#Global collaboration for Goal 9
loquaciousnewt · 7 months
I made the poem about the GOC's confession of love to the SCP Foundation
In the halls of containment, where anomalies reside,
The Global Occult Coalition, with duty as their guide,
Stands firm and vigilant, against the anomalous tide,
But in the depths of their heart, a different truth they hide.
For in the silence of their chambers, away from prying eyes,
The GOC whispers secrets, beneath starlit skies.
Confessing love to the Foundation, in hushed and quiet sighs,
A bond beyond the battlefield, where love's ember lies.
They admire the Foundation's strength, its unwavering might,
In awe of its resolve, in the face of darkest night.
For though they may clash, in the pursuit of what's right,
The GOC's heart beats softly, in love's gentle light.
They dream of collaboration, of unity's embrace,
Setting aside differences, to find a common place.
Where containment meets compassion, in a tender embrace,
And love blooms amidst anomalies, in a sacred space.
So here's a whispered confession, from the GOC's heart so true,
To the SCP Foundation, in shadows and in view:
In the dance of light and darkness, in all that they pursue,
The GOC confesses love, forever and anew.
Here's a breakdown of the meaning behind the lines of the poem:
1. "In the halls of containment, where anomalies reside": This sets the scene within the world of the SCP Foundation, where anomalous objects are contained and studied.
2. "The Global Occult Coalition, with duty as their guide": Introduces the GOC, an organization within the SCP universe that deals with anomalies, often in a more aggressive manner than the SCP Foundation.
3. "Stands firm and vigilant, against the anomalous tide": Describes the GOC's dedication to combating anomalies and maintaining order.
4. "But in the depths of their heart, a different truth they hide": Suggests that beneath their outward facade of duty, the GOC harbors deeper feelings, including love for the SCP Foundation.
5. "For in the silence of their chambers, away from prying eyes": Indicates that the GOC's true feelings are expressed in private, away from public scrutiny.
6. "The GOC whispers secrets, beneath starlit skies": Symbolizes the intimate and secretive nature of their confession, likening it to a whispered conversation under the stars.
7. "Confessing love to the Foundation, in hushed and quiet sighs": Explicitly states the GOC's declaration of love for the SCP Foundation, conveyed quietly and earnestly.
8. "A bond beyond the battlefield, where love's ember lies": Implies that their love transcends their conflicts and differences, existing on a deeper, more personal level.
9. "They admire the Foundation's strength, its unwavering might": Acknowledges the GOC's respect and admiration for the SCP Foundation's capabilities and resilience.
10. "In awe of its resolve, in the face of darkest night": Highlights the Foundation's steadfastness and determination, even in the most challenging situations.
11. "For though they may clash, in the pursuit of what's right": Recognizes that the GOC and SCP Foundation often find themselves at odds, despite both striving for similar goals.
12. "The GOC's heart beats softly, in love's gentle light": Portrays the GOC's affection as tender and sincere, even amidst their professional duties.
13. "They dream of collaboration, of unity's embrace": Expresses the GOC's hope for cooperation and mutual understanding between them.
14. "Setting aside differences, to find a common place": Indicates a desire to reconcile differences and work together towards shared objectives.
15. "Where containment meets compassion, in a tender embrace": Envisions a harmonious relationship characterized by empathy and understanding.
16. "And love blooms amidst anomalies, in a sacred space": Symbolizes the potential for love and understanding to flourish even in the midst of the anomalous and unpredictable.
17. "So here's a whispered confession, from the GOC's heart so true": Concludes the poem with a reaffirmation of the GOC's sincere feelings and desire for connection.
18. "To the SCP Foundation, in shadows and in view": Addresses the SCP Foundation directly, acknowledging their presence both in the shadows and in the public eye.
19. "In the dance of light and darkness, in all that they pursue": Reflects the ongoing struggle between order and chaos, light and darkness, within the SCP universe.
20. "The GOC confesses love, forever and anew": Ends with a declaration of love that is eternal and continuously renewed, despite the challenges they face.
omg i love this sm dfsgfgdhdsffdsc i love scpf x goc sm tysm for writing this poem
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harveeblogs · 5 months
The 10  Benefits of the Cambridge Curriculum | Harvee School
Unlocking a child's potential through education is a dream for every parent. The Cambridge Curriculum, developed by the University of Cambridge, is a program that prioritizes critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity. It offers a holistic education that promotes active learning, discussion, and practical activities, tailored to each student's abilities and interests.
What sets the Cambridge Curriculum apart is its focus on nurturing critical thinking and creativity, going beyond memorization to promote a deep understanding of subjects. It encourages independent learning, preparing students for future careers by equipping them with practical skills and a global perspective. Moreover, its flexibility allows students to progress at their own pace, ensuring they are not held back by a one-size-fits-all approach.
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1. Enhanced Global Perspective: The Cambridge Curriculum exposes students to diverse perspectives, preparing them to thrive in a globalized world. By studying international topics and engaging with students from around the world, students develop a broader understanding of global issues and cultures.
2. Focus on Independent Learning: The curriculum encourages independent learning, empowering students to take ownership of their education. Through self-study and research projects, students develop valuable skills such as self-discipline and time management, which are crucial for success in higher education and beyond.
3. Preparation for Future Careers: The Cambridge Curriculum equips students with the skills and knowledge needed for future careers. 
4. Encouragement of Creativity and Innovation: The curriculum fosters creativity and innovation, encouraging students to think outside the box and explore new ideas. Through projects and assignments that require creative thinking, students develop the skills needed to tackle complex problems and contribute to society in meaningful ways.
5. Enhanced Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving: The Cambridge Curriculum sharpens students’ critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. Through activities like analyzing case studies and participating in debates, students learn to think independently, question assumptions, and make informed decisions. These skills are not only valuable academically but also in real-world scenarios, making students more confident and effective problem solvers.
6. Well-Rounded Education: The Cambridge Curriculum offers diverse subjects like humanities, social sciences, arts, and physical education, encouraging students to explore their interests. 
7. International Recognition: Widely recognized by universities worldwide, the Cambridge Curriculum gives students access to a variety of higher education opportunities. 
8. Flexibility and Personalized Learning: With a flexible approach, the Cambridge Curriculum allows students to choose subjects aligning with their interests and goals. Different difficulty levels for each subject ensure students are appropriately challenged, fostering passion and expertise development.
9. Practical Skills and Real-World Application: The curriculum emphasizes practical skills and real-world application, encouraging students to apply their learning to everyday situations. 
10. Supportive Learning: Teachers encourage students to express their ideas and collaborate, fostering a sense of community and empowering active participation in their education.
Thinking to delve deeper into Cambridge Curriculum benefits? Read the full blog her: 10 Benefits of Cambridge Curriculum For Parents To Know
For more information on school tips visit: https://www.theharveeschool.com/blog/
FB: https://www.facebook.com/harveeschool/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/harvees/
LinkedIn: https://in.linkedin.com/company/the-harvee-school
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explainlearning · 6 months
9 Reasons Why Online Learning Solutions Are the Future of Education
Education is at a crossroads. The traditional, one-size-fits-all classroom model struggles to keep pace with the rapidly evolving needs of learners and demands of the modern world. Enter online learning solutions, a dynamic and adaptable approach poised to revolutionize the educational landscape. Here are 9 reasons why online learning is destined to shape the future of education:
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1. Increased Accessibility and Flexibility:
Gone are the days of geographical or time constraints dictating access to quality education. Online learning solutions break down barriers, offering courses anytime, anywhere, on any device. Students can learn at their own pace, balancing studies with work, family, or other commitments. This flexibility empowers individuals from diverse backgrounds and circumstances to pursue their educational goals.
