#Global Candies Industry Report
cmisayali · 28 days
Throat Lozenges: Alleviating Sore Throats New Findings Offer Promising Relief
What are Throat Lozenges?
Cough drop are medicated candy-like tablets that are designed to provide quick relief to coughs or sore throats. They dissolve slowly in the mouth, allowing the ingredients to coat and soothe the throat. Key Ingredients in Throat Lozenges
Throat Lozenges generally contain one or more of the following active ingredients that work to relieve throat irritation : Anesthetics - Such as benzocaine or phenol aid in numbing throat pain. They work topically to reduce throat sensitivity. Anti-inflammatory Agents - Like menthol or eucalyptus oil work by reducing inflammation. They promote mucus drainage to clear congestion. Demulcents - Materials like honey or glycerin coat the throat lining. They protect it from further irritation when swallowing or coughing. Antibiotics - Lozenges containing tetracycline are occasionally prescribed for bacterial throat infections. They treat specific infections. How do Throat Lozenges Work?
When a throat lozenge dissolves in the mouth, its active ingredients are released. They coat and numb the throat, reducing discomfort. Specific ingredients may also reduce swelling or treat infections : - Anesthetics temporarily numb painful areas, blocking throat pain signals. - Anti-inflammatory agents decrease swelling in irritated throat tissues. This lessens pain. - Demulcents form a protective film over inflamed areas, shielding them from further irritation. - Antibiotics kill or limit bacterial growth if a strep throat is present. This resolves the underlying cause. The slow dissolving nature also allows the throat to be continuously coated for 30-60 minutes, enhancing relief during that period. Using Cough drop Effectively
For best results, cough drop should be used as per product instructions. Some general tips on their effective use include: - Allow the lozenge to dissolve slowly in the mouth, rather than chewing or swallowing it whole. This ensures maximum coating of the throat. - Suck on the lozenge for at least 15-20 minutes for the ingredients to take maximum effect before swallowing any remnants. - Use lozenges at the first signs of a sore throat, rather than waiting for severe pain. Early action provides prompt symptom relief. - Lozenges work best for recently developed throat irritations. See a doctor for persistent or worsening pain. - Drink plenty of fluids while using lozenges to keep the throat moist. Water is recommended over acidic juices. - Lozenges containing local anesthetics provide temporary pain relief. Seek medical help if symptoms persist beyond a few days. Popular Throat Lozenge Brands
Some globally recognized throat lozenge brands offering effective temporary relief include: - Halls: Known for its menthol and eucalyptus flavors, it soothes and fights germs. - Strepsils: Contains phenol as an active ingredient. It aims to relieve pain from streptococcal sore throats. - Thayers: A honey-based lozenge brand formulated to moisturize and protect the throat naturally. - Chloraseptic: Branded lozenges utilizing benzocaine as an oral anesthetic to numb throat pain. - Cough Drops: A variety of flavored cough drop and drops by Ricola and Fishermans Friend. - Biotene: Specialized lozenges and mouthwashes for dry mouth relief alongside sore throat symptoms. In Summary, cough drop are widely available over-the-counter at pharmacies. They offer a convenient, drug-free way to temporarily relieve common throat afflictions. Using them properly under medical guidance helps maximize symptom comfort.
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About Author:
Ravina Pandya, Content Writer, has a strong foothold in the market research industry. She specializes in writing well-researched articles from different industries, including food and beverages, information and technology, healthcare, chemical and materials, etc. (https://www.linkedin.com/in/ravina-pandya-1a3984191)
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reasoningdaily · 1 year
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The Milton Hershey School in Pennsylvania is one of the wealthiest education centers in the world. Founded in 1909 as an orphanage for “male Caucasian” boys, it was awarded 30 percent of the company’s future earnings by Milton S. Hershey upon his death. Thanks to the success of Kit-Kats, Reese’s, and Whoppers, the school is worth a staggering $7.8 billion.
Now home to more than 2,000 students, it owns a controlling interest in the $22.3 billion Hershey company—a chocolate maker with roots in child protection and education that, in the worst form of irony, allegedly relies on cocoa harvested by child laborers in West Africa.
It is this irony that serves as the motivation behind a class action lawsuit filed Monday against Hershey and two of its competitors, Mars and Nestle. The complaints, filed by three California residents, allege that the companies are guilty of false advertising for failing to disclose the use of child slavery on their packaging. Without it, the plaintiffs claim, the companies are deceiving consumers into “unwittingly” supporting the child slave labor trade.
“America’s largest and most profitable food conglomerates should not tolerate child labor, much less child slave labor, anywhere in their supply chains,” the complaint reads. “These companies should not turn a blind eye to known human rights abuses... especially when the companies consistently and affirmatively represent that they act in a socially and ethically responsible manner.”
The class action suits seek both monetary damages for California residents who have purchased the chocolate and revised packaging that denotes child slaves were used. It’s a new approach to an old problem: the chocolate industry’s deep, dark, not-so-secret scandal. It’s been 15 years since the first allegations of child slavery in the chocolate industry caused national outrage. Will this be the final straw?
West Africa is home to two-thirds of the world’s cacao beans (cocoa), the main ingredient in chocolate—a product that’s fueled a $90 billion industry.
The first group to question the financial strategies behind the industry’s wealth was a British organization called True Vision Entertainment. In a shocking 2000 documentary titled Slavery: A Global Investigation, the group reported on the chocolate industry’s alleged connection to cocoa harvested by child slaves.The award-winning film opens on stick-thin adolescent boys in the Ivory Coast slinging hundred-pound bags of cocoa pods on their backs, followed by an interview in which the boys express their confusion over not being paid.
Later the filmmakers meet with 19 children who were said to have just been freed from slavery by the Ivorian authorities. Their guardian describes how they worked from dawn until dusk each day, only to be locked in a shed at night where they were given a tin cup in which to urinate. During the first six months (the “breaking-in period”), they say, they were routinely beaten. “The beatings were a part of my life,” says Aly Diabata, one of the former child laborers. “I had seen others who tried to escape. When they tried, they were severely beaten.”
The boys’ stories are sickeningly graphic. Before beatings, the boys say they were stripped naked and tied up. They were then pummeled with a variety of weapons, from fists and feet to belts and whips. In the film, some of the boys get up and imitate the beatings. Others stand to reveal hundreds of scars lining their backs and torsos—some still bloody and scabbed. They get quiet when the filmmakers ask whether any are beaten today and say some are simply “taken away.”
Asked what he’d say to the billions who eat chocolate worldwide (most of the boys have never tried it), one boy replies: “They enjoy something I suffered to make; I worked hard for them but saw no benefit. They are eating my flesh.” Toward the end of the segment, the filmmakers meet with one of the “slave masters,” who admits he purchased the young boys and that some of his men routinely beat them. His reasoning: He is paid a low price for the cocoa and thus needs to harvest as much of it as he possibly can.
The release of the film in late 2000 sparked national outrage. No one seemed more shocked than the chocolate companies themselves. In June 2001, Hershey senior vice president Robert M. Reese told Philadelphia Inquirer reporter Bob Fernandez that “no one, repeat, no one, had ever heard of this.” After internal investigations, several companies, including Hershey, expressed concern over the conditions of laborers in West Africa.
The news made its way to Congress, where U.S. Rep. Eliot Engel quickly drafted legislation asking the Federal Drug Administration to introduce “slave free” labeling. After gaining approval in the House of Representatives, the bill moved to a vote in the Senate, where it had the support needed to win passage. But just before the legislation made it to a vote, the chocolate industry stepped in with a promise it has yet to keep: to self-regulate and eradicate the practice by 2005.
The Engel-Harkin Protocol (or Cocoa Protocol), as the agreement was called, was signed in September 2001.
Eight companies—including Nestle, Mars, and Hershey—were signatories of the massive accord, pledging $2 million to investigate the labor practices and eliminate the “Worst Forms of Child Labor,” the official term from the International Labor Organization, by 2005. When the July 2005 deadline arrived with the industries yet to make major changes, an extension was granted until 2008.
When the next deadline came and went, a new proposal arose. By 2010, the companies basically started anew with a treaty called The Declaration of Joint Action to Support Implementation of the Harkin-Engel Protocol. This document pledges to reduce the worst forms of child labor by 70 percent across the cocoa sectors of Ghana and Ivory Coast by 2020.
In the 15 years since the documentary sparked outrage, there are more child laborers in the cocoa industry than ever before. The companies have not only failed to stop the “worst forms of child labor”; they’ve seemingly made it worse. A report released on July 30, 2015, from the Payson Center for International Development of Tulane University and sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor found a 51 percent increase in the number of children working in the cocoa industry in 2013-14, compared to the last report in 2008-09. The number, they found, now totals 1.4 million. Those living in slave-like conditions increased 10 percent from the 2008-09 results, now totaling 1.1 million. The study concludes that while “some progress has been made,” the goal of reducing the number of children in the industry had “not come within reach.”
The California plaintiffs’ false-advertising claims against Nestle, Hershey, and Mars are the latest effort to pressure the chocolate industry to fix a problem it has known about for more than a decade. “Children that are sometimes not even 10 years old carry huge sacks that are so big that they cause them serious physical harm,” the complaint alleges. “Much of the world’s chocolate is quite literally brought to us by the back-breaking labor of child slaves.”
The complaint goes into detail about the lives of the estimated 4,000 children allegedly working in forced labor conditions harvesting cocoa in the Ivory Coast. Many of the children are sold into slavery, some for less than $30; others are kidnapped or tricked into thinking it’s a real job, the complaint alleges. Once there, the children are allegedly trapped on isolated farms, threatened with physical abuse, required to work when they are sick, and denied sufficient food.
While the plaintiffs mention each company’s individual pledges to tackle the problem of child labor, they consider these promises to be “false assurances” that have done little to solve the problem. As long as the companies allegedly continue to use child slaves, the plaintiffs say they believe consumers have the right to know.
