aimishix · 25 days
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After hours ✨
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cheseownya · 1 month
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local lesbians annoying catering workers
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chekensheppppp · 7 months
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Can't sleep, 3 am, essay due this afternoon, have mem, gn
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winsdayink · 7 months
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January learnin how to draw these mfkrs cause i hadnt drawn em in like a couple of years so its all over the place. Also I hate drawin Gciss eye piece sooo much thats why hes got a bandage in some instead fghj
Quite a lot of Gioghe your honor theyre horrible this is for everyones sake so they dont get anyone else involved<3 I forgot who mentioned the two cards look like theyre part of the same picture but theyre so right<33 Last ones Gio asking about Gcis since hes gone missing after BW2 o-o
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histi27 · 8 months
Because I'm convinced that Ghetsis' arm is heavily scarred I think that there's got to be muscle and nerve damage that Ghetsis had to get physical therapy to improve. Nowadays he mostly relies on massages (also fits my view of him as a hedonistic bastard)(and my projection onto him) and only does proper therapy routine if he's put a lot of strain on the arm. Anyway, the massages are one of the only things that calm him down and Gio will use that to his advantage lmao. Ghetsis will get mad and he will start caressing his arm to tame him ^-^ it also gets Ghetsis in the mood sometimes which comes in handy during foreplay. who said that
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sp1derc1der · 7 months
Oops, I bring a terribledadshipping dragon au doodle
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hexusproductions · 2 years
GioGhet/TerribleDadShipping - Jealousy
Summary: "Giovanni and Ghetsis being flirty with each other, while the Rocket Executives are jealous and possessive of Giovanni." Author's Note: A commission for @janayuga (posted with permission). I originally finished this back in November, but real life commitments kept me busy from posting it.
Team Rocket was an organisation that had faced plenty of opposition, but had always found a way to persevere. Having relocated to their newest secret hideout, operations were able to continue smoothly. Numerous Rocket Grunts skittered throughout the multi-level structure, busy with one task or another. However, many of them turned their heads or their general attention, however subtly, to two figures that made their way through the hideout. One was unquestionably Giovanni, their leader, but the other was a stranger that many of the Grunts only recognised by word of mouth and worldwide news. Ghetsis of Team Plasma.
Ghetsis knew he was likely to be noticed, even in a place like this. Ever since his attempt to liberate every pokemon in Unova had failed, he had been looking over his shoulder to ensure no-one was trying to apprehend him. Even after Giovanni had invited him to travel to Johto, oceans away from his home region, Ghetsis didn’t lose that caution.
His footfalls came in three, each step followed by the tap of the cane in his hand, embellished with the symbol of Team Plasma. Ghetsis’ gaze flicked here and there, noticing the Rocket Grunts that stopped to murmur to each other about his presence. A few others ran off at the very sight of him, although he wasn’t sure whether their alarm was because of him, or because of Giovanni. It wasn’t often that their leader ventured out in the open to receive a guest, much less give said guest a personal tour.
Giovanni seemed to notice the quiet chatter as well, his gaze roaming for a second before returning forward. He didn’t change pace, one hand resting in the pocket of his slacks as he walked.
“Pay them no mind.” Giovanni rumbled. “They’ll remember their duties quickly.”
“There’s an army’s worth of them here. I can’t help but feel outnumbered.” Ghetsis returned. Giovanni’s head cocked ever so slightly.
“Then remember who you stand with.”
Ghetsis chuckled, giving Giovanni a knowing glance. Still, he remembered the Rocket Grunts who had taken off. Giovanni’s level of command was strong, and he was counting on that.
Footsteps approached quickly. At first, Ghetsis thought it might have been the Grunts returning, but as he and Giovanni came to a stop, he saw the two individuals that approached them were wearing slightly different uniforms.
“Sir! We heard reports of an intruder inside the building.” One of them spoke; he sported sea green hair underneath a cap pulled low over his brow, adding further emphasis to his already downturned expression. The two higher ranking members of Team Rocket both turned their attention towards Ghetsis, hands already on the pokeballs on their belts.