2. Personalized Learning Experiences:
No two learners are alike. Online platforms leverage technology to cater to individual needs and learning styles. Adaptive learning systems adjust content and difficulty levels based on individual progress, ensuring students are challenged without feeling overwhelmed. Custom eLearning solutions allow educators to curate personalized learning paths, catering to specific interests and goals.
3. Interactive and Engaging Content:
Learning shouldn’t be a passive experience. Online solutions offer a treasure trove of interactive resources: multimedia lectures, gamified learning modules, simulations, and collaborative activities. This engaging content grabs attention, fosters active participation, and solidifies understanding beyond traditional textbooks and lectures.
4. Cost-Effectiveness and Scalability:
Education can be expensive. Online learning offers a cost-effective alternative, reducing infrastructure and material costs. Educational institutions can reach wider audiences without geographical limitations, maximizing impact with less expense. This scalability allows for broader access to quality education, creating a more equitable learning environment.
5. Global Collaboration and Cultural Exchange:
The virtual classroom breaks down geographical barriers, connecting students and educators from across the globe. This fosters collaboration and cultural exchange, preparing learners for a world increasingly interconnected and diverse. Imagine collaborating on a project with peers from different countries or learning about global perspectives from international instructors – online learning makes it possible.
6. Continuous Improvement and Data-Driven Insights:
Online learning platforms generate a wealth of data about student progress, engagement, and learning styles. This data empowers educators to track individual performance, identify areas of improvement, and tailor instruction accordingly. Continuous improvement cycles optimize learning journeys, ensuring students receive the most effective support and resources.
7. Development of Essential 21st Century Skills:
The future demands critical thinkers, collaborators, and problem-solvers. Online learning inherently fosters these skills. Collaborative projects, online discussions, and self-directed learning encourage critical thinking, communication, and independent learning – all essential for success in the modern world.
8. Lifelong Learning Opportunities:
The world of knowledge is constantly evolving. Online learning platforms provide a gateway to lifelong learning opportunities. Professionals can upskill, individuals can explore new interests, and anyone can access ongoing education beyond traditional degrees or diplomas. This democratizes knowledge and empowers individuals to continuously adapt and thrive in a dynamic world.
9. A Sustainable and Environmentally Friendly Choice:
Online learning reduces dependence on physical infrastructure like classrooms and printed materials. This minimizes environmental impact by lowering energy consumption and paper waste. As we strive for a sustainable future, online learning offers an environmentally conscious approach to education.
The Future is Now:
While online learning solutions cannot entirely replace traditional classrooms, they offer a powerful and adaptable tool for enriching the educational landscape. By harnessing the potential of online learning, we can create a more accessible, personalized, and engaging learning experience for all, paving the way for a brighter and more empowered future.
Content Source https://explainlearning.com/blog/9-reasons-why-online-learning-solutions-are-the-future-of-education/
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abiyaabi · 8 months
Navigating the Dynamic Horizons of DevOps Careers: A Comprehensive Exploration
In the ever-evolving IT landscape, the rise of DevOps has reshaped how organizations approach software development and operations, presenting a realm of opportunities for aspiring professionals. This in-depth exploration unveils the multifaceted dimensions that define DevOps careers, shedding light on the dynamic nature and promising prospects within this thriving field.
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1. The DevOps Surge: Meeting the Demand for Proficient Practitioners
Embarking on a DevOps career is driven by the enticing demand for professionals adept in collaborative practices and automation. Organizations spanning diverse industries recognize DevOps as a catalyst for streamlined workflows, heightened collaboration, and accelerated, reliable software delivery.
2. Lifelong Learning in DevOps: A Journey of Continuous Evolution
At the heart of DevOps lies a commitment to continuous learning, reflecting the discipline's dynamic nature. DevOps professionals navigate an ever-evolving landscape, staying ahead of industry trends, and adapting their skill set to remain not just relevant but impactful contributors to their organizational success.
3. Versatility: Bridging the Gap Between Development and Operations
Versatility defines the core competency of DevOps professionals who serve as pivotal bridges between development and operations teams. Their unique ability to comprehend the entire software development lifecycle enhances effective communication and collaboration across diverse functional domains.
4. Boosting Efficiency: DevOps Impact on Productivity and Beyond
DevOps practices, centered on automation and collaboration, lead to enhanced efficiency and productivity within development and operations processes. The integration of continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines becomes a transformative force, catalyzing positive change within organizational structures.
5. Competitive Rewards: Recognizing DevOps' Strategic Significance
The strategic significance of DevOps manifests in competitive salaries for professionals in the field. Organizations acknowledge the specialized skill set possessed by DevOps practitioners, valuing their role in optimizing software delivery and contributing to overall competitiveness.
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6. Global Reach: Beyond Geographical Constraints in DevOps Careers
DevOps transcends geographical boundaries, offering professionals the opportunity to engage with diverse teams worldwide. The rise of remote work and global collaboration enriches professional experiences, opening avenues for learning and networking on a truly international scale.
7. Job Satisfaction: Nurturing Positivity Through Collaborative Efforts
The collaborative ethos of DevOps creates a positive work environment, fostering job satisfaction among practitioners. Contributions to shared goals in software development and IT operational efficiency become sources of fulfillment, elevating the overall professional experience.
8. Progressing in DevOps: Navigating a Diverse Career Landscape
DevOps presents a spectrum of career progression paths catering to individuals at various expertise levels. From entry-level positions like Junior DevOps Engineer to more advanced roles such as DevOps Architect or DevOps Manager, the field offers diverse opportunities for career advancement. The cross-disciplinary nature of DevOps allows professionals to explore different facets of IT and software development, cultivating a well-rounded skill set for future roles.
9. Fueling Innovation: Cultivating Creativity in the DevOps Culture
Innovation takes center stage in the DevOps culture, with professionals actively embracing experimentation and cutting-edge technologies. Positioned at the forefront of technological advancements, DevOps practitioners contribute to the development and adoption of new tools and practices, injecting excitement and challenge into their work.
10. Job Security: Flourishing in DevOps' Growing Landscape
As organizations increasingly acknowledge the benefits of DevOps practices, the demand for skilled professionals continues to rise, ensuring job security for DevOps practitioners. This sustained demand positions DevOps as a resilient and promising career choice, with organizations investing to stay competitive and innovative in the market.
In Conclusion: DevOps as a Career Odyssey
Beyond being a mere career choice, DevOps unfolds as a transformative odyssey, promising a fulfilling journey with myriad advantages. From its high demand and continuous learning opportunities to versatile skills, competitive rewards, and a global perspective, DevOps paints a dynamic and enriching career path. For those drawn to collaboration, problem-solving, and the convergence of development and operations, a DevOps career beckons as an exhilarating voyage. Embrace this journey, commit to continuous growth, and position yourself for success in the ever-evolving landscape of DevOps. Wishing you the best in your career exploration!
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unitebusinessnetworks · 8 months
Elevating Digital Presence in Kolkata's Web Development Landscape
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In the bustling metropolis of Kolkata, where tradition meets technology, Unite Business Networks (UBN) stands out as a leading force in the realm of website development. As businesses increasingly recognize the importance of a strong online presence, finding the right partner for website development becomes pivotal. In this blog, we explore why Unite Business Networks is a standout choice among the best website development agencies in Kolkata, offering unparalleled expertise, innovation, and client-centric solutions.
1. A Legacy of Excellence:
Unite Business Networks boasts a legacy of excellence in the field of website development. With years of experience, our team has successfully crafted digital solutions for a diverse range of clients, from startups to established enterprises. Our track record speaks volumes about our commitment to delivering high-quality websites that not only meet but exceed our clients' expectations.