In the eyes of Miki Mistrati, an award-winning documentary filmmaker who released a movie on the subject in 2014, Shady Chocolate, the lawsuit may help, but it won’t be the answer. “There is no doubt that a campaign about the reality in chocolate production will harm the chocolate companies,” Mistrati said. “Modern slavery with children is a part of the chocolate industry today. But I do not think that it can be the real game changer.”
Mistrati, who consulted with UNICEF and the U.S. Department of Labor, among others, for his movie, said he witnessed child slave labor firsthand—and believes it can be stopped quickly. “Mars, Hershey, and Nestle have had every opportunity to stop the trafficking of children and illegal child slaves,” he said. “I have seen small children, 6 years old, being trafficked from Mali to Ivory Coast. It was so heartbreaking to watch. But the companies have not had the will to end it for many years. Only empty words and expensive advertising instead of using money to pay back to the children on the ground in West Africa.”
Mistrati stressed the importance of Americans taking at least part of the blame. “Consumers have not been critical enough,” he said. “They have not asked why a chocolate bar only costs $1 when the cocoa comes from Africa. Customers have been too easy to trick with smart ads. It is over now. This trial is a unique opportunity for the world to see how their chocolate is produced and why it is so cheap.”
Nestle responded quickly to a request for comment on the allegations, calling the lawsuit “without merit” and claiming that “proactive and multi-stakeholder efforts” are necessary to eradicate child labor, not lawsuits. Of the three chocolate makers, Nestle appears to be taking the lead in fighting child labor. The company is the first cocoa purchaser to set up a system for tackling the problem, with concrete measures in place.
The company’s more than $100 million action plan involves building a child labor monitoring and remediation system to identify children at risk, enable farmers to run profitable farms, and improve the lives of cocoa farming communities. “Child labor has no place in our cocoa supply chain,” a spokesperson from Nestle told The Daily Beast. “We are taking action to progressively eliminate it by assessing individual cases and tackling the root causes.”
Mars representatives echoed Nestle’s sentiments on child slave labor, saying the company “shares the widely held view that child labor and trafficking is abhorrent and rooted in complex economic, political, and social issues.” In an official statement to The Daily Beast, the company said it was “committed to being part of the solution.”
At the moment, that solution seems vague. The company points to “Vision for Change,” an initiative it launched in 2012 that, according to its website, is meant to “achieve sustainable cocoa production” and “address farmer productivity and community issues.” Mars mentions that it has built 16 Cocoa Development Centers and 52 Cocoa Village Centers in the Ivory Coast, where farmers are taught how to manage their land and crops efficiently. How it specifically targets child labor is unclear.
Steve Berman, managing partner at Hagens Berman, the law firm representing the plaintiffs, confirmed that Nestle seems to have launched the most tangible program but said it has yet to yield results. “They claim they’ve been taking steps. They partner with the Fair Labor Association to investigate, and they claim they’re committed to eradicating it, but the fact is the recent reports show the number of children in the cocoa industry has increased,” Berman told The Daily Beast. “We doubt that Nestle is taking this very seriously.”
“The consumers reaching out to our firm have been outraged to learn that the candy they enjoy has a dark, bitter production cost—that child and slave labor have been a part of Nestle, Mars, and Hershey’s chocolate processing,” said Berman. “These companies fail to disclose their use of child and forced labor, tricking consumers into indirectly supporting the use of such labor.”
Berman added that he believes Mars, Nestle, and Hershey’s failure to eradicate child labor in the cocoa trade boils down to one thing: “cheap labor; dirt cheap.”
After interviewing Hershey about the 2000 documentary for the Philadelphia Inquirer, Fernandez decided to pursue a book on the company’s trust. That book, The Chocolate Trust, was released in June. In the final chapter, he remarks on the oddity of a company with roots in child welfare making its billions on the backs of child laborers.
But it’s the 15-year gap that most baffles Fernandez, who remembers being shocked by the initial revelations. The fact that alleged child slavery persists to this day seems almost too difficult to believe. “The thing is the industry said it would solve it in 2001; then they said they’d do it by 2005,” he told The Daily Beast, before asking the pivotal question: “What happened?"
Update: Hershey sent The Daily Beast the following comment:
At Hershey, we are committed to the ethical and responsible sourcing of all of our product ingredients and have no tolerance for illegal practices, including children used as forced labor in cocoa farming.The allegations in the lawsuit are not new and reflect long-term challenges in cocoa-growing countries that many stakeholders, including NGOs, companies in the cocoa supply chain and the U.S Government have been working diligently together to address for a number of years. Poverty is a fundamental issue in the cocoa-growing region of West Africa, and companies across the entire cocoa supply chain have been actively involved in substantial initiatives to improve the economic, social and labor conditions in these cocoa-growing communities.
Hershey is proud of the cocoa sustainability and farmer training programs we have established through NGOs and other partners in West Africa during the past few years. We have begun to see success from these programs. This includes programs in Cote d’Ivoire that are now beginning to take hold after years of political unrest that had hampered progress there until recently. From the work the industry has undertaken in recent years, it is clear that addressing the challenges will require an aligned and sustained focus from all stakeholders, including the cocoa industry, local governments, and NGOs and non-profit groups. That’s why CocoaAction, the industry response being led through the World Cocoa Foundation (WCF), is so important. These aligned efforts are aimed at accelerating sustainability and improving the livelihoods and social conditions of cocoa communities in Ghana and Cote d’Ivoire.
The cocoa industry, including Hershey, will invest more than $400 million in West Africa by 2020 to accelerate both the supply of certified cocoa and reduce instances of inappropriate labor by investing in better cocoa communities. These industry-wide efforts seek to reduce the occurrence of inappropriate farming practices that involve the use of children by reaching tens of thousands of farmers and their families in cocoa-growing areas, educating farmers about the risks and dangers of child labor, and training farmers and professionals to safely manage riskier tasks in which children have previously been involved. The combined and focused effort of the entire industry and other stakeholders is a very encouraging and positive development.
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colinwilson11 · 14 days
United States Candy : An Immensely Popular Sweet Business
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The history of candy in America dates back to the colonial period. Early settlers first started making candy during the Revolutionary War era using homegrown ingredients like nuts, molasses, honey and maple syrup. Candy making then evolved into commercial production during the 19th century industrial revolution when companies like Brach's, Cracker Jack and Life Savers were founded. The 1920s saw even more innovation as new candy machines automated production and chocolate candy became widely popular. By the 1930s, candy was being mass produced on assembly lines and regional candy companies expanded nationally. After World War 2, American confectioners consolidated to become the large multi-national brands consumers know today.
Current  Size And Growth
The United States Candy  is valued at over $37 billion today according to  estimates. The  has grown steadily each year, rising over 3% annually on average. Regionally, the western states account for over 25% of total U.S. candy sales while the south remains a key consumer region as well. Per capita candy consumption averages over 25 pounds per person each year, higher than many other countries. Seasonally, Halloween and Valentine's Day are the candy 's biggest holidays while Easter ranks third in overall seasonal sales.
Leading Companies
The top three candy companies globally are all American- Mars, Hershey and Mondelez. Mars commands over a 20%  share with well-known brands like M&Ms, Snickers, Twix and Skittles. Hershey has been the iconic American chocolate brand for over a century with Hershey's Kisses, Reese's and Almond Joy among its signature products. Mondelez, formerly Kraft Foods, owns global brands like Cadbury, Toblerone and Halls while sour patch kids and other candy remain major sellers. Lindt, Ferrero and Nestle round out the top international candy players competing in the crowded U.S. .
Product Segments
Chocolate remains Americans' most popular candy comprising about 25% of total yearly sales. Seasonal Halloween and Christmas candies have grown exponentially, nearly doubling in sales over the past decade to over $4 billion annually  sources report. Sugar confections like Skittles, Starbursts and Sweetarts continue strong multi-billion dollar yearly sales. Hard candy options from Lifesavers, Dum Dum lollipops, and Jolly Ranchers maintain appeal with both children and adults as portable treats. Novelty and licensed candies tie into popular movies, shows and characters each year and significantly boost seasonal sales. Gummy and jelly candies like gummy bears also generate hundreds of millions in annual revenue.
Distribution Channels
Most United States Candy  is sold through grocery, drug, mass merchandisers and convenience stores who stock seasonal and everyday assortments near checkout aisles and high traffic areas. Valentine's Day and Halloween seasonal sets, boxes and bags specifically designed for gifting and trick or treating hugely ramp up sales for retailers during those peak periods. Traditional candy shops and specialty outlets remain popular local destinations, particularly for chocolate and novelty items. Online shopping is growing exponentially as well for bulk candy, specialty items and merchandise tied to favorite brands. Wholesalers like Candies Depot and Myers Candy distribute to small and large retailers nationwide.
Digital and social media has become a primary ing channel for larger candy makers. Company websites highlight seasonal promotions and new product launches while maintaining highly interactive presences across Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and more. Television advertising still generates brand awareness especially around major holidays, supported by point-of-sale materials and displays retailers provide. Licensed partnerships with movies, games and influencers expand brand reach to new audiences year-round. Tying into trending flavors like sour and novelty shapes keeps products feeling fresh. Sample giveaways, contests and branded cross promotions boost trial. Significant ongoing R&D ensures innovation keeps the  exciting and growing for years ahead.
