#Glo Xinia
everychromedokuro · 1 month
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Chapter 164
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what-the-fuck-khr · 1 year
anyways bc I posted a whole ass Birds edit never ask me for anything ever again I’m being so sooooo good at committing to this birthday thing. man
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zoroara · 5 months
2 characters you say... glo xinia and Elena- SKGNSKJGN okay real talk. I'd love an Adult Reborn and Tsuna piece from you <3 you make Tsuna so fluffy im always here to appreciate. And I don't think I've seen an adult reborn from you, so hand it over :)) <3 Just have them next to each other, maybe Reborn bugging Tsuna. Anything like that. Hand me my b o y s. (Not a requirement per say if its too complicated, but I have been thinking about the fantasy Tsuna you drew and if its not too difficult......give) thanks preemptively <3
Wheeze of course of course
It took a little while more than expected since i had to figure out the colours for this and there was a LOT of experimentation buuuut:
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Here are your boys!
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ciaossu-imagines · 8 months
Skull - I'm kind of cheating here and taking from canon, but Skull is a daredevil through and through. Whether it's playing it up and astounding live audiences or putting on thrill-rides of a show for the television camera while doing special and guest spots, Skull's fame is accomplished through his career as a daredevil and his penchant for insane, death-defying stunts.
Bermuda I see as a mixed-martial artist or an ECW fighter.
Small Gia, Didi and Jeje are all notorious serial killers with their own dedicated fanbases. Birds is another infamous killer along the lines of Manson, who never physically killed anyone himself but orchestrated the murders of people. Daisy is another infamous criminal whose trial was hugely publicized, especially given the insanity defense used. Glo Xinia is infamous in the same way - a serial criminal who gained a lot of mainstream publicity.
Ricardo was a wrestler, well known for playing a heel. He became a huge celebrity though due to press coverage of his many out-of-the-ring fights and his later murder of another wrestler at a nightclub. He was acquitted of the charges due to insufficient evidence but everyone knows he did it.
Knuckle is, of course, a rather famous boxer.
Shoko Tanaka is a well-known female mixed martial artist.
Daigo Kazumi, Kenshiro Yamaki, Gosuke Takada, Renzo Oshikiri, and Nobuhiko Kakuta are all Olympic level athletes.
Giannichi and Giannini are both famous inventors and for anyone in the robotics field, they're absolute legends.
Timoteo is a famous movie director who owns Vongola Films, a large studio. He's recently moved from directing only movies to directing what's become a hugely popular television series. Coyote Nougat is an assistant director for Timoteo. Croquant Bouche and Ganauche III are really well known producers who often work with Vongola Films and Timoteo. Visconti does all the special effects work on Timoteo's movies and now the television show. Brabanter Schnitten is the sound mixer and Brow Nie Jr. the production coordinator on all Timoteo's works, employed with Vongola Films.
Hibari's famous to a select group of people who are already in the know and famous in their own rights, as he's the head of a company who supplies the rich and famous with the best of the best in security. Notoriously publicity shy, he's never been caught on camera himself and avoids seeing any of the actual clients himself.
Tetsuya Kusakabe is one of those well-respected, oft-photographed bodyguards to the stars. Romario is as well as Dino's private bodyguard. Gamma is bodyguard to the girl group Yuni is a part of, while Olgert is bodyguard to Bel and Rasiel both and is just as paparazzi-photographed as those he looks over. Nigella Beabankul is another paparazzi famous body to the stars.
Daemon Spade and Elena are famous politicians.
Bel and Siel are infamous socialites. Part of the Royal Family of another country, their diplomatic immunity protects them against any charges that arise from their very hedonistic lifestyles and the press coverage of their fights, accidents, and the bad endings of those hedonistic lifestyles are splashed all over the tabloids. They do eventually get their own reality show.
Spanner is known for his work in special effects and puppetry, kind of along the lines of Jim Henson.
Parenza and Tras are both stunt people.
Kensuke Mochida and Brutus are celebrities within the WWE circle.
Tyr was an ECW champion who became most famous for his live death in the ring against mixed martial artist turned ECW fighter Squalo Superbi.
Michael Chianu is a tennis star, Bluebell an Olympic gold medal winning diver, while Kaoru Mizuno is a famous baseball player with one of the major teams.
I honestly don't feel that Luce is the most comfortable in front of a crowd and she doesn't like to be the center of attention. She isn't comfortable with the idea of fame and celebrity, with no desire for them. She just wants a peaceful, happy, low-key life and I honestly don't even see her as someone who has Facebook, much less any other type of social media.
Fon has no desire for fame and celebrity either. There are some YouTube clips of him, found if you Google him, of prior martial arts matches he's been part of when he did compete in martial arts tournaments. However, he's not entirely comfortable even with that level of public attention, since he prefers a quieter and simple life.
Big Pino
Haruyoshi Miura
Dr. Shamal
Fuuta de la Stella was actually a child star from babyhood until he was around six or seven, when he retired and now he just wants to stay out of the spotlight and be a normal kid.
Iemitsu is a retired action star, famous for a lot of big 80's action blockbusters. He no longer has an interest in acting, in fame and celebrity in any form but he supports and starts his child's film career despite being estranged really from Tsuna.
Enma Kozato was born into a world of celebrity but prefers to just live his life and doesn't want any attention on himself.
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ghostiedolly · 5 months
(About glo xinia) he’s so grosspilled and nastymaxxing
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rayshippouuchiha · 2 years
God, i forgot how wild the future arc is.