“Is this him? Just say the word!” The other added, his wide eyes narrowed. His hair had been shaved into something of a fluffy purple mohawk.
“That’s enough.” Giovanni told them, not aggressively, but still firm. “Ghetsis is not to be harmed while he is here. He is my personal guest. Am I understood?”
“Yes sir.” Both Admins confirmed.
The admins withdrew their hands. A moment of silence passed as they glanced towards each other. The Admin wearing the cap kept his demeanour tense, in a way Ghetsis supposed was meant to be intimidating, while the other with purple hair scratched the back of his neck.
“Uh. Welcome?” Petrel tried, obviously scrambling for the first thing that came to mind. Ghetsis raised an eyebrow before turning his head to Giovanni.
“Not one for many personal guests, are you?” Ghetsis questioned. Giovanni leant in closer to him.
“This is a special case. I thought you would appreciate my making things easier for you.” He said. Ghetsis chuckled, turning his head to Giovanni.
“Oh I do, Giovanni. But remember I’m not completely helpless. I’m very capable.” His eyes narrowed in challenge, a growl in his voice that could have seemed aggressive, but was something else entirely. Giovanni’s hand brushed Ghetsis’ mid-back, lingering there for a moment before leaving.
“I look forward to seeing as much while you’re here.” Proton’s grim look had returned, and Petrel’s eyebrows were knitted in confusion. Giovanni added quietly. “Make yourself at home.” Giovanni left, continuing his stride to resume the business he’d had before Ghetsis’ arrival. It left Ghetsis alone in the presence of the two Admins, who were still looking at him with suspicion that became palpable in the air once no longer hidden for Giovanni’s sake.
“Hello.” Ghetsis addressed the two of them, head half-turned away in a display of caution. He noticed Proton’s hand slink back towards his belt.
“Why would Giovanni allow someone like you inside of the Team Rocket headquarters?” Proton questioned. His eyes flicked over Ghetsis, returning to bore into Ghetsis’ own eyes like a steel drill. “You’d better not be here to interfere.”
“Someone like me.” Ghetsis echoed.
“An outsider.” Petrel chimed in. Unlike Proton’s steady growl, his tone was animated and accusatory. “A dangerous one.” Ghetsis opened his mouth to assure them that he meant no ill will (if only to placate them and perhaps gain their trust), but Proton spoke over him, stepping closer.
“You’re from a completely different organisation, with your own goals. And ulterior motives. You’re not a good fit for our great leader.”
“...I see.” Ghetsis said simply. He looked between the two Admins, any desire for even false allyship snuffing out like a light. “If you’ll excuse me.” He stepped around them, walking away to continue his tour of the headquarters on his own. As he left, the Admins stared after him.
“I don’t like this.” Petrel remarked, expression twisted into a scowl. Proton grumbled in agreement.
“Neither do I.” He didn’t trust Ghetsis for a second, and he didn’t feel comfortable letting the so-called ‘guest’ have free reign of the place. He especially didn’t like how Ghetsis and their leader had interacted with each other. Proton shared a look with Petrel, and he gathered from Petrel’s hunched posture that he felt the same way. They both hoped that whatever was going on, Ghetsis’ visit wouldn’t be for long.
Ghetsis’ visit was, in fact, long. It seemed like he was always around, and getting in the way even when he didn’t intend to. When he wasn’t spotted hanging around the base, he was spending a lot of time around Giovanni, having close conversations, sharing looks only they understood the meaning of. Although the other members of Team Rocket had adjusted to their guest, his behaviour was grating on the four Admins’ collective nerves.
Information passed quickly between the small group. Petrel and Proton had recounted their interaction with Ghetsis to Ariana and Archer, with a great amount of emphasis on the suspicious behaviour of their great leader.
Archer walked down the halls towards Giovanni’s office. He had a tablet tucked against his folded elbow, holding a record of everything that had been stolen in a recent heist. His pace was quick, purposeful, but not with any sense of urgency. That was until he approached the door to the office, and could hear muffled voices on the other side. Archer hesitated, listening intently.
“Do you really think I’ll just let you take the lead like that?”