Get more insights on this topic:  https://www.trendingwebwire.com/united-states-candy-a-sweet-delight-across-america/
Author Bio:
Alice Mutum is a seasoned senior content editor at Coherent  Insights, leveraging extensive expertise gained from her previous role as a content writer. With seven years in content development, Alice masterfully employs SEO best practices and cutting-edge digital ing strategies to craft high-ranking, impactful content. As an editor, she meticulously ensures flawless grammar and punctuation, precise data accuracy, and perfect alignment with audience needs in every research report. Alice's dedication to excellence and her strategic approach to content make her an invaluable asset in the world of  insights. (LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/alice-mutum-3b247b137 )
*Note: 1. Source: Coherent  Insights, Public sources, Desk research 2. We have leveraged AI tools to mine information and compile it
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Food Packaging Market Size To Reach USD 562.3 Billion By 2030
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Food Packaging Market Growth & Trends
The global food packaging market size is expected to reach USD 562.3 billion by 2030, expanding at 5.7% CAGR from 2023 to 2030, according to a new report by Grand View Research, Inc. Increased diverse eating habits and lifestyle changes have driven the demand for convenience food products which is expected to bolster the growth of the global food packaging industry.
The food packaging industry exhibits rapid growth for portable and single-serve food packs. Rising global per capita income is expected to increase the purchasing power of buyers further driving the demand for packaged foods products. Although real wages witnessed a decline in 2022, according to the Observatory of Economic Complexity (OECD), by the end of 2023, real wages are projected to stop declining. This is attributed to the extensive rollout of support initiatives by governments across the globe to cushion the effects of food prices and high energy on households. This is expected to increase the consumer spending capacity thereby driving the demand for packaged food & beverages.
The high volatility observed in the prices of raw materials is expected to restrain the food packaging industry's growth. However, the introduction of sustainable packing materials by major food packaging manufacturers, coupled with increasing awareness and notable consumption volume by buyers, is expected to propel the food packaging industry over the forecast period.
Growing concerns regarding food safety and contamination are predicted to support the demand for effective packaging solutions. In addition, sales of packaged foodstuff are anticipated to propel due to the increasing number of retail food chains opened by big food brands, consequently driving demand for packaging material. The surge in demand for food delivery services such as Uber Eats, Zomato, DoorDash, and Grubhub among others is also expected to have a positive impact on the food packaging industry.
The growing food sector has attracted food packaging manufacturers to invest in increasing their production capacities. For instance, in April 2023, UAE-based Hotpack Global announced its intent to build a specialized food packaging project in Saudi Arabia. The project is expected to be valued at USD 266.0 million and will be developed jointly with the Saudi Ministry of Industry.
Request a free sample copy or view report summary: https://www.grandviewresearch.com/industry-analysis/food-packaging-market
Food Packaging Market Report Highlights
Flexible packaging is expected to register the highest CAGR of 6.3% in terms of revenue from 2023 to 2030, owing to its cost-effectiveness, high performance, and constant innovations undertaken by major manufacturers
Paper & paper-based packaging is estimated to be the fastest growing segment, exhibiting a CAGR of 6.4% from 2023 to 2030, owing to its low cost and sustainability
The bakery and confectionary segment is anticipated to be the largest application, which recorded a market value of USD 100.6 billion in 2022, due to growing demand for cakes, candies, and frozen ready-to-eat bakery products
Asia Pacific is expected to dominate the food packaging industry in 2022 and is expected to continue its dominance on account of a growing population, increasing urbanization, and rising disposable income of consumers
The food packaging industry is highly fragmented and is characterized by the presence of a large number of players. Key players comprise Amcor Plc., Ball Corporation, Berry Plastic Group, and DS Smith PLC
In May 2023, Amcor plc inked a definitive agreement to acquire New Zealand-based Moda Systems. This acquisition is expected to help Amcor expand its existing film portfolio and offer an end-to-end packaging solution incorporating even the sales of packaging machines
Food Packaging Market Segmentation
Grand View Research has segmented the global food packaging market based on type, material, application, and region:
Food Packaging Type Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion, 2018 - 2030)
Food Packaging Material Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion, 2018 - 2030)
Paper & Paper-based Material
Food Packaging Application Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion, 2018 - 2030)
Bakery & Confectionary
Dairy Products
Fruits & Vegetables
Meat, Poultry & Seafood
Sauces & Dressings
Food Packaging Regional Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
North America
Asia Pacific
Central & South America
Middle East & Africa
List of Key Players in the Food Packaging Market
Amcor plc
Sealed Air
Sonoco Products Company
Berry Global, Inc.
WestRock Company
Genpak LLC
Pactiv LLC
Chantler Packages
Alpha Packaging
BE Packaging
Cheer Pack North America
Evanesce Packaging Solutions Inc.
Pacmoore Products Inc.
Innovative Fiber
Emmerson Packaging
Browse Full Report: https://www.grandviewresearch.com/industry-analysis/food-packaging-market  
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adityarana1687-blog · 21 days
Sorbitol Market Size Worth $2.80 Billion By 2030 | CAGR 6.7%
The global sorbitol market size is expected to reach USD 2.80 billion by 2030, as per the new report by Grand View Research, Inc. It is expected to expand at a CAGR of 6.7% from 2023 to 2030. The increasing awareness regarding the health and digestive benefits associated with digestive health supplements, the rising geriatric population, increasing demand for non-medical dietary supplements, and technological advancements in the processing of these products are driving the demand for sorbitol-based products, consequently aiding the growth of the market over the forecast period.
The market growth is expected to be fueled by the increasing demand for the product for use in the manufacturing of various food and beverages, such as fruit juice, candies, and chocolates. Moreover, vitamin C is synthesized using sorbitol as the product is one of the building blocks in the manufacturing process. Vitamin C is also used for the production of dietary supplements, which is expected to grow at a high rate over the forecast period, resulting in the high growth of the market. The rise in the number of gym-goers, coupled with the increasing awareness regarding health and fitness, has positively affected the demand for nutritional drinks and thus has increased the demand for specialty ingredients across the world.
The liquid product segment dominated the market in 2022. It is used in the production of candy to increase its chewy texture and softness. Liquid sorbitol is also finding new applications in the tobacco market as it is added to chewing tobacco to enhance its flavor. The growing applications of liquid sorbitol are expected to be helpful in the growth of the segment over the forecast period. The crystal product segment is anticipated to witness significant growth from 2023 to 2030. Crystal sorbitol is used in numerous cosmetic products, such as moisturizers and face creams, in the form of humectant due to its resistance to bacteriological degradation and ability to retain moisture. The growing demand for cosmetic products is expected to impact the market growth positively over the forecast period.
The food end-use segment dominated the market in 2022. Sorbitol is majorly used as a sweetener and a low-calorie sugar substitute in the food and beverage industry. In addition to providing sweetness, sorbitol also acts as an excellent texturizing and anti-crystallization agent in the production of ice cream and bakery products. The growth of the food end-use segment is also attributed to rising product utilization in the production of diabetic food products. Efficiency in operation and product innovation are expected to drive the market. Fast-paced lifestyle and increased preference for convenience food are presumed to be some of the major drivers of the food processing sector, resulting in the growth in demand for sorbitol.
Factors such as advancements in nutrition and technology, growing consumer inclination toward improved health and longevity, and increasing frequency of exercising in modern lifestyles are expected to contribute to the augmented consumption of fiber-rich, organic, and gluten-free foods. This is expected to boost the consumption of sorbitol in the production of fiber-rich and gluten-free food products, thereby driving the market.
The companies are developing a broad range of products to cater to the requirements of different application industries and boost sales growth, thereby leading to the development of a diversified product portfolio. This, in turn, is expected to aid the companies to target different market segments and also improve brand equity.
Major companies in the market own several trademarks and patents, which emerge as valuable assets for the company. These patents and trademarks offer an important competitive edge to companies. These patents also witness the streams of new inventions generated by the companies, which are expected to enhance customer satisfaction and contribute to strengthening customer relationships. These patents also improve brand equity as well as the financial performance of the companies operating in the market. Over the forecast period, sorbitol is therefore expected to see an increased number of applications in the food and beverage industry.
Request a free sample copy or view report summary: Sorbitol Market Report
Sorbitol Market Report Highlights
By product, liquid accounted for the largest share in terms of revenue as well as volume in 2022. The product is preferred over other substitute products as it is non-carcinogenic and has a pleasant and sweet taste
The crystal product segment is expected to expand at the highest growth rate over the forecast period. Crystal sorbitol is used as a plasticizer in the manufacturing of capsule outer shell and as an excipient and filler in the production of pharmaceutical capsules
The vitamin C application segment is expected to register the highest growth rate over the forecast period owing to its increasing use in functional foods and dietary supplements
The food end-use segment held the largest market share in terms of revenue and volume in 2022. The food processing industry across the world is expected to witness a boost in sales owing to the increased consumer preferences in terms of variety of products as well as quality
Companies operating in the market are continuously involved in the enhancement of the quality of products and the companies keep introducing new products with advanced features that are competitive in both performance and prices
Sorbitol Market Segmentation
Grand View Research has segmented the global sorbitol market report based on product, application, end-use, and region:
Sorbitol Product Outlook (Revenue, USD Million; Volume, Kilotons, 2018 - 2030)
Sorbitol Application Outlook (Revenue, USD Million; Volume, Kilotons, 2018 - 2030)
Oral Care
Vitamin C
Diabetic & Dietetic Food & Beverages
Sorbitol End-use Outlook (Revenue, USD Million; Volume, Kilotons, 2018 - 2030)
Personal Care
Sorbitol Regional Outlook (Revenue, USD Million; Volume, Kilotons, 2018 - 2030)
North America
Asia Pacific
Central & South America
Middle East & Africa
Saudi Arabia
List of Key Players of Sorbitol Market
American International Foods, Inc.
Cargill Incorporated
Gulshan Polyols Ltd.
Merck KGaA
Ecogreen Oleochemicals GmbH
Qinhuangdao Lihua Starch Co., Ltd.
Roquette Frères
SPI Pharma
Ingredion Incorporated
Kasyap Sweeteners, Ltd.
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omshinde5145 · 26 days
Food Coating Market Detailed Analysis and Forecast 2024–2030
The Food Coating Market was valued at USD 3.5 billion in 2023 and will surpass USD 5.1 billion by 2030; growing at a CAGR of 5.5% during 2024 - 2030. Among these changes, the food coating market has witnessed rapid growth, driven by the increasing preference for convenience foods, the need for extended shelf life, and the growing focus on enhancing food aesthetics and texture.
