure!
For gay men everywhere, 1998 was one of the best years as it was the inaugural VH1 Divas, the best and most iconic. It doesn’t get any better than you, Mariah Carey, Gloria Estefan, Celine Dion, Aretha Franklin and guest performer Carole King. Of them, who are you still in touch with?
Mariah Carey. Celine Dion. We still cross paths – it’s great. I always like to catch Mariah when she is live, and Celine, too. It was such a wonderful group of ladies, really terrific.
Who most lived up to the diva title during the show?
I think Mariah had the biggest hair, so probably her. (Laughs)
You were second, I think.
I was! I said, “OK, I gotta look at Mariah’s hair. I want to try for it to be as big as hers,” because she has this naturally big, amazing hair. So I’m like, “Come on, let’s go for it. I know Mariah’s gonna have bigger hair than me, so I’m gonna go for it and have fun with it.” She has that hair that I want, that naturally big hair with this gorgeous wave and those ringlets.
When you all performed “Natural Woman” as your encore, I wasn’t sure who was stealing the spotlight: Mariah’s hair or Aretha.  
(Laughs) I know! Nobody can kill Aretha’s spotlight.
If you did another Divas, what other diva would you want to sing alongside?
Rihanna, for sure. She’s just so awesome. I love her voice; I never get tired of it. Never, never. And we hear it so much on the radio, right? She’s every second song on the radio and I just never get tired of it. Even with “Love on the Brain” – I mean, it just doesn’t get better than that. So, she’d definitely be on my list.
I’m hoping for you and Taylor to team up – our two country-gone-pop queens.  
Taylor would be a good one. She’d be a must on Divas, for sure. She’s awesome. She’s such a great creative person and a super songwriter and really uses her brain, so it’s lovely to watch her.
Lastly, how many costume changes can gay audiences look forward to when you hit the road?
(Laughs) How many would a gay audience find ideal, do you think?
At least 15.
(Laughs) Whoa. OK, that is a friggin’ high demand. I’d have to change every two songs!
As long as you bring out the iconic ensembles, no harm, no foul.  
Gotta have a little flashback moment here and there, yeah!
from Hotspots! Magazine https://hotspotsmagazine.com/2017/10/26/dont-be-stupid-you-know-shania-loves-you/
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missn11 · 4 years ago
And for the Character Emoji asks, how about 💖 for Gloria/LaCroix and Gloria/Nines? To break this down a bit, are Nines and LaCroix more into grand romantic gestures, or does one of them prefer the subtle, everyday "I love you" gestures? Or are they both into being domestic, haha. And for Gloria, how does she feel about performing subtle vs grand, and about the difference between Nines and LaCroix? I hope that makes sense oops
@badass-at-cuddling oh wow thanks for asking this :D
💖— Are they a showy partner? Do they make grand gestures of love or try to be subtle?
She tends to be more in the middle, sometimes she'll be showy if that's what her partner wants (she does a lot of big gestures for Velvet for example cause she knows that's what VV really likes the most) but most of the time she is a lot more subtle in how she expresses her love. Physical and emotional affection, giving small gifts or doing any kink during BDSM play (within reason) are how she usually likes to express her love.
For herself, she tends to like more subtle expressions of love from her partner, they feel more real to her. Gloria has had too many experiences from past lovers giving her all these grand gestures of love that were actually trying paint over any problems that were in the relationship or outright trying to manipulate her into staying, its a bit of a trigger for her in fact.
Which brings us to Gloria/LaCroix XD
LaCroix fluctuates between wanting to keep his romantic gestures subtle to making them grand, it depends on how safe he feels in his reputation, most of the time he prefers to be subtle, but when he's feeling really insecure or that his lover(s) are pulling away from him he'll tend to break out the grand romantic gestures. He's had some shitty lovers in the past tell him that they broke it off with him because he didn't do enough to show him that he loved them, even though he did open up to them.
And the one of the big points of contention (aside from the fact LaCroix ended up setting a werewolf on Nines) between LaCroix and Gloria is her negative reaction to his big grand gesture he pulled when he thought he was losing her to Nines, she went off the script that had been pressed upon him by his exes and he bluescreened cause he had no idea where he had gone wrong!
(In the LaCroix lives AU he and Gloria do finally get a chance to properly talk about this and he realizes that he doesn't need to pull off grand romantic gestures to show how much he loves her)
LaCroix himself is happy with either a grand or subtle gestures love from his partner(s).
Nines on the other hand is only comfortable with subtle gestures of love, either giving it or receiving it, he finds big romantic gestures too showy most of the time and unnecessary. But he would okay with receiving or giving the odd grand gesture if it's after a big battle where they nearly all died for example.
So basically Gloria and Nines get on better cause they do have the same attitudes when it comes to expressing their love to their loved one.