2. Tailored Solutions for Kolkata's Diverse Market:
Kolkata is a melting pot of cultures, and businesses need websites that resonate with the local audience. At UBN, we understand the unique dynamics of the Kolkata market. Our team of developers, designers, and strategists work collaboratively to create websites that not only showcase your brand but also connect with the cultural nuances of the local audience, ensuring maximum impact.
3. Innovation at the Core:
In a rapidly evolving digital landscape, staying ahead of the curve is imperative. UBN prides itself on being at the forefront of technological innovation. We constantly explore and implement the latest trends in website development, be it responsive design, progressive web apps, or immersive user experiences. Our commitment to innovation ensures that your website is not just current but also future-proof.
4. Client-Centric Approach:
At UBN, we believe in a client-centric approach that prioritizes understanding your business goals and tailoring our solutions to meet them. Our team takes the time to engage with clients, comprehend their vision, and collaboratively develop a strategy that aligns with their objectives. This client-focused methodology ensures that every website we create is a unique reflection of the brand it represents.
5. Affordability without Compromise:
Website development should not be a financial burden for businesses, especially in a competitive market like Kolkata. UBN takes pride in offering cost-effective solutions without compromising on quality. Our transparent pricing model ensures that businesses, big or small, can access top-notch website development services that align with their budget constraints.
6. Skilled and Dynamic Team:
The backbone of UBN is its team of skilled and dynamic professionals. From experienced developers and creative designers to strategic thinkers, our team combines expertise with passion to deliver outstanding results. We invest in continuous skill development, ensuring that our team remains at the forefront of industry trends and technologies.
7. Local Insight, Global Vision:
While UBN is deeply rooted in the local fabric of Kolkata, we also bring a global vision to our projects. Our team draws inspiration from international design and development standards, creating websites that not only excel in the local market but also stand out on the global stage. This unique blend of local insight and global vision sets UBN apart from other website development agencies in Kolkata.
8. Robust Project Management:
We understand that effective project management is crucial for the timely delivery of high-quality websites. UBN employs robust project management methodologies that ensure transparency, communication, and accountability throughout the development process. Our clients are kept informed at every stage, fostering a collaborative environment that results in successful project outcomes.
9. Proven Results and Client Testimonials:
The success of UBN is not just measured by our words but by the results we deliver. Our portfolio showcases a diverse range of projects, each a testament to our commitment to excellence. Client testimonials speak volumes about the positive impact our websites have had on their businesses, reinforcing UBN's position as one of the best website development agencies in Kolkata.
In the dynamic landscape of website development in Kolkata, Unite Business Networks emerges as a beacon of excellence. Our legacy, innovative approach, client-centric philosophy, affordability, skilled team, and proven results collectively position us among the best in the business. As Kolkata continues to evolve as a technological hub, UBN remains steadfast in its commitment to elevating the digital presence of businesses through cutting-edge website development. Choose Unite Business Networks, and let's unite to create a digital presence that leaves a lasting impression.
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ofwendyz · 10 months
Wendy, Son. 🦢
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BIRTH NAME: Shon Seung-wan
BIRTH DATE: February 21, 1994 (age 29)
BIRTH PLACE: Seongbuk-dong, Seoul, South Korea
HEIGHT: 160.3 cm (5 ft 3 in)[1]
WEIGHT: 46 kg (101 lb)
♡₊˚ 🦢・₊✧⋆⭒˚。⋆ | ˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
JOB: Singer, Songwriter, Actress
POSITION: Main Vocalist
YEARS ACTIVE: 2014–present
AGENCY: SM Entertainment
ASSOCIATED ACTS: Red Velvet, SM Rookies
♡₊˚ 🦢・₊✧⋆⭒˚。⋆ | ˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
Do everything to your best ability with a positive mindset.
♡₊˚ 🦢・₊✧⋆⭒˚。⋆ | ˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
Shon Seung-wan (Hangul:손승완; born February 21, 1994), better known as Wendy (Hangul: 웬디), is a South Korean singer, songwriter, and actress. She is the main vocalist of the South Korean girl group Red Velvet.
♡₊˚ 🦢・₊✧⋆⭒˚。⋆ | ˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
Wendy was born as Shon Seung-wan in Seongbuk-dong, Seoul, South Korea. Her family consists of her parents, an affluent couple whose names haven't been revealed to the public, and her sister, Son Seung-hee, who is three years Wendy's senior. Wendy spent most of her childhood years in Cheongju, South Korea.
Wendy aspired to become a singer from the age of six and throughout her life trained to fulfill this goal. She also learned to play the saxophone, piano, flute, and guitar.
At the age of 12, Wendy and her sister moved to live in Canada, and later the USA. Whilst living in North America, Wendy began using the name Wendy Shon and learned to speak English, as well as some French and Spanish. For her education in these countries, she attended Shattuck St Mary's School in Minnesota, USA, and Richmond Hill High School in Ontario, Canada.
After graduating high school in 2012, she moved to South Korea to establish a professional singing career. Prior to this in 2010, she auditioned for the "Koreaboo: Cube Entertainment Global Auditions 2011" with an online audition and was picked from over 5,000 videos by Koreaboo and Cube Entertainment to continue to the final round in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. G.NA personally picked the 15 finalists with Koreaboo to open for her first solo showcase, held in Vancouver, BC, Canada. In 2012, she auditioned at the SM Global Audition in Canada and was recognized for her musicality, being able to play several instruments, as well as having strong vocal skills.
♡₊˚ 🦢・₊✧⋆⭒˚。⋆ | ˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
2014: Pre-debut activities
She trained for less than two years before she was introduced as a member of SM Entertainment's pre-debut trainees team SM Rookies on March 14, 2014
As part of SM Rookies, Wendy released the song "Because I Love You" for the soundtrack of the Mnet drama Mimi, which was one of the soundtracks of the Mnet drama series, Mimi, which labelmate Changmin starred in, appearing in the music video as well. A clip of Wendy singing a cover of Taylor Swift's "Speak Now" was released on SM Entertainment's official YouTube channel.
2014–2019: Debut with Red Velvet, stage accident
In late-July 2014, Wendy was assigned to represent the color blue and chosen to be the main vocalist of Red Velvet, which debuted on August 1, 2014 with the single "Happiness".
Wendy collaborated with rapper Yuk Ji-dam for the song "Return", one of the OSTs of KBS2's drama Who Are You: School 2015. The song was released on June 8, 2015 and debuted at #31 on the Gaon Singles Chart. She released another song "Let You Know" for the soundtrack of the JTBC drama D-Day on October 16. On January 9, 2016, she became a panelist on We Got Married. On King of Mask Singer (episode 43 aired on January 24, 2016), she participated as a contestant with the stage name "Space Beauty Maetel". Wendy released a collaboration single with Eric Nam titled "Spring Love" on March 4, 2016, as part of SM Entertainment's SM Station project.
On December 25, 2019, Wendy fell from a raised stage while rehearsing for a performance on the year-end show SBS Gayo Daejeon. She fell approximately 2.5 meters (8.2ft) and received multiple injuries, including a broken wrist, fractured pelvis, a cracked cheekbone, and other unspecified facial and bodily injuries. Wendy was subsequently on hiatus for over a year while she recovered.
2021: Return to activities, Wendy's Youngstreet, GOT the beat
On January 1, 2021, Wendy's health hiatus official ended and she returned to idol activities.
On July 12, 2021, Wendy became the DJ host for SBS Power FM's radio show Wendy's Youngstreet, adopting the DJ name "WanD". The show ran for almost two years, until July 2, 2023.
On December 27, 2021, Wendy was revealed alongside Seulgi as one of the members of GOT the beat, the first unit of the project group Girls On Top.[2] The unit debuted on January 3, 2022 with the digital single "Step Back".