Understanding Food Coatings
Food coatings are substances applied to food products to enhance their appearance, texture, taste, and shelf life. They play a crucial role in various food categories, including bakery, confectionery, meat, seafood, snacks, and ready-to-eat meals. Coatings can be applied in various forms, such as batters, breadings, or even edible films, depending on the desired outcome.
Get a Sample Report: https://intentmarketresearch.com/request-sample/food-coating-market-3645.html
Types of Food Coatings
Batter Coatings: These are typically flour-based mixtures used to coat foods before frying or baking. Batter coatings provide a crispy texture and help retain moisture, making them popular in products like fried chicken, onion rings, and tempura.
Breading Coatings: These are dry mixtures of flour, crumbs, or flakes applied to food products after they have been dipped in a batter or liquid. Breading adds an extra layer of crunch and flavor, commonly seen in products like breaded fish fillets or chicken nuggets.
Chocolate and Confectionery Coatings: Used in the bakery and confectionery sectors, these coatings enhance the visual appeal and taste of products like cakes, pastries, and candies. They also provide a protective barrier that extends the product's shelf life.
Edible Films: These coatings are made from polysaccharides, proteins, or lipids and are used to encase or coat foods, offering protection from moisture, oxygen, and contaminants while being safe for consumption. They are often used in the packaging of fruits, vegetables, and cheeses.
Market Drivers
Several factors are fueling the growth of the food coating market:
Rising Demand for Processed and Convenience Foods: The modern consumer’s lifestyle has increased the demand for ready-to-eat and easy-to-prepare foods. Food coatings are essential in these products to maintain quality and enhance taste and texture.
Health and Wellness Trends: There is a growing trend towards healthier eating, leading to innovations in low-fat, gluten-free, and organic food coatings. These cater to health-conscious consumers while still offering the desirable taste and texture of coated foods.
Technological Advancements: The development of new coating technologies and ingredients has led to improved product quality, longer shelf life, and enhanced visual appeal, making coated foods more attractive to consumers.
Globalization of Food Culture: The global exchange of food cultures has introduced consumers to a variety of coated foods from different cuisines, such as tempura from Japan or schnitzel from Germany. This cultural exchange has broadened the market for food coatings worldwide.
Challenges in the Food Coating Market
While the food coating market is growing, it is not without challenges:
Regulatory Compliance: The food industry is heavily regulated, and food coatings must meet stringent safety standards. This can be challenging, especially when using new or innovative ingredients.
Cost and Resource Management: The cost of raw materials for food coatings can be high, and managing these costs while maintaining profitability is a challenge for manufacturers.
Consumer Preferences: As consumers become more health-conscious, there is increasing demand for clean-label products with natural ingredients. This requires continuous innovation to develop coatings that meet these preferences without compromising on quality or taste.
Get an insights of Customization: https://intentmarketresearch.com/ask-for-customization/food-coating-market-3645.html
Future Outlook
The future of the food coating market looks promising, with continued growth expected across various sectors. Innovations in healthier coatings, such as those with reduced fat content or those made from alternative ingredients like plant proteins, will likely drive future demand. Additionally, the growing trend of sustainability in food production may lead to the development of coatings that are not only edible but also environmentally friendly.
The food coating market is poised for significant growth, driven by evolving consumer preferences and technological advancements. As the industry continues to innovate and adapt, food coatings will remain a vital component in the global food supply chain, enhancing the quality, safety, and appeal of food products around the world.
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priyanshisingh · 28 days
Synthetic Food Colors Market Forecast and Analysis Report (2023-2032)
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The Synthetic Food Colors market is projected to grow from USD 672.66 million in 2024 to USD 1014.45 million by 2032, reflecting a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.27%.
Synthetic food colors are widely used in the food and beverage industry to enhance the appearance of products, making them more visually appealing to consumers. These colors are chemically synthesized from petroleum-based raw materials and are typically more vibrant and consistent than natural food colors, which has led to their widespread adoption in various applications such as candies, beverages, baked goods, and processed foods. The use of synthetic food colors is driven by several factors, including cost-effectiveness, stability, and the ability to produce a broad spectrum of vivid colors that are difficult to achieve with natural alternatives.
However, the safety and health effects of synthetic food colors have been a topic of debate for many years. Some studies have linked certain synthetic dyes, such as Red 40 and Yellow 5, to hyperactivity and other behavioral issues in children, as well as potential allergic reactions. These concerns have led to increased scrutiny and regulatory actions in various countries, with some banning specific synthetic dyes or requiring warning labels on products containing them.
Despite these concerns, synthetic food colors remain prevalent in the global market, especially in regions where regulations are less stringent. The industry continues to innovate, developing new formulations that aim to address safety concerns while maintaining the desirable properties that have made synthetic food colors a staple in modern food production. As consumer awareness and demand for natural ingredients grow, the future of synthetic food colors may see a shift towards more sustainable and health-conscious alternatives, though their complete replacement is not yet imminent due to the significant advantages they offer in terms of cost and performance.
Here are the key dynamics of the Synthetic Food Colors Market in points:
High Demand for Vibrant Colors: Synthetic food colors are preferred for their ability to produce bright, consistent, and diverse hues, which are crucial for the visual appeal of products, particularly in the confectionery, beverage, and processed food sectors.
Cost-Effectiveness: Compared to natural alternatives, synthetic food colors are more economical, offering cost benefits to manufacturers, especially in mass production.
Health Concerns: Growing consumer awareness about the potential health risks of synthetic food colors, such as hyperactivity in children and allergic reactions, is driving demand for natural and safer alternatives.
Regulatory Pressures: Increasingly stringent regulations in regions like North America and Europe regarding the use of certain synthetic dyes are impacting market growth, pushing manufacturers to reformulate products.
Technological Innovations: Advancements in synthetic color formulations are focusing on improving safety, stability, and deriving colors from less controversial sources, providing opportunities for market growth.
Clean Label Movement: The rising trend of clean label products, where consumers prefer transparency and fewer synthetic ingredients, is challenging the synthetic food color market but also driving innovation.
Regional Disparities: While developed regions like North America and Europe are shifting towards natural colors, emerging markets in Asia-Pacific and Latin America continue to show strong demand for synthetic colors due to urbanization and growing processed food industries.
Brand Differentiation: The ability of synthetic food colors to offer unique and striking visual characteristics plays a key role in product differentiation, helping brands stand out in competitive markets.
Supply Chain and Sourcing: The reliance on petroleum-based raw materials for synthetic food colors presents potential challenges related to supply chain volatility and environmental concerns.
Consumer Preferences: Changing consumer preferences towards health and sustainability are influencing the market, requiring manufacturers to balance the demand for synthetic colors with the growing appeal of natural ingredients.
Key Player Analysis
San-Ei Gen F.F.I., Inc.
Hansen Holding A/S
Kalsec Inc.
Denim Colourchem (P) Limited
DIC Corporation (BASF SE)
Nature S.A.
Symrise AG
Sensient Colors LLC.
Döhler Group
Vinayak Ingredients India Pvt Ltd.
Allied Biotech Corporation
ROHA (A JJT Group Company)
DDW, The Color House
Archer Daniels Midland Company
GNT International B.V.
More About Report- https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/synthetic-food-colors-market
Here are the regional insights for the Synthetic Food Colors Market:
North America:
Trend Toward Natural Alternatives: The North American market is seeing a gradual shift towards natural food colors due to increasing consumer awareness of potential health risks associated with synthetic dyes. Regulatory bodies like the FDA are closely monitoring and controlling the use of certain synthetic colors, further influencing this shift.
Market Saturation: Despite this trend, synthetic colors remain widely used, particularly in the processed foods, snacks, and beverages sectors, where cost-effectiveness and consistency are critical.
Stringent Regulations: Europe has some of the strictest regulations regarding synthetic food colors, with the EU mandating clear labeling and, in some cases, banning specific synthetic dyes. This has accelerated the adoption of natural alternatives.
Consumer Health Awareness: European consumers are highly health-conscious, driving demand for clean-label products, which in turn is reducing the market share of synthetic food colors in favor of natural options.
Growing Processed Food Industry: The Asia-Pacific region, particularly countries like China and India, is witnessing rapid growth in the processed food and beverage industry. This is driving the demand for synthetic food colors due to their cost-effectiveness and ability to produce vibrant colors.
Less Stringent Regulations: Compared to North America and Europe, regulations regarding synthetic food colors are less stringent in Asia-Pacific, contributing to their widespread use in the region.
Latin America:
Economic Considerations: In Latin America, synthetic food colors are popular due to their affordability and effectiveness, particularly in the confectionery and beverage industries. Economic factors often take precedence over health concerns in this region.
Gradual Shift: There is a slow but growing trend towards natural food colors, driven by increasing consumer awareness and gradual changes in regulations.
Middle East & Africa:
Emerging Market: The Middle East and Africa represent emerging markets for synthetic food colors, with increasing urbanization and a growing food processing sector driving demand.
Regulatory Environment: The regulatory environment in this region is still developing, with fewer restrictions compared to more mature markets, allowing for broader use of synthetic colors.
Global Trends:
Polarized Market: Globally, the market is becoming increasingly polarized, with developed regions moving towards natural colors due to health and regulatory pressures, while developing regions continue to rely on synthetic options due to cost advantages and less regulatory oversight.
Innovation and Reformulation: Across all regions, there is a push towards innovation, with companies developing safer and more stable synthetic food colors that can meet both regulatory requirements and consumer demands for vibrant, attractive food products.
These regional dynamics highlight the varying degrees of adoption and regulation of synthetic food colors, influenced by economic factors, consumer preferences, and regulatory environments across different parts of the world.
