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nerocuga · 5 months ago
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Monster Hunter Variant for @quasarden Bluetongue Girros I love it terribly
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sentientballofpeas · 3 months ago
Hey everyone! I drew a great girros poorly.
Will post more soon.
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iamthekaijuking · 4 months ago
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hemipenal-system · 7 months ago
You are so fucking RIGHT about jagras, but also consider, a Girros
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ok y’all all want fangs in your neck huh? i’ve gotten like 3 different comments abt these mfs
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sina-man · 7 months ago
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Ruler of the Land Forbidden
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cerberusthenking3 · 11 months ago
A Miasma's Mealtime
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I love the Girros and especially enjoy the Great Girros, and while fighting the Great Girros, I realized that it was in the perfect place for and decided to write a story for it
Warning:This story contains soft,safe,protective vore,child prey,feral prey,multiple prey,suffocation,gore,accidental fearplay,fear of death,aftercare
Miazuma POV.
I lie on the cold stone floor while holding my little friends near me,Gia,Ganna,Toric,Maldrick,Venera,Maxu,and Teruza.My little Girros pals are snuggling up to me for warmth before I hear someone gasping outside and Venera wakes up with a big stretch and yawn as she stands up and mutters"Probably a hurt animal,I'll go put it out of its misery and then you can get a snack Miazuma"and I happily smile and say"Thanks,Venera"before she walks out and I hear a loud gasp and hear her yell'Um,Miazuma,I don't think you can eat this"So I confusedly say"What,why,is it sick because I can eat sick things"As the the others get up and she yells back"Not exactly"So I stand up and walk out the mouth of the cave to see what's wrong and notice her standing over something so I look past her and see a small,weak looking human trying to shoo her off while laying on the ground with ragged breaths.My eyes widen and I lean down and grab the back of his shirt and pull him into my cave and out of the effluvium and into the sorta fresh air.The others run over and Gia softly asks"Is he......?"I shake my head and say"He's alive,but I wouldn't say that he's okay"With a slightly sad tone.He groans in pain before slowly sitting up and coughing his lungs out while Gia and Maxu help him move over to a rock sticking out of the a bit off of the floor.He softly says"T-thanks,Don't worry,I'll be out once I get all this crap outta my lungs"I shake my head with a worried growl before walking to the mouth of the cave and begin to cover it with vines and return to my sleeping spot while Ganna,Toric,Maldrick,and Teruza return to me and I see Gia and Maxu struggling to stop the human from leaving while Venera is attempting to push him towards me and I smell that he's not quite full grown and is likely only eleven or twelve years old.
Ochan POV.
The smaller Girros try pushing me towards the bigger one,but I don't understand why their helping me.I finally relinquish and let them push me over while the main two pushing me and the one who found me lays on my lap and the Great Girros wraps around us and begins falling asleep while all the other Girros fall asleep around me so I wait about an hour before I carefully push the Girros off my lap and stand up.I walk over the the rock that they set me on earlier and reach into my bag,pulling out a long bandage and begin wrapping it around my face to try and resist the noxious gas around the rotten vale and take a deep breath before approaching the vine door and push it open when suddenly,I'm pulled off my feet and turn to see the great Girros has grabbed me with his tail so I shake my head and say"I have to go,thank you for the help though"He shakes his head and places me back against his stomach.I sigh and attempt to get out again as his tail pushes me back into the position between the two Girros who helped me inside.I sigh and ask"You aren't gonna let me leave,are you?"He shakes his head, and I groan before pulling my bag while digging through it and pulling the bandage off my face and tucking it into the bag before pulling a bag of beef jerky out and offer him a handful of it,which he seems interested in and happily accepts.
Miazuma POV.
This little human isn't the brightest, but he is very persistent and has some delicious food.I pull my tail onto his lap to make sure he can't leave and settle down to sleep.After a good night's rest I wake up to the sound of my little friends laughing and playing quietly.I stand up and stretch deeply before looking down and seeing Gia,Ganna,Toric,Maldrick,Venera,Maxu,and Teruza all laying infront of me as Toric gives me a sharp grin before saying"Come on Miazuma,don't tell me you forgot what today is"My tail begins rapidly wagging as I begin getting really excited when I finally remember,today they promised to let me hold them in my pouch.I open my mouth and take Gia,Maldrick,and Teruza in all in one mouthful,I care fully lick them all over and and swallow them down.Gia playfully jabs my in the side of my pouch as I gather Ganna,Toric,Venera,and Maxu into my maw,licking them all over and gently swallowing.I happily hold my slightly bulging stomach and hear a slightly panicked gasp so I turn and see the human quickly wrapping the bandage over his lower face before saying hurriedly"Well,I think it's time for me to go,thanks again"and pushing the vines out of his way.I cock my head in confusion which slowly turns into horror as I realize what he thinks I just did.I run out after him and see him attempting to climb up one of the tendrils into a den where I know an aggressive Radobaan resides.Swifly I leap up and catch the human halfway in my mouth as he begins panicking and struggling against me.I wasn't planning on swallowing him but as he struggles I feel a flare of protectiveness shoot through me so I quickly pull him in and begin quickly swallowing.He arrives in my pouch with the rest of them where he begins struggling and I hear my pack unhappily groaning as their woken up but after a minute I feel him calm down as Gia and Maxu cuddle up to him.
Ochan POV.