2023: First musical role
On June 19, 2023, Wendy confirmed that she had been cast in the role of "I" in the musical Rebecca. She performed from August 19–November 19, 2023.
Since her debut, Wendy has appeared on the variety shows, We Got Married, King of Masked Singer, Trick and True, Raid the Convenience Store and Battle Trip. She made a cameo in the series, Descendants of the Sun and made an appearance in the documentary, SMTown: The Stage.
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shasat-uk · 1 year
Shasat Debuts IFRS Course Tailored for Energy & Mining Industries
In a bid to address the complex accounting requirements specific to the Oil & Gas, Power, Utility, and Mining industries, Shasat, a leading education provider, has unveiled a comprehensive two-day program on International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). This specialized course aims to equip professionals with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the intricacies of financial reporting within these sectors.
The Oil and Gas industry, integral to global economies, grapples with challenges like high capital costs, long project lead times, and substantial environmental impact. Shasat's program recognizes the importance of understanding how to evaluate commercial viability, technical feasibility, and mitigating environmental concerns within this industry.
Similarly, the mining sector, with its substantial capital investments and intricate processes, faces environmental challenges and geopolitical risks. The utility industry, providing essential services like electricity, natural gas, and water, is continually adapting to changing consumer demands and sustainability goals.
To effectively address the unique accounting demands of these industries, Shasat's program delves into critical IFRS standards such as IFRS 6 for Exploration and Evaluation of Mineral Resources, IAS 23 for Borrowing Costs, IFRS 15 for Revenue Recognition, IFRS 16 for Leases, IFRS 9 for Financial Instruments, and more. These standards play a pivotal role in ensuring accurate and transparent financial reporting, benefiting stakeholders across the Oil & Gas, Power, Utility, and Mining sectors.
The Upstream, Mid-Stream, and Down-Stream industries within the Oil & Gas sector face distinctive accounting challenges. From reserves and resources to revenue recognition and disclosure of reserves, Shasat's program covers a wide range of accounting topics tailored to industry-specific needs. The course ensures that professionals in these sectors are well-equipped to handle complex financial matters, including production-sharing agreements and concessions.
Shasat's two-day program is designed for professionals working in the Oil & Gas, Power, Utility, and Mining industries, including auditors and consultants. By participating, attendees will gain valuable insights into the latest accounting issues, challenges, and best practices. Furthermore, the program offers networking opportunities with industry experts and peers, fostering a collaborative learning environment.
Here is the schedule of upcoming programs by Shasat. However, we recommend you continue to visit Shasat's website for the most up-to-date program schedules.
IFRS Training for Oil & Gas, Power, Utility, & Mining Companies | GID 16001 | London: Oct. 17-18, 2023
IFRS Training for Oil & Gas, Power, Utility, & Mining Companies | GID 16003 | Abu Dhabi: Dec. 18-19, 2023
IFRS Training for Oil & Gas, Power, Utility, & Mining Companies | GID 16004 | Kuala Lumpur: Dec. 13-14, 2023
IFRS Training for Oil & Gas, Power, Utility, & Mining Companies | GID 16009 | Zurich: Oct. 23-24, 2023 
IFRS Training for Oil & Gas, Power, Utility, & Mining Companies | GID 16010 | Singapore: Dec. 15-16, 2023
IFRS Training for Oil & Gas, Power, Utility, & Mining Companies | GID 16012 | New York City: Oct. 4-5, 2023
IFRS Training for Oil & Gas, Power, Utility, & Mining Companies | GID 16013 | Toronto: Nov. 1-2, 2023
IFRS Training for Oil & Gas, Power, Utility, & Mining Companies | GID 16014 | Sydney: Nov. 22-23, 2023
IFRS Training for Oil & Gas, Power, Utility, & Mining Companies | GID 16015 | Dubai: Nov.r 14-15, 2023
IFRS Training for Oil & Gas, Power, Utility, & Mining Companies | GID 16000 | Online | Available on Request
For more details and to enrol in Mastering IFRS for Oil & Gas, Power, Utility, and Mining Industries, please visit:
By enrolling in Shasat's IFRS course, participants will enhance their accounting skills, improve their understanding of industry-specific financial reporting requirements, and elevate their careers to new heights. Don't miss this opportunity to stay ahead in the dynamic world of financial reporting within the Oil & Gas, Power, Utility, and Mining sectors.
Shasat looks forward to welcoming professionals eager to enhance their expertise in IFRS for these essential industries.
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SUGA (슈가)
Real name: 민윤기 (Min Yoongi)
Birth date: 09 March 1993
Home city: Daegu
Former stage name: Gloss (....-2013)
Studio name: Genius Lab
Instagram account
BU character: Min YoonGi
BT21 character: Shooky
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SUGA started as an underground rapper and producer in Daegu. In 2013, he came to Seoul and got into Big Hit where he debuted. At first not really interested in being an idol, he still worked hard to become one while still keeping an hand in the composition and production of BTS songs. Acknowledged by his peers, he collaborated on a lot of artists’ songs be it as a rapper or as a producer
For a more complete biography, you can check these ressources: 
biography from the volume 2 of the Japan Official Fanclub magazine (trans by kocchi, Kimmy Yang, ktaebwi)
compilation of biographical info from different interviews
pre-debut History
DJ Booth’s article about his philosophy
SUGA has also shared tidbits of his daily life:
[VLOG] Fishing for time... (2019)
목공방 VLOG (woodworking shop) (2022) (Instagram post)
Birthday albums: 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024
Spotify playlist
You can find Youtube playlists of the songs he shared on Spotify and on Twitter or during interviews.
Google sheet of his recommendations
Solo activity
Music (discography)
“All I Do Is Win” (2013)
Rap Monster, Suga & 진 - “어른아이” (Childish Adult) (2013)
"Dream Money” (2013)
“싸이하누월 MIX Final” (INST) (2013)
Agust D (2016) (see this post)
Suran -  “WINE (오늘 취하면) (Feat.Changmo) (창모) (Prod. SUGA)” (2017)
“So Far Away (SUGA, 진, 정국 Ver.)”  (gift for the Festa, 2017)
RM, SUGA, j-hope - 땡 (Daeng) (for the Festa, 2018)
Epik High - “노땡큐 (No Thanxxx) ft. MINO, SIMON DOMINIC, THE QUIETT” (cameo at the end, 2018)
“Seesaw X I NEED U REMIX” (2018)
LeeSoRa - “Song Request (Feat. SUGA of BTS)” (2019)
D-2 (2019) (see this post)
헤이즈 (Heize) - “We don't talk together (Feat. 기리보이 (Giriboy)) (Prod. SUGA)” (2019)
Halsey - “SUGA's Interlude” (2019)
IU(아이유) - “eight(에잇) (Prod.&Feat. SUGA of BTS)” (2020)
MAX - “Blueberry Eyes (feat. SUGA of BTS)” (2020)
Over The Horizon By SUGA Of BTS (for Samsung, 2021)
ØMI - “You (Prod. SUGA of BTS)” (2021)
Juice WRLD - “Girl Of My Dreams (with Suga from BTS)“ (2021)
Jung Kook (정국) - ”Stay Alive (Prod. SUGA of BTS)” (OST for the 7FATES: CHAKHO webcomic, 2022)
PSY - “That That (prod. & feat. SUGA of BTS)” (2022)
--- Chapter 2 ---
Over the Horizon 2022 by SUGA of BTS (for Samsung, 2022)
D-DAY (2023) (see this post)
Halsey - “Lilith (Diablo IV Anthem)” feat. SUGA (2023)
For more details about the songs that don’t have their own post, I listed all the info I had here. For Chapter 2 songs, please check here.