Based on Form:
Based on Type:
Based on Color:
Based on Applications:
Bakery, Snacks, and Cereals
Fruit Preparations/Fillings
Meat, Poultry, Fish, and Eggs
Potatoes, Pasta, and Rice
Sauces, Soups, and Dressings
Pet Food
Browse the full report –  https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/synthetic-food-colors-market
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foodandbeverages · 29 days
CBD Oil Market Size: Competitive Landscape and Recent Industry Development Analysis 2023 to 2033
As per the latest market research conducted by FMI, the global CBD oil market is expected to record a CAGR of 31% from 2023 to 2033. In 2023, the market size is projected to reach a valuation of US$ 389 million. By 2033, the valuation is anticipated to reach US$ 5,980.6 million.
The primary reasons propelling the market’s growth include rising demand and expanding legalization of cannabis, emerging applications of cannabis in cancer treatment, and the health advantages provided by products infused with cannabis. In the upcoming years, there are likely to be considerable development prospects for market participants due to the inclusion of cannabis in pet food and the rising demand for beverages with cannabis flavoring.
Cannabis is also the illicit substance that is grown, transported, and misused the most extensively worldwide. Broad cannabis use, both for recreational and therapeutic purposes, has received increasing acceptability across the United States, as indicated by legislative actions, ballot measures, and public opinion polls. In particular, a recent Quinnipiac University poll found that 55% of the United States people surveyed supported cannabis legalization without any new restrictions. Comparatively, 82% of survey participants supported the decriminalization of cannabis for medical use. Demand will progressively rise as legalization continues to spread globally, boosting the expansion of the CBD-infused products market as a whole.
Information Source: https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/cbd-oil-market
Competitive Background:
The key players operating in the CBD oil market are investing in mergers and acquisitions in order to gain a significant market share. The manufacturers are also investing in research and development, and are introducing innovative methods to boost production capacity. Product development and market expansion are significant aspects of the CBD oil market. As a result, market participants are likely to have a better overall revenue share in the global CBD oil market.
Key Takeaways:
The CBD oil market is anticipated to reach a valuation of US$ 389 million in 2023.
The high efficacy of CBD produced from hemp for various medical uses, including developing a therapy for Parkinson’s disease, is what drives demand for this market.
The CBD oil market is predicted to record a CAGR of 31% through 2033.
The CBD oil market is expected to surpass US$ 5,980.6 million by 2033.
The CBD oil for pets market is being driven by entrepreneurs who are focusing on developing lotions, skin care, pet care, and textile products using cannabidiol.
Significant Players in the Market Include:
CV Sciences
Medical Marijuana
Aurora Cannabis
Canopy Growth Corporation
Kazmira LLC
As the CBD oil market is in a nascent stage, market players are focusing on gaining maximum share by expanding their product portfolio through new product launches.
Recent Developments:
CV Sciences Inc. launched “Plus CBD Gummies” at Natural Product Expo East 2018. These gummies are available in citrus punch and cherry mango flavors. These products comply with strict regulatory standards and are gluten-free and vegan-friendly.
One Leaf, one of the top face mask manufacturers in China, has started executing social media and online marketplace promotional efforts for its CBD products.
Key Segments Covered in CBD oil Market Study
Product Type:
Hemp Oil
Marijuana Oil
Food & Beverages
Chewing Gums
Chocolate bars
Dairy Products
Bakery Products
Distribution Channel:
Hospital Pharmacy
Retail Pharmacy
Convenience Store
Online Retail
North America
Latin America
South Asia
East Asia
Middle East and Africa
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industrynewsupdates · 2 months
Retail Vending Machine Market Size, Share and Growth Opportunities to 2030
The global retail vending machine market size was valued at USD 51.91 billion in 2021 and is expected to register a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 10.7% from 2022 to 2030. 
Increasing demand for on-the-go snacks and beverages due to the hectic lifestyles of consumers is boosting product sales through vending machines. The industry growth can also be attributed to the ability of these machines to deliver goods quickly, making it an extremely convenient option for consumers. From offices to high-end restaurants and crowded bars to public places, accessing food & beverage items is made simple with a vending machine. This, in turn, is likely to drive their demand.
Gather more insights about the market drivers, restrains and growth of the Retail Vending Machine Market
The coronavirus pandemic has unfavorably influenced the consumer goods industry with lockdowns having an impact across the supply chain. The impact on food and beverage companies will likely be complex, influencing both the demand and supply. In contrast, a change in consumer behavior has been observed, generating demand for various consumer goods, wherein several consumers have switched between brands.
Simultaneously, manufacturers are deciding on how to handle potential disruption across the supply chain and are identifying areas to improve and meet consumer demand. Vending machine operators have witnessed the impact and a fall in revenue, especially in April 2020 as compared to 2019.
Sales through vending machines look promising as vending machines not just offer snacks and beverages but can also sell other consumables, such as cigarettes and lottery tickets. Hence, operators can generate significant revenue through these devices by strategically placing them in corporate buildings, schools, malls, train stations, and airports, among others. For instance, in August 2019, it was announced that over 1 million plastic bottles had been recycled through reverse vending machines in Iceland stores. The healthy lifestyle trend is becoming increasingly prominent across the globe on account of growing consumer awareness regarding healthy food and beverage options.
According to 2019 research by The Vending People, the sales of zero-sugar beverages surged by 38.2% from the first half of 2018 to the first half of 2019, in the U.K., while sales of high-sugar content beverages have seen the biggest drop. Sales of these drinks were down by 19.8% when compared to the same timespan the previous year. Low-calorie drinks outsold other beverages by 196%, showing that customers are looking for healthier alternatives.
Retail Vending Machine Market Segmentation
Grand View Research has segmented the global retail vending machine market report based on type, payment mode, application, and region:
Type Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2017 - 2030)
• Food
• Beverage
• Games/Amusement
• Tobacco
• Candy & Confectionery
• Beauty & Personal Care
• Ticket
• Others (Ice-cream Vending Machines, Pharmacy, Vending Machine, etc.)
Payment Mode Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2017 - 2030)
• Cash
• Cashless
Application Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2017 - 2030)
• Commercial Places
• Offices
• Public Places
• Others
Regional Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2017 - 2030)
• North America
• Europe
• Asia Pacific
• Central & South America
• Middle East & Africa
Browse through Grand View Research's Electronic & Electrical Industry Research Reports.
• The global electronic soap dispenser market size was valued at USD 929.0 million in 2023 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 7.4% from 2024 to 2030.
• The global smart toys market size was valued at USD 12.37 billion in 2023 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 11.5% from 2024 to 2030.
Key Companies & Market Share Insights
Operators are adopting various strategies to maximize profit by being at the right location with the right products, sourcing products in bulk, investing in intelligent vending machines to gain consumer insights, and other ways. For instance, hot food and sandwich vending machines may do well in business environments, universities, and schools, while, in most public locations, hot drinks like coffee, tea, and hot chocolate have high demand. Industry players face intense competition from each other, as some of them operate at several locations and have large customer bases. The presence of many small-scale players is also leading to increased competition.
• In 2021, Coca-Cola Beverages Florida (Coke Florida) and Coca-Cola Co. teamed up to launch a new Reverse Vending Machine (RVM) at the University of Miami. The materials are crushed and sorted by type, then collected, treated, and prepared for re-use. The process ultimately reduces carbon emissions across the supply chain and supports Coca-Cola’s World Without Waste initiative to recycle a bottle or can sold by 2030
• In 2022, under the CSR initiative to curb carbon footprint, the Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI) and the Dalit Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industries (DICCI) jointly announced the installation of 1,000 Plastic Reverse Vending Machines (RVMSs). The launch was announced under the ‘Swachh Delhi, Swavalambi Delhi’ initiative. The RVMs will be installed at as many public places like malls, metro stations, and parks as possible
• In 2021, the MENstruation Foundation, a nonprofit organization that fights “period poverty”, introduced a sanitary pad vending machine, the first in Africa. The pads are locally manufactured and compostable. The foundation says that it aims to reach at least 100 schools by 2022 and hopes to double that in the years to come. Support from the corporate sector-such as MTN, which has sponsored two machines-was crucial
Key players operating in the global retail vending machine market include:
• Azkoyen Group
• Cantaloupe Systems
• Westomatic Vending Services Limited
• Royal Vendors, Inc.
• Glory Ltd.
• Sanden Holding Corp.
• Seaga Manufacturing Inc.
• Orasesta S.p.A
• Sellmat s.r.l.
• Fuji Electric Co., Ltd.
Order a free sample PDF of the Retail Vending Machine Market Intelligence Study, published by Grand View Research. 
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tamanna31 · 2 months
Nutraceuticals 2024 Industry Outlook, Research, Trends and Forecast to 2030
Nutraceuticals Industry Overview
The global nutraceuticals market size was valued at USD 712.97 billion in 2023 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 8.4% from 2024 to 2030.
The primary factors driving the market growth are preventive healthcare, increasing instances of lifestyle-related disorders, and rising consumer focus on health-promoting diets. Additionally, increasing consumer spending power in high-growth economies is projected to contribute to the growing demand for nutraceutical products. The growing demand for dietary supplements and nutraceuticals is also attributed to consumer preferences shifting towards self-directed care in the treatment of lifestyle disorders such as cardiovascular disorders and malnutrition.
Gather more insights about the market drivers, restrains and growth of the Nutraceuticals Market
Nutraceuticals are associated with various medical and health benefits, which is driving its increased adoption among consumers globally. Rising healthcare costs, coupled with the increasing geriatric population across the world, are anticipated to assist the global nutraceutical industry growth over the forecast period. Consumers’ attitude is observed to be very positive towards functional foods mainly on account of the added health and wellness benefits offered by these products. The rising geriatric population, increasing healthcare costs, changing lifestyles, food innovation, and expectations regarding higher prices have aided the overall growth.