But I feel a bit dumb. I just realized all Millefiore members are all named after flowers. ‘Glo Xinia’ isnt even trying to be subtle
eh sometimes we overlook obvious/simple stuff
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dark-elf-writes · 10 months
Glo Xinia: Oh that girl means a lot to you? That means it will hurt to watch her die
Mukuro: That girl is about to send you to hell express shipping
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blue violet ; a flower for faithfulness .. for a time my muse showed faithfulness to another, and in what circumstance that was. (Chrome)
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Even if she was scared. Even if she did not want to fight. Chrome fought Glo Xinia in the Future arc of Katekyo Hitman Reborn. She needed to see if there was anyone who survived like she did. She was Mukuro's link to the outside world and the link to the Vongola. First, she needed to survive...
If she did not survive, she could not vouch for Mukuro's kindness in letting her live. In this case, she would not be able to help free Mukuro, and he would be locked atrophying in his prison at Vindice's Headquarters.
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Another time Chrome showed faithfulness, was in the filler. It was to prove to Daemon Spade she was worthy of carrying the Mist Guardian ring with Mukuro. She needed to protect her friends, Kyoko and Haru from Daemon's illusions. She broke through the illusion, having faith in herself and in her friends that they too would prove to the first generation, they were ready to wield the box weapon's true power.
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rebornthestage · 3 years
Gamma's stage actor updated his Instagram with photos from Episode of Future Part 1!
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anonymousthe1st · 5 years
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does that??
even mean???
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mikamink · 3 years
Absolutely obsessed with TYL M.M.'s look. Look at her, you just know she got a motorcycle.
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Tough biker girl M.M. here to pick up her cute goth prince BF and give his snob parents a real reason to be disappointed <3
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everychromedokuro · 1 month
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Chapter 163
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what-the-fuck-khr · 3 years
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Amano’s got terrible terrible taste but here’s Glo Xinia for June
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zoroara · 1 year
Okay so, I've done my drawing refs for myself for the varia(look here for an idea of what I'm doing), and I decided that other people should get a chance to choose what group I do next~ So here are the options!
Vongola: Tsuna, Yamamoto, Gokudera, Lambo, Hibari, Ryohei, Chrome Wreaths: Byakuran, Kikyo, Zakuro, Deisy, Bluebell, Torikabuto Fake Wreaths: Shoichi, Gamma, Genkishi, Glo Xinia, Rasiel, Spanner, Tazaru, Nozaru Shimon: Enma, Adelheid, Julie, Shittopi, Rauji, Kouyou, Kaoru Kokuyo Gang: Mukuro, M.M. Ken, Chikusa, Lancia Arcobaleno: Yuni, Reborn, Fon, Skull, Verde, Collonello, Lal mirch, Bermuda, Jaegar First gen: Giotto, G, Asari, Knuckle, Lampow, Alaudi, Daemon, Simon Other: If they do not fall under these categories, vote and place who you want to see, I will collect them for later. I'll go in order to who gets the most to the least votes so don't worry if your's doesn't win i'm getting to them ;)
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mystflame · 4 years
I don't think there will ever come a day where I won't find Chrome literally jumping out a window to get away from Glo Xinia fucking hilarious.
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itegasumi · 6 years
since halloween passed, let’s talk about fears.
however, before we dive into that I cannot stress it enough that chrome is in fact, one of THE bravest characters in KHR! yet the most overlooked... need I remind everyone she’s:
dived in front of a car, mid-traffic to save a cat from being run over
joined mukuro’s criminal gang AND then the mafia
resolutely fought against an arcobaleno in her first fight
had to fend off and defeat a disgusting man who wanted to sexually assault, torture, and rape her
joined the millefiore merone base invasion despite her terribly weak condition and again in arcobaleno arc
jumped in tsuna’s battle to protect enma and wasn’t afraid to take on tsuna’s xx burner, max power
chrome is a valiant warrior ― audacious, with the bold stunts she pulls sometimes. time and time again, she rose up to meet the challenge and for the most part, she succeeds. she’s not afraid to take action; if she can, she will. her life and own safety matter little to chrome because she prioritizes her loved ones + their values FIRST. it’s both concerning and frightening how easily she disregards herself but I’ll save that for another time.
the reason why I bring up how courageous chrome is to highlight her mental fortitude, which is important to consider when talking about horrors, is actually pretty fucking strong. very little scares chrome. her only fears are losing her family (be it through abandonment or they die) and not being of use; both are a result of her past and the nature of her relationship with mukuro / flimsy role as mist guardian.
so does chrome have any demons, halloween terrors .. anyone that strikes dread into her heart? just one: daemon spade. not only is he the spitting image of her beloved mukuro-sama, he also shares the same unique ability of possession. it gives her the goddamn chills. daemon spade is everything mukuro could be, should he stray further, except she’s already experienced this possibility in the inheritance ceremony arc.
again, chrome isn’t afraid to die ― too accepting of the concept, actually ― and only resigns herself to her fate IF she’s exhausted her means to fight. she’s frightened the most by the idea of someone like daemon spade, a powerful manipulator, causing her to submit to them like a puppet which is a stark cry away from being a willing vessel. chrome allows mukuro to possess her because she wants to help him in any way she can. daemon’s mind control? there is no consent and everything he does is a violation (not even glo xinia, who was so close to having his way with chrome doesn’t reach this level). it fucks her up. she played right into his hands and couldn’t do ANYTHING about it. what if he made her do real battle with the guardians? what if she hurts someone she loves? what if he breaks all her ties with the one family that cares for her? it frightens her.
daemon spade is the one demon she can’t defeat, can’t exorcise, can’t do anything against. not alone, anyway. his existence unsettles chrome and even with his ghost long gone, the memory haunts her to this day.
in conclusion, amano can try all she wants to gloss over his actions and give him some redeeming qualities via elena but the damage’s been done so. fuck you amano!!! stop pinning chrome against nasty fuckers that always infringes on her privacy and space
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