“This is my organisation. By all means, you’re welcome to try and stop me…”
Archer fumbled for his keycard, swiping it in the scanner and pushing inside the moment the lock released. Entering Giovanni’s office, Archer made it two steps before coming to a sudden stop, his eyes widening.
Before him was the familiar sight of Giovanni’s desk. Ghetsis was pressed back against the edge of it. He was boxed in by the arm of Giovanni himself, leaning against the desk and pinning Ghetsis to it in the process. Ghetsis’s hand was clutching the collar of the other man’s jacket, pulling him even closer, until their faces were barely apart.
Both of them turned their heads at the sound of the door being opened, startled by the sudden interruption. Archer’s free hand clutched the tablet tightly, barely lacking enough force to crack the screen. His eyes narrowed as Giovanni turned to face him, his expression twisting into something Archer had rarely ever been on the receiving end of. Open irritation.
“What is it?” Giovanni questioned.
“Giovanni, sir.” The acknowledgement felt strangled in his throat. Anger and jealousy roiled in his chest as his gaze unconsciously drifted to Ghetsis, who had yet to say a word. How dare he act like he didn’t have anything to explain, like he had any right to act this way? Archer had served Giovanni for years, he had kept Team Rocket alive during Giovanni’s absence, Archer knew him far better than Ghetsis could. Keeping his tone even, Archer resumed speaking. “It’s business. The latest raid. I have the ledger of everything successfully brought back. You asked to see it.” His eyes wandered to Ghetsis again. “It’s important.” A moment passed. Giovanni stepped away from Ghetsis, and straightened his jacket.
“Right.” Giovanni drawled. The displeasure hadn’t left his demeanour, though it faded slightly. Archer supposed, with fondness, that it was out of either Giovanni’s masterful self-control or his professionalism. Archer noticed Ghetsis was looking similarly annoyed, but Giovanni shifted his weight to direct his next words to the guest. “Would you excuse us for a moment? This won’t take long. We can continue our conversation afterwards.” The briefest flicker of emotion Archer had caught on Ghetsis’ face was washed over by an air of being completely unbothered, and Ghetsis answered with a smile in his tone that wasn’t quite reflected on his lips.
“Of course. Take all the time you need.” Ghetsis walked out of the office, ignoring Archer completely as he left. He could hear the beginnings of a new conversation ebb behind him as he closed the door, stepping out into a hallway that felt yawning and empty. Now outside of the office, Ghetsis continued walking, but a growl of frustration twisted his lip to expose the teeth underneath. He realised with almost immediate dread as he turned a corner, that this section of the hallway was occupied; By the other Admins. Their presence may have been excused by simple coincidence, but with how their eyes moved to him and their posture snapped straighter, Ghetsis had a feeling they’d been expecting him.
“Can I help you?” Ghetsis asked, coming to a stop. Proton turned from whatever conversation he had been having with Ariana. Obviously, he and Petrel (who was leaning back against the opposite wall) had passed along the details of theirs and Ghetsis’ earlier interaction.
“Just making sure you’re comfortable as our guest.” Ariana smiled, sounding more amused than polite.
“You’ve been spending a lot of time with the Boss.” Petrel added. He immediately winced when the other Admins shot him a look. Despite himself, Ghetsis chuckled. The sound of it was hollow, even to his own ears.
“So that’s what this is about.” He cast his gaze over each of them in turn, a slow sweep as his head tilted slightly to one side. “I know you all have your reservations about me. You’ve made it increasingly clear. But I mean no harm to your leader, and our current arrangement is for mutual benefit. Please, trust that Giovanni knows what he’s doing.” Although it was too quiet for a crowd, Ghetsis thought his words had the familiar qualities of a speech; Clear in delivery, while still keeping them away from his personal feelings.
He saw Petrel scowl, and Proton’s hands clenched into fists. Ariana shifted, one hand on her hip, the other resting on her chest. She made a low hum as she stepped forward. Ghetsis’ shoulders tensed as she spoke.