In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the demand for dietary supplements and functional foods has soared. Immunity boosting supplements have become mainstream over the past year and this has led to a significant change in buying patterns and consumer behavior. Moreover, after the COVID-19 pandemic, preventive healthcare measures such as dietary supplements will become a part of people’s everyday lives. Thus, the COVID-19 pandemic across the globe has paved the way for nutraceuticals to build a strong presence in the global market.
Growing technological advancements in the nutraceutical industry are projected to influence consumer demand positively. The growing innovation in the market has led to the adoption of AI which will enable more personalized solutions based on dietary and health data of a consumer. Therefore, AI will be pivotal in the growth of the nutraceuticals industry globally.
Browse through Grand View Research's Consumer F&B Industry Research Reports.
The U.S. candy market was estimated at USD 16.5 billion in 2023 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 4.9% from 2024 to 2030. 
The U.S. soft drinks market size was valued at USD 285.93 billion in 2023 and is projected to grow at a CAGR 7.5% from 2024 to 2030.
Key Nutraceuticals Company Insights
The nutraceuticals market is a moderately fragmented industry. The competitive landscape is characterized by the presence of key international players. Key players such as Amway, Nestle, and General Mills are characterized as market leaders owing to their wide and diversified product portfolio and large distribution network.
Companies have implemented mergers & acquisitions and new product launches as key strategies to compete in the market. Acquisitions and mergers facilitated the companies to expand their product reach and improve product quality. Moreover, introducing new products to the market has supported the companies to offer better quality products, meeting the changing consumer trends across the industry. For instance, in August 2022, one of the key dietary supplement brands, Youtheory launched a line of new liquid dietary supplements post its acquisition by Jamieson Wellness Inc. The new product comprises ingredients such as B12B6, K2D3, and ashwagandha offered in liquid and capsule forms. This new launch is in line with the growing consumer demand for nutritional supplements in the U.S.
Key Nutraceuticals Companies:
The following are the leading companies in the nutraceuticals market. These companies collectively hold the largest market share and dictate industry trends.
Pfizer Inc.
The Kraft Heinz Company
The Hain Celestial Group, Inc.
Nature's Bounty
General Mills Inc.
Tyson Foods
Order a free sample PDF of the Nutraceuticals Market Study, published by Grand View Research.
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pranalip · 2 months
Compound Chocolate Market Analysis by 2033 | Global Insight Services
Compound chocolate is a chocolate-like product made from a combination of cocoa, vegetable oil, and sweeteners. It is used as a lower-cost alternative to true chocolate and can be used in a variety of applications, such as candy making, baking, and coatings. Compound chocolate has a lower cocoa butter content than true chocolate, which gives it a less smooth and creamy texture. It is also more prone to melting and has a shorter shelf life.
View The Full Report Here – https://www.globalinsightservices.com/reports/compound-chocolate-market/?utm_source=Pranalipawar
Compound chocolate is a chocolate-like substance made from a combination of cocoa powder, vegetable oil, and sweeteners. It is used as a cheaper alternative to real chocolate in many products such as candy bars, chocolate chips, and baking chocolate.
Compound chocolate has been around for over a hundred years, but it has only recently become more widely used due to advances in technology. In the past, compound chocolate was made by hand, which was a time-consuming and labor-intensive process. Today, there are machines that can quickly and easily make compound chocolate. This has made it much cheaper to produce, and has allowed it to be used in a wider range of products.
Key Trends
One of the key trends in compound chocolate technology is the use of cocoa butter substitutes. Cocoa butter is the main ingredient in real chocolate, and it is what gives chocolate its smooth texture and rich flavor. However, it is also very expensive. Cocoa butter substitutes are cheaper and can be used to create a chocolate-like product that is almost indistinguishable from the real thing.
Another trend is the use of novel ingredients to create new flavors of compound chocolate. For example, some companies are using fruit juices, spices, and even coffee to create unique flavors. This is possible because compound chocolate does not rely on cocoa butter for its flavor, so any other ingredient can be used to create a new flavor.
The final trend is the use of compound chocolate in new and innovative ways. For example, some companies are using it to create chocolate-covered pretzels, chocolate-covered coffee beans, and even chocolate-flavored ice cream. This shows that there are many ways to use compound chocolate, and that the possibilities are endless.
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Key Drivers
The key drivers of the compound chocolate market are the increasing demand for chocolate confectionery products, the growing preference for dark chocolate, and the rising disposable incomes.
The demand for chocolate confectionery products is driven by the growing popularity of these products among consumers, especially in the developed markets of North America and Europe. The demand for dark chocolate is also increasing, owing to the health benefits associated with it. The rising disposable incomes in the developing economies of Asia Pacific and Latin America are also fuelling the growth of the compound chocolate market.
Restraints & Challenges
The key restraints and challenges in Compound Chocolate market include the volatile prices of raw materials, stringent government regulations, and the need for large investments.
Volatile prices of raw materials: The prices of cocoa beans and other raw materials used in the production of compound chocolate are highly volatile. This makes it difficult for manufacturers to predict the cost of production and ultimately affects their margins.
Stringent government regulations: The food and beverage industry is subject to stringent government regulations. These regulations can vary from country to country and change frequently. This makes it difficult for manufacturers to keep up with the latest regulations and comply with them.
Need for large investments: The production of compound chocolate requires large investments in terms of machinery and equipment. This can be a challenge for small and medium-sized enterprises.
Market Segments
The Compound Chocolate Market is segmented on the basis of type, form , application, and region. On the basis of type, the market is fragmented into dark, milk, and white. Depending on form, it is segregated into chocolate chips/drops/chunks, chocolate slabs/bars, chocolate coatings, and other forms. On the basis of application, the market is fragmented into bakery, confectionery, frozen dessert and ice cream, beverages, cereals, and other applications. Region-wise, it is studied across North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and rest of the World.
Key Companies
The Compound Chocolate Market includes players such as Cargill Incorporated, AAK, Barry Callebaut, Clasen Quality Chocolate Inc., Moonstruck Chocolatier Co., Ghirardelli Chocolate Co., Ferrero Group, Hershey Foods Corp., Olam International, and Barry Callebaut.
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Research Scope
Scope – Highlights, Trends, Insights. Attractiveness, Forecast
Market Sizing – Product Type, End User, Offering Type, Technology, Region, Country, Others
Market Dynamics – Market Segmentation, Demand and Supply, Bargaining Power of Buyers and Sellers, Drivers, Restraints, Opportunities, Threat Analysis, Impact Analysis, Porters 5 Forces, Ansoff Analysis, Supply Chain
Business Framework – Case Studies, Regulatory Landscape, Pricing, Policies and Regulations, New Product Launches. M&As, Recent Developments
Competitive Landscape – Market Share Analysis, Market Leaders, Emerging Players, Vendor Benchmarking, Developmental Strategy Benchmarking, PESTLE Analysis, Value Chain Analysis
Company Profiles – Overview, Business Segments, Business Performance, Product Offering, Key Developmental Strategies, SWOT Analysis.
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Global Aluminum Foil Packaging Market Overview
The global aluminum foil packaging market is projected to grow at a rate of around 4% during the forecast period. This growth is driven by the increasing demand for packaged food and beverages, a growing affluent population, and rising disposable incomes.
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Aluminum foil is widely used in food packaging due to its excellent resistance to oxygen and moisture, which surpasses that of plastic composite materials. Its versatility, strength, flexibility, and portability make it an ideal packaging material. These properties are particularly valued in the pharmaceuticals and food & beverages industries, leading to significant market growth. Additionally, the demand from online food retailers and drug companies has further expanded the market. Aluminum foil's ability to protect products from moisture and sunlight helps prevent deterioration.
Key Market Drivers
Growing Demand for Packaged Food & Beverages:
Increased consumption of packaged food and beverages drives the demand for aluminum foil packaging.
Affluent Population and Rising Disposable Income:
Economic growth and higher disposable incomes lead to greater demand for premium packaging solutions.
Versatility of Aluminum Foil:
Aluminum foil's flexibility, strength, and protective properties make it a preferred choice for various packaging applications.
Regulatory Support for Food Quality and Safety:
Government regulations encouraging high food quality and safety standards drive market players to develop effective packaging solutions that prevent contamination.
Shift in Lifestyle and Eating Habits:
Changes in lifestyle and eating habits, including a rise in demand for packaged food, boost the market.
Demand from Pharmaceutical Industry:
The need for high-quality packaging for pharmaceutical products increases the demand for aluminum foil packaging.
Market Segmentation
By Packaging Type:
Rigid Packaging
Semi-Rigid Packaging: Holds a prominent market share due to its combination of benefits from both rigid and flexible packaging. It is used extensively in pharmaceuticals, food, and beverages.
Flexible Packaging
By Application:
Foil Wraps: Leading the market due to their flexibility and ability to be easily bent, folded, or wrapped around objects. They are used in snack pouches, liquid cartons, candy wraps, confectionery wraps, and pharmaceutical pouches or bags.
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Regional Analysis
The market is analyzed based on its presence across various regions:
North America: Includes the United States, Canada, and the Rest of North America.
Europe: Includes Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, and the Rest of Europe.
Asia-Pacific: Includes China, Japan, India, Australia, and the Rest of APAC.
Rest of the World: Other regions not covered in the above categories.
Asia-Pacific Region
Asia-Pacific held a significant share in the aluminum foil packaging market, and demand is expected to increase during the forecast period. Factors contributing to this growth include:
Economic Expansion: Strong economic growth and increasing disposable incomes drive demand for premium packaging solutions.
Affluent Population: The growing affluent population in countries like China and India leads to higher consumption of packaged food and beverages.
Pharmaceutical Industry: Increased demand for high-quality packaging for pharmaceutical products boosts the market.