I slowly calm down as I realize that the Girros are all alive here and the two one who have been helping me lay on me to have me stop moving.I take a few deep breaths before feeling him stand and move somewhere.The combination of my exhaustion from my escape attempt and the warmth of the stomach as well as the weight from the other Girros slowly places into a deep sleep.Hours later my eyes slowly crack open as bright light assaults my eyes and I look around to realize that I'm in the some human village with multiple weights on my and laying on something slick and warm.I groan and sit up before seeing someone coming near me so I automatically get into a defensive position as a man with a large mizutsune behind stops infront of me and holds out a water bottle and sandwich before saying"Here,drink and eat,you dehydrate easily when you're in their pouches"I mutter"Thanks"And crack the water bottle open as the cold liquid graces my tongue.I chug the bottle down and eat the sandwich in two bites.He pats me on the shoulder and says"You're pretty lucky,most don't survive the Rotten Vale,feel grateful that Miazuma and his pack helped you out"I nod and say"Yeah,I almost died out there,they saved my life"I stand up and look through my slightly damp satchel before pulling out the bandages and wrap them around my face and begin walking away when I hear a distressed growl and turn to see Miazuma looking very upset as I confusedly ask"Whats wrong bud?"The man from earlier realizes the lack of information I have and says."Oh,he stored you, so now he considers you a part of his pack, He thinks you're abandoning him,"I mentally smack myself,I quickly correct. "Im just going to stretch my legs, bud,I'll be back in a few minutes,"he nods before waking up one of the Girros and chattering to her before she walks up to my side and walks with me.This monster seems very clingy but I guess being alive in a clingy home is better than being dead without one.I wipe my face and come to a realization"I'm probably gonna wind up as a meal a lot more from now on,and I guess I'm fine with that"I think to myself.
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es46 · 6 months ago
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Following prior muses on crossovers between Alien/Predator and Monster Hunter, here's a quick tke on a Xenomorph spawned from a Girros in the Rotten Vale. Who could say how the parasitoids reached the New World, but one was lucky to infect a lone Girros weakened by miasma. Combining its aggression and acidity with the paralyzing toxins and resistance to miasma makes this creature a twisted foe. Pray the hunters, or some other beast, dispose of it before it matures into a Queen and perpetuates the vicious cycle.
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kobbers · 1 year ago
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"Despite what you might think, Girri's gills can't deal with water! I'm using these wipes to clean them without getting them saturated. The rest of him is okay to soap up, though he probably won't like it. Just in case, we've got his fangs in this cozy muzzle to keep me, Kupa, and Bully safe."
inspired by this Bluesky post:
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nymbells · 25 days ago
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More monsties from the suggestions you gave to me^^
Some monsters are really hard to find the right shapes and bring the designs into a square.
So here are great Girros, Valstrax, Nergigante and Gogmazios(extrahard because big boi)
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peregyr · 2 years ago
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some adventures
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tigerdewdrops · 3 months ago
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Julian in a great girros armor set from monster hunter!
An old draft idea that was sparked when playing Monster hunter world. It seemed the most fitting given the "plague doctor" look, but idk if i'll ever finish it *sighs
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pyrotechnicdarts · 14 days ago
over 800 hours in monster hunter world, almost master rank 150, and i only just now got my first great girros tail
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monsterdoodling · 3 months ago
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great girros is just some guy
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sabrerine911 · 1 year ago
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"Bowgunner understandings" sketch colored (MHW/MHR)Colored this sketchy mess between commissions, Ill post the original text on the work in progress for context :So today I made a super big achieavement. I finally managed to get my Crossbow Sharpshooter Cerise the golden Crossbow Light bowgun In World ! Wanted to celebrate with this goofy thing. Figured I would post it as a rise comic as well, since Im pretty sure sticky guns can still chain stun monsters, lemme know if that is not the case. Would like to know since I will be making Cerise in rise as well(and Im getting that Royal crossbow skin!)
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nerocuga · 4 months ago
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Happy Monster Hunter Wilds Beta Weekend to all who were able to celebrate, sadly I lack the tech to have partaken
Here's a doodle for a Streaming server I got carried away with
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krmoaten-blog · 2 years ago
Fanged Wyvern pieces to coincide with the UHC video. (I need to sort my timing out more)
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A Great Jagras prowls the Dense Forests, unaware of a curious chameleon watching him in plain sight.
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The Girros Pack work together to bring down a radobaan, but they need to bring it down quick to avoid the sleep gas and hope their neurotoxins can finish it off for a meal.
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Two Dodogama advertise their fitness in competition with each other, unaware that the bright flashes of their tails signals to the bomber that she should attack while she has the advantage (wasn't featured in the video for editing reasons and i need to keep track of timing)
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Advertising fitness is a big part of being a mob boss, and the strongest get to have a pick of the mates, and the loser well... might as well go bush if he lives, even if he does go bush, what's the odds he survives?
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this foolish mobster made the bad move of screwing over one of the locals, the kind that won't calm down quickly after being provoked.
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the stench of the vale fills the local air, as the girros prowl for anything fresh in this network of sulfur and rot.
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Some mob bosses don't like it when their own flesh and blood returns to the nest, in which case they whack their own daughters and have them for lunch while the other members watch and take the lesson before them to heart
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the vale can be hostile, and when it comes to the Girros Familias, it's sing or get screwed over with your gills ripped off, punctured, you name it.
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The Great Dodogama awakens, nearly scaring the odogaron away from his meal, but it's not the uroktor or him the dodogama is interested in, just the soil they all walk on. Next time, the Largest Mammal in the world of Monster Hunter, the Gargantuan Mammoth herself
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