“I’m sure Giovanni must have seen some sort of value in you if he gave you an invitation to be here.” The smile that curled across her lips made bile rise in Ghetsis’ throat. “But there’s something you have to understand. Giovanni appreciates loyalty over everything else. And I’m sorry, but in comparison to us, I don’t think Giovanni knows you at all. I’d be remiss if I let you go on thinking that you mean anything more to him than a business arrangement.” Ghetsis looked at Ariana, unblinking. His fingers twitched, clenching around an emblemed cane that wasn’t currently in his possession. He had had enough of being treated like an intruder, of being disrespected by Giovanni’s underlings!
“You’d do well to keep your ‘remissions’ to yourself.” He snapped. Ariana blinked, seeming surprised by the sudden bite in his demeanour that had gone unseen until now. “I’ll continue to stay close to Giovanni, regardless of your interruptions or incessant prying.” Before any of them could speak again, he pushed past them all, continuing quickly down the hallways of the base. He didn’t care for any further comments, or the glares he could feel burning into his back as he walked away. His intentions with Giovanni were his own. He wouldn’t be dissuaded.
Giovanni’s office was spacious. The colour scheme of the interior was an elegant red and black, almost gothic in the lattice-work across each small window in the room, allowing natural light in but ensuring privacy. A long rug extended from the entrance to Giovanni’s desk, which itself was wide and made of a similar dark wood, the surface cleared save for a landline phone and a computer. Every seat in Giovanni’s office was made of a similar high-quality leather; One behind the desk, one in the corner left-hand from the entrance (sat beside a small table housing a crystal tray of berries and a half-empty bottle of semi-opaque golden liquid), and one on the immediate right from the entrance, sitting parallel to a large screen on the wall for when members of Team Rocket requested an audience via video. The only other piece of furniture was a comfortably-padded round pet bed in the far right-hand corner, where Giovanni’s Persian currently dozed.
Giovanni’s office was coordinated; Everything had a place, and everything served a purpose. In that way, the space was reminiscent of the man himself. And knowing Giovanni could interpret someone else sitting in his desk chair as an intrusion, Ghetsis chose to occupy the armchair off to the left side instead.
One other door was in this office apart from the main entrance. It was within arm’s reach of the armchair Ghetsis sat in, but remained firmly closed. Though he couldn’t be sure if it was locked without physically trying the doorknob, the door somehow gave the air of being much more than a storage closet. Something that Giovanni didn’t let just anyone into.
Ghetsis faltered at that thought. He felt he had been given more allowances than anyone. And yet, he didn’t know how far those allowances reached.
He wasn’t accustomed to uncertainty. He had spent decades worth of time placing every perfect piece together, in order to realise his greatest desire for an ideal world. Now, his greatest desire lay scattered to the wind. He knew some things he wanted, but he had no idea how they would play out long-term. The lack of control was almost terrifying.
But then came Giovanni, a man as familiar with control and plans as Ghetsis was. He had earned Ghetsis’ respect, his admiration, and eventually his affection. Although Ghetsis felt he himself had earned the same from Giovanni, he didn’t know how deep those feelings ran. The Admins, despite their noseying, had made a point about whether Giovanni’s affection would last once Ghetsis was no longer useful. If that were the case, Ghetsis couldn’t fault the man; he would do the same if the positions were reversed. But it invoked the rare feeling of worry, roiling uncomfortably in his chest.
The front entrance clicked open, and Ghetsis was pleased to see it was Giovanni who entered.
“Finally.” Giovanni said, not with a tone of annoyance, but more with the satisfaction of crossing off an item from a to-do list. “I trust you’ve been making yourself comfortable without me.”
“As comfortable as I can be.” Ghetsis answered. Giovanni took a wide path to scratch Persian behind the scruff on his way past. The pokemon cooed approvingly before returning to its dozing. As Giovanni rounded his desk, Ghetsis fixed him with a specific look, brow creased and a smile playing on his lips. “I’ve got a feeling some of your people may not like me.” Giovanni joined Ghetsis on the couch, slotting into the space beside him. The couch was a little snug for two people, but Giovanni didn’t seem to mind the close proximity.
“Yes…there’s been some chatter since your arrival about what you’re really doing here.” Giovanni laid an arm across the back of the couch. He chuckled. “I wouldn’t get too caught up in rumours.” Ghetsis’ head tilted a fraction, in something like a nod of agreement considering his usually stiff body language. His left hand moved to rest on Giovanni’s knee, and his smile grew into something more genuine.