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The global demand for Malic Acid was valued at USD 225.2 Million in 2023 and is expected to reach USD 364.6 Million in 2032, growing at a CAGR of 5.50% between 2024 and 2032.Malic acid, a naturally occurring compound found in various fruits, especially apples, has garnered significant attention in various industries due to its versatile applications. It is an essential ingredient in the food and beverage, pharmaceutical, cosmetic, and animal feed sectors. The global malic acid market is experiencing robust growth, driven by increasing demand for convenience foods, beverages, and health-conscious consumer preferences.
Browse the full report at https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/malic-acid-market
Market Overview
The malic acid market has been expanding steadily, with North America and Europe being the dominant regions. However, the Asia-Pacific region is witnessing the fastest growth due to rising urbanization, increasing disposable incomes, and changing consumer lifestyles. The market is segmented based on type (L-malic acid, D-malic acid, and DL-malic acid), application, and region.
Key Drivers
1. Food and Beverage Industry: The primary driver of the malic acid market is its extensive use in the food and beverage industry. Malic acid is used as a flavor enhancer, preservative, and acidulant in various products such as fruit juices, candies, bakery items, and carbonated beverages. The shift towards natural and organic food products has also bolstered the demand for malic acid, as it is derived from natural sources.
2. Health and Wellness Trends: With growing awareness about health and wellness, consumers are increasingly opting for products with functional ingredients. Malic acid, known for its benefits such as improving energy production and enhancing athletic performance, is gaining traction in dietary supplements and health drinks.
3. Cosmetics and Personal Care: In the cosmetics industry, malic acid is used in skin care products due to its exfoliating properties. It helps in improving skin texture, reducing signs of aging, and treating acne. The rising demand for premium and natural cosmetic products is propelling the market growth.
4. Pharmaceutical Industry: Malic acid is used in pharmaceuticals as a component in effervescent tablets and syrups. It acts as a buffering agent and helps in enhancing the taste of medicines, making them more palatable.
Market Restraints
Despite the positive growth prospects, the malic acid market faces certain challenges:
1. Regulatory Constraints: Strict regulations regarding the use of food additives and preservatives, especially in Europe and North America, can hinder market growth. Compliance with these regulations requires significant investment in research and development.
2. Synthetic vs. Natural Sources: The debate over synthetic versus natural sources of malic acid affects consumer preferences. While natural malic acid is preferred, it is more expensive to produce, which can impact its adoption in price-sensitive markets.
Technological Advancements
Technological advancements in the production of malic acid are playing a crucial role in market expansion. Innovations such as bio-based production methods and improved fermentation processes are reducing production costs and enhancing yield efficiency. These advancements are expected to create new opportunities for market players and drive further growth.
Competitive Landscape
The malic acid market is highly competitive, with several key players operating on a global scale. Some of the prominent companies include:
1. Fuso Chemical Co., Ltd.: Known for its extensive range of malic acid products, Fuso Chemical has a significant presence in the market. 2. Bartek Ingredients Inc.: A leading manufacturer of malic acid and other specialty chemicals, Bartek Ingredients focuses on high-quality and innovative products. 3. Tate & Lyle PLC: This global provider of food and beverage ingredients offers a variety of malic acid formulations tailored to different applications. 4. Polynt S.p.A.: Polynt is involved in the production of various organic anhydrides and their derivatives, including malic acid.
Future Prospects
The future of the malic acid market looks promising, with increasing applications in emerging industries and regions. The shift towards sustainable and eco-friendly products is expected to drive the demand for bio-based malic acid. Additionally, the expansion of the food and beverage industry in developing countries presents lucrative opportunities for market growth.
Key Players
Bartek Ingredients Inc.
Fuso Chemical Co., Ltd.
Isegen South Africa (Pty), Ltd.
Anhui Sealong Biotechnology Co., Ltd.
Thirumalai Chemicals Ltd.
Yongsan Chemicals
Prinova Group LLC
Nacalai Tesque, Inc.
Guangzhou ZIO Chemical Co., Ltd.
By Source:
Natural Malic Acid
Synthetic Malic Acid
By Application:
Food and Beverages
Industrial Applications
By End-Use Industry:
Food and Beverage Industry
Cosmetics and Personal Care Industry
Pharmaceutical Industry
Other Industries
By Form:
Powder Form
Liquid Form
By Purity:
Food Grade
Industrial Grade
By Functionality:
Flavor Enhancer
Flavor Enhancer
By Region
North America
The U.S.
The U.K.
Rest of Europe
Asia Pacific
South Korea
South-east Asia
Rest of Asia Pacific
Latin America
Rest of Latin America
Middle East & Africa
GCC Countries
South Africa
Rest of Middle East and Africa
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Raw and Real or Refined and Restricted? Market Growth of Food Starches Caught in a Processing Paradox
The global food starch market is projected for growth, driven by the expanding food processing and food service industries. However, the increasing availability of substitutes may pose a challenge. To navigate this landscape, Infinium Global Research offers a recent report with a deep dive into market segments and sub-segments, both globally and regionally. The report analyzes the impact of various short- and long-term factors, including drivers, restraints, and macro indicators, influencing the market's trajectory. It provides a comprehensive overview of current trends, forecasts, and dollar values for the global food starch market. This valuable resource can equip stakeholders with the insights needed to make informed decisions in this evolving market
To Get More Business Strategies for Request Sample Report @:  https://www.infiniumglobalresearch.com/reports/sample-request/20722
Consumers around the world are increasingly seeking high-quality food and beverages that are both delicious and nutritious. This trend is driving a shift away from basic staples towards more enhanced food products. As a result, the demand for starch in the food and beverage industry is growing.
Starch is a versatile ingredient prized for its thickening, emulsifying, texturizing, gelling, stabilizing, and adhesive properties. It also boasts rheology modifying properties, making it a highly adaptable ingredient for a wide range of food applications.  Bakery products, confectionery, sauces, processed meats, noodles, pasta, dry mixes, soups, salad dressings, puddings, and pie fillings all rely heavily on starch. Furthermore, advancements in starch modification have led to improved heat, temperature, pH, and rheological resistance, further expanding its global appeal and boosting the food starch industry.
Market Dynamics
The food starch market is experiencing a confluence of driving forces and potential challenges.
On the positive side, consumer demand for high-quality, nutritious food and beverages is translating into a preference for enhanced food products, which often rely heavily on starch for thickening, texture, and other functionalities. Starch's versatility extends beyond food processing, with applications in adhesives (particularly packaging) and various industrial products. This widespread use, coupled with its role as a thickening agent, binder, stabilizer, and emulsifier, fuels market growth. the growing trend of biofuels and biomaterials creates additional demand for industrial starch. The paper and textile industries are also significant consumers of corn starch, contributing further to market expansion.
Market Segmentation
Native Starch: This includes unmodified starch extracted directly from plants like corn, wheat, potato, and tapioca. It offers thickening and texturizing properties.
Modified Starch: This category encompasses starch that has undergone various treatments to enhance specific functionalities like heat resistance, gelling, or emulsification, making it suitable for diverse food applications.
Starch Derivatives: This segment includes products derived from starch through further processing, such as glucose syrups, maltodextrins, and cyclodextrins. These derivatives offer a wider range of functional properties for specialized uses in the food industry.
The report explores the various sectors that utilize food starch, including:
Baked Goods: Starch plays a crucial role in baked goods for thickening, texturizing, and creating desired crumb structures.
Dairy Products: Starch is used in dairy products like yogurt and cheese to improve texture, stability, and mouthfeel.
Beverages: Starch finds application in thickening beverages, stabilizing emulsions, and enhancing mouthfeel.
Confectionery: Starch is a vital ingredient in candies and sweets, contributing to texture, sweetness, and binding properties.
Meat Products: Starch can be used in processed meats as a binder, thickener, and extender.
Other Applications: Starch has additional uses in var
Regional Impact:
North America (Dominant Market Share): This region is expected to hold the largest market share throughout the forecast period. Several factors contribute to North America's leading position:
Development of Modified Starch: North American producers are at the forefront of modified starch innovation, offering a wider range of functional starches for diverse applications.
Presence of Large Producers: Established players in the region cater to both domestic and international demand for food starch.
Asia-Pacific (High Growth Potential): The Asia-Pacific region is anticipated to witness significant growth with a healthy CAGR. This expansion can be attributed to:
Rising Maize (Corn) Use: The growing use of maize as a raw material for starch production fuels market expansion in this region.
Europe (Focus on Alternative Starches): Europe presents promising growth opportunities driven by:
Shifting Raw Material Preferences: European producers are increasingly utilizing potato and wheat alongside traditional sources like corn, catering to specific consumer demands.
Rest of the World (Emerging Markets): The ROW market holds potential for future growth as developing economies prioritize food processing advancements. However, factors like limited infrastructure and fragmented markets in some regions may pose challenges.
Request full Report: https://www.infiniumglobalresearch.com/reports/global-food-starch-market
Competitive landscape
Cargill Inc.
National Starch Food Innovation
Tereos Syral SAS
Tate & Lyle PLC
Roquette Freres SA
Grain Processing Corporation
Agrana Group
Qingdao Nutrend Biotech Co., Ltd.
SPAC Starch Products Ltd.
Sonish Starch Technology Co., Ltd.
Future outlook and conclusion:
The future of the food starch market appears bright, driven by a confluence of trends. Consumers' desire for high-quality, nutritious, and convenient food products positions starch as a valuable ingredient due to its versatility and functionality.
Beyond food processing, starch finds applications in adhesives, biofuels, and biomaterials, further expanding its market reach.  However, the increasing availability of substitutes presents a potential challenge.
Innovation will be key for market leaders. Continued development of modified starches with enhanced properties and exploration of alternative raw materials can help the industry stay ahead of the curve. the food starch market offers a dynamic landscape with both opportunities and challenges. By staying abreast of consumer trends, embracing innovation, and exploring new applications, market players can capitalize on the potential for sustained growth in the years to come.