꿀 FM 06.13 (Kkul FM) (2014, anchor)
he’s the official DJ for all BTS radio shows. During the spring of 2020, he did 9 episodes of DJ’s SUGA Honey FM 06.13 on Vlive (now on Weverse): first episode, with RM, with Jin, with V, with j-hope, with Jimin, with Jung Kook, with BTS
화개장터 (Hwagae Market) (2015, anchor)
episode 0 [ 대국민사과방송 ] (national apology broadcast)
episode 1 [ 요지부동 ] (try to not react)
episode 1.5 [ 벌칙수행 ] (penalty execution)
SOPE 👨‍❤️‍👨필리핀에 오다! (Came to the Philippines!)
솝 꿀피부를 부탁해😆 (Please take care of my honey-soft skin)
해체 발표 (disbandment announcement) for April Fools
슈취타 (Suchwita) (2022, anchor)
Youtube playlist
The title of the show is in reference to his song “Daechwita”
The goal of the show is to have honest discussions with a guest while drinking alcohol
SUGA’s Instagram posts: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5
Weverse Magazine: “K-pop musicians are changing the talk show format”
Brands endorsement
Global ambassador for Valentino (2023): official tweets, SUGA’s Instagram post, #2
Ambassador for the NBA (2023): tweet announcement, official tweets, announcement on the NBA website
Marie Claire Korea May issue (2023): teaser tweet, tweets, Youtube videos, interview, SUGA’s Instagram post #1, #2, #3
VOGUE JAPAN August issue (2023): tweets, interview
GQ Korea October issue (2023)
BE comeback interview: “I'm grateful that there are still unvisited areas in the world of music”
Butter release interview: “This is the only thing I know how to really do”
Proof release interview: “I hope they’re excited for everything so I can give their life meaning each and every day”
SUGA used to play a BTS fansite named 슈가의 시선 (SUGA’s sight). You can still find some of his tweets here, here and here, notably the “Photograph by SUGA” series, as well as blog posts:
Incheon International Airport and Thailand (those 2 were shot during the first NOW photobook filming)
“Just One Day”
BTS 1st anniversary.
He loves and used to play basketball. The two intros he made for the 화양연화  series, “Intro: 화양연화“ and “Intro: Never Mind”, have elements reminding of the game, be it in the beat, the lyrics or the video. While in the United States, he took the occasion to visit several teams.
He forms the group Sope with j-hope. As this subunit, they made the show  화개장터 (Hwagae market) and the Japanese song “Otsukare”.
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Multi-talented artist Amber Liu is back with a pleasantly familiar sound. Returning to her 2022 EP trilogy, bridged from a series of tracks guaranteed to fit everyone’s taste, Amber’s goal this time around is to satisfy any fans she may have missed. Released as the title track of “Z!”, “EASIER,” featuring international sensation Jackson Wang, takes on a new identity with the help of electronic artist YULTRON with HARDER (feat. Jackson Wang and YULTRON) that is now available on all streaming platforms.
No stranger to collabs, Amber has worked with Peniel of BTOB, MaSiWei of Higher Brothers, Jackson Wang, and DJ YULTRON for her own single. After releasing the successful EP trilogy series “X”, “y?” and “Z!,” Amber has taken a step back in time to revisit her hit track “EASIER.” The R&B mixed with rock single features Amber’s laid back raps, Jackson’s husky vocals, and harmonies that brilliantly showcase the pair's excellent musical compatibility. YULTRON’s danceable electronic addition to the tune blows it out of the water and reshapes the already addicting single.
Originally adorning R&B, soul, and rock influences, “EASIER” followed a heartfelt dialogue between Amber and Jackson as they sang about pushing for something meaningful, even if it might not be the easier thing to do. YULTRON, with his background in classical music and guitar, fully understood this initial, earnest plot of the story, and was able to fully transform it into an electronic track while keeping its core message still intact. Now, with the added future bass sound and synth embellishments, “HARDER” dons a new wardrobe as one of the hardest, electronic dance beats to grace this summer.
In 2014, Jackson Wang debuted as a member of JYP entertainment’s K-pop group GOT7 in Korea. In 2017, he founded TEAM WANG then in 2021, he left JYP entertainment coming back to TEAM WANG in China to start releasing his solo music. Most recently, Jackson headlined the League Of Legends 2022 Worlds Championship Opening Ceremony with a performance of his latest single, “Fire to the Fuse,” a Riot Games Music written track that peaked at No. 1 on Billboard’s Hot Trending Song Chart. Jackson has collaborated with multiple global brands over the years. As a globally acclaimed artist, Jackson’s goal is to showcase a Chinese-influenced sound on the international music stage and highlight Chinese and Asian culture worldwide. In his ascent, Jackson has amassed over 93 million followers across socials.
Los Angeles-based DJ/Producer, YULTRON has established himself as a prominent figure in the music industry. With a dynamic range of collaborations spanning various genres, he has worked alongside esteemed artists such as Marshmello, Ookay, Kayzo, Jay Park, Snoop Dogg, Rezz, Kellin Quinn, DJ Snake, Zeds Dead, Illenium, and even a previous single with Amber Liu. With an unwavering passion for music and an unyielding drive to push boundaries, YULTRON continues to captivate audiences and make a lasting impact on the music industry. His electrifying performances have graced renowned festivals including Lollapalooza, EDC Vegas, Hard Summer, Countdown, and others.
This summer is all about Amber Liu. Starting in May, she released various singles including “ILY,” “No More Sad Songs,” and “Can’t Go Yet.” This year is all about being your authentic self and revealing who you are through your art. In the midst of all the news on Amber, she will be going on tour in the beginning of 2024 for No More Sad Songs visiting 9 cities across Canada, United States and London. For more information on tour dates and tickets, please visit Amber Liu’s social media channels. Tickets go on sale this Saturday, August 26 at 10am local time.
2024 No More Sad Songs World Tour Dates:
All dates and cities below are subject to change.
Jan. 17  Seattle, WA
Jan. 19 San Francisco, CA
Jan. 20 Los Angeles, CA
Jan. 21 San Diego, CA
Jan. 23 Chicago, IL
Jan. 24 Toronto, ON
Jan. 26 New York, NY
Jan. 28 Washington, DC
Jan. 30 London, UK
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faxocjobs · 1 year
Remote Work Revolution: Job Vacancies in the Virtual Office
The way we work has undergone a seismic shift in recent years, and it's not just a passing trend. The Remote Work Revolution is here to stay, and it's transforming the job market as we know it. In this blog post, we'll explore the opportunities presented by this revolution and the myriad job vacancies that have emerged in the realm of the virtual office. 
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1. Remote Project Manager 
Project management remains a vital function, even in a virtual office setting. Remote project managers oversee teams, set goals, and ensure that projects are completed efficiently and on time. 
2. Virtual Administrative Assistant 
Administrative assistants continue to play a crucial role in remote work. They manage calendars, coordinate meetings, and handle a wide range of administrative tasks that keep virtual offices running smoothly. 
3. Digital Marketing Specialist 
In a world where online presence is everything, digital marketing specialists are in high demand. They create and execute online marketing strategies, optimizing a company's visibility and reach in the digital landscape. 
4. Software Developer 
Remote software developers design, build, and maintain the software that powers the virtual office. They collaborate with global teams to develop applications, websites, and other digital solutions. 
5. Customer Support Representative 
The need for excellent customer support remains unchanged. Remote customer support representatives address customer inquiries and issues via email, chat, or phone, providing top-notch service from anywhere in the world. 
6. Virtual Sales Representative 
Sales teams have adapted to remote work, and virtual sales representatives connect with clients and prospects through virtual meetings and online communication channels. 
7. Data Analyst 
Data analysts gather and interpret data to provide insights that guide business decisions. Their work helps companies make data-driven choices, leading to improved efficiency and profitability. 