I hope I managed to answer this question, it was interesting to examine the differences Gloria, LaCroix and Nines all have when it comes to grand vs subtle gestures of love. :D
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missn11 · 4 years ago
For all your OC pairings, what's an absent, small gesture the OC does that makes the VTMB character's heart just fill with fondness and love? Alternatively, what was the moment that the VTMB character(s) realized they loved your OC? I'm daydreaming again, haha. Thanks and have a great day! :D
@badass-at-cuddling ohhhh my gosh!!! yes, thank you for this ask, I love talking about my OC/VTMB characters pairings! :D
Nines’ heart almost seems to come alive again whenever Barbara gazes lovingly in his eyes as she strokes his cheek. It never fails to fill him with fondness and love for her. Sadly looking back he now views those little moments with horror...
NInes realised that he fell in love with Barbara when she came back to the Last Round after killing Bishop Vick all bloodied and injured, and he was so worried that she was going to fall in torpor, that he personally took care of her. Nines was so inspired and taken by her supposed willingness to fight for the vulnerable people who were dying because of the plague bears, that he had no chance but to fall in love.
Taika having LaCroix rest his head against her while she pours him a glass of blood, reminds him of how much he loves her. Truly she always manages to make him feel safe.
When she said his last name correctly And Taika making him feel safe is what made LaCroix realised that he loved her and wanted her always by his side and that moment came when she killed some Anarch rebel wannabe that thought he could take on the Prince of LA all by himself. While LaCroix wasn’t in any real danger, the fact that Taika destroyed this idiot with her blood magic without a second thought had touched him in so many ways, all his wall crumbled all at once as the Anarch blew up in bloody chunks! XD
  Tuba/Ming Xiao
Ming Xiao feels an incredible amount of warm fondness and love towards Tuba whenever she brings her delicious sweet treats or a book that she had her eye, especially if it’s a super rare book where there are only less than a hundred copies that have survived. Of course, Tuba got Ming Xiao a copy of the Book of Nod!
Ming Xiao first admitted that she loved Tuba was that she really truly and full-heartedly believed in her and her vision for Los Angeles and would fight all their enemies to her final death and that she would do the exact same for Tuba. That for the first time in centuries she would willingly face Yomi and back for another again! Godamn it, I’m crying now!  
Damsel won’t admit it but she feels all gooey whenever Ayo comes up from behind to hug her and hum gently the latest pop tune in her ear, it takes her to a place where it’s just the two of them.
Damsel first realised that she loved Ayo was the moment that she told Damsel that she didn’t have to shape her whole life around NInes and his cause. It stuck in her more than it had when Nines had told her pretty much the same thing, maybe cause she had brushed it off as him being all noble. (He’s a good boy in this verse, like in all my OC verses except maybe in Taika’s but that’s cause I love the irony of Damsel leaving one cult to unintentionally join another one!) And yet Ayo saying the same thing made her realise that it was because she cared about her and her wellbeing and saw there was more to her than all the passionate anger she often showed to everyone. Oh no, I’m crying again!
Nines always feels so loved whenever Gloria bathes him, her fingers massaging his scalp makes him feel so special and takes him away from all the pressure of being the leader of the Downtown Anarchs. He won’t admit it but he loves it when she takes care of him like this, the feeling his fondness and love towards are heightened even more so after they have a BDSM session together. ;)
Nines realised that he loved Gloria when she told him that he is beautiful and people think he is so brave for submitting to her during their third BDSM sex session together that included an imagined crowd where he was imagining that the crowd were disgusted that he was submitting to a Ventrue’s dominance. (yay for having to deal with self-hatred, guilt for enjoying being submissive to a Ventrue cause BRUJAH are not allowed to ever want to be SUBS especially not for VENTRUES bullshit and his abandon issues all the time for Nines sucks!) The fact she showed so much care about his self-worth and his mental well being, made him realise that this was the woman he wanted to spend the rest of his unlife with. :3
Gloria/Velvet Velour
Velvet loves it when Gloria pulls her into her arms and kisses her on her neck or on the top of her shoulder. It’s just such a simple gesture but it never fails to send VV’s heart aflutter.
Velvet realised she was in love with Gloria when the Ventrue was so positive and encouraging about her poems, she never really had that before from anyone aside from Isaac and she had feared that he only liked them cause she was his adoptive childe but to hear from someone who appreciated her for more than the vixen persona she had presented herself to Kindred society had meant so much.   