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marketsndata · 3 months
Global Aspartic Acid Market Assessment, Opportunities, and Forecast, 2030
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Global Aspartic Acid Market was valued at USD 101.23 million in 2022, expected to grow to USD 154.18 million in 2030 with a CAGR of 5.4% during the forecast period between 2023 and 2030. Aspartic acid, a non-essential amino acid has several applications in various industries which drives the demand for the commodity. Firstly, in the food and beverage industry, aspartic acid is a core component of aspartame, an artificial sweetener, which is widely used in low-calorie and sugar-free products, including soft drinks, candies, and desserts, responding to the consumer demand for healthier and reduced-sugar options. Secondly, aspartic acid finds substantial application in the pharmaceutical and nutraceutical sectors due to its role in protein synthesis, and potential health benefits have made it a sought-after ingredient in supplements and pharmaceutical formulations, contributing to cognitive function and energy production. 
Additionally, aspartic acid’s properties extend to personal care and cosmetics, enhancing the moisturizing and anti-aging capabilities of skincare and haircare products. Moreover, in animal nutrition, aspartic acid is an essential component in animal feed. It fosters growth and well-being in livestock and poultry, elevating animal productivity and health. Furthermore, Aspartic acid-based biostimulants are used in agriculture to enhance plant growth, increase crop yield, and improve stress tolerance in plants.
Sample report- https://www.marketsandata.com/industry-reports/aspartic-acid-market/sample-request
Rising consumption of Sugary Beverages Drives Demand for Aspartic Acid
Aspartic acid, in the form of aspartame (an artificial sweetener), is a key component in the food and beverage industry. It is widely used to provide a sweet taste to various low-calorie and sugar-free products, including soft drinks, desserts, candies, and chewing gums. As individuals seek to reduce their sugar intake, aspartame is a reliable solution, allowing food and beverage manufacturers to create products that are palatable and aligned with health-conscious choices.
For instance, 65% of the adult population in the United States consumes sweetened beverages daily. Heightened sales of products that use aspartame across the globe contributed to rising demand for aspartic acid in the food and beverages sector.
Strong Performance of Healthcare Sector to Heighten Aspartic Acid Demand 
Aspartic acid finds a multifaceted role in the pharmaceutical industry, contributing to the development of a diverse range of drugs and supplements. As an essential amino acid, it plays a pivotal role in protein synthesis, a fundamental biological process that forms the basis of many physiological functions. Its involvement in this intricate process positions it as a key ingredient in various pharmaceutical formulations. Further, Aspartic acid is recognized for contributing to energy production and maintaining proper neurological function, making it a valuable addition to nutritional and health-focused products.
For instance, during the first quarter of 2023, Johnson & Johnson disclosed a remarkable performance in the U.S., with their sales surging by nearly 10 percent, achieving a total of USD 12.52 billion. Meanwhile, international sales also saw a significant increase of nearly 2 percent. This surge in pharmaceuticals and personal care product sales is anticipated to boost the demand for aspartic acid.
Strong Demand from the Agriculture Sector to Increase the Requirement for Aspartic Acid  
Aspartic acid-based biostimulants have gained prominence in agriculture for their role in fostering robust plant growth, elevating crop yields, and enhancing the resilience of plants against various stressors. These biostimulants represent a sophisticated blend of aspartic acid and a complementary array of amino acids, resulting in improved nutrient absorption, heightened metabolic activity, and overall strengthened plant vitality.
For instance, according to the United States Department of Agriculture, there is a projected increase in food insecurity for 2022, with approximately 1.3 billion people, marking a 10% escalation from the previous year. Addressing this critical issue necessitates a paramount focus on enhancing crop productivity. The surge in global demand for aspartic acid is attributed to their role in elevating crop productivity and fostering sustainability, which is crucial in the context of this growing food insecurity challenge.
Impact of COVID-19
The global supply chains linked to the manufacturing and distribution of aspartic acid were significantly hampered by the far-reaching impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic due to a combination of factors, including the temporary closure of manufacturing facilities and stringent transportation restrictions, leading to substantial delays and supply shortages of amino acid and its derivatives. The closing of restaurants and weakened buying power during the pandemic caused a decline in the demand for aspartic acid. However, the strong demand from the pharmaceutical sector and the increased consumer interest in nutrition contributed to a rise in demand for aspartic acid as an API and nutrient supplement.
Key Outlook
·         The growing emphasis on manufacturing low-calorie foods, diet carbonated beverages, and sugar alternatives has led to an upsurge in the utilization of high-intensity sweeteners, consequently propelling the aspartic acid market.
·         Aspartic acid plays a vital role in the process of protein synthesis, making it a common inclusion in supplements due to its potential health advantages, which encompass enhancing cognitive function and promoting energy production, which is likely to lead to strong demand rise.
Aspartic Acid Market: Report Scope
“Aspartic Acid Market Assessment, Opportunities and Forecast, 2016-2030F”, is a comprehensive report by Markets and Data, providing in-depth analysis and qualitative and quantitative assessment of the current state of aspartic acid market globally, industry dynamics and challenges. The report includes market size, segmental shares, growth trends, COVID-19 and Russia-Ukraine war impact, opportunities and forecast between 2023 and 2030. Additionally, the report profiles the leading players in the industry mentioning their respective market share, business model, competitive intelligence, etc.
Click here for full report- https://www.marketsandata.com/industry-reports/aspartic-acid-market
Mr. Vivek Gupta 5741 Cleveland street, Suite 120, VA beach, VA, USA 23462 Tel: +1 (757) 343–3258 Email: [email protected] Website: https://www.marketsandata.com
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Flexible Packaging Market Scope, Size, Share, Trends, Forecast By 2031
The global packaging industry has witnessed exponential growth in recent years, especially since the creation of flexible films. Flexible packaging allows packaging to take shape as per the product or as desired to suit the said requirements. This kind of packaging is often found in non-rigid structures such as tubes, pouches, shrink films, bags, and carded packaging.
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For Full Industry Insights: https://www.fairfieldmarketresearch.com/report/flexible-packaging-market
The flexible packaging industry is one of the most vibrant segments of the packaging industry, owing to its increased functional benefits. Ease of handling and storage, convenience, and overall cost savings are some of the major factors that have contributed to the flexible packaging’s continued success. The global flexible packaging market has cemented itself in the packaging industry with its positive attributes and numerous technical developments. Apart from this, cost, source reduction advantages, and performance coupled with the high barrier resins and value-added features have tremendously contributed to the growth of the flexible packaging over the rigid packaging.
Evolving Landscape of Food and Beverage Industry to Benefit Flexible Packaging Market
The evolving food and beverage industry is expected to contribute more than 50% of the total demand for flexible packaging globally. The majority of the key players operating in the food and beverage industry are shifting towards the utilization of flexible packaging units as a replacement for traditional rigid packaging formats to provide improved storage efficiency, marketability, and source reduction. Additionally, convenience features and the utilization of high-performance materials are expected to aid gains in terms of volume, as these additions can make flexible packaging formats more competitive in more demanding applications, as compared to rigid packaging formats.
The emergence of dual-income families, shrinking household sizes, and the amplifying snacking trend are some of the demographic factors that have further promoted the demand for flexible packaging in the food and beverage industry. Pouches and lightweight bags are expected to witness increased demand for the unit packaging of different food products including frozen food, baked goods, meat and poultry, candies, and many others. The global food and beverage industry is also witnessing a major shift towards flexible packaging formats for products that contain high liquid contents, right from soups to cocktails. Convenience and ease of use, extended shelf life, food safety, environmental friendliness, branding functionality, and adaptability are the competitive benefits offered by flexible packaging formats to food and beverage brands across the market.
Pouches Segment to Dominate Global Flexible Packaging Market
By product type, the pouches segment is expected to witness the fastest gains in the forecast period, owing to the emerging trends that favor high-performance pouches over commodity types. Pouches are one of the most versatile flexible packaging formats in different industrial applications that can stand upright on shelves and providing the intended air-tight closures, ease of handling, and food safety.
The increasing demand for pouches is also triggered by its ability to provide multiple layers of protection that are customizable to accommodate a variety of products. Majority of the companies operating in the food and beverage industry are increasingly adopting the use of pouches, so as to ensure food safety and extended shelf life. Pouches also offer the flexibility of being tailored to offer customized sizes, styles, and designs to attract customers. These are the major factors contributing to the high growth rate of pouches in the global flexible packaging market.
Asia Pacific Anticipated to Hold Potential Opportunities for Flexible Packaging Market
Asia Pacific is expected to dominate the global packaging industry, accounting for more than 35% of the global share in the flexible packaging market. This can be attributed to the rapid pace of urbanization, dynamically growing middle class, economic growth, rising disposable income, booming e-commerce, and increased preference for ready-to-eat meals and smaller packaging units, especially in the developing countries such as India, China, Japan, and few others. The aging demographic in these countries are expected to trigger the growth in pharmaceutical, medical, and hospital packaging.
The increasingly sophisticated and growing flexible packaging industry and upstream supply base have heightened the expectations for flexible packaging in these countries. According to the IBEF, India is a high potential market for the processed food industry owing to its large population, which further stimulates the demand for flexible packaging. The well-organized retail industry, the emergence of hypermarkets/supermarkets, and the supporting government policies are the factors that will further boost the development of flexible packaging market in this country.
Competitive Landscape: Slightly Fragmented Market Structure
Some of the key players operating in the flexible packaging market are Amcor PLC, Ampac Holdings, Wheel Flexible Packaging, Eagle Flexible Packaging, Sanjeev Flexi-Pack Pvt. Ltd., UFlex Limited, Constantia Flexibles Group GmbH, Sonoco Products Company, Bemis Company, Inc., Mondi Group, Coveris Holdings S.A., Clondalkin Group Holdings B.V., Sealed Air Corporation, ProAmpac, and few others. Majority of the key players are focusing on business expansion through different strategies including acquisitions, partnerships, mergers, and product-development strategies.
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