8. Telemedicine Practitioner 
The healthcare industry has embraced telemedicine, leading to job vacancies for remote doctors, nurses, therapists, and other healthcare professionals who provide medical consultations and care remotely. 
9. Online Education Instructor 
Online education has witnessed exponential growth, creating opportunities for online instructors who conduct virtual classes and offer remote support to students worldwide. 
10. Content Creator 
Content creators generate written, visual, or audio content for websites, blogs, social media, and other digital platforms. They play a critical role in engaging and informing virtual audiences. 
11. Human Resources Manager 
HR managers are responsible for recruiting, onboarding, and managing remote employees, ensuring a smooth and positive experience for all. 
12. Cybersecurity Specialist 
With the increased reliance on digital technologies, cybersecurity specialists are in high demand to protect company data and systems from cyber threats. 
13. Virtual Event Planner 
Virtual event planners design and coordinate virtual conferences, webinars, and other online gatherings, ensuring a seamless and engaging experience for attendees. 
14. Remote Financial Analyst 
Financial analysts analyze financial data to provide insights that drive business decisions, even from remote locations. 
15. Online Psychologist or Counselor 
Remote psychologists and counselors provide mental health support to clients through virtual sessions, expanding access to mental health services. 
The Remote Work Revolution has unlocked a world of possibilities, allowing individuals to pursue meaningful careers while maintaining flexibility and work-life balance. The virtual office is no longer just a temporary solution; it's a fundamental shift in how we work, and it's opening up a wealth of job vacancies for those ready to embrace this new way of working. As remote work continues to evolve, these job vacancies will continue to adapt and expand, creating exciting opportunities for job seekers in the virtual office of the future. 
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What is Digital Marketing?
Digital marketing refers to the promotion of products or services using digital channels, primarily on the internet. This encompasses various strategies and techniques, including search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, email marketing, content marketing, and online advertising.
Types of Digital Marketing:
Various types of Digital Marketing that help us to promotion of the products and services .  Some are given below -
1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Definition: The Art of the process the increased the visibility of a webpage or website in  search engine result pages that is called search engine optimizations(SEO).
Goal: Increase organic traffic through relevant keywords,Structured and quality content.
2. Pay-Per-Click Advertising (PPC)
Definition: A model of online advertising where advertisers pay each time their ad is clicked.
Platforms: Google Ads, Bing Ads, social media ads.
Goal: Drive traffic to websites quickly & in-organic.
3. Social Media Marketing
Definition: Promoting products or services through social media platforms that is called social media marketing.
Platforms: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn.
Goal: Build brand awareness and engage to the audiences.
4. Content Marketing
Definition: Creating and distributing valuable, relevant content to attract and retain a target audience.
Formats: Blogs, videos, infographics, podcasts.
Goal: Establish authority and drive customer engagement.
5. Email Marketing
Definition: Sending targeted messages or newsletters to a list of subscribers.
Goal: Nurture leads, build relationships, and promote products.
6. Affiliate Marketing
Definition: Partnering with affiliates who promote your products for a commission on sales generated through their referrals.
Goal: Expand reach and drive sales through partnerships.
7. Influencer Marketing
Definition: Collaborating with influencers who have a significant following to promote products or services.
Goal: Leverage the influencer's credibility to reach a broader audience.
8. Online Public Relations (PR)
Definition: Managing a brand’s reputation through online channels, including social media, blogs, and news sites.
Goal: Improve brand visibility and handle public perception.
9. Video Marketing
Definition: Using video content to promote products, engage customers, or provide information.
Platforms: YouTube, social media, company websites.
Goal: Increase engagement and convey messages effectively.
10. Mobile Marketing
Definition: Targeting customers through mobile devices via apps, SMS, or mobile-optimized websites.
Goal: Reach consumers on the go and improve user experience.
11. Web Analytics
Definition: Tracking and analyzing website traffic and user behavior to optimize digital marketing strategies.
Goal: Gain insights to improve marketing efforts and user experience.
Nature of Digital Marketing
Dynamic: Digital marketing trends change rapidly, influenced by technology and consumer behavior.
Data-Driven: Emphasizes analytics and metrics to track performance and refine strategies.
Targeted: Allows for precise targeting based on demographics, interests, and online behavior.
Interactive: Engages customers through two-way communication, fostering relationships and feedback.
Benefits of Digital Marketing
Global Reach: Businesses can reach a worldwide audience at a lower cost than traditional marketing.
Cost-Effective: Often cheaper than traditional advertising methods, making it accessible for small businesses.
Measurable Results: Tools like Google Analytics allow for tracking campaign performance in real-time.
Targeted Marketing: Campaigns can be tailored to specific audiences, improving conversion rates.
Increased Engagement: Social media platforms enable direct interaction with customers, building brand loyalty.
24/7 Availability: Digital marketing channels can operate around the clock, maximizing visibility.
Flexibility: Campaigns can be adjusted quickly based on performance data.
Improved Conversion Rates: Enhanced targeting leads to higher chances of converting leads into customers.
Variety of Channels: Businesses can use multiple platforms (social media, email, etc.) to reach customers.
Personalization: Marketing messages can be personalized to cater to individual preferences and behaviors.
High Competition: The low entry barrier can lead to saturation in many industries.
Rapid Changes: Staying updated with trends and algorithms can be challenging.
Technical Knowledge Required: Effective digital marketing often requires a good understanding of technology and analytics.
Privacy Concerns: Issues related to data privacy and regulations can complicate marketing strategies.
Ad Fatigue: Overexposure to ads can lead to consumer disengagement.
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theiibms · 2 days
Is a Doctorate in Management Studies Worth It? Here’s What You Should Know
Pursuing a Doctorate in Management Studies is a significant commitment, both intellectually and financially. With the increasing complexity of global business environments and the evolving nature of leadership roles, many professionals and academics are weighing whether this advanced degree is worth the investment.
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Understanding the Doctorate in Management
A Doctorate in Management Studies (DMS) is a significant academic and professional commitment. Before diving into this rigorous program, it’s essential to weigh its potential benefits and drawbacks. Here are ten points to consider when determining if a DMS is worth pursuing:
1] Advanced Knowledge and Expertise: A DMS offers an in-depth understanding of management theories, research methodologies, and advanced business strategies. This comprehensive knowledge can position you as an expert in your field, making you a valuable asset in academia or high-level consulting roles.
2] Career Advancement Opportunities: For those aiming for top executive positions, a DMS can be a game-changer. It equips you with the strategic thinking and analytical skills required for roles such as Chief Executive Officer, Chief Operations Officer, or senior management consultant.
3] Research and Academic Opportunities: If you’re passionate about research, a DMS opens doors to academic positions at prestigious universities or research institutions. It allows you to contribute original research and influence the future of management practices.
4] Increased Earning Potential: While pursuing a DMS often involves significant financial investment, the potential return on investment can be substantial. Graduates frequently see a boost in their earning potential, especially in academic and consulting roles where advanced degrees are highly valued.
5] Networking and Professional Growth: Doctoral programs provide access to a network of experts, scholars, and industry leaders. This network can be invaluable for collaboration, professional growth, and accessing exclusive career opportunities.
6] Specialization and Niche Expertise: A DMS allows you to specialize in a particular area of management, such as organizational behavior, strategic management, or human resources. This specialization can set you apart in the job market and enhance your credibility in your chosen niche.
7] Personal Fulfillment and Achievement: Earning a doctorate is a significant personal achievement. The rigorous academic challenges and successful completion of a DMS can be immensely fulfilling and boost your confidence in your professional capabilities.
8] Impact on Industry Practices: Doctoral research often leads to innovations and improvements in management practices. By contributing original research, you have the opportunity to influence industry standards and practices, making a lasting impact.