“Perhaps you should remind them to avoid unnecessary gossip. They’ll listen to their precious leader without question.” Ghetsis said. He reclined into Giovanni’s hold, shortening the distance between them. “You have a certain power over people.” Another chuckle rumbled in Giovanni’s throat, and he turned his head to look at Ghetsis directly.
“But not over people like you.” Giovanni answered. Ghetsis’ mirth dimmed at that. Giovanni’s answer reminded him of Executive Proton’s earlier derision; ‘Someone like him’. He didn’t think it was intentional, as Giovanni wasn’t a man who liked to sneak barbs into his amicable words, but it still stung Ghetsis in an unpleasant way.
While Ghetsis mulled over the unfortunate choice of words, he realised Giovanni was watching him. He focused his attention back on the man beside him. Giovanni’s gaze was easy, taking in what lay before him, and a soft smile was drawn across his lips.
“What is it?” Ghetsis prompted. Giovanni blinked slowly, as if roused from his own thoughts.
“Nothing.” Giovanni’s chest rose and fell in a deep exhale through the nose. “I’m merely enjoying your presence.” The remark was as honest as a man like Giovanni could be. It wasn’t the answer Ghetsis had been expecting, and he went quiet.
“Pah. You’re only just doing so now? What have I been until now, a parasite?” His tone was low, more-so in volume than in pitch, a grumble that barely directed itself towards Giovanni. He glanced towards Giovanni’s free hand, which had settled over his own, brushing a thumb carefully over the skin.
“When you build yourself an empire, it’s important to take the time to admire the beauty you’ve surrounded yourself with.” Giovanni answered, and there was that smile again, unimpeded and unashamed of itself. Any further words stuck in Ghetsis’ throat. He stared at Giovanni for a long moment, and then he rolled his eyes and turned his head away from the other man.
“You bastard…” Ghetsis tried to ignore any possible fluster from Giovanni’s words, as well as the arm formerly resting on top of the couch, moving to loop around his back as Giovanni laughed, amused and satisfied with himself. Sometimes it was a wonder Ghetsis put up with his behaviour. Then again, Giovanni was a wonder of a man.
A knock came at the door, followed by the beep of an accepted security keycard. Both of the room’s occupants turned their heads, the intimate moment interrupted. Executive Archer entered the room, tucking his keycard into a pocket of his uniform. Ghetsis frowned, any good spirits he’d formerly experienced strangled by the presence of Archer in his company. He noticed Giovanni didn’t remove his arm from around Ghetsis, and didn’t seem bothered by his underling seeing it there.
“It’s urgent business sir. It needs your attention at once.” Archer stood before Giovanni’s desk, as he usually did. Pausing, he made an awkward turn to face the couch, tucking his arms behind his back.
“Again?” He heard Ghetsis mutter, barely not quiet enough to avoid being heard in the quiet space. Archer shot him a look.
“Yes.” Archer affirmed, flashing a smile with too much teeth.
“Are you sure this requires my personal attention?” Giovanni asked. He was watching Archer intently, barely blinking. Archer suppressed the urge to swallow, instead clenching his hands hidden behind his back. He knew Giovanni was observant, and skilled at both deception and recognising deception from others. Having used this excuse once before, Archer couldn’t afford to show any sign of a ruse. He was of course confident in his own abilities to do so, given his status within Team Rocket’s ranks.
“Absolutely.” Archer answered the question, wondering how long a pause had followed between it and his response. “The selected group is ready to leave to infiltrate Kalos. Your reach has done so much to ensure success, I thought you’d like to approve the final preparations.” Giovanni didn’t say anything at first. Archer didn’t risk thinking that he had slipped up somewhere in his explanation. But then, Giovanni nodded.
“Very well.” He agreed. Archer smiled, and directed the pleased look towards Ghetsis with a turn-up of his nose. Ghetsis remained statuesque, with an expression Archer found irritatingly impossible to read.
“If you’ll step outside. Team Rocket’s matters are private, remember?”