This is basically the AU verse where LaCroix decides that being Gloria’s 24/7 sub is a better life choice for him than opening the sarcophagus! (okay it’s not quite that simple but you know, I gotta work on that AU first) XD
Whenever Gloria tells LaCroix that he is a good boy or he makes the Ventrue clan proud wherever they are doing their BDSM sessions or just life in general always fills LaCroix with so much fondness and love for her. (Gloria and Jan are the only Ventrue in the world who understand that all Ventrue have a praise kink, yo)
LaCroix realised that he was in love with Gloria was the realisation that she had been willing to risk so much for him to have him by her side. It touched him in so many ways that he felt unworthy of her and wants to improve himself so he could be half as worthy of her as she thinks he is. 
Phew, that was a long one! XD Thanks again to @badass-at-cuddling for the ask, I got some feels at points, I just love these fools so much! :3
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missn11 · 4 years ago
Gloria/VV sfw 3, 10, 15 and nsfw 12, 13, 14
Thank you anon! :D
3. Who fixes the vehicle after a breakdown?
Well, it would be Gloria but only if the car isn’t beyond help, she can only do enough to have the car continue on for a couple more miles. Luckily Gloria and Velvet never go out of town by themselves as Isaac wouldn’t allow it and always has a couple of ghouls escorting them wherever Velvet goes.
10. Any pets? Or plants?
Plants, I think it’s something that Velvet and Gloria would enjoy being in the presence of, Velvet enjoys caring for a living being that doesn’t need lying or blood bonding to be herself around, and for Gloria, it reminds of her childhood growing up in a commune, there were plants everywhere! :D and yes Velvet grows roses as well other types of flowers, what kind of Toreador would she be if she didn’t? XD
15. Vacation ideas: who decides them? Where would they go, if anywhere?
I think it would be Velvet as Gloria would be mostly on board with wherever she wanted to go for vacation. As for where they would go for vacation, it would be only in Anarch cities as Gloria is wanted by the Camarilla for her role in killing LaCroix and kicking the Camarilla out of LA for the second time, and the Sabbat and Kuei-jin would attack her on sight if she ever crossed their paths! XD
12. How are their afterglows?
Very cuddly and talks very sappy with each other. :3
13. Who’s loud? Who’s quiet? Does one try to make the other louder/quieter? How?
Velvet is the loudest, she likes letting her partner know how well they are pleasuring her >:3 Gloria is the quietest, and Velvet loves trying to make her moan louder! :D
14. Lights on or off? Do they look at each other? Or is someone embarrassed?
Lights on all the way, neither of them are embarrassed. ;)
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missn11 · 4 years ago
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@cthylla-rlyeh used this picrew https://picrew.me/image_maker/59568 to make her pairings with her Fledglings and tagged me. :D https://cthylla-rlyeh.tumblr.com/post/628167419922464768/i-used-this-adorable-picrew-left-to-right
So I made in the picrew Gloria, my Ventrue Anarch and Velvet Velour :3 
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missn11 · 4 years ago
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I was tagged by @badass-at-fandoming for the OC Biography Meme and I’ve decided to use the same doll maker https://meiker.io/play/11537/online.html as she had done for her OC, Cassandra Bonpensiero, to show what my Ventrue Anarch, Gloria Ferreira would’ve worn during the day pre embrace.
The Basics
Full Name: Gloria Ferreira
Nickname(s):Kid (Nines) Cammy (Damsel) Glory (her father, Enric Guerra)  
Birth Date: 15th of June 1975, sired 14th of October  
Nationality: Spanish/Portuguese American
Organization/Group: the Los Angeles Anarchs, namely Nines’ coterie
Former Affiliates: Camarilla - the late Prince Sebastian LaCroix’s coterie
Family & Friends
Father:  Enric Guerra
Mother: Marisa Ferreira (Marisa took back her maiden name after she divorced Enric and Gloria changed her surname to her mother’s) 
Sibling(s): none
Other Relatives: distance aunts, uncles and cousins   
Spouse(s): Nines Rodriguez and Velvet Velour 
Children: none
Height: 6.3ft
Weight: ~190lbs (idk how weight works sorry)
Hair Color: Dark brown (almost black)
Eye Color: Hazel 
Skin Color: light olive
Scar(s): none
Tattoo(s): none
Piercing(s): ear piercings 
Notable Features: aside from her height its her commanding body language and demeanor  
Random Fact: Even though Gloria is qualified in IT, she worked as a Dominatrix for hire as it paid more, found it more enjoyable and she felt it was more honest than working corporate, as in there were no illusions what she’s really selling here.     
Bonus Vampire Stats: 8th gen Ventrue antitribu (which means she had started out with Auspex rather than Presence in her starting disciplines), Dominate is her highest discipline, she has Iron Will, which enables her to be immune to Dominate (this came about when she mastered Dominate) and has some resistance to being blood bonded. 
and I tag @the-bloody-masquerade , @midnight-musings-at-venturetower , @memento-more-tea and @robotslenderman to do this if they want to :D
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