9] Balancing Time and Financial Investment: Pursuing a DMS requires a substantial commitment of time and resources. It’s crucial to consider whether you can manage the demands of the program alongside your personal and professional responsibilities.
10] Alternative Pathways to Career Goals: Before committing to a DMS, explore other pathways that might align with your career goals. In some cases, professional certifications, executive education programs, or practical experience might provide similar benefits without the extended time and financial investment.
Course Objective
This course aims to provide you with advanced critical, analytical and argumentative skills, to deliver personal fulfillment , professional development and career enhancement, and to encourage reflective practice.
Developing new approach methods and techniques for decision processes, which answer to the present and the future needs of the organizations.
Adapting existing methods and techniques of Management and Industrial Engineering to solve new problems in new organizational environments.
Making comparative studies of methods or techniques of Management and Industrial Engineering, which allow measuring their impact in the organizations.
Career Advancement and Opportunities
One of the primary reasons individuals pursue a DMS is to enhance their career prospects. Here’s how a DMS can impact your career:
Academic Careers: A DMS can open doors to faculty positions at universities and business schools, allowing you to shape future leaders and researchers.
Consulting and Advisory Roles: With a deep understanding of management theories and research, you can offer high-level consulting services to organizations looking for specialized expertise.
Leadership Positions: The advanced knowledge and research skills gained through a DMS can position you for senior leadership roles in various industries.
A Doctorate in Management Studies can be a worthwhile investment if it aligns with your career goals and personal aspirations. It offers advanced knowledge, research opportunities, and the potential for significant career advancement. However, it’s important to carefully weigh the benefits against the time and financial commitments required. If you’re passionate about management and ready for the challenges, a DMS could be a valuable asset in your professional journey.
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kicksaddictny · 2 days
Saucony x Jae Tips "To Do List Collection
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Saucony, the renowned global performance and lifestyle running brand, has officially revealed the release of its latest collaboration with Bronx native Jae Tips. The highly anticipated "To-Do List" Collection will be available worldwide on Saucony.com starting September 20.
This marks the third collaboration between Saucony and Jae Tips, and it promises to deliver fresh designs with meaningful inspiration. The collection includes two bold colorways of the Saucony ProGrid Omni 9 and, for the first time, two kids' versions of the iconic Shadow 6000. A devoted father, Jae Tips drew inspiration from his own children, who are featured in the campaign, emphasizing how creativity, goal-setting, and self-expression can begin at a young age—just as they did for him.
"There's been a lot of excitement around the 'To-Do List' collection since Jae teased it at Paris Fashion Week in June," said Russ Pope, Saucony’s Senior Brand Marketing Manager. "Jae Tips is a key part of the Saucony family, and his energy, shared values, and design vision are invaluable to the brand. We're thrilled to be launching this collection globally."
The "To-Do List" Collection is deeply inspired by the Bronx lifestyle, reflecting the daily grind and hustle with sneakers built for comfort and style. Packaged in a custom Jae Tips-designed box, the collection showcases Jae’s signature love for color theory, with each sneaker featuring a vibrant palette, custom sock liners, graphic heel prints, and distinctive tongue badging.
"I'm excited to continue my creative journey with Saucony and bring these new designs to life," said Jae Tips. "In a fast-paced city like New York, where there's always a to-do list waiting, a comfortable pair of shoes is essential. The ProGrid Omni 9 and Shadow 6000s were the perfect canvas for my vision, and I can't wait for fans to experience them."
This release follows an impressive year for both Jae Tips and Saucony. The duo took home the FNAA Collaboration of the Year and Collaborator of the Year awards from Nice Kicks in 2023. Continuing their tradition of connecting with fans, Saucony and Jae Tips will be hosting several in-store events across the U.S., where sneakerheads can meet Jae Tips and purchase the ProGrid Omni 9 "To-Do List" before the global release.
The event stops include Likelihood in Seattle on September 13, DVSN West in Denver on September 15, and Kicking It in Austin on September 20.
Mark your calendars for September 20 and visit Saucony.com to shop the collection and experience the vibrant and inspiring designs from the "To-Do List" Collection.
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inflowen · 3 days
Top 10 Strategic SEO Agencies in the UK
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Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a cornerstone of digital marketing, helping businesses increase online visibility, drive targeted traffic, and boost overall results. In the UK, numerous agencies offer strategic SEO services tailored to meet the evolving demands of the digital landscape. This article highlights 10 top SEO companies known for their innovative approaches and exceptional results.
1. Inflowen
Inflowen is a Sheffield-based SEO and web design agency that offers tailored services like local SEO, link building, and WordPress web design. They help businesses enhance their digital presence by creating SEO-optimized, visually appealing websites that drive traffic and increase rankings. With a focus on local and global clients, Inflowen delivers custom strategies to generate leads and improve online visibility. 
Essential Services: SEO, Local SEO, Link Building, e-commerce SEO, Web Design, e-commerce Website Design Location: Sheffield, South Yorkshire, UK
2. Distilled (Brainlabs)
Distilled, now part of the Brainlabs family, has established a reputation for its cutting-edge SEO strategies. Based in London, they specialize in technical SEO, content marketing, and creative campaigns designed to enhance organic traffic. Distilled's data-driven approach ensures measurable outcomes for clients of all sizes.
Essential Services: Technical SEO, Content Marketing, SEO Audits Location: London
3. Blue Array
Blue Array is one of the UK's leading pure-play SEO agencies. Combining in-house expertise with consultancy services, it delivers comprehensive solutions. Its emphasis on transparency and data-driven strategies empowers businesses to scale and dominate search rankings.
Essential Services: SEO Consultancy, Training, Content SEO Location: Reading
4. Click Consult
Founded in 2003, Click Consult is an award-winning SEO agency with a proven track record. They focus on creating tailored campaigns that align with client business goals, utilizing technical SEO, content creation, and link-building strategies.
Essential Services: Organic SEO, Paid Search, Content Marketing Location: Cheshire
5. Peak Ace
Peak Ace is renowned for its multilingual and international SEO expertise. This London-based agency excels in providing SEO strategies for businesses operating globally, ensuring compliance with local search engine requirements while maintaining a solid global presence.
Essential Services: International SEO, Technical SEO, Data-driven SEO Location: London
6. Fat Fish Marketing
Fat Fish Marketing is a UK-based SEO agency specializing in strategic and technical SEO solutions. Its team of seasoned professionals focuses on delivering tailored services that drive long-term growth and help businesses achieve sustainable ranking improvements.
Essential Services: Technical SEO, SEO Strategy, PPC Location: Manchester
7. Bulldog Digital Media
Bulldog Digital Media offers comprehensive SEO solutions that blend creativity with data. Their team collaborates with clients to develop bespoke SEO strategies that deliver measurable results. Bulldog's expertise spans various industries, focusing on scaling businesses through organic traffic.
Essential Services: On-page SEO, Link Building, SEO Strategy Location: Essex
8. Builtvisible
Builtvisible is an award-winning agency offering creative, content-led SEO strategies. It is known for its technical expertise and ability to craft campaigns that engage audiences and increase visibility. Builtvisible delivers results by creating content that ranks well and drives relevant traffic.
Essential Services: Content-led SEO, Technical SEO, Analytics Location: London
9. Re
Re is a specialist SEO and content marketing agency recognized for delivering high-quality organic growth strategies. They focus on providing scalable and sustainable SEO solutions, often working with large eCommerce and B2B companies to improve search performance.
Essential Services: Organic Growth, SEO Audits, Content Strategy Location: London
10. iProspect UK
iProspect is a global digital marketing agency with a strong UK presence. Known for its holistic approach to SEO, iProspect combines search engine optimization with performance marketing, ensuring that SEO efforts align with broader marketing objectives. Their clients include major brands across various industries.