“I think I’d like to stay.” Ghetsis stated. The simple statement caused Archer to resist grinding his teeth. “Your leader has agreed to work with me, I would be remiss if I weren’t present to provide help where I can. Unless you have any objections, of course…” He directed his final question towards Giovanni.
“None whatsoever.” He answered. Ghetsis looked to Archer, and he smiled, appearing completely innocent and unassuming. Archer’s already clenched fists tightened further, nails digging into the skin of his palms.
“Yes sir.” Archer agreed.
Archer gave his report. He and Giovanni discussed the details of the Kalos infiltration, reviewing what was already in place and any last-minute variables that could affect the plan. All the while, Archer would cast subtle but pointed glances in Ghetsis’ direction; although for the most part, all Ghetsis did was sit quietly, only chiming in when asked or if he had something to contribute. By the time Archer left, the man was practically fuming, his self control keeping it contained to an occasional tremor throughout his body.
Once the door had snapped shut behind the Admin, Giovanni rose from the couch. He heard Ghetsis muffle a laugh behind him, but when he turned back and arched an eyebrow, Ghetsis let it free into the office space.
“He did an incredible job of controlling himself.” Ghetsis noted. He leant back against the plushness of the couch, allowed a little more vacancy because of Giovanni’s departure.
“He’s devoted, above all else.” Giovanni agreed. Despite himself, a smile played on the corners of his lips. He silently commended Archer on not losing his temper, even if he had been able to see through the Admin’s attempt at calm.
Giovanni turned, looking back to Ghetsis. Although amusement lingered, there was a shift in Ghetsis’ demeanour, a grim intensity in his gaze unintentionally directed towards the couch’s arm. “What is it?”
“Mm, nothing.” Ghetsis waved away the issue with his hand. Giovanni raised an eyebrow at the dismissal, and took a single, deliberate step back towards the other man.
“Tell me.” He instructed. He didn’t know what the issue was, but if it affected Ghetsis, it affected him as well. Although the other man was prone to brooding, Giovanni didn’t enjoy seeing him disturbed.
Ghetsis met Giovanni’s gaze, looking at him for a long, silent moment. Giovanni could see the doubt in his eyes, the mulling over whether to answer truthfully, and the stubbornness to fix his own problems that Giovanni greatly admired. Finally, Ghetsis made a displeased sound and sat up.
“This isn’t the first time your lackeys have tried to meddle, I’m afraid. I’ve been hounded more than once about my intentions, and they’ve tried to claim that ‘someone like me’ isn’t a good fit for you.” He attempted to chuckle, but it sounded thin and unconvincing. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d think they were jealous.”
“I see…” It was all Giovanni said at first, his thoughts preoccupied with processing Ghetsis’ explanation. Any amusement he had previously found in the situation had been snuffed out, replaced with a deep, low-burning anger. He rarely lost his temper, and he wasn’t going to now, but this new information was…frustrating.
Ghetsis’ gaze didn’t leave Giovanni’s, unblinking. Somehow it was more of a condemnation than if Ghetsis had shied away instead.
“Don’t misunderstand. I wasn’t aware how far they’d gone to try and protect what they see as theirs. If it continues further, I’ll deal with them personally.” Giovanni rested the fingertips of one hand on the edge of the desk. His voice got a little quieter. “You could have told me about this.”
“I just did.” Ghetsis snipped back. “I wasn’t certain how much of what they said was true.” Giovanni sighed, and glanced back over his shoulder towards Persian. The cat opened one eye, meowed, and closed it again.
“They’ve overstepped their bounds.” Giovanni answered. He crossed the distance between the two of them and extended a hand to Ghetsis. “They don’t have any say in my private matters. Come on.” Ghetsis eyed him, frowning at the hand offered, but he slowly took Giovanni’s hand and allowed himself to be led. Giovanni guided the other man to his feet and towards the side door. Opening it easily, he stepped inside and pulled Ghetsis after him.
Giovanni had seen this room a hundred times, but in his peripheral vision, he saw Ghetsis’s eyes sweep over the interior quickly, taking in his surroundings as fast and as fully as possible. The architecture was much the same as his office; black and red colour scheme, lattice-worked windows and comfortable leather furniture. The notable difference was a bed against the far wall, simple but spacious, without a single crease in the bedding.
He glanced towards Ghetsis, waiting for the surprise to wear off. He cleared his throat, drawing attention back towards himself.
“Much better for privacy.” Giovanni took a step closer, breaching Ghetsis’ personal space. “If you have any doubts about your ‘worthiness’, Ghetsis, let me end them for you. I chose you. It’s never been a competition.” Ghetsis didn’t meet the other man’s gaze, scowling as if to himself.
“I know that.”
“You’d better.” Giovanni smirked. Ghetsis looked away for another moment, and then he laughed, a quick huff of self-mocking amusement.
“You might have less control of your people than you thought.”
“And there’ll be consequences later. Stop worrying about them and start worrying about the predicament you’ve gotten yourself into.” Giovanni took yet another step forward, his chest brushing against Ghetsis’ own as he took hold of Ghetsis’ face. Ghetsis looked puzzled.
“What predicament is that?” He asked, his left hand coming up to rest around Giovanni’s arm.
“Capturing the adoration of the leader of Team Rocket.” Giovanni purred. Ghetsis stared at Giovanni, taken off-guard by the remark. Giovanni expected him to become flustered, and perhaps defiant, as he had earlier in the office. But while colour did faintly spread on Ghetsis’ face, instead of cutting back with some retort, his gaze warmed.
“I don’t think I’ll stop that.” There was a softness in Ghetsis’ voice, one which Giovanni had rarely been able to witness. Not the simmering intensity that it usually had, but much lighter and almost…sweet. It nearly caused a flutter in Giovanni’s blackened heart.
Giovanni reached forward, his other hand tracing Ghetsis’ right shoulder. He passed along Ghetsis’ arm, and although the other man hesitated, he allowed the cape he was wearing to open wider and Giovanni to bring his right hand free from it. The hand was darkened with scar tissue past the elbow, the remnants of a long-ago injury that left the limb safer hidden within the cloth. Giovanni cupped the damaged hand with his own, the hold unbearably gentle.
“Good. Because there’s nothing about you that would change my mind.”
He could see Ghetsis try to keep his composure, but that didn’t stop a smile from spreading across Ghetsis’ face, acceptant and more relaxed than he’d been since his arrival to Team Rocket’s headquarters.
“And you either.” He replied.
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hollowsorrows · 3 years
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Au andys beloved
EDIT this is GhioGhet!andy by @chiame-stuff !!!
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makerofmadness · 3 years
ok so can i be honest???? the aaf discord has the best fuckin aus. take like gioghet andy (or gg!andy) for example like idk if hes on tumblr but OH MY GOD CHIAME HAS SOME AMAZING IDEAS HOLY SHIT
the idea of andy basically trying to be god is such a funky little concept i love it^^ and the fact that the characters are manipulated into working for him only for gg!andy to potentially stab them right in the back is so fucking cool yet angsty holy shit
also this man???? can travel across the multiverse apparently???? code!andy and gg!andy canonically hate each other btw lol
this is just a fraction of the ranting i could do but like MAN.
also he has some experiences with food poisoning apparently considering chi confirmed it himself and i find thats such a cool thing^^ shows that even the wannabe god has some weakpoints lol
my brain just shut off I’m not as good as navigating AUs as I used to be XD
though that sounds neat I guess, though tbh I prefer Andy as he is (though I do believe he has every right to be a dxck to his friends after all they’ve done to him)
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aimishix · 1 month
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The Rainbow Rocket castle can be kinda overwhelming at times, so sometimes you just need a (smoke) break ✨
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cheseownya · 2 months
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ghetsis x giovanni pokemon lesbian yuri i drew for thjeir anniversary in my mind. ghettle is annoying
so i have to post my shit here too . Whateevr . mb something good happens
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aimishix · 5 months
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aimishix · 5 months
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aimishix · 4 months
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They are so in love 💕
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aimishix · 6 months
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Here's a softer doodle with no context
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aimishix · 4 months
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I just wanna squish them
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