Essential Services: SEO Strategy, Data-driven SEO, Performance Marketing Location: London, Manchester
Choosing the right SEO agency can significantly impact your online presence and business goals. The 10 top strategic SEO companies in the UK highlighted in this article offer a wide range of services tailored to your needs. Each company brings a wealth of experience, innovative strategies, and a strong track record of success. When selecting an SEO partner, consider factors like industry expertise, transparency, and the ability to align with your overall business strategy to ensure optimal results.
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Hitech City Spotlight: The Top 10 CA Audit Firms Making Waves
In the bustling business landscape of Hitech City, Hyderabad, the demand for professional auditing services is on the rise. With a blend of innovation and expertise, the top 10 CA audit firms in Hitech City are playing a pivotal role in helping businesses maintain financial integrity and compliance. If you're in Madhapur and searching for the right firm to meet your auditing needs, this guide is your go-to resource.
1. SBC
Leading our list is SBC, a premier CA audit firm located in Madhapur. Known for its client-focused approach, SBC offers a comprehensive suite of auditing services tailored to businesses of all sizes. Their experienced professionals are dedicated to ensuring compliance with regulations while providing strategic insights that drive growth. For personalized assistance, don’t hesitate to contact SBC at 040-48555182.
2. Deloitte
Deloitte is a name synonymous with excellence in auditing. Their Hitech City office provides extensive audit and advisory services that cater to a diverse range of industries. Deloitte’s commitment to innovation and technology ensures that clients receive accurate and timely financial information, making them a top choice for businesses seeking reliability.
KPMG is another heavyweight in the auditing sector. With a strong presence in Hitech City, KPMG offers a variety of audit services designed to help businesses navigate complex regulatory landscapes. Their team of experts delivers actionable insights that enhance decision-making and operational efficiency.
4. Ernst & Young (EY)
Ernst & Young (EY) is recognized for its innovative solutions in audit and assurance. Their Hitech City branch specializes in compliance audits, risk management, and financial reporting. EY’s focus on leveraging technology to streamline auditing processes ensures clients achieve maximum accuracy and efficiency.
5. PwC (PricewaterhouseCoopers)
PwC is a global leader in audit services, with a dedicated team in Hitech City. They provide a wide array of audit solutions, focusing on financial accuracy and regulatory compliance. PwC’s emphasis on data analytics and risk management helps businesses make informed decisions, making them a preferred partner in the region.
6. BDO India
BDO India is known for its personalized approach to audit services. Their Hitech City team works closely with clients to understand their specific needs and challenges. BDO’s comprehensive audit solutions are designed to enhance operational performance and ensure compliance with the latest regulations.
7. Grant Thornton
Grant Thornton is a reputable name in the audit industry, with a strong focus on delivering value-added services. Their office in Hitech City offers a full range of audit and assurance services, providing clients with the insights they need to navigate complex financial landscapes successfully.
8. RSM India
RSM India is recognized for its extensive auditing capabilities and industry-specific expertise. Their Hitech City team collaborates with businesses to ensure compliance while delivering insights that drive growth. RSM’s proactive approach sets them apart as a trusted partner in the audit field.
9. Crowe
Crowe combines traditional auditing practices with modern technology to deliver exceptional services. Their Hitech City office emphasizes transparency and collaboration, allowing clients to benefit from thorough audits and strategic advice that align with their business goals.
10. NGS Global
NGS Global provides specialized audit services tailored to various industries. Their Hitech City team blends local knowledge with global standards, ensuring clients receive high-quality audit solutions that meet their unique requirements.
Choosing from the top 10 CA audit firms in Hitech City can significantly impact your business’s financial health and compliance. Whether you require comprehensive audits or specialized advisory services, firms like SBC in Madhapur are well-equipped to help you succeed. Reach out to SBC at 040-48555182 to explore how they can assist your business in achieving excellence in auditing. Embrace the opportunity for growth and set your business on the path to success today!
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Unlocking the Power of Education: 11 Benefits of Virtual Classroom
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In recent years, technological advancements have revolutionized the traditional education landscape, giving rise to the era of virtual classrooms. These e-learning platforms have become increasingly popular, offering a myriad of benefits that cater to the diverse needs of students and educators alike. As we have entered the digital age, let's explore 11 key advantages of virtual classrooms.
1. Accessibility and Flexibility
Virtual classrooms with learning management software break down geographical barriers, providing students with access to education from anywhere in the world. This accessibility fosters inclusivity and allows learners to pursue their academic goals at their own pace, promoting a flexible and personalized learning experience.
2. Cost-Effective Learning
Traditional education often involves significant expenses related to travel, accommodation, and physical resources. Software for online learning eliminates many of these costs, making education more affordable and accessible to a wider audience. Students can save on commuting expenses and materials, and institutions can streamline their operational costs.
3. Diverse Learning Resources
Virtual classrooms leverage digital technology to offer a diverse range of learning resources, including multimedia presentations, interactive simulations, and online libraries. This wealth of resources caters to various virtual learning styles, enhancing comprehension and engagement among students.
4. Real-time Collaboration
Virtual classrooms facilitate real-time collaboration among students and educators, breaking down the limitations of physical proximity. Through online discussions, group projects, and virtual study sessions, students can connect with peers globally, fostering a collaborative learning environment.
5. Instant Feedback and Assessment
The e-learning platform enables immediate assessment and feedback, allowing students to gauge their understanding of the material instantly. This timely feedback enhances the learning process, enabling students to address misconceptions instantly and make necessary adjustments to their study strategies.
6. Customized Learning Paths
Virtual classrooms empower educators to tailor learning experiences to individual student needs.  Adaptive learning platforms with the best learning management software use data analytics to identify strengths and weaknesses, enabling personalized lesson plans and ensuring that each student receives targeted support.
7. Improved Time Management Skills
Virtual classrooms necessitate self-discipline and time management skills, essential attributes for success in today's fast-paced world. Students learn to organize their schedules, meet deadlines, and balance academic responsibilities, cultivating habits that are valuable in both academic and professional spheres.
8. Environmentally Friendly Education
Online learning management system contributes to environmental sustainability by reducing the need for advanced physical infrastructure, transportation, and paper. The shift to virtual classrooms aligns with global efforts to make education more eco-friendly.
9.  Enhanced Technical Proficiency
Engaging with virtual classrooms equips students with essential digital skills, a requirement in the modern workforce. From navigating the best e-learning platform to utilizing collaborative tools, students develop technological proficiency that prepares them for the demands of the digital age.
10. Global Networking Opportunities
Virtual classrooms connect students with peers and professionals worldwide, fostering a global network of contacts. This interconnectedness expands opportunities for cross-cultural collaboration, exchange programs, and a broader understanding of diverse perspectives.
11. Lifelong Learning and Continuing Education
Virtual classrooms make lifelong learning and continuing education more accessible to individuals of all ages. Whether pursuing advanced degrees, professional certifications, or acquiring new skills, virtual classrooms with a learning management system provide a platform for continuous personal and professional development.
As technology continues to reshape education, virtual classrooms emerge as a powerful tool for transforming the learning experience. The benefits outlined above highlight the potential of online education to make learning more accessible, engaging, and tailored to individual needs. As we embrace the advantages of the best e-learning platform, we pave the way for a more inclusive, dynamic, and technologically driven future of education.
Explore multiple virtual classroom software provider companies in India, “Kaltura, Globus Infocom Limited, edapp, Edulastic, and more. Among these software companies, Globus Infocom is the one that provides comprehensive solutions (along with the feature-rich hardware with software ensuring complete transformation supporting hybrid learning methods in schools/colleges/